
Author name:  Jackie

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Disclaimer:  Unfortunately I don't own any of the characters.  That pleasure belongs to Joss & Mutant Enemies.

Couples: W/A/B

Category:  AU, Romance

Spoilers:  Season 3

Rating:  NC-17

Dedication:  To Judy who helped beta.  All the wonderful people who have sent feedback.

Distribution:  Just let me know where it's going

Summary: Something happens to Buffy and Angel that make them act on their desire for Willow

Notes:  This is set during S3 but doesn't necessarily follow cannon, i.e. Faith isn't evil and Cordelia and Xander are still together.  Also, this is going to be shorter than my regular stories as it's basically a PWP on how Angel/Buffy/Willow get together.


~Chapter 1~

"Giles! You’ve got to do something!" Xander was shouting when he burst through the library doors, with Cordelia and Faith right behind him.

"What is it?" Coming out of his office, Giles noticed they were alone and began to worry. "Did something happen to Buffy or Willow?" He knew neither of the girls would’ve left the other if one was injured.

"This is just too weird. Even for the Hellmouth," Xander ranted as he started pacing, ignoring Giles’ question.

Having heard Xander’s complaining all the way to the library the two girls walked over to the table. Sitting in one of the chairs, Cordelia pulled out her file and began to do her nails, while Faith sat on the top and twirled the stake she held.

"Xander! Where are Buffy and Willow?" The demon they had went after tonight, while one of the more dangerous ones, should’ve been fairly easy for Buffy to kill. Especially with Angel and Faith there to help. Which is the reason he hadn’t objected when the rest of the gang went with her.

"It’s Buffy and Angel. They…they were kissing and groping." Xander paused and shuddered as he remembered what he had seen.

Taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes, Giles willed his heart rate to settle as he realized what the problem was. "Xander, it’s okay. Willow discovered earlier this afternoon that Angel’s soul is permanent. It’s only natural that Buffy and Angel are happy and expressing that." Giles forced himself not to snap at the boy for worrying him.

"Well that wasn’t the worst of it. After they finally broke apart, they turned, looked at Willow as if they wanted to eat her, then Angel scooped her up in his arms and him and Buffy took off!"

"Buffy and Angel took off before killing the demon? Was Willow hurt?" Giles asked, trying to put the pieces together.

"No! She was fine! She’d been standing with the rest of us watching the two of them make a spectacle of themselves." Xander stopped pacing and crossed his arms over his chest before grudgingly admitting, "Buffy and Angel had already killed the demon."

"And can I just say, eww. I don’t see how they could be all lovey-dovey while covered in blood," Cordelia piped up from where she had sat down at the table.

"Blood?" Giles asked faintly, sinking down into a chair as he began to grasp what had happened.

"Yeah, when they killed the demon it kind of exploded, splattering blood all over them. It was nasty. I mean it totally ruined their clothes that much blood will never come out. Not that Buffy’s was much of a loss but Angel’s silk shirt." Cordelia wrinkled her nose at the waste.

Xander glared at his girlfriend. "Can we forget about their clothes and concentrate on the important thing? They kidnapped Willow!"

Faith snorted. "It didn’t look like Red was doing much protesting."

"Willow’s not like that," Xander objected.

Cordelia and Faith glanced at each other in disbelief. Willow was very much like that. Actually, if it came right down to it, so were Buffy and Angel. A blind person could see the attraction between the three of them. They wondered what that made Xander.

"Xander, calm down." Giles’ exasperated voice prevented either of the girls from voicing their thoughts. "Whatever your feelings for Angel, even you have to admit that Buffy would never harm Willow."

"Yeah, but…"

"No. Willow is perfectly safe. Whatever happens between the three of them is none of our concern." Giles fixed Xander with a stern stare, stopping his next argument. "Now, since it’s Friday night and the demon has been killed, take the rest of the night off and go have fun."

"Alright!" Jumping up, Cordelia grabbed Xander’s hand and pulled him towards the door. "Let’s go to the Bronze." She cast a flirtatious glance at her pouting boyfriend. "Then maybe we could find a closet."

"Sounds like fun! Can I join you? Though I suggest we use my motel room. It’d be much more comfortable, not to mention more roomy."


Hopping off the table, she laughed as Cordelia blushed and Xander got a glazed look to his eyes. "Come on, Xander. We’ve got all night to change the cheerleader’s mind."

Giles watched them leave, not sure if Faith was teasing or not. Taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes, he decided he didn’t want to know. It was bad enough dealing with the fact of Willow, Buffy and Angel being together without having a clearer picture of the other three’s love life.

"What’s going on Rupert?" Joyce asked as she came out of his office.

"Hmm." Standing up, Giles watched as she moved closer to him. He never got tired of looking at her. She was so beautiful; he wondered how he managed to resist her as long as he did. "Everything’s fine. I’m sure Buffy and Angel just want to thank Willow for Angel’s soul."

"Right." Joyce rolled her eyes. Giles was very sexy and had a body that could make you salivate but he wasn’t very good at lying. "You forget how well I know you, Rupert."

His eyes narrowed as desire flared within him. "I remember just how well you know me," Giles said huskily as he reached for her.

Shaking her head to clear it of the carnal images that his words invoked, Joyce put her hand on his chest stopping him from pulling her closer. "Oh no, you don’t. You’re not going to distract me that easy." She took a shaky breath as she struggled to settle her pulse. "I want to know what’s going on with Buffy and Willow."

Giles stared at her for a moment before giving a sigh of resignation. She was as tenacious as her daughter was. "The demon they killed is extremely vicious but also extremely rare because it’s hunted for its blood. The blood is a very potent aphrodisiac. Anyone exposed to it will be consumed by their strongest desires until they act on them."

"Ah." Joyce nodded understandingly. "So when Buffy and Angel were splattered by the blood they became focused on the one thing they want the most, Willow."

Giles’ lifted his eyebrow in surprise at her matter-of-fact tone. "You knew there was something between them?"

"I’ve always known Buffy’s feelings for Willow went deeper than friendship. And the one time I saw Angel with the two of them I was aware he also had strong feelings for her."

"You’re not upset?"

Joyce thought about it before shaking her head. "I’m not pleased about Buffy’s relationship with Angel but Willow is good for her. Besides the two of them make my little girl happy and she deserves it." Moving closer, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "How long will the blood’s affect last?"

"A-at least twenty-four hours, depending on how much blood was on them." Giles groaned as she rubbed against him.

"That means I’ll be home alone." Letting her hands roam up and down his back, she leaned closer and whispered into his ear. "In my big, lonely bed."

Grabbing her hips, Giles pulled her closer as he began to kiss her neck. "Maybe I can help you with your problem," he offered in between kisses. "We’ll just have to stop by my place to get the handcuffs."

"Who needs handcuffs?" Joyce moaned as he hit a particularly sensitive spot. "I have a whole drawer full of scarves."

"Then what are we still doing here?" Releasing her, Giles grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door after him.

~Chapter 2~

"Umm, thanks for the lift b-but I should be getting home," Willow stammered out as Angel released her feet, letting them hit the floor, but retaining the arm around her waist. She wasn’t sure what was happening. One minute she had been standing there feeling jealous while watching Buffy and Angel kiss and then the next thing she knew Angel was carrying her to the mansion.

"Relax, Willow, we’re not planning to hurt you." Angel pulled her closer against his chest even as he reassured her.

"I-I know. It’s just that something weird is going on. Even weirder than that time my double showed up." Willow lost track of what she was saying as she watched, hypnotized, as Buffy stalked closer to her. There was no other way to describe the way she was moving.

Standing in front of Willow, trapping her between her and Angel, Buffy reached out and began to run her hands up and down Willow’s arms. "Umm, did I ever tell you how sexy you looked in leather?"

Willow swallowed hard as her heart began to pound and moisture began to flow between her legs. She was having a hard time thinking. Her mind was preoccupied with the feelings of Buffy’s hands on her arms and Angel’s on her stomach. "I’m not sexy. I’m more the shy, awkward type."

"Not sexy?" Angel gave a husky laugh. Leaning down he began to plant kisses on the side of her neck and on her ear in-between his words. "That night when you walked out of the shadows beside the Bronze it took all of my self-control to resist peeling that outfit off you and making love to you then and there."

Buffy smiled when the redhead’s gaze flew to hers at Angel’s confession. "I’m not upset. How can I be when the same thoughts were going through my head?"

"Really?" Willow’s eyes were wide, not sure what to make of this conversation. "Neither of you showed it."

"You are my best friend there was no way I was going to risk losing that," Buffy replied before pressing a gently kiss on her friend’s lips.

"And I couldn’t. I didn’t want to alienate you or hurt Buffy."

Moving one hand from Willow’s arm, Buffy cupped Angel’s cheek in her hand as she leaned up and kissed him too. "The fact that you’re in love with Willow doesn’t hurt me. It just gives us one more thing in common."

This is not happening, Willow told herself. It’s just a dream. A very vivid dream, she amended, feeling Buffy’s warm breath caress her cheek and Angel’s cool hand sliding under her sweater. Furtively, she pinched her thigh. "Ouch." Okay, not a dream.

"You’re not dreaming," Buffy echoed the redhead's thought as she moved her hand to rub the spot she had just pinched.

Meeting Buffy’s eyes, Angel gave her a sensual smile. "Maybe you should kiss it and make it better," he offered as his hand glided up towards Willow’s silk covered breast.

"What a good idea," she agreed, returning his smile. Sliding her body down against her friend’s, she slowly made her way to her knees.

Drawing in gasping breaths of air, Willow tried to clear her mind. Feeling Buffy’s lips skim against her thigh, she tore herself out of Angel’s arms. "Stop!" She held up her hand as they turned towards her.

Rising gracefully to her feet, the Slayer pouted. "We just want to make love to you. Don’t you want us?"

"Oh, she wants us alright." Angel’s eyes flashed yellow with desire as he drew in the intoxicating scent wafting from the redhead.

Buffy began smiling again even as Willow cast an aggravated glance at him. Stupid vampire! Using his enhanced senses against her. There should be a rule against that. "It doesn’t matter what I want. There is something wrong with you two."

Glancing at each other, Buffy and Angel moved further apart and began to stalk towards her, trying to trap her between the two of them again.

"Why would you think there’s something wrong with us?" Buffy inquired. "We just want to make love to a beautiful woman we’ve both been dreaming about for almost a year."

Realizing what they were trying to do, Willow began to back away from them. "Look, why don’t we call Giles just to make sure," she tried reasoning with them.

"Can’t. Don’t have a phone," Angel replied. He smirked when she backed up against the wall.

Giving a soft growl of annoyance, Willow stamped her foot. "Stop right there! I am not going to make love with you two."

"Why not?" Buffy asked.

"We know you want to," was Angel’s rejoinder.

Rolling her eyes in exasperation, Willow waved her hand at them, deciding to go with the practical. "How about the fact that both of you are covered in blood?"

They both glanced sheepishly down at their clothes and then back at each other. They had been so focused on seducing Willow that they had forgotten about the state of their attire.

"Maybe we should take a shower first," Buffy offered, giving the redhead an apologetic shrug.

"That’s a good idea." Actually, it was an excellent idea. While they were getting cleaned up, she could sneak out and find Giles. Whatever was making them desire her, Willow knew it had to be related to the Hellmouth.

Being a vampire the blood didn’t bother Angel but suddenly the idea of a shower was sounding better all the time. The three of them wet and naked; he nodded his head decisively, that was the perfect way to start off the evening. "Let’s go." Reaching out, Angel grabbed Willow’s hand and pulled her towards the bathroom with Buffy quickly following behind.

