Title:  The Games We Play ~ #12 ~ Sunday Morning Mysteries
Author:  Anastasia (charlie1@acay.com.au)
Rating:  Overall NC~17
Disclaimer:  I don't own any of them...can I cry now?
Feedback:  Is greatly appreciated.  I'm not above begging.
Notes:  Smut, little bit of plot, general silliness and fun.


"Spike," Willow whispered in a tiny singsong voice.  He growled and shifted in the bed, his arm tightening about her waist.  Beside him Willow let out a tiny growl of
her own as she cautiously moved her legs, unfurling them from his.  She received a sleep induced 'humph' from the blonde next to her and a tightening of his already
painful hold.  "I have to go to the bathroom..."

With a half growl, half whimper on his part he released her and she rolled off the bed, making a quick dash toward the bathroom.  Spike opened one eye and
watched, his arm reaching up and pulling her pillow down, cradling its warmth to make up for her loss.  Snuggling against the pillow he listened, waiting for the sound
of the toilet to flush so that he could push it away and open his arms, ready to welcome back his goddess.

"What the fuck?" he growled opening his eyes fully and staring at the closed bathroom door.  Willow was running a bath.  Not that he had anything against baths, he
loved bathing with her, but this was Sunday morning...the only place to be was in bed.  It was a fact they had both agreed to yesterday.  He'd left her alone all
day...well okay, he'd started out in the sitting room listening to MTV while he watched her in the study, then he'd moved to the bedroom to lounge on the bed while
watching her.  Finally he'd wandered into the study, picked up a book and sat down in a chair.  By mid afternoon he was lying at her feet, reading his book while she
worked on her various assignments, his hand wrapped about her leg.  But that wasn't the point, the point was she'd studied and worked all day, finishing by six
declaring that Sunday was going to be completely devoted to him and the bed.  Now she was locked in the bathroom running a bloody bath.  "Willow?"

She didn't answer.  Spike growled and rolled over onto his back.  He'd give her ten minutes then he was going in.  Shifting restlessly he thought about the last few
days.  They'd gone on another spending spree buying more bed linen after Giles little tryst in their bed, it still gave Spike the willies, but things had been going pretty
smoothly.  Anya had even called around, thankfully without Xander.  Spike, at first had been livid, threatening her with all sorts of vile acts if she didn't leave.  However
she'd fixed him with a look and commented on how nice the place looked...of course he'd then given her the full tour and much to his disgust they'd bonded over coffee
in the downstairs entertainment area.  He'd been blackmailed into the bonding activities, as soon as Anya had looked at the massive bedroom she'd known.

"Wow, Willow actually gets work done?"  Anya asked walking into the study.  Spike stared at her, jaw nearly dropping to the ground.

"What are you talking about woman?" he tried to bluff her.  She'd turned and frowned at him.

"Her books are everywhere. You keep showing up together at Giles, which you should know is a dead give away, especially after you stated you never wanted to have
anything to do with us. And unless you have a fetish for wearing women's clothes..." she looked him up and down, shrugged and walked out the door.  "That wouldn't
really surprise me, it'd explain the hair and nail polish..."

After that he'd had no option but to give her coffee and sit chatting downstairs.  Somehow the conversation had turned to glory days and it ended up with both of them
staring at their coffees thoroughly depressed.  She'd left shortly after that, giving Spike an odd look when he expressed his need for secrecy about him and Willow ~
she'd assured him that since her sex life would be jeopardised if Xander found out she was certain that their secret was safe with her.  Despite himself Spike had told
her to call around whenever she felt like it.  He hadn't shared that part of the conversation with Willow.

Sighing he rolled over again, crushing Willow's pillow beneath him and stared at the bathroom door.  What the bloody hell was she doing in there?  He clenched his
jaw and considered the possibilities. She'd done the same thing last Sunday, locking herself away for nearly an hour before crawling back into bed smelling sweet, her
skin soft and dewy, her hair wet and scented.  Frowning he twisted around and sat up, glaring at the closed door.

"No time like the present to find out what my little witch is up to..." he muttered throwing back the covers and reluctantly getting out of the warm bed.  Stealthily he
crept across to the door and listened.  She was humming some tune accompanied by the soft lapping sounds of the water.  He tried the door handle only to find it
locked.  "Bugger."

He frowned, waiting for Willow to yell at him through the door, but she kept humming the tune and Spike smirked.  That meant she had her headphones on, she
couldn't hear a thing, especially not a vampire jimmying the lock.  Smirking he rubbed his hands together, his tongue running along his bottom lip in wicked delight.
Thirty seconds later the bathroom door swung open and Spike screamed in horror and Willow joined him.

"What the bloody hell..." he started to roar.

"SPIKE!" screamed a very green-faced, white gluggy haired Willow.  She pulled off her earphones with bright blue loofah gloved hands and glared at him.  "Get
out...the door was locked for a reason."

Spike took in the angry green eyes staking him from an equally angry green face and started to laugh, sauntering over to sit on the edge of the bath.

"Don't you dare laugh at me," Willow stated, almost in tears.  Spike stopped laughing, his mouth twisting into a smirk as he tried to hold back his mirth.  It only upset
her more.  "What, you think it's funny that I do this?"

"No, I don't love," he ran his forefinger down her nose and through the green mask that covered her face.  Glaring she splashed the hot scented water all over him,
making him jump up and back away from the tub.  "Hey!"

"Get out," she glared at him, feeling ridiculous and crossing her arms over her naked breasts.  Of course no one really looks threatening with a facemask on and a
deep conditioning treatment in their hair, add to that bright blue loofah gloves and you can imagine the non-threatening image.  "NOW!"

"Let me think about this..." Spike smirked wandering back to the bathtub and angry redhead.  He pouted and frowned, contemplating the mysteries of life, the universe
and Willow sitting in the bathtub before grinning like a maniac.  With a loud splash he was in the tub, water cascading all over the floor.  "Nah, not going anywhere
without you pet.  Besides we had a deal...I left you alone yesterday to do your stuff and you were going to spend the whole day with me...so if I have to sit in the tub
while you are green, so be it."

"You think I look silly..." Willow lowered her head and kicked out at him.  Spike smirked and captured her foot in one hand, stilling her as his thumb caressed her arch.
His other hand found her free ankle and lightly stroked the joint.

"No, I think you look cute and it's flattering," he spoke softly, smiling as she glanced up.


"That you want to look your best..." his eyes darkened possessively.  "For me."

"Egotist." Willow couldn't help but giggle at his words.

"Tell me it's for anyone else and I'll rip the bastards throat out, or hire a hit man to do it for me.  So why exactly is your face..." his lips twisted into a smirk and his
eyes brightened with merriment.  "Green?"

Willow rolled her eyes and shook her head.  For the first time she was glad Spike couldn't see through the green, it hid her bright red blush.  "It's part of my weekly

"And what does this pampering include?" asked Spike, his hands curling about her calves, fingers lightly kneading her flesh.

"Well first I deep clean my face," Willow spoke quietly, keeping her eyes fixed on Spike's intense blue gaze.

"How?" he asked, moving his hands further up her legs, making her gasp.

"You want to know my beauty routine?" she asked not really believing him.  Smiling his fingers tickled the underside of her knees as he slowly pulled her toward him in
the water.

"I want to know everything about you..."

Willow allowed herself a smile.  Slowly she grabbed the sponge that was floating around in the tub and dragged it under, her eyes holding Spike's gaze.  Suddenly he
was hit on the head with a waterlogged sponge and her loofah-gloved hands were saturating his face.

"Hey, what the..." he tried grabbing her hands but they were gone and she was twisting around.

"Demonstration is the best way to explain..." she stated grabbing a tube from the side of the bath.  Squeezing a glob of cream out into her gloved hands she inched
forward and smiled at him.  Slowly, carefully she worked the cream across his face, with a light pressure her fingers drew small circles across his face.  "First you
have to cleanse."

"Uh ha, cleanse..." murmured Spike, revelling in the feather light touches of the rough loofah gloves on his face.  His fingers mimicked hers on her legs, drawing small
circles with the lightest touch.  He closed his eyes and concentrated on the sensations of her fingers, of the warmth of the bath, the sound of her quickening breath and

"Then, while the cleanser is doing it's job..." Willow whispered.  Spike screwed his face up and opened his eyes.

"Is it meant to be burning?" he asked about the slight tingling sensation the cleanser was creating.  Willow giggled at him.

"It's not burning!  That's the menthol in the cleanser, just means it's getting in and working it's magic on your skin," Willow explained, pulling off her loofah gloves and
grabbing another tube.

"Aaahhh, it's all tingly," protested Spike pulling faces at her.  Willow slapped him on the arm.

"Stop being such a cry baby," she shook her head and squeezed out a generous amount of goo from the tube.  Spike eyed it warily.

"What's that then?"

"Deep conditioning treatment," stated Willow leaning forward and running her fingers through his dampened hair.  Spike moaned low in his throat and lowered his
head, making it easier for Willow to work the treatment through his short hair.  It also afforded him the opportunity to access her collarbone and neck, alternately
licking and kissing.  "It'll make your hair lovely and...oh...soft..."

"I don't think there's any thing soft in this tub at the moment, love," he murmured, lowering his mouth to her hard nipples.  He groaned in disappointment as her
fingers left his hair.  Growling softly his hands pulled at her hips, making her straddle his thighs.  Water splashed everywhere and her loofah covered hand grabbed at
his chin.

"Now we take off the deep cleanser," Willow murmured concentrating on the task at hand, the loofah washing his face free of the cleanser, trying to ignore his rather
prominent erection.  Spike smirked, she wanted to keep playing, fine, let her play.  His hands mimicked her movements on her ass as he closed his eyes and held his
face up for her.  Willow smiled to herself as her fingers caressed his face, running along the sharp cheekbones, marvelling at the feel of them.  "I use the loofah gloves
because they act as an exfoliator, you don't have to use a different or chemical based product."

"Mmm," murmured Spike not really giving a damn, except for getting his goddess closer to him.  As her hands left his face his eyes shot open and he pouted at her,
perplexed to see her smiling wickedly and holding up yet another tube.  His eyebrow shot up in question.  "What the hell is that?"

"I'll give you a hint," giggled Willow, wriggling closer to him, her breasts rubbing against his chest.  "It's green."

Spike swallowed and glanced from the tube to Willow's already green face and back to the tube.  Sighing dramatically and rolling his eyes, he shook his head in
resignation.  "Oh bloody hell...do it, turn me green..."

Willow laughed out loud at the vampire's dramatics, abandoned the loofah gloves and started to smear the green mask across his face. Beneath her Spike squirmed
and pulled faces.

"How long does it stay on for?" Spike asked.

"About fifteen minutes," replied Willow carefully turning his nose green.  Spike growled.

"So what do we do 'til then?"

"Well," Willow sighed and shook her head, he wasn't going to last the fifteen minutes, that she was certain of.  "Usually I exfoliate my body and relax back in the tub."
She paused and glared at him.  "Which I would be doing right now if a certain blonde hadn't distracted me..."

Spike gripped her hips in an almost painful hold and pushed her off his lap, back into the warm scented water.  Grinning lasciviously he pulled on the bright blue loofah
gloves, frowned at them for a moment before capturing her foot and massaging it.  He ensured that every single millimetre of her foot was touched, from the firm skin
on her heel to the soft flesh between each of her toes.

"What's in the water?" he murmured not lifting his head from the task at hand.

"Huh?" Willow half moaned, her eyes closed, savouring the sensations of Spike's hands.  The question finally fought its way into her lust-dazed mind.  "Oh, water, oils
in it...um..."  His hands were working their way up her leg, his thumbs brushing along her shin, fingers massaging her calf.  "Oils...Cedarwood, Lavender, Orange...oh,
that feels good...Bergamot, Ben...and...um, yeah...oils...Ylang Ylang, Nutmeg and...oh...Patchouli..."

"Smells nice, love," Spike murmured leaning forward to place a kiss between her breasts as his gloved hands massaged her thigh, one of his thumbs brushing across

"Yes," hissed Willow, bucking against his thumb and mouth.  Spike chuckled and released her leg.  Willow's eyes shot open and she glared at the smirking green-faced
vampire.  "Don't you dare stop."

Spike smiled to himself and leant back against his end of the bath, capturing her neglected foot and repeating the same slow, teasing strokes that he'd applied before.
He watched as she relaxed back against the end of the bath, her face a picture of tranquillity...well at least that's what he thought, once you got below the green
mask.  She was tranquil until his fingers reached the apex of her thighs, his thumb once more brushing across her, the loofah giving her mind numbing friction.  Her
hands shot out of the water, moving to grip the edge of the bathtub behind her head.  Spike smiled, letting his thumb rub against her clit a few more times before
moving his hands around to caress her ass, ignoring her small whimpers of disappointment.

"Keep your eyes closed, love," murmured Spike, bringing his hands back to her abdomen.  With firm strokes he caressed her stomach, working his way back down to
her hips and around to the small of her back before bringing his hands back to her stomach.  Working his way up his thumbs teased the sensitive underside of her
breasts, which were heaving with every panting breath she took.  Still Spike teased her, never actually touching her breasts, his gloved hands merely brushing lightly
against the swollen flesh.

"Spike," she murmured, shifting restlessly in the water and biting her lip.  "Quit teasing."

Spike smirked to himself and continued his slow torturous exploration of her body with the loofah gloves.  "Not teasing, pet.  I'm exfoliating.  Now shhh."

He watched her green face as he continued to stroke her body with the rough gloves.  Inching forward, he moved between her legs, his hands slipping from the side of
her body to her back and shoulders.  He could feel her muscles practically melt under his hands, her hands releasing their grip on the tub behind her and dropping
down into the warm scented water.  As his hands reached the back of her neck he lent forward and captured one of her hard nipples between his lips.  Moaning her
head lolled back against the bath and she arched up toward his mouth.  Smirking Spike kissed her nipple softly and moved onto the other, his tongue flicking at it
before he closed his lips about the peak and sucked softly.  His teeth closed about the hard peak and he bit it lightly, making Willow gasp and jerk.  Releasing the
nipple, letting it slowly slide from his pursed lips, he dipped his hands back into the water and bought one up to Willow's face.  He smiled as the green mask washed
away to reveal a very flushed and flustered Willow, her eyes still closed but her lips were just begging to be kissed.  Even as the thought entered his head Spike was
already bending forward to run his tongue across her lips, parting them slightly so as his lips claimed hers his tongue was more than welcomed into her warm sweet
mouth.  Beneath him Willow writhed, one hand cradled his head, her fingers twisting in the slick deep conditioning treatment coated hair, her other hand pulled at the
small of his back, trying to get him closer to her.  Breaking the kiss Spike alternately bit and kissed his way to her ear, growling as Willow followed suit, her tongue
teasing his ear, her teeth pulling on his lobe.

"Take a deep breath, love," he whispered in her ear, smiling as he felt her breasts push against his chest.  Quickly he moved back to her mouth, claiming it in a
searing kiss and dragged her into the deep tub, holding her down with his body under the water.  As his fingers ran through her hair, washing out the treatment, her
fingers bit into his flesh and he could feel her heart pounding against his chest.  No matter what, he still loved fear and panic in humans, even in Willow.  He waited
until she began to struggle against him and let her up.  Then he laughed at her.

"You bastard," she spat, striking out at him.  Spike smirked and caught her hand, she was so cute when she was peeved, even cuter when she looked like a drown
rat.  She bought her other hand up to hit at him, running on the pure instinct of fear, he'd held her under the water.  He was always doing this, playing games and at
times they scared her.  "I can't believe you did that."

"What?  We're both clean," Spike smirked grabbing her other hand and shifting, pinning her against the back of the tub.  Willow opened her mouth to protest, but was
quickly cut off by Spike's lips capturing hers, his tongue teasing her mouth, tasting her.  He released her hands, his own moving down her body, cupping her ass,
drawing her to him.  Willow groaned and tangled one hand in his wet hair, her legs wrapping about him.  She broke the kiss and cried out as he thrust into her, hard
and wet.  A huge wave of water crashed over the side of the bath, cascading down the tub and over the floor.  Spike groaned.  "Fuck."

"Yes," hissed Willow, not really caring about getting the floor wet.  She grabbed at his ass, urging him on as he continued to thrust in and out, the water moving and
shifting with every thrust.  Soft lapping sounds accompanying their moans and cries.  Willow's mouth was on his, demanding attention, her tongue mimicking his hard
thrusts.  Breaking the kiss Spike lowered his head to her breasts, sucking and nipping at the hard nipples as her breasts swayed.  Groaning Willow grabbed the back of
the tub, her legs tightening about his waist, her head rolled back as she met him thrust for thrust.  Pulling his mouth away from her breasts Spike growled and
clenched his jaw.  One of his hands moved to the tub, holding on to give him more leverage as he swooped down to crush her mouth with his, his fingers brushing her
clit.  As Willow moaned into his mouth, biting down on his tongue, her muscles clamped down around him and she arched up into his body.  Spike tore his mouth away
and watched as she came, her eyes widening, her breath stilling for the briefest moments before she screamed his name.  With that Spike came, spilling himself deep
inside her warmth, his hips roughly jerking.  Smirking he pulled out of her heaving body, lowering his mouth to hers, a soft questing kiss before he traced a path down
to her breasts.

"I think I like Sunday mornings," he stated calmly, earning a giggle from Willow.
