
Author: Inell

Email: Inell@aol.com

Disclaimer: Joss owns Buffy, Rowling owns Draco & the HP verse

Distribution: Kiss or Kill, http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill

Rating: NC 17 to be safe

Pairing: Willow/Angelus/Draco

Feedback makes me smile and is greatly appreciated. I could use some kind words!

Summary: Willow receives a lovely birthday prezzie from her sire

A/N: It is sort of a sequel to Tease, though you do not need to read that fic to enjoy this one!
PWP and slash so be warned!
Happy Birthday Gabrielle!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for always being there with encouragement, praise, and smile inducing thoughts! I hope you enjoy this!



"Where are we going?" Willow asked Angelus excitedly, a curious gleam in her green eyes as she followed her smirking sire down the dark hallways of the posh flat that they had recently acquired upon moving to London. The previous owner had met with an unfortunate accident after inviting Angelus back to her place for what she had hoped would be an evening of shagging an attractive man. Poor dear hadn't even been snogged properly before Angelus grew tired of the heavy perfume she wore and simply drained her, declaring her rather formal flat their temporary home. Willow didn't mind the house, but she preferred the country. Her sire was currently looking for a nice country estate for them, within a reasonable distance from London but far enough away for them to live without drawing too much suspicion regarding their unusual nighttime habits.

"You'll see," Angelus teased, a smug smile on his lips as he led his daughter to the basement and the surprise waiting for her there. She looked absolutely stunning tonight, dressed in a form fitting emerald green dress with her hair loose and framing her beautiful face. He'd taken her to a concert and they'd had a bite to eat in the park, now it was time for her present. He stopped walking and kissed her, unable to resist. Pulling back, his dark brown eyes caught her lovely green ones, seeing the desire and arousal in their depths. He traced the curve of her face with his finger before brushing his lips against hers in a gentle kiss.

"I love kissing you," Willow murmured against his lips, moving closer to his large body, ready for him to take her then and there in the hallway.

"There shall be none of that yet, my love," Angelus smiled as he caught her hand before it reached the front of his pants. He pulled her down the hallway, keeping an eye on her face as they started down the stairs to the basement. He saw her eyes narrow as she sniffed the air, surprise and anticipation entering her eyes as they reached the basement level.

"Angelus, is there someone down here?" Willow asked quietly, her green eyes moving to her lover's face. "I can hear a heartbeat and I smell the most delicious scent."

"Today is your birthday, Willow," he reminded her with a sensual smile that always managed to make standing difficult, "I told you that I had a special present for you."

"But, here, in our home," Willow didn't understand, remembering one of the first lessons her sire had taught her after turning her. Never bring your food home.

"You're a year old today, my dear," Angelus said softly, "time for you to have a pet."

"A pet?" Willow was honestly surprised, knowing that the word possessive did not even begin to describe her lover and sire. She loved him completely and had no interest in taking another lover, but she could not resist the shiver of anticipation that ran through her at the idea of having a pet. She had read many books about such things, fully aware of a pet's position in the life of a vampire, and she remembered her senior year where her vampire double had referred to the very man standing next to her as puppy. However, she did not want anything to interfere in her relationship with Angelus so she was hesitant to accept such a gift, not at all sure what his reaction would be to sharing her, even with a pet.

"Yes, a pet," Angelus was pleased with himself, having spent many days wondering what to get his beautiful childe for her turning day. He'd been struck with inspiration only two days before, following an incident at a pub. He'd caught Willow staring at a man, desire in her green eyes, and, instead of feeling jealous or angry, he'd felt aroused. The man in question was very handsome, after all, and had a bit of an arrogance to him that was strangely attractive. He'd teased Willow about her reaction when they'd returned home, fucking her roughly as he used his voice to describe the many things she could do to the man that had struck her fancy and the things that he could do to both of them. That's when he'd gotten his rather brilliant idea. He felt no threat to his position in her life, aware that he was her lover, sire, and that she was loyal and devoted to him. Even now, when faced with the thought of a pet of her own, she was worried about him and his reaction. She was his and he didn't mind giving her a pet that they could both enjoy. He smiled, "He is yours, Willow, to do with as you wish."

"I shall share him with you, Sire," Willow smiled as she looked into Angelus' eyes, seeing everything she needed to know. She could enjoy her pet and not worry about her lover. "Where is he?"

"Patience, my dear," Angelus chuckled as he opened the door to the small room he had discovered after taking over the home. He let Willow walk inside before following her, shutting the door behind him. He heard her gasp of surprise, knowing that she recognized the man that was standing before them. He nuzzled her neck, whispering, "Happy birthday, Willow."

"He's beautiful," Willow said softly as her green eyes looked over the man standing in shackles that was glaring at them. It was him, the man from the pub. She turned and kissed Angelus, "thank you, Sire."

"You're welcome, my love," Angelus said, "why don't you go play with your pet? I feel like watching for a bit."

~Part: 2~

Willow smiled wickedly as she moved away from her sire, her green eyes sweeping over her pet. Her eyes met his, seeing the fire and anger in the pale gray depths as he struggled against his chains. Such lovely eyes. It had been his arrogance that had caught her attention the other night. She and Angelus had gone to a pub before hunting, choosing a small bar in a wizarding area of town. Willow found it amazing that there was so much magic in this country, intrigued by this entire world she had never known existed, taking every opportunity to learn more. Angelus teased her about it, of course, telling her it was just a part of the human self that had remained, her thirst for knowledge and enjoyment of research. She had seen this man enter the pub, noticing the way other occupants either glared openly at him or avoided looking at him completely. Why they would not want to look at such a handsome creature, she could not understand. She loved Angelus with every fiber of her being, but she could admit that this man was very attractive. She'd watched for over an hour, liking what she saw.

He was her age, no more than twenty-five and probably a few years younger than that. He was an inch or two shorter than Angelus, around six foot two, and displayed a very well formed body beneath the trousers and white shirt he had been wearing. He had pale blond hair that fell to his shoulders, kept back with a leather strap, his face pale, his lips full, his eyes breathtaking. She had been aroused just from watching him drink at the bar and glare at someone that dared approach him. He was confident and arrogant and smelled of magic, an intoxicating blend of dark and light, much like her own. She'd been attracted and Angelus had seen it. They'd fucked for hours that night, her mind full of images of her and the blond wizard and Angelus. Now, it appeared that those thoughts would now become reality. She moved closer to him, loving the resistance she saw in those amazing gray eyes. There was just the faintest hint of fear though he did not show it at all.

He was wearing what looked like an expensive robe, much like those she had seen on other wizards during her perusal of their community. She moved her hand over the fabric, feeling a soft velvet, her eyes watching him carefully as he tried not to show his fear. She smiled as she moved her lips against his ear, "There is no need to be scared, Puppy. I shan't harm you. You're a present, after all."

Draco Malfoy was having a nightmare, he decided. A very realistic nightmare, true, but that was the only explanation he had for the events of this evening. He'd been taken by the dark-haired man after he'd left a pub early that night. The man was now sitting in a chair watching him and this beautiful redhead with a smirk on his handsome face. Draco had not had very much to drink, so he knew this was not an alcohol-induced fantasy. He heard her voice in his ear, American, soft, hypnotic. Puppy? Present? What the bloody hell was she talking about? He was Draco Malfoy, damn it! How had he managed to end up in this situation? He'd been taken so quickly that he'd not even been able to pull his wand out, slipping into unconsciousness until waking to find himself in this cold room, shackled like some sort of common muggle. He'd feared that he had been caught by Death Eaters who planned to repay him for his part in bringing down Voldemort several years ago, convinced that this was some elaborate revenge scheme. Then the door had opened and he'd seen the beautiful redhead, recognizing her from the pub only a few nights before. He'd been intrigued by her, had felt her eyes on him and done his best to ignore her because she was with a very possessive seeming bloke, the same man that had taken him and chained him here.

He felt her fingers on the back of his head, moving through his soft hair before releasing the gag. When he found himself able to talk, he gathered up his courage and said, "I demand that you release me this instant. I do not know what game you two are playing, but I will not allow you to keep me here a moment longer. Do you have any idea who I am?"

"Puppy's feisty," Willow smiled as she smirked at Angelus and mocked, "do you know who he is?" before turning to face the blond, "why don't you tell us, Puppy?"

Draco glared openly at both of them when he saw the amusement in their eyes, not liking anyone laughing at him. He again moved his wrists against the chains keeping him in place. "I am Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy."

"Draco?" Willow repeated slowly, "Well, Draco, I am Willow and that is Angelus. I have no intention of letting you go, Puppy. You're going to be my pet, a birthday gift from my sire. Do you know what means, pretty pet?"

"No," Draco tried to keep the tremor of fear from his voice. He'd faced Death Eaters and curses, surely he was brave enough to face a beautiful redhead.

"It means that you are mine," Willow said simply before moving her head and piercing his neck with her fangs. She heard him cry out in surprise as she bit him, the first taste of his blood like ambrosia. She understood why Angelus loved to taste her, the magic in his blood delicious. Such power and strength. Reluctantly, she pulled back, moving her tongue over her lips as she saw the fear now evident in his eyes.

"What are you?" Draco whispered, his neck throbbing from pain as he looked at the redhead, knowledge flashing in his eyes as he said, "Vampire."

"Very good," Willow smiled proudly, "and you are a wizard. Enough talking. I want to play."

Willow moved to a table that had been set up, flashing Angelus a pleased smile as she said, "Thank you, Angelus. You've brought all my favorite toys."

"Welcome, darlin'," Angelus drawled softly, his dark eyes watching her and her pet. The wizard was scared, that much was obvious, but Angelus could also see resistance as well as desire in those rather pretty gray eyes. The dark haired vampire leaned back and watched as Willow used a knife to remove the expensive robe covering her pet. Chocolate brown eyes swept over the form of the wizard, not bad. He felt himself hardening as he watched Willow remove the rest of the blond's clothes, enjoying the spirit the boy showed. Even in such circumstances, he maintained an aura of pride and courage. Soon, Draco was naked. Not bad at all, Angelus decided as he licked his lips in anticipation.

"Such a pretty puppy," Willow declared as she moved around Draco, her hands moving to caress his naked flesh. She smiled when she saw his cock, noticing that it was half hard, rather impressive length of flesh. She caught his eyes, seeing the fight still in them, moving forward until she was touching him, her hand moving to his cock and squeezing slightly as she told him, "You're mine, Draco Malfoy. I will break you, I will make you beg, I will have you on your knees at my feet if that is what I desire. You are my pet, your only purpose will be for my pleasure. You will be well taken care of, I'll see to that. If you continue to resist the inevitable, I will punish you. I like to play rough, but I am aware of the limitations of the human body. Do you acknowledge that you are my pet?"

"No," Draco hissed, refusing to give her control of him, of his body. He'd rather die than meekly let her win. He bit his lip to keep from crying out in pain when she squeezed his cock hard, her fingernails scraping across his chest as she smiled at him.

"Good boy," Willow smiled, "I would have had to kill you if you'd agreed. I don't want weakness, I want a challenge. Oh, don't get me wrong. I will break you, pretty Draco, and that is where I will have the most fun. It's time to play!"

~Part: 3~

Two hours later, Willow let the whip drop to the floor. She ran her tongue over Draco's back, tasting the blood that flowed from numerous wounds she had made. During her playtime, she had lost her dress, tossing it in the corner of the room for fear of getting blood on it. She saw her sire watching her, winking at him as she walked towards him, kneeling and taking his weeping cock into her mouth. His hands brushed through her hair as she sucked him, using her teeth and tongue, not wanting to prolong his release. With a groan, he came, spilling his seed inside her throat. She sucked him dry, licking her lips as she stood and kissed him. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Draco watching with undisguised desire. She moved to her pet, caressing his face gently as she asked, "Do you acknowledge that you are mine?"

"Yes," Draco whispered, unable to fight it anymore. His body was covered in blood, not enough to risk his life but just enough to cause pain. God help him, he was harder than he'd ever been. He'd resisted her at first, not wanting to give up his control, to lose himself. Over time, though, she had seduced him. Whipping his back and then tenderly kissing him, cutting him delicately then lapping at his wounds, using her sexy voice to tell him of all the pleasures that awaited him if he gave himself to her, shagging Angelus while looking him in the eye and letting him know that it could be him between her legs if he'd only submit.

"Good boy," Willow cooed softly as she unfastened his restraints. She could felt wetness dripping from her cunt, Angelus' cum mixed with her own juices, an ache between her legs to feel Draco inside her. She wasn't surprised when Angelus moved behind her, tired of watching. His hand went around her waist as his other moved to tangle in Draco's pale blond hair.

"That's my girl," Angelus told her proudly, having enjoyed watching her break the proud wizard. He pulled Draco's head back, roughly kissing the handsome blond, tasting the blood and moaning. He was nearly as delicious as Willow, magic and power and sweetness. He felt Willow's hand on his cock, stroking him to hardness once again. Releasing the stunned wizard, he noted with satisfaction that the blond's cock was still hard and throbbing. He was glad that Willow wanted to share her pet, liking the idea of adding Draco to their family.

"I wanna fuck," Willow said as she watched Angelus and Draco kiss, deciding that she'd never seen anything more arousing. She couldn't wait to watch Angelus fuck Draco, a fresh wave of arousal spreading over at the idea of her gorgeous sire sinking deep into her beautiful pet's ass, preferably when Draco was fucking her. Not yet, though. That would be another day, after she had enjoyed Draco and felt like rewarding her pretty puppy. She pulled Draco along behind her and Angelus as they left the cold basement room and headed upstairs. He didn't resist at all, his eyes gleaming with need and arousal. When they entered her room, she pulled him against her, kissing him deeply, possessively, as she fell back on the bed. She wanted it rough and hard, she decided, pulling Draco's head back using his hair and demanding, "Fuck me, Draco. Hard, now!"

Draco didn't have to be told twice. His body was in pain but he ignored it as he spread her legs, wanting to taste her but knowing that he didn't dare do so without permission. Instead, he moved his cock into her wetness and pushed forward, impaling her on its length. He moaned as she tightened her muscles around him, pulling back and thrusting deeply once again. He began a rhythm as he fucked her, her hands moving over his chest, reopening wounds, moving to his knees as his hands went behind her arse, lifting her so that he could penetrate her more completely.

"Angelus, let him taste you," Willow urged as she pushed against Draco, smiling as her sire kissed her before moving onto the bed, his cock hard and ready. She saw the look of doubt in Draco's eyes, moving her legs behind his ass as she said, "Draco, I want to see you suck Angelus' cock. Get him ready for me. I want him in my ass as you fuck my cunt. I want to see those beautiful lips of yours wrapped around him. Now."

"Yes, Willow," Draco said as he opened his mouth, finding it full of cock. He'd never done this before, surprising enough. He'd had blokes suck him off, but he'd never repaid the favor. Angelus was thick and long, though Draco was smug enough to notice that he was slightly longer, though not so thick. He felt his jaws stretch as he tried to suck Angelus, not sure what to do, trying to remember things that his lovers, male and female, had done for him to cause pleasure. He moaned when he felt Willow's lips on his chest, her tongue moving over his nipples as she moved slowly against his cock, whispering for him to suck, to lick, to use his teeth to scrape the tender flesh because Angelus liked a little pain with his pleasure. He felt fingers in his hair, massaging his scalp as he looked up, gray eyes catching brown as Angelus continued to fuck his mouth. He obeyed Willow's commands, rewarded with a soft moan from Angelus as he began to suck the cock in his mouth, going deeper, his right hand moving up to cup the vampire's balls, squeezing the soft flesh and earning him a sharp pull to his hair.

"Good puppy," Willow said, her eyes on Angelus' face as Draco sucked his cock. Her sire was gorgeous, especially when he was aroused and about to cum. She roughly pushed Draco back, winking at his surprised expression before she pushed him against the bed and straddled him, his cock never leaving her, hearing him hiss in pain as the wounds on his back made contact with the silk sheets. She leaned forward, catching Angelus' eyes and begging, "Fuck me, Angelus. I want to feel your cock in my ass as he fucks me."

"What would you do to have me, darlin'?" Angelus teased, his hand moving steadily over his wet cock as his other hand moved to caress her ass, snaking between her legs, his fingers moving along Draco's cock and brushing at the wetness between her thighs before moving back to her ass. He slid two fingers into her tight ass, listening to her cry of pleasure. She enjoyed being taken in her ass, finding the pain arousing, and she'd often fuck herself with a dildo as he'd fuck her, but she'd never had another cock inside her as he'd fucked her. He could see the need in her eyes, knew all too well that she was about to explode, and he wanted to hear her beg.

"Anything you want, Sire," Willow said truthfully, pushing back against his fingers, gasping as he pushed a third into her. It was unbelievable, the feel of Draco in her cunt as Angelus played with her ass. "Please, Angelus. Stop playing and fuck me! Please."

"As you wish, my love," Angelus smirked when he heard the please, that being the magic word. He moved his hand and thrust into her completely, sinking deep into her ass in one push. Her head flew back as she screamed in pleasure, finding herself completely filled with two cocks. He caught Draco's eyes, telling the boy, "Pull out now, go slow, tease my beautiful bitch. She's been such a good girl, I want to reward her. She's the most impatient thing but she loves it when I torture her by going slow."

"Angelus!" Willow moaned as she looked at Draco, pleased that he was looking at her for permission to obey Angelus. She laughed, "Such a good puppy. You can do as he says, Draco pet. He's my sire, and he may be a miserable bastard for teasing me like this, but I love it."

"Yes, Willow," Draco said with a slight smirk as he obeyed Angelus, pulling back until most of his cock was out of Willow. He saw Angelus slap her ass and scold her for calling him a bastard, winking at him and flashing him a smile as Willow moaned. At Angelus' nod, he pushed up, sinking completely into her as Angelus pulled out. They set up a rhythm, moving slow, the blond wizard doing his best not to cum into he was told, knowing that Willow had promised cruel punishment if he disobeyed that request earlier that evening. He wasn't sure if that was still a valid threat since the game had changed, but he didn't dare upset her. God, he was more aroused than ever, having enjoyed the taste of Angelus, finding himself completely enchanted with this beautiful redhead, not caring at all that they were vampires and he was there against his will, knowing that she had succeeded with her goal. She'd broken him, in a way, and he couldn't be more happy about it.

"Yes," Willow purred as she was fucked by both the men, her mouth catching Angelus' as Draco's mouth engulfed her breast. She was startled at the warmth enveloping her nipple, but she didn't scold him for taking the initiative, though she would punish him later for touching without permission or asking. It wasn't very long before she exploded, crying out both their names as she came, her juices spilling all over Draco. She saw his face, knew he was beyond the point, kissing him before whispering, "Cum for me, puppy. Let me see your face as you fill me with your seed."

Draco came with a moan, his eyes rolling back slightly as he fell back against the bed, feeling Willow pushed against him roughly as Angelus began to seriously fuck her ass. He whimpered when he felt her teeth in his neck, her tongue licking the bite, watching as Angelus came with a roar, moaning her name before pulling her up and biting her neck, wondering how he could find such a vision so arousing. They stayed that way for a while, biting and kissing and whispering affectionate words to each other. Willow eventually moved off of him, leaning down and running her tongue over his cock, cleaning him up. With a smirk, she told him he was a good boy and then told him where to sleep. He kept himself from frowning when she pointed to a nice pile of blankets and pillows on the floor, finding it unacceptable that a Malfoy should sleep in such a manner. Of course, it was probably unacceptable for a Malfoy to willingly become the pet of a beautiful vampire and he'd had no problems agreeing to that after a couple of hours of torture and teasing. He moved to the floor, wondering if he'd eventually earn a place in their bed if he was a good pet, making the decision to do whatever it took to get himself off the floor and into their bed.

"Good night, pretty pet," Willow called out as he laid down on the blankets, smiling as he reciprocated the greeting before closing those pretty gray eyes. She snuggled against Angelus, resting her head on her lover's chest as she said, "Sire, this was a wonderful birthday."

"I'm happy that you are pleased with your present," Angelus said, amusement in his dark eyes as he leaned over and turned off the light.

"Very pleased," Willow laughed softly, "I love you, Angelus. And I love my new puppy."

******THE END******
