Author: Anastasia (

Title: I Felt Like Crying

Rating: No idea probably R for blood content

Disclaimer: I own none, and Joss would never do this

Notes: I'm depressed, so everyone else can be. MAJOR WARNING CHARACTER



Spike moved around the house that the slayer and her entourage called

headquarters and he called "my personal hell". He hated it here, hated

being forced into something he didn't want any part of, hated being the

slayers lapdog, or even worse - her toy. Wandering over to the large table

they used for research sessions he wondered what little thing he could do

that would really piss her off and make this hell he was living a little

more bearable. The slamming of the front door and a flash of red hair

interrupted his devious thoughts.

"Willow?" he questioned and moved out into the hallway in time to see the

hacker disappearing up the stairs and the sound of another door being

slammed. Smirking to himself he took the stairs two at a time - nothing

like female pain and misery to cheer a fellow up. All right, just because he

wasn't meant to inflict pain on the slayer and her friends didn't mean he

couldn't enjoy the pain they had to suffer. He paused outside her door to

listen. Although she had some infernal racket blaring from her stereo he

could hear her sobbing. "Well, well, well, this could be interesting."

In all his time with the slayerettes, enforced or otherwise, he had rarely

seen Willow upset. He had seen her scared, but unlike the slayer he had

never seen Willow moan about her life or shed tears over trivial events -

even when she was suffering PMT. It probably would have surprised the group

exactly how much Spike knew about them. A lot of the knowledge was gained

from eavesdropping on their general conversations and from snooping through

the individual rooms they kept at the house - he had an excuse, boredom.

Spike knew that out of all the slayerettes Willow was the most neglected by

her family. The slayer had her mother and Giles, Xander had a drunken

family of sorts, but Willow had always been on her own. Her parents too

busy with their lives to even remember they had a daughter, unless of course

they needed to compete with other parents in the "my child is so wonderful"

department, then she was the perfect daughter, except for the witchcraft

thing which they happily forgot. But Willow had taken her abandonment all

in her stride, never complaining about it, never sharing the pain she must

feel about it, she just got on with her life - something that Spike greatly

admired. That and all her gorgeous red hair. Spike rapped on the door and

it was opened by Willow, her eyes nearly as red as her hair.

"What??" she spat at him. Before he was able to open his mouth the phone

rang. Willow glanced over her shoulder to the handset that was in her room;

turning back to Spike she grabbed the front of his shirt and twisted it in

her hand. "If it's Oz I'm not here...okay? Please Spike!"

Spike looked down at the fist entangled in his shirt and sighed, this was

disappointing it was just a stupid fight with her boyfriend - he had been

hoping for more. But still she was begging him - that was a start.

"Fine, pet. I will, as long as you promise to tell me what happened..." He

waited until she nodded before brushing past her to pick up the phone.

"Hello? No mate, she's not here...No, I haven't seen her...Yeah, I'll tell

her...Upset? Really? Why would that be...Long story...Yeah, yeah, I'll

tell her you called."

Spike watched her pace while he spoke with Oz. He had to admit wolf boy

sounded upset; maybe it wasn't as simple as he had thought. Although

looking back on some of the fights he and Dru had maybe the silly git had

just forgotten some insignificant anniversary. <Always the way with women,

they put too much importance on such trivial things.> he thought, only half

listening to Oz. Hanging up the phone he cocked his head at Willow and

patted the space beside him on the bed.

"Come along, pet. Tell Uncle Spike all about it." He smirked. The smirk

was wiped off his face as Willow flung herself at him, her arms tightening

around his neck as she sobbed on his shoulder.

<Shit.> thought Spike. At a lost as to what to do he frowned and slowly put

his arms around the sobbing girl, rubbing her back gently. <Okay, this is

definitely not my idea of fun. Bloody hysterical women!>

" could I be so" Willow sobbed against his


"Pet, one thing is certain - you are not stupid." Spike rolled his eyes.

"What happened?"


"Oz," Spike urged, shifting her into a more comfortable position on his lap.

He looked down at her trembling form; her neck was so close to him, all that

sweet blood. <Maybe this isn't such a great idea.> "Come on pet, a small

fight isn't worth all these tears. Be mad at him for a few days, wait until

he buys you something expensive and then kiss and make up."

Spike felt Willow move away from his shoulder, bringing her head back to

look him in the eye. Any joviality that Spike had been feeling toward her

situation disappeared when he saw the fear and confusion that her green eyes


"I interrupted him...'entertaining' a female friend," Willow stressed the

word entertaining. Spike raised an eyebrow.

"You mean fucking?" he growled. Willow nodded, fresh tears welling up in

her eyes. "Oh, pet. These things happen, it isn't your fault. If wolf boy

is too stupid to see what he is ruining then he doesn't deserve..."

"Spike," Willow whispered his name, breaking through the 'all men are

bastards' speech he was about to launch into. He could read the fear in her

face; it was almost intoxicating to him. Swallowing he reminded himself

where he was and waited for her to go on. "I...I went to tell


"Tell him what Willow?" Spike furrowed his brow, what the hell could this be

about? He had never seen her look this confused or frightened.

"I'm pregnant." Willow stated.

"Willow," they both recognised the sound of the slayers voice from

downstairs. Willow got off Spikes lap and rubbed furiously at her eyes

before walking out of the room and down to her friend.

Spike remained still, listening to the conversation between the two girls.

Oz had called the slayer and she was listening intently to Willow explaining

that she had caught him in bed with another girl. There was no mention of

the pregnancy.


Willow made her way up the stairs of the house, to her room. After her

conversation with Buffy she had feigned a headache, not wanting to go back

to the dorm, knowing that in all probability Oz would be there. Lying on

the bed she carelessly threw an arm across her eyes trying to shut out the


"So what are you going to do pet?" Spike's voice caused her to jump.

"Do you have to sneak up on people like that?" Willow sighed, regretting

that she had told him anything. She rubbed at her temple, trying to

reinforce the idea that she was suffering from a headache.

"Yeah, it makes draining their blood so much easier," he pushed himself away

from the door jam and swaggered across to the bed to sit next to her.

Grabbing her hand he pulled it away from her temple. "I am not the slayer,

love. Won't work with me. So what are you going to do?"

"Why do you care?" Willow looked at him. He shrugged carelessly, not

breaking eye contact. It was a good question, one that Spike had been

considering all afternoon since she had told him. For some reason he had

formed some pathetic attachment to the little witch, he had put it down to

boredom and the fact that she was the only one who seemed to be able to hold

a half decent conversation that didn't include clothes or boys. She was

intelligent, quick witted and to a certain degree naïve - no matter what a

person had done, she could find some good in them. In short she was someone

that Spike could enjoy a good conversation with, crack a joke and be


"Because you told me." He watched as she threw her arm back over her eyes,

her other hand moving to rest on her stomach. Without thinking Spike moved

his hand to cover hers, his thumb tracing soothing patterns below her

breasts, he could feel her warmth, her heart beat, and the rise and fall of

her chest as she breathed.

"I don't know," she mumbled.


Spike watched as Willow moved about the room, talking to Giles concerning

some new catastrophe that was threatening Sunnydale. It had been a week

since she had told him and she still remained quiet to the others. She had

slept at the house for most of that time and each morning he had heard her

throwing up in the bathroom - making it worse by offering to cook French

toast or eggs benedick, to which she replied "Bastard" before throwing up

again. But he would unfailingly make her a cup of tea and toast. The thing

that amazed Spike was that none of her friends had any knowledge of what was

happening, he even doubted that they knew she was staying in the house. It

was obvious that she was tired.

Spikes thoughts were interrupted by Buffy announcing she was going out to

patrol and casually asking Willow if she wanted to come, so they could catch

up on gossip.

"No," Spike said, standing up.

"What?" asked Buffy, frowning at him in disgust.

"She's not going out with you," Buffy shot Spike a withering look, which he

matched with his own. "Willow is tired and doesn't need to be dragged all

over the bloody countryside just because you want company."

"Spike!" murmured Willow, causing him to turn and look at her.

"You aren't going out." He stated quietly. "You need to get a decent nights


Buffy looked from Spike to Willow. Giles did the same, a slow look of

horror spreading across his face.

"What is going on here?" Giles asked what Buffy was too frightened to.

Willow closed her eyes briefly, silently cursing Spikes sudden urge to

nurture her. "Well? Willow?"

"Please Will, don't tell me you have been stupid enough to get involved with

Spike?" demanded Buffy.

"It's not what you think Buffy." Willow said, shocked that her friend could

think such a thing.

"Well then why his sudden concern and intimate knowledge of your need to

sleep?" asked Buffy warily eying off Spike.

"Because I've been staying here for the past week." Willow said quietly.

She glanced at Spike. "I'm actually going to move in here for the next

couple of months...I'm pregnant."

The whole statement caused a bomb to go off, both Buffy and Giles presented

arguments why she shouldn't stay at the house and demands were made as to

why she hadn't said anything earlier. Willow found herself feeling somewhat

relieved that she had told them. She firmly fixed her resolve face in place

and argued why she would be better off in the house compared to the dorms,

how she was probably safer there then anywhere else and her admittance that

she had been considering her options during the past week and that was why

she had waited until now to tell them anything. Finally Giles and Buffy

yielded and reluctantly agreed that if it was what she wanted then they

could only offer their support.

During the whole time Spike kept his eyes steadily fixed on Willow.


Willow enjoyed living in the house. It was far easier than being in the

dorms at college and there was the comfort of Spike. He would joke with

her, bring her small things, argue with her when she needed to vent and he

had this uncanny ability to make their visitors feel the need to leave when

Willow became tired of their company. Definitely a big bonus.

The worse thing about living with Spike was he made the baby kick. Without

fail. As soon as he said anything to her or within hearing distance the

baby would kick, making Willow gasp or wince, drawing his attention to it.

He would spend hours with his hands on her growing stomach marvelling at the

baby, talking to it, and scolding it for kicking its Mum. Yet his hands had

a soothing affect on her, she felt that both she and the baby were safe from

whatever evil was lurking in the world.

Willow laughed at herself - a demon like Spike could make her feel safe.

Buffy, the slayer, the saviour of the world, only made her frustrated, the

same with Xander - he kept telling Willow she was getting as big as a house.

They were both coming to birthing classes with her and she couldn't help but

laugh at Xander, the way he winced at the descriptions of birth and how he

passed out during a video of an actual birth. Then there was Buffy, huffing

and puffing away, squeezing Willows hand until she nearly broke it. Buffy

had been entertaining during the course of the pregnancy, even so far as to

get sympathy morning sickness. Giles had been supportive in his own way as

well, bringing in foods she craved and anything else she had needed. But it

was still Spike who seemed her tower of strength; she honestly didn't know

what she would do without him.

When Xander told her she was getting fat, Spike would come to her later and

tell her how beautiful she looked. When Buffy got snappy at Willow, Spike

would draw Buffy's attention away with some smartass comment. When Giles

bought her salted cashews and her ankles swelled up it was Spike who would

sit on the end of her bed with her feet in his lap rubbing in various

lotions to help.

But it was her growing babies reaction to Spike that amazed Willow.

Whenever he was near her, he would cover her stomach with a hand, his thumb

caressing the lower part and the baby would become calm. It was only to

their voices that the baby reacted. Buffy, Xander and Giles had only felt

the baby kick when Spike spoke or was near Willow. And then there was

Spikes attentions to the baby. The way he constantly craved to feel it, his

need to speak to it. He had even gone and bought a CD of modernised

classics - Vivaldi that had been arranged with drums and modern instruments

as well as the classical violin. He had shrugged it off saying that the

baby needed to hear some decent music instead of the constant "crap"

classics Willow had insisted on playing. The baby seemed to agree with him.


Willow wasn't the only one who had noticed Spikes growing attention to her

and her unborn baby. Giles had quietly been observing the two together and

was at first amused by Spikes fussing and protective attitude toward Willow.

However as the pregnancy progressed and Spikes behaviour became more

obsessive, his constant need to be near Willow, to touch her and his

fixation on the growing baby, Giles became concerned. Since his previous

conversations with Spike had proven to be fruitless and frustrating Giles

felt justified in contacting Angel to discuss his growing apprehension.

Angel agreed with Giles that it was a concern for Spike to be so infatuated

with Willow and the child. During the course of their communications

arrangements were made for Angel to stay at the house with Willow and Spike

so he could make his own observations. A feasible excuse had been prepared

so that his real reasons for being there were not obvious. When Giles broke

the news of his approaching visit it was met with different reactions.

Willow was delighted. Spike was pissed.


"Oh Angel! I don't know what to say!" Willow bounced on the balls of her

feet, looking in glee at the items Angel was depositing in the hallway.

There were numerous things for a nursery and a couple of bags of babies'

clothes. She was searching through the bags screaming in joy when the

vampire came back in with part of an old fashioned swinging cradle.

"Oh...oh, Angel."

Tears sprang to her eyes and she waited until Angel had lowered the cradle

before embracing him as best she could.

"Buffy said you were having trouble finding something you like. I hope it's

suitable." He smiled down at the tiny redhead. His face fell as he saw

tears staining her face. "Willow, what is it...don't you like it?"

"Angel it is just so very beautiful. Thankyou." She stood on tiptoe to

place a light kiss on his cheek.

"Yeah mate, it's bloody gorgeous." Spike hissed at his sire as he leaned

against the stairs watching. At the sound of his voice the baby kicked and

Willow winced, her hand caressing her abdomen.

"Willow?" Angel asked concerned. Willow smiled at him and took his hand

placing it where hers had previously been and watched as a faint smile

crossed his face while the baby kicked out against the pressure of his hand.

"She likes to kick me!" Willow laughed as the baby continued to move

against his hand.

"Pet, we've had this discussion before - with that kick it has to be a boy."

Spike moved to stand closely behind Willow, glaring at Angel over her

shoulder. Willow just rolled her eyes and shook her head at Angel mouthing

to him 'it's a girl'.

"Well it certainly likes to kick." Said Angel watching as Spike continued to

glower at him. Willow sighed and shook her head.

"I know! I have the bruised kidneys to prove it." She said pulling a face.

"So what have you got planned for tonight Angel?"

"I told Buffy I'd met her at the mansion. Want to come with me?" Angel

asked, ignoring the snarl that had formed on Spikes face. Willow quickly

agreed saying that she could pick some of the night jasmine that bloomed

there. Spike had argued that she really shouldn't go out, to which Angel

had declared that she would be perfectly safe with him - earning a "not

bloody likely mate" from Spike who promptly invited himself along.


"So why the big 'I care' act Spike?" Angel asked leaning back against the

fireplace. Spike was resting an arm on the window as he watched Willow

waddling about the garden picking the jasmine. He took a long drag on his

cigarette, considering the question. At his silence Angel decided to expand

the question. "You know you are alienating her from her friends and family?

Giles says that you hardly let her out of your sight...that isn't why you

were sent here."

Spike snorted, still watching Willow.

"Why do I care? I just do. Out of this hell you have forced me into Willow

is the only thing keeping my sanity...or would you prefer me to slowly go

mad? That would probably suit you, wouldn't it?" Spike paused for a

moment, taking another drag on his cigarette before quietly continuing.

"She needs someone to look after her, to protect her. And don't give me

that rot about her friends being there for her - the slayer and her watcher

are too wrapped up in their duties and as for that bloody git Xander...well,

need I say more?"

"You are not responsible for her Spike."

"Willow isn't a responsibility Angel." Spike turned to glare at his sire,

anger clearly written on his face. Before he could continue Willow walked

in, bunches of the heavily perfumed jasmine clasped in her hands. She

looked from the furious Spike to a pensive Angel and raised an eyebrow in


"Did I interrupt something?" she asked, looking at Spike.

"No, pet. Just a friendly little chat." Spike looked at the jasmine in her

hands. "Did you pick the whole garden?"

Willow laughed. "Nearly!"

Angel watched the couple. As soon as Willow was close to Spike his hand

reached out and stroked her stomach. She stepped closer to him and covered

his hand with her own. Together they seemed calm, they seemed whole.

Slowly Angel realised that they were in fact the ideal picture of two happy

people awaiting the arrival of their child, that's when it hit him - Spike

was genuine in his affection for Willow. It was no act. There was no

ulterior motive.

"Well I'll be damned." Angel muttered to himself, watching as Willow moved

away from Spike and started walking toward him.

Suddenly the whole room lurched and Willow found herself thrown to the

floor. A scream left her lips and mingled with the roaring sound of the

collapsing building. It seemed to go on for ages, the noise, she could hear

the two vampires call out her name as the ground beneath them continued to

shake. Then everything went as quiet and as still as it was black. She

held her breath to see if that was the last of the quake or if it would

continue. She could hear the building moaning about them.

"Willow," Spike spoke softly, his eyes adjusting to the darkness. "Are you

okay love?"

"Yes, I think so." She remained still, knowing that he would come to her.

"Do you think there will be anymore tremors?"

"No. It's over." Angel said. He glanced around the darkened room, while

Spike went to Willow and kissed her forehead. "We have to get out of here."

"No argument from me." said Willow as she stood up with Spikes help; she

felt a twinge in her side. Spike guided her over to Angel, his arm around

her waist.

"Where do we start?" Spike asked. Looking at the debris that covered what

had previously been a door, he could see at least four huge timber beams

lying in the way - even with both Angel and his strength it was going to

take time. He felt Willow move away from him and start to pace. He watched

her for a moment before turning back to the debris and started to push some

of the rubbish away. "At the beginning would probably be best."

Angel and Spike had been working steadily for half an hour and were getting

nowhere. The beams were littered with debris and weren't moving. Their

attention was distracted by Willow gasping in pain and doubling over. Spike

was the first to reach her and could clearly smell blood. He froze in


"Willow, what is it?" Angel asked her, holding onto her arm. With his

vampire vision he could see the bloody mess that was running down her legs.

He cringed.

"I think my waters just broke." She almost cried. "Oh god this can't be

happening. She isn't due for another month."

"Willow, calm down pet. Everything will be fine." Spike spoke softly to

her, guiding her away from the pool of blood near her feet. "Sit down. Have

you had any contractions?"

"A few," she panted, holding onto Spikes arm. "I'm sorry, I should have said

something earlier."

"No pet. It's fine. How far apart are they?" Spike gently pushed back her

hair; he could feel the sweat already gathering on her face.

"I don't know, probably about fifteen minutes, perhaps longer." She was

clinging to Spikes hand. "Spike, I'm scared."

With those simple words Spikes world crumpled. How could he let her down so

badly, get her stuck in here? He had failed to protect her.

"Willow, there is nothing to be scared about. Angel and I are here. We are

going to get you out and soon you will be holding your beautiful little

baby." Spike leant in and kissed her softly on the forehead. "You have to

breathe for me love, a couple of deep breaths. I'll be right back."

Standing up he grabbed Angels arm and moved them as far away from Willow as

possible. He ran his fingers through his short hair in frustration.

"We have to get out of here - something's wrong!" Spike hissed. Both he and

Angel had seen many births during their time on the earth and knew that

Willow bleeding wasn't right.

"We can't shift those beams." Stated Angel. He was just as concerned as

Spike. "Our best bet is to wait. The others know we are here and will get


Spike growled at him in frustration. "So you are saying we should sit

around while Willow..."

Spike couldn't finish the sentence; he didn't know what would happen if they

didn't get out and he certainly didn't want to find out.

"We have no choice Spike. All we can do is make her comfortable." Angel

said quietly glancing back at Willow. A low moan broke from her lips and

Spike hurried back to her side.

"Willow?" he took her hand and felt it tremble. "Contraction?"

Willow nodded as she squeezed her eyes shut against the pain. When she

opened them she could just make out the shape of Angel kneeling at her feet.

"Well, seems your little girl is impatient to try out her new crib." Angel

said as he took off his jacket trying unsuccessfully to alleviate everyone's

fears. He watched as Willow attempted to smile but rolled her head back and

bit her lip as another wave of pain swept through her body. "Okay Willow.

We are going to try to make you as comfortable as possible."

He urged Spike to sit behind her, supporting her back and letting her pillow

her head on his shoulder while Angel lifted her hips and slipped his jacket

between her and the hard floor. She had gripped Spikes hand at the pain

caused by the movement. Angel lifted her hips again and slid her soaked

undies off - she was still bleeding. He quietly hoped that the others were

outside now trying to get to them. Looking over Willow's shoulder he could

read the same thought in Spikes face.

To be honest Spike was terrified. He could feel her fear, could feel her

heart beating erratically and worst than that he could smell the blood. His

hand had found the small of her back and was gently massaging it.

"She's just like you pet. Can never wait." Spike murmured into her ear.

"I thought that was more your style." Willow laughed slightly before gasping

for air and sitting up between Spikes legs. "Oh god."

"Willow, remember to breathe." Spike said as he held her hand. He could

feel the sweat starting to cover her back.

"Willow, I am going to check how far dilated you are - it may be a little

uncomfortable but I will be as quick as possible okay?" Angel asked

positioning her feet on his thighs. Willow looked down at him in surprise

and nodded. Leaning back against Spike she took a deep breath as she felt

Angels fingers enter her, probing around, causing her to whimper slightly.

Removing his fingers Angel looked down at the bloody mess and silently

cursed. "A little while to go yet Willow."

"Why does it have to be so dark in here?" Willow wailed, her fingers

gripping Spikes arm as another contraction started.

"It's alright pet. Angel and I can see perfectly well." Spike answered as he

stroked her hair wishing there was someway he could ease her pain. Thankful

that there was no light for her to see the blood she was loosing. "Come on

Willow, breathe through the pain for me."

It seemed to Spike like an eternity passed before Angel said she was fully

dilated. By that time Willow was nearly exhausted, her tiny body bathed in

sweat and as pale as a ghost. The only sound during that time had been her

painful cries and moans coupled with the soft words of encouragement spoken

by both of the vampires. Spike could smell the blood, could see the dark

pool that Angel was kneeling in, could see his hands covered in it.

"Willow on this next one you have to push." Angel urged her. Spike shifted

their position so she was sitting up more, her feet still on Angel's thighs.

Willow moaned and shook her head.

"I can't," she said her eyes falling close.

"Willow," Spikes voice commanded her. "You are almost there, you have to


Willows hands bit into Spikes arms as her body was ripped by another

contraction. Sitting her up more he urged her to push and could feel her

body tremble with the effort. He closed his eyes against the sight before

him as he heard a long and painful scream leave her lips. As the

contraction stopped he could feel her slump against him, her chest heaving

trying to regain her breath.

"Good girl Willow," he whispered softly. "You're doing great."

"Oh god," he heard her moan before her fingers grabbed at him again and she

was bearing down.

"That's it Willow, nice hard push," Angel urged as she cried out. She fell

back against Spike, her breathing coming in shallow pants. Angel looked up

at her. "You are doing really well Willow, not much longer."

Spike looked at his sire and wondered if they were just empty words of

encouragement. His thoughts were cut short as Willow tensed again and

pushed. She was silent in her effort this time. Her fingers were still

holding onto his arms but with little strength. He could hear two hearts

beating, Willows and the baby, one erratic the other even.

"Come on Willow," urged Spike quietly. As the contraction finished Willow

rolled her head back against Spike a low moan leaving her. Spike glanced at

Angel. Angel could see anger and frustration in those eyes, the question of

'what the hell are you doing' lingered in their depths. Angel just shook

his head. There was nothing more they could do. The brief moment was

broken by Willow tensing again. Once again her effort was accompanied by an

agonized scream.

"Good girl. She's crowning Willow - not much longer." Angel enthused. He

watched as the exhausted girl slumped back against Spike, her breathing

shallow, her hair sopping wet from sweat and her eyes glassy. "Willow next

contraction I want you to push as hard as you can."

Angel had barely finished his sentence when another contraction ripped

through Willow. She pushed hard, her fingernails digging into Spike, his

soothing voice rumbling in her ear encouraging her. Rolling her head back

she continued to bear down, a painful wail left her lips and she closed her

eyes against the pain and exhaustion. She could feel a darkness begin to

envelop her. Angels voice seemed so far off. Suddenly Spikes voice was

rumbling through her.

"Gentle push Willow. Almost there love." She could feel the pain lessen and

heard Angel saying something.

"Spike?" Willow whispered.

"It's a girl love, just like you said it would be. A beautiful little

girl." Spike whispered in her ear watching as Angel wrapped the tiny girl up

in his shirt and move up toward Willow. "Look Willow, it's your little


Willow turned her head to look at the tiny baby Angel held in his arms. She

could feel Spike moving her arm in his to make an arch to cradle the baby


"My baby..." Willow whispered. "Spike..."

Spike leant forward trying to make out what she was saying. "What is it

Willow? Love?"

Angel leant down and picked up the baby. "Willow? Willow..."

"No!" Spike howled as he felt her erratic heartbeat become faint. "No

Willow - don't you dare leave me! Willow!"

Spike turned her in his arms so that he was cradling her to his chest.

"Willow please, please don't leave me!"

Angel walked backward from his grieving childe, the baby in his arms began

to cry, and he watched as Spike shed tears over Willow's inert form.

Suddenly Spikes demon came to the fore and he tore at his wrist and held it

to her mouth. The blood ran over her lips and mingled with the pools of

blood that stained the floor.

"It's too late Spike, she's gone." Whispered Angel, totally shocked at his

childes grief.

"NO!" screamed Spike. His desperate scream turned to quiet sobs as he

continued to rock Willows body. "No, no, no..."
