Title:  Conversation (1/1)
Author:  Alrisha
Pairing:  Willow/Spike (implied)
Disclaimer:  The characters belong to Joss.  The ideas are mine.


Spike stepped outside and lit a cigarette.  He blew smoke into the
darkness and waited for the figure he knew was there to speak.

"She deserves better."

"That she does.  She's a goddess.  She deserves the best of

"Then why you?"

"I don't know.  Don't bloody care."

"You don't deserve her."

Shrug.  "Of course, I don't.  I'm a bloody demon who hasn't done a
decent thing for longer than I can remember."

"Except love her."

"Except love her."

"Does she love you?"

"She does.  I don't know how or why, but she does."

"You should give her up."

"Why is that?"

"It's the right thing to do.  She deserves sunlight and children."

"When have you ever known me to 'do the right thing'?"

"So you won't do it."

"No, mate, I won't.  I don't bloody care what's right.  I'm not
giving her up.  Not now, not ever."

"I could force you to leave her."

"You could.  But you'd be breaking her heart.  And you're not willing
to do that to keep her away from me."

"What if she stops loving you?"

"She won't.  You can see that as well as I can."

"Will you turn her?"

"When she's ready.  She knows what I am."

"Do you love her?"

"Do you have to ask?"


"Yes, I love her.  With all of my unbeating heart."

"Then why won't you do what's right?"

"Because I'm an evil selfish bastard who cares more about what's
right for me than what's right for anyone else.  Did you expect anything

"I suppose not.  You're dust if you hurt her."

"I'd dust myself if I did."


"Spike?" a feminine voice called.

"Be there in a minute, luv.  Just finishing up my smoke.  So do we
have your blessing?"

Sigh.  "Yes.  Just take care of her."

"I will, mate.  I will."

Spike turned and walked back into the house he shared with his
redheaded witch.  Outside, a dark-haired figure stared through the
window for a moment before vanishing into the darkness.
