Once Upon a December...

Authors: Alex and Rylie

Email: spikesvampslayer@hotmail.com and rylieluv@yahoo.com

Rating: Pg to a very soft R (It's pure fluffy, fluff.)

Disclaimer: We own nothing. *Tears* Joss is the God of the Buffy/Angel verse. The song is sung by Deana Carter and is found on the Anastasia soundtrack. We don't own those either.

Notes: Christmas Wishes for All! And lots a feedback can make our Holidays bright.:) Hope you enjoy!


Willow sat on her bed in the dorm room she shared with Buffy and looked down at the slip of paper in her hand. 'How in the world did I end up with his name?' She thought as she remembered everything that had just happened in the past few hours.

~*~A Few Hours Ago~*~

"Ok, all the names are in the bowl. Just pick one and pass it to the next person." Giles said as he held the bowl out to Buffy. "No peeking." He said as he looked over his glasses at Xander.

"What?" Xander said as everyone turned their eyes to him. "Ok, fine. I won't peek." He huffed slightly as he took the bowl from Buffy and pulled a name for himself. The bowl was going pass Spike as he sat on the couch and he quickly tossed in a piece of paper with his name on it, and gabbed the one he saw a bit of a W on. With in a blink, the bowl was on to Anya and no one was the wiser on his movements. Vampire speed and stelth was always an added bonus, especially in this case he was greatful for it.


"What could I possibly give Spike?" Willow asked aloud, staring blankly at the wall. A blush crept over her cheeks as she imagined a few choice answers to her question. 'Willow! You do NOT think of Spike that way!' She mentally berated herself as she flopped backwards on her bed. 'You'll just have to come up with something nice and clean to get him.' she resolved. 'Nice and clean...'

~*~Giles House~*~

"Watcher, I'm going out." Spike announced blatently as he opened the front door.

"And just what makes you think I care?" Giles asked from the kitchen.

Spike rolled his eyes and slammed the door behind him. He had more important things to worry about than a pissy watcher; he had Red's gift to figure out.


Willow walked slowly through the mall. She was looking in the shop windows hoping that something would give her a clue as to what would be a perfect give for Spike. Her thoughts were drifting to a pair of hand cuffs that she had seen in a pervios store window, that she didn't notice someone walking towards her until she bumped into the wall like person.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She said quickly as a slow blush creeped into her cheeks.

"No worries, Red." Came the amused voice. Willow quickly looked up to find Spike standing in front of her. And her cheeks colored even more as bits of her previous thoughts came back to her.

"Spike!" She squeaked. "What are you, um, doing here?"  

Spike shrugged, "Just a little christmas shopping. You?" he asked casually.

Willow avoided his eyes. "Uh, same, just finishing up really." she lied, looking for a quick escape.

Spike nodded, "I can tell, you need help with all those bags?" he asked.

Willow looked down in confusion, "What ba- Oh! I mean... well, I've already been to the car once, and now i'm bag free, and almost done. You look like you still have a lot to do so I'll just-"

"No, just my secret santa gift. Mind if I tag along with you untill you're done?" Spike asked innocently.

Willow shook her head, disspelling all thoughts of another look at those handcuffs from her head. "No, that's fine." she agreed. "Where do you wanna go?"

"You lead, I might find something along the way." Spike said as he jestured back the way she had just walked from.

"Ok." Willow shrugged. She turned and they started walking. She looked around for a nice and safe store when she spotted  Suncoast video not to far ahead. "Why don't we check out the movie store?" She asked. 'Maybe he'll see something he wants in there.' She thought as they entered the shop.

A disney movie was playing on the tvs above their heads as they walked though. She stopped at a small area that had a bunch of little nick nacks and stuff from different movies. "Oh, look." She cried when she found a small music box. She kneeed down and picked it up to show Spike. "Its from Anastasia." She said as she turned the small charm.

Spike looked at the music box and was surpirsed at the quality of this, compared to the Chucky dolls and other action figures. The small charm fit into a slot on the side of it. The charm had a necklace attached to it, and the top of box itself had a polished green stone. He looked from the stone to Willow's eyes and smiled as they both seemed to glow.

The top part of the box opened and a small little couple popped up and started dancing to the slow almost classicial sounding song. Spike looked up at Willow, again, to find her eyes trainied on the dancing couple. She started humming along with the song and giggled lightly when she caught him watching her.

"Maybe if you come over, after Buffy goes on patrol, we can watch the movie." She asked softly.

"Sounds better then watching PBS or anything else Rupert watches." Spike said with a shrug. In his mind he was working on the perfect gift for Willow. "Not much that seems good for the gift in here, why don't we try another store?" He asked as she set the music box back down.

Willow shrugged. "Ok, where to now?"

Spike shook his head, "I was following you, luv."

Willow nodded, "Right, so i guess we'll just walk untill we find something."

Spike followed her out of the store, groaning lightly at the effect the bounce in her step was having on him.

"What did you say?" Willow asked, stopping to let him catch up.

Spike snapped out of his lust-filled haze. "What? Oh! Nothing! I mean, I was just saying lets try the next store." He answered quickly.

Willow quirked an eyebrow at him before nodding, "Okay, the next store it is." she looked up to see where they were headed and gasped as she realized it was the store that sold those lovely handcuffs. "You wanna go there?" she asked a little shakey.

Spike registered her reaction and nodded as he saw her eyes glaze slightly. "Come on, pet. It'll be fun." he grinned as he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the store.  

Willow tried to keep her eyes to the floor, but Spike's comments were making it very hard.

"Oh, I haven't a cat o' nine tails like this in a long time." He said and he started laughing when Willow's head shot up quickly. Her eyes widened when she saw the almost nasty looking whip in his hands.

"Why would they have a shop like this in a mall?" She asked as she reached out and fingered the leather straps. She was surprised to find that they were padded. "Its soft." She wondered softly out loud.

"Yeah, alot of them are now a days." He answered as his mind started to bring up images of her using the whip on him, and the other way around. He closed his eyes briefly to will away the images and the reaction they were causing him. 'Maybe coming in here wasn't such a good idea after all.' He thought.

He opened his eyes to find Willow's on the whip in his hands. He was surprised to see the underlying desire buiding in their green depths. He inhaled deeply and caught the faint sent of her arousal. He needed to get his and her mind off of all this, so he decied to they needed to leave the store, or he was going to take her right there. "Why don't I walk you home, pet?" He asked. His voice was husky with need and want. He coughed a bit and tried, again. "If they Slayer's out, we can watch that movie you were talking about."

Willow shook her head sightly to get her mind back on track. "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan." She said softly as her mind processed the huskiness of his voice before. 'Maybe a little bit of wickedness is the right gift for him.' She thought as she followed him out of the store. Her eyes strayed to the back of his jeans. 'And a pair of leather pants would be an added bonus.'

They left the mall in a comfortable silence as each pondered the possibilities of presents they could give.

'The hand-cuff's, leather pants, and a whip. Hmmm... He won't have you commited, no way'

'The jewelry-box, a cat-o-nine, and me in a big bow. Nah, she won't run screaming...'

"Soo...." Willow started, breaking the silence.

"Soo...." Spike echoed. "Hey, didn't you have a car back there? Full of presents?" he asked in a bit of a teasing tone.

Willow's eye's widened, "Oh, it was, uh, oh! It was Buffy's mom's car! But then they left, so, yeah! It's fine- Ow!" Willow winced as she bit her tongue. "I weally need to thtart talking thlower." she lisped as she wiped blood off her tongue.

Spike narrowed his eyes as the smell assulted him. The visual of her bleeding tongue was wonking a number on his nerves and he closed his eyes as he gave an unconcious groan.

Willow's eyes widened further as she heard Spike. "Oh! I'm sorry! This must be killing you! I'm sorry!"

Spike stopped her and turned her towards him. "Wanna make it better, Red?" He asked huskly as his eyes focused on her lips.

Willow watched as his eyes seemed to glaze over at the thought of blood. "How?" She asked softly.

Spike's eyes ticked up to her eyes for a moment, before his lips decended on hers. The kiss started slow as an almost quick little peck, but then he did it again. He let his tongue sneek out a gently flick over her lower lip. Willow let her mouth open and gently guide his into her mouth. She moaned softly as he increase the pressure a bit as he drew her tongue into his mouth. Her blood mixed with their saliva in their mouths and he groaned at the heady taste of her. He pulled away and looked down at her closed eyes and slightly swollen lips.

He brushed his hand against her cheek lightly and her eyes opened and looked up at him. "I feel alot better now, luv." He said softly as he smied at her.

Willow smiled softly back at him. "Anytime I can help." She said with a small giggle.

Spike grinned smuggly at her and they continued walking.

"This is it." Willow said, coming to a halt in front of Stevenson Hall. "Did you wanna come up?" she asked.

Spike stared at her for a long moment, "No, I'll take a raincheck on that movie, luv. I'll see you soon." With a quick peck on the cheek he was gone.

~*~Later That Week~*~

"Willow! Come in!" Giles greeted her as he opened the door. "Everyone is already here. Cookie?" he offered a plate of store-boughten cookies which she politely declined.

"Willow! Look everybody! Willow's here! Now let's open presents." Anya 'hinted'.

"Right," Giles started. "Sit down Willow, Anywhere will do."

Willow casually made her way into the circle and seated herself next to Spike.

Giles handed out the presents to the names on the tags, and they all started openning their prizes. Willow opened the small box and gasped softly as she saw the music box from Anastasia inside. She wound it up and let it start to play and sang softly with the melody. "Dancing bears, Painted wings. Things I almost remember, And a song someone sings, Once upon a December." She hummed softly and chanced a glance at Spike sitting next to her.

Spike stared into the box on his lap with a dazed expression on his face. He closed his eyes and the lid for a moment, but when he opened them, again, the sight was the same. He looked over at Willow and started laughing at the smirk she was giving him. 'Cor, she's full of surprises.' He thought as she started laughing with him. 'Leather pants, hand cuffs and a note promising more later.'

He leaned over and whispered in her ear. "I'm taking you up on the offer, Red."

She looked him straight in the eyes and smiled. "Goodie."


"Well I'm off to Patrol." Buffy announced as she stood.

"Xander and I need to go have Christmas sex." Anya stated as she pulled Xander up.

"Merry Christmas everyone." Buffy said, rolling her eyes. "Will, you need me to walk you home?" she asked.

Willow shook her head, "Nope, I'll be fine. See Ya."

Buffy, Xander, and Anya all headed out the door, leaving Giles, Spike, and Willow in silence.

"Spike, would you mind walking me home?" Willow asked coyly.

Spike grinned widely as he stood, collecting his and Willow's things. "I'll be back later, watcher." he said following Willow to the door. "Don't wait up."

Willow smiled softly as she took Spike's hand in her's. Leaning up she whispered softly in his ear. "Did you like your gifts?" she asked huskily.

Spike nodded, "I can't wait to try them out."

Willow pursed her lips before swiftly changing directions. "No dorm room tonight, Spike. The rest of your present is at my house. You coming?" she asked innocently.    

~*~A few Hours Later~*~

Willow laid curled against Spike as the song on the Cd player started again. "Wow." She said softly.

Spike started a rumbling laugh that shook her with his movement. "You can say that, luv." He said as she looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed her softly. "Have I showed you how much I like my prezzies?"

Willow laughed. "Yeah, only about five times." She said as she moved and the cat o' nine tails fell soundlessly to the floor and added to the pile of things on the floor. Willow sat on his chest and looked down at him. "Marry Christmas,  Spike." She said before she leaned down and kissed him softly.

"Marry Christmas, Willow." Spike said before he flipped them and deepened the kiss.

In the background, a soft melody combined with the sounds of the new lovers.

Dancing bears,
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember,
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December.

Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...

Far away, long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart
Used to know,
Things I almost remember

Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...

Far away, long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart
Used to know,
Things it yearns to remember...

And a song
Someone sings
Once upon a December


