In My Dreams
Author:  Aerin
Feedback:  Encourages me to write more
Distribution:  Archived in the near future at If you'd like it, let  me know
Disclaimer:  Joss Whedon and WB own it all, I have a nasty red bank account
Rating:  NC-17
Spoilers:  None.  Set S4; Spike is still at Giles's
Summary:  The gang catch Spike dreaming, loudly, about someone

~Part: 1~

They trooped through Giles's front door noisily.  Buffy and Riley were discussing
weaponry yet
again, and Xander and Anya were having some argument on the educational value
of the X Men.
Willow turned and hushed the others as she spotted Spike.  The curtains were
shut, and the
vampire was snoozing on the couch.  He lay lengthwise, slightly curled and facing
the room.
"Couch hogger," Xander muttered, brushing past him to take an armchair.  Seeing
the lack of
seats, Anya joined him.  Buffy and Riley snuggled into the other armchair, and
Willow pulled up the
ottoman by the couch.
"Is Giles going to be long?" Riley asked quietly.
"Not too long," Buffy replied.  "You know, it's almost dusk, I don't see why
he's still asleep.
Obviously he's been up.  I say we wake him."
"Leave him alone, Buffy, you don't know what kind of demon he was fighting or
something last
night," Willow protested.
"Wills, he lurks and causes trouble.  No fighting whatsoever," Buffy retorted.

"What about the demons?" Willow pointed out.
"Fighting demons isn't manly, it's speciesist," Anya affirmed.
"Yeah, and what's more -" Buffy began.
"Oh baby."
As one, the five teenagers gaped at the sleeping figure of the vampire.
"Oh my God," Buffy hissed in a loud whisper.  "Tell me he's not ...?"
"He is," Xander said in disbelief.  "He so is!"
"Thank God he's not ... touching ... anything."  Buffy shuddered.
"Oh, I don't know," Anya said thoughtfully.  "Spike is cute."
"Hey!" Xander protested.
"I didn't say I was going to have sex with him.  Just, he's cute."
"Spike is not cute," Buffy said stonily.  "Plus he's a terrible kisser."
Willow snorted.  "Liar."
Buffy pointed a warning finger at her best friend.
"Maybe we should leave him," Willow said worriedly.
"What?!  We have stuff to do here.  Giles said, we had to be here.  Only more
"It just seems like an invasion of his privacy or something."
"Come on, Wills, he's a vampire.  Why do you think he likes Jerry Springer so
much?" Buffy
pointed out.
"Oh sweetheart ..."
Anya not-very-discreetly pointed a finger at the bulge in Spike's jeans.  Buffy
and Willow eyed it
appreciatively, then tried to pretend they hadn't.
"Do you think he's dreaming of Drusilla?  Do vampires dream?" Willow enquired.

Buffy shrugged.  "Far as I know.  But I thought he was over Dru?  This is kinda
a lusty thing."
Spike purred suddenly, rubbing his head against the arm of the sofa.
"Okay, he's dreaming about being a cat," Riley laughed.
The vampire moaned a little, then downed Riley's suggestion.
"Baby please."
"Harmony?" Willow suggested.
Xander wrinkled his nose.  "Yeah, but ... I just don't see Harmony as being
that hot.  I mean,
whoever this girl is, she's got a vampire eating out of the palm of her hand
and purring.  We're
talking a major goddess."
"Oh God, Willow!"
Willow's jaw dropped.  Okay, everybody's jaw dropped, Xander's especially.
"This guy's doing serious whimperage, and you're telling me it's you?!" he cried,
half-jumping from
his chair, much to the displeasure of Anya.
"I -I - I don't know!" she stammered.
"Willow, are you having sex with Spike?" Anya asked with interest.
Willow flushed.  "Not currently," she muttered.
"You had sex with Spike?" Xander pressed.
"I was being sarcastic, Xander.  Of course not!  Grrr, remember!" Willow reminded
"Well, he's gonna get a stake when he wakes up, thinking about my bud that way,"
Buffy said,
"Buffy, you can't kill him just because he ..." Willow paused.  "He, whatever
he, about me.  And!  It
may just be his subconscious.  A weird, ungrounded dream.  Nothing to do with
Anya's eyes narrowed.  "Methinks?"
Willow glared at her.  "I am not protesting too much.  I just ... well, I don't
want him all dead and
dusty.  Like I don't want any one of us dead and ... not dusty."
Buffy shook her head.  "She's right.  No way.  I mean, euggh.  Willow has better
"Your toes ... oh, Willow."
"Your toes?!" Xander screeched.
"He's lusting after your imaginary toes?" Buffy said in disbelief.
Willow tried to act as if her imaginary toes were wholly desirable.  "Well,
Buffy shook her head, her voice hurt with apparent betrayal.  "Listen to yourself!
And then tell me
when you had sex with Spike!"
"I did not have sex with Spike!" Willow yelled helplessly.
Spike jerked upright, blinking blearily.
"What the bloody ... Can a vampire not get a moment's peace 'round here?"
"NO!" Xander and Buffy shouted together, rounding on him.
His face fell into an expression of intense dissatisfaction.
"Well, why the hell not?!" he grumbled.
He looked around at the accusing faces, and then seemed to notice his interesting
Willow thought idly that he may not have been able to blush, but that she was
red enough for the
both of them.
"I need a drink," he muttered, standing and stalking away.
"That wasn't the direction of the kitchen," Anya smirked.
"Maybe you should go help him, Willow," Riley added.
His girlfriend turned in his lap and glared at him.  "Riley!  Evil vamp!  My
enemy!"  She turned back
and made a face.  "Ew, Willow, he's probably thinking of you while he's in there."

"I told you, subconscious," Willow faltered.  *Spike with his hands on, on,
thinking of me, saying
my name.*
"I have plenty of subconscious," Xander announced pointedly, "but I have never,
contemplated a person's toes in a dream.  Or purred.  Or moaned people's names!"

"Maybe he's a foot fetishist," Riley suggested.
"He's a vamp," Buffy argued.  "Blood is about the only thing that does it for
them, that and kink
and pain.  Did you let him drink from you?"
"Buffy, I didn't, I have not slept with Spike.  Or any blood related thing!"

"Someone mention my favorite snack?"
Willow gulped as Spike wandered in, taking note that the serious bulge in his
jeans was back to
*Which is still pretty bulgesome ... Thoughts, Willow!  Bad!*
"Nope.  Uh-uh.  No blood here," she said quickly.
"Damn."  Spike dropped back onto the couch, sprawling with his head near Willow's
this time.  He
breathed in deeply as he settled himself.  "Mmmm.  Red, you smell nice.  Obviously
two different
lots of shampoo in your household."
"You're telling me I stink, undead guy who I've never seen brush his teeth?"
Buffy asked icily,
glaring at the vampire.
Spike shrugged.  "Liquid diet, Slayer.  And, you said it."
Riley leapt to Buffy's defense, wrapping his arms around her.  "Well, I think
Buffy smells good."
"You don't count.  You're her boyfriend.  You're biased," Spike sneered, picking
up a lock of
Willow's hair, playing with it for a moment, and then dropping it.  Willow sat
frozen, her face a
mask of uncertainty.
"But by that reasoning, Spike shouldn't count either," Riley argued, and everyone
turned to nod at
Spike watched them with a frown.  "... What?"
"Well, you know, uh ... 'cause you're ... not ... Buffy's boyfriend," Riley
explained half-heartedly.
Spike's frown deepened.  "Oh.  Yeah, I'm not."
"That was a ... mild response," Buffy smirked.
"I'm still working on the subtexts here," Spike said shortly, playing with Willow's
hair again.  This
time she relaxed into it.  It was kind of nice.
"We're all trying to work out when you had sex with Willow," Anya told Spike
Willow jerked forward, regretting it as she tugged her hair out of Spike's fingers
with a painful
"... Oh," Spike answered, smoothing her ruffled hair intently, then dropping
his hand back to the
couch.  From the corner of her eye, Willow saw him shoot her an uncertain look.

"Ha!  You see that look?" Xander hooted.  "That was a guilty look."
Buffy shook her head in distaste.  "'Fess up, guys.  When'd ya do the dirty?"

Willow leapt to her feet, her face flaming.  "I have not ... I did not have
"I'm so relieved to hear that," Giles said apprehensively, closing the door
behind him and casting a
dreading look at Willow and his vampire guest.
"Willow and Spike have been having sex," Anya informed him helpfully.
"Perhaps, then, we could leave them to do so in their own time, and discuss
the demon that Buffy
saw last night?"
"Uh-uh, Giles."  Buffy's tone was scathing.  "I want to know when this pathetic
excuse for a
vampire was seducing my best friend."
"Watch who you're callin' pathetic, Slayer," Spike said in a flat tone.  "Anyway,
the little witch and I
haven't been shagging.  Hello, chained up half the time."
"You'd like that, Spike," Buffy retorted.  She turned back to Willow, shaking
her head.  "I can't
believe that you ... "
Willow, wordless, looked around at her supposed friends.  The only one who wasn't
looking at her
with disgust or shock was Spike, who wasn't looking at her at all, but had a
profoundly guilty
expression on his face.  Like that would help.
"Fine," she said icily, and left them to it.

~Part: 2~

Spike was frozen, knowing that he should go after Will, that she was hurting.
Only trying that
would likely get him a staking, not to mention she'd be pissed with him.
Well, a man, a vampire, couldn't help what he was dreamin', could he?
It was his fault.  He'd fallen asleep, and once again she was there, wild and
in his arms.  The
blurred memories stirred him even now.
Buffy turned on him with a glare.  "Look what you've done!"
Well, let her bloody try, then.  He stood sharply.
"Fine.  Whatever."  He looked at Giles.  "That crypt?  It's dark now, I'm goin'."

Spike grabbed his duster and shrugged it on.  He paused a moment at the door.
"I never touched
the little witch.  You'd do better believin' in your friends, Slayer."
Her anger faltered as she watched him go.  Hopefully he'd done enough.
When he turned to head to the cemetery he'd chosen, he spotted Willow.  She
was walking
hurriedly in the direction of the university, pausing every so often to kick
at an inoffensive can or
scrap of rubbish.
He ran quickly but quietly up behind her.
She jerked to a stop, slowly turning.
Even in the dim light, her eyes flashed with anger.  As she saw who it was,
her shoulders slumped
a little.
"Where the hell'd they get the idea that the big bad would want me?" she said
tiredly, brushing at
hand at the tears he saw in her eyes.
He shook his head slowly at her disbelief.  "How could anyone not?"
Willow gave a bitter laugh.  "Yeah, the sexy little net girl, wannabe witch.
I'm a geek.  I'll always
be a geek."
"You are not a geek, pet."  He thought briefly.  "Angelus wanted you.  Bastard.
And ..."  He
paused, and reached to touch her face.
Spike ran his thumb slowly down her cheek, lifting her head so she looked him
in the eyes.  With a
heated gaze, he spoke in a low, teasing voice.
"Don't tell me you don't remember."
He ran his blunt teeth lightly over her neck.
"There was that.  And before that ..."
He stroked her hair lightly, savoring the silky strands.
"'Bottle in face'?" he reminded.
Her face was stunned.
"Angelus wanted me?"
She would pick up on that.
“Well, yeah, but I wanted you more, luv.  He’s never come back for you, has
he?  All stuck in Los
Angeles and soul-having.”
Willow laughed, batting his arm, and he realized he was pouting.  And then she
shot him a
considering gaze, mentally weighing something.  Her eyes ran from his head to
his feet, and back,
and he felt himself harden at just her looking at him.
“You know,” she said slowly, catching his hand and bringing it to her lips,
kissing the tip of his
index finger and sucking it part-way into her warm mouth.  He gulped, hard.

“As long as everyone thinks that we’re shagging, there’s no point in missing
out, is there?”
She was top-full of surprises, wasn’t she?
“Oh yeah,” he said hurriedly, his voice dry.
“Mm,” she agreed, around his finger.  Shooting him a sultry look, she nipped
his finger.
He drew her to him roughly.  “Vixen.”
Willow wound her hands in his hair, bringing his mouth to hers.  “You better
believe it.”


Rather than the crypt, he handed over a piece of plastic to the woman behind
the counter at one of
Sunnydale’s nicer hotels.
“You have a credit card?” Willow giggled.  She was adorably attached to his
arm, and he didn’t
mind a bit.  Well, he wouldn’t if all those stupid men in business suits would
stop looking at her.
“Bloody twenty-first century, pet, can’t do a thing without one.”
The woman processed them and handed over the cardkey, directing them to the
elevator.  She
didn’t even blink at their lack of luggage, so he granted her a smile and a
thank you.
Spike wrapped his arm round her waist, hugging her to his body.  She looked
up at him, relaxed
and happy.
He planted a kiss on her forehead.
“Why is everything always better when you’re with me?” he mused.
Her smile in return was stunning.
“Because it’s better for me that way, too.”
In the elevator, she put her arms around his neck and jumped into his arms,
her legs wrapping
around his waist.  She took his face in her hands, pushing him back against
the wall of the elevator
and kissing him.
As she paused for breath, they arrived at their floor.  She slid down his body,
flicked the cardkey
from his hand, and sauntered out of the elevator, leaving him stunned behind
Spike briefly cast his eyes up at the ceiling, an awed look on his face.
“Thank you.”
Her laughter called him onward, and he sprinted to follow her into the comfortable
hotel room.
“Do you offer up prayers often?” she teased, her green eyes wide as she mocked
“I knew you had fire in you,” he answered, still watching her with amazement.
“I just didn’t realize
it was quite so hot.”
She regarded him seriously for a moment.  “I’m over being mopey.  I deserve
to live a little.  And
… this girl I once met sort of taught me that the world wasn’t any fun, so you
had to make it that
way by yourself.”
He nodded.
“Plus …” she continued, blushing a little.  “I want you.  I’ve wanted you so
much.  And I know that
you’re not going to judge me, that if I want to be me, that I can.”
“So you’re not after me just for my body?” he clarified.
Willow paused.  “Well …”
Spike grinned at her, holding up his hands in capitulation.
"You might as well satisfy yourself."

~Part: 3~

Willow considered him for a second, a catalogue of fantasies flicking through
her mind.  She slid
his duster from his shoulders and roughly over his arms, then pushed his unresisting
body onto the
bed with one hand.
Straddling him, she ran her fingers over the T shirt he wore, feeling the hard
muscles beneath.  He
watched her, his smile expressing both his pleasure and anticipation.  His body
was responding to
her as well, his desire forming another impressive bulge in his jeans.
She took his hands, spreading her own over his open palms, and forcing them
onto the bed.
Sliding up his body, she bent her head to kiss him.
Spike responded eagerly, his body pressing against her and his tongue impatiently
sweeping into
her mouth to meet hers.
Willow felt his passion stir her own, something deep inside her responding to
him.  So that was
what it was all about.
Meant-to-be noted, she exerted some more pressure on his hands, out-dominating
his kiss as she
ground against him.
He played back by kissing her innocently, with his tongue brushing against her
lips, then nibbling
her lower lip gently.
She sighed against his mouth, freeing his hands to pull off his T shirt.  Their
lips parted for only a
moment, and then he was kissing her intently again as she explored his chest.
As her thumbs
brushed over his nipples, he put his hands on her hips, stroking over them then
cupping her ass.
He pulled her slowly against him, and she let her head drop back, biting her
lip at the feel of him.
Spike's hands moved her hips tantalizingly, and she pinched a nipple in return.

His eyes closed momentarily, savoring the brief discomfort, and he surged against
Willow's hands lifted to her waist, swiftly pulling her own T shirt off.  His
hands seemed to just
appear on her breasts, leaving her ass for more valuable bounty.
She slapped them away with a giggle, reaching behind her back to fiddle momentarily
with the
clasp.  He pouted desperately at not being allowed to touch, flinging his hands
against the bed and
glaring at her.
Willow cocked her head, smiling innocently at him as she slid her bra strap
down her left arm with
a single finger.  She repeated the gesture with the other strap, waiting momentarily
to see his
His eyes were drinking in her pale skin, the possibility before him, and then
he let his head fall
back into the pillows, his eyes screwed shut.  After a moment, he popped one
eye open again,
quirking an eyebrow at her.
She gave in, picking up his hands and sliding them over her breasts, inside
the bra.  He shut the
eye again, his hands molding her breasts and a smile of pleasure on his face.

She wiggled her arms free of the straps and tossed the bra aside, pressing her
lips together as his
thumbs circled her nipples.
Spike's eyes flicked open suddenly, and he pulled gently on her nipples, watching
them grow fuller
before his gaze.  He sat up slightly, plumping one breast up to take the nipple
slowly into his mouth.
Willow watched intently, heat spiraling through her as he drew on the bud.
His tongue teased, then
his lips sucked, and then he would lightly draw his teeth over the aching tip.
He released the
nipple and kissed her mouth, smothering her disappointed whimper.  When she
pulled her head
away to gasp for breath, he bent his head again and sucked the other nipple
into his mouth.
The touch of his cool tongue drew a moan from her, and she dragged her fingernails
up his back to
then hold his head closer to her.
His hands moved over her back and down to her ass again, running over the cheeks
and the backs
of her thighs.  The hardness and involuntary movement of his erection beneath
her made her
wonder briefly how he could stand it.
She took a deep breath and pushed Spike's head away from her.  He resisted her
a little, and so
her nipple was pulled slightly as his head moved back.  Willow sucked in a sharp
breath, feeling
herself tremble.
She lifted herself off Spike's lap, swinging one leg across his body and standing
up beside the bed.
"Will -" Spike warned hurriedly, moving to get up.
"Stay," she ordered, flicking a backhanded slap against his chest.
He took a deep breath through clenched teeth, the air whistling.
Willow slipped off her shoes, then took off his boots.  She trailed her fingers
up his leg, then
straddled him again.  Her hand cupped his groin, which he thrust against her.

"Spike, all cold and bothered," she sighed, drawing her hand away again.
She knelt up slightly, lifting her hands to cup her breasts briefly, then slip
down over her stomach
and down her thighs.  Casually she raised one hand again, teasing her nipple
with a thumb.
He bit his lip as he watched her, his face strained.
She ran her hand down her stomach again, this time letting her hand stray beneath
the waist of
her pants.  She touched a finger to her clit, closing her eyes as she teased
the small bud through
her panties.  Her hips pressed easily against her finger, and then she gasped
as Spike moved
heavily against her, trapping her finger between them.
"Take my pants off," she ordered, her voice breathless.
He obeyed her quickly, his hands shaking slightly against the soft skin of her
stomach.  While he
unbuttoned the trousers, and slipped them over her ass, she continued to rub
herself.  When she
lifted her legs so he could free them, the pressure against her core made her
swallow convulsively.
Spike waited for further instructions, although his body strained against her.

Willow trailed her finger up her panties, and then slipped her fingers inside.
As her fingers found
her clit again, she moaned.
He lifted his hands cautiously to her ass, sliding his fingers over her naked
flesh beneath the silk,
and slowly pulled her panties free.  She didn't stop him, enjoying the sensations
that her own
fingers were creating.
As he slid the silk from her ankles and threw her panties away, Willow opened
her eyes and took
her fingers from between her legs.
She brushed her wet fingers over his lips, then let him suck them into his mouth.
Spike wound his
tongue over her fingers, tasting her juices.
Willow drew her hand back again, taking his hand in her own and guiding it to
her wet cunt.  His
thumb found her sensitized clit, and she arched into his touch with a moan.
She pushed his fingers
with her own, and they slid together into her aching core, cool and warm together.
His longer
fingers stretched her slightly, filling her with anticipation for his larger
and thicker cock later.
He followed the rhythm she set, guiding two of his own, and then three fingers
inside her.  His lips
met hers again, kissing her intently as his hand heightened her pleasure.
She felt her body heave against him, her cunt clench on his fingers, and her
head fell back as she
screamed out.
Spike was kissing her shoulder desperately as her walls tightened and then finally
relaxed around
his fingers.  Her hand was at the base of his neck, and she could feel the tension
in his shoulders.
Breathing hard, Willow took her hand from herself and fumbled hurriedly with
his tight jeans.  His
cock sprung free as she unzipped him, long and thick with its tip wet.  She
yanked the denim down
as he wriggled to help her, his cock nudging against her soaking cunt lips and
increasing their
She licked her lips as he lay naked before her, eying the tempting head.
"I wouldn't," he said thickly, circling his thumb over her clit again.
"Very well," she replied, her voice just as strained.  "Seeing as you've been
so good ..."
She wrapped her hand firmly around his cock, feeling it pulse beneath her fingers.
Willow guided
him to her, her eyes closed as she savored the sensation.  He slipped easily
in at first, a growl
escaping him at the long-awaited touch.  He was an awful lot bigger than she
was used to, and as
he met with the slightest bit of resistance, he placed his hands firmly on her
hips, drawing her
down as he thrust upwards.
A cry of pleasure escaped her as she stretched to accommodate his length and
girth.  He grunted
back as he withdrew then pushed inside her again, moving deeper.
They quickly found their rhythm, thrusting hurriedly and desperately against
each other.  Spike
moved one hand from her hip, finding her clit and rubbing his fingers over it.

"Are you ready again, Will?"
His eyes were half-closed as he fucked her, but he obviously felt her nod against
him, because he
twisted her clit and thrust deep up into her, groaning and then shouting her
"Will, Willow, Willow!"
"Oh God, oh SPIKE!" she screamed back, her body lifting against his and her
cunt squeezing his
cock.  She could feel him tense and then relax back as he shot his cool cum
deep within her, her
walls pulsing as she slumped against his chest.


At some point he lifted his hand and smoothed her hair.  Willow's head was on
his chest, and if he
couldn't hear her breathing, he might have worried.  As it was, Spike could
totally understand her
She didn't even have a vampiric constitution to brag about, and she'd nearly
done him in.  But it
had been such a wonderful way to nearly go.
"Spike?" she asked tiredly, her head shifting slightly.
"'S all right, pet.  Your hair's just one of the many things that drives me
wild about you."
He pulled a strand lightly.
"That's the point where you say you love me back, Will."
She lifted her head, a surprised look on her face.
"Oh."  Willow paused.  "You love me?"
"Reckon I do."
She seemed to think a moment, then smiled.  "All right.  I love you back, Will."

He laughed softly.
"And that means that in about three minutes ... it's the point when I show you
how lucky you are
that you're not goin' off home tonight.  Oh and pet?  This time - I'm on top."

