Call of the Wicca

Author:  Aeris


Disclaimer:  Sadly, none of the Gods & Goddess created by Joss belong to me.

Rating:  NC-17

Pairing:  W/S

Summary:  Willow's increasing power is attracting demons.  Its up to Spike and Angel to protect her.  <> is for thought.

Notes:  In this story, Tara never existed, spike is chipped and helping the scoobies, Buffy and Riley haven't started dating yet, and the gang is unaware about who or what the initiative is.  The gang, minus Xander and Giles, is attending University; however, Willow has opted to live at home since her parents are never there.

Feedback:  This is my first attempt at any sort of writing. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  This fic hasn't been beta'd, if anyone is interested in helping me proofread & develop story lines on an ongoing basis, as I plan to do more writing, please email me.


~Part: 1~ The Call


With a sigh of relief, Willow finally allowed herself to relax into the nicely heated bath water.  The last few hours had been a living hell, on the way home from patrolling with Buffy and the rest of the Scoobies, Willow had been attacked by a demon.  She had been only one block away from her house when she was grabbed from behind.  A rough scaly hand clamped over her mouth, preventing her from screaming and the demon's other hand held her firmly around the waist.  She could feel the demon's hot breath on the back of her neck and then a hot slimy tongue began to taste her skin.  The red-haired witch began to struggle violently, but the creature just increased his hold, cutting off her air supply.  As the world began to dim, Willow was suddenly flung free of the demon and head first into a tree.  When Willow regained consciousness, she found herself curled up on a chair on her back porch.  Nervously, she glanced around but saw no one, taking in a deep shaking breath, the young witch hurried inside.

Now, sitting in the bath, Willow had a chance to view the extent of her injuries.  A large yellow/purple bruise was starting to form on her taunt pale stomach where the demon had gripped her, many red thin scratches could be seen covering her slim arms and the small goose egg at the back of her skull was throbbing.

A chill passed through her as Willow thought over the amount of attacks she had been through this past month.  There had been too many to keep an accurate count.  Each time she had been attacked, she was alone. Every time she thought that her death was near she was saved.

<But by whom?> Willow thought. She had never mentioned anything to the rest of the gang.  She didn't want them to treat her as a weakling, but truth be told, she was becoming scared of leaving the sanctuary of her home.

<I'll tell them tomorrow when we all meet at Giles.  I'm sick of jumping at every shadow I see>.  With that thought on her mind, the green-eyed girl went to her bedroom and slipped into a restless sleep.

~the next day, Saturday, 9 p.m.~

<Bloody Hell!!! Does that bint every shut her gab??>  Rolling his blue eyes, Spike ignored the bitching slayer and sat himself down in the chair furthest from her.

"Giles, come on, its Saturday.  Demon activity has been at an all time low this past month.  Can't we lay off the research for now, and do the shopping thing, like normal people?"  Buffy whined.

<Fuckin' Bitch> thought Spike <She is so fuckin' self involved.>  Looking over at the red-headed witch, Spike noticed how pale she was.  <If Slutty could take her head out of her own ass for one bleedin' moment, she might notice that something was very wrong with Willow.>

For the past two months he had been following the little witch home, and over this last month he had to step in and protect her numerous times.  Funny thing was, she never mentioned anything to her little pals, granted she didn't know it was him helping her but you would think that she would tell them about the attacks.  <Well this bloke ain't telling> he thought.  <If I say anything, they might start thinking that I care about what happens to the lot of them, nope not me, no caring here, they can be ripped to bloody little ribbons for all I care.>  Yet each time he told himself that, he would find himself searching for Willow's intoxicating scent of vanilla, almonds, and something else that was hard to name.  The best way to describe the unique scent was of fire, not the scent of something burning or of smoke, but of passion, life, and burning need calling out to everyone if you took the time to look for it.  <Yes, thats it> he thought <Vanilla, Almonds and Fire, thats Willow>.

Spikes nostrils flared again as he inhaled the red-head's scent, and noticed that the smell of fire was again stronger then the previous night.  Each day the scent of fire seemed to slowly overtake the scent of almonds & vanilla, soon all that would be left was fire.

<Cor' if the little witch doesn't tell them that somethings wrong soon, I'm goin to have to speak up> Spike thought.

Sitting on the couch, Willow glanced around the room at her friends.  Buffy had cornered Giles by the bookcase and was hounding him to be allowed to leave.  Anya was sitting in the chair to Willow's left with Xander sitting by her feet, flicking through the T.V. channels and in the other chair to Willow's right was Spike.

Spike. Willow's eyes glazed over as she thought about the blonde vampire.  <Spike...chocolate covered Spike..mmmm...chocolate covered Spike with strawberries and champagne...>.  A red blush began to creep up Willow's pale face as she caught herself thinking about Spike again.  Willow had always thought that Spike was attractive, with those high chiseld cheek bones and piercing crystal blue eyes, who wouldn't be attracted to the blonde vampire.  More and more lately her thoughts seemed to be focused on him, by the end of the day she would be so sexually frustrated that the young witch would find her fingers drifting down her taunt stomach, slipping beneath the band of her white cotton panties, and giving herself release while moaning Spike's name.

Glancing over at Spike, Willow found the blonde vampire watching her intently.  She felt her blush intensify, and her thoughts began to swim in the NC-17 direction.  Grasping at the first thing she could think of that would take her mind off of Spike, Willow hopped from her spot on the sofa and yelled out "EVERYONE, I need to tell you something!!!"

Startled, 5 pairs of eyes were suddenly focused on Willow.  Finding herself the centre of attention, she did a very normal willowy thing, she began to babble.  "Well, ya see, I kind of have to tell you something, but I didn't want to say anything, but I guess I have to now,  I've been attacked by a few demons, well maybe more then a few and its getting worse.  Its been going on for over a month now, at first I didn't think any of it, yeah know, cause we live on the hellmouth and all, but there has been so many attacks now that I'm really beginning to get scared and I didn't want anyone to start treating me like I was weakling".

Giles walked over to the red head and seated her back down on the sofa.  With fatherly concern showing on his face, he stated in a calm soothing voice "Willow, we would never consider you a weakling for admitting you would need are help. I only wish you would have said something sooner so that we could have helped you before things had progressed so far" .

"G-man is right Wills, we'll all help you figure out whats going on...I'll even get the jelly-filled doughnuts" piped Xander with a big goofy grin on his face.

With a big sigh of disappointment Buffy sat down next to Willow. "Guess this means I can't go shopping.  Okay Willow, how about you start from the beginning, only this time try going a bit slower and remember to breath".

One hour later Willow had recounted all of the attacks that she could remember from the last month.  Starting with the first attack when she was walking to the dorms to visit Buffy, and ending with the attack the previous night.

"The number of attacks has me greatly concerned Willow," Giles said, "it can't be just a coincidence".

"Do you think that maybe the demons are going after Willow to get to me?" asked the slayer.

Spike glared over at the slutty blonde slayer, "Not every f'in thing is about you slayer." Spike spat out, "Sides theses demons are not working together, there's no structure, and no organization to any of the attacks made on the little witch".

"And how would you know Spike" Buffy shot back with disdain dripping from her voice like venom.

"Cause I'm the one that has tried to kill the lot of you, ya stupid bint" growled Spike.

"Oh yeah, and thats worked out wonderfully for you hasn't it, o' neutered one" reply Buffy mockingly.

"Shut your fuckin' gab, Slutty or I'll..." Spike was cut off mid sentence when Giles' door was crushed opened by a large Sil'far demon.  Stunned for a moment by having their sanctuary violated, the gang could only watch as the slimy snake like creature scanned the room with his serpentine eyes and then stopped, fixated on Willow.  "I hear youssss, and I answerssss the glaoigh ar sss" hissed the Sil'far and then lunged at the pale wide-eyed girl.

Leaping from the sofa, the slayer knocked the slimy demon back with a jump kick to his head.  In a blur of fast punches and kicks from the deadly slayer, the Sil'far retreat out the door into the night with the slayer quick on his heels.

Terrified, Willow struggled to remain calm and to reign back the tears that threatened to fall.  "You OK pet?" asked Spike in a concerned voice.  Looking into the blue eyes, the young witch could see that the  concern and compassion Spike was showing her was genuine.  Not trusting her voice, Willow gave him a wobbly smile and nodded her head that she was OK.

Perturbed by the recent events that had just unfolded in his living room, Giles turned to Xander and Anya and requested that they go to the construction site and pick up the needed things to fix his door.  Once the duo was gone Giles turned to Willow.

"My dear, I'm very disturbed by what I've just witnessed here tonight.  I dimly recall something about the glaoigh ar that this demon was speaking of, but I need to speak to one of my friends back in England first before I go into further detail; however, it is imperative that you are not alone right now.  As you saw tonight, not all demons need permission to enter your house. I think it would be best if you stay with Spike at his crypt tonight while I sort things out." Giles stated in an anxious voice.

"Come on luv" Spike said gently, while slipping his arm around Willow's shoulder, and leading her out the door.

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