The Joy of Yahoo Chat Rooms

The Games We Play Series 14

Author:  Anastasia (

Rating:  NC~17

Disclaimer:  I own none, unfortunately. And the Yahoo Chat Room does exist.

Feedback:  Is always appreciated.

Notes:  Smut, plain and simple. Something silly and I really want to disown it.  I am starting to think that medication may be a good thing.


"Oh what the bloody hell was that meant to be, pet?" screamed Spike, his face wrinkling in disgust as he started mimicking the sounds he'd just heard. "'Oh, I'm soooo wet, oooh yeah, oh I'm so tight...'. That's fucking pathetic!"

He leant back in the huge leather computer chair he'd bought for Willow a few days back, he'd thought it went well with the huge bankers desk that he'd purchased a few days before that, and shook his head. It wasn't long before the Yahoo chat room he was in burst into a massive hysterical fit. Various voice chatters cut each other off as they struggled to defend or defame the girl who had just finished her 'performance' in the room. His screen became a mass of private message screens hurling various pieces of abuse at him and over it all the girls voice rang through.

"Yeah like you could actually get a girl off you fucking prick!"

"Ducks just 'cause you can't even manage it on your own don't take it out on me," he chuckled at the pissed off girl. "I'll have you know my missus is well and truly satisfied and certainly never has to fake it like that. Have you ever heard a woman actually cum? 'Cause you sound nothing like one!"

"I bet she fakes all the time just to get you off her. If there even is a girl you pathetic jerk."

"Well that's the point of the room you stupid chit. But you're not providing much inspiration. You couldn't even get a part in a fucking porno!" Spike grinned manically as the chat room once more burst into life, the girls voice long lost in the multitude of chatters and PM's. Leaning back in the leather chair he crossed his hands behind his head and laughed.

He'd stumbled into these rooms a few days back. They were something to relieve the boredom of impossibly long hours spent without Willow while she was at college and provided a fantastic source of amusement for the blond. The damage he could do verbally was amazing, it was like going into a pub and picking a brawl. Better yet it was more realistic than Jerry Springer. But this room, Yahoo's 'Women Pleasuring Themselves', was his personal favourite. In this wonderfully enlightened room the patrons bit twice as hard and twice as fast. He just loved it.

Of course if Willow knew what he was up to she would have smashed him over the head with the laptop he was so merrily chatting away at. But she remained blissfully ignorant of his daily excursions into the seedier side of the World Wide Web and the various chat rooms available to any person or demon willing to state they were a legal adult. With a click of the mouse the weirdest and most perverted side of life was available to anyone and anything and Spike revelled in it. He leant forward again, clicking on the talk button and yelled.

"Bloody tosspots, the lot of you!"

A torrent of abuse flooded the room and Spike laughed out loud. The usual insults about impotence, wanking and his mother came up on the screen and again the girl repeated her accusation that he couldn't satisfy anyone even if he had explicit instructions. Somehow above all the garbled racket of voices he heard the door of the mansion close. Smirking he leant forward and instead of clicking on the talk button he clicked on the hands free one.

"Listen and learn mates, that's all I'm going to say," he said before pulling up the various screens to silence the PMs, turned down the volume on the speakers and sat back and waited. It wasn't too long before Willow walked into the bedroom.


"In here, love," he called swivelling the chair about to watch as she dumped her bag, discarded her shoes near the door of their bedroom and walked towards him. She was tired, he could see that, mind you who wouldn't be? The days she spent at college were long and exhausting, not to mention the added stress of side stepping Buffy's questions and coming up with plausible excuses why she no longer slept at the dorms. Then of course was the fact that her lover was nocturnal, keeping her up all hours of the night and trying, rather unsuccessfully, to convince her to stay with him during the daylight hours. Still he was more than willing to make it up to her, showering her with gifts and affection. As long as she was with him he found some type of peace and contentment, even if it was devoid of a satisfactory diet and half decent sports with terrified humans. Reaching out he took her hand, bringing it up to his lips and pulling her to him. "Tired pet?"

"A little," she acknowledged, happily letting him drag her down onto his lap, his arms wrapping about her waist as his lips claimed hers softly. Smiling she broke away from the kiss, swinging her legs up and over the arm of the chair. "Nothing that can't be remedied by a nice long bath..."

"A bath," he murmured against her throat as his lips sought out her sensitive pulse point and he swung the chair back around, making her squeal and throw her arms about his neck. "Sounds like a plan."

"Mmm," Willow agreed rolling her head back exposing her neck and giggling as Spike's hand snuck under the hem of her shirt, his palm resting on the soft curve of her stomach while his thumb brushed against the soft satin of her bra. Sighing she leant back into the crook of his arm as he cradled her in his lap, her own hand brushing across his t-shirt while the other tangled in his hair. "But then again plans always go astray..."

"Some plans do," he grinned wickedly, raising his head from her neck as his free hand caught the material of her long loose skirt, easily pulling it up and exposing her long legs. He saw the frown start to crease her forehead and caught her lips before the inventible question could escape them. As his tongue slowly teased her mouth, tasting and consuming her, his hands caressed her body. Gentle strokes and firm circles, brushing briefly against her most sensitive spots before abandoning them for the greater expanses of flesh. When his fingers finally closed about her breast she moaned into his mouth, arching into the caress. Breaking the kiss he grinned and buried his face in her neck, leaving a wet path of kisses down to her breasts. His mouth closed over one hard nipple, laving it through the two layers of material with his tongue before biting down and rolling the hard bud between his teeth. The soft whimpers she made were the sweetest music to him, growing louder and changing into soft moans of pleasure as a single finger slipped between her thighs to rub against her knickers.

Willow tugged on his hair, pulling his face away from her breasts so she could kiss him. Her tongue demanding a response that he was willing to give. Twisting on his lap she turned toward him, her fingers pulling and tugging at his t-shirt. Groaning she pulled away from his mouth and yanked his t-shirt up, forcing him to break his hold on her and lift his arms so she could take it off and fling it away. Before the shirt had even landed on the floor her own was being tossed aside and his hands worked on the fastenings of her skirt. Moments later it fell to the floor. The scraps of lace that were easily mistaken for underwear flew through the air and would be discovered hour's later hanging from the light fixing.

Once more Spike's mouth found its way to her breasts, suckling on one. The other he teased with his hand, rolling the hard nipple between his fingers, pinching it, eliciting delightfully sweet moans from the redhead. She leant back so that she was draped across his lap, hanging over the chair and it suited Spike. Never ceasing his ministrations to her breasts his free hand slipped between her legs and as two of his fingers found her clit she brought one foot up to rest on the arm of the chair. Slowly he teased her with those two fingers, sometimes applying pressure, sometimes barely touching her. He could feel her clit swell and become hard beneath his fingertips, becoming moist and slippery as her body reacted. It was when her hand pushed his, urging him to give her more, that he dropped those two fingers down. As he slid them into her warmth his thumb took over, pressing against her clit. He started a slow rhythm, thrusting his fingers into her, then pulling them back and pressing down with his thumb.

As Willow's breath shallowed Spike lifted his head from her breast and watched her face. Every now and then he would let his thumbnail drag across her sensitive flesh, making her jerk and moan even louder. She was moving against his fingers, thrusting hard and he knew she was close. This was the part he loved. Her thighs grasped at his hand, twisting it as she thrust hard against him, her muscles clamping down on his fingers and contracting about the digits as she cried out incoherently. He could see the orgasm in her eyes as much as feel her body. The pupils dilated before briefly narrowing and expanding again, caused by the high blood pressure rush. That blood rush laden with all sorts of chemicals...he could almost taste it.

Then she was moving her mouth capturing his, her fingers entwining in his hair. She straddled his lap and he could feel her warmth and pleasant weight rocking against his achingly hard denim covered cock. Growling he grabbed her ass and picked her up, her legs wrapped about his waist while her hands linked behind his neck and their lips remained locked, tongues frantically duelling, twisting and thrusting. As his thighs slammed into the side of the desk it shook and he released his hold, dropping her down on the wooden surface. Without breaking the kiss both their hands fumbled and groped at his belt and fly, neither successful in their attempts. Spike groaned and tore his lips away from hers, swearing violently as he tore at his belt, pulling it free and yanking his jeans open and down. Without pausing in his frenzied movements he grabbed her hips and pulled her to the edge of the desk, impaling her in one quick thrust. Just as quickly he pulled back and thrust forward, hard and deep. Over and over again he slammed into her, flesh slapping against flesh. It was the start of a hard and frantic fuck.

Willow groaned, leaning back and tilting her hips to take him deeper. Blindly she reached out to support her weight on her hands, sending a pile of books crashing to the ground. Her feet dropped down tangling in his jeans and inner thighs and her calves grabbing at his ass as she tried to keep up with his urgent movements. Suddenly his mouth was on her breast, lips surrounding and capturing a pink nipple. All thoughts of supporting her weight flew out of her mind as his tongue laved the hard nub and with a gasping moan of sheer delight she collapsed back onto the desk. She grabbed the back of the desk with both hands, bucking up against Spike's mouth and somewhere, in the back of her passion fogged mind, she was grateful that the desk was huge and solid enough to take the beating they were currently delivering. She writhed, she sweated, she gurgled and groaned, desperately grinding against Spike every time his hips slammed forward. Then he bit down on her nipple and she screamed out, her hands released their death hold on the desk and clawed at him, her body momentarily stilling as her legs tightened their hold. Then her back arched, her toes curled and every muscle in her body tensed and trembled. Taking a deep gasping breath she opened her mouth and cried out just as Spike jerked roughly against her, his own roar muffled by her breast. Slowly he kept rocking against her, his hands soothing her sweaty tired flesh as he kissed his way up, finally claiming her mouth with a tender kiss.

"Okay, maybe a bath wouldn't have the same affect as that," Willow panted, her fingers dragging across his back. Spike smirked and kissed her again, his fingers brushing away a few damp tendrils that clung to her forehead. Reluctantly breaking the kiss he stood up, taking her with him and kissed the palm of her hand.

"I don't know, love," he purred, pulling her down from the desk. "Why don't we take a bath and see?"

"That sounds like a plan," Willow giggled softly and kissed him, her fingers caressing his chest. With a pinch of his nipple she broke the kiss and smiled at him. "We could have a raspberry bubble bath..."

"Perfect, love," he stated, his hands caressing her bare arms, his eyes roaming over her flushed body. With a quick kiss on the lips he twirled them about and pushed her in the general direction of the bathroom. "You go on and start it, I'll be right in."

He wasn't a fool and neither was Willow, who frowned at him suspiciously over her shoulder as he sat back down in the chair. But thankfully she was too tired to even care about questioning his motives for her to leave him alone in the study while she started a bath. So she left him there without a second thought or glance. He waited, enjoying the view as she walked away, until she was in the bathroom. Only when the door closed and the water began to run did he turn back to the laptop, perilously perched on the corner of the desk. Using the touch pad he clicked on the hands free button, turning it off and then clicked on the talk button.

"I feel, at this point in time, that there is only one thing left to say to you morons," Spike spoke smugly, listening as Willow moved about the bathroom, humming to herself, and the smell of raspberries wafted through to the room. "Nyah, nyah!"
