Title:  All She Does
Author:  Alrisha
Rating:  R (mentions violence & a tiny bit of non-consentual sex)
Summary:  Spike gets his chip out and everyone pays a price.
Notes:  I just wrote it because I felt like it.  It's totally
unbeta-ed and may not make any sense.  If you hate it, keep it to


All the bloody chit does is cry.  Sometimes I think the sound of it
will drive me even crazier than Dru is.  I try to block it out of my
head, but I can't seem to escape it.  I think about killing her,
letting her join her friends.  But when she stares at me with those
big teary doe eyes of hers, I can't bloody bring myself to do it.
It's like she's cast a spell over me or something, but I know she
wouldn't even be capable of doing it in her current state.

I don't even know why I took her.  I should have killed her along with
the rest of the lot.  Maybe I was drunk on slayer's blood or
something.  After all, I showed no mercy to the rest of them.  I was
impressed by their fight, though.  The watcher showed the briefest
hint of a darker side, as did the moron.  Demongirl screamed and cried
a lot, which was more bloody annoying than anything else.  The little
blonde witchy friend of theirs tried casting a spell of some kind, but
she was too shaken up to get the incantation right.  The farmboy might
have stood a chance, but he was too busy weeping over the slayer.  Too
easily distracted to put up a real fight.  Bloody amateurs.

I saved her for last.  I wanted to watch her beg for mercy.  Her
friends were all dead, their blood slowing drying on my clothes.  I
expected her to be utterly helpless.  But she wasn't.  She fought like
a bloody maniac, and I loved it.  So I brought her with me.

I had hoped that she would keep the same fire.  I thought for a while
that she would.  She fought me even harder when I bedded her the first
time.  I think that's what finally broke her.  Not the act itself, but
her reaction to it.  Even as she screamed and protested, her body
begged me for more. That's what is slowing killing her.  She can't
deal with the fact that she willingly lies down with the demon that
butchered her friends.  Sometimes when she's lying beneath me gasping
and panting, I can almost hear her begging for forgiveness for the way
she's betrayed her friends' memories.  I think she would ask me to
kill her, but she knows I can't.  I can see it in her eyes when she
looks at me.  She knows that I can't give her up.  So I keep waiting
for the tears to stop and the fire to return.  I don't think it will.

It doesn't matter though.  I'm running out of time now.  I can feel
the rage and hatred radiating through the bond I once shared with my
sire.  He won't let me go, won't let me escape unpunished after
bathing in the blood of his former love.  And I can only keep running
for so long before he catches up to me.

I wonder if he knows that I have her.  I wonder how he will react when
he smells me on her, sees my mark on her.  What will he do when he
sees the dark bruises that my fingers have left on her delicate skin?
I'm sure it will just infuriate him more.  Maybe then he'll kill me

One of the minions asked why I don't just turn her.  He doesn't
understand the power the chit has over me.  I am frightened of what
she would become.  Me, William the Bloody, afraid of what a newly made
vampire could do to me.  It's bloody ridiculous, but I am.  If she
could affect me so deeply as a mere mortal, then I know I can't handle
the demon she would become.  Besides, she doesn't want it.  She wants
to rejoin her friends, to ask for their forgiveness.

She will take her own life when I'm gone.  I can see it in her
actions, the way her eyes linger on the silver dagger I used to carve
my initials into her smooth skin.  When Peaches stakes me, my
redheaded witch will open her veins and her sweet blood will spill
onto the floor.  Perhaps it will trickle down into the pile of ashes I
will be.  That would be poetic.  Peaches will try to save her, but he
won't be able to.  She is half dead already, the blood in her veins is
merely a formality.

He will waste her blood, let it pour out of her body without the
merest taste.  That is a small comfort for me.  She will have been
mine and only mine.  The wolf and the witch are nothing.  Only I have
drunk from her while I was buried inside her heat.  Only I will know
the delicate taste of her blood tinged with fear and desire.

I turn my head towards her to stare at her one last time.  Peaches is
here, and I will not fight him.  I blow a kiss to her and watch as she
picks up the dagger.  It will all be over soon.

