Bloody Hell

Sequel to: Hell is for Children

Author: Janet Lynn


Rating: NC-17

Pairing: A/G/W

Disclaimer: All things BtVS belong to Joss Whedon, et al. Not mine, please don't sue me.  I just like to play.

Distribution: Shara Nesu's Place. If anyone else wants it, just ask.  I'm generous.

Spoilers:  BtVS through "Beauty and the Beasts".

Summary: Willow decides to put her foot down, so to speak.

Author's Notes: This is my sister Stephanie's fault.  She has been betaing for me and requested a naked Giles fic and I wrote Welcome... and Hell is for Children.

A/N 2: This is the end of this series.  I guess I'll call it the Hell trilogy.  It certainly has been a fun ride.  Let me know what you think.

Warning:  Again, very dark.  Includes torture.  You have been warned.

<> indicates thought.



Willow woke up slowly.  At first, she was unsure where she was, but as she stretched, a dull ache reminded her of the day's previous activities.  Her eyes popped open as she realized she was laying on Giles warm chest.  Immediately, she was greeted by the warm brown eyes of the vampire lying on the side opposite her.

"Angel?" she whispered, trying not to wake the sleeping man under her.

The dark vampire simply nodded his head at the girl's question.

Willow smiled at the return of her friend and sighed heavily before trying to extricate herself from the bed without waking the watcher.  She walked into the bathroom and after relieving herself, she reentered the room, not finding the vampire anywhere.  She walked around the bed and found him sitting on the floor in a submissive position.

"What are you doing?" she whispered.

Angel slowly looked from Willow to Giles and then back at Willow again, wondering what to say.  Finally, he said "Waiting for someone to tell me what to do."

Willow smiled.  It didn't seem fair that Giles got to be the one in charge all the time.  Maybe it was time for someone else to take the reigns, so to speak.

She looked down at the kneeling vampire and simply said, "Follow me."

Angel's eyes got bigger when he heard the sharp tone in the young girl's voice.  He followed without hesitation.

Willow silkily walked into the foyer of the mansion and stopped in front of the black bag Giles had brought with him.  She turned to see the vampire crawling behind her.

"Come here, Puppy" she purred.  The vampire immediately moved to her side and nuzzled her leg.  Willow slowly wrapped her fingers in his hair and stroked the scalp of the purring vampire at her side.

"I don't think it was very nice of Mr. Giles to be so mean to us, do you Puppy?" she asked with an evil smirk on her face.  Angel simply replied by shaking his head.

"Me neither" she said.  "I think we need to teach someone a little lesson.  What do you think?"  She looked down into the eyes of the vampire at her feet.  He slowly began to smile as he saw the intent in the green eyes of the redhead above him.  His smirk grew to rival hers.

Seeing the acknowledgement in Angel's eyes, Willow crouched down to pull out the supplies she would need to complete her plan.  As she pulled out several items and smiled at Angel before motioning him towards the bedroom.

Once inside, Willow set several of the items on the bedside table before turning towards the sleeping man on the bed.  She motioned to the vampire to remain quiet while she prepared the plan.  First, Willow held four scarves in her hand and quietly whispered an incantation over them.  Once she was finished, she handed two of them to the vampire on the other side of the bed.

Quickly and quietly, the two began to secure the watcher to the bed.  After he was tied by both wrists and ankles, Willow motioned for the vampire to wake their captive.

Angel leaned down and began to softly lick the man's small nipples until he felt him begin to stir.  Knowing he was waking up, the vampire began to increase his ministrations.  Giles began to moan at the feelings the vampire was causing and went to reach out to grab the sable hair.  He was surprised that his hand wouldn't move as he wished.

"What the hell?" he asked, his eyes flying open in confusion.  He looked up to see the vampire leaning over him, continuing his actions and the redhead standing by the bed, with an evil smirk on her face.  "Willow, what exactly do you think you are doing?"

"Just repaying the favor, Ripper" she said, reaching down to run the fingers through the large expanse of chest hair before her.  "You got to be the punisher.  I think it's time you got some punishment."

Giles was in shock.  He couldn't believe this was happening. <Willow is going to punish me?>   He didn't know whether he should be excited or scared.

Willow looked down at the restrained man on the bed and smiled as she reached over and picked up the riding crop she had placed there.  She held it up and smiled at the way it felt in her hands.  "I found this in the bag in the foyer.  I thought maybe we would see what this could do."

"Willow" the watcher whispered and he pulled against the scarves.

"Don't bother, Ripper" she giggled.  "I magically enhanced them, so you won't be able to break free until I'm ready.  So are you ready?"

Giles just looked up at her in surprise as she raised the crop swiftly and brought it down expertly across his chest.  Angel sat back at the sound of the leather against the skin of the man next to him.

Giles cried out at the pain against his chest.  He opened his eyes and looked at the girl above him, tears forming in his eyes.  For a split second, Willow felt bad.  But then she remembered that he didn't pause when he was punishing her, so why should she feel bad. She looked at Angel and said, "Feel free to do what you'd like, Puppy.  I'm sure you have a few things you would like to.repay him for, hum?"

Both the watcher and the vampire's eyes grew wide at the comment, but Angel didn't waste anytime getting to work on Giles.  He began to lick the watcher's muscular legs, nibbling slightly every now and then.  Willow looked at the eager vampire and smiled.

"He's remarkable isn't he?" Willow asked the watcher.  "But I guess you already knew that?  Are you ready?"

"Yes" the watcher moaned at the vampire's actions and suddenly intrigued by the girl's suggestion.

The redheaded witch smiled and brought the riding crop up again and began to rain down harsh blows across the Englishman's chest and abdomen.  She would deliver two or three harsh blows and then pause to allow the vampire to work his way up to lick the wounds.  Giles moaned each time the velvet tongue made contact with the welts.  The coolness of his tongue was both soothing and invigorating.  Once Angel was satisfied with the marks, he would move back down to the watcher's thighs where he would lick and bite the skin there.

Every once in a while, Angel would slip into game face and gently pierce the skin and allow the blood to pool at the surface.  The vampire savored the taste of the blood and growled lightly against the skin.

Willow was enjoying herself.  She had never felt a rush like this before.  The power of knowing she could do anything to these two men in front of her was intoxicating.  She decided she'd had enough.

"Puppy" she said in a husky voice.  "That's enough."

Angel bent down and licked the last of the small wounds clean, waiting for the redhead to tell him what to do next.

"It looks like someone enjoyed themselves" she smiled down at the large erection laying proudly on the watcher's stomach.  "How else do you think we can tease our little friend here, Angel?"

The vampire just sat and watched the girl climb over the prone form of the human still tied to the bed.  She straddled his chest, rubbing her warm cinnamon colored curls against him.  Giles moaned, praying she would give him release soon.

"Puppy" Willow moaned, enjoying the feeling of the watcher's chest hair against her sensitive clit.  "Lay down on your back."

Angel immediately complied with the request.  He took in an unnecessary breath as the redhead crawled off the Englishman and straddled his hips.

"Giles" she whispered, her eyes still locked on the deep brown ones of the vampire.  She felt the watcher turn his head towards her.  "I want you to watch as I fuck Angel.  That's what you do, right? Watch."

Both men groaned as Willow slowly lowered herself onto Angel's hard cock.  As she took him all the way inside, she gasped at the feeling.  After a moments pause to adjust to his size, Willow began to slowly rise and lower herself on the waiting vampire.

"Touch me, Angel" she whispered.

Angel's hands seemed to move of their own volition.  He started on her thighs and moved up, ghosting over her hips and stomach. Slowly, they made their way to her breasts where he squeezed and pinched them tenderly.  Willow let out a wanton moan and sped up her thrusts, making sure to rub her clit on his pelvic bone.

Giles thought this was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.  They were beautiful.  Both pale and soft, but hard and toned.  The beating was a piece of cake. This was torture.

Willow giggled, practically feeling the watcher's gaze on her.  "Enjoying the show, Ripper?" she asked.

"You're killing me Willow" he moaned.

"I wouldn't kill you.  I haven't finished with you yet."

Willow groaned at the feeling building in her belly.  She knew she was close, but she didn't want to cum without Angel.

"Angel" she whispered.  "Gonna cum.  Want you to cum too."

"You have to give him permission" Giles groaned, caught up in the scene before him.

"Puppy, I want you to cum, now" Willow commanded.

"Yes!" Angel cried, cumming hard inside the young redhead, arching his back and thrusting hard against Willow's clit.

"Angel" she cried.  Wave after wave of intense pleasure flowed over the young girl.  It wasn't just the incredible sexual gratification, but the feeling of power she had over the two men with her that gave her such a wonderful sense of euphoria.

Slowly coming down from her climax, Willow slumped forward to rest her head against Angel's cool, smooth chest.  The vampire reached up and held the panting girl until her breathing returned to normal.

Willow turned her head and smirked at the man watching her with unrestrained passion.  She giggled at the look in his eyes.

"What's the matter, Ripper" she cooed.  "You're not frustrated, are you?"

"Willow" he gasped.  "Please.  Don't leave me like this."

The young witch was surprised by the man's impassioned plea.  "How could we not help him, Angel?  He looks so sad."

Willow climbed off the vampire and leaned over the watcher to reach something on the bedside table on the other side of the bed.  Giles moaned as the pale flesh was so close to his mouth but not close enough.  Willow giggled again at the Englishman's desperation. With the item she wanted firmly clutched in her hand, she leaned her face down close to the watchers and asked him, "Do you want to be fucked, Giles?"

"Oh god yes" he moaned.  He was surprised when he heard her say, "Puppy.  You heard him.  He wants to be fucked."

Both men's eyes flew open at Willow's command.  She smirked at Angel and nodded to him.  He wasted no time moving down between the watchers legs.

"Wait Angel" Willow whispered before he could get into position. Giles practically sighed in relief.  "I have something to do first."

Giles eyes grew wide as he felt Willow reach down and slip a leather cock ring snugly around the base of his extremely hard cock.

"Willow!" he cried out as she tightened the restraint.

"We wouldn't want you to cum too soon" she whispered.  "Ok, Puppy. Just remember, show him the same courtesy as he showed you."

Angel nodded and reached to the floor to find the previously discarded bottle of lube.  Covering first his fingers and then his returning erection, he reached for the watcher's puckered hole.

Giles groaned at the feeling of the vampire's cool finger entering him.  <At least he's preparing me> he thought.  It had been a long time since he had been taken by anyone and he knew that the vampire was substantial in size.  He hoped he would be able to take him without tearing.  But he was so hard, at the moment, he really didn't care.

Willow watched the interaction between the two men and moaned. Angel was so beautiful preparing the watcher for his cock.  She began to trail her fingers over her stomach and up to her breasts. Slowly teasing herself, Willow suddenly had an idea.

"Puppy" she whispered.  "Now.  Take him now."

She watched as Angel's eyes glazed over with passion as he pulled himself up to position his hard cock at the watcher's waiting entrance.  As he rose up, Willow positioned her wet center over the prone man's mouth facing the vampire.  At the same time, Angel sunk into the man's warm heat and Willow lowered onto his waiting mouth.

Giles groaned at the sensation of both his lovers on him.  Willow and Angel looked into each others eyes as they moved on the watcher.  Giles' tongue was sheer heaven for Willow, first plunging into her center, then sneaking up to flick her clit and then move back again.  Every once in a while, he would pull back his head enough to lick around her puckered rosebud opening before moving back to her clit.

Angel was thrusting lazily, enjoying the warm tightness around him. As he saw the urgent look in Willow's eyes, he began to increase his thrusts.  He wanted to reach his orgasm with her.

Giles cried out as he felt Angel increase his thrusts and hit that special spot inside.  Each trust caused an electric spark shot throughout his loins.  Both Willow and Angel became frantic in their moves and, as they both reached their peak, they leaned toward each other and clashed in a demanding kiss.  Their cries were muffled by their dueling tongues as their release was spent on the restrained watcher.

Willow began to giggle as she heard the Englishman's strained cry from below her.  She looked at Angel with a sparkle in her eye as she said, "Well, Angel.  Do you think Giles has been good enough to cum?"

Angel only nodded his head as he looked down at the man's erection. It looked extremely painful and he felt bad for the man.  He watched with awe as Willow reached down and removed the leather restraint. Instantly, Giles let out a shout and erupted ropes and ropes of thick release.

Finally spent, Giles completely collapsed onto the bed, moaning, crying "Bloody hell!" sounding remarkably like Spike.

Willow just giggled as she snuggled on the right side of the watcher as Angel pulled out and snuggled next to his left side.

"Yes, Giles" the dark vampire whispered as he snuggled in to sleep.  "It most certainly is."

