Title: Keeping enemies close

 Author: Abbie

 Previous parts/series: none

 Couple(s): S/W A/B X/C O/F G/Other

 Rating: NC-17

 Summary: Spike and Willow have a chance meeting in the park and find that there is more between them than either thought

 Spoilers: Post Becoming

 Disclaimer: All the BtVS characters in this story belong to Joss o mighty and mutant enemy and all other characters that aren’t mine are the
property of their respective creators. Lyrics by Sisqo, Sarah MacLachlan and Lotion.

 Authors note: I was in need of a Spike Willow fic and wasn't expecting this. This fic is my baby so any feedback you have is great, either praise or
constructive coz I want this to be perfect. But please no flames coz I'm delicate like that.

 Email: Feedback is welcome at any time to mailto:holly.smith@ntlworld.com

 Part 1

     Willow sat on the bench in the park. It was night and she was in prime vampire territory all alone. She didn't care, not any more.

     The onlooker grinned. His first day back in Sunnyhell and here was one of the Slayer’s chums, stupidly off guard and left all alone. She'd be his
first human kill in months. He'd leave his favourite Slayer a little gift he'd make sure that she was the one who found the body on patrol later that

     Spike sidled up to Willow confidently. Her head was down but she knew he was there. He wondered why she didn't move or go to run.

     "Hello Luv." Spike smiled "Didn't the Slayer tell you not to wander around Hellmouth's at night all alone and unarmed?" Willow looked up slowly;
her eyes were glassy and tears were falling down her cheeks.

     "Are you going to kill me?" She asked simply. Spike frowned, she was crying but not scared of him. She seemed at the end. He cared for some
strange reason that the fiery red head hacker he had known, well seen, had become so cold. If he hadn't been so inebriated he would have thought
of something better to say.

     "Yep."  He wandered forward and fell onto the bench beside Willow knowing for some reason that she wouldn't run because she had nowhere to
run to. He brought the bottle in his hand to his lips then offered it to the red head knowing she'd need it too.

     "Spike you’re drunk." She said quietly as she accepted the bottle and let the liquid burn a trail to her belly, actually thankful he'd turned up. She
liked the thought of it being him who killed her, rather than some fledgling looking for its first victim.

     "And so will you be once you’re finished telling me what's wrong." He nodded. He might as well hear her last words. He felt like talking to
someone who felt as depressed as he did.

     "Why should I?" She asked downing the last of the bottle and beginning to feel the alcohol lifting her courage. Not that she was very afraid in
the first place.

     "Because I want to listen to someone else's problems rather than just thinking about my own all night." He replied

     "You mean like Drusilla?" She asked.

     "What do you know about Dru?"

     "Nothing. It's just, you’re here, she's not, you’re drunk. I'm guessing she left you for that Acathla thing."



     "What?" Spike frowned.

     "Sorry, about Dru. I know what it feels like." She confessed.

     "Oh. What happened?" Spike could hardly believe that this affected him.

     "Oz, he left decided that 'we just weren't working out'." Another tear rolled down her cheek. Spike would have wiped it away if he could move
his hand, or any other body part for that matter.

     "So Ox left you and you decide to come out here and get killed? I don't get it." Spike admitted.

     "Oz. And it’s not just that."

     "What is it then?"

     "Angel’s back from hell."

     "Bloody perfect.... Wait, he went to hell? How'd he get back? I'm bloody lost already." Spike frowned and pulled another bottle out of his pocket
and took a swig. Willow began to laugh.

     "What's so funny?" He asked offering the bottle.

     "You. You used bloody twice in a sentence, and I'm so drunk I'll laugh at anything."

     "Good. That's how you should be. Now why does Angel being out of hell make you want to kill yourself? And why did I even bother asking that?"

     "Angel’s back from hell and permanently ensouled. Which means Buffy's extra happy, which is great. And Xander and Cordy are doing well which
is great in an eew sort of way and Giles has a new girlfriend which is also great in a very eew sort of way..."

     "Which means, Peaches is shagging Slayer. The airheads have each other and the watcher is cross-referencing more that just what's in the
stacks. Therefore no-one has any time for... for..."

     "Willow." Willow supplied

     "For Willow." Spike nodded definitely raising his bottle as if in a toast to something.

     "That about covers it." She nodded "My parents are never home. My 'friends' are all too busy making out and having wild monkey sex to bother
with me. It’s the prom in three days and I'm not going. My 'friends' are all to wrapped up in talking about them and their dates to even notice that
I'm not going." Willow was crying again and Spike put his arm out to console her putting it over her shoulders and rubbing her back soothingly.

     "Do you still want to go Luv?" He asked.

     "What?" She looked up at him curiously.

     "Do you still want to go? To your prom, 'coz well I'll be your date, if you want?"


     "Because, and yes I know it shouldn’t affect me, but I don't want to see you cry."



     "You’d go to the Prom with me to make me happy, even with the Slayer there?"

     "Right now I'd do anything. But yes, even with the Slayer there." Spike's heart lifted when she smiled at him.

     "I'd like that."

     "Then I suggest we go now somewhere a little more safe from Vampires and Slayers for both our sakes and get very drunk. You can keep me
company because I miss Dru. And I can keep you company because your friends abandoned you."

     "Sounds good to me. We can go back to my place." The drunken pair staggered out of the Park together and back to the Rosenberg's to get to
know each other and forget the rest of the world.


Part 2

Willow woke the next morning to the realisation of four things:

One, life wasn't as bad as it had seemed last night.

Two, she was naked in bed spooned against an equally naked Spike who
was sleeping peacefully.

Three, she was not at all bothered that she was naked and spooned
against Spike.

Four was the entire reason for why life didn't seem so bad; she was
naked in bed with Spike and her not minding one bit.
With that thought she began to blush. She was not at all surprised to find
that she didn't have a hangover. It seemed that the one
thing she was totally immune to was hangovers, no matter how much she drank.
Although she hardly got to test this out, but she
had the feeling that with Spike around the opportunities would arise all the
more frequently. She was glad that her parents
weren't around until next week; even they had forgotten that she had a prom
in three days. Willow pushed the sad thoughts
away and relaxed back into Spike's arms.

Willow didn't ever want to move. She looked up at the window and smiled
noting that somehow the two for them no matter
how out of it they were managed to hang two blankets over the window. Spike
moaned a little behind her and pulled her closer
against him.

"Oh, head pain." He mumbled from where his face was buried in her neck.

"That's what happens when you drink till five in the morning and then
have wild monkey sex until the sun rises." Willow

"Aren't you in pain?" He asked. "You drank as much as I did."

"I don't get hangovers."

"I envy you Luv." he mumbled and pushed his head further into her neck.
It wasn't that it took away any of the pain but it
was a nice feeling snuggling up next to a warm body. Dru had always been so
cold even for a vampire and she'd not have let
him get this close. He felt Willow move and growled in protest.

Willow smiled and reached for her bedside table pulling out a small
packet of herbs with the word ‘Xander’ written on it in
black marker. Turning over covering her face and waved the packet in front
of his nose.

“What are you doing?” Spike asked.

“Smell it.” Willow instructed. Spike leaned forward taking a tiny sniff
before recoiling in pain.

“Bloody hell!!” Willow quickly replaced the bag in the draw. “What was

“Hangover cure.”

“Yeah great the head aches gone but my nostrils have been liquefied!”

“I made it for Xander when he had that all night party.” Willow
grinned, "I'm getting good at magik remedies."

"That you are Luv." He said putting his head back down. "We have one
more problem though."


"I didn't eat last night I'm gonna be getting hungry soon."

"No you’re not."


"You ate last night." Willow said.

"Who?" Spike asked. Willow wriggled out of his grip and turned over to
face him brushing her hair away from her neck to
reveal two puncture wounds.

"Me." She replied.

"Oh bloody hell Luv I'm sorry I must have gotten really drunk...."
Spike began to apologise.

"Its fine I don't mind."

"But I bit you I..."

"Honestly Spike, it didn't even hurt.... In fact It was kinda nice but
that was probably because of what we were doing at the
time." She grinned. Spikes heart skipped a proverbial beat. *I must have
gone really soft. When I first saw her last night all I
wanted to do was kill her now I couldn't even think of hurting her.* Spike
pulled her close again and kissed her.

"You’re wonderful Willow." He smiled.

"I'm going to have to go out. Its two days till the prom and I have to
get a dress."

"Not a problem Luv, we're off to LA today." Spike smiled


"I got a place in LA haven't been there in years but I do remember I've
got some stuff there. No need to worry." Spike


"Would I lie?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Willow asked raising one

"Come on Luv lets get moving so we can get there by dark." Spike said
getting up.

Willow pulled the De Soto into the garage of her house. She'd had to go
out across town and fetch it because the sun was
still high in the sky and Spike would have fried trying to get to it.

"Spike do you have to black out the windows like that?" Willow
complained getting out. "I nearly crashed I could hardly

"The point is you didn't crash and if they weren't blacked out I would
be dust long before now."

"Yeah well just so long as you drive." Willow frowned.


Willow flicked through the tapes in Spikes car recognising most of them
as eighties punk bands, Sex pistols, Billy Idol,

"Madness?" She looked at Spike puzzled

"Suggs." He shrugged and then noticed Willows bemused expression "It
must be love? Baggy trousers? One step beyond?
Our house?"

"Oh, this is them?" Willow shook her head as Spike chuckled and
returned to snooping through his car. Spike's smile turned
to a frown when Willow started to laugh.

"What, what is it?" Spike asked.

"Y-you have the-the thong song!" Willow managed to get out between

"Yeah. What of it?" He asked.

"You’re just not the kinda guy I would have thought would be listening
to the thong song." Willow explained finally calming
down. She removed the tape from its box and slid it into the machine.

"There's a lot about me that people don't expect." Spike grinned. The
music began to play and they both listened in silence
as they continued to LA.

This thing right here

Lettin’ all the ladies know

What guys talk about

You know, the finer things in life

A heh, heh, heh

Check it out

Ooh that dress so scandalous.

And you know another nigga can’t handle it.

So you shakin that thang like who’s the ish.

With a look in her eyes so devilish.

You like to dance on the hip-hop spots.

And cruse the grooves to connect the dots.

Not just urban she likes the pop.

‘Cause she was Livin’ La Vida Loca.

She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck.

Thighs like what, what, what.

Baby move your butt, butt, butt.

I think I’ll sing it again.

She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck.

Thighs like what, what, what.

Baby move your butt, butt, butt.

All nightlong.

Let me see that thong.

I like it when the beat goes.

Duh dun duh.

Baby make your booty go.

Duh dun duh.

Baby I know you wanna show.

Duh dun duh.

That thong, thong, thong, thong, thong.

I like it when the beat goes.

Duh dun duh.

Baby make your booty go.

Duh dun duh.

Baby I know you wanna show.

Duh dun duh.

That thong, thong, thong, thong, thong.

That girl so scandalous.

And you know another nigga can’t handle it.

So you shakin' that thang like who’s the ish.

With a look in her eyes so devilish.

You like to dance on the hip-hop spots.

And cruse the grooves to connect the dots.

Not just urban she likes the pop.

‘Cause she was Livin’ La Vida Loca.

She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck.

Thighs like what, what, what.

Baby move your butt, butt, butt.

I think I’ll sing it again.

She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck.

Thighs like what, what, what.

Baby move your butt, butt, butt.

All night long.

Let me see that thong.

I like it when the beat goes.

Duh dun duh.

Baby make your booty go.

Duh dun duh.

Baby I know you wanna show.

Duh dun duh.

That thong, thong, thong, thong, thong.

I like it when the beat goes.

Duh dun duh.

Baby make your booty go.

Duh dun duh.

Baby I know you wanna show.

Duh dun duh.

That thong, thong, thong, thong, thong

I like it when the beat goes.

Duh dun duh.

Baby make your booty go.

Duh dun duh.

Baby I know you wanna show.

Duh dun duh.

That thong, thong, thong, thong, thong.


"Here we go pet." Spike smiled pulling over to an expensive looking
apartment block. The sun had gone down a couple of
hours ago and it was a warm California night. Spike gave the keys to the
valet and walked Willow towards the building.

"Spike?" Willow looked up at the tall building and then back at him.
"You live here?"

"Not quite Luv." He smiled. "This is just a little.... retreat. Dru
could get a little tiresome,” Spike added quietly and Willow
squeezed his hand leaning up against him. Spike lead her past the attendant
in the lobby who smile pleasantly at the couple and
up to his apartment on the third floor. Willow looked around amazed. The
walls were plain white with light wooden floors and
sparse furniture the only part out of character was the heavy black drapes
over the windows to protect him from the sun.

"Spike this place is great." Willow breathed looking around. "And so not
what I was expecting."

Spike chuckled at her comment moving through to his bedroom. There were
still several old boxes in the corner that he had
never bothered to unpack and he was pretty sure that what he was looking for
was in there.

It had been almost a year since he had been to his LA apartment but he
kept the bills paid and a maid would come round
every other week to make sure that it wasn't too dusty. This was his little
place no one had ever found out about, he used to
disappear here for a week or so every time Drusilla got too demanding for
him. Spike would remind her for a while what it was
like without him around and when he came back she'd be so happy to see him
and wouldn't complain at all for at least a month
sometimes longer.

*Not going there man, not going to think about Drusilla. You've been
thinking about her for a hundred years time to turn
your attention else where.* With that thought her looked over at Willow and
a new thought began to go through his mind, he
smiled. *Perfect, but she'd have to agree to it first it's the only way.

Willow looked over at where Spike was standing looking through the boxes
in the corner of the room and shook her head
returning to look at the various ornaments on Spike's dresser. He seemed
totally concentrated on what ever he was looking for
but she was sure she had seen him looking at her funny until she looked up.

"You like Dragons?" Willow asked looking at him.

"What?" Spike frowned grabbing the three boxes he was looking for and
slinging them onto the bed.

"Dragons." Willow repeated picking up one of the models that littered
the apartment. It was a little Chinese Dragon made of
Jade, curled up into a ball sleeping with its chin resting on its tail.

"Oh er yeah." Spike stumbled "Dragons, its a little thing.... er, I
don't know. I just like dragons." Spike would have blushed if
it were possible. His reaction wasn't lost on Willow who grinned widely.

"They're sweet." Spike just shrugged and mumbled something she couldn't
catch turning around and going over to the draws
beside the bed. Spike fumbled about in a draw for a second before pulling
out the last box and adding it to the pile on the bed.

"That's about it." He said.

"What's in the boxes?" Willow asked curiously. Spike gave her a
drop-dead smile and pulled her close snaking an arm round
her waist.

"Secret." He smiled cryptically bending his head down and capturing her
mouth in a searing kiss. "Lets go." He grinned at her
planting another kiss on her forehead and turning to pick up the packages
Willow stopped him grabbing his arm.

"Something else." Willow looked back at the dragons on the dresser
"Which is your favourite?" Spike looked down at her
and smiled leading her through to the main room and picked up a model from
off of the coffee table it was a little white dragon
with blue eyes sitting cross eyed looking a mouse on the end if his nose.
Willow laughed out loud at the sweet little creature
realising there really was more to Spike than anyone gave him credit for. He
set the dragon back down and kissed her again.

"You go get the elevator I'll fetch the boxes and be out in a second."
Spike smiled walking back into the bedroom. He
stopped on his way through the main room thinking for a second then
pocketing the dragon he left singing,

"That girl so scandalous. And you know another nigga can’t handle it.
She shakin' that thang like who’s the ish.
With a look in her eyes so devilish. You like to dance on the hip-hop spots.
And cruse the grooves to connect the dots.
Not just urban she likes the pop. ‘Cause she was Livin’ La Vida Loca. ..."


Part 3

"Spike please you brought me all the way out here I have to know what's
in the boxes?" Willow whined

"Your dress, sweet." He smiled at her as they drove down the interstate
back to Sunnydale.

"Don't I get to see it?" She asked.

"Not until prom night." Spike shook his head.

"But what if it doesn't fit? What if it doesn't suit me? What will we do
then? I don't have anything to wear at home. How do
you know I'll like it?" Willow rushed. Spike chuckled and calmed her.

"Don't worry Luv the dress will look perfect on you its just your size."

"How do you know it’s my size?" Willow frowned

"You’re a twelve right?" He asked

"How do you know?"

"Estimation. Don't worry Luv it'll fit no problem and it'll look great."

"Great? You said perfect a second ago, are you having doubts? It's gonna
be a disaster isn't it?" Willow moaned sinking into
her seat. Spike chuckled again and reached out putting his arm around her
and pulling her up to his chest driving easily with only
his free hand.

"Nervous Luv?" He asked smiling.

"No!" Willow answered, a little too quickly. "A bit." She admitted.

"There's nothing to worry about cutie you'll have the time of your life.
And just think of Slayers face when she sees your
date!" Spike laughed

"Oh god, Buffy! What is she going to say? Should I tell her? No, no
don't tell Buffy bad idea, I have to meet her and the
others at the library tomorrow! How am I going to lie to her? I don't lie
the pressure of having a secret is not good. I crumble
under pressure. Oh god she's going to find out." Willow babbled and Spike
began to laugh again.

"Luv, if you carry on like this you’re not going to have to worry about
blabbing to Slayer by mistake. You'll have spent so
much time babbling about it you'll have lost your voice completely."

"I do have a problem with the babbling." Willow admitted

"Na, I think it’s sexy when you babble." Spike smiled. Willow began to
blush again. "And even sexier when you blush."

"Why?" Willow asked

"Two reasons, one it’s cute and makes you look beautiful and two when I
see your face blushing I can see the rest of your
body doing the same thing." He purred.

"Oh." Willow said quietly and Spike began to laugh as she slowly but
surely turned a bright crimson. Willow yawned quietly
but Spike didn't miss it.

"Tired Luv?"

"Oh sorry, yes a little." Spike held her a little closer and kissed the
top of her head.

"That's alright Luv. You get some sleep, I got ya." Willow mumbled a
reply and Spike smiled as she fell asleep against his


When Willow woke it was daylight. That night Spike had carried her to
her room from the car without waking her and put
her to bed. Willow snuggled up closer to Spike blushing as she realised he'd
undressed her too. She rolled onto her side and
looked down at spike. He looked so peaceful she smiled sadly.

*So peaceful just like all those bodies at the memorial parlour*. She
placed a hand on his cheek *so cold* Willow was
reminded that Spike was a vampire then, soulless a killer, they could never
be together like this. An idea occurred to Willow
then so simple and so clear it was like it was the only choice. It was fate,
no, more than fate something indescribable. She
smiled *it's the only way*. Willow traced her hand down from his cheek to
his neck, no pulse for the first time she was glad of
that, Spike would never leave her.

That was Willow's biggest fear, being left behind. Oz had done it, Xander
her best friend the one she could always turn to
was never there anymore, Buffy and Angel were always off hunting somewhere
and though Giles still had quite a lot of time for
her, if there was no huge disaster on the horizon or he was patrolling for
Buffy or he was spending time with his new beau
Michelle or... ok then he didn't have time for her either. The friends had
grown apart and there was no room for her any more.
She had to make her own way now.

Willow leaned forward and kissed his brow moving her hand exploring down
his chest, she brushed the cover back and her
eyes widened at Spike’s evident arousal. *I wonder what he's dreaming about
doing* she smiled *and who he's dreaming
about doing it with*. Willow managed to pull her eyes away from his erection
for a second and to his chest. *No tan lines.*
She thought giggling she ran he hand over his smooth stomach she could feel
the muscles corded just below the skin. Willow's
hand stopped when she felt the dark curls around his groin attesting to the
fact that he wasn't a natural blond. Feeling
emboldened by the fact that he hadn't moved yet she let her hand continue

*I'm bad to the bone* she thought jokingly as she traced her finger
around the base of his penis. She ran her finger up his
underside and jumped when it twitched. Willow grinned evilly when he didn't
stir, she knew he was awake he should at least
have moved a little because of what she was doing. Slowly she replaced her
finger to where it had been and wrapped it lightly
around the shaft then she took it into her palm and stroked it softly from
the base up to the tip and slowly back down again.

*Bloody hell!* Spike had woken to the feel of Willow's hand on his chest
moving lower. He would have blushed if he could
when he realised he had a raging hard on. He was glad that he couldn't blush
then because she would have noticed he was
awake. He'd been a little shocked when she had been so bold as to touch it,
and he'd nearly had a heart attack when he
suddenly felt he hand covering him. *I'm going to spontaneously combust!*

Willow smiled she could just imagine him squirming internally. She
wondered how far she could push him and an evil thought
crossed her mind. Willow let go of him for a second (Much to Spike's dismay)
only to lean forward and run her tongue up his
length capturing the tip in her mouth.

*Fucking hell!* Spike swore. Of all the things he had been expecting this
was not one of them, not that he was complaining of
course. Willow was confirming his suspicions, she wasn't just the quiet
little hacker her friends all saw and wanted her to stay.
She had potential to become so much more. *Fuck this.* Spike thought finally
as she took more of him into her mouth. *She
Bloody well knows I'm awake*.

Willow was first aware of a slight vibration as a low growl erupted from
spike's chest. The next thing she knew Spike flipped
her off him onto her back. Willow felt his weight pressing down on her.
Spike smiled at her devastatingly, the red head looked
up him and gave him an innocent honestly-it-wasn't-me grin (much like the
one she gave to Giles after her comment about the
English making clucking noises when angry) and Spike chuckled.

"Having fun Luv?" he purred. "How long have you known I was awake?"

"Since you didn't move. If you were asleep you'd probably have done
something." Willow smiled.

"Well, it's my turn." Spike leaned down and captured her mouth with his.
With the back of his hand he brushed down her
body to her mound. Spike used his knees to spread her legs and his hand
delved inside teasing apart her lips he slipped first
one then two fingers into her. Spike teased around the edges of her clit
with his thumb making her moan in protest.

Finally he let the pad of his thumb fall lightly over her sensitive flesh.
Willow's world began to rock and he massaged her clit
she moved against him. Spike felt Willow's muscles clamp around his fingers
and smiled. Spike removed his fingers from her

Willow whimpered in annoyance at the loss of friction only to gasp when
his fingers were replaced with the tip of his shaft.
Spike thrust into her agonisingly slow and Willow thrust up to meet him half
way. Willow felt the heat swelling up between her
legs as the pace increased, Spike slid a hand under the small of her back
and with each slap of their pelvis's he hit Willow's clit.

Spike moved his mouth over her neck kissing above her pulse. Willow felt
his face shift against her neck as they came closer
to orgasm. Finally Willow felt herself falling over the edge and her muscles
clamped around him as she climaxed and he
followed close behind. Willow moaned in pleasure as she felt his fangs
pierce her skin sinking into her neck.

Spike shot his seed into her as he bit into her jugular feeling the blood
wash over his tongue. Spike rolled them over so that
she was on top but their position never changed. Willow collapsed against
him holding his head to her neck as she rode out the
last of her orgasm. Spike removed his fangs from her neck and lapped
soothingly at the twin wounds he'd created on her neck.
Willow smiled as Spike began to purr beneath her like a well-fed cat.

Finally Willow sat up Spike's contented purr turning into a low growl. She
slid off him and got up. "I've got to go out." She
told him when he sat up and hooked her round the waist pulling her back
against his chest.

"Why?" He asked. Willow looked at him and started to laugh. He was trying
hard to pout but the fact that he was still in game
face didn't help, in fact it made him look quite comical. Spike scowled at
her for her trouble and his face slid back to its
handsome plains where he could pull of the hurt-little-puppy-dog look a lot
more easily.

"I have to meet Buffy and the others at the library, they'll get
suspicious if I don't go and probably come over here." Willow
explained "Which means they would find you."

"Can't you pull a sickie Luv? Phone her and tell her you can't go?" He
asked poutily

"Then she would come round for sure." Willow told him "I'll only be gone a
few hours, you can actually get some *sleep*, and
I'll be back before dark then we can do something to night."

"But I don't want to sleep pet." Spike told her one of his hands moved up
and found her nipple twisting it.

"I *really* do need to go." She told Spike but making no move to leave his
arms. Spike sighed his defeat and let her get up
and dress while he flopped back onto the bed covering his eyes with his arm.

"I'll see you in a couple of hours." She told him but the sun had taken
its affect on him already and Spike had slipped into a contented dream.


Part 4

Willow ran down the corridor to the library. She was already late as it
was, she didn't want the others to get suspicious of

"Hi guy's sorry I'm...." Willow stopped. "Late." She finished quietly.
The library was empty. It was only ten minutes after
they were supposed to meet but the library was deserted.

"Giles?" She called. Nothing. "Xander?" More silence. It hit her then
like a brick wall. They had been discussing what they
would do after they got to the library a few days ago. They would scout for
new prophecies for a couple of minuets if Giles
hadn't found anything before then and afterwards they'd go down to Mister
doughnut together, her, Buffy, Xander, Cordy and
Giles. Only thing was they'd gone already, they'd forgotten her.


Spike paced the living room growling. Willow had said she'd be back
before sunset but the sun had been down for an hour
now, and it was raining out. He wanted to go looking for her but he was
afraid that if she came back while he was gone and she
needed him... Spike stopped pacing and slammed the heel of his hand to his

*What are you thinking man? She's human for god’s own sake. She's human
and here you are pacing the floor nearly
pissing yourself with worry! What's going on? You’re a vampire you don't
care, just walk out the door, get in the car leave her,
the Hellmouth, the Slayer and everything else behind.* Spike had almost
convinced himself why he should leave (not that he
ever would), when he heard the door handle turn in the kitchen and someone
come in.

Spike was split between running to see if it was Willow or hiding in
case it wasn't. When he heard a muffled sob his mind
was made and he rushed into the kitchen. Willow stood in front of the door
her eyes ringed with red and blood shot from crying
her hair hanging in wet tendrils round her head from the rain. Spike wrapped
his arms around her, pulling her close she began
sobbing again. Spike picked her up and carried her into the living room he
set her down on the sofa and pulled her under his

"They forgot about me." she sobbed. Spike closed his eyes and began
rocking her soothingly. *Bastards, I don't know
what's going on yet, but when I do I'll rip them limb from limb for it.*
Spike thought to himself.

"What happened Luv?" He asked

"We-we were s-supposed to m-meet at the library." Sob. "And when I-I
got there they'd gone. W-we were going to go out
but they forgot m-me." Sob "A-and they left before I could get there."
Willow broke down crying again.

In three months Willow would look back on this whole situation and she
would realise that this moment, the moment that
she finished her explanation to Spike was the very moment that the last link
between her and her former friends the Scooby
gang began to break.

Willow stopped crying suddenly as if in portent to her latter
realisation. Spike looked down at her and smiled. Willow's hair
was drying in messy clumps her lips had swollen slightly from crying, black
streaks of makeup came down from the corners of
her now red and puffy eyes, oddly she hadn't seemed more beautiful to him.

"They don't deserve you pet, none of them do." he assured her. "Oh but
you scared me to death tonight!" He said pulling her
close again still rocking her gently. "Where did you go?"

"Around, I just sort of wandered. I can't actually remember anything
after I went over to Mister Doughnut, where we were
going to go, and saw them all there and saw *him* there too, until I opened
the back door just now." She told him.

"Saw who?"

"Oz." Willows voice gained an unsettling detached quality that made
Spike shudder. "They forgot about me even with him
there. Either that or they just didn't want me around." Willow pulled out of
his arms and whipped her eyes. "Let's go out."


"I said let’s go out. I need cheering up, and the best thing for
cheering up is dancing at the Bronze." She told him

"Are you sure Luv? Maybe it'd be better if you stayed here the Slayer
and her pal's are bound to be at the Bronze." Spike

"I don't care, I don't have to talk to them. Although it would be a good
idea if you covered your hair up, we don't want Buffy
knowing you’re in town until the night of the prom if we can help it."

Spike sighed and looked at her again. Her face was set and he knew that
there was no way he was going to get her to
change her mind. "Okay duck's." He pulled her forward and kissed her
forehead. "You go get cleaned up and find something to
wear, I know I've got a baseball cap in the car somewhere I can use." Willow
smiled for the first time that night

"Thank you." She kissed him then went upstairs to change.

"You’re whipped mate." He said to himself shaking his head.


Willow bounced down the stairs half an hour later and smiled when
Spike's mouth dropped open. She had changed into a
pair of knee length black boot's a leather mini and a black leather halter
top that came down to just above her navel and was
laced down the back. These were the clothes that no-one knew about and even
Willow herself hadn't know why she'd brought
them until now.

Willow walked seductively up to him and wrapped her arms around his
neck. "You like?" She smiled sweetly. Spike's
mouth opened and closed for a few seconds like a fish out of water before he
coughed and replied:

"Sure pet, it's great." Spike put his arms around her waist and kissed

"I see you changed too, I didn't think you had any other clothes."
Willow smiled. Spike had changed into a pair of blue jeans
and a white turtleneck top his black boots still on his feet and a red
Manchester united baseball cap covering his hair.

"No one will ever recognise me." He said cheerfully "Come on Luv, let’s
get going."

Willow smiled as she entered the bronze. She felt alive, really alive
for the first time ever. She could get used to all this.
People stopped what they were doing to look at the pair. Willow noticed the
Scooby's before they noticed her. She stopped
and looked at Spike.

"Stay here, I'm just gonna have a little talk with Buffy." Willow

"Pure evil pet." Spike laughed, the corner of his mouth turning up.

Willow turned back to Buffy and the other's just as Angel joined them.
She grinned evilly and waved some symbols in the
air. She put her hand to her chest and felt, no pulse, perfect. Just a
little glamour but good enough.

Spike watched as Willow stalked up to the table. Every ounce a
predator. *Might not be so hard to persuade her after all.*

"Hi guy's." Willow smiled. All eyes turned to Willow. There was a
nearly deafening noise of jaws hitting floors. Willow
noticed as Angel narrowed his eyes at her, *that's right, big guy, no
pulse.* She met his eyes calmly, "Angel, Something to

"No." He replied shortly.

"Willow, wow." Buffy frowned.

"Amazing!" Cordy grinned. "Willow you look great in leather! Have you
thought about suede?" Willow smiled. *No! No
giving in! Cordy was there too she forgot about you too.*

"Where's Oz?" Willow asked impassively.

"Dancing with Faith." Buffy replied.

*Faith? Faith? We've been broken up less than a week and he's with
Faith! Ok, Ok so Spike, but Faith.*

"Oh," She shrugged.

"Xander you’re drooling in my soda!" Cordy complained. Xander looked at
her like he'd just been woken up.

"What, Where, Who?" Xander rushed "I wasn't looking at anyone." Willow
grinned widely.

"Saw you at Mister doughnut today, didn't stop, I was busy."

"Oh you should have, it was a blast." Xander said "Were you wearing
that, when you were busy?"

"Oh hey Willow, nice outfit." Faith smiled returning to the table.

"Willow?" Oz looked Willow up and down uncertainly.

"That's my name don't wear it out."

"So, you going to the prom?" Faith asked.

"Yeah, but I got a problem. No date." She looked pointedly at Oz for a
second. "That's why I'm here."

"To find a date?" Cordy frowned.

"Yeah, there's a guy been eyeing me up since I got here, behind me in
the baseball cap."

"Oh yeah, can't see him all that well. Are you sure you’re thinking

"Perfectly, I'm gonna go ask him. Be seein' ya'" Willow smiled before
walking away.

"You go girl!" Faith called after her.

"Buffy, I don't like this." Angel frowned coming forward.

"Me either."

"There's definitely something not right with her. She doesn't smell
like a vampire, but she's acting like one, and she has no
heart beat."

"That was cruel pet." Spike smiled as she returned to him.

"I know but they deserved it, and it was fun."

"I'll bet, want to dance?" Spike asked as a familiar song started in
the background.

"Love to."

'You come out at night,

That's when the energy comes,

And the dark sides light,

And the vampires roam,'

Spike pulled Willow close on the dance floor and began to sway to the
lazy beat. Willow could feel her *friends* eyes on
them, wondering what had happened to her, who she was dancing with. She
slipped her arms around Spike's neck and smiled
up at him.

'You strut your Rasta wear,

And your suicide poem,

And a cross from a faith,

That died, before Jesus came,

Your building a mystery.'

Willow stood on her tiptoes, brushing her lips across his. Spike closed
his arms around her running his hands up under her
top. The blond leaned down covering her mouth with his.

'You live in a church,

Where you sleep with voodoo dolls,

And you won't give up the search,

For the ghosts in the halls,'

He brushed his tongue over her upper lip nipping at it lightly until
she opened her mouth letting his tongue move past her lips
running across the roof of her mouth to do battle with her own. Tongues
duelling Willow had to fight the urge to pull the cap
from his head, to run her fingers through his soft blond locks.

'You wear sandals in the snow,

And a smile that won't wash away,

Can you look out the window,

Without your shadow getting in the way,

Oh you’re so beautiful with,

with an edge an a charm,

But so careful,

When I'm in your arms,'

"I know who that is,"

"What Oz, who is it?"

"That guy she's dancing with, I know him, I'm sure I do."

"You call that dancing? more like mating, but he is familiar."

"Angel, any ideas?"

"I feel like, like, I don't know."

'Cause you're working,

Building a mystery,

Holding on and holding it in,

Yeah you’re working,

Building a mystery,

And choosing so carefully,'

Spike tore his mouth from Willows spinning her in the same movement so
her back was pulled up against his chest. He
kissed her neck as she leaned back against him. He turned them slowly.

'You woke up screaming aloud,

A prayer from your secret god,

You feed off our fears,

And hold back your tears,'

The dance floor wasn't crowded, they were in plain sight. Spike wondered
how many of them were watching and then he
wondered how many of them he would kill, how many they would kill together,
and for how long would the killing last.

'Give us a tantrum,

And a know it all grin,

Just when we need one,

When the evenings thin,'

"How about we get out of here, Pet?" Spike asked leaning close in to
her ear as his hands flamed over her stomach,
spreading upwards.

'Oh your beautiful,

A beautiful fucked up man,

Your setting up your,

Razor wire shrine,'

"You think we've done enough damage?" Willow smiled

"Oh not nearly enough yet, but unless you want me to make love to you
right here, we are gonna have to go, and soon."

"You’re unstoppable."

"You have no idea." Spike smiled as Willow turned to face him, taking
each of his hands in hers. She touched their
foreheads together.

"Hold on." Willow smiled as she began her incantation. Spike felt
something pulling on him as Willow finished her spell and
the room around them began to blur. He felt a fresh breeze suddenly
realising he was standing outside of the Rosenberg home.

The Scooby's watched open mouthed as the couple on the dance floor
faded and then completely disappeared from sight.

'Cause you’re working,

Building a mystery,

Holding on and holding it in,

Yeah your working,

Building a mystery,

And choosing so carefully


Part 5

"You’re a wonder pet," Spike smiled as they lay in bed, pulling her
closer he kissed her on the top of the head.

"You think they'll think I'm a vampire?" Willow grinned.

"I think they'll be confused, but by tonight... we'll see."

"Let's go away," Willow said suddenly, turning to look at him.


"You and me, go away together. Leave all this behind and go somewhere

"You want to give up everything?"

"Everything but you." Willow smiled as she covered his lips in a kiss,
feeling the heat of the kiss spreading southwards. Spike
smiled as he heard her word's repeated themselves in his head over her rapid

"Your wish is my command, Luv."

"Ooh I like the sound of that,"


"I don't like it Giles."

"Buffy, is there any more you can tell me about what happened." Giles
frowned removing his glasses, it was early in the
morning and the Scooby gang had piled into his house not too long after
Michelle had left to catch her flight to Chicago.

"She was possessed!" Xander shouted "It has to be, it's the only

"Explanation to how she'd have no heart beat?" Buffy asked.

"Are you sure she had no heart beat?"

"Definitely, she was pale too, it was just like she was a vampire."
Angel told him.

"She wasn't dead." Oz told them, speaking for the first time since
Willow and the other guy on the dance floor had

"What?" Buffy asked.

"She wasn't dead, I would have smelt death on her."

"So what was she? That seems to be the zinger here." Buffy asked
looking at Giles. Giles frowned for a moment.

"You say she disappeared with this, person?"

"Faded out, vanished, poof, gone." Faith nodded.

"Witch craft." Giles thought out loud grabbing a book from the shelf.

"What? You think someone cast a spell on Willow to make her look like a
vampire?" Cordy frowned "Why?"

"Not quite," Giles told her flipping through the pages of the book "I
think, Willow cast a spell to mask her heart beat and
make her skin pale."

"And to make her disappear?"

"Yes, well a different spell translocation probably she was practising
it just the other week, quite fascinating to watch"

"Why? Why would Willow want to scare us like that?" Xander asked.

"Ah, yes here it is, Glamour. An illusion so real as to fool an
onlooker." Giles read aloud. "With this Willow could create
almost any illusion she wanted... within reason."

"When did Willow get that good at magic?" Buffy frowned.

"She's been quite accomplished at Casting for a long time now, I, well
I thought you knew. You are supposed to be her best
friend." Giles shrugged. "It was her who brought Angel back from hell after

"Whoa, wait a second. Willow brought Angel back from hell?" Buffy
looked at Angel who returned her gaze with an equally
as shocked one. "No one told me this. Why wasn't I told?"

"Well did you bother to ask?"

"Well no I was just so happy to have Angel back, soul and all. I....
Angel’s soul?"

"Also Willow's work."

"Oh god, I never thought." Buffy said quietly.

"Well I think we just found out the why." Oz shrugged. "She's alone."


"You'll never be alone again." Spike promised her. "After the prom,
well set one or two things straight, and say bye-bye to

"Where will we go?" Willow asked. They'd just gotten up and both were
wearing boxer shorts and T-shirts sitting in the
living room of the Rosenberg's ranch house eating ice cream and talking.

"Wherever you want." Spike smiled.

"I want to see everything you've seen." Willow enthused, moving to sit
facing Spike on his knee and wrapping her legs
around his waist. Spike scooped up a spoonful of ice cream and offered it to
her. "England, London, Europe," She leaned
forward eating the ice cream from the spoon.

"I'll show you all the sights, Luv. That's the problem with America, in
England you can walk through any city you want and
there's loads of cool things, really old churches and stuff, you don't get
so much of that here. Not enough history."

"Churches? You like churches?"

"Well just so long as you stay away from holy water and crosses it's
just fine."

"Oh, can we go to Italy, and-and Paris and, Africa, oh, oh Thailand, I
always wanted to go there. Can we go?" Willow
asked in a rush. Spike laughed out loud.

"We can go to all those places and more. We'll visit every country in
the world, together." Spike promised accepting the
proffered ice cream from Willow's spoon.

"Why do you do that?" Willow smiled sweetly.

"Do what?"

"Make me so happy."

"Because it means a lot to me that you’re happy, and coz you smile when
you’re happy, I like your smile."

"It means a lot to me when you’re happy too." Spike's smile faded a

"You know what makes me happiest, after you, don't you?" He asked.
Willow nodded.

"Killing people, killing Buffy." Willow looked down for a moment "I-I
can live with that."


"Or more rightly I can unlive with that." Willow told him. "I want to be
with you, forever."

Spike leaned forward capturing her mouth in his cupping her head in his
hand and running his thumb over her neck. Willow
ran her hands under Spike’s T-shirt feeling her way across the strong
muscles of his stomach. They broke apart for a second to
remove their T-shirts. Spike's hands whispered across her back as he began
kissing along her jaw line to her neck. Willow
moaned as heat spread to her core She felt Spike's hardness straining
against the material of his boxers.

Spike laid her down on her back on the sofa smiling. He snatched up the
carton of ice cream from the table using a spoon
he dribbled it between her breasts. Willow giggled lightly, the sound
bubbling up out of her mouth making Spike grin.

He leaned forward kissing away the ice cream. Gently he dropped a
little onto each dusky nipple making Willow moan as it
sent shivers through her. Spike licked very lightly at the top of one
vanilla covered peak then ran his tongue around the very
edge of the sensitive skin before taking the whole tip into his mouth.
Willow ran her fingers through his hair as he continued his
ministrations onto the other breast.

Drizzling a path down from her throat to the edge of her shorts Spike
followed it slowly with his tongue. Reaching the Black
material he hooked his fingers under the waistband pulling them past her
knees and off. The Blond vampire bit lightly at her
inner thighs moving closer to her heat.

Spike parted Willow's lips his tongue delving past to circle her hot
entrance. The hacker bucked lightly against his face
whimpering with pleasure. Spikes lips found her clit, kissing and sucking it
as his fingers found her slick passage. Willow's inner
muscles clamped around his fingers and she climaxed screaming.

Spike rose over her body pulling Willow into a gentle but passionate
kiss. Spike freed himself tossing his boxers away onto
the rapidly growing pile on the floor. He positioned his head at her
entrance filling her slowly. Willows walls closed on him
instantly, still riding high on her last orgasm. The vampire groaned low in
his throat as he continued to thrust into her. Willow
wrapped herself tightly around him loving how cool his skin was.

Spike's speed and force quickened as he felt his own orgasm coming
closer. Willow thrust up to meet him matching his
rhythm. She bit down on his shoulder as her second climax swept her away.
Closing tightly around him she felt his cold seed fill

They lay together, not moving, not talking. Just holding each other as
closely as possible. The sound of purring rolled
soothingly across the room.


Willow looked at the boxes on the bed. She'd been dying to open them
for two days. Carefully she lifted the lid on the
largest box. She'd been half expecting a little black number. Willow gasped
when she pulled back the tissue paper covering.
She lifted out the carefully folded dress holding it front of herself as she
looked in the full-length mirror. Spike wasn't kidding
when he said perfect.

I was made of deep red satin that brought out her eyes and hair. It was
strapless, flowing down to just above her ankle,
pinched slightly at the waist and a slit running up the right hand side to
just below the hip.

Willow laid it back out on the bed opening the second box. A pair of
delicate strappy high-healed shoes covered in the
same material as the dress with tiny white glass spots spattered on them
like droplets of water glistening in the light.

The final box was smaller than the rest. Inside was a delicate necklace
made of silver fashioned into a chain of tiny roses with
crimson petals with a pair of perfectly matched earrings. She felt tears
welling up in her eyes.

Three days ago she thought that she'd be dead and buried by now but
she'd been found and saved. Spike - her knight in
shining armour the thought brought forth an interesting mental image and she
burst into gales of laughter at the picture of Spike
in gleaming armour on a white horse. This would be the best night of her
life. She didn't care about Buffy, Xander, Faith, *Oz*.

Giles and Cordy - She cared about them a little still *Note to self,
make sure to stop Spike from killing Giles and Queen C*
Willow thought with a smile. The red head had known what Spike meant when he
said "Set one or two things straight." She
was surprised to find she didn't really care too much. Tonight was about
burning bridges as much as having fun, she was going
to loose all contact with Sunnydale.

Willow nodded resolutely looking down at the gifts set out on the bed
before her. Tonight was time, no more waiting in the
wings like a good little girl. Time to grab a hold of life .... and die.


Spike smiled slightly looking down at the tux he'd brought back from LA
It had been several years since he'd worn a tux,
well more than fifty if you were going to nit-pick. He was quite happy with
how well the suit fit after all this time attesting to the
fact that he'd not put any weight on and even if he did say so himself the
thought he looked damn good.

He fiddled with the boxed corsage he'd brought Willow with one hand and
the special gift he was going to give her with the
other. If the had to admit it he felt bloody awkward but he didn't mind, it
was for his Willow and that was all that mattered.

Spike looked up as he heard a noise at the head of the stairs. He
couldn't help the wide beaming grin that spread across his
face. Willow descended with all the grace of an 18th century noble woman and
spike's mind was suddenly (and disturbingly for
a vampire) drawn to that Chris de burg song 'Lady in red'.

"You like?" Willow smiled giving him a little twirl.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"You look good in a tux."

"I know." Spike sighed as though it was some huge burden and Willow
couldn't suppress a giggle. "I brought you
something." He smiled offering her the corsage.

"Spike its lovely thank you." She smiled leaning forward and kissing
him lightly on the lips.

"And I want you to have this too, I knew you liked it as much as I did
when I showed you it." Willow smiled her eyes filling
up with tears again as he passed her the little gift.

"I'm going to be the happiest person in the world tonight." The little red
head told him cradling the object slightly before setting
it down almost reverently on the coffee table. "We can fetch it before we
leave." Willow promised kissing him passionately.
They were interrupted by a car horn outside the front door.

"That'll be our ride. Don't want to be late now do we." Spike told the
bewildered witch.

"Ride? What do you mean?" Spike took her by the hand leading her to the
door he opened it to reveal a black limousine the
uniformed chauffeur dutifully holding open the door for them. Willow looked
at Spike her eye's wide. "You hired a Limo! This
is, this, I love you Spike." She smiled in the absence of other coherent
words. Spike's heart skipped a proverbial beat.

"Say that again." He asked.

"I love you Spike."

"I love you too Willow." Spike leaned forward and kissed her gently.
"After you." He motioned to the Limo and followed her
down to the path tipping the chauffeur as he passed.


Part 6

Buffy smiled as she met Angel outside the school Gym where the Prom was
being held. It was a warm night a light breeze
keeping everyone cool but neither Buffy nor Angel could feel it was a
perfect night the weight of the knowledge that they had
neglected their friend hanging heavily.

"You look amazing." Angel smiled looking at Buffy's midnight blue slip
dress its plunging neckline giving every male in the
vicinity a good view of her cleavage. Angel generally liked to keep Buffy's
cleavage to himself but was willing to forbear for her
Prom night.

"Not so bad yourself. I knew you'd look good in a suit." She smiled
wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her
toes to kiss him. Angel pulled her close deepening the kiss running his
tongue across the top of her mouth then sucking lightly on
her lower lip. Buffy moaned suddenly wishing they were somewhere a little
more private.

"Have you seen the others yet?" Buffy asked breaking the kiss.

"Xander and Cordy turned up a few minutes ago, Faith and Oz were here
before that, Giles is chaperoning I think Michelle
said she'd be here later."

"And Willow?"

"Not a thing. I think she'll show though. There's something going on,
the vampires I've been pummelling lately were all pretty
pre-occupied with getting out of town. I couldn't get anything out of them
though. I think Willow's involved, just a hunch." He

"Can we not talk about Vampires tonight?" Buffy asked.

"Sure." Angel smiled. "Whatever makes you happy."

Behind them a Black Limousine pulled up. A few heads turned, not many,
it was Prom night and Limos were a common
sight. The Chauffeur got out opening the door. The couple that stepped out
of the car caused more stares than the Limo ever
would. The gorgeous red head bright green eyes, the guys all recognised her
vaguely as a shy little hacker who wouldn't be
making an appearance tonight. Then the mysterious bone white blonde with
piercing eyes, someone you'd never like to meet in
a darkened alley.

Willow looked over at Buffy and Angel as they passed, they hadn't
noticed her or her partner, no need to alert them yet.
She linked her arm with Spike's and they entered the music filled gym.

"You want a drink Luv?" Spike asked.

"Sure, can you get me a coke? Oh no wait, Punch."

"Punch what?" Spike smiled. Willow just rolled her eyes and refused to
comment as Spike walked over to the drinks table.
Willow looked around the hall at the dancing couples, singling out Giles
beside the finger food almost immediately, Snyder
looking constipated and grumpy off near the far doors. Cordelia and Xander
dancing beside the stage, Buffy and Angel were
just entering the Gym. Spike got back with their drinks she had yet to
single out Faith and Oz.

"Want to dance or should we mangle?" Spike asked.

"Don't you mean mingle?"

"Nope, there's nothing like violence to get you through a school
function." The Blond vampire gave her a slightly off kilter

"Dance now, mangle later." Willow laughed putting her drink down and
letting Spike led her onto the dance floor. 'West of
here' by Lotion was playing over the speakers and Spike pulled Willow up

I was a wheelbarrow thick with silver,

Met a thimble coming down the lane,

As green as grass up to your shoulder,

Discovered in a soda bottle,

Willow smiled as they swayed to the lazy beat. She finally noticed Oz
and Faith holding hands as they walked to the dance
floor. For now she didn't care, it still stung to see Oz with someone else
but instead she lost herself in Spike's powerful arms.
She was with him now, and forever.

Unhappy bride lies down beside,

The well known mad man,

But she didn't save the paper last

Spike rested his cheek on Willows hair kissing the top of her head
briefly. After tonight everything would change he and
Willow would leave Sunnyhell and never come back, well not this century
anyway, or the next if they were lucky. Eternity was
going to get interesting. Willow would make a strong Vampiress with the
power she already possessed.

Across the bridge,

Down through the tunnel,

Two thousand years, too young to die,

I'll never walk this way again,

I'll never keep quiet,

Willow looked up at Spike and smiled almost evilly as if she'd read his
thoughts, seen his idea of the future. Spike pressed
his cold lips to her warm ones brushing them lightly over hers. Her tongue
darted out quickly, moistening her lips.

No one says they'll bring,

But a bell will ring,

Silence from within,


Spike deepened the kiss his tongue searching past her lips to dance
with hers. He cupped the back of her neck not wanting
to let her go but thinking that they would probably have to break it up
before Snyder or some other boring sod came along in
the name of the school board to stop anyone getting impregnated though over
strenuous lip action.

No one tries to bring,

Still the bell will ring,

Silence from within,


Spike pulled back and smiled at her. It’s amazing how quickly people,
and demons, can change. And the reasons for it, love,
hate, betrayal. He kissed her again and the song continued.

"I really thought that we would see Willow here." Xander frowned, "I'm
worried about her."

"Yeah, who ever it was we saw the other night, I don't think it was
Willow." Buffy nodded. Cordy looked between her boy
friend and her best friend and was suddenly angry with the both of them.

"That's just the kind of thinking that's driving her out." She fumed
"You’re both labelling her and if she doesn't fit into your
perfect cotton wrapped image of her then there's obviously something wrong.
Of course she's going to rebel if you don't start
treating her like a human being."

"No Cordy." Xander told her "I know Willow I'm her best friend...."

"Not anymore." Cordelia interrupted.

"Hey! You guys having fun?" Faith asked tipping back a Budweiser she'd
smuggled in.

"We were." Buffy shrugged.

"Since when?" Cordy spat.

"Whoa, let’s not get to fist to cuffs here ladies." Oz interjected. "And
you probably better stop drinking that. Giles is on his
way over and Snyder is giving you the eye." He told Faith.

Faith looked over to where Snyder stood and snorted quietly "I knew the
dirty little troll was up for it." She cast a glance
around the wide eyed faces and quickly added "Not that I ever would of

"I just saw Willow." Giles reported hastily.

"Where?" Angel asked.

"By one of the tables just a moment ago, then I lost sight of her."

"Was she on her own?"

"Well I didn't see anyone with her."

"Excuse me here but are we going to party or run around after poor
little Willow all night? Come on, let’s have some fun."
Faith shrugged exasperatedly. A voice penetrated the group.

"Always one of my favourite pastimes." Everyone turned as Willow walked
up to them.

"Willow, you look amazing." Xander's eyes bugged out and Willow
couldn't help but giggle a little in response.

"We didn't think you were going to show, how long have you been here?"
Buffy asked, eyeing her friend suspiciously. There
was something different about her, she wasn't a vampire but she was exuding
confidence, power. She didn't like it.

"Oh about ten minutes. The art class did quite well with the
decorations." She smiled genuinely enough looking around. The
hall was mostly decorated with yellow dotted in some places with burgundy. A
large Sunnydale High Banner was hung over the
stage where the music and announcements were being made from. Yellow clothed
round tables with small burgundy rosettes in
the centre surrounded the dance floor. Several Sunnydale High Razor Backs
banners dotted the walls.

"Yes they are quite good, H-how have you been, Willow?" Giles asked.

"Just fine. Things are looking up."

"So girl friend, you got a date?" Faith asked digging her lightly in the

"As a matter of fact she does." An arm snaked around Willows waist
pulling her tightly back against a hard body and she let
out a little chirp of laughter. "Your drink Luv." another hand passed her a
cup of punch.

"Spike!" Buffy hissed making a grab for him. She was stopped by Willow's
disturbingly strong hand biting into her shoulder.
Buffy pulled back looking at her friend disbelievingly.

"Magic." She explained reading the slayer's mind. "I enhanced my strength, I
don't want you causing a fight here and having to
pick yourself up after my boyfriend beat you into a bloody pulp."

"Boyfriend?" Spike looked at her enquiringly and everyone sighed relief,
everyone but Angel.

"Mate then." Willow adjusted and Spike nodded.

"Mate? Willow what's going on?" Buffy asked. "This is Spike, vampire
Spike, Spike who kills people and who more than
once tried to kill you."

"You’re acting like any of this should bother me. Sure he kills people,
but he's really cute and I think that makes up for it."
Willow had to elbow Spike in the ribs to stop him from bursting out into

"Will, this isn't you." Xander shook his head "Spike brainwashed you."

"Hardly." the Blond vamp snorted. "That was Drusilla's department."

"And where is Lover Girl?" Buffy spat.

"Back in England where I left the whore. That's if she's still in
England. By now she could be sleeping her way though
northern China."

"Willow." Angel pleaded.

"No." Willow stopped him. "I'm sure we'll see you later on." Willow
smiled leading Spike away.

"Once again Luv, that was cruel."

"Of course. I'm just the mistress of mental pain aren't I?" Willow

"Physical too I hope, if there's a bit of Dominatrix in there I wouldn't
mind finding it." Spike returned pulling her onto the
dance floor again.

"You want me to spank you and say you’re a naughty boy?"

"I really hope you’re not kidding."


"Don't Michelle and Giles look really cute together?" Buffy asked
looking over at the former watcher and his beau. She and
Angel were trying to find anything to talk about but the fact that Willow
and Spike were slow dancing while having a friendly
game of tonsil hockey.

"She's right for him." Angel agreed, "I'm hearing wedding bells."

"Really you think?" Buffy asked with genuine interest this time.

"Definitely, I've been around for over 200 years. You pick up one or two
things about human behaviour." He shrugged. "Plus I
saw Giles fiddling nervously with a little box which is at this very moment
in his inside jacket pocket."

"Oh goody. I like weddings." Buffy grinned at him taking a sip of her

"Really?" Angel asked.

"Yeah, The bride gets to wear a beautiful dress and have brides maids
and a bridal shower and go on honey moon and then
there's the whole getting married deal, loving someone forever. I just think
it's really nice."

"Oh good," Angel nodded. "You won't mind marrying me then?"

"What?" Buffy looked up at him and he pulled a small black box from his
inside jacket pocket.

"Marry me?" Angel asked opening the box to reveal a beautiful diamond
engagement ring. Buffy squealed attracting the
attention of the surrounding tables.

"Yes," she whispered tearfully. "Yes I'll marry you Angel." Angel
slipped the ring onto her finger kissing it then pulling her

"I love you Buffy."

"I love you Spike."

"Do you really mean that?" Spike asked Willow as he looked down at her.


"I don't think anyone has ever said that to me before. Me mum probably
did but I can't remember her and she'd have called
me William anyways." Spike mused. "I just can't get over hearing it, it's
nice though so don't stop."

"I love you Spike, I love you Spike, I love you Spike." Willow chanted

"Do you want to stay or shall we leave now?" Spike asked leaning forward
and brushing his lips against hers lightly.

"I've just got to go talk to some people." She told him. "You wait by
the doors for me?"

"Sure pet." Spike said straightening and kissing the top of her head.

Willow wandered over to where Angel was standing by himself now but
looking like the cat that got the cream.

"Angel." She smiled. "I'm just coming over to say goodbye."

"I know what you did for me, my soul. Thank you Willow."

"Welcome." She smiled, "you know what's going on don't you? None of the
others realise yet."

"I know what's going to happen tonight, I can’t let you leave with

“It’s not your choice Angel, and there’s no way you can stop me.”

“I don’t want to have to hurt you Willow.”

“I was about to say that to you. But I’ll stake you if you try to stop

“Willow this isn’t you…”

“Wait, I’ve got a better idea, I could always take your soul away
again.” Angel narrowed his eyes not doubting that she
would if he tried anything. He wasn’t willing to risk his soul, more people
would die.

“He loves you.”

"I know." Willow smiled. With that she turned and walked away.

"Cordy?" Willow called.

"Willow." The brunette smiled. "You leaving already?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to say bye, thanks you've been a really good
friend." Cordy nodded understanding; she leaned forward
and hugged her friend.

"Good luck Willow." Cordy smiled tearfully "Maybe I'll see you around.
We could go shopping some day, there are some
great leather originals out there that you would look wonderful in!"

"Maybe." Willow smiled sadly knowing that even Cordy would stop her if
she knew.

"You done Pet?" Spike asked Willow as she walked up to him.

"Yeah, I've left a letter for Giles in the library, I just needed to
explain things." Spike wrapped his arms around her
comfortingly and they turned for the door. Willow stiffened in his arms for
a second and he looked up. Oz and the brunette
slayer where necking at one of the tables beside the door. Spike felt a stab
of jealousy that this boy still had the ability to affect
his mate.

"How about I deal with the bastard now?" Spike asked hate lacing his

"No!" Willow said quickly, then more controlled. "No Spike, I don't
think I could deal with seeing you kill. Not while I'm
human." Spike looked down at her and nodded leading her out past the kissing

“Willow.” Buffy stepped into their path as they headed for the Limo.
“I’m not letting you go with him. This isn’t right.

“How can you tell the difference between right and wrong?” Willow asked,
frowning. “You never seemed to mind about
neglecting your friends.”

“Willow, I’m really sorry but you’re not thinking straight. You’re
hurting and it’s making you act like this. You’ve got to think
Willow. This is Spike, he’s going to kill you.”

“Oh yeah, but that’s half the fun.” Spike grinned.

“I must admit that it will be interesting to find out what it’s like to
die.” Willow nodded thoughtfully. Buffy’s eyes widened
and she shook her head in horror.

“Willow no! Please tell me it’s not true; please tell me you’re not
just going to let him… God Willow.”

“You may not like it but it’s my choice and you have no choice in the

“Oh I have a choice.” Buffy said angrily, pulling a stake from her
purse. “I’ll kill him before I let him touch you.”

“Just try it.” Willow offered. Buffy moved like lightning throwing the
stake in a perfect line for Spike’s heart. The stake never
made it to its destination as willows hand reached out and grabbed it
effortlessly in its flight.

Spike looked at Willow with wide eyes, “good catch Luv.”

“Thanks.” She grinned back. “You see Buffy there’s no way you’re going
to be able to stop me.”

“Please Willow.” Buffy begged helplessly.

“I’ll see you round Buffy.” Willow smiled leading Spike to the Limo.


Spike took Willow by the hand up to the second floor of the Rosenberg
home. He stopped just outside her bedroom door
bringing his hand up to stroke her cheek gently. "Willow, sweet. This is the
end. You can still turn back now; change your mind,
live. But the choice ends when you walk into that room. You either invite me
in and I'll turn you, or tell me to leave and I'll go."
Willow stepped into her bedroom and looking back at Spike doubt seemed to
play across her face.



Dear Giles

I wanted to say goodbye in person, but I didn't know if I could.
You may not understand why but I love Spike and I
know what I'm doing. Don't worry for me; I may see you again some day, who
knows. I want to say thank you. You've
been therefore me since I found out about the things that live in the dark
and you've saved my life countless times.

You've been my mentor, and my friend and you know me better than my
own father. No matter what you've read in
your books about vampires don't think that I will ever stop loving you. Good
luck with Michelle.


Willow Rosenberg.

Giles took off his glasses and leaned on the desk with his head in his
hands the note lay on his desk in Willows best script.
He was sure it wasn't the last time he'd see his young ward but he'd miss
her for the rest of his life how ever long or short it may

"He's going to turn her." The voice startled Giles and he turned to see
Angel standing at his the office door. Giles reached
down into the filing cabinet and produced a bottle of scotch and two glasses
pouring out a measure into each he offered one to
Angel. The sounds of the prom could be heard faintly from outside.

"I know. I knew when I saw him at the start of the party but I didn't
want to believe that she'd willingly let Spike...." Giles
trailed of shaking his head and drank back the dark liquid from his glass.

"There's nothing we can do." Angel said.

"Except carry on with our lives and hope for the best, for them and
ourselves." Giles sighed, "I don't think they'll stay in
Sunnydale, not for long anyway. It could be years before we see any thing of
them again."

"Willow's strong, as a vampire she'll be stronger." Angel warned.

"If there's one thing I've learned from my time on the Hellmouth, it's
that the book's aren't always right. Willow may be a
vampire, but I can't guarantee she'll change completely." Giles told him.
They'll leave, and we won't stop them." Giles picked up
the note from his desk; folding it carefully he slid it into the pages of
his personal diary.

"Have you asked Michelle yet?" Angel asked changing the subject.

"How did you know?" Giles asked looking up.

"In 200 years you pick up a few things."

"Yes I've asked her, and she said yes." Giles smiled. "Did Buffy?"

"How did you know?"

"You don't have to be 200 to pick up a few things."

"She said yes."

"I suppose this calls for another." Giles smiled raising the scotch
bottle again, "and another and another, until we don't care if
the world ends tomorrow."

"I'll drink to that."


"Spike.... well aren't you going to come in here and kiss me?" Willow
asked and Spike's face lit up. He stepped in and
kicked the door shut. Pulling Willow into a passionate kiss, he nipped
playfully on her lower lip.

Spike ran his hands down her back finding the zip on her dress and pulling
it down. Willow stepped back and let the dress
pool around her feet reaching over to undo Spike's jacket and shirt slipping
them off onto the floor.

Spike wrapped his arms around her kissing her neck, flesh against
flesh. He removed the necklace and earrings dropping
them onto the dressing table as he toed off his shoes. Spike lifted her
effortlessly into his arms and laid her on the bed kneeling
beside it. He reached down removing her shoes then each of her stockings
running his hands slowly down her legs. Freeing her
from her suspender belt he ran his fingers from her neck to her breasts.

Willow gasped as he began removing her bra and lightly kissing the
newly exposed skin sucking gently on each nipple till
they hardened. Spike ran his hand down her body hooking his finger under the
material of her panties drawing the down and
dropping them onto the floor. He nibbled at her inner thighs moving up to
her heat. She moaned as his tongue brushed her
centre her breathing becoming more rapid.

Spike stood removing the rest of his clothing. Willow watched her eyes
playing over the smooth curves of his muscles
running down his back over his buttocks the strength in his thighs. He
returned to the bed standing hard and ready. He covered
Willows body with his own taking charge for the act that would change both
their lives. He kissed her stomach moving up
through the valley of her breasts to her neck.

Willow wrapped her legs around him pulling him up to her entrance, her
nails scratched across his back as she felt his steel
length slide into her core filling her. "Spike." She moaned as he thrust
into her.

Spike covered her mouth with his, kissing her deeply. Willow felt as
his demon came to the fore his fangs lightly piercing her
lips. His movements speeded. Willow looked at him his true demon face over
her. Her green eyes locked with his yellow and
she smiled thrusting up to meet him. She felt her orgasm coming close.

The vampire leaned over his mouth brushing against her pulse. He heard
Willow’s keening her body beginning to shake her
inner walls clamped around him. Snarling he continued to thrust feeling his
sac tighten at the closeness of his own climax as she
closed around him again, so hot.

"Spike!" Willow bucked as orgasm claimed her. Spike thrust into her
several more times before she felt his seed fill her. His
fangs brushed over her jugular.

"Willow." He whispered his fangs sinking into her flesh drawing the
blood from her veins. Willow felt Spike's movement’s
speed up once more the taste of her blood bringing him to full hardness
again. Still riding high on her first orgasm Willow felt
heat shooting through her again. Coming quickly Willow felt light-headedness
realising Spike's fangs where still buried in her
neck. She vaguely felt Spike's final thrust a snarl rumbling through his
chest. He removed his fangs from her and pressed his
wrist to her lips, she lapped at the blood as darkness over took her smiling
as she heard Spike whispering comfortingly in her

"Sleep my love, sleep and when you wake we'll be together forever."

Willow opened her eyes and smiled into her mate’s peaceful face. No
point in wakening him yet, there was time enough.
She reached up carefully running her hand along her ridges. She was a
vampire, she didn't feel very different, there was a
hunger gnawing slightly at her stomach. She was amazed at how much she could
sense just lying here. Her companion was a
vampire she could smell it, she recognised the smell of another vampire and
not just that a powerful one, her demon she

The house was empty, the sun was up and there were children playing in
the street outside. A woman was pushing a baby in
a buggy just down the road. She thought of Oz, of ripping his thought out
with her fangs and found only the slightest pang of
conscience not enough to stop her from doing it, then she thought of killing
Giles and found that she couldn't, for some reason
this felt strange to part of her. She looked back at Spike his eyes were
open and he was looking at her thoughtfully. Willow felt
at her game face shifted to its human mask while she looked at him the bones
sliding together not painful just peculiar.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"All new." Willow smiled, "I can hear the world turning."

"I get that feeling sometimes." Spike grinned.

"I'm not sure if I have a soul or not. I think something of it's still

"There's always something of it still there more with some than others,"
Spike told her thinking of Angelus. "If we had no soul
how could we feel anything even negative emotions come from the soul, hate,
malice, evil, love, compassion. They all come
from the soul."

"I'm hungry." Willow pouted and Spike grinned.

"Got to wait until the sun goes down, then I've got the perfect starter
in mind."

"Me too. First kill, something special and we're doing the world a
favour. One less werewolf plaguing the planet." Willow

"A woman after my own heart." Spike stroked her face gently and Willow
was amazed by how warm his skin felt. "But
what in the world can we find to do until the sun goes down?" Spike sighed
dramatically and Willow laughed.

"I've got some Ideas."

"Really?" Spike asked hopefully.

"Yeah, enough to last eternity.... twice."


