Title:  Needs (5/5)

See part 1 for disclaimer, etc.


"Don't answer it," Spike growled as the phone rang.
Willow hesitated for a moment before pulling her hand
away from the receiver to rest on Spike's chest once
more.  The machine downstairs finally picked up, and
Willow heard Buffy's voice filter upstairs.

"Willow?  I hope you're okay.  Cordelia just called
Giles.  She was hysterical.  Angel left LA in a huge
hurry.  Cordy said he seemed really pissed, and that
he was headed for Sunnydale.  I don't know if
something has happened or not, but I want to make sure
you're safe.  Please come to the magic shop, or at
least call if you get this message.  And try to find
Spike to walk you.  I know you guys have been spending
a lot of time together, and I think you might want
some protection.  Just in case.  I'm really worried,
Wills."  The phone clicked dead.

Spike looked at the redhead.  All the blood had
drained from her face.  "Spike," she began shakily.

"Pet, he's probably just pissed off that I'm with you.
 Don't worry about it."  Spike sighed unnecessarily as
he realized that Willow wasn't going to calm down
anytime soon.  "If it will make you feel better, we'll
run down to the magic shop to check on your friends."

"Please?" Willow said in a trembling voice.

Spike nodded.  "Get your clothes on, pet," he said,
gently pushing her off the bed.

Willow got dressed in a daze.  <Could something have
happened to bring Angelus back?>  Willow didn't even
want to think about what the dark vampire would do to
her, and to Spike, if he'd come back.  A shiver passed
through her body as she and Spike left the house and
began to walk to the magic shop.  Willow found herself
glancing over her shoulder nervously, suddenly
frightened by shadows and wind.

Spike had watched the change come over the redhead,
and it worried him.  He felt certain that his sire
still had the soul.  After all, if he didn't, there
wouldn't have been an ex-cheerleader alive to make the
call.  But Willow was terrified.  It was then that
Spike realized just how different it was for him.
Willow had been frightened when he'd lost his temper,
but her entire demeanor with Spike was different.  The
thought of what Angelus had done to terrify the
redhead so much made him even angrier at his sire.
But his immediate concern was to take the redhead's
mind off the impending encounter.  As they passed an
alley, Spike dragged her back into a dark corner.

"Is something wrong?" Willow whispered fearfully.

"Only that I wasn't ready to get out of bed with you
yet," Spike replied as his hands undid the redhead's

"Spike, we can't," Willow protested but she was
silenced by a bruising kiss from the blonde.  He
ravaged her mouth with his tongue until she moaned and
pressed against him.

He shoved her jeans down, picking her up and pulling
one leg free of the offending material before setting
her on her feet again.  He undid his own jeans and
pulled out his hard cock.  Willow groaned as Spike
lifted her once more and slid into her sopping pussy.
She wrapped her legs around his hips as he pounded
into her against the hard brick wall.  "You.Are.Mine,"
Spike grunted as he thrust into her.

"Yours, Spike.  Only yours," Willow moaned.  "I, I
love you," she stammered.  Spike stopped suddenly.

"You love me?" he asked softly.

Willow bit her lip, angry at herself for letting the
words slip out.  She glanced at the blonde unsure of
what to expect from him.  Her eyes widened as she saw
a smile creep across his face.  "Well, pet, this isn't
exactly how I imagined first hearing those words, but
I'll take it anyway."  He leaned forward and kissed
her softly.

"You're not angry?" Willow asked quietly.  "You're not

Spike raised an eyebrow at her as he slid his cock
completely into her.  "Does it feel like I'm upset to
you?" he asked seductively.  Willow moaned and shook
her head.

"I do love you, Spike," Willow said breathlessly as
Spike began to pound into her again.

"Love you, too," Spike grunted.  He pushed up her
shirt and bit into her breast as he came.  Willow
followed quickly, moaning his name as he flooded her
with his cold sperm.  Spike held her closely for a
moment before a noise from the street reminded him of
where they were.  "Come on, pet.  We'd better get to
the magic shop before they send out a search party."

He helped Willow rearrange her clothes and clasped her
small hand in his as he led her out of the alley.
"Spike?" Willow said hesitantly.

Spike stopped and stared at the redhead intently.  "If
the wanker is back, which I doubt he is, I won't let
him touch you, pet.  You belong to me now.  Heart,
body and blood.  And I'm not giving you up for anyone
or anything."

Willow beamed with joy at the vampire's statement.
Spike chuckled.  "Come on, luv.  I want to get this
over with so we can get back to breaking in our new


"I am telling you that he was there when I called her
today.  Doesn't that bother any of you?" Angel
demanded angrily.

"You know, surprisingly, it doesn't," Xander replied.
"Willow may be my friend, but she's also a big girl
now.  She can decide who she wants to spend time with,
and it doesn't require approval from us.  Personally,
I think it's kind of cool that she and Spike have
become friends.  He always looks out for her on

Angel stared incredulously at the dark haired youth
who had been so totally opposed to the vampire's
relationship with Buffy.  "Are you even listening to

Xander stood up to say something, but Giles stopped
him with a hand on his shoulder.  "Apparently being in
love with a former vengeance demon broadens one's
mind," Giles replied.  Anya grinned foolishly, still
not used to hearing that Xander loved her.

"Angel, I don't understand why you're so upset about
this," Buffy said.  "And you still haven't explained
why you called Willow anyway.  What is going on with

Angel frowned.  He had expected them to rally behind
him against Spike, but his plan had almost completely
backfired.  Angel suddenly found himself on the
receiving end of four intense stares.

"Are you evil again?" Xander asked, finally have the
courage to voice what they'd all been wondering.

"No!" Angel replied hurriedly.  "I'm just worried that
Willow is involved with Spike.  I, I don't think it
would be good for her."

"Well, why don't you ask her when they get here?"
Buffy said.

"They?" Angel asked.

"Willow and Spike.  He's probably walking her here
now."  Buffy had barely finished the sentence when
Angel ran out the door and into the darkness.

"Does anyone else not understand what just happened
here?" Xander asked.

Buffy and Giles both raised their hands.  As an
afterthought, Anya's hand also went up.

"We should probably look for them," Giles said.

Buffy nodded.  "Let's go," she said as the gang stood
and walked out of the magic shop.  Giles stopped at
the door and turned around the 'back in 5 minutes'
sign as he locked the door behind them.

Angel spotted the couple across the street and
sprinted towards them.  He pulled up short as Spike's
scent poured off the redhead in a wave, drowning his
senses.  As he glanced at Spike, Angel could smell
Willow all over his bleached blonde childe.  Without
even thinking, Angel roared and launched himself at
Spike.  Willow screamed and dodged as Angel ran into
Spike, sending him crashing to the ground.

"How dare you," Angel hissed, pummeling the blonde
with his fists.

"I should say the same to you, you bloody bastard,"
Spike replied, shoving the dark vampire off and
regaining his footing.  "Don't blame me to giving the
chit what she needs when you're the one who made her
like this in the first place."

"You're just making things worse by getting involved
with him," Angel said to the redhead.

"Worse?" Willow scoffed.  "Worse than what?  Letting
some filthy little minion bite me for money?  Cutting
my own arm to try and get the right combination of
blood and pain?  Which option did you think was

Angel stared at the redhead in shock.  It was true
that he hadn't wanted to know the details of what she
was doing, but he hadn't realized how desperate she
had become.  "I would have helped you get over it."

"Well you're too bloody late," Spike snarled.  "Or is
that what bothers you?  Can't stand the thought of Red
wrapped around me, screaming my name as I bite her,
can you?"  Angel growled angrily as his demon emerged
fully.  "That's what really bothers you, isn't it?
You don't care about whether or not she's getting
bitten as long as she's lusting after you.  I'll bet
it eats your little soul up that the chit is begging
for my cock, for my bite.  You probably don't know how
hot she sounds when she's begging for more instead of
screaming in pain, do you?"

Angel lost it completely.  He launched himself at
Spike once more and the two tumbled to the ground.
Willow screamed as she looked around desperately for
something to separate the two with.  Angel and Spike
exchanged blows with blinding speed as they rolled
across the ground.

"Willow?" Buffy called.

Willow's head jerked around.  "Buffy, help!" she

Buffy ran towards her friend and stared at the
snarling vampires on the ground.  "What the hell is
going on here?"

"Please, just stop them," Willow begged.  Buffy dug
into her pocket and withdrew the tazer Riley had given
her.  She waited for an opportunity to strike and
leapt in.  Buffy hit Spike first, who screamed before
being rendered immobile.

Angel stood, his face and hands a bloody mess.  He
started towards Willow when he was also dropped by a
tazer blast.  Willow sighed in relief.  "Just in
case," the slayer said, standing over him.

"Are there chains in your training room?" Willow
asked.  Buffy nodded.  "I think we need to get Angel
restrained."  The dark vampire tried to protest, but
he was unable to speak.

Buffy glanced at the two vampires.  "What about
Spike?" she asked.

"He'll be okay."  Willow said.  Buffy looked at the
redhead questioningly.  "Trust me," Willow said

"Okay, but you better do some explaining soon," Buffy

Giles, Xander and Anya jogged up, out of breath from
trying to keep up with the slayer.
Xander glanced at the two immobile vampires and
Buffy's tazer.  "How long will they be like that?" he

"Long enough to get them to the shop," Buffy replied.
"Giles, help me with Angel.  You guys carry Spike."

With Angel securing chained to the floor and Willow
hovering over Spike anxiously with a wash cloth, Buffy
finally felt comfortable beginning her interrogation.
"Ok, Wills.  What is going on?"

Willow glanced at the blonde vampire nervously, unsure
what to tell her friend.  "Spike and I are kind of in
love," she whispered.

"Well, duh," Anya muttered.  Everyone turned to stare
at her.  "I mean, congratulations."

"How does Angel fit into the picture?" Buffy asked

"Well, Angel called today and Spike had, um, spent the
night.  You know how much Angel hates Spike.  I guess
he just freaked out about it."

Spike and Angel, now both recovered, didn't bother to
tell the slayer the rest of the truth.

"He's just using you," Angel hissed angrily.

"You're one to talk," Spike retorted.

"Um, guys, could you give us a moment?" Willow asked.
She waited until the others had filed out before
striding towards Angel and slapping him hard against
the cheek.

"How dare you say that?" she spat.  "You have no room
to talk about 'using me.'  Or have you forgotten?"

"I haven't forgotten," Angel said tightly.  "I just
don't want you to get hurt.  He's a monster, Willow."

"And you were a saint?" she said coldly.  "Look, I
don't care.  I love him.  I want to be with him.  He
gives me what I want, what I need.  So why don't you
just go back to LA and leave us the hell alone?"

"He can't love you," Angel tried once more.

Spike moved to stand over the dark vampire.  "Just
because you're incapable of love, Angelus," he
growled, "doesn't mean that I am."  He kicked the dark
vampire once, just for fun before walking back to
Willow.  "Come on, pet.  I'm taking you home."

"You can't leave with him," Angel protested.

"I can, Angel.  And I am."

Buffy was sitting on the counter as Willow and Spike
emerged.  "We're going back to my place, guys.  We'll
talk later, okay?"

"Just a minute," the slayer said, hopping of the
counter.  She strode up to Spike and planted a finger
in his chest angrily.  "If you ever hurt her, I am
going to stake you so fast you won't even know it's

Spike grinned at the slayer's version of a blessing.
"Yeah, what she said," Xander called.

"I'll keep it in mind, ducks, but you don't have to
worry about that.  You might want to make sure the
poof gets sent back to LA, though.  He's got my Red
pretty upset."

"Yes, we'll see to that," Giles replied as the couple
walked out of the magic shop.

"He really cares about her," Buffy said incredulously
as the door swung shut behind them.

"It would appear that way," Giles replied.  "Now what
are we going to do with Angel?"


"How are you doing, luv?" Spike asked softly as the
redhead sat on the bed wearily.

"Okay, actually.  It felt kind of good to tell him
off."  She smiled at Spike weakly.

"It does feel good, doesn't it?  We should do it more
often," Spike said laying beside the redhead and
pulling her down on top of him.

"Mmm.  Or we could just not have him be a regular part
of our lives," Willow suggested.

"Even better idea.  No wonder I'm crazy about you."

"You are?"

"You hadn't noticed?"

"I love you, Spike."

"I love you, Red.  Now let's get to back to work on
those 24 hours you owe me."

The End
