~Part 4~

                 Willow was sitting in her room checking her email when the phone
                 rang.  "Hello?"

                 "Hey Will!  It's Oz.  Why didn't you ever call me?"

                 "Oz, hey!  How are you?  What are you talking about?  I
                 didn't know
                 where you were.  How are things in LA?"

                 "They're great, Will.  Didn't Buffy ever tell you that I

                 Willow scowled.  <How could she tell me when she's too busy
                 after Riley to even talk to me.>  "No, she didn't."

                 "I'm sorry, Will.  It's not a big deal, I guess.  I just
                 wanted to
                 tell you that I'm not coming back to Sunnydale."

                 Willow's heart sank slightly.  "Why not, Oz?"

                 "Baby, I know this seems sudden.  Dammit, I wish Buffy had told
                 I'd called.  Anyway, we've been offered a record contract.
                 It's our
                 chance to make a real break."

                 Willow could hear the excitement in her boyfriend's (or now ex-
                 boyfriend's) voice.  "That's great, Oz.  Really

                 "Will, I'm sorry.  You know I love you, but this is important
                 to me."

                 "No, Oz, it's okay.  I love you too, but I want you to be
                 This is a great opportunity for you.  You definitely shouldn't
                 it up."

                 Willow heard him sigh on the other end.  "I knew you would
                 understand, Will.  You're the best.  We're getting ready to
                 move into
                 a new place, but I don't have the number yet.  I'll call you
                 when I
                 get it, okay?"

                 "Sure, Oz.  Good luck."

                 "Thanks, Will.  I've got to run now.  Take care of

                 "You, too, Oz."  Willow hung up the phone sadly.  Since it
                 had been
                 over a week since she'd heard from him, she wasn't surprised
                 discover that he wasn't coming back.  <Of course, it wouldn't
                 been so long if Buffy had bothered to tell me he'd called!  And
                 not even around so that I could bitch at her.>  Willow sighed and
                 glanced outside.  Still plenty of time before sunset to get to
                 Spike's house.

                 "Hey Greg," Willow said softly to the dark-haired minion as
                 stepped through the door.  She made her way quietly up to Spike's

                 Spike was laying on the bed smoking and reading the paper.  He
                 glanced up as she entered.  He saw the tears in her eyes and motioned
                 for Willow to come to him.  Spike pulled her into his lap and brushed
                 a cool thumb across her cheek.  "What is it, pet?"

                 "Oz called me.  He's not coming back."  Willow began to
                 cry softly.

                 "Pet, I'm sorry.  It's probably best, though.  You know I
                 have let you go back to him."  Willow looked at him in
                 surprise.  "Pet, you belong to me now.  The wolf coming back
                 have changed that."

                 Willow's face hardened.  "Would you have hurt him?"

                 "If I had needed to, yes.  But from what you've described of
                 the wolf
                 to me, he'd have understood.  You want to be with me.  I think he
                 would have respected that.  And if he hadn't, I would have done
                 whatever it was necessary to keep you."

                 "You're so fucking sure of yourself," Willow spat.

                 "I am.  But I'm also sure of you.  It's just us, Red.
                 You don't have
                 to pretend that you don't want me.  Who did you tell first?  Did
                 run straight to the slayer?  Or maybe that moronic friend of yours?
                 You came to me because I'm your master.  Because I know how to
                 everything better."

                 "He called before and talked to Buffy.  She never even told
                 Willow said softly.

                 "That's because she's a self-centered little bitch."


                 "Am I lying, pet?"

                 "Well, Buffy has been pretty preoccupied lately.  She and Giles
                 been busy trying to figure out what's going on with these
                 army guys, and she's chasing after one of our psych TA's."

                 "I hope the blighter is smart enough to run," Spike muttered.

                 "Spike!  You're mean."

                 "And don't forget it, pet."  Spike's voice was hard,
                 and Willow felt
                 a slight shiver of fear run through her body.

                 "You still scare me sometimes, Spike."

                 "Good."  He kissed her passionately, drinking in the combined
                 of her fear and arousal.

                 "Spike," Willow whimpered.

                 "Do you miss the wolf, pet?  Did you ever think about him when
                 were laying in my bed screaming my name?"

                 "No," Willow breathed as Spike reached under her shirt to
                 caress her
                 breasts through the thin cotton of her bra.

                 "You're mine, pet.  Don't ever forget that."

                 "I won't, Spike.  I'll always be yours."  Willow said
                 the words
                 without even considering the implication they held for the blonde

                 He smiled and flipped them over and proceeded to drive all thoughts
                 of Oz and anyone else out of the redhead's mind.


                 "Will, I'm really sorry for not telling you about Oz
                 calling," the
                 blonde said.

                 Willow sighed.  "It's okay, I guess.  It's not like the
                 outcome would
                 have been any different.  I just wish you had told me."

                 "I know, Will.  But you know how busy I am with slaying and
                 and everything.  And Riley finally asked me out, but I had to tell
                 him no."

                 "Why would you have to tell him `no'?"

                 "I know you're trying to act all tough about Oz not coming
                 back, but
                 I know you, Willow.  I know it's tearing you up inside.  I
                 thought we
                 should spend some girl time together to help you get through

                 "Buffy, it's really okay.  I mean, it is kind of a shock in a
                 And I am sad that he's gone.  But I also want him to be happy.
                 was so excited on the phone when he was talking about their contract
                 and their new place and everything.  I know this is really what he
                 wants, so I'm okay with it."

                 Buffy nodded, but the expression on her face was one of pity.  Willow
                 frowned.  <Spike didn't pity me for Oz leaving.  Of course, Spike
                 also practically threatened to kill Oz if he tried to come back for
                 me, so yes I'm happy that Oz is staying in LA.>  "So, Buffy,
                 what did
                 you want to do tonight?"

                 "I was thinking we should go to that frat party I was telling you
                 about.  You know, get your mind off of things.  It'll be good for

                 <Since when have I ever liked going to frat parties?  Sounds like
                 it'll be good for you.>  "I don't know Buffy.  I was
                 thinking of
                 spending some time working on that psych paper."

                 "Willow, you need to go out and get your mind off of Oz, not stay
                 here so that you can mope around by yourself.  In fact, maybe we
                 should try to find someone new for you.  I bet Riley has some cute

                 <Yeah, some cute friends who would be cute dead friends if Spike ever
                 caught them with me.>  "I don't think so, Buffy.  I really
                 don't want
                 to meet someone new right now.  Why don't you just go on to the
                 by yourself?"

                 Buffy sighed.  "Willow, you know I don't get many chances to
                 get out
                 of patrolling.  It's not fair for you to force me to go by

                 <Wait, I thought this night was for consoling Willow, not making the
                 slayer happy.>  "Okay, Buffy, I'll go.  But just for a little

                 Buffy smiled.  "Great!  So what do you think I should wear?"


                 ~Part 5~

                 Willow saw Buffy and Riley sitting together on the lawn and began to
                 make her way towards them.  She stopped suddenly when she realized
                 they were talking about her.

                 "Buffy, I would think you'd be relieved that Willow is taking
                 whole Oz thing so well," Riley said.

                 "Don't you see, Riley?  It's obviously just a big act.
                 She's just
                 trying to keep me from worrying about her.  I know she's got to

                 "She seemed fine when I talked to her."

                 "Riley, let's be honest.  We're talking about Willow
                 here.  It took
                 her like 18 years to get her first boyfriend.  She's never going
                 find another man on her own at college.  That's why I need your
                 setting her up with someone."

                 "But if Willow doesn't want to be set up…"

                 "Riley, I'm her friend.  I know what's best for her.  So
                 will you ask
                 Graham to do it or not?"

                 The two continued to argue, neither noticing the furious redhead as
                 she stormed away.

                 "I can't believe she would say that about me," Willow
                 muttered as she
                 threw open the door to Spike's house.  A minion scuttled away,
                 knowing that whatever had upset the master's pet would almost
                 certainly upset the master as well.  Willow tried to calm herself as
                 she entered the main hall, knowing better than to cause a scene if
                 Spike wasn't alone.

                 Spike took in the redhead's appearance.  Although she moved
                 carefully, Spike could feel the anger rolling off her in waves.  He
                 dismissed the minions quickly and Willow moved to sit at his
                 feet.  "Talk to me, pet," Spike said, stroking her hair

                 Willow related what she'd heard of the conversation, her voice
                 with anger and pain as she repeated Buffy's words.  "Do you
                 she's right, Spike?  Could I really find someone new?  I mean, am
                 pretty enough?"

                 "Red, you're bloody beautiful.  The only thing I see
                 preventing you
                 from finding another man is the fact that I'd beat you bloody and
                 him to shreds."

                 "Spike," Willow giggled.

                 "I'm serious, pet.  I've told you before, you belong to
                 me.  And I
                 don't share."

                 "Bet you would have gotten terrible marks in kindergarten.
                 `Does not
                 play well with others.'"  Willow teased.

                 "I think I play very well, pet.  And so do you."

                 "Yes, but that's not the point at the moment."

                 "What is the point?  That the slayer is even more of a bitch than
                 thought before?"

                 Willow sighed.  "The point is that I'm really pissed off
                 right now.
                 I just want to scream."

                 "I can make you scream, pet," Spike said silkily.  "Is
                 that really
                 what you want right now?  Do you want me to help you let out all that

                 "Yes," Willow answered shakily.

                 "Convince me," he whispered.

                 Willow knelt between his legs and trailed her fingers across his
                 growing erection, stroking him lightly through the denim.  She lifted
                 her eyes to meet his, silently asking for permission.  Spike nodded.
                 Willow deftly undid the button fly of his jeans, sighing
                 unconsciously as she freed his hard cock.

                 "You do that to me, Red," Spike said softly.  He knew that
                 redhead needed reassurances that she was desirable.

                 Willow smiled at him shyly as she wrapped her warm mouth around him.
                 Her eyes never left his as her lips slid up and down his throbbing
                 cock.  She scraped her teeth along the underside of his length,
                 eliciting a low growl from the vampire.  He gripped her shoulders and
                 pulled her up to crush her mouth to his.

                 Spike's hands shredded her shirt and bra as she wriggled out of
                 jeans.  Spike tore off her panties and pulled her onto his lap.  He
                 kissed her hungrily as he drove into her wet pussy.  Willow keened in
                 pleasure as she began to ride him.  Spike captured one of her breasts
                 in his mouth and sucked hard on her nipple.  Willow groaned and
                 slammed her hips into him.

                 Spike released her breast to stare into Willow's flushed face.
                 was riding him with complete abandon, throwing all her energy into
                 her frantic movements.  "Say it, pet.  Tell me who you belong
                 to," he
                 said as he pinched her clit.

                 "Spike!" she screamed, exploding in orgasm as Spike bit into

                 Willow collapsed against him, resting her head on his shoulder as her
                 body trembled.

                 Spike stroked her back soothingly.  "Better, luv?" he asked.

                 "Oh yeah," she replied breathlessly.

                 "It'll be dark soon.  Would you like to go out?"

                 Willow lifted her head to look at him.  "I think I would."

                 "Hop up then, pet.  We'll shower first."

                 Willow stood and pulled on the remains of her shirt, staring sadly at
                 the ruined material.  She glanced down at her town bra and panties
                 and sighed.  The sound echoed in the large room, and Willow blushed

                 "It's a little late for that, pet," Spike laughed.  He
                 kissed her
                 firmly as he tucked his flaccid member into his jeans.  "But I
                 the minions to know that their master's pet is so well-taken care
                 of."  Willow glared at him half-heartedly.  "Come on, pet.
                 have to be deaf to not have heard you before now."  Willow's
                 turned into a gasp as Spike scooped her up and threw her over his
                 shoulder.  He bent and grabbed her jeans, throwing them across her
                 bare ass to cover her as he walked up to his room.

                 Spike stood back and admired the redhead in the outfit he'd
                 Black leather pants and a dark red crushed velvet top.  He grinned as
                 the redhead reached for her boots and began lacing them up.  In spite
                 of her initial protests, the clunky boots were rapidly becoming the
                 only shoes she really wore anymore.

                 "Ready!" Willow proclaimed.  "Where are we going?"

                 "Bronze," Spike answered.

                 Willow scowled.  "But what if Buffy is there?"

                 "Then she can watch men drool over you."


                 Willow returned to the table breathless.  She'd been dancing
                 nonstop since they'd arrived.  It wasn't easy for Spike to
                 his demon at the sight of other men dancing with *his* Red, but he
                 consoled himself with the fact that he could always remind her of who
                 she belonged to later.

                 Suddenly Spike frowned.  "Slayer," he hissed.

                 Willow turned around to see Buffy, Riley, Xander and some new guy
                 enter the Bronze.  "You should go, Spike.  I don't want to
                 let them
                 know about us.  I'll be home soon."

                 Spike's anger at being asked to leave was softened by the
                 casual referral to his mansion as `home.'  He pulled her into
                 bruising kiss before disappearing.

                 "Hey Will!" Xander said cheerfully.  "How are things

                 "Good.  I'm pooped from dancing though.  How's Anya?"
                  The ex-demon
                 had developed a stomach flu of some kind and wasn't a happy

                 "Still a little queasy.  But she's back to complaining about
                 how much
                 it sucks to be human instead of just puking all the time, so I think
                 she's getting better."

                 "Good, I guess.  Hey Buffy, Riley."

                 "Hey, Will.  This is Graham."  Buffy leaned in and whispered,
                 got him to come along tonight in case you were here.  You should talk
                 to him."

                 "Hi, Graham." Willow said with a smile.  "Riley, could
                 you and Graham
                 go get us some drinks?"  As the two men walked away, Willow
                 her attention back to Buffy.  "What are you doing?  I told you I
                 didn't want to be set up with anyone," Willow said through

                 "Whatever, Willow.  You know it will help you get over the Oz
                 for you to have someone new."

                 <You're right about that, but I already have someone new.>
                 "Buffy, I
                 appreciate your concern.  I really do.  But I don't need your
                 help `getting over the Oz thing' because I'm over it.
                 He's happy.
                 I'm happy.  It's a big happy funland all around."

                 "Will, I know I've been busy.  But that's no reason for
                 you to try
                 and push me away when I'm trying to help."

                 Willow took a deep breath to calm her nerves.  "Look, Buffy, I
                 am okay.  And it's fine with me that you're busy.  I'm
                 busy too.
                 Just don't treat me like I'm some kind of child who
                 doesn't how to
                 handle my own life.  I don't need your help."  Willow smiled.

                 "Willow, how can you be happy when your only boyfriend ever just
                 dumped you?" Buffy asked incredulously.

                 "At least mine didn't go psycho after I slept with him,"
                 Willow said

                 "Okay, now you're just being a bitch.  I don't need

                 "Neither do I, Buffy."  Willow said as she stormed out of the

                 "Buffy, what just happened here?" Xander asked.

                 "Xander, she's pretending to be okay when I know she's
                 not.  Then, I
                 go to the trouble to get Riley to bring Graham along so that she can
                 meet someone new.  And now she's being a bitch when all I'm
                 doing is
                 trying to help her."  Buffy rolled her eyes at the dark-haired

                 "Buffy, maybe you should actually listen when Will tries to tell
                 something."  Xander stood and left the Bronze.  If he was lucky,
                 would still be able to catch Willow.  Xander caught sight of her and
                 almost called out to her when he realized that she wasn't heading
                 the direction of her dorm.  Curious, he began to follow her.  He was
                 surprised when she made her way into an upscale neighborhood near
                 campus.  He was even more surprised when she opened the door to a
                 large mansion and strolled through the door.


                Willow ran up the stairs to Spike's bedroom and found him waiting
                 her.  He was sitting on the bed in only his jeans, smoking a
                 cigarette.  "How'd it go, luv?" he asked.

                 "Buffy is just such a bitch.  She can't get it through her
                 head that
                 I'm really okay about Oz leaving.  Then she brought some friend
                 Riley's along after I specifically told her I'm not
                 interested in
                 being set up with anyone."

                 Spike's eyes flashed amber at the mention of the slayer trying to
                 play matchmaker with *his* witch.  "Just forget about it,

                 Willow fell onto the bed next to Spike, her arms stretching over her
                 head.  "Can you teach me how to fight?"

                 "Sure, pet.  Why do you want to learn?"

                 "So I can punch Buffy the next time she treats me like I
                 can't even
                 think for myself."

                 Spike laughed.  "You've got it, luv.  But only if I can be
                 there to
                 watch.  But I've got something else to take care of first."
                 looked at him quizzically.  "I didn't much care for the
                 blokes at the
                 Bronze dancing with you.  I think you may need a reminder of who you
                 belong to."

                 A shiver of fear and anticipation ran through Willow's body.  She
                 licked her lips suggestively and stood.  "If you think so,

                 Spike hardened at the word `master' from the redhead's
                 lips.  "Strip," he commanded, a wicked smile spreading across


                 Xander knocked on the door.  A young man with dirty blond hair,
                 Xander guessed about his age, opened it and stared at him in
                 amusement.  "Hi," Xander said.  "I'm looking for a
                 friend of mine who
                 I just saw come in here.  Willow Rosenburg?  Red hair, about so
                 tall…"  His description was interrupted when a strong hand that
                 jerked him inside and slammed the door behind him.  Xander suddenly
                 found himself surrounded by vampires.  "Shit," he muttered.

                 "Get the master," one of them barked.  A minion ran up the

                 "You know, maybe I have the wrong place," Xander said.
                 "Why don't I
                 just leave you guys alone and…"

                 "Don't move," the dark-haired minion growled.


                 Spike had just finished tying Willow's wrists to the headboard
                 when a
                 knock at the door interrupted him.  "This better be good," he
                 as he threw open the door.

                 The minion cowered.  "I'm sorry to disturb you, Master, but
                 there's a
                 human downstairs who said he's looking for your pet."

                 "Description?"  The minion stared in confusion.  "Of the

                 "Oh.  Uh, dark hair, brown eyes…"

                 "Xander," Willow said softly.

                 "Bloody hell!  Keep him downstairs.  I'll be there in a
                 minute.  If
                 anyone hurts him, they will regret it."  Spike slammed the door
                 strode to the bed.  He untied Willow and tossed her clothes at
                 her.  "Get dressed and come on out.  But don't show yourself
                 yet.  I
                 want to know why he's here first."  Willow nodded.

                 "I'm sorry, Spike," she whispered fearfully.

                 "I know, pet.  But you will make it up to me."  Spike kissed
                 roughly before throwing on a shirt and leaving.


                 Xander's eyes widened as he recognized the blonde vampire.
                 I thought you left town again."

                 "Well, you thought wrong, mate.  What brings you to my happy

                 Xander shifted nervously under the blonde vampire's penetrating
                 stare.  "I was looking for Willow.  I thought I saw her come in

                 "Slayer got you keeping tabs on her friends?" Spike asked,
                 sitting on
                 a step and lighting a cigarette.

                 "No," Xander said defiantly.  "We were all at the Bronze
                 and Buffy
                 was being a bitch.  Willow left the Bronze but didn't head back
                 the dorms.  I was just trying to see where she was going."
                 sighed and ran a hand through his hair.  "Look, I'm sorry for
                 you.  If you'll just let me go, I'll try to find her."

                 "Demanding little bugger, aren't you?  What if your little
                 didn't want to be found?" Spike asked carefully.  He could
                 Willow crouched at the top of the stairs and knew she was listening.

                 "Look, Spike, not that I even think you care, but Will is my
                 We've always been friends.  I just want to know that she's
                 okay.  We
                 may not be as close as we used to be, but it's important to me to
                 know that she's all right."

                 "How important is it?"

                 Xander was puzzled by the vampire's interest in his feelings
                 Willow.  "What do you care?"

                 "Just answer the bloody question!" Spike snarled.

                 "It's very important!  Look, some stuff has happened
                 recently, and
                 Buffy thinks Willow isn't taking it very well."

                 "What do you think?"  Spike's voice was calm and even.

                 "I think if Willow says she's happy then she's happy.
                 Well, except
                 when Buffy is being a bitch.  I don't exactly understand how or
                 she's seems to be taking some recent events so well, but she
                 seems to
                 be genuinely okay.  I just don't want her to get into

                 Spike grinned mischievously.  "You may be too late for that,
                 Spike tilted his head back and called to Willow.  "Come down

                 Willow walked down the steps slowly, avoiding Xander's
                 eyes.  She sat on the step below Spike's and laid her head
                 his leg.  Spike stroked her hair possessively as he stared at the
                 dark-haired mortal.

                 "As you can see, she's fine.  The real issue now is what do
                 we do now
                 that you know she's here?"

                 "Willow?" Xander croaked.

                 "Hi, Xan," the redhead said softly.

                 Spike pushed her away gently and stood.  "Bring him
                 upstairs," he
                 ordered one of the minions.  Spike turned and grabbed Willow's
                 pulling her behind him as Xander followed in stunned silence.

                 Spike opened the door to Willow's room and led her inside.
                 leave the door to my bedroom open, pet.  You have one hour to talk to
                 him, then I want him gone."  Spike turned to glare at Xander
                 angrily.  "If you hurt her, I'll kill you."  Then he was

                 "You'd better sit down, Xan."  Willow said, gesturing
                 towards a large
                 easy chair.  Xander noted that the small room held many touches that
                 seemed to identify Willow as the room's primary occupant.  He
                 noted the utter lack of a bed, and a shiver went down his spine.

                 "What's going on, Will?" Xander asked.  He was concerned
                 about his

                 Willow glanced towards the open door, knowing that Spike was
                 listening to everything she said.  "Spike and I are kind of
                 together."  She raised a hand to stop his protest.
                 "Don't lecture
                 me.  I know what I'm doing.  And as strange as it may seem,
                 really quite happy with Spike."

                 "Will, I know you've always had a crush on him."  Xander
                 smiled at
                 his friend's gasp of surprise.  He was more observant than people
                 gave him credit for.  "So it doesn't surprise me that
                 you're happy to
                 be with him.  But what about Spike?  Can you really trust him not to
                 hurt you?  And how long has this been going on?"

                 "A few weeks."  Willow answered.  "And if Spike was going
                 to hurt me,
                 he'd have done it already.  I do trust him, Xan."  She
                 lowered her
                 voice and leaned closer to him.  "There are things about our
                 relationship that you're probably not prepared to handle yet, but
                 am asking you to trust me with this.  I'm safe with him.  No
                 how things may look, I promise you that I'm okay."

                 Willow leaned back in her chair.  "Willow," Xander said
                 seriously, "do you let him beat you?"  Willow paled and
                 glanced at
                 the open door in fear.  "Will, it's okay."  Xander laid a
                 hand on his
                 friend's leg, ignoring the soft growl that emanated from the
                 doorway.  "I'm not stupid, Willow.  I know what relationships
                 this can be like.  I am dating an ex-demon after all."  A silent
                 of understanding passed between the two old friends.  "Just be
                 careful and don't forget that I'm here if you need me."

                 "You won't tell, Buffy, will you?" Willow asked softly.

                 "Tell her what?" Xander asked with a conspiratorial grin.
                 Then he
                 frowned suddenly.  "Are you going to move out of the dorm?"

                 "No.  Buffy would want to know why and where I was going.  But
                 definitely be spending more time here."

                 "Well, just promise to give me your number.  I'd like to get
                 more time together if you're not too busy."

                 "I'll never be too busy for you, Xan."  Willow scribbled
                 something on
                 a piece of paper and handed it to him.  "It's my cell phone
                 She smiled at Xander's surprised look.  "Spike likes to be
                 able to
                 reach me at all times."

                 Xander nodded.  "I guess I should go.  Take care of yourself,
                 He stood and walked towards the door.  "Do you think I can come
                 visit you here?"

                 "Sure, mate," Spike said from the doorway.  He was impressed
                 with the
                 young man.  He'd always thought the boy was something of an
                 but it was clear that the youth was brighter than he let on.  And he
                 obviously cared about the little witch.  "I'll walk you out.
                 Oh, and
                 Red, I expect you to be ready when I get back."

                 Spike walked with Xander down the steps.  "Spread the word,
                 he called to the assembled minions.  "This one is off limits.  So
                 the ex-demon."

                 "What is this?  Some kind of slayer's friends club?" one
                 of the
                 minions asked snidely.

                 Spike responded by tearing the vampire's throat out.  Xander felt
                 momentarily ill at the sight.  "Anyone else have anything to
                 Spike growled.

                 The minions skulked away quietly as Spike closed the door behind
                 Xander and walked back up the stairs to where his pet would be

                 "You know, pet, I'm not very happy about you allowing someone
                 follow you here." Spike said, eyeing her naked form
                 Since she couldn't tie her own wrists down, Willow had opted for
                 handcuffs.  Spike smiled at her ingenuity.  It was one of the things
                 he liked so much about her.

                 "I'm sorry, Master," Willow whispered huskily.  Spike
                 could smell her
                 arousal already.  He stripped off his shirt slowly, feeling her eyes
                 devouring him.

                 "You'll have to be punished for that."

                 "I know."

                 "And you'll have to be reminded of who you belong to."


                 "Do you want to be punished?" Spike asked silkily, trailing a
                 hand along her stomach and watching the gooseflesh form in its path.

                 "Only by you, Spike."

                 "Why didn't you ever tell me you'd had a crush on
                 me?" Spike asked
                 with a smirk.

                 Willow blushed.  "You never asked."

                 Spike nodded.  "Is that why you didn't fight me more at the
                 beginning?  Because you secretly wanted this?"


                 "You like to be dominated, don't you?"

                 "Only by you, Spike," Willow said again.

                 "Let's keep it that way, pet."  Spike picked up the
                 Willow had chosen on their first shopping excursion.  He curled his
                 hand around the leather strips, pulling them through his hand.  He
                 trailed it lightly across her stomach, watching her shiver at the
                 sensation.  Her nipples tightened and a gasp escaped her lips as the
                 leather brushed across her nipples.

                 Spike chuckled.  He hit her firmly across the stomach and watched as
                 red welts formed on her smooth pale skin.  Willow squirmed and
                 writhed on the bed, but she didn't protest.  Spike smiled and
                 the straps down a bit harder across her thighs.  Willow yelped, but
                 Spike could smell her arousal building.

                 "See, pet, I told you that you'd learn to enjoy it."

                 "Yesss," Willow hissed as Spike hit her again.  This time, he
                 tiny droplets of blood on one of her legs.  Spike paused to lick the
                 drops away and heard Willow's answering groan.  He hardened in

                 "You like that, pet?"

                 "Yes, Spike.  Make me bleed," she murmured.

                 Spike found himself genuinely surprised by the redhead's words.
                 struck her again harder.  This time she screamed in genuine pain, but
                 Spike was quick to soothe her injured flesh with his cool tongue.  He
                 reminded himself that she was only human, and as such could be easily

                 "I love the taste of you, pet," Spike whispered against her
                 flesh.  Willow just moaned incoherently as Spike's tongue trailed
                 along the marks he had made.  "Tell me what you want, pet."

                 Willow looked at him with lust-glazed eyes.  "I want you inside
                 my master," she purred.

                 "Is that all, pet?" Spike asked as he stripped and lay on top
                 of her.

                 "No, Master.  I want you to fuck me.  I want you to make me cum.
                 want to feel your fangs in my breast as you cum inside me."

                 Spike groaned as he slid into her tight warmth.  He couldn't
                 what he had ever done right in his unlife to deserve such a willing
                 and responsive partner, but he couldn't bring himself to argue
                 good fortune.  Not when his redheaded witch was writhing beneath him,
                 moaning his name and begging him to bite her.

                 Spike sped up his thrusts, his control slipping rapidly as Willow
                 murmured lasciviously in his ear.  He grunted as he felt her begin to
                 orgasm around him, her muscles squeezing him tightly.  He drove his
                 full length into her and buried his fangs into her breast as he
                 filled her with his cold dead seed.

                 "You're a bloody good pet, Red," he said as he stumbled
                 out of bed to
                 release Willow's wrists.

                 "I had a good teacher," she mumbled as she snuggled into his
                 chest and drifted off to sleep.
