Hell is for Children

Sequel to: Welcome to my Own Personal Version of Hell

Author: Janet Lynn

Email: janet324@attbi.com

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: A/G/W

Disclaimer: All things BtVS belong to Joss Whedon, et al. Not mine,
please don't sue me.  I just like to play.

Distribution: Shara Nesu's Place. If anyone else wants it, just
ask.  I'm generous.

Spoilers:  BtVS through "Beauty and the Beasts".

Summary: Giles and Angel have shared in hell.  Then a visitor shows

Author's Notes: This is my sister Stephanie's fault.  She has been
betaing for me and requested a naked Giles fic and I wrote
Welcome...then several people asked for a sequel and this is what I
came up with.  Let me know if you think it is worthy of the first.

The song "Hell is for Children" is by Pat Benatar.

Warning:  Again, very dark.  Includes torture.  You have been warned.

<> indicates thought.


She stood in front of the mansion, unsure whether or not she should
enter.  She knew Buffy had been there and left the ring.  She had
told her so.  But she hadn't seen him yet.  Had something gone
wrong?  Did she mess up another spell?  She had to know what
happened.  So against her better judgment, she quietly entered the
mansion and looked for the man she had summoned from hell.

Looking around the empty house, Willow was amazed that the place had
remained so clean after being abandoned for so long.  As she looked
around, she suddenly noticed a large black bag discarded in the
middle of the foyer.  She walked towards it tentatively and peeked
inside to see what was hidden within.

Angel had felt the presence enter the mansion as soon as it passed
over the threshold.  Waking in full puppy mode, he knew he had to
protect his master.  So, quietly and stealthily, he made his way
from the bedroom and out into the main area of the mansion.

Suddenly, he saw a small figure huddled over Master's bag, poking
around in things that didn't belong to her.  Without thinking, the
dark vampire launched himself at the young redhead and knocked her
to the ground.

Willow barely got out a shout of surprise as she was knocked to the
ground.  She had been so caught up in her inventory of the contents
of the bag that she had never even heard anyone in the room with her.

Looking up into the face of her attacker, Willow gasped.  "Angel?"
she whispered as she slowly brought her hand up to the vampire's
face.  He was in full vamp mode and Willow noted that he had a wild,
feral look in his eyes.  "Angel, is it really you?"  She felt tears
well up in her eyes as she looked into the face of the man she felt
she had sent to hell.

Angel was confused by this girl.  She seemed familiar, and she
called him something.  It was something he should know, he was sure,
but somehow it was beyond his understanding.

"Angel" Willow whispered through her tears.  "You're hurting me."
Angel had snatched her hands away from his face and held them
tightly in his own as he covered her with his naked body.  Willow
was surprised by his nakedness, but at the same time, it aroused
her.  She had always had a crush on the attractive man.  How could
she not?  He was male perfection. But he was Buffy's boyfriend and
she shouldn't be attracted to her best friend's boyfriend.

But right now, with his nakedness was so close to her, she couldn't
help but be aroused.  Such a fine layer of fabric separated them;
Willow could swear she could feel the coolness of his skin through

The dark vampire tilted his head as he smelled something familiar.
It surrounded him like a warm blanket and stirred something within
him.  He buried his nose in the girl's hair as he inhaled her
intoxicating scent.  He made his way down the front of her trembling
body until he arrived at the source of the scent.

Pushing up her skirt with his teeth and burying his nose against the
wet cotton fabric, Angel let out a demanding, feral growl.  She
smelt so good; he had to taste her.now.

Willow cursed herself for forgoing tights before leaving for the
evening as she felt Angel nuzzle her burning center with his nose.
She bit back a moan as the vibrations from his growl sent shivers
all the way up her spine.

Hearing the girl's repressed moan, the vampire knew he could not
wait any longer.  He placed his fangs at the edges of the cotton
fabric and tore it away violently from his prize.

Willow jerked at the sudden motion but was surprised that it only
managed to increase her arousal.

Once the barrier was removed, Angel dove into the warm cleft with a
passion.  Still holding the writhing girl's hands tightly, he lapped
at the intoxicating liquid as though it were the sweetest nectar.
In his need to consume her, Angel's fangs scraped the delicate lips
of Willow's sex.  As the blood from the cuts began to mix with the
juice from her core, his actions became more frenzied.  He felt as
though he was losing himself in her.

Willow was in pure ecstasy at the feeling of the cool tongue against
her warm core.  She was so close to the strongest orgasm of her
young life when she heard someone speaking.

"Now, now" the familiar voice chided.  "I don't believe I gave you
permission to play with my puppy."

Willow looked up in total shock to see a very angry, very naked

"Puppy!" he snapped.  When he did, Angel's head jerked up from its
resting place to look at the watcher.  "Come here."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Angel crawled over to the
Englishman and knelt at his feet clutching the man's leg tightly.

"What are you doing here, Willow?" Giles questioned seductively.
The tone of his voice surprised her and she answered with a shaky

"I was looking for Angel."

"Why?" the watcher asked as he let his hand wander down to play with
vampire's dark hair.  "How did you know he was here?"

"I did a spell to bring him back."

"What did you do?" Giles shouted, shaking the girl to the core.

"I.I felt terrible." She started, her voice shaking and barely above
a whisper.  "I gave him his soul back just before Buffy had to send
him to hell.  It was my fault he was in hell with a soul.  I
couldn't live knowing that he was going through eternal torment
because of me."

"He'll go through plenty, Willow" he replied with a smirk.  "With or
without you.  What are you leaving out?  What aren't you telling me?"

"I decided to wait until I thought Buffy had moved on" Willow
whispered.  "When I did the restoration spell, I felt a connection
to him.to his soul."

"So what brought him back?" the watcher questioned, intrigued by
this slip of a girl.

"Buffy came and left the claddagh that Angel had given her" she
whispered.  "That was the catalyst to bring him back."

"Bring him back to you?" Giles asked with a leer on his face.  "That
is why you brought him back, isn't it?"

"No" Willow protested.  "Well, maybe.I don't know."  She began to

"Well, Willow" Giles said, never moving his hand from the vampire's
hair.  "Doing spells without the proper supervision and playing with
the puppy without permission seem like very serious crimes indeed.
I think someone needs to be punished."

"Punished?" the redhead cried as she sat up, suddenly realizing that
she was still spread open the prying eyes of Angel and Giles.  "But
Giles." she pleading, but was stopped short when he simply raised
his free hand, silencing her.

"Don't force my hand on this Willow" he whispered seductively.  "You
have been bad and now you need to be punished.  Now, stand and

Willow was shocked and embarrassed.  She didn't know what to do.
She looked back and forth between Giles and Angel, trying to decide
whether or not he was serious.  She felt tears again rise up as she
realized that he was.  Both his and Angel's nakedness seem to
confirm that.  Slowly she got to her feet and began to remove her
clothes.  As pale flesh was exposed, inch by inch, both Angel and
Giles began to feel their own arousal increasing.

Giles moaned inwardly as he watched the girl do as he said without
question and felt the hands of the vampire run up and down his leg
in anticipation.

Once she was naked, Giles simply nodded his head and motioned for
her to follow him.  She walked to where he led and Angel followed
behind on his hands and knees.  He stopped and turned to her and
simply said, "Arms up."

Willow raised her arms and was surprised when Giles clamped the
manacles around her wrists.  Her eyes grew wide at the thought of
the physical punishment promised by her position.  The watcher
walked over to the previously forgotten bag and began to rummage
around inside for something specific.  Finding the switch, he pulled
it swiftly from the bag and whipped it around his body to get used
to feel again.

Angel whimpered as he saw Master wielding around the implement.  He
remembered his own punishment and hoped that the tasty girl's
punishment would be as delightful as his own.

Noticing the look of desire in the dark brown eyes, Giles
said, "Puppy!  Stand in front of Willow."

Angel quickly complied and stood facing the redhead.

"Arms up" the Englishman commanded.  "Grab the chains."

The vampire complied quickly.  Willow was amazed at the feeling of
the vampire's naked body pressed against her own.  The coolness of
his chest rubbing against her nipples and feeling his erection
pressed against her belly caused her to moan wantonly.

"Now, now Willow" Giles whispered, now pressed against her
back.  "We haven't even yet begun."

With that, he stepped back and delivered a stinging blow to her
round buttocks.  She cried out in pain and arched her body into the
vampire.  Giles gave her two more well placed blows before moving on
to vampire.  When he struck Angel he howled, but Willow could not
tell if it was in pleasure or in pain.

Giles spent the better part of an hour alternating between whipping
his two captives and licking at the marks he had deliciously made.
Finally, they were all panting and the young girl's legs were
threatening to give out and refuse to support her weight anymore.
The watcher hurled the switch across the room and grabbed the
vampire by his dark hair.  He pulled his head back harshly and
attacked the cool mouth with raw passion.  Willow gasped watching
this erotic display.  Hearing her gasp, Giles turned and did the
same to her.  She felt as though she were melting in his arms.

The watcher quickly located the key and released the girl from her
bonds.  He turned to Angel and whispered "Carry her to the bed,
Puppy but don't start without me."

The dark vampire did as he was told and gently lifted her trembling
form to carry her to the bedroom.  Once inside the room, he laid her
tenderly on the silk sheets and knelt at the end of the bed, waiting
his Master's return.

"Angel" Willow whispered to the vampire.  He seemed so distant and
so quiet.  She didn't understand why Giles kept calling him
puppy.  "Angel" she tried again.

"Don't bother" Giles said as he walked in holding a bottle in his
hand.  "He is still having some of orientation problems since you
brought him out of hell.  He will come out when he's ready."  He
smiled as he reached down and began to pet the man's head
again.  "But right now, it's time for the pleasure to compensate for
the pain."

He smiled as he walked over to where Willow was laying on the bed.
He slowly pushed her down onto the bed so that she was on her back.
He hovered over the young witch and brushed her lips with his own in
just a whisper of a kiss.  He whispered against her lips, "Doesn't
the pain of the marks just feel delicious against the silk sheets,
little one?"

Willow could only nod her head.  She was confused by so many
conflicting feelings and now Giles has torturing her with his husky

"You brought Angel back from hell" he continued as his fingertips
ghosted down her neck toward her breasts.  "What were you planning
on doing with him when you found him?"

"I don't." Willow trailed off as he teased first one then the other
pert pink nipple.

"Puppy" Giles called and immediately the eager vampire was at his
side.  "You've been such a good puppy that I think you deserve a
treat, would you like that?"

Angel only whimpered and nuzzled his face into the watchers neck.
Giles rose from the redhead's body and slowly guided the vampire
between her slightly parted legs.  "Open up, Willow" he whispered
gently.  "He won't hurt you, will you Puppy?"

Angel shook his head furiously, answering his master quickly.  Giles
positioned the vampire's hard cock at the redhead's warm entrance
and whispered encouragement to both his trembling lovers.  Slowly,
the dark vampire entered the young witch with a moan.  The
connection he felt with her when he tasted her was suddenly
increased two fold.  He felt as though her soul was part of his own.

Currently having no control, Angel moved slowly in and out of
Willow's warm channel as he fought to keep his human face to the
fore.  He knew Master would not be happy if this was over too
quickly, but it felt so good.

As if he could feel his tension, Giles began to stroke Angel's round
buttocks to try to calm him.  Feeling his master touching him so
tenderly, the vampire began to purr.  Willow was surprised that the
vampire could purr, but was so lost in the sensations he was
creating, she didn't think about it too long.

Giles knew that Willow and Angel would not be able to last very
long, if their moaning and panting were any indication.  So he
pulled out the bottle of lube he had brought with him from the other
room and generously covered his own hard cock and fingers.  Getting
in position behind the thrusting vampire, he slowly entered first
one, then two fingers, preparing him for what Giles had planned.

Angel paused as he felt the watcher withdraw his fingers and place
his swollen cock head at his puckered hole.  Slowly, Giles pressed
forward and breeched the tight ring of muscle and entered the
moaning vampire.  For a moment, all three lovers paused, waiting for
someone to move.

Giles, being the apparent Master, took the lead and slowly pulled
out of the waiting vampire.  As Giles moved back, Angel pulled out
of Willow.  Suddenly, the watcher surged forward and forced the
vampire into the witch.  All three cried out in immense pleasure and
surprise.  He set a punishing rhythm for their lovemaking and soon
all three were close to orgasm.

Willow looked up through her lust filled eyes to see clarity in the
vampire's eyes.  He looked down at her and whispered, "Willow".

She smiled up at him and replied "Angel".

Giles smiled as he heard the exchange and pounded into his vampire
even harder.  Soon, the three people were screaming out their
combined orgasms and collapsed in a sweaty, panting mass.

They lay arranged on the bed with Giles in the middle surrounded by
one warm and one cool body.  As they lightly stroked each other in
the hazy aftermath of their coupling, Giles smiled thinking about
the last twenty four hours.

"What do we do now?" Willow whispered quietly, not sure if she
wanted to know the answer.

"Sleep" Angel whispered, too tired to say anything else.

"I think that's a good idea" Giles conquered as he headed toward a
well deserved rest.  Before he drifted off, he had to ask
Willow, "Why did you bring him back Willow? Honestly."

"Didn't you know Giles?" she giggled as she sang wobbly, "Hell is
for Children."

Giles simply shook his head at the strange reference and held the
girl closer as the three fell into a pleasant slumber, tangled with
each other in more ways than one.

~The End~
