Title: TIDOB (14&15/17)
Author: Alrisha  [alrisha_3@yahoo.com]

Please see previous parts for disclaimer, etc.  This fic is rated up
to NC-17.


Willow and Anya sat at the coffeehouse chatting happily over lunch.
Although she loved the blonde vampire, there were times when Willow
needed to get away from the rigid and tense atmosphere that permeated
the mansion, especially since Angel had arrived.  Unbeknownst to the
two women seated at the table, two pairs of eyes watched them

"The subjects have been sighted, Commander," Buffy whispered
into her

"Excellent.  Make sure not to draw attention to yourselves.
have everything set up for when they arrive.  Let me know when
got them in custody."

Buffy looked at Forrest.  "Too bad Riley couldn't join us for
capture," she whispered, trailing a hand across the darker

"Yeah," Forrest replied.  "Such a shame that we decided
to do it
while he's in class.  I doubt he'll even be finished before
it's time
to celebrate."

"Guess we'll have to celebrate without him, then," Buffy

"Guess so," Forrest agreed, squeezing the blond's ass
firmly.  "Hey,
they're paying the check.  Let's get ready."

"Well, if it isn't the witch and the ex-demon," Buffy
smugly.  "And what's this?" she asked, grabbing
Willow's chin and
tilting it upwards.  "Looks like someone's been a snack for
some bad
vampire lately."

"Go to hell, Buffy," Willow said, jerking away.

"I have a better idea.  How about I take you there instead?"
quipped as she punched her former friend in the face.  Willow
crumpled under the unexpected blow as Forrest knocked Anya out from


In the mansion, Spike awoke with a start.  He glanced around the room
cautiously, searching for a source for the sudden feeling of dread
that washed over him.  He stretched and crawled out of bed.
mention it to Red when she gets back from lunch.>


"So tell me, Buffy," Forrest said, pulling down his pants.
kind of heartless bitch betrays her own friends?"

"Apparently the same kind that cheats on her boyfriend with his
friend.  Now get over here and shove that hard cock in me," Buffy
said, removing her fingers from her sopping pussy.

Forrest laughed.  "You really are a slut, Buffy," he said as
rammed into the blonde.

"Yeah, but you like it," she grunted as she met each violent


Willow awoke in a brightly lit cell that was just like Spike had
described it.  On the cot on the other side of the room lay Anya,
still unconscious.  Willow moved cautiously to the front of the cell
and peered out.  She could see nothing but a long empty hallway,
undoubtedly lined with identical cells.  Her blood boiled to think of
how her former friend had betrayed her.  <Buffy will have to pay.>
Willow sat down on the cot and waited.  She knew it was only a matter
of time before Spike came for her.

Graham walked down the hallway slowly, killing time until his next
class.  He peered into the cells out of habit, noting the inhabitants
of each one.  He stopped suddenly at the sight of a familiar redhead
sitting in one cell.  "Willow?" he called softly.

Willow's head shot up sharply.  "Graham," she spat.
"Come to gloat
over me?"

"Uh, no."  Graham struggled to keep the confusion and
hesitation out
of his voice.  He never knew if someone was watching or listening.
He straightened his shoulders, hoping Willow could see his true
feelings in his eyes.  "Why are you here?  And who's your

"I'm a witch," Willow said, moving to stand in front of
the taller
man.  "Xander's girlfriend Anya," she gestured towards
the other
cot, "is an ex-demon."  She watched Graham's eyes for the
flicker of
recognition at Xander's name.

"Interesting," Graham said calmly.  He checked a report sheet
the cell, noting that Buffy and Forrest had made the capture.  "I
wonder if Agent Finn know about your capture.  Perhaps I'll let

"Do whatever you want, Graham.  We could have been friends, you
know," Willow said turning away.  She knew that Graham would help

"I know.  I'm sorry this had to happen," Graham said as
he hurried

As Riley stepped out of the classroom, he was pulled aside by a
strong arm wrapped around his shoulder.  "Riley, old buddy, we
don't talk enough anymore," Graham said cheerfully.
"Let's go grab
some lunch."

"Uh, I already ate, Graham," Riley said with a chuckle.

"Then keep me company while I eat."  Something in
Graham's tone let
Riley know there was something he needed to discuss and that it
didn't have anything to do with food.

Once they were a safe distance away from campus, Graham suddenly
stopped.  "Willow and her friend Anya were captured," he said

"What?" Riley exclaimed.  "But they're human."

"Willow's apparently a witch, and Anya is an ex-demon –
whatever that

"But they're still human," Riley argued.  "We're
not supposed to
capture humans.  We're supposed to protect them."

"That's how I felt too.  There's more.  Buffy and Forrest
made the

Riley stumbled slightly, regaining his footing after a moment.
know that Buffy and Willow had a falling out, but I can't believe
she'd betray her friend like that.  I can't believe Professor
would condone something like that."

"We've got to get them out somehow.  And we should contact
Xander guy.  Let him know where his girlfriend is."

Riley nodded.  "I know where he lives," he said, leading the

"What do you want?" Xander asked angrily.  He'd been
waiting for Anya
to get back from lunch for over an hour and was more than a little

"The Initiative has Anya and Willow.  Buffy brought them in."

The color drained from Xander's face.  "Oh my God," he
Then his face suddenly hardened.  "Can you get them out?"

"I don't know," Riley replied honestly.

"I know someone who can," Xander said.  "Let's


Anya had finally woken up, and she sat on the cot with Willow
clutching the witch's hand firmly  "I hate being human,"
whispered.  "I'd really like to eviscerate Buffy right
now."  Willow
patted the ex-demon's hand, sharing her sentiment.

"Miss Rosenburg.  I'm very disappointed in you."

"Funny, I feel the same way about you, Maggie," Willow

Maggie Walsh smiled.  "You know, Willow, we've found some
things out about you while you were unconscious.  Did you know that
your blood is tainted?  Like you've ingested human blood
How do you explain that?"

"I'm not explaining anything to you, bitch!"

Maggie laughed.  "It doesn't matter.  You're lucky I
that.  It's prompted me to schedule some new trials, which means
you'll get an unexpected break from testing while they get set
You girls better get a good night's rest tonight.  It'll
probably be
the last one you ever have," she said as she walked away.

Anya looked at Willow in fear.  "Will," she said shakily.

"It'll be okay, Anya.  Spike and Xander will get us out of
<Come on, Spike.  I need you.>

End Part 14


"Where are we?" Graham asked, staring up at the huge mansion.

"Shut up!" Xander snapped.  "From now on, you keep your
mouths shut
and don't do anything stupid."  He pounded on the door.

"Who is it?" a voice called from the other side.

"It's Xander.  I have to see the master immediately.
It's an

After a moment, the door swung open, revealing a darkened
interior.  "Come on," Xander motioned to the commandos as he
inside.  Graham and Riley exchanged a nervous look before following.

As the trio stepped inside, the door slammed shut behind them.
Graham and Riley whirled just in time to see the four vampires that
attacked them and pinned them to the ground."

"I hope you've got a good reason for bringing those bastards
into my
home," a heavily accented British voice said.  "Because I
doubt you
were bringing me dinner."

From the floor, Riley squinted up at the blonde vampire.
17," he whispered.

"Shit," Graham replied.

"The Initiative has Willow and Anya.  The slayer captured
Xander explained.

"Oh, dear," Giles said, rubbing his temples.  Riley stared in
confusion at the sight of Buffy's former watcher sitting next to
Hostile 17.

"She really is out of control," a dark-haired man said from
the other
side of Hostile 17.

"I'm sorry, Angel," Giles said.  "We did try to warn
you.  Although I
had no idea she'd go this far."

"Angel?  Buffy's ex-boyfriend Angel?" Riley asked.

Angel vamped out.  "Buffy's ex-lover."

"Shit," Graham muttered again.

"I know who the slayer's boy toy is, but who is the other
one?" Spike

"Graham.  Friend of Riley's and fellow Initiative member."

Spike's eyes flashed amber as he recognized the name.  He stalked
towards the boy deliberately.  Spike crouched down and stared in the
youth's eyes.  He was impressed that his face didn't show the
Spike could smell pouring off the lad.  "Is this what you
being Willow's friend?"

Graham wondered how the vampire seemed to know Willow.  "I'm
the one
who found out she was there," he said defiantly.  "If it
weren't for
me, you wouldn't even know she was captured."

Spike snarled.  "If it weren't for your bloody group, there
have been anyone to capture her!  I ought to rip your bloody guts out
just for being a part of that group," he growled.

"Spike," Angel called.  "We need to figure out how to get
Willow and
Anya out of that place."

"Yeah," Xander agreed.  "And the commando boys are our
ticket in."


"So, Buffy's ex is a vampire and the sire of Hostile 17,"
Riley said,
still trying to make sense of it all.

"How does Willow fit in with Hostile 17?  I mean Spike,"
Graham asked.

Xander laughed as he paced the floor of Willow's library.  "I
it would be more appropriate to say that Spike fits in with Willow.
Spike is Willow's boyfriend, lover, master, blood mate.  You name
and Spike is it."


"You really care for Willow, don't you, Graham?" Giles

"Well, yeah.  Things didn't go well with our first
introduction, but
I talked to her after that and I thought we could be friends.  Maybe

"Be careful what you say around here, Graham.  Spike's the
possessive, violent type," Xander warned.  "But if you live
this and are helpful and really lucky, Spike might let you be

"The master is ready," a minion barked at the humans.  They
him into the main hall where Spike was pacing nervously.

"Jonathon, you take Kayla and lead the second group.  The
will come with Peaches and me.  The watcher and Xander stay here."

"No," the two said in unison.

"Will is my best friend.  Anya is my girlfriend.  I'm not
going to
sit here while you go after them."

"Xander is right.  Willow is like a child to me and I'd like
to help
as much as possible."  The Englishman sighed heavily.
"Besides, if
Buffy is as out of control as she appears to be, then I have to
fulfill the rest of my responsibility to her and to the Council."

A chill went down Riley's spine at that comment.

"All right, then.  Let's move out," Spike ordered.
