Title:  Fulfilling a need
Author name:  Alrisha_3
Author email:  Alrisha_3@yahoo.com
Rating:  NC-17
Pairing:  W/S
Summary:  Spike needs something.  Can Willow give it to him?
Spoilers:  none
Disclaimer:  I don’t own any of it, just wish I did.
Distribution:  Just ask me.
Feedback:  Please

“Hey Willow.  What’s up?”  Angel asked.  He had been such a great help since she and Spike had finally realized their feelings for each other and acted on them.  She called him a lot in the beginning for advice on how to deal with Buffy and the rest of the gang.  And there had been some questions about Spike in general, but mostly now they just talked about general stuff.  “Is something going on?  We just talked yesterday.”

“No, I mean, not really.”  Her voice was tentative.  “There’s nothing wrong exactly, but I think there’s something that’s not right.  With Spike.”  Willow could practically feel Angel tensing up on the other end, so she quickly continued.  “At first I thought it was related to the chip.  He’s just so agitated sometimes about that.  But I don’t really think there’s a problem with that especially since I’ve been letting him drink from, um, oops.”

Angel went ballistic as Willow cringed and held the phone farther from her ear.  “You let him what?  Willow, have you lost your mind?  Why would you let him feed from you?”

Willow was hurt and more than a little defensive by Angel’s attack on her decision.  “I’m not stupid or crazy, Angel!  I just want him to be happy.  It was my suggestion, not his, and we both agreed we would stop if we thought it was getting out of hand.  I haven’t told anyone else about it because they’d just freak out like you just did.  So don’t go call Giles or anything.  I don’t need to deal with that right now.”  Willow’s voice softened somewhat.  “Besides, I don’t plan to stop no matter what you or anyone else says.  As strange as it may seem, I kind of like it.  No, I really like it.  It’s incredibly erotic, Angel, you should understand that.  I’ll spare you all the details since I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.  But that’s not why I called.”

Angel was quiet for a moment, and Willow was afraid he’d passed out or something.  She was just about to ask if he was okay, when she heard his strained voice.  “All right, Willow.  I can say I understand how you might feel, but I still think what you’re doing is dangerous.  Why did you call?”

“Well, this is a little awkward, but I don’t know who else to talk to about it.  Spike has been rather, well, restless lately.  The sex is still incredible, and everything else seems to be going great.  But sometimes I catch him staring off into space as if he’s lost in a memory or looking for something that’s not there.  Do you think it could be that he’s missing Dru?”  It was hard for her to ask that question, and the possibility of an affirmative answer made her heart stop.

“I don’t think it’s that.  But I can think of something else he might be missing.  Before I tell you what it is, I have to know if you’re really willing to do something for him.  It won’t necessarily be easy for you, but I think it will work.”

“Angel, I think letting Spike feed from me is a good indication that I’m very willing to do things for him.  It was scary, and still is sometimes.  I’m sure whatever you’re going to tell me can’t be any worse.”

Angel chuckled into the phone and began to explain what he thought the problem was.  Willow was more than a little surprised, but she listened raptly and only interrupted to ask occasional questions.  Her hands were shaking when she finally hung up the phone, and she took a deep breath before standing.  She was going to have some serious preparing to do.

Willow  glanced around the room nervously.  It had taken several days to get everything together, and she was amazed that Spike hadn’t caught her sneaking around.  She was eternally grateful to Angel not only for the advice and guidance, but for referring her to a store and letting her use his credit card for her purchases.  She had had to promise to let the shop owner know how things had turned out (in a general sense, of course) in exchange for his advice and suggestions as well.  Now it was finally time.  She took a deep breath before leaning over her naked lover and whispering gently in his ear.  “Wake up, Spike,” she coaxed gently.  “I want to know what’s been bothering you lately.”

Spike groaned, still half-asleep.  “I keep telling you, luv, there’s nothing wrong.”

Willow brought the riding crop down across his stomach and watched as Spike’s demon broke free.  “That was a lie, William,” she cooed.  She hoped that he couldn’t hear her nervousness.  She watched as Spike struggled against the cuffs around his wrists and ankles, trying to launch himself off the bed.  Good thing I fastened those down so securely.  “Care to try again?”

Willow watched in silent amusement as Spike’s human face returned and he tried to make sense of his surroundings.  She had turned off all the electrical lights, opting instead for the soft glow of dozens of candles throughout the room.  The outfit she wore (what little there was of it) was all black leather from the gloves to the high heeled boots to the very short shorts to the extremely uncomfortable bustier.  She smiled as Spike’s eyes raked over her body.  She could tell he approved, even if he was still in shock.

“Willow?” he croaked, and was answered with another stinging blow across his stomach.

“I didn’t give you permission to speak freely, William.  You are only to speak when it is absolutely required of you.  You may nod or shake your head otherwise.  Do you understand?”  Spike nodded vigorously.  “Good.  Now, back to the original issue.  There is something bothering you, isn’t there?”  As Spike nodded, she noticed that his eyes were still tinged with yellow.

“This ‘something’ has been bothering you for quite some time.”  Again, Spike nodded.  “How long would you say this ‘something’ has been bothering you?”

Spike closed his eyes before answering softly, “About a month.”

“And how many times during that time did you lie to me and say nothing was wrong?”

“At least a dozen times.”

“Very well, William.  One blow each for those thirty days in which you hid your needs from me and another dozen for each time you lied to me.  That seems appropriate, don’ you think?”  Spike nodded.  His eyes were still closed, but Willow could tell that he was definitely aroused.  Good thing he’s naked so I can tell how I’m doing.  “Count for me, William,” she said as she began.

“One,” Spike groaned as the riding crop connected with his bare thigh.  “Two.”  Another blow across the other thigh.  “Three.” This one caught him across the stomach.  “Four.” She worked her way up to his chest.  “Five.”

Willow tried to concentrate on what she was doing, but her head was a jumble of thoughts.  Lucky for me that Spike is counting or I’d never keep it straight.  She hadn’t really believed Angel’s assurance that Spike would be fine or that he would even enjoy it, but as she continued to strike him it was obvious that Angel had known what he was talking about.  The angry red welts from the first couple of blows had quickly disappeared and were replaced by a pinkish hue.  “Funny to see a vampire with pink skin,” she giggled silently.  What Angel hadn’t told her is how much fun it would be.  Her concern for Spike wasn’t the only thing clouding her mind.  An aching desire was spreading throughout her body, making her wish she was wearing more comfortable shoes to support her shaky legs.


I can’t believe he’s so turned on by this.  I can’t believe I’m so turned on by this.  Thank you, Angel.  I owe you one, buddy.  Time seemed to stand still and the only thing that existed was Spike’s voice, punctuated by the sound of a riding crop connecting with flesh.


Willow took another deep breath and willed herself to go on.  It was becoming increasingly difficult to concentrate, especially since all she really wanted to do now was crawl on top of her lover and fuck his undead brains out.  Concentrate, Willow.  Spike keeps proving to you that anticipation just makes it better.  With a start, Willow realized that she had reached fifty.  She realized that Spike’s lustful eyes were fixed on her expectantly.

“Now, William, you won’t lie to me anymore, will you?”  He shook his head.  “From now on, when you want something, when you need something, you won’t hide it from me?”  Again, he shook his head.  “Tell me what you want now, then.”

There was no mistaking his desire.  “I want you to let me please you.  I want to make you cum.  I want to hear you scream my name.”

“How would you do that, William?”

“Let me be inside you.  Let me fuck you, Willow.”

Willow stared down at him for a moment before relenting.  She stripped quickly, feeling his hungry eyes on her body.  She considered unchaining him, then decided against it.  Instead, she simply crawled onto his cold body, warming it with her own.  She straddled his hips and slowly lowered herself onto his hardness.  She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of him inside her.  Beneath her, she could hear Spike draw in an unneeded breath as he struggled not to move.

“You may fuck me, William.  But you are not to come until I have.  Understand?”  Spike nodded and began to thrust upwards into her.  He slid easily in and out of her wetness as she supported herself above him.  With each thrust, she could feel him rub against her clit, driving her insane with desire.  As aroused as she was, she knew she wouldn’t last much longer.  “Yes, Spike, fuck me.  I want to feel you cum with me.” She sped up her movements as Spike rose to meet her.  She threw her head back and screamed his name as her orgasm wracked her body.  Spike thrust into her one last time, emptying his cold seed deep inside her.

Exhausted, Willow collapsed on his chest, forgetting the marks she had left there earlier.  She sleepily withdrew the key from one glove and released Spike’s hands and feet.  He brought his arms down to hug her close to him and kissed her softly on the mouth.  “Thank you, Willow,” he murmured before joining her in slumber.
