Please Wake Up

Author: Alrisha

Pairing: Willow / Spike

Rating:  NC-17

Disclaimer:  The characters of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" are the legal property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox, etc.



~Part: 1~

"Remember to be wary of the stingers," Giles said quietly as he and Buffy moved off in the opposite direction.  Willow shivered slightly in the cool night air as she stepped carefully through the overgrown grasses of the field.  She squinted as she gazed to her right, comforted by the sight of the vampire moving silently beside her.  She wasn't exactly sure what dimension the creature was from, but Giles' repeated warnings about the deadliness of the poison it carried was reason enough to rid Sunnydale of it.

"There," Spike said softly beside her.  Willow followed his gaze to see the large, luminous creature nestled in the middle of the field.  "Laying its eggs," Spike said, moving slowly forward.

"Can you see the others?" Willow asked.

Spike squinted.  "No sign of the watcher yet, but the moron and his demon are in place."

Willow nodded seriously.  When Buffy and Giles were in place, they would attack.

"Got em," Spike said after several moments of silence.  "You ready?"

"Ready," Willow mumbled.  She closed her eyes and began to chant, feeling the energy begin to flow through her.  She was only dimly aware of the sounds of the battle, focusing all her energy on protecting those fighting around her and weakening the creature. In her mind, she could see Buffy and Spike like flashes of movement.  She heard a scream and felt Xander's terror, then relief wash over her.  A shout came from Giles, directions to Buffy and her answering call.  Spike again, barely avoiding one of the sharp stingers as it plunged into the ground beside him, scattering dust into the air.  And then, a great howl as Buffy's sword found its mark.  The ground trembled beneath their feet as the creature thrashed and was finally still.  Willow smiled slightly before opening her eyes and glancing around.

"Awesome, Will," Xander called.

"It worked then?" she asked anxiously.

"Like a charm, pet," Spike said, making his way back towards the redhead.  "Never had a force field surround me before."

Willow shrugged.  "I'm just glad I could pull it off," she said, stepping gingerly towards Buffy who was carefully crawling over one of the creature's many extremities.  "Feels weird to just stand there while everyone else is fighting."

"Trust me, Will, your standing there was a huge help," Buffy said.  "You should have seen it.  One of those stingers just glanced right off Anya like she was made of Teflon."

Anya nodded shakily from the safety's of Xander's arms.

"So what did you say this thing was called, Giles?" Willow asked, stepping closer for a better look."

Before he could reply, there was a loud cracking sound.  Beside Willow, one of the eggs had split and a stinger shot out towards her.

"Red!" Spike screamed and threw himself in front of her.  Willow screamed in pain as the stinger passed through the vampire and buried itself in her chest. She glanced up at Giles in desperation just before she blacked out.

"Willow, are you okay?" Giles asked softly, shaking her.

Green eyes blinked open and stared at the night sky above her.  "I, I think so.  Wow, that hurt."  She sat up slowly and glanced around.  "Where's Spike?  Is he okay?"

She glanced towards Buffy who just looked away sadly. "I'm afraid he didn't make it," Giles said sadly, gesturing to the ashes that lay scattered across the redhead's clothing.

"No," Willow gasped in disbelief.  "But he saved my life.  He has to be okay.  He has to."

"I'm sorry, Will," Buffy said, kneeling beside her and hugging the redhead tightly.  "I know what a friend he was to you."

"But this can't be happening," Willow sobbed.  "He can't be gone," she protested as tears ran down her face.

"I'm so sorry, Willow," Giles said, helping Buffy help the redhead to her feet.  "You will need your rest. Let's just get you home for now."

"He can't be gone," Willow said shakily, tears now blurring her vision completely.


Willow awoke to a world of pain, wondering how she could possibly be so sore.  Suddenly, the events of the previous night came flooding back to her and sadness gripped her once more.  She swung her feet over the edge of the bed, trying to shake off the effects of Giles' sleeping draught.  A sharp pain radiated through her chest, leaving the redhead momentarily breathless.  It passed eventually, and Willow slowly got dressed and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

"How are you feeling?" Dawn asked, rushing to help the redhead into a chair.  "Buffy told me what happened. Are you okay?"

Willow nodded.  "I can't believe he's gone," Willow said softly.

Dawn pulled a chair close and rested her head on Willow's shoulder.  "I know," she said sadly.  "Buffy said he saved your life."

"He did," Willow replied quietly.  "And I never even got to thank him."

"He really liked you," Dawn said.  "I know he didn't show it much, but he told me once that you and I were his favorites."

Willow nodded.  "Where is everyone else?" she asked.

"Magic shop," Dawn said.  "I volunteered to stay here and call them when you woke up.  They're all really worried about you."  Willow nodded.  "Hey, do you want some pancakes?"

Willow forced a smile.  "That sounds great."


"Are you sure you're up to this?" Buffy asked for the hundredth time as she and Willow walked slowly towards the Magic Box.

"I'm fine," Willow said, smiling warmly at her friend.  It had been a week, a week since Spike had died to save her.  She tried not to think about it, but it was hard to forget, hard to stop missing him.  It was part of the reason she had insisted on helping the gang research the latest demon.  She just needed something to do.

"Time to wake up, pet," a familiar voice called. Willow turned suddenly, searching the darkness for the trademark duster and cloud of smoke.

"Willow?" Buffy said cautiously.  "Are you okay?"

Willow nodded absently.  "Did you hear anything?"

Buffy stood still, listening intently for any unusual sounds.  "No," she finally said, shaking her head. "What was it?"

"Nothing," Willow replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Just thought I heard something."  She smiled at Buffy and began walking again.  Buffy looked at her strangely for a moment before catching up to her and resuming their trek.

********** It had been an exhausting night, but Willow was glad to have gotten her mind off of Spike for a few hours. She couldn't shake the feeling that she'd heard his voice tonight, but she eventually shrugged it off as a side effect of Giles' sleeping potions.  As a result, she had vehemently refused taking another one tonight.  Besides, as tired as she was, Willow couldn't imagine needing any help getting to sleep.


"They're beautiful, Spike," Willow sighed, staring in awe at the enormous bouquet of deep red roses.

"Not as beautiful as you are, pet," Spike replied, kissing the back of the redhead's hand gently before settling back against the porch column.

"You saved my life," Willow said, smiling warmly at the vampire.  "Thank you."

"You're welcome, pet.  You've saved my hide a couple of times.  Figured it was time to return the favor."

"I miss you," Willow said sincerely.

"I know," Spike said softly.  "But you have to wake up."


Willow awoke with a start and stared up at the ceiling of her room.  It was early morning and she was alone in her bed.  "It was just a dream," she said softly to herself.  "Just a dream conjured up by my sad and guilt-ridden mind."  She sighed and sat up and watched as a single red rose petal tumbled down her chest and onto the bed.


Giles stared at item intently.  "There doesn't appear to be anything the least bit unusual about it.  I get no sense of the supernatural from it."

"I know this sounds crazy, but it was a rose petal when I woke up."  She paused and looked away.  It was so real," Willow said softly, wringing her hands. "And then I woke up so I knew it was a dream, and then there was the petal."

"I don't disbelieve you, Willow," Giles said gently. "But it's just a bit of ribbon now.  Are you sure you're feeling well?"

"Fine," Willow replied halfheartedly.  "I mean, I miss him.  But I feel fine.  Really."

"You said he told you to wake up?" Giles asked, changing the subject slightly.

Willow nodded.  "He just said, 'you have to wake up.' And then I did."

"I know this must be hard on you," Buffy said gripping her friend's hands firmly.  "But it was just a dream. Spike is gone."

"I know," Willow said, more confidently than she felt.


Willow sighed as she settled into bed.  After their initial discussion, the subject of Willow's dream and the mysterious rose petal turned ribbon had been dropped.  But Willow couldn't get it out of her mind. In her dream, Spike had seemed so real.  The others had been understanding, of course, but they didn't really believe her.  After all, it was only a dream.


"You're back," Willow said with surprise, a smile spreading across her face.

Spike just smiled back at her.  "Did you miss me?" he asked smugly.

"Yes," Willow replied honestly.  "Did you miss me?"

"I miss you more than I thought I could," Spike said, shocking Willow with the raw emotion in his voice. "But you have to."

"No," Willow blurted, interrupting him.  "Don't say it.  I want to sleep.  I want to be with you."

Spike let out a heavy sigh and reached into his pocket for a cigarette.  He lit it and lifted it to his lips, drawing in a lungful of smoke.  He smiled at the redhead and blew smoke rings, releasing the rest of the smoke in a chuckle as Willow giggled.  He set his cigarette on the end of her dresser and moved towards the bed.  Willow shivered as his cool hands reached out to cup her face.

"I'm counting on you, pet.  You're stronger than this.  Hell, that's part of the reason I've always been so intrigued by you."

Willow's breath caught as Spike leaned closer and brushed his lips against hers.  Her lips parted in anticipation and she sighed as Spike deepened the kiss.  His hands trailed down over her neck and past her shoulders, pulling her tightly to him.  He laid her gently back on the bed and covered her body with his.  Willow sighed again as Spike pulled away slightly before brushing another soft kiss against her lips.

"Please wake up," he whispered.


Willow's eyes opened and she groaned as she realized that she was alone in her room.  She could practically still smell the faint trace of cigarettes as she sat and glanced around for any sign of Spike.  Her eyes lit upon the cigarette he'd laid on her dresser, and she snatched it up and ran into Buffy's room.

"Look, Buffy!" Willow practically yelled, shaking her friend.  "Look, he was here.  Spike was in my room last night.  See, this proves it!"

Buffy blinked her eyes sleepily to stare at the object in Willow's hand.  "You woke me up to show me a pencil?" she asked,yawning.

"Of course not," Willow said, glancing down at her hand.  "It's."  But it wasn't a cigarette at all.  She looked back at Buffy with bewilderment.  "It, it was a cigarette.  My room smells like smoke.  He kissed me. Spike kissed me.  He was there."  Willow slowly walked out of the room, not noticing the worried look on her friend's face.  "He was real," she whispered to herself.

~Part: 2~

Willow didn't have to hear them to know they were talking about her.  Buffy was telling Giles about this morning, about the cigarette butt that turned into a pencil.  "Buffy thinks I'm crazy," Willow muttered to herself.  Willow had thought about it and decided that Spike must be trapped in a spirit world somewhere. The dreams must be his attempt to reach her, to ask for her help in releasing him.  But if that was true, why was he always asking her to wake up?

"Willow?" Giles asked gently, worried by the wild and faraway look in the redhead's eyes.  "Buffy told me about your dream," he started carefully.  "I'm concerned that you're having some kind of reaction to the poison.  Perhaps we should find a remedy of some kind.  Or a sleeping potion until you're feeling better."

"No," Willow said vehemently, shaking her head.  "I don't feel bad.  And I don't want a potion.  I don't dream about Spike with the potions."

"Yes, well perhaps that would be for the best at the moment," Giles said, resting a hand on the redhead's shoulder.

"I know you think I'm crazy, but Spike is there.  He's there in my dreams and he's real.  You'll see.  I'll show you."  She stood and walked out of the Magic Box without a backward glance.

"Buffy, could you." Giles started to ask the slayer to follow her friend, just in case, but the blonde was already opening the door.

"I'll make sure she gets home safe, Giles," Buffy said as the door closed behind her.

"Yes," Giles mumbled.  "But how do we keep her safe once she's at home?" he asked no one in particular.

"They think I'm crazy," Willow said, "but you believe me, don't you Dawnie?"  The redhead didn't notice Dawn's pleading glances towards her sister standing in the doorway, but fortunately she didn't notice the lack of an answer either.  "He's real," Willow said dreamily.  "He's so wonderful in my dreams.  He said I was beautiful.  And that he's always been intrigued by me."  Willow sighed deeply.  "And he kissed me." Suddenly Willow glanced at Dawn as if noticing she was there for the first time.  "That's it," she proclaimed.  "He's only real in my dreams.  So all I have to do is go to sleep and he'll be there."  Willow smiled widely.

"Willow, are you sure that's a good idea, honey?" Buffy said, stepping in front of the redhead.

"Of course," Willow replied as if it were a silly question.  "Good night," she said cheerfully as she brushed past the blonde and headed for the stairs.

"It's 4:30 in the afternoon," Dawn said somberly.

"I know," Buffy replied sadly.


"I missed you," Willow breathed as Spike swept her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

"Missed you," Spike said, setting the redhead back on her feet.  "Come on.  I've got a surprise for you." He led her down the stairs and out the front door. "What do you think?"

"It's wonderful," Willow gasped as the carriage driver tipped his hat and Spike helped her into the vehicle. "I never knew you were so romantic," Willow said, snuggling up the bleached blonde vampire.  "I must be dreaming," she murmured.

They rode in silence for what seemed like forever, simply enjoying the simple sounds of the wheels of the carriage on the road.  Willow sighed as Spike wrapped his arms tighter around her, wondering how someone so cold could make her feel so warm and secure.

"This is it, mate," Spike said and the carriage slid to a halt.  He hopped off the carriage and pulled a basket from under the seat before offering Willow his hand.

"A picnic?" Willow asked in disbelief.

"Too romantic?" Spike chuckled.

"No," Willow replied with a smile.  "It's perfect." She waved to the driver as he clicked his tongue and the horse began to trot away.

"Here, Red," Spike whispered, laying a blanket on the ground.  He settled onto his side and patted the space beside him.

"It's all so wonderful," Willow said.  She snuggled up to the vampire, sighing as he kissed her deeply.

"So beautiful," Spike said, tracing her face with his fingers.  He kissed her more passionately, rolling her onto her back as he settled between her legs.  His hands slid down her sides, tracing her curves as Willow shivered beneath him.

"Spike," she murmured as the vampire placed soft kisses down her neck.  His fingers slid under the hem of her shirt, forcing it upwards and exposing her pale stomach.  Willow lifted herself slightly, allowing him to remove the shirt completely.

"Exquisite," Spike practically growled as his hands cupped her breasts through the cups of her bra.

"Mmmm," Willow moaned as he unhooked it and began to kiss and massage her naked breasts.  She tugged at the shoulders of his shirt, grinning when he finally allowed her to pull it over his head.

"You feel so good," Spike breathed against her neck as he pressed himself against her.

Willow simply moaned in response as Spike's kisses trailed down her stomach to her navel.  Swift fingers undid her jeans and yanked them off.  Her panties soon followed and she lay completely naked beneath him.

Willow gasped as Spike lowered his head to her triangle of dark curls and licked her slowly.  Gasps turned to moans as his attentions grew more fervent and she screamed as he slid a finger slowly inside her.

"Oh, Spike, oh, yes," she babbled as he continued to lick and suck at her clit  while working his finger furiously inside her.  He added a second finger and Willow felt herself pushed over the edge.  Her body trembled with her release as her screams echoed in the still night air.  She was still catching her breath when Spike slid up to face her and kissed her deeply.

Willow moaned as he slid his thick cock into her, stretching her almost painfully.  "Don't stop," she said breathlessly.

"Not planning to," Spike said as he began to move inside her slowly.  He angled his thrusts, stimulating her clit as Willow thrashed and moaned beneath him. He reached down with one hand and pulled her leg up to his waist, allowing him to fill her even more.

"Harder, please," Willow pleaded, feeling another orgasm rapidly approaching.  Spike growled in response and increased the intensity of his thrusts, pounding the redhead into the ground.  "Spike!" she screamed as orgasmed again.

Spike roared and thrust into her one last time, his body shaking as he emptied his seed inside her quivering body.  He kissed her softly before rolling off onto his side and pulling her to his chest.

Willow sighed contentedly before an uncontrollable shiver passed over her.  "Are you cold?" Spike asked tenderly.

"A little," Willow replied.

"Here," Spike reached behind him and threw his duster around the redhead.

Willow smiled.  "I could fall in love with you, Spike."

He returned her smile warmly and replied, "please wake up."


"I told you I'd prove it," Willow exclaimed, bursting into the Magic Box.  "I told you he's still here," she said excitedly, turning to Buffy.  "He gave me his duster," she proclaimed, pulling off the jacket and holding it out towards the slayer.  "We made love under the stars, and afterwards I was cold.  So he gave me his duster."  The redhead smiled triumphantly.

Buffy glanced at Giles as she took her father's battered coat from her friend.  Willow didn't seem to notice.  "He made love to me," she gushed, turning to face Anya.  "It was so amazing.  We went on a carriage ride, and then we made love on a blanket under the stars.  It was so romantic."

"That's great, Willow," Anya said, patting the redhead's arm.

"Oh!" Willow exclaimed.  "He probably misses me.  I think he loves me.  I wish I never had to wake up. Why does he always say that anyway?  I should stay asleep forever.  Then we'd always be together."

Before anyone could stop her, Willow had run out of the Magic Box again.

"Giles, this has to stop," Xander said.  "She's completely lost it."

"I agree completely," the Englishman said.  "Buffy, follow her home.  Make sure she doesn't fall asleep no matter what.  "Xander, you go with her.  Anya and I will come over after we close the shop.  We'll take shifts keeping her awake."


"But I want to go to sleep," Willow whined as Buffy prodded her again.  The slayer didn't know that she'd ever seen her friend look so exhausted.  And the redhead had probably only been awake for a few hours at best.

"But Xander is going to bring back pizza.  And then we're going to watch movies.  You know, have a party. An old-fashioned Scooby Gang party."

"But Spike isn't here.  He's waiting for me.  Don't you see that?"

Buffy decided to try another tactic.  "But he always wants you to wake up, right?  That's always the last thing he says, right?"

"It is, but he must not realize how happy I am.  I'll just tell him, and then it will be okay.  Willow stared out the window wistfully.  "I want to see Spike," she whispered, as she slumped forward onto the couch.

"Willow, come on, Willow," Xander said, shaking the redhead.  "Why won't she wake up?"

"I don't know, Xander," Giles said, emotion choking his voice.  "You say she just collapsed?" he asked Buffy.

The slayer nodded, her arms wrapped tightly around herself.  "We were just sitting there and, and she fell over.  I couldn't wake her up.  It's been hours and I can't wake her up."


"I never want to leave you," Willow said, tracing lazy circles across Spike's naked chest.  He chuckled and caught her hand in his.  "I love you, Spike," she whispered.

"I believe you just proved that," he said, rolling her onto her back.  "But if you're interested in going again."  He rubbed his growing erection against her crotch and Willow moaned in response.

"I do love you, Spike," she breathed as he slid into her once more.  Spike teased her with slow, agonizing strokes until she was trembling with need.  "Please, Spike," Willow begged.

Spike flipped them over effortless, smiling at the redhead as she sat on top of him and began to ride him furiously.  He grabbed her arms and pulled her towards him as her orgasm ripped through her body.  He growled and sank his teeth into her neck, drinking deeply as he found his own release.

Exhausted and completely satisfied, Willow settled against him.  She sighed as his arms tightened around her and he gently licked the wound he'd made.

"Do you love me, Spike?" Willow asked softly, wanting to hear him say what she already knew.

He captured her face in his hands and looked deeply into her eyes.  "Please wake up."

"Please wake up.  Come on, pet.  Please wake up.  This isn't funny, Red.  Please wake up.  You can't leave me.  Please wake up."

Willow's eyes blinked open and she wrinkled her nose as the smell of disinfectant registered in her mind. "Spike?" she whispered hoarsely.  The vampire's head shot up suddenly and Willow realized he'd been sitting with his head pressed against her the back of her hand which was gripped tightly in his own.  "What.where am I?  What's going on?"

"Bloody hell, Red, you scared me," Spike said, standing and leaning over the redhead to hug her tightly in spite of the IV's and monitors.

"Spike, you really should try to rest," Buffy said, stepping into the room.

Willow glanced up at her friend in confusion.  "What's happening?"

Buffy began to cry.  "Giles," she screamed down the hallway.  "She's awake!"  Buffy ran to the redhead's side as Spike stepped aside and let the slayer embrace her friend.  "God, Will, we didn't think you'd make it."

"Oh thank God," Giles breathed, removing his glasses to wipe away the tears.  "Thank God," he murmured again before hugging the redhead.

Willow looked at Spike.  "I don't understand.  You," her breath caught in her throat.  "You died.  I saw the ashes after that thing stung you."  She glanced at Giles and Buffy who were now hugging each other and still crying.

"Will, you've been in a coma for two months," Buffy said.

"But Spike got in front of me.  He took the stinger," Willow replied.

"Not entirely, Red," Spike said, pulling up his shirt to reveal a scarred but healing wound in his shoulder.  "Bloody thing went right through me.  You got the bulk of the poison."

"You were never dead," Willow said.

"Don't sound so bloody disappointed," Spike muttered.

"He might have been if you hadn't recovered.  He's barely left your side the whole time you've been in the hospital," Giles said in admiration.

"We'd better go tell the others," Buffy said, pulling her watcher out of the room.  "We've been so worried," she said before they disappeared down the hallway.

"So you're not disappointed I survived?" Spike asked, his voice emotionless.

"No," Willow said without much feeling.  "I, I dreamt about you.  It was.different."

"Different how?  Was back to my old bloody self?  Tell me the details if I was."

Willow smiled.  "Not like that."  She glanced down to where Spike's hand still gripped hers.  "You didn't leave my side, huh?" she asked softly.

Spike shrugged.  "Figured if I kept saying it, you might hear me somehow."

"Kept saying what?"

"Please wake up."

The End
