Title:  Real life (1/1)
                 Author:  Alrisha
                 Rating:  PG
                 Disclaimer:  The characters belong to Joss & company, not me.


                 Spike lifted the redhead’s sweater over her head
                 slowly, smiling as her pale skin came into view.

                 “Ow!” Willow squealed.

                 “What is it, pet?” Spike asked, confused.

                 “My earring.  It’s caught in the sweater.  Ow, ow,

                 “Hold still, luv.  Let me get it.”  Spike squinted at
                 the small shiny earring as he worked it carefully out
                 of the material.  “Better?” he asked.

                 Willow nodded, rubbing her ear.  “Just hurt,” she
                 said, a half frown on her face.

                 “I’m sorry, pet,” Spike said, kissing her gently.
                 Willow’s hands dropped to his waist, undoing his jeans
                 and sliding them down his hips.  She stooped to help
                 pull them off, but she couldn’t pull them over his

                 “Um, you have to sit down,” Willow said.  She knelt at
                 his feet and began to tug at the clunky shoes.  “Ugh!”
                 she said, irritatedly.  “Are these double knotted?”

                 “Probably.  Let me get them,” Spike said, leaning
                 over.  Willow giggled.  “What’s so funny, pet?” Spike

                 “You just look kind of funny with your pants around
                 your ankles like that.”

                 “Funny,” Spike grumbled.  “Thanks a lot,” he said,
                 finally kicking off his boots and shoving his pants to
                 the floor.

                 “In a very sexy way, I promise,” Willow assured.  She
                 slid her own jeans off and removed her underwear,
                 tossing it to the floor.

                 Spike grinned at the sight of his naked lover.  “Come
                 here,” he said huskily.  Willow smiled at him and
                 moved to straddle his lap, her hands running over his
                 bare chest.

                 Spike kissed her gently on the neck, slowly exploring
                 the contours of the thin column.  As he brushed his
                 lips against her ear, Willow giggled.  “Sorry,” she
                 whispered.  “Just ticklish.”

                 Spike smiled and lay back on the bed.  He rolled them
                 over so that she was beneath him before realizing that
                 they were precariously close to the edge of the bed.
                 “Pet, we need to scoot over,” he said.  He scooted
                 them awkwardly sideways on the bed, almost crashing
                 onto her when she accidentally knocked his arm out
                 from under him.

                 Spike kissed her tenderly on the lips, slowing working
                 his way down across her smooth firm stomach.  Willow
                 giggled again.  “Red,” Spike warned.

                 “I’m sorry.”  Spike slid between her legs and began
                 placing feathery kisses along her thigh.  Willow burst
                 out laughing.  “I’m so sorry,” she giggled when Spike
                 glared at her.

                 “Red, I’m trying to seduce you here.”

                 “I know.”  Willow giggled some more, unable to stop
                 laughing now.  “I’m really sorry.”

                 “Bloody hell,” Spike muttered.

                 Willow laughed some more before sitting up suddenly.
                 “I have to pee now,” she said sheepishly.  “Sorry.”

                 Spike shook his head as the redhead dashed to the
                 bathroom.  He sighed and crawled up onto the bed to
                 wait for her to come back.

                 “Spike, you’re not mad at me are you?” Willow asked

                 “Of course not, luv.  Come here.”

                 Willow crawled into bed beside him and laid her head
                 on his chest.  “I love you, Spike,” she said softly.

                 “I love you, too, pet.”  They lay in silence for a few
                 minutes as Spike rubbed lazy circles on her back.
                 “You want to just snuggle up and sleep?  I know you
                 had a long day.”

                 “That would be nice.  I need to get up early tomorrow

                 “Roll over then, pet.”  Willow rolled onto her side as
                 Spike spooned behind her.

                 “Oh, Spike,” Willow said, lifting her head just in
                 time for it to connect with the blonde’s forearm.
                 “Ouch,” she whimpered.

                 “I’m sorry, Red.  Are you okay?  What were you going
                 to say?”

                 “Just that real life isn’t as glamorous and sexy and
                 fabulous as the stories and movies make it out to be,”
                 she replied, rubbing her forehead.

                 “True.  But I still wouldn’t give all this up.
                 Especially since I have you here.”

                 Willow smiled happily.  “Me neither.  Good night,

                 “Good night, Red.”
