
Author: Jinni


Distribution: SlashWhores, anyone who has my other stuff can have this too. All others - please ask.

Disclaimer: Not mine. All Joss and Co.'s

Summary: A sequel to Tienco's "Today" which was, in turn, a sequel to my "Yesterday".

Dedicated to my partner in crime - Tienco! (Psst...AngPet - WaNkEr!!)

Feedback: Pretty, pretty please?



Five years and six months.

Thats how long it had been since the day Xander found out Willow wasn't dead. Five long years of blissful happiness in the arms of one of the most handsome men to walk the face of the earth. Half a decade of making love to Angel under the stars. Two thousand and seven days of tramping around the world with his undead friends and lover.

Five happy years...and tonight would change it all for the better.

Xander looked at himself in the mirror over his sink, his gaze intense. To the casual observer it would look like the young man was just lost in thought. Everyone who knew him would know differently though. They would know that he was memorizing every line, ever nuance of the face he would never again see in a mirror. Never again would he look into his own chocolate eyes, never again would he see himself smiling - unless in a sketch by his lover.

He ran a hand back through his dark, spikey hair, watching as the strands fell haphazardly across his forehead. A slow smile graced his face. Never again seeing himself was a small price to pay to spend the rest of eternity in Angel's arms.

Tonight it would all happen.

He could hear his lover setting up in the bedroom. Willow and Spike were somewhere in the house, too, he knew. They had come to see him into his death, to make sure that nothing went wrong. After five years Spike was as much of his best friend as Willow was and Xander wouldn't have it any other way. He knew that the Sunnydale group mourned for him in the same way they mourned for Willow - he had disappeared never to return after her funeral.

It was better that way. None of them would be able to handle the truth. That he had been sleeping with Angel and that Willow was a vampire. It was so much better just to let them mourn and move on with their lives. Happy little lives of ignorant bliss.

Taking one last look at his appearance, Xander turned away from the mirror. With a deep breath he opened the bathroom door, stepping into the candle-lit bedroom he had shared with his lover for the past three years of their relationship. The curtains were tacked tight against the walls, their heavy folds keeping out any stray rays of sunlight. The walls had been painted in a deep Bordeaux, accents of cream bringing out the pale roses in the matching carpet. The bed was a dark mahogany, the posts rising almost all the way to the ceiling and draped at the top with bits of burgundy silk. Iron candelabras on either side of the room sat in wall holders, the cream colored candles casting shadows around the altogether medieval looking room.  

Xander paused, remembering the nights he had been tied to the bed, held by nothing other than his love for his mate and the silk around his wrists. Those nights would take on a whole new dimension after he was turned. He would know what it was like to have a demon fighting him, wanting to break the bonds and ravage his mate. The idea didn't frighten him in the least, as attested by the slight bulge in his baggy sweat pants.

"Excited?" Angel purred, coming to stand behind his lover with nary a whisper of sound. He ran light hands over the mortal's bare shoulders and then down his arms.

Xander licked his lips, smirking. "In more ways that one, lover." He grabbed his mate's hand, guiding it down to his now straining erection.

The vampire grinned, rubbing lightly over the hardening bulge as he licked at the fine sheen of sweat covering his lover's neck. "No time for that now...." He bit down gently on the young man's neck, not piercing the flesh, but still making his presence known. "Plenty of time later, though."

Xander chuckled. "Yeah, Deadboy. A whole eternity of time to spend in bed." The boy sighed in disappointment when his lover's hand was pulled away. He turned, pouting at the older man.

Angel smirked at his mate's blatant display of childishness. He raised his eyebrows playfully. "Well what else do you think we'll do during the day?"

Grinning, the young man turned away from his lover, walking to the bed and sitting on the edge. The distinct smell of vanilla was in the air and Xander knew the vampire had done that to sooth his senses. He could see a small table set up near the bed with the ingredients for the soul restoration spell. Everything seemed to have been taken care of. Except... "Where are Wills and Blondie?"

Angel shrugged. "Guest room last time I checked. Willow said something about the idea of you being one of us turning her on and I haven’t seen them since." He chuckled softly. "They both thought it was best for this to just be between me and you - no onlookers."

The young man took a moment to think on his Sire-to-be's words then nodded. He was right, as usual. This was going to be a moment for the two of them and only the two of them. He wanted to bask in his lover's presence by himself without anyone gawking or watching or, knowing Willow and Spike, shagging in the background. He smiled as his lover joined him on the bed. “So…”

The vampire grinned. “Are you ready for this, my love? We can wait if you’re not. I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything.”

Xander chuckled. “The last thing I feel is pressured. Maybe nervous…a little scared….definitely horny. But not pressured.” He groaned softly, leaning back to allow his straining cock to push straight in the air, only the thin cloth of his sweats keeping it hidden from view. “You sure you don’t want to….you know…before you turn me? One more time as a living breathing human and all that?”

“You said those exact same words two hours ago, Xan,” Angel purred. He leaned down to kiss his lover lightly on the lips before sliding down his body to kneel at the foot of the bed. Hands on Xander’s hips, the vampire guided the mortal to the edge of the mattress, pulling down his sweats to expose the mortal’s already weeping shaft. “Maybe you’re right though….just one more taste.”

The human moaned as the soft, cool lips of his lover surrounded his thick shaft. His fingers unconsciously twined in the vampire’s dark hair, urging his mouth lower on the swollen rod. His breath came in short ragged gasps as the silky mouth of his mate began to slide along his throbbing shaft. He knew he could die at that moment and still die the happiest man on the face of the earth – that was the effect Angel’s mouth had on him.

Angel reached a hand up to gently knead his mate’s heavy sac. He squeezed firmly but painlessly at the human’s balls, delighting in the groans of ecstasy pouring from Xander’s mouth. He pulled off of the cock in front of him, lubing one of his fingers with the mixture of spit and pre-cum coating the boy’s shaft. Then he returned to his actions, this time slipping a finger into the tight muscles of the mortal’s ass.

Xander cried out as Angel’s finger entered him. He moaned, knowing he couldn’t hold off his orgasm for very long. His shifted, trying to thrust into the finger sliding so easily in and out of his ass. He wanted it to be something else – Angel’s cock, but wouldn’t have the vampire stop the blowjob even for that. “Angel….”

The vampire looked up as his lover cried out his name, sucking more firmly on the young man’s hard rod. He felt the muscles in Xander’s ass clench around his finger and then the boy’s warm seed was spilling into his mouth. Angel swallowed spurt after spurt of his lover’s cum, allowing it to glide down the back of his throat as he watched Xander’s face contort with the pleasure of his orgasm.

Without letting him come down from the high he was on, Angel licked one more time at the softening shaft in front of him before placing his hands on the boy’s hips. He spread open Xander’s legs a little farther, tracing the large vein running along the inside of his thigh. Face slipping, Angel leaned down, running a tongue along the blood vessel before sinking his fangs in deep.

Xander cried out, the pain of the bite agony before the pleasure of his mate’s embrace took him away from it all. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to quietly surrender to the creature he had given his heart and soul to for almost six years. It was as if he could hear his own heart beating, the rhythmic pulsing slowing down gradually as he blood leaked out of his body and into the greedy mouth of his lover. He knew he was dying, the thought slow and sluggish with a lack of blood flowing into his brain.

Angel pulled away as he felt his lover breathe his last breath, tearing into his wrist and placing the wound across the already cooling lips. Fear made his chest tight as he waited for Xander to take just one swallow – one would be all it took to start the transformation. Just one little sip of his blood would start his lover down the path of becoming his Childe. “Drink, Xan….come on….just swallow…”

Finally, the human’s lips moved on their own accord, fastening to the bleeding wrist. The dying youth swallowed, taking his first gulp of the substance that would rule him for the rest of his life. Angel let out a breath he didn’t know he had really been holding, caressing his mate’s forehead as he let the fledgeling drink his fill. “That’s right, lover. Drink…”

When he fell back on the bed with a final dying sigh, Angel stood from the bed, wrapping a scrap of cloth around his torn wrist. It would heal soon, but there was no sense spilling blood all over the place in the mean time. He stood before the table littered with ingredients for the soul restoration, lighting the incense and lifting the paper. He glanced at the Orb of Thessulah, amazed yet again that one fragile ball could restore someone’s soul to them. He read the words quickly, the spell like second nature to him after years of studying it. The orb flared brightly, the glow blinding him for a moment.

It was done.

Xander would wake soon. To live this life that he had brought him into. To make him the happiest vampire on the face of the earth for the rest of his unlife. Angel smiled softly, looking down into the deadly still face of his lover and mate. “Sleep well.” He kissed his forehead lightly before walking out of the room. He leaned against the closed door for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing on down the hall.

Time to tell Spike and Wills…a new Childe had been ‘born’.  


Angel was at Xander’s side in an instant when he felt his newest Childe wake. He looked down into the sparkling brown eyes of his lover and grinned. “How do you feel?”

“Umm…” Xander snickered, sitting up. “I’d say dead. But that’s a lie. I feel the same. Except,” He frowned, tilting his head to the side as if listening to something. “There’s something yelling at me. Weird.” He grinned at his lover.

The older vampire chuckled. “That would be the demon.” The changes in his lover were multiple. Just the way he presented himself as he sat there was different from the human he had been just a few hours ago. He was already more confident and sure of himself. That was one good thing the demon could do for him - take away all his self-doubt.

“Damn thing’s annoying.” Xander smirked. “Wills and Spike still here?”

“Still shagging last time I checked.” Truth was, they had barely stopped long enough to hear how the turning had gone before Willow had declared that the thought of Xander being turned still got her all hot. Then it was back to fucking.

“No we’re not, you ponce.” Spike drawled from the doorway. “We stopped the second we heard you run down the hall.” He laughed outright as Willow pushed past him, pouncing into the bed with the two dark haired vampires.

“Oh. Spikey. Didn’t I tell you? He’s just marvelous…” Willow licked her lips, grinning up at her best friend as she laid sprawled across his lap. She rolled, looking at Angel. “I can play with him sometime, right? As long as you and Spike are there.”

“That’s up to him, little one.” Angel grinned. The idea of the four of them joining together didn’t sound all that bad. His demon didn’t mind sharing its mate with the rest of his family. “But not for a while. I want to enjoy him.”

“Selfish!” Willow laughed, sitting up. She pushed herself off of the bed, returning to her own mate. “Well…we’re going back to the guest room now. I would suggest lots of sex. Show him what its like to be truly one of us…”

Xander stared after his red haired friend, mouth hanging open in a wide grin. He shook his head, groaning as he leaned back. The ideas her words had inflicted upon him had left him with a very definite hard on. He looked at his Sire through half-closed eyes. “So, lover. Gonna show me what its like?”

Angel laughed, pushing his Childe onto his back. He nipped lightly at the younger vampire’s neck, smirking at the moan of pleasure he elicited. “Definitely.”  

**End Fic **
