
Sequal to: It Fits

Author: Angakm




“You already know that I will kill you if hurt her so I wont say it. But I will say that Willow has made some positive changes so much more confident and independent. Now the Oz incident made her sad but she fought through that and today at lunch she had happy in her eyes and I want it to stay that way. I will not cause trouble or make any threats I trust Will and I will support her always.  Got it”  Buffy hoped that Spike would accept her  as she was willing to accept Spike.

Spike stopped walking and looked at Buffy   “Got it      for Willow” Spike extended his hand to Buffy.

“For Willow” Buffy smiled as she took Spike’s hand.

“Spike lets split up we can cover more ground that way.”

“Yeah I will go left and then we can meet up by the Williams Crypt.


Back at Giles house Willow was very distracted, so Giles finally gave up working on the database.

“Willow what is troubling you this evening?”

“Oh I am sorry to be so distracted I just keep thinking about Xander. I spoke to him on the phone right before we came over and I told him about Spike and I also told him that I would talk to him later. I know that he has some questions that’s why I asked to have dinner or something with him just the two of us, so we could talk I mean really talk” Willow had finished talking although she was still lost in thought.

“Yes Buffy seems more at ease since your lunch. I trust that you two ‘really talked’”

“Yeah we bonded too.” Willow gave a small smile. ”I know that he does not like Spike. I have known Xander for a very long time and I know what he is thinking. Basically he does not want to let go of ‘little Willow’ I want our friendship to move into adulthood not stay in the past which is why I want to talk to him”

“Willow you can only do so much just give Xander some time to digest the new changes in your life not just Spike but the witchcraft and just the natural maturing process.”

“Thank you Giles I guess it is a shock for Xan.”

“Yes well Spike can be quite shocking” muttered Giles.


“Hi Spike how was Patrol?” Willow ran to Spike and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“It was quiet” Spike was toying with strands of Willows hair.
“Rupert  we done here?”

“Yes thank you for your help Willow Spike.”

“Hey Will you going to be in class tomorrow?” called Buffy from the kitchen.

“Yeah I will be there do you want to have a late lunch with me?”

“No I cant   I have class and Riley all day” Buffy emerged from the kitchen with a soda.
 Buffy gave Willow a grin and said her goodbyes.


“Do you want to go and do some shopping?” Willow asked Spike while walking out to the car.

“Yeah I want a new telly, where should we go?”

“There is an appliance store over by the mall.  Do you have electricity?”

“yeah there is a small transformer by the crypt, again with the not a nice person” Spike said noting Willows puzzled look.

“Its ok you have to have power somehow and I don’t think that sunnydale power and light does crypts.  Turn in here.”

“What kind should I get its been a long time since I have actually bought something.”

“This is good deal, good size, quality brand.”

“O.K. lets get it I want to go home and shag.”

“Sounds good to me” giggled a blushing Willow.

Spike drove like a maniac on the way home and when they reached the cemetery he grabbed Willow and carried her to the crypt. While carrying Willow to the bed Spike began to undress her.

“Oh god Spike   now take your clothes off now” Willow was frantically tearing at Spikes shirt.

“Whoa pet slow down”

“No not slow now need you now slow later” Willow was nipping at Spikes neck in-between words.  With that Willow pushed on top of Spike and slide onto his aching penis. After a moment of pressing onto him she began to thrust rapidly while Spike was licking on Willow’s breasts. Quickly Willow began to moan in need and Spike reached down to twist her clit. In no time she was screaming her release, slowly Spike rolled them over and began his own rhythm of thrusting into Willows warmth and drawing blood from her breast. All to soon Spike ball’s began to throb and his thrusts became more frantic and he went over the edge plowing deep into Willow. With the combined sensations of Spike thrusting and the drawing of blood Willow came for second time. Spike unwilling to leave her warmth lingered inside and began licking his mark. Willow lay under him completely satisfied.

“Am I to heavy for you Luv?”

“No I am happy”

“I said heavy not happy pet”

“I know just stay still and let me sleep”

Spike chuckled and moved just enough to cover them with a blanket.


“Willow        Willow baby   wake up. I need to get you back to the dorms.”

“I want to stay here with you” Willow tightened her grip on Spike.

“I know pet but this place is not Willow friendly yet.”

“Will you stay at the dorms with me   or we could go back to my parents they will not be home for another week or so. I don’t want to sleep without you”

“Thanks Luv,  we can sleep wherever you want I need to get some stuff from the mansion so I will be gone some.”

“O K I will go with and help.”

“Don’t you have class in the morning?”

“Yes but I am used to staying out at night and then school in the morning.”

“Well lets go then get this place Willow friendly” Spike punctuated his sentence with a kiss.

“What all are we stealing from Angel?” Willow asked in the car.

“The way I see it I am his Childe so I ain’t stealing anything.”

“I thought that Dru was your Sire?”

“She turned me and peaches turned her, and Darla turned him, and the master turned her, so they are all my Sire’s.

“The master was your Sire?” Willow was shocked.

“Yep  in a distant way, I cant stand him though very old and musty.”

Willow couldn’t help but to laugh as they drove up to the mansion. She was surprised that Angel had left most of everything behind.

“What are you going to get?”

“The bedroom is set so I figure that I should work on the loo next. If you see any tapestry or trifle that you like get it.”

Spike went to the closet to get some tools and Willow went through the tapestries and linen closet and picked out some things. Then she went to see what Spike was doing.

“Are you sure that Angel wont mind us taking this stuff?”

“Yeah it’s a Sires responsibility to take care of his Childe. Will you go open the trunk?”

The two moved two more carloads of furniture when Spike noticed Willow’s yawning and decided to call it a night.

“Pet you look tired lets go to your house and go to bed.”

“Hhmm Spike and bed  sounds good to me” Willow moved to stand near Spike and rub up against him.

“Willow you need sleep. Lets go home and let me take care of you.” Spike was maneuvering Willow to the car. Once there Spike carried a sleepy Willow inside.

“I can walk you don’t need to carry me everywhere.”

“I know but you look so tired Pet, besides just hush and let me take care of you.”

“Ok” yawned Willow.

The two got upstairs and Spike laid Willow on the bed and shrugged off his duster and knelt down by Willow and removed her shoes and socks and began to rub her feet and ankles. Eventually he started to rub up her legs and moved to kiss the back of Willow’s knee making her breath catch.

“You like that pet”

“Yes do it again”

“See look at that Peaches I’m not doing anything against her will” Spike ground out in a menacing tone as Angel moved out of the shadows.

“What are you doing Spike.” Angel was eerily calm.

“All right this stops now! I will not have you guys fighting. I am tired I want to sleep and I wont sleep without Spike. So Angel did Xander call you?  I figured you are welcome to stay here and I will talk to both of you tomorrow. Stop the growling now! If you are going to be this way you can get out!” Willow was standing on her bed shouting at two snarling vamps.

“He is not staying here!” Spike yelled

“I am not letting you hurt her” Angel was circling Spike.

“I am serious we are not doing this! You two will listen to me now! Spike on the bed now! Angel the chair in the corner folds into a bed and here are some clean sheets make it now!” Willow got off the bed and began pointing on their chest’s to accentuate her point. She climbed into bed with Spike and got comfortable.

“Angel thank you for coming to check on me.” Willow whispered.

“I just want to make sure that you are safe.” Angel replied

“I am safe and happy”

Spike blew a raspberry in Angels direction and Willow smacked him on the mouth.

“Sorry Willow” Spike sounded like a petulant child.

Angel chuckled and made a comment about Spike being loves bitch and told Willow to have a goodnight. The next morning Willow woke to find her two boys sitting up and staring at each other.

“Did you two sleep at all? I am serious about this I will not have you two fighting! I am going to take a shower and get ready for school. Spike I will take you to the crypt Angel do you need anything? Spike has blood at the crypt oh you could go there and help Spike remodel after all it is your stuff” Willow flippantly strode off for the shower.

“What is she talking about Childe”

“Don’t give me that Childe crap you abandoned me. I am taking some stuff from the mansion to make my crypt Willow friendly    Sire!”

“Xander told me that you cant hurt humans”

“The army implanted me with a computer chip of some sort and it makes my brain hurt real bad when I try to feed or even have violent thoughts. But don’t worry I can still beat the stuffing out of you though” Spike sneered as he lit a cigarette.

“How do you feed?”

“What the hell do you care. I have a source.”

“I care Will, you are my blood.”

“You abandoned me!”

“Yes,  I will help make the crypt Willow friendly.”

When Willow was ready Angel told her that he was planning to help Spike with the crypt. She told Angel that she was glad that they were working together.

“Since you are going to be at the crypt I will come and have lunch with you guys and we can talk some more cause right now I have got to go to class. I will bring some sandwiches and sodas. Lets get going!” Willow said as she leaned up to give Spike and Angel a kiss on the cheek.

“Don’t touch her pillock!”


“I’m home honey” Willow cried as she opened up the crypt. “Is everything O.K.? Are you guys fighting?”

“No sweetie we have been good.” Spike swept Willow into his arms and a big kiss.

“The bathroom coming along. The toilet and shower will be in tonight.” Angel looked on at the couple appreciatively.

“Oh wow thank you so much for your help Angel.”

“Willow I think that I can put up some walls and get some tile for the floors and possibly put in a big bathtub if you want to?”

“I don’t care Spikey whatever is fine.”

“SPIKEY” Angel began laughing hysterically.

“Shut up bloody pouf.”

“Come on no fights I have to eat and run. Sit down I have sandwich’s and some juice.” Willow moved to set up a spread picnic style on the bed. After lunch Willow left only when Angel promised he wouldn’t leave until Willow got back from school.


“Xander hey wait up hey what’s going on!?” Willow had to run to catch up with a retreating Xander.

“I don’t know why don’t you tell me Willow” Xander’s voice was full of venom.

“Xan why are you mad at me?”

“I love you Willow and I want to protect you and I will do whatever it takes I cant let you stay with that monster.” Xander’s face was unreadable.

“Xander I am an adult now I will do as I please. I love you to and I want to talk to you about me” Willow voice had an edge to it.

“Will the conversation include Spike?

“Yes among many things”

“I will not talk about my feelings towards Spike my mind is set.”

“I am sorry Alexander my life includes Spike.”

“Then I don’t have anything to say to you” and with that Xander turned and walked away. Willow tried to go to class but she was in a daze so she gave up and headed back to the crypt.

“Willow baby your back early! Hey what’s wrong Luv?”

“I saw Xander on campus and he was being a big old jerk! He upset me so much and I just wanted to come home and hug you and not think about him anymore.” Willow had just gone limp inside Spikes strong embrace.

“I am here for you Pet. Do you need me to beat him up?” Spike asked half serious half joking.

“Thanks for the thought but it would hurt you to much and its not worth all that.”

“Willow” Angel crept up softly. “when Harris called last night he made it sound like he was drugging you or hurting you in some way. He did not mention the chip at all. That’s why I came down here so fast.”

Willow pulled away from Spike with a hurt look on her face.

“I love Xander a lot but if cant deal with Spike I don’t know what I am going to do” Willow buried her head back onto Spikes chest.

“I am sorry to upset you more Willow” Angel spoke softly.

“No Angel I am glad that you came to rescue me it was very sweet of you.” Willow reached out to hold his hand.

“On a lighter note I want to take the two of you to dinner tonight on me someplace nice. I figure Spike and I need a break and you need some cheering up.”

“Thanks Angel that sounds wonderful! How is the remodeling coming?”

“Come here Pet let me show you” Spike was grinning like a kid. “the toilet and shower are in and I arranged part of the bed room so you can have space for your clothes and I got an antique dresser with a mirror for you. I’m pretty sure that I can put up a rod for hangers. Oh and I got more candles.”

“Spike it looks wonderful its really coming together. I love the soft light of the candles very romantic.” Willow yawned and asked what time were they leaving for dinner.

“Its only Four now and it wont be safe until 8:30 or so. Are you tired?” Angel asked.

“Yes a little but not to tired if you guys want to talk or something.”

“I think that we could all use a nap Pet. Here are some Blankets and a pillow wanker.”

“Spike be nice he is taking us to dinner.”

“Its ok Willow you are nice enough for him to” Angel gave Willow a wink as he settled down on the couch.

“Come here baby and get comfy you need your sleep.”

“Spike I love the sex but laying here in your bed in your arms is wonderful” Willow was placing small kisses on his cheek.

Spike was so full of emotion that he did not know what to do other than hug Willow closer to him.

Hours later Willow awoke with two hands grasping her breasts and Angel staring at them.

“What can I say he is a breast man.” Willow giggled as she gently woke Spike.


“Thank you for the dinner Angel does this mean that you approve of the relationship?”

“No but you have  my number use it” and with that Angel swept Willow into  a deep kiss and whooshed out the door.

“KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF HER!” Spike yelled after Angel.

“Spike its all right he is just trying to get a rise out of you. Lets go downstairs to cuddle and watch T.V.”

“I cant turn down a chance to hold you”

“Me or my tits” giggled Willow

“Is there a difference cause if there is we have a problem your tits are just too perfect its gets me hot to just hold them.”

”Good me too”

The End
