Second Time Around

Author name:  Jackie

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Disclaimer:  Unfortunately I don't own any of the characters.  That pleasure belongs to Joss & Mutant Enemies.

Couples: W/A/B in various pairings as my muse dictates

Category:  Time-Travel, AU

Spoilers:  Through S6/S3 to be on the safe side

Rating:  R will probably change to NC-17

Summary:  A demon is sent back to prevent Angelus from getting his soul back and it's up to Willow to stop it.



Sunnydale, 1998

Damn! Willow cursed as she fumbled with the locked door to the school. She used to be so good at this. It would be so much easier to just blast the stupid lock. No! Magick wasn’t the answer. It was bad enough she had to use it earlier tonight, she wasn’t about to start using it indiscriminately just to make things easier. She had no intention of becoming addicted earlier than what she original had. "You can do this, Willow. The lock on the morgue was a lot tougher and you use to get in there all the time. You just have to calm down and remember how it worked," Willow mumbled, trying to give herself a pep talk. "Alright! I’m in!" She couldn’t help but crow as the lock finally gave way.

For the second time that night, Willow found herself running through the hallways. Hopefully, this time she could grab Jenny’s disk and get back home without running into Angelus. Or any of the others. She could just imagine trying to explain to Buffy or Giles what she was doing back at the school after having just survived Angelus’s attack on her and Jenny earlier in the evening. <I need the disk with the curse on it so I can restore Angel’s soul before the demon from the future tells Angelus about it and he destroys it. Oh, and I know about it because I’m from the future too.>  Yep, that would go over real well.

At the computer lab Willow didn’t have to worry about the door, since Angelus had broke it when he threw Jenny through it. Quickly making her way over to the desk, Willow dropped down beside it and reached for the disk. Nothing! Sitting back on her heels, Willow resisted the urge to scream as she tried to figure out what happened. It had to have been created since Angelus had already tried to kill Jenny. Maybe Jenny had got it before Buffy and Giles had taken them home. She hadn’t seen her but it was a possibility.

"Looking for something, Red."

Willow surged to her feet at the sound of the familiar mocking voice. "Angelus." Willow felt a shiver of fear pass through her at the sight of him lounging against the back wall. She had forgotten how menacing he could appear.

"It wouldn’t happen to be this would it." Angelus held up the disk he had retrieved earlier.

"Angelus…" Willow broke off not sure how to convince Angelus to give her the disk. She didn’t fool herself into believing Angelus would be happy about getting his soul back.

"Please spare me the ‘I’m only trying to help you’ speech. I didn’t buy it from Jenny, I’m certainly not going to take it from you," Angelus taunted as he straightened up. His eyes flashing with anger, he continued speaking. "What you want, is to bring back the wussy soulboy and banish me. Well, sorry, I’m not ready to leave just yet."

Willow watched in horror as Angelus casually crushed the disk in his hand. "Fuck!" What was she going to do know?!

Giving Willow a feral grin, Angelus began to stalk towards her. "Not something I expected to hear from you, Red, but I’m more than willing to take you up on the offer."

Willow’s eyes widened as the implication of Angelus’s words sank in.

Chapter 1

Los Angeles, 2001

"The best way to deal with Angel is to take him out before he ever becomes a threat."

Reed looked towards the open door of the conference room. "I see you’ve finally decided to join us Lilah."

"Sorry I’m late but I had something to pick up." Lilah moved a couple steps into the room. She was aware that everyone’s attention was on her and was glad for it. After Lindsey handed her this position, Lilah felt like she had to prove to the others that she was the right person for the job.

"Something beneficial, I hope."

More confident now that she could see the curiosity in Reed’s eyes, Lilah walked over to the conference table, motioning for someone behind her to follow. Taking a seat, Lilah waved at the demon standing beside her. "This is Voroth, a Tassac demon, one of the few demons that can travel through time at will."

"I know what a Tassac demon is. What does this have to do with getting rid of Angel?"

Pulling a file from her briefcase, Lilah opened it before laying out her plan. "Going over the files on Angel, I found that in 1998 he lost his soul because of one moment of happiness with the Slayer. Angelus then began terrorizing Sunnydale until this Wiccan friend of the Slayer’s, Willow Rosenburg, re-cursed him."

"Get to the point, Lilah. We are already familiar with Angel’s past." Reed gave Lilah a cold look showing his impatience at her theatrics.

Lilah resisted the urge to rush what she was saying. She knew that if she showed any signs of weakness they would kill her. "My plan is to send Voroth back in time to Sunnydale and either warn Angelus or kill the witch. Thus preventing Angel from returning."

Sitting back in his chair, Reed considered the plan. There were some minor details to work out but the plan was simple enough it might work. And any problems caused by the new timeline would be offset by the benefits of Angel having never come to LA. "Alright, Lilah, put your plan into effect." Motioning for her to stay, Reed dismissed the rest of the people.

"There is something else you wanted to talk to me about?" Lilah asked calmly, hiding her nerves behind a calm façade.

"Yes. Give your demon the information about the curse and Willow Rosenburg but nothing else. There are certain aspects of Angelus’ return we don’t want to change. Understood?" At her nod, Reed stood up and headed for the door. "Good, then we’re done here. Oh, and Lilah?"

Gathering her files together, Lilah stopped and looked over at Reed. "Yes?" She braced herself for the threat that was sure to come.

"This plan will look good on your record come review time."

Lilah blinked in surprise at the statement. "Thank you, Sir," she said after a slight pause. The praise was unexpected. She would’ve preferred the threat at least that way she’d know where she stood.


Sunnydale, 2002

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Willow took a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves. Looking down at herself, she managed a small grin. Well, at least she was doing better today. She had actually managed to be up and dressed before noon. Her smile turned to a grimace as she was seized by another wave of pain. Now all she had to do was wait for the craving to pass.

Willow knew giving up magick completely wasn’t the answer. At the beginning the magick was a way to help out as more than the hacker/bookworm. Now though, it was a part of her essence. The ideal answer would be for her to control how she used her magick, help fight the bad guys but not for her everyday tasks. But she didn’t trust herself to limit her usage, which is why she was going cold turkey. Not to mention that her friends would probably freak if she used even a little bit of it.

"Your friends need your help."

Jumping up from the bed, Willow faced the man standing in the doorway. "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Who I am doesn’t matter. I’m here to help a friend."

At the man’s declaration, Willow rolled her eyes. "Jeez, not only are you being melodramatic, your being stupid as well. You break into my home and I’m suppose to believe you when you say you’re here to help me. Yeah, right." Moving so that she was standing in front of him, Willow began to surreptitiously search for a weapon. She’d be damned if she’d let this man use her to hurt Buffy.

The man shook his head. "I didn’t say I was your friend. I’m here because of Angel."

"Angel?" Willow hesitated, surprised at the man’s words. She remembered Buffy telling her about her first meeting with Angel and but she didn’t buy into coincidence. Not living on the Hellmouth. Taking in the man’s bad suit, Willow remembered the other things Buffy had told her. "Whistler?"

The man held up his hand stopping any more questions. "We don’t have time to play twenty questions, just listen. An enemy of Angel’s sent a Tassac demon back in time to stop you from giving him back his soul, in effect destroying him."

Willow felt her eyes widening as the man explained what was happening. Shivering, Willow remembered all too well her nightmare junior year and the fight with Angelus. "How do we stop them?"

"I can’t send you back physically, not without killing you, but I can send your mind and spirit back into your younger self."

Hiding her grimace at the thought of reliving that period of her life, Willow focused on the practicalities of the situation. "But what about the timeline? We’ve got to make sure it doesn’t change."

"The timeline is already changing." Shaking his head, the man looked sadly at Willow. "The demon has already gone back. I can’t send you back to before his arrival, since I don’t know what date he traveled to. All we can do is try and control the damage. Are you willing to help?"

Swallowing down her fear at the thought of actively confronting Angelus, Willow nodded. She had fought a god and confronted her own magical addiction, she could deal with Angelus. On the plus side of this whole situation, this time she could give Angel his soul back before he was sent to Hell.

At her agreement the man threw blue dust onto her and began chanting. Suddenly, Willow was racked by pain as she felt her mind and spirit ripped from her body and sent along the link forged between her past and present.

Watching as Willow slumped to the floor as the spell did its task, the man dropped his human façade and assumed his demon visage. The demon stared down at the fallen witch. For a moment he had thought she was going to refuse to go. Imaging having to report failing to the Senior Partners, the demon shuddered. Shaking his head, the demon pushed those thoughts away. The only thing that mattered was that she did agree and he would be compensated for the worry she had caused him. Licking his lips, the demon looked hungrily at the power encircling the unconscious witch. Once she had completed her task all that power would be his.

Chapter 2

Sunnydale, 1998

The first thing Willow became aware of was the pain screaming through her brain. The second thing was the hard floor under her. Opening her eyes, Willow could make out the blurred outline of her bed. Crawling slowly across the floor, she ignored the new shards of pain going through her head and dragged herself up onto the bed to wait for the pain to lessen. Goddess, if Spike felt even a tenth of the pain she did when his chip went off, she was going to be more sympathetic the next time.

Gradually the pain faded, allowing Willow to take in her surroundings. Well, she was back in her room at her parents’ house. The question was did the rest of the spell work? Moving carefully, so as to avoid jarring her head, Willow got up and made her way over to the dresser to look in the mirror. Yep. It had worked. Yippee.

Propping her elbows on the dresser, Willow rested her aching head on her hands as she took in the long hair and younger looking appearance. Great! She was going to get to relive the fun that was the end of her junior year. The only upside of to this she could find was that she could give Angel his soul back early and hopefully avoid a lot of the nastier aspects of Angelus’ return. First thing tomorrow she’d talk to Jenny, get the spell and they’d re-curse Angelus. Tonight all she wanted to do was take a half-dozen aspirin and sleep.

Straitening up, Willow glanced over at the calendar on the wall. The 28th of February. Well, at least there were only four more months until the end of the school year and with any luck she’ll be gone a lot sooner than that. Willow was halfway to the bathroom before the significance of the date hit her. Goddess! Tonight was the night Angelus killed Jenny!

Turning around, Willow hurried back to the dresser and grabbed the stake and holy water she kept in the top drawer. Pulling on her tennis shoes, Willow ran out of the house and towards the school.


Willow reached the school just as Angelus chased Jenny into the hall. Putting on a burst of speed, she quickly followed them in. Once in the hall Willow could hear Jenny’s footsteps but not Angelus’. Damn it! She wished she had got Angel to tell her what happened this night. Willow quickly pushed that ideal wish away. It was too late for that now. She’d just have to get to Jenny and then they’d worry about Angelus.

"Jenny!" Willow yelled out when she caught sight of Jenny heading up the stairs.

At the sound of Willow’s voice, Jenny faltered and came to a stop a halfway up the steps. "Willow! You’ve got to get out of here!" Jenny turned and headed back down. She couldn’t allow Angelus to kill the girl.

"That’s good advice but it’s not going to do her any good." Angelus smirked down at the two women as they stood at the bottom of the stairs. "This must be my lucky night. Instead of one chance to hurt the slayer I’ve got two."

"No!" Without thinking about it, used her magick and sent Angelus flying through the window behind him.

"Willow, how?" Shocked at what she just witnessed, Jenny stared at her star pupil, unable to get out a coherent question.

Shaking her head, Willow reached out and grabbed Jenny’s hand. "Not now. All that did was buy us some time and piss him off." Pulling Jenny behind her, Willow ran for the library.

"Where are we going?"

"The library."

Entering the library, Willow headed for Giles’s office. "Look for any weapons Giles may have lying around. I’m going to call for reinforcements." Double-checking that the door was locked, Willow flipped on the light and headed for the phone.

"Should we have the light on? Won’t that just make it easier for Angelus to find us?" Jenny asked as she began searching the office.

"Probably but right now it’s more important for us to be able to see what we’re doing." Willow grimaced as she remembered some of Spike’s stories. "Besides as much fear as we’re giving off, he won’t have any trouble tracking us by scent alone."

Ignoring the look Jenny gave her, Willow picked up the receiver. Letting out a sigh of relief at the sound of the dial tone, she quickly entered the number. Willow found herself holding her breath as she listened to it ringing. <Please be home…Please be home.>


"Will, what’s wrong?"

Jenny put one of the crosses and stakes she had found on the desk for Willow. "I’m going to try and move one of the bookcases in front of the door," she whispered.

"Good idea," Willow agreed.

"Willow, where are you? What’s happening?" The anxiety in Buffy’s voice stopped Giles as he was getting ready to leave.

"I’m at the school. Angelus is here. Jenny and I are in Giles’ office." Willow suddenly found herself talking to an empty line as Buffy ran out of the house.

"Buffy’s on her way," Willow reassured Jenny as she hung up the phone.

They both jumped at the sound of someone kicking the door. Willow rushed over to help Jenny move the bookcase as she realized Angelus had found them.

Before they could manuever the heavy case in front of the door, it gave way with a sickening crack. Without thinking about it, Willow shoved the bookcase, sending it toppling towards Angelus as he entered. Picking up a book, she threw it at him, hitting him in the head. His balance destroyed, Angelus fell to the floor along with the bookcase.

Knowing that wouldn’t stop him for long, Willow whirled around and grabbed the cross and stake lying on the desk. She moved to stand beside Jenny just as Angelus tossed the bookcase aside with a snarl.

"Willow, stay behind me," Jenny commanded as she moved in front of Willow.

"No." Moving so she was standing beside Jenny again, Willow tightened her grip on the cross she held. "We stand a better chance if we both fight."

"Ooo, aren’t you two the tough ones?" Laughing, Angelus leaned against the broken door jam and crossed his arms over his chest. "Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you." At their incredulous looks, Angelus shrugged. "I heard your little phone conversation and know Buffy’s on her way. So why should I go through all the effort of killing you if I can’t have any fun and play. So girls it’ll just have to wait for another night." With that Angelus turned and sauntered up into the stacks to the tunnel entrance.

Right after Angelus disappeared, the library doors burst open as Buffy and Giles entered, both of them carrying crossbows. "Willow! Jenny!"

Jenny and Willow shared a glance, understanding Angelus’s sudden generosity, before going to join their friends.

Chapter 3

"What happened? Where’s Angelus?" Buffy asked anxiously. She wanted to pull her friend into a hug and make sure she was all right but until she knew where Angelus was couldn’t relax her guard.

"He’s gone. He went out the tunnel entrance." Willow shakily made her way over to the table and sat down. Goddess, it hurt seeing Buffy like this. She was so full of life compared to the empty woman, struggling to find a reason to live, that she had left behind in the future. Fighting back her tears, Willow once again cursed herself for her selfishness in bringing back her friend. "He must have heard you coming."

Putting her crossbow on the table, Buffy knelt down in front of Willow and pulled her into a hug. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Releasing the redhead, Buffy’s guilt increased as she saw the tears in her eyes. It was her fault that Angelus was able to threaten her friend.

"I’m fine. You arrived in time to stop him from doing anything." Seeing the look in Buffy’s eyes, Willow gave her a reassuring smile. "How about you, Jenny?" Willow knew that Jenny had taken the brunt of Angelus’ attack before she had arrived.

Sinking down into one of the other chairs, Jenny bite back her groan as her injuries made themselves known now that the fear and adrenaline were wearing off. "A little bruised and battered. But I guess I should consider myself luck that’s all with having been thrown through a door."

"Are you sure you’re alright? Maybe we should take you to the hospital and let them check you out to make sure." Dropping his crossbow beside Buffy’s, Giles moved around the table to stand beside Jenny.

Taking his hand, Jenny gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I’m fine, Rupert. Sore and definitely shook-up but no broken bones. Though I won’t object to a little TLC."

Tightening his grip on her hand, Giles leaned down and gently kissed her. "I think that can be arranged."

Willow and Buffy looked on quietly, neither one of them wanting to interrupt the moment. After giving them a few minutes Buffy stood up and cleared her throat, getting their attention. "What happened? Why was Angelus here?"

Pulling her hand away from Giles’, Jenny nervously clasped them in front of her before looking at the others. "Rupert, remember earlier today when I told you I might have found something?" At his nod, Jenny continued, "Well, I created a program that translated the original Romany curse."

"You found away to give Angel his soul back?" Bracing a hand on the table, Buffy tried to control her emotions as they careened from one extreme to another, at the implications of Jenny’s words.

Sighing, Jenny shook her head. "Not now."

"Buffy, let Jenny finish." Giles held up his hands, stopping anymore questions. "I’m sure if we have any questions when she’s done, she’ll be more than willing to answer them at that point."

"There’s not a lot more to tell. I didn’t mention what I was doing to anyone because I wasn’t sure it would work. But somehow Angelus found out about it."

"Probably Drusilla," Willow offered, hiding her grin as Giles frowned at her for interrupting.

Giving Willow a thoughtful look, Jenny nodded. "Most likely. Anyway, I was working late tonight, finishing the program, when Angelus showed up. He destroyed the computer and the spell I had printed off, then he went after me. I managed to get away when he threw me through the door. Then while he was chasing me, Willow showed up." Jenny paused, shuddering as she remembered how close she had come to running into Angelus on the stairs. "She threw him out the window and we ran into the office and called you."

"You threw Angelus through a window?" Buffy asked as she stared at her friend in amazement.

"How? Did you use a spell?" Giles finally got out once he started recovering from the shock of hearing what had happened.

Frowning slightly, Willow hesitated before answering. She didn’t want to lie to her friends, something she had never gotten good at, but telling them the truth wasn’t an option either. "Well, I have been studying some spells but I didn’t use one. At least not consciously. I saw Angelus standing on the steps above Jenny and got scared he was going to kill her. And the next thing I know he’s flying out the window." Which was the truth as far as it went. Her telekinesis was one of the first spells she learned, so if she didn’t concentrate on controlling it, it came out whenever she was upset.

"Will, how did you know that Ms. Calendar was in trouble?" Buffy let Willow’s answer about the magick go for now, more curious about why Willow was here. She knew for a fact that she had been at home earlier, having dropped her off after they’d left the Bronze.

"I saw Angelus chase her into the school." Wanting to end this line of conversation, Willow slumped down into her chair and gave the others a tired look. "Do you think we could finish this tomorrow? Now that all the excitement is done, I just want to go home, take a hot shower and go to bed. I’m sure Jenny agrees with me."

"Oh. Of course." Giles flushed as he realized that both had to be exhausted after everything that had happened and here Buffy and him were keeping them there answering questions. "I’ll drop everyone off at home." Helping Jenny to her feet, Giles ushered all of them out to his car.


Willow exited the bathroom, still brushing her hair. She now remembered why she had cut it. It had taken what seemed like forever to blow dry it. She had been tempted it to leave it wet but she knew if she did, come morning she’d have a huge rat’s nest.

Tossing the hairbrush onto the nightstand, Willow flopped down onto the bed and pulled the covers over her. Goddess! She felt like she hadn’t slept in years. Hmm, actually that was a pretty accurate statement. Sort of. Though since she went back in time shouldn’t she feel more rested?

Chuckling at her nonsensical wanderings, Willow snuggled deeper under the covers as she pushed all thoughts from her mind. She’d think more in the morning. Right now she was tired and she more than deserved the rest. She’d only been back for a couple of hours and she’d already managed to save Jenny. Which, as far as she was concerned, made up for all the pain she had gone through. It would’ve been nice if she could have salvaged the original spell but it wasn’t as if they didn’t still have the disk.

The disk! Willow sat up quickly as she realized the disk was still at the school where Angelus could get it. Letting out a shaky breath, Willow pushed back her panic. No, he didn’t know about it so there would be plenty of time to get it in the morning.

Unless the demon knew about it and told him. Dropping back onto the bed, Willow buried her face in the pillow and groaned. There was no way she could leave it to chance. Groaning again, Willow tossed the covers aside and sat back up.

Chapter 4

Keeping her eyes locked with Angelus’, Willow circled the desk, making sure to keep it between them. She remembered reading that you could tell when a wild animal was going to attack by his eyes. She hoped it was true. She’d need whatever warning she could get otherwise instead of Jenny dying this night, it would be her.

"What, no comments, Witch?" Angelus smile widened as Willow paled. Torturing the demon had been worth it just to see the look of fear on the witch’s face. Well, that and it had been fun. "I know exactly who you are, *Witch*. Though one would’ve hoped that you would have become more interesting with age." Angelus gave her a mock thoughtful look. "You know, I’d actually be doing Buffy and the others a favor by killing you. They won’t have to be bored by you for the next four years."

At that moment, Willow wanted nothing more than to slap the taste out of his mouth but she resisted the urge. She wasn’t stupid. He was playing mind games with her. He thought his taunts were going to hurt her, get her to do something stupid. Willow was willing to concede it probably would’ve worked with her younger version but not with her, not after everything she’d been through in the past year. The only thing he was succeeding at was pissing her off. But if he wanted to play, she’d show him that this girl could not only play his game but win it too. "Oh, please! Like your opinion matters! You can pretend to be the big bad vampire all you want but we both know you’re nothing but a blow hard." Willow gave him a derisive once over. "Angel may not have talked much but at least he could back it up. Something you can’t do."

Enraged at her scathing comparison of him to his souled version, Angelus lunged over the desk at her. Having been prepared for his attack, Willow quickly jumped back and, using her magic shoved the desk into his knees as he went to leap over it. As Angelus landed in a snarling heap on the floor, Willow seized the opportunity and ran.

Rolling onto his knees, Angelus watched Willow run with a mixture of glee and astonishment. Surging to his feet, he began to stalk after her as he contemplated this new twist. Even after learning that this Willow was from the future, Angelus had written off what had happened earlier as an adrenaline rush. Instead it looked like the little kitten had grown into a tiger. He wondered what it would take to tame the tiger into a purring pussycat. Angelus felt his cock harden further as he envisioned all the wonderful scenarios available to him.

Hearing the door to the outside slam open, Angelus smirked. So she decided against staying in the school, at least it showed that she was smarter than the teacher was. Picking up speed, Angelus rushed out after her. He knew where she was headed and he wasn’t about to let his prize slip out of his hands that easily. Not, when he was just beginning to have fun.

Racing across the schoolyard towards her home, Willow kept expecting Angelus to stop her. When he didn’t her nervousness increased. He wasn’t going to just shrug his shoulders and walk away. He had to be planning something.

Spotting her front porch, Willow bit back a shout and began to run faster. Maybe she was going to make it after all. She knew from experience that Angelus had a tendency to be egotistical. Which, at this moment, was all to the good as far as she was concerned. Because once she got inside, she’d be safe, no matter what he had planned.

She was only a few feet from the steps when Angelus vaulted over the railing at her. Unable to stop her momentum, Willow hit the ground hard, knocking the wind out of her, as Angelus tackled her.

Pinning her hands above her head with one of his, Angelus covered her body with his. He watched in amusement as she struggled to catch her breath. A task made that much harder by the addition of his weight. "That wasn’t very nice of you, to run away just as we were getting started. Maybe I should punish you. Show you what happens to bad little girls."

Willow lost what breath she had regained as she burst out laughing at Angelus’ words. "That," pausing she drew in a raged breath, "was terrible. I’m sure that phrase had all your 18th century women swooning in illicit fear but it doesn’t carry the same connotations in this century." Willow stopped talking as she once again succumbed to laughter, allowing it to override her fear.

Angelus rose up a little so that he could see the tears streaming down her face as she laughed. He couldn’t help but smile. Taming the little witch was proving to be very interesting. Leaning down, Angelus licked away the tears on her cheek. "You’re right," Angelus agreed as he lifted his head and repeated the action on her other cheek. "I need to develop a new routine. Do you have any suggestions?"

What amusement Willow felt faded quickly as Angelus began to lick his way down the side of her neck. "You could try something totally different, like letting me go."

Lifting his head, as if he was actually considering that option, Angelus shifted on top of her, pushing her skirt up around her waist as he wedged his leg between hers. "No." He shook his head. "That wouldn’t be any fun. I could always take a page out of Spike’s book and go straight for the jugular." Angelus let her see his ridges and fangs come out. Then before she could react, he lunged for her neck. Just as his fangs penetrated her neck, Angelus pulled back and resumed his human face. "No. That would be even more boring then letting you go." Sighing, Angelus shook his head in mock disappointment. "I guess I’ll just have to make it up as I go." Leaning back down to suck at the wound he had made, he pressed his knee up against her, using it to tease her warm center.

Before she could fight back, Willow was bombarded by all the different sensations he was creating within her. She had read the Watcher’s Diaries, heard Spike’s stories and intellectually she knew that Angelus was a master of seduction when he wanted to be but she hadn’t really understood it, until now. Remembering back to her meeting of Dracula and how seductive she had thought he was, Willow wanted to laugh, instead she ended up moaning as Angelus moved, pressing his knee harder against her. Compared to Angelus he was a rank beginner.

Drawing his head away from her neck, Angelus stared into her passion glazed eyes as he slid one of his hands down to rest on her stomach, just above her panties. Slowly sliding his hand under the elastic, he rubbed the back of his fingers against the soft hair covering her mound. When she arched up against him, wanting him to touch her, Angelus grabbed a handful of her panties and tore them from her.

Feeling his knee and fingers on her exposed flesh, Willow moaned and lifted her hips, trying to get closer.

"That’s it, Tiger, purr for me." Biting back a moan of his own, Angelus rubbed his aching erection against her hip as he went back for another taste of her blood. That he was finding her taste addictive worried Angelus for a moment before he pushed the thought away. By the time he was done with her, she would be his body, mind and soul. Then he could have her any way, any time he wanted.

‘You are letting Angelus fuck you on the ground in front of your house. Not Angel, who could love you. But Angelus, a demon, who only wants to break you,’ Willow’s brain shouted at her through the cascade of sensations rushing through her.

As the severity of her situation sank in Willow fought against the haze of desire clouding her mind. She wasn’t about to become some sex toy for a demon, no matter how attractive he was. ‘Attractive!’ Willow gave a mental snort at that. Tara, Oz, they were attractive. Angel, or Angelus as the case may be, was so far out of that category she couldn’t think of a word to describe him, though the phrase mouth-watering delicious kept coming to mind.

‘Arggh!’ She was still doing it! Lying on the ground, letting Angelus turn her into a quivering blob of hormones, while she tried to think of a word to describe him. Somewhere along the line she had lost a few screws!

Using her anger to block out the needs of her body, Willow brought her knee up sharply between Angelus’ legs. As he fell off of her in pain, she rolled onto her stomach and pushed herself up into a squatting position. Spotting her stake that had fallen when Angelus jumped her, Willow grabbed it. It would be so easy to stake him, now, while he was vulnerable. He had destroyed the disk with the soul restoration spell, and while Jenny and her might be able to recreate it, how much damage would he be out there doing in the meantime. If she killed him now they wouldn’t have to worry about Acthala and Kendra wouldn’t have to die.

Visualizing all the bad things she could stop, Willow shuddered as she also realized that it would mean never having Angel back. No Angel to help defeat the Mayor. No Angel, helping the helpless. The world would feel the loss. Buffy would miss him. *She* would miss him. With a despairing cry, Willow tossed the stake aside and surged to her feet.

"Going somewhere?" Angelus growled as he stood and grabbed Willow’s arm, her internal debate having given him enough time to recover from her blow.

"Angelus!" Before either of them could register the arrival of a new player, a foot connected with the side of Angelus’ head, knocking him away from Willow.

Snarling in fury at being interrupted, Angelus blocked Buffy’s next kick. Then before she could launch another attack, he backhanded her, sending her staggering back. "Come on, Lover, let’s end this once and for all." Dropping into a fighting stance, Angelus beckoned for Buffy to attack. "And just to keep this interesting, whoever wins gets to keep the witch."

Glaring at her former lover, Buffy pulled a stake from her pocket and prepared to fight. If he thought his ultimatum would make it harder for her, he was wrong. Because if it came down to a choice between Angel and Willow, there was only one way she would go.

"Stop!" Both fighters found themselves frozen at the command. Looking at Willow, they saw that her eyes had turned black. "Angelus, go away!" Pointing her finger at Angelus, a bolt of light flew from her, throwing him several feet down the street.

Getting back to his feet, Angelus casually shook the dirt from his jacket before looking over to where the two girls stood. "We’re not finished yet, Tiger." With that warning, Angelus took off before Willow could hit him with another blast of energy.

Releasing Buffy, Willow felt her knees give way as the last of her strength faded.

"Willow!" Rushing over to the redhead, Buffy caught her before she hit the ground. "Come on let’s get you inside."

To tired to speak, Willow nodded her agreement and let Buffy help her up the steps to the door. Her relief that the night was almost over was cut short by Buffy’s next comment.

"Then you can tell me just what the hell is going on."

Chapter 5

Slamming into the warehouse, Angelus began to pace. Damn Slayer! If it weren’t for her interference, the witch would be here with him now. Crying out in pleasure as he pounded into her tight warmth. Replaying the events of the night, Angelus growled as he reluctantly admitted to himself, that even without the Slayer’s meddling there was a good chance he would’ve ended up here alone. For the second time that night he had underestimated the girl. He kept thinking of her as the innocent his souled counterpart had first encountered. If he wanted Willow, and the throbbing erection that hadn’t faded even during the walk back proved he did, he was going to have to learn about this new Willow. It was time to have another *chat* with the little demon from the future.

"Dru! Spike!"

"Daddy!" Druscilla came running into the room and threw herself into Angelus’ arms. "Did you get rid of that nasty little witch?"

Spike slowly pushed his wheelchair into the room. Scowling at the all too familiar scene of his love in the arms of her bloody annoying Sire.

Disentangling her arms from around his neck, Angelus shoved Dru towards the door. "That nasty little witch, as you call her, is very much alive and very much mine. Bring *our guest* here."

"But, Daddy."

Angelus’ eyes narrowed in impatience at her whining. "Now," he commanded his voice promising pain for any disobedience.

Swallowing her complaints, Dru hurried from the room to get the demon. Usually she would’ve argued, loving when her Sire punished her, but she knew if she disobeyed him now there would be no pleasure in it, just pain.

Once Dru had left, Spike turned and watched as Angelus began to pace. Rolling his eyes, Spike bit back a snort of derision. The bloody prick was obsessing over the witch now. "So what happened to the Slayer? Decide she was too tough for you to handle?"

Normally, Angelus would’ve enjoyed tormenting Spike but at that moment his mind was too busy plotting how to capture his redhead. Angelus glanced over at his grandchilde and smirked. His mind wasn’t *that* occupied. "Don’t worry, Sit-n-Spin. The Slayer is as good as dead."

Spike snorted as he lit up a cigarette. Whatever had happened tonight, the Pouf hadn’t lost his irritating tendency to make grandiose claims. "I’ll believe that when I see it. You certainly haven’t managed to get the job done, yet."

"That’s because I was having fun. Watching her worry with each new picture, flinch in pain at each taunt, wonder in fear which of her little friends I was going to go after." Closing his eyes, Angelus lost himself in fond remembrance of torturing the Slayer. A surprisingly strong and defiant redhead quickly replaced images of a torn and distraught Slayer. "But as much as I enjoyed playing with the Slayer, my new toy will bring me several decades of amusement."

"That’s your bloody problem. Always playing some game. You should’ve just killed the chits and been done with it."

"Your problem, Spike, is you lack imagination. And you wonder why you can’t keep Dru’s attention." Angelus laughed when Spike scowled at him. "Relax, Spike, you’re going to get your fondest wish and have Dru all to yourself. Soon, I’m going to be too busy teaching a tiger to purr." Strolling over to Spike, Angelus grabbed the pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Leaning back against the table, he pulled one out and lit it before tossing them back into Spike’s lap. "Though if you’d like I could give you some pointers on how to satisfy Dru before then."

Dru’s arrival, with the Tassac demon in tow, stopped Spike’s furious retort. "Here." She dragged Voroth in front of Angelus.

Angelus took one look at Dru’s face and sighed. Great! She was still pouting over his earlier reprimand. If he wanted her help in getting information out of the damn demon he’d have to find someway to placate her. What he really wanted to do was beat the information out of both of them but that would take more time then he was willing to waste. Biting back his anger, Angelus smiled at his childe as he drew her into his arms and kissed her. "You’re such a good girl, Dru. Keep it up and once Daddy has his new pet, you’ll get a present."

"A prezzie? For me? What kind?" Dru bounced up and down in glee at the thought of a present.

"I know a nice, Romany girl you’ll have a lot of fun playing with." Angelus smiled when she clapped her hands in excitement. Leaving Dru and Spike here with the teacher would kill two birds with one stone, and if he were lucky that would be literal. The Slayer and her little gang would focus their attack on the warehouse, while he and Tiger played at the mansion he had found the other night. If all went according to plan all of them, including Dru and Spike, would end up dead and he could take over Sunnydale. If not, then it would just give him something else to play with, when he could tear himself away from his witch. Satisfied with his plan, Angelus focused on the most important factor, acquiring the little redhead. "I want to know everything there is about the witch."

Swallowing nervously, Voroth stared at the floor, too scared to look up. Nothing had gone right since he had showed up to tell the vampire about the curse. Instead of being grateful for the warning, Angelus had beaten him before locking him up in some dank room. He doubted this *interview* would go any better. He was just gratefully that he had some information to give him. Voroth grimaced as he imagined how the earlier interview would’ve gone if he hadn’t overheard the law firm talking about sending the witch back.

"I asked you a question." Angelus viciously backhanded the cowering demon, the two minions behind him keeping him on his feet. He watched as blood began running down Voroth’s face from the cuts his rings had reopened.

"After you killed the teacher, the girl, Willow Rosenburg, found the disk that contained the soul restoration spell and gave," Voroth paused at Angelus’ glare, "um, c-cursed you with a soul. She then used her burgeoning powers to help the Slayer and eventually she became a full-fledged witch. T-that’s all that the lawyers told me." That was the truth. The lawyers told him barely anything. He gave a bitter glance at the vampire in front of him, for obvious reasons. But he wasn’t a fool. He’d learned more than they thought. Now the problem was keeping it from his questioners because once they thought they had everything, he was dead.

Angelus looked at Dru for confirmation of what he said.

Running her hands over the demon’s head, Dru closed her eyes and began to hum. "There’s a secret buzzing around in his head. Something he knows that those who sent him didn’t tell him."

Reaching out, Angelus grabbed Voroth’s arm and twisted, wrenching it out of the socket. "I said everything," he said over the screams.

"I-I don’t know anything for sure." Voroth screamed again as Angelus tightened his grip on his arm. "T-there were rumors going around the demon community. The w-witch fought a hell-god and b-brought the Slayer back from the dead. T-that’s all I know. I swear."

"She brought the Slayer back as a zombie?" Angelus ignored the demon’s whimpers as he took in this new information.

"N-no. She brought her back human."

Well, well, that certainly explained a lot. No wonder she wasn’t afraid to fight him. Not only had she gone up against a god and lived, she was also a strong enough witch to bring her friend back to life. Instead of being put off by this news, it just excited him more. It also made him more determined to capture her for himself.

Irritated by the demon’s continued sniveling, Angelus tossed him back towards the minions. "Lock him back up." Standing, Angelus headed for his bedroom. "And feed him. I may want more answers later."

Reaching his room, Angelus tossed his clothes over the chair before lying down on the bed. Closing his eyes, he replayed what it felt like to have the witch under him, the smell of her desire surrounding him as she moaned in pleasure. His hand slid down his stomach until it reached his throbbing cock.

Once he had her he was going to chain her to his bed and keep her there until she was addicted to him. His hand on his cock tightened, stroking harder, as his mind was filled with images of the redhead spread-eagle under him. He could taste the sweet nectar dripping from her core, hear her screaming his name over and over as he took her to the edge and kept her there until she admitted she was his. Then, and only then, would he enter her, pumping hard into her, sending her into one orgasm after another until the only thing she could see, or hear, or think about was him. Groaning, Angelus’ back arched as he began to cum.

Once his body had calmed, Angelus opened his eyes and stared unseeingly at the ceiling as he made plans. The first thing he had to do was get her use to his touch. Judging by her reaction earlier that shouldn’t be too hard. A wicked grin carved his face as he realized tomorrow night, with a little maneuvering, would give him the perfect opportunity.
