It fits

Author: AngAkm

Disclaimer: Alas sadly the characters are not mine. Just the story

Spoilers Spike is chipped but did not try to attack Willow.

Rating: hard R?

Summary: Spike and Willow begin a romance

Feedback: comments, complaints I want it.


"Giles!?!   Are you home?"

"Red, come in here Red?…………… ….Red?" called Spike from the bathroom.

"Spike???? Hey is Giles here?" asked Willow very timidly.

"No he went to the store. Hey, bring the television in here. I want to watch my Shows." Ordered Spike.

"Why does Giles continue to chain you to the tub?" Wondered Willow as she was dragging the T.V. cart to the bathroom.

"I think that it is a reaction to seeing Buffy and I Kiss." Sneered Spike.

"OH….Yeah sorry again."  Blushed Willow. "Well I'll be going now since Giles is gone."

"Its O.K.  didn't mean to      Uh do you want to stay and wait for Giles?" asked Spike.

"No Just tell him that I will not be coming over for research tonight. I have a blind date tonight   what fun." Unenthusiastically sighed Willow.

"Blind Dates are bloody awful     right torturous."

"Yeah I agree but I promised Buff and I have still been feeling guilty about the whole bad spell and smoochies incident." Sighed Willow.

"Don't go  stay here      stand the wanker up"

"To much guilt,  Gotta go see you later" Called Willow from the door.

"I hope so." Whispered Spike


"Did you get my food watcher?" yelled Spike as soon as Giles stepped in the door.

"You know you could show a little appreciation. And yes I got everything."

"Appreciation for what you bloody pillock? You keep me chained in here all day knowing full well that I cant hurt nothing" Roared Spike.

"What would you do if I let you out?" questioned Giles

"Find a place to live"

"That's all"

"Yep     oh and I would find a telly."

"Take your blood and go but be back  tomorrow or I cut off the blood supply." Sighed Giles  "Oh and stay away from Buffy I wont guarantee anything."

"No problem   Rupert " Spike said while clamoring out of the tub as fast as possible.


"Giles   where is Spike?" Questioned Buffy.

"I don't know and don't really care."

"You mean you let him go   what if he starts killing again?" yelled Buffy

"Buffy  he cant hurt anyone and besides you did not have to live with him.   He will be over tomorrow night to check in." explained the  watcher.

"Yeah well I hope so mister. I have a date tonight and I don't want the bleached wonder ruining my evening." Whined Buffy.

"I'm quite sure everything will be fine. Are you planning on patrolling tonight?"

"Yeah I'm going to make it a late pass" `

"Very well then  See you tomorrow for research."

"No prob" called Buffy from the door.


"Well what did you think of Graham? Did you just want to eat him up?" Squealed Buffy.

"Um   he was very nice. He was cute but no I did not want to eat him."  Blushed Willow.

"Nice    Nice   all you have to say is NICE!"

"Well  it was hard to get to know him while we were talking to two other people. That's why I agreed to go out with him tomorrow again just us" Willow explained

"oh Will I am so happy"


"Come on   Come on   Pick up  PLEASE" Sobbed Willow.

"WHAT "growled Spike into the receiver.

"OH God Spike is Giles there. I am in trouble."

"No  He left. What's wrong?  Can I help?  Did someone hurt you?" Spike roared.

"Almost    Can you come get me?  I am on a date and he got to grabby. I kicked him in the balls and ran away  and now I am hiding in a closet in a strange house with a bunch of drunken frat boys who think that I am a cock tease." Willow half babbled half sobbed.

"Where are you"

"I am on University Ave.. The first house on the left." Willow breathed a sigh of relief.


"Willow??    Willow??     Where are you?" Spike whispered as he snuck around the top floor.

"Here I am" whispered Willow

"Oh  Pet come here      Lets get you out of here."

"How did you get here?"

"I came up the outside stairs.    Pet your blouse is torn, here put my coat on  cover up.  Come on lets get going." Spike commanded
"Where are you hurt, I smell blood."

"No its really just a scratch   I just want out of here" Whispered Willow

"Its O.K. Luv lets get you back to your room" Spike said clearly fighting to keep his anger in check.

"Spike will you come in and stay with me???   Just for a few minutes     I  I  am still kind of freaked out……Why is it that I can handle monsters and demons but drunk horny boys scare me?."   Asked Willow.

"Yeah I got nothing better to do" Chuckled Spike.

"Good    would you make me some tea while I clean up a bit.   Help yourself to anything, We have cable!"  Smiled Willow.

"Sure thing     Let me look at that cut soon though."


"Here ya go Luv a right proper cup of English tea." Spike proudly gushed.  "Now show me your cut."

"its not that bad.   The bleeding has stopped."

"No not that bad but we should put tape on it so it wont scar.   Wouldn't want anything to mark those lovely breasts." Leered Spike

"Did the slayer leave you alone at the party? Questioned Spike while applying the tape.

"No  she is spending the night with Riley in LA. Going to some club."

"Yeah I seem to remember something like that." Distractedly mumbled Spike

"Uh  Spike I think that the tape is secure now." Willow blushed as she tracked Spikes eyes to her cleavage.

"Right then   Well I guess your safe now so I will go now."

" Uh  Spike you can stay with me for a little while longer       I rented some movies to watch this weekend what with the gang mostly being gone and all coupley and all If you want to that is." Rambled Willow

"I'd Love to Luv." Smiled Spike.

"Would you like to watch horror or comedy"

"I think that you could probably use a good Laugh Red."

"Yes Spike I think you were right a good laugh did me just fine." Yawned Willow  "Lets raid the vending machines and settle in to watch 'The Exorcist'"

"Are you sure that your up for it?" Worried Spike.

"Yeah   Thank you for staying with me, I have really enjoyed your company. Willow spoke softly as she leaned in to kiss a chiseled jaw and then quickly slipped off the bed and scooted to the vending machines.


"Here I did not know  what you liked so I got a lot of sugar and salt."

"I like being here with you." Spikes eyes shone with sincerity.

"I just wanted to thank you for coming to get me." Whispered Willow

"It was my pleasure pet. It's a good excuse to be close to you."

"Oh Why   cause you wanted to do the turn thing that one time with Xander." Squeaked Willow

"No, its because of the way your lips feel." Spike leaned over and began to lightly kiss over Willows face and neck.   "MMMMMM  defiantly want to be here  for the smoochies." Murmured Spike against her neck.

"Hey that's my word" exclaimed Willow.

"what can I say I'm a thief…The Big Bad and all that rot." The kiss became more passionate and Willow moved intro Spikes embrace.  "Are you O.K. with this." Spike asked as he removed Willows shirt

"Yeah……………Its defiantly O.K.  Willow moaned.

Spike and Willow were laying on the bed when Spike discovered a new toy,  Willow.


"Just ignore it    let it ring"

"Yeah    the machine can get it" breathed Willow.

"Willow   Willow are you there what is going on I got your message." Yelled Xander into the machine.

"Bloody Hell"

"I'll get it,      yes hello Xander no I am fine                    what breathless                  oh yes kissing my date                  O.K. details tomorrow  bye."

"So Have I been upgraded from rescuer to date."

"Are we not watching movies and instead making out just like a date?." Teased Willow

"Absolutely right Pet."

"O.K.     Spike, are we going to watch 'The Exorcist?'"

"Only if you promise to hold my hand."

"You couldn't stop me." Willow laughed

"Luv believe me I could stop you" purred Spike leaning in for a kiss.


"mmmm yes Spike"

"Willow baby you fell asleep. Its almost dawn I need to leave"

"No stay here with me    Buffy will not be back until Sunday."

"Do you know what your asking Willow?" Spikes heart was starting to pound through his chest.

"less talking more kissing"

With an evil grin Spike began to remove his clothing and began kissing Willow in earnest. Willow was removing her clothes as quickly as possible. Soon they were both naked and Willow was astride Spikes chest grinding her hips against him.

"Willow if you keep doing that to me there I will not be held responsible" "Oh!!! bloody fuck what are you doing to me" Roared Spike as he flipped Willow onto her back. Kissing and nibbling his way down her body. He knew that she wasn't a virgin but she did not have that much experience so wanted to go slow.

"Spike you are killing me!!!   Oh God SPIKE!!!!" Screamed Willow as Spikes nimble tongue worked her through her orgasm.

Spike entered her slowly at first allowing Willow to set the pace. She was so warm and wet Spike struggled to hold on and wait for Willow to come again. He wanted to sink his fangs in to her soft breasts that were squirming underneath him but he thought it better to save that for another time.


"Spike   are you awake?" Willow spoke very quietly.

"Yeah baby"

"I need to get some food  I will be right back   OK ?"

"Yes go and hurry back." Yawned Spike rolling over in the bed.

"I wonder if Willy can get me some blood Its two o'clock In the afternoon he should be open now" Mused Willow distantly as she perused the aisles at the store.

"Spike are you awake?" Willow spoke a little louder this time.

"Yeah baby  I'm up." Spike answered sitting up.

"Good I went to Willy's and got some blood he promised me that it was fresh  and there is a microwave to heat it up.  Oh and mugs I have mugs." Rambled Willow triumphantly.

"You are truly an amazing creature. You surprise me every day."

" Is that good or bad?" asked a very Confused Willow.

"Very very  good" Murmured Spike as he leaned over to kiss Willow

"I have had a wonderful time Spikey" Willow had settled in the bed and was resting against Spikes firm chest.

"Spikey?" said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah  Spikey    I am feeling all warm and fuzzy oh and a little sore.  So I am extra sappy." Sighed Willow

"Good, not too sore though?    Say when is Buffy coming back?

"No not to sore and Buffy will not be coming until late tonight" happily squeaked Willow

"Then its safe to stay until dark."

"Yes"  Willow kissed her way down Spike's firm chest while her hand started a rhythm
against his velvety cool member. Spike tangled his hands in Willows soft hair. After only a moment of Willows torturous mouth Spike pulled her mouth to his and quickly flipped them and entered her in one swift move.

"Willow      Willow" Spike moaned

"Uh huh"

"Willow can I?" Spike asked while sucking on Willows pulse.

Willow looked up at him with lust in her eyes and nodded her head and then bared her neck for her lover. Spike continued to kiss and lick her neck until he could feel her muscles tremble and only then did his fangs enter her.

"Oh Spike" Willow screamed and started mumbling incoherently as spasms of pleasure washed over her.

"Luv you taste so sweet and lovely and so warm I could stay here forever."


Spike continued to lave at his fresh bite. Soon the lovers drifted into a contented sleep still intertwined with each other.  And that was exactly how they were when Buffy walked in the room.

"Oh my God Willow   Willow are you all right!?!" Screamed Buffy as she stormed into her dorm room.

"OH Buffy   oh God  oh God   Spike hand me that shirt and for gods sake cover up and stop laughing!" Yelled Willow as she franticly tried to think of something to say.

"Buffy you are home early.  Did everything go all right with Riley?  How was LA?  How was the club?  Did you have fun?"

Willow was stopped short in the middle of a good babble by Buffy grabbing her and yelling  "What Is going on!!!"

Spike stood and grabbed Willow away from Buffy and pulled her close "We spent the weekend together."

Buffy lunged at Spike but Willow stood her ground and explained that Spike was not hurting her and that she wanted him to stay with her this weekend.

"What" was all that  Buffy could manage to get out.

"Let me get my clothes on and then we can go talk in the lounge" Willow was trying desperately to soothe her friend "Spike just stay here please and  we can go somewhere when its dark."

"But the bed is lonely and cold without you ducks" whined Spike

"Thank you baby but I need to talk to Buffy"


"Willow is this another spell? I will so totally understand if that's all it is." Pleaded Buffy

"No its not another spell    I asked Spike to come get from the frat party to many drunk hormonal men   and he stayed with me for a little while   and well I came to enjoy his company so I invited him to stay." Shrugged Willow.

"It looked like you were enjoying more than his company!  Did he take advantage of you" Buffy stood up and started to the room.

"NO Buffy don't please don't fight with Spike!  Just sit and let me explain please." Willow and Buffy sat back down.

"Sleeping with Spike was not what I had in mind when I first asked him to stay but it felt so good to sit next to him and have his arm around me and then when we started kissing   oh my it was almost like   oh I don't know" Willows eyes shone with passion.

Buffy just stared at her friend seeing the look in her eyes. "Willow are you sure   are you really ok   you don't have to be embarrassed about telling me anything."

"Buffy it feels really good with Spike and I want to keep feeling good  it seems like forever since I felt this good."

Buffy did not want to admit to it but it was genuine happiness in Willows eyes so she acquiesced "I promised Riley that I would spend the day with him since we left L.A. early."

"Did everything go all right?"

"Yeah, He just has some papers to grade so we came back early. We can have lunch tomorrow and exchange stories.  If you want to?" Asked Buffy

"Oh, Yes that would be wonderful" sighed a very relieved Willow. The two best friends exchanged hugs and smiles and said goodbye.

When Willow returned to her room she was greeted by a very nervous vampire that wasn't sure if he should be angry or scared "What happened?"

"Everything is okay baby. She trusts me not you but I think that she saw that I was content to be with you."

"Contentment is that all!!!" Said with a raised eyebrow.

"Lust, Passion, Desire, happiness??  Any better?"

"Much  much better" Spike whispered huskily as he drew Willow in close, quickly removing his shirt from her and began to explore her neck with his tongue searching for just that right spot. Upon finding that spot Spike began to nip and suck in earnest. Willows knees began to buckle and she soon found herself under Spike's muscular body. Willow could hardly believe how gentle Spike was, caressing every inch of her body. She wanted Spike to experience the same torture so with all the strength she could muster she flipped them and sucked hard to raise a mark on his chest.

"See look I marked you too!" squealed Willow.

"Yeah, so now what are you gonna do with me Luv?"

"Oh I thought that I would kiss here, lick there, rub right here." Whispered Willow. Willow was kissing and licking every piece of flesh only to ignore Spikes hard and aching member. When she arrived at his waist she looked into his blue eyes and proceeded to take all of him into her mouth.

"Bloody Hell" groaned Spike.  Spike could take no more and he turned them over again and thrust deep. Not wanting to come before Willow he  raised her legs and arched her pelvis to reach even further inside as he rhythmically rubbed her clit. They came together panting heavily.


"Willow baby    are you awake?" Whispered Spike.

"Yes"  murmured Willow.

"We need to talk" Willows heart sank at Spikes word choice.

"What's wrong is something wrong?" babbled Willow nervously.

"No   nothing is wrong   It is dark now and I need some more blood plus I don't think that the slayer wants me staying over."

"Buffy will be staying the night at Riley's.  She does most of the time."

"Right,, Do you have class tomorrow?"

"Yes but not till late so if you want me to go with I can."

"Right then I have something to show you" Spike flashed his most mischievous smile.

Willow grabbed a quick shower and threw on some jeans and a sweater and headed out with Spike.  The first stop was to Giles so Spike could shower and finish gathering his few belongings.

"I found this flat the other night but you distracted me from my moving."

"I hope that  it was a sweet distraction." Willow purred and leaned in for a kiss. Spike growled and hoisted Willow up and carried her across the threshold of his new crypt.

"Now this part is nothing wait until I can fix up the downstairs." Spike helped Willow down the stairs and began explaining how he was going to decorate.

"This place is neat    dirty but there is lots of potential."

"Yeah that's what I thought too   and normally I would just get a minion to clean for me but now I guess I'll have to." Spike groaned while flopping down on the mattresses that were piled on the floor.

"I will help" Willow offered as she joined him on the bed.

"Um Spike I don't really know how to ask this but how are you going to furnish this place  I mean do you have money?"

"I have ways" flashing vamp face.


"Nah I have some money   I gamble,   I'm not a nice person Luv."

"I know the 'Big Bad' but you have been nice to me lately, sides I like the bad boy type the rebel"

"Yes but I am a lot worse than just the rebel.  I want to be with you Willow I care about you but I cant hide behind a soul or pretend to be something that I'm not."

"Spike I have been fighting demons for about 4 years now and I am just a girl not the slayer or a demon just a human girl.  I know who you are and I want to be with you to."

Spike leaned in to taste Willow, there was no more talking while Spike removed Willows sweater. Spike was suckling her breasts like he'd never seen a breast before.  Willow was just thrashing on the bed moaning an practically begging Spike to take her. "I love your breasts they are so perfect and round and soft with a pretty pink tip."

"Thank you Spike   but you are wearing to many clothes I need you now!" Willow growled as she struggled with Spikes zipper. Spike chuckled and happily obliged.

Spike began a slow deep rhythm while Willow continued to writhe and thrash.

"More  I want more" Willow continued to growl incoherently. Spike increased his power causing Willow to scream in pleasure.

"Cum for me Luv."

"Oh God Spike." Spike continued to pound into her as he started to  bite in to her nipple and drink deeply while he spilled into her.

"I didn't hurt you did I."

"No not really, my hips are a little out of joint but no harm done. Hey how is it that you can bite me?  With the chip and all." Queried Willow.
"Because it brings pleasure not pain." Spike said while laving the mark with his tongue.

"Its unusual to think that someone biting me would be pleasurable."

"Not someone Pet me just me biting you."

"Yes Sweetie you and only you has permission to nibble on me" soothed Willow as she kissed along his chiseled jaw.

"Hey  as much as I would like this to continue I need to eat and do some stuff."

"Where are we going?"

"First I need money so we are going down to the docks to hustle pool." Spike smiled and said "I love taking advantage of drunk humans."

"You hustle pool?"

"Yeah the game of billiards has been around a long time and I have had lots of time to practice" chuckled Spike. "Sides its totally legit,  no evil involved."

"Some would say that gambling is evil" giggled Willow.

"Very funny pet now lets go."

The bar was dark and hazy, Spike was winning his sixth game of the night and Willow was busy taking bets on the action.

"Spike there is almost a thousand dollars here" Willow whispered in amazement.

"Good   I think that this will be the last game I want to be gone before they sober up and realize how much money they have lost."

"Where to now?"

"I want to stop by this butcher that Angel always went to and set up a regular supply,"

"I don't think that a shop will be open at one a.m."

"He will be up doing business of sorts." Winked Spike.

"Then maybe we can stop by that all night market and do some shopping. I want some snacks for the crypt."

"On to the shopping!  Hey my house is just right down the street do you want to get the car?"  Asked Willow.

"You have a car!!" exclaimed Spike.

"Yeah well   kind of its my parents old one they never use it so I pretty much have access to it whenever"

"Hell yeah I want to get the car. Will we wake them by getting it?"

"No they are not home right now  off on some trip  as usual" sighed Willow.

"Did they leave you alone a lot?" worried Spike.

"Yeah but its o.k. cause with them gone I could stay out late fighting with Buffy or researching with Giles.  They are my real family oh and Xander too."


"Willow I know that you have been around demons and the like for years but I want you to stay in the car I don't want anyone getting jumpy if they see the slayers friend"

"Do you really think that some demon would know that I am Buffy's friend" asked Willow.

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't think so.  I will only be  a minute  promise."

Willow gave Spike a smile and kiss "I will stay here."

A few minutes later Spike came back to the car "O.K.  got that all settled now an to the more pleasant shopping  are you ready?"

"Yep lets go."

Willow was amazed at just how much human food Spike ate.

"I want to get some good food for you to eat not all this junk."

"But I like all that junk" Willow pouted

"Yes but I want you to be able to  stay with me whenever and I want you healthy, now what kind of stuff do you like." Spike gave her a look that did not leave much room for argument.

"Yes Sir"  Willow stiffened and saluted.

"Don't get cheeky with me little one." Chuckled Spike amiably.

"O.k. lets get some apples and some yogurt and maybe some cheese oh we need peanut butter I love peanut butter."

"Lets drop this stuff off at my house and then I will take you home Its getting late."

"Spike I am twenty years old I can take care of myself besides I enjoy waking up in your arms" Willow defended herself while snuggling closer.

"I know you can but I want to take care of you. Make sure that your all right. I enjoy holding you holding you but I don't  know if it's a good idea to stay at the dorms and my crypt is not yet ready for humans. " Spike defended himself and kissed Willows fingers.

"Since my parents are gone why don't we stay there? Oh and there is a tree over my room so plenty of shade!!" Willow babbled brightly.

"Yeah o.k.

Willow is showing Spike around the house and heating him some blood. "Here drink this and then we can hang this wool blanket over the window just to be on the safe side.  Then maybe we can go rummaging in the basement. I know that there is a bunch of furniture and things down there my parents never throw anything out"

"Willow its almost four in the morning you need to get some sleep"

"I suppose so I am sort of tired but I want some Spike snuggling before bed" Willow grabbed Spike and led him to the bed.

"Happy to oblige pet" Spike was already out of his shirt by the time they got to bed.

"I love your breasts, so soft and round and they fit perfectly in my hand" Spike was on Willows stomach singing the praises of Willow in between open mouth kisses of her nipples.

"Thank you Spike I am REALLY glad that you like them. I am not used to this kind of attention" Willow was breathless as Spike ran his tongue around the perimeter of her chest.

"You just better get used to it cause I can stay here forever."

"OH no no no we are wearing entirely to many clothes" Willow was fumbling with Spikes belt and her zipper at the same time.

"Here let me help you, are you to sore for this?" Spikes voice was husky.

"Spike I am fine just please hurry!" Willow ordered. Spike wasted no time and entered her swiftly. Soon Willow was screaming and writhing under Spike.

"Cum for me baby. That's it come on baby. Cum for me Luv" Spike coaxed.

"OH Spike   Oh God I'm coming!" Spike reached down to rub her clit and bite her other nipple and Willow started trembling as she gave into the feeling. The taste of Willows blood and the feel of her juices on his dick were more than Spike could handle and he erupted into her.

" Spike what are you doing to me?" Willow was crying from passion.

"Is something wrong Luv?" Spike quickly rolled off of her.

"NO  very right  you inspire such lust in me. I have never felt this satisfied before. Little Spike is so good to me" Willow was petting Spikes softening member.

Spike was smiling but he also wondered if Willow liked big Spike as much as Little Spike.


Willow awoke the next morning more relaxed than she has been in a long time, she was still tense from the Oz incident. While she had gotten over the love of him she could not get over the betrayal. She glanced over Spikes shoulder to glance at the clock, unfortunately it was time to get ready for class and the meeting with Buffy.

"Spike sweetie I need to get up" Willow was kissing on Spikes face trying to wake him gently.

"If you keep kissin me I'll never let you up" Spike began to kiss Willow deeply.

"I get first dibs on the shower" Willow was scrambling out of Spikes way as fast as she could.

"Hey now that's not fair!!" Willow protested loudly as Spike lifted her out of the way.

"I'm the demon here I don't play fair."

"Fine just don't use all the hot water."

"Why don't we take the shower together?"

"Because if I go in there we will never get out and If I don't meet Buffy for lunch she will come and hunt you down."

"Good Point."

Willow decided to see what clothes were still here. Truth be told she was surprised that her Mom had not given all her belongings to charity. She found a long skirt and a white blouse to wear, when she realized that she had an extra chest of drawers since most of her stuff was at the dorms it wasn't big but it might be useful to Spike.

"All clean" Spike walked into the room naked. And looked up to see Willow blushing "Pet after all that we have done why are you blushing?"

"I am just not used to seeing naked men. In fact you are only the second naked man that I have ever seen. Well I suppose I that I have seen men in pictures, but there is something about the real thing that pictures just cant capture" Willow looked thoughtful as she stood on tip-toes to kiss Spike. As far as Spike was concerned he just could've stayed all day to kiss Willow but as she put it "Buffy   steak   hart    dust    bad."


Willow was toweling off when she asked Spike "Are you going to stay here?  You're welcome to if you want."

"Nah, I was hoping to get some work done on the crypt.  Can you drive me?"

"Of course I can.  Is it safe?" Willow developed that motherly tone in her voice.

"Yeah I can sit in the back with my coat over me. Don't worry 'MOM' I will be fine."

"Hey now, young man don't take that tone with me!"

Then the kissing started again. Spike had once again found that spot on Willow's neck.  "Spike   oh God   Spike    really  have  to       get      ready     to   meet    Buffy    of    and    class today" Willow was whimpering between words.

"So  get ready"  Spike shrugged and headed off downstairs proud that Willow was going to be with Buffy but be all hot and bothered by him.

On the drive over to the crypt Willow kept asking Spike if he was all right. Spike exasperated just started laughing.

"Are you making fun of me?"  Willow tried her best to feign a pout.

"I am just not used to someone asking about me."

"Well you better get used to it Buddy"  Willow was smilling brightly when she pulled into the cemetery. " After lunch I have class then  I will go to the library for a little bit I will come back around dusk okay?"

"Fine by me pet I will see you soon"  then the kissing starts again. Spike jumps out the door and makes a run for his crypt. After making sure that Spike got into the shade does Willow leave for lunch with Buffy.


"Buffy  Hi how are you?"

"Willow Hi come sit down."

"OK so tell me about your weekend with Riley"

"Will, I want to talk about Spike" Buffy's tone got serious and Willow prepared herself for a lecture.  Luckily she was saved by the waitress, which was good since she was starving. "Oh good, I am hungry I skipped breakfast." Willow said sheepishly.

Once the food was ordered the conversation began.

"Willow I love you and trust you so no judgment just tell me the story" Buffy eyes sent a pleading message to Willow.

"Buffy that really mean's a lot to me, I love you to.   Saturday afternoon was the cook out at the frat house and I was there with Graham he was drinking beer but it was cool. Well the party moved into the house and Graham kept on drinking, moving on to the hard stuff and I was uncomfortable and told him that I was going home. He said ok and walked with me upstairs to get my coat and when we were up there he kissed me which was still all right then he tried to move it to the bed which was not all right so I kicked him just like you taught me and ran out of the room."

"Willow I am so sorry I set you up with a rapist" Buffy's voice was trembling as she reached for Willows hand.

"NO Buffy its all right no one knew  and besides he had been drinking for many hours  and plus you taught me how to kick hard and I did!"

"Good I'm glad you're all right   how did Spike come into this?"

"I was spooked and did not know where to go and then Graham came out of the room cursing my name so I hid in a closet and got out my cell, I so did not want to walk out by myself. I called Xander got the machine you were out of town so I called Giles and he was not there but Spike was so he came to get me, Goody here is the food."

"After he took me home I asked him to stay for a little while until I was calmer" Willow explained in between bites of her sandwich. "It was nice spending time with him and we laughed and laughed at the movie and we talked we just had a really nice time and I don't know he has nice cheekbones and I just kissed them and it took off from there" Willow got this far away misty look in her eyes and Buffy just started laughing. "what's so funny?"

"You, you big sap. You have this misty lovey dovey look on your face."

"Does that mean that you understand about Spike." Willow was almost whispering.

"Understand no but I can see your happiness and that is what is important" Buffy was still giggling.

"O.K. now tell me about your boy."

"We had a really nice time. The restaurant was nice, good very romantic. And the club oh we danced and danced again with the romantic." I had a very nice time Riley is nice to me very sweet" Buffy was just gushing and Willow felt happy that Buffy had a good man and she was understanding about her man.  If Buffy could see past the Vampire and see the man that makes Willow happy then surely everyone else could.

"Uh Willow  is Spike gentle enough???? I mean I can see that he is not hurting you, but when you… he nice about it???  I mean he is a lot stronger than you" Buffy hoped that she had asked the right question. She knew that with the chip he was not hitting or biting her but he still has his vampire strength.

"Buffy I wondered that too at first he is a lot stronger than I am. He is so gentle though. I feel like he is worshiping my body. I think that he's a breast man!  Willow was whispering out that last part.

"What do you mean breast man,   I don't get it?"

"You know he likes to play with, sleep on, lick on  you know my chest" Willow turned five shades of red and Buffy started giggling.

"Riley has a foot fetish so I understand now" Now it was Buffy's turn to blush and Willow's turn to giggle.

"I hate to stop this but I have class in a few minutes. Lets plan a sleepover a real girls night soon."

"Sure I would like that, call me        Bye Willow "

"Bye Buffy!


After class and homework Willow found herself standing at the door to crypt unsure if she should knock or just walk in. Suddenly Spike opened the door and asked her what she was doing standing around a dangerous cemetery after dark.

"I was not sure if I should knock or just come in..  Wait how did you know I was here?"

"I can hear you're heartbeat, and for the record you can just walk in" Spike emphasized his point by pulling her inside and into a deep kiss. As Spike began to kiss her neck his hand came up to fondle a breast. Then the strangest thing happened Willow began to giggle.

"What's so funny!!" Spike had started a low growl.

"At lunch with Buffy today I told her about how much you liked my chest." Willow was trying to stifle her giggles and the growling became louder.

"Why does the Slayer know about our sex life?"

"Buffy to me is not the Slayer she is my best friend and that's what friends do they talk about our boyfriends  now quit the growling."

"Dam  in just a few hours a little girl has managed to wrap me the Big Bad around her little finger" Spike started to suck on Willows fingers.

"You best not forget it either buster!!!"

"Hey I want to show you something come downstairs with me."

Spike led Willow down the ladder and showed her his work. He had gotten all the old candelabras and torch holders from upstairs and placed them in the area where the mattress were. There were tapestries everywhere creating walls. The firelight from the torches cast the perfect amount of light.  There was no other furniture but the bed and a small table. But the bed was perfect the duvet on the bed was a deep burgundy with black accents and when Willow pulled the spread back she found black silk sheets.

"Spike  oh my I am speechless its perfect!!  Now come over here I want to feel the sheets" Willow's voice became very husky. Spike stalked towards her and gently threw her onto the bed.

"I missed you today" Spike whispered into her ear and then started to nibble his way down her throat, pausing only long enough to lift her shirt over her head. Spike was pleasantly surprised to find that Willow was not wearing a bra.

"Now there ya go surprising me again, what am I gonna do with you?" Spike was toying with Willows nipples.

"Just help me get your pants off Spike."

Spike partially rolled off Willow to slide his jeans off and Willow took the opportunity to flip Spike onto his back and jump on him. Willow leaned over and began to explore his mouth and rub herself against Spike's bare stomach. Willow sat up and positioned herself over Spike's pulsing member. Slowly Willow began to lower herself until Spike was fully buried inside. She began a slow rhythm almost completely sliding away before coming back down. Spike was growling and gripping Willow's thighs tightly that surely would bruise.

"Willow  I cant" Spike was babbling incoherently.

"Sshh patience is a virtue." Willow was absolutely breathless.

But Spike could stand it no longer he buried himself inside and then flipped Willow onto her back and started up a fierce rhythm. Willow was screaming Spikes name and thrashing about. Spike slid a hand down and began to twist Willows clit.

"Cum for me baby.  That's it come on.  I want to see you face when you cum." Spike was thrusting into her and Willow was meeting him thrust for thrust when she lost control and her body went rigid and then began to shake with the force of her orgasm.

Feeling Willow body's tremble beneath him sent Spike over the edge making his eyes roll back.  Willow was panting and clutching onto Spike's back pulling his weight on to her.

"Am I to heavy for you?"

"No just right" Willow wiped some tears from her face as Spike slid down to lay on her breasts. They lay like that for some time until Willows bag began to ring.

"What the hell is that!"

"Its my cell phone" Willow reached down to grab her bag.


"Will hey where have you been all day. I was starting to worry." Xander was starting to get that authoritative attitude with her and Willow did not like it at all.

"Xander I am fine now stop the attitude I am a big girl now." Willow was grateful for his concern but he should trust her.

"So Giles is having research at his house do you need me to pick you up?"

"No that's okay I have my parents old car."

"Willow I know that you don't need me bossing you around but I don't see you every day all day like in high school so I worry" Xander was speaking very softly.

"I miss you to Xan  hey lets have dinner together soon just the two of us."

Spike began to growl.

"Is that a dog?"

"No it's a Spike" Willow giggled.

"Is Spike trying to hurt you!  I will get Buffy! Just tell me where you are!!" Xander was frantic.

"No   No  Xander its all right Spike is just playing." Spike grabbed the phone from Willow and shouted "you stupid pillock Willow is not having anything with you alone."

Willow grabbed the phone back and told Xander "Just calm down and let me explain."

Willow sat back onto the pillows and pushed Spike's head onto her breasts knowing that would keep him happy.

"Spike and I started dating sort of. And he gets a little possessive at times. But everything is all right trust me."

"DATING!!  Does Buffy know?" Xander was screaming.

"Don't scream at me.  Call me when you want to talk" Willow started to put the phone away when Xander said  "Willow don't hang up  I am sorry for yelling at you. I am just shocked."

"its all right I know that its shocking I am still surprised at the way I am feeling. Look Xander I will go to Giles and we can talk more okay?"

"Yes  I will see you there."

Spike had started growling again as Willow put the phone away.

"What's wrong baby  why are you all growley bear?" Willow started stroking and kissing Spikes face.

"You cant leave me"

"Baby I am not leaving you I want you to come with me. Buffy called Giles after the incident in my room and he is fine with it I mean he lived with you for weeks and he knew that you would be nice to me. Buffy knows, Xander knows, I don't think that I have done anything wrong. I brought Oz to Scooby meetings and I will bring you.   That is if you want to?"

"How long are you gonna be there?"

" I don't know it depends, but not to long though I have class in the morning."

"Yeah I will go with you. And I will make sure that you get home on time and in one piece." Willow kissed Spiked thanked him and got up to get dressed she was kinda rumpled but acceptable.  "I don't suppose that you have a mirror?"

Spike just started laughing "no I don't have a mirror."

"The place looks really nice. Where did the bedding come from?"

"Did you ever go to the Pouf's house on Crawford?  I went over there through the sewers. He left some stuff behind I got the tapestries there to. There is still some more over there that I will get later tonight." Spike was helping Willow to brush her hair. "I got some of the candles and holders from upstairs just rearranged a bit."

"It looks great. Are you ready?"

"Yeah I want to drive."

"Why   does it matter, worried about your masculinity?" Willow teased as she handed over the keys.

"Just get in the car."


"HI Giles how are you" Willow smiled brightly as he opened the door to the unlikely couple.

"Hello Willow   Spike come in."


"So Giles what's up prophecies, bad guys, or just your run of the mill apocalypse?" Willow was at the table setting up her laptop while Spike headed for the telly and Buffy.



"No nothing serious. Spike it seems that Xander is not coming tonight so would take some of the patrol?" asked Giles rather haltingly.

"Yeah a spot of violence always does a body good"

"I spoke to Xander not long ago and he said that he was coming. What happened?" Willow was afraid that she already knew the answer Spike.

"He did not say but it probably has to do with deadboy jr." Buffy jokingly threw a pillow at Spikes head.

"Come on goldilocks lets go already" Spike tossed the pillow back, and walked over to say goodbye to Willow.

"Pet  I wont be gone long." Spike kissed the top of Willow's nose.

"Be careful   both of you." Willow was ecstatic that Buffy seemed to accept Spike.

"Willow I thought maybe we could work on the demon database. Would you like some tea?"

"Tea oh yeah that would be fine" Willow was lost in thought wondering about Xander. In many ways she was angry that he was being so childish but also afraid that she might not have a dear childhood friend much longer. If Xander could not accept the changes in Willow not just Spike, what would happen.

The End
