Title:  All She Said (part 4 of the Actions & Words series - woohoo! I have a title)
Author:  Alrisha
Rating:  PG
Notes:  This follows "All They Do."  Angel is Spike's sire in this series.

Spike's POV (are you detecting a pattern here?)

"I need you."

It's amazing how three little words can change someone's unlife.  One
minute I'm sitting there, waiting for my sire to stake me and put me
out of my misery.  The next I'm wondering what kind of demon has
suddenly possessed the body of the redhead I had kidnapped so many
months ago.

I can still hardly believe that this little slip of a girl attacked my
bloody sire.  Of course, she didn't hurt him really.  But she did slow
him down long enough to buy us some time.  And she seems to have
shaken his reality so much that the bloody bastard has left us alone

I stared into her eyes for what seemed like forever.  They were dry
for the first time in longer than I could remember.  In them, I saw a
brief flicker of the fire I had once seen.  But more importantly, I
saw the reason she was still with me after all that time, after all
that pain.  It was need, pure and simple.  She needed me as much as
she needed the air that flowed past her lips with each breath.

It shouldn't have surprised me, really.  After all, my need for her
was just as desperate.  Why else would I have sat waiting patiently
for my sire to stake me in my own bedroom?  I couldn't go on without
her.  I had only needed one other being as badly as I needed my little
redheaded witch.  And losing Dru had almost killed me.  I couldn't
have taken another blow like that.

It is still hard sometimes to imagine how things could have changed so
quickly with those three little words.  In that moment, I knew that I
would never be alone again.  I knew that the power she held over me
was no greater than the power I held over her.  We were in too deep,
my witch and me.  And as she stared up at me with those big green
eyes, I knew that she was ready and willing to fall even deeper into
me.  She didn't say anything else - just tilted her head back to
expose one of the many bite marks that covered her skin.  She didn't
even flinch as let my demon out, as I sank my fangs into her mortal
flesh one last time.  The corners of her mouth even seemed to curl
slightly as I pressed my bleeding wrist to her mouth.

She's not exactly the way I pictured her as a vampire.  At times, it's
almost as if she never lost her soul.  It is and always has been clear
that she is as much in control as the demon.  She never went through
the wild and reckless phase that so many young vampires go through.
It was as if she was born into this unlife with a century under her
belt already.  And she doesn't strive for the scent of fear and the
looks of terror, in spite of my attempts to teach her to hunt
properly.  Instead, her victims are slowly seduced into blackness.  I
doubt most of the blighters even realize they're dying as my Red draws
out their blood.

One of the minions noticed that many of her victims look like me.  I
blinded the bastard for having watched my Red so closely without my
permission.  But, I can't deny that he's right.  She does seem to have
a particular preference for lean blonde men.  Perhaps in her own small
way, it's how she gets back at me for everything I did to her when she
was still alive.  Every once in a while, there is something in her
eyes as she's draining them, a look that almost says it could have
been me.  I wonder about that sometimes.  I suppose I could ask her
about it, but the truth is that I really don't bloody care.

The only thing that matters is that she needs me.  She's never claimed
to love me, but that isn't important.  She could leave me easily if
she loved me.  It's certainly happened before.  Pathetic blokes being
left by women who love them enough to do, I don't know, whatever the
hell they think is best for the poor bastards.  Loving me wouldn't
necessarily mean she'd stay with me.  But needing me, well, that will
keep her around for an eternity.  And that's exactly what I'm counting
