Love Sunnydale Style

Author: Wildchild

Pairing: W/A/B

Rating: NC17

Disclaimer: I do not own any one or anything, if I did Willow would be on Angel. My respect and admiration goes out to Joss of course and the actors who bring these characters to life and make me love them.


Feedback: PLEASE!!!!



Buffy and Angel had agreed not to see each other anymore at his request. Angel had admitted his true feelings for Willow and after a while Buffy had come to terms with it. Willow on the other hand had not.  She felt like Buffy disliked her because of Angel.

After being rejected by Willow Angel was making plans to leave Sunnydale. While he was packing he came across some stuff he thought Giles could use and decided to call him. Angel convinced Giles to come over with out telling him a reason. Always dependable Giles was knocking on his door ten minuets later. “Thanks for coming,” Angel smiled as he let him in.

“No problem. To be honest there was something about your tone of voice that was… well,” he took his glasses off, “It kind of concerned me.”

Angel forced a smile. Through the years he’d grown close to Giles and was going to miss the friendship they’d formed. He took a box of books from the hearth and sat them on the coffee table in front of Giles, “I thought you might like to have these. I know I won’t be using them and considering you live on a hellmouth and all I thought you might want them.”

He began looking through the books, “Oh my!” A look of sheer excitement crossed his face, “The Demon Anthologies of the First Century, The book of Slayers, How to Summon the Oracles of Light.” He sighed and looked at Angel, “I don’t know what to say, thank you, but why on earth would you give these away? You had to have risked your life to get them.”

He smiled, “I did that’s why I want you to have them. I know you will take care of them and use them for good.”

“Your speaking like your not going to be around anymore.” He paused, as Angel looked away, “Did Buffy do something? Angel, what ever it is it will work out. Don’t let her..”

“It’s not Buffy,” he interrupted. “Oddly enough she’s been very supportive. I thought she’d have staked me on the spot when I told her I was in love with Willow.”

“Then why are you leaving, I don’t understand.”

“Willow asked me to. She said I ruined her life and to get as far away from her as possible.” The broodiness full force in his body and voice, “She’s right. What could I have been thinking? I bring misery and death everywhere I go and I don’t want that for her.”

Giles was deflated, unable to breath. Even though Angel was over 200 years old he was like a son to him. After they got over the torture of Angeles they bonded and had become great friends learning from each other’s life experiences. “Where will you be going?” he asked, the sadness evident in his voice.

    Angel turned to face Giles, “I don’t know yet. I’ll give you a call when I get settled somewhere that way if big time evil happens you can give me a call.” He scuffled from one foot to the other, “Do something for me?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Keep Buffy safe, as safe as a Slayer can be and watch after Willow for me. Make sure she’s happy and safe.”

“I’ll do my best.” After a few moments of silence Giles spoke, “Are you going to tell everyone your leaving?”

“No. No one knows but you, got it?”

“Ye..yes,” he stuttered. “Will you be coming to the library tomorrow night?”

“I’ll be there. I want to help Buffy kill this thing before I go.”


As soon as the sun set the next afternoon Angel went to the Sunnydale High Library. The others were in full research mode by the time he got there. “It’s about time you showed up,” Buffy teased.

“Sorry the sun light is bad for my complexion.” Everyone but Willow laughed.

“I can’t believe it,” Cordelia grinned. “The vampire made a joke about skin!”

“He’s house broken too,” Xander added in attempt to show Cordelia how stupid she was. Angel couldn’t help but laugh.

His smile faded quickly when he saw Willow glare up at him, “We don’t need you here. Why don’t you go home!”

Everyone sat in quite shock at her explosion. “I asked him to come,” Giles finally spoke. “We need his help to kill this demon before it wipes out every girl in Sunnydale.”

“Fine he can help fight but now we are researching so he needs to go!”

“Willow,” Angel tried to offer her his reason for being there.

She shook her head no, “I don’t care about what you have to say Angel! You ruined my life and caused me to lose one of my best friends, I hate you!”

The look of pain on Angel’s face was obvious to even Xander. “Geeze Will, lighten up. Dead Boy just came by to help not to ruin your life.”

Buffy stared at Willow in astonishment, “What the hell is wrong with you?” Before she could tear into the red head she heard the doors swing shut, Angel was gone. She ran after him catching him just before he left the school, “Angel, wait!”

He sighed, “Buffy, please I just want to go home ok?”

“I don’t know what her problem is but please, don’t beat yourself up like this.”

“Like what?” he asked, pretending to be clueless.

“Ok, dense much? Like I don’t see how you feel. Angel, even Xander sees the pain.”

“Am I that obvious?”

“No,” she smiled, “But the pain is. It’s written on your face and in your eyes. Give her time and she’ll come around. I’ll talk to her and see what the problem is then you can work it out.”

“Why?” he asked, amazed at her offer.

“Because,” she smiled, “Your both my friends and I realized that we weren’t meant to be together. So, if I’m not the one for you nothing would make me happier then to see two of my best buds on the love train.”

He chuckled at her comment. “Thanks Buffy but please just leave it alone. She doesn’t want to be with me and I can’t blame her.”

Before Buffy could respond a girl came running into the school screaming. Her close were ripped and she was bleeding.


“Help! They’re trying to kill me! Please! Monsters! Help!”

All the screaming had brought the others into the hallway. “Who is trying to kill you?” Angel asked helping her set down.

“Big, ugly, monsters!”

“Please,” Giles soothed. “We need information on what they looked like, exactly and where they were. We will help you but you have to talk to us.”

She peered up at the group of people and squeezed Angel’s arm. “I promise you will be safe,” he smiled.

“B..big about ei..ei..eight fee..feet tall. G..g…grey slimy Big head..big head with things sticking out of it! Teeth, lots of teeth, three rows of teeth!”


“Bronze! Five of them!”

Angel motioned for Xander and Cordelia to help her to the library then turned back to Giles and Buffy, “It’s a Kelif Demon.”

“Dear God,” Giles sighed.

“Not good?” Buffy asked.

“Not good.” Angel answered. “They live on the essence of humans. They feed buy essentially gutting their victims and eating their insides, mostly the heart and brain because that contains the most essence. They tend to pull out every organ though, keeping the victim alive as long as possible. They take pleasure in the pain they cause.”

“Eww,” Buffy retorted. “How do I kill it?”

“Not it, them,” Angel reminded her. “You have to rip it’s heart out and tear it to pieces.”

“Again with the eww,” she shivered.

“It’s really not that hard to do. They have really thin skin on their chests so if you can keep away from their mouths it’s not that bad. Just be sure to destroy the heart as soon as it’s out of the body.”


They entered the Bronze prepared for battle. Giles was giving instructions to get the others to safety while Buffy and Angel fought the Kelif Demons. Angel kicked the first one in the back sending a spindly looking boy crashing to the floor. He was scared but not dead. The Kelif turned to him and started punching. As he had told Buffy they weren’t that strong so he easily beat him down and ripped his heart out then sliced it through with a dagger. Buffy was doing the same to her first one then another kicked the dagger from her hand. She looked more angry then scared and kicked the other in the head with a roundhouse. She punched her fist through it’s chest cavity pulling it’s still beating heart from it’s chest and stomping on it with her high heeled boots.

Everyone was safe and all the demons were gone but one. Angel had it laid across a pool table prepared to finish the job. He looked around the room and realized that things were ok then done something horrifying. He stood; freeing the Kelif he had pinned under him and threw his dagger on the pool table.

   “No!!!” Giles and Buffy screamed in unison.

The Kelif picked up the dagger and stabbed Angel through the heart. As Angel hit the floor Buffy was in front of the demon with her hand reaching through his chest to his heart. Ripping it out violently she crushed it in her massive grip until it exploded in her hand.

The gang was already at Angel’s side. Giles put his jacket under his head, “Why? Why did you do this?” he cried.

Cordelia looked at the blood pouring from Angel’s chest, “Ok, why is he bleeding he’s a vampire and why didn’t he go poof, he was stabbed in the heart?” Everyone cut her an evil glare. “What?”

Buffy was holding Angel’s hand, “Please do something Giles! Please! He has to be ok! Did you see what happened?”

“Yeah,” Xander chimed in. “It was like he let the demon kill him. Like he wanted it to.”

“He’s not dead!” Giles screamed startling everyone.

“He bloody well should be,” Spike chimed in from the back entrance. “That’s a Zion dagger and it should have killed him as soon as it penetrated his heart.”

“We have to do something,” Cordelia sighed. When everyone looked at her and saw tears streaming down her face they were shocked. “What? Angel has saved my butt just as much as he has everyone else’s. I kinda like the vampire ok?”

“We need to get him out of here,” Giles’ voice was still very shaky. “He’s not safe here in this weakened state. Everything will try to finish killing him so they can take dominance.”

“Someone is going to have to take that bloody knife out of his chest first. The longer it stays the less chance he has of ever waking up.”

Everyone looked at each other, no one wanting to pull the knife out in fear of the pain it will cause the souled vampire. Buffy rolled her eyes, “Wusses.” Wiping her tears she took the handle of the knife in both hands and pulled it out. More blood spilled from the gaping wound and Giles put his hand over it trying to apply enough pressure to stop it.

Willow walked inside; having finally got everyone out side treated for minor injuries and saw the most terrifying site of her life. Buffy was kneeling over Angel with a bloody dagger while the others watched on. “No!” she screeched and ran toward the blonde knocking her to the ground. In a fit of rage Willow unloaded vicious punches and kicks on her best friend. “How could you do it Buffy? How could you kill Angel? I hate you!”

Buffy knocked Willow on her ass and stood over her, “What? I didn’t kill Angel Willow! Besides, why are you acting so ‘jilted lover’ when you’re the one who broke his heart? You tore him to pieces and your going all Kathy Bates on me?”

Willow stood nose to nose with Buffy, “I love him! I’ve loved him for three years!”

“You sure have a funny way of showing it!”

“Faith told me about the prophecy so I couldn’t love him!”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Giles demanded as he stormed over to them.

Both girls stepped back from the seething man. “F…Faith told me that if I ever told Angel how I felt that he would lose his soul for ever and Angeles would turn the slayer and that they would rule. Plus Buffy loves Angel and she’s my best friend and I never want to hurt her or for her to hate me.. and.. and I thought I was doing the right thing by making him hate me I was trying to save the world from evil and it was so hard but I did it and now he’s gone!” Her babbling turned into hysterical sobs.

         Xander scooped her up and put her in Cordelia’s car while Spike, Buffy, Giles and Cordelia put Angel in Giles’ new convertible.


Everyone kept a constant vigil at Angel’s bedside. They all refused to leave him. Xander call his parents and told them he would be staying with Willow for a few days, Willow called her parents and told them she would be staying with Buffy and Buffy called her mom opting to tell her the truth. Much to their surprise she arrived at the mansion an hour later with medical supplies and groceries. Everyone but Willow went into the living room to do research on the Zion dagger and just why it was that Angel was still here.

Willow sat on the bed next to Angel, “I don’t know if you can hear me or not but I’m sorry Angel.” Her small body racked with sobs, “I want to be with you more then life it’s self but Faith told me she found a prophecy saying that if a red headed witch and a souled vampire ever,” she stopped. “I don’t know how but I’m going to make this up to you Angel. I will make you well again.” She kissed his sweated brow and sat in the chair to the right of the bed. Hap-heartedly she picked up a book that was setting on his nightstand and began to read.

A little after six a.m. Giles went into the kitchen, unpacked some of the first aid supplies and started towards Angel’s room. “Want some help with that?” a soft voice spoke from behind him.

He jumped, “Oh! You startled me.”

Joyce smiled, “Sorry.”

“Yes, help would be great.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“I know that Angel has a thing for Willow now, Buffy’s told me all about it and I was wondering if this was a good thing. I mean after Angel and Buffy were together he turned all evil on her and Willow is like my daughter too and I want her to be safe.”

He laughed at her babbling realizing just where Buffy had gotten it. “Angel’s soul is anchored now, he can’t lose it by being happy or content.” They walked in to the bedroom and saw Willow asleep in the chair. Giles covered her with a blanket then sat down on the bed next to Angel.

Joyce sat on the other side of the bed. She’d never been this close to him after she learned what he really was and couldn’t resist touching his face. “He’s burning up. I always thought he would be cool to the touch.”

“He should be,” Giles said anxiously. “Get me a cloth and cold water.” She rushed to the bathroom and straight back to his side placing one of the cold wet cloths on his head. Giles lowered the cover to Angel’s waist. The bandage covering the wound was soaked through with blood. He peeled it back and Joyce gasped. Giles took another cloth from the cold water and started cleaning the wound, “It’s bad.” Angel winced in pain from the watchers touch. Joyce took Angel’s hand in hers offering him support. When the wound was clean and dressed Giles put another cloth on Angel’s head and whispered, “Why? We need you Angel. How could you do this?”

“Because of me,” Willow sniffed.

“Come on red you can’t have all the credit,” Spike said walking into the room with a mug. “That stupid bint Faith was the one who should have her ass kicked.” He looked over at Joyce, “You may not want to watch this love.”

“Watch what?” she asked confused.

Giles went to her, “He’s going to try and feed him.”

“Oh.” She realized what he meant, “Oh! You mean blood.” He shook his head yes and Spike rolled his eyes. “I can take it,” she smiled. “I’ll be fine.”

Willow crawled up on the bed and helped Spike set Angel up enough for her to climb in behind him. She cradled him against her, holding his head so Spike could feed him. They could all tell that he was concerned for his sire. He took off his jacket, picked up the mug and sat back down next to Angel, “It’s like this peaches, I got this yummy human blood for you and you ARE going to drink it.”

“Spike!” Willow screeched. “Human blood?”

“Relax red, I got it from Willy’s.” She sighed in relief.

“Willy’s?” Joyce asked.

“I’ll explain later,” Giles assured her.

Spike held the mug to Angel’s mouth and dripped a small amount in. He seemed to swallow it down so he tried a bit more. Suddenly Angel began to cough violently covering the three of them with blood. Gently Willow and Spike rolled him on to his side so the blood could drain from his mouth. Spike stood up and threw the chair across the room as Willow held Angel and cried.


Two weeks had passed and Angel was still unconscious. His wound was healing but very slowly. The fact that he hadn’t fed for so long was also taking its toll. Willow couldn’t take it anymore. She had to do something.  Giles and Xander had gone to get more books to research; Buffy and Spike were in the underground talking to the dwellers in attempt to get useful information and Joy and Cordelia had went to the store. That would give Willow the time she needed to help Angle, if she was strong enough. She took a deep breath, “It doesn’t matter, I have to help him.” She went to work making a power circle with white sand. Placing candles at the four corners and a small pot of herbs in the center she began her chanting. A bright light engulfed her as she fell into a room. Her eyes were still adjusting to the light when she heard a garbled voice speak, “What makes you dare enter the realm of the powers Willow Rosenberg?” it demanded.

“You know name?” She asked nervously.

“Of course,” a female voice responded. “We know all.”

Mustering her courage, thinking of Angel she stood, “Good, then you know why I’m here and what you have to do.”

“What we have to do?” it yelled! “We are not the ones who caused this! We did not make this happen!”

Tears streamed down her face, “I know. I’m the one who made it happened. I can’t change that but you can!”

“What are you offering us in return?”

“All I have to offer is my own life. Please, the world needs Angel; you need Angel to fight for you! He’s the only one who can help you!” A low whisper could be heard while the powers consulted each other. “Please,” she cried. “I love him.” Another bright light engulfed her. As she was being sent back to her reality she saw a glimpse of what was meant to be. It answered questions she had and explained feelings she never understood. When she opened her eyes the concerned look of all her friends confronted her.

“Willow! Are you ok?” Buffy asked scooping her up and hugging her.

“Yeah,” she smiled.

“What on earth were you thinking Willow?” Giles scolded. “This is very dangerous! You could have been killed!”

“But I wasn’t. I know things now. I have answers and Angel is going to be ok.”

“How do you know?” Xander asked as he helped she and Buffy to their feet.

“The powers told me.”

Giles dropped the book he was holding, “Powers? You contacted the powers?”

She chuckled, “Yes. I promise to tell you all about it but first I need to take care of some things.” Turning to Buffy, “We need to talk.” She took her hand and led her to the garden. “Buffy” she turned her back to the blonde, “The powers showed me some things and I’m not sure,” she sighed. Turning to face her, “Buffy I need to know how you feel about me.”

Buffy shifted uneasily, “Wills, you’re my best friend, I love ya.”

She stepped face to face with the Slayer, “What kind of love?”

With out hesitation she kissed Willow full on the lips. Much to her surprise Willow deepened the kiss and gave her backside a squeeze. Finally breaking apart they both knew what needed to be done. They went back inside and Willow dropped some cash on the table. “Why don’t you guys treat yourselves to a night out. It’s on us,” she smiled.

“But..” Xander started to protest.

“We insist,” Buffy smiled pushing them towards the door. “And be late.”

Once they were gone Buffy and Willow walked to the bedroom. They found Angel setting up, clutching his chest as tears streamed down his face. He looked up at them, “I’m sorry. I tried to leave but…”

The girls crawled up the bed on either side of him and gently laid him back. Willow placed her finger over his lips, “Don’t talk now, just listen. Angel I love you with all my heart and soul.” His eyes lit up. “I want you to be a part of my life forever.”

Buffy caressed the side of his face, “I love you Angel. You will always be a part of my life as will Willow.” He looked at the two, confused. “We love each other Angel and we want to love you too.”

Willow kissed him passionately and whispered, “You will always be mine Angel but we will all be each others.”

Buffy pulled the cover from the bed then leaned over Angel to Willow. They began kissing as their hands roamed each other’s bodies. Willow pulled Buffy’s shirt and sports bra over her head releasing her heavy breasts. Buffy ripped Willows shirt off sending the buttons flying then unhooked her bra. She flicked her tongue across one of the red heads nipples as she squeezed the other with her hand. Willow moaned and reached down caressing Angel’s length through his boxers. He sucked in unneeded air as his hand replaced Buffy’s mouth on her breast. Stepping over Angel Buffy pushed Willow to the bed and removed the rest of her clothing then done the same for her self. Angel almost lost it seeing the two beautiful women in front of him. Realizing how close he was Willow and Buffy removed his boxers releasing his aching erection. Willow flicked her tongue over the mushroomed tip as her hands stroked his length. A moan escaped his lips. Looking at each other Willow slowly engulfed his cock into her mouth running her tongue along the sensitive skin. As if this was a preplanned attack Buffy lowered her head as well and took his sac into her mouth. Angel’s hips bucked against the girls and waves of pleasure erupted through his body. In his two hundred plus years he’d never felt this way. In a matter of seconds Angel climaxed and exploded into Willow’s mouth. She drank him down greedily as she and Buffy continued their assault until his body stopped shaking. Willow kissed him hungrily then Buffy pushed her down on the bed. Moving between her thighs she licked the moisture escaping from her. It sent shivers of pleasure through her as Angel turned him self to face her. While Buffy was busy pleasuring her lower body Angel assaulted her senses. Kissing her possessively he caressed her body as she stroked his already erect shaft. Just before Buffy could plunge her fingers into Willow Angel pushed her aside. He lowered himself on to her. Spreading her legs for him she begged him to enter. “I love you Willow,” he moaned as he thrust his length into her. She clinched against him and cried out in pain as he took her innocents. She realized his fangs had pierced her neck and that he was drinking from her. It sent a rush through her body and the pain suddenly became pleasure.  When he retracted his fangs and kissed her she flipped him over so that she was riding him. She was unsure of what to do but it felt right. Buffy pushed Angel’s legs apart so she could get behind Willow. She licked her pale shoulder and began massaging her breasts. Willow Threw her head back and rested it on Buffy’s shoulder. Buffy wrapped her other arm around Willow’s waist and pulled her tightly against her. Using her hips to guide Willow’s she began a thrusting motion that elicited moans from her two lovers. As Willow ground onto Angel she arched he back into Buffy putting pressure on her swollen nubbin. Angel tried to pull her toward him but cried out in pain.

Willow stopped and laid him back. “Let us do the work,” she scolded. She took his hands in hers; palms flat together she held him down and he held her up as she and Buffy continued to move. The pace quickening the girls were now bouncing on him. Buffy reached between them and began to massage his sac. She felt it swell and knew he was close. Her other hand moved to Willow’s clit rubbing it relentlessly as she as she rubbed herself against her hip. The three orgasmed together as their juices flowed over each other’s bodies. They continues to play for hours until they could no longer function. Exhausted they fell onto the bed. Buffy gathered the covers from the floor and put it over them. Willow curled up into Angel, her head resting on his chest. Angel’s arm was wrapped around Willow possessively.  Buffy had one arm under Willow cupping her breast under the covers and the other laying over her resting on Angel’s stomach, the three of them fast asleep.

The gang walked in to the house laughing at a lame joke Spike had just told. “We’re back,” Xander yelled.

“They must be in With Angel. Probably watching over him,” Giles offered as they all headed toward the bedroom to see how Angel was. When they stepped through the door all jaws dropped.  

