Title: Willow's Atheme
Author: Angel Cobain
Rating: R for implied sexuality
Summary: Everyone gets a little bit closer when the Councle sends the Scooby
Gang a mysterious Atheme.
Spoilers: Up to Checkpoint for Buffy, but I'm in denial about Angel firing
Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn, so only to the beginning or around the middle of
Authors Note: This was inspired by Trinity's challenge on Whispers.

Willow looked around at the people sitting at the table in the magic
shop.  Things had changed so much since her sophomore year.  They had grown
from four to seven, people that had once been there were gone, and those that
they had once fought against were now valuable allies.
Spike caught Willow's eye as she looked over the room.  Her heart
pattered when he smiled at her.  Yes, things had truly changed.  Willow saw
Buffy look from her to Spike and smile.
"And, then there is the theory that the Slayer shalt forever have to wear
plaid, so that the Universe will be rid of evil."  Giles smiled at the
shocked expression on his charges face.  "Just wanted to see if you were
paying attention."
"Not funny Giles, plaid is so not my thing.  I seem to remember a master
vampire that dressed in Catholic School girl uniforms, Ish!"  The group
shuttered at the image.
"My mistake, the Slayer must never wear plaid.  But, Willow, I would like
you to check up on this Ceremonial Atheme, that the Councle has sent me."  He
slid the knife over to Willow, who caught it by the bade, nicking her finger
enough to draw blood.
Spike flew from his chair to her side, and gently sucked her wounded
finger into his mouth.  Xander gagged.  "How can you let him do that, its
very barf worthy."
"I suck on you and you don't find it gross, you like it."  Anya stated
plainly to Xander, earning them both a look from the rest of the group.
"An, privet conversation."
"What, it's the same thing, he is ingesting her fluids just like I do to
"Ok, well then."  Xander turned bright red and started packing up his
things.  "Well, G-Man, if that's all, I think Anya and I will be headed out."
 Giles nodded his head, ignoring the nickname, not wishing the couple to stay
any longer.  Xander and Anya left, continuing to discuss what was or was not
a privet matter.
"Well, Giles, I'll need my computer to look this up, so I think Spike and
I will get going as well."  Willow said, taking her hand away from Spike, who
"Yes, I would like to meet back here tomorrow at sunset to discuss what
you have found.  Buffy, we can start your training tomorrow at four.  Tera,
good night and good luck with that new spell, though I would use a different
ward this time, perhaps an elemental circle, instead of just water."  Tera
smiled at Giles and left followed by Buffy, both heading back to their dorm.
Willow's eyes drooped as she stared at the screen, it was almost sunrise
and she had yet to find anything.  Ever since the Councle had reinstated
Giles, they had been sending the group all different kinds of things, that
may possibly help them in their fight against Glory.  So far, they had sent
mostly books and spells, but now they had sent a beautiful Atheme that by the
looks of it was Greek.  Unfortunately, the Councle had not known from where
it had come, apparently they had found it when clearing out an old spell
closet, but couldn't find any record of it.  So, what do they do, send it off
to Sunnydale, in hopes of finding its origin and that it will in some way
help with Glory.
Willow finally slipped off to sleep at her computer desk, where Spike
found her. Smiling at the red head, he picked her up and carried her to their
room.  She worked so hard.
Willow woke up before noon, and smiled looking down at herself.  Spike
must have put her in her PJ's before putting her to bed, Winnie the Poo
looked up at her from her tank top and boxers, holding his honey pot as he
ran from bees.
Soft music wafted into the room, causing Willow to get up and got into
the living room of the apartment she had recently moved into with Spike.
Willow found him perched on the window seat, softly playing and ancient
looking penny whistle.  Willow curled up by him, laying her head on his
shoulder, listening to the soft but faintly techno sounds coming from the
"So, what the some your playing?"  Willow asked when he finished.
"Well, mind you it was written for guitar and during the late seventies."
 She smiled remembering this brief description of his forage into the music
world, well before she was born.  Willow nodded.  "Its called "Ain't that a
Kick in the Head' I wrote it after I offed that Slayer."
Willow frowned.  "That's the image I want before breakfast, my boyfriend
writing a song over the body of a dead Slayer."
"Sorry, pet.  I'll leave out the gruesome details then."  Spike kissed
her softly as he got up.  "Well, if your still up for breakfast, there is
coffee already made and I'm going to whip up some eggs."
"Thanks, just let me shower and then I will be out and ready for some
"That's my girl."  Spike swatted her butt as she walked out of the room.
How had he gotten to be so lucky as to have a girl like her.  He grinned and
headed off to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Giles was disappointed at Willow's lack of knowledge about the Atheme,
but not surprised.  If the Councle had no knowledge of it, it was doubtful
that there would be much about it on the Web.  Giles decided that the best
corse of action would be to consult Angel.
After placing the call to LA, he sent his group out to parole while they
waited for Angel and the others.
Angel, Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn had just arrived when the gang returned
from parole.
"Where is Xander, Buffy, I'm quiet positive that he was with you."  Giles
looked concerned at his Slayer.
"Xander was attacked by an evil mud puddle and is now back at his
apartment recovering."  Anya stated.  "It was very traumatic."
"Xander slipped in the mud, Giles, he's fine, he just wanted to go home
and got on dry cloths."  Buffy clarified to the horrified look on her
watchers face.
Giles nodded and returned to the conversation he had been having with
Angel.  While the group dripped on the floor of his apartment, wet from the
spring shower that had crept up on them.
Gunn sprang to his feet when he noticed Spike with his arm around Willow.
 "You know you got a vampire there, Right?"
Willow fained surprise.  "A vampire?  Oh on, back back evil feined."  The
Sunnydale group exploded into laughter, as Spike lifted Willow into his arms,
kissing her passionately.  Gunn sputtered, in a manly way, and sat down.
"Man, Wills, you got yourself a stud!  I'm impressed." Cordelia grinned
at Willow and Spike, while she placed a hand on Gunn's shoulder.  "Spikes
kinda like Angel only he is De-Fanged and has no soul."  Gunn nodded, then
looked shocked.
"You mean, that the red head is shacking up with a soul less vampire?"
"Yep, but he can't bite, and he loves her."  Angel put in from across the
"But, demons, I mean soul less demons, can't love."
"Actually they can.  Spike here loved and cherished Drucilla for over a
century."  Wesley interjected.
"You mean that's The Spike, as in, William the Bloody?  Oh man, Angel,
you approve of this?"
"Of corse I approve, Spike may be a soul less demon, of the worst kind,
but he a) can't bite her, b) will love and cherish her until the day he dies,
and c) he's my childe, there for some of me must have rubbed off on him."
Gunn's mouth dropped, but he thought it wise to stay quite.  "Anyway, if he
hurts her I'll tell everyone about the time he put on women's heals and
paraded around."
"If I recall, Peaches, it was your idea in the first place.  I must say,
Pop, you looked great in those purple pumps."  Angel turned around as the
group started to laugh.

