Road Trip
                 by Angel Negra

                 ~Part 6~

                 The four companions spun around to see... Anya.

                 Spike and Angel moved in unison, shifting to their vampiric visages and
                 moving to stay between Anya and the humans.

                 A dark smile crept onto Spike's face. "Good. Not human," he growled.

                 Xander looked up in surprise. "What do you mean, not human?" he asked
                 carefully, gripping Angel's arm tightly.

                 Anya smiled. "He means that I've been made into a demon again. Not a
                 vengence demon, but hey, it'll do."

                 "And you're not out doing demon things because...?" asked Angel. He shifted
                 Xander furthur behind him.

                 "Because I have to kill you first," replied Anya simply. "This is like my
                 initiation kill. I have to prove to my supervisor that I really *do* have
                 10, 000 years of experience at this stuff. I swear, upper management is so
                 *strict* these days. I'm a little torn though. I'm not sure if it should be
                 gruesome and slow or quick and bloody."

                 "Wot makes you think a chit like you could kill us?" growled Spike, mentally
                 measuring the distance between her throat and his teeth.

                 "Don't even bother trying," chuckled Anya. "Even if you *had* a silver cross
                 dipped in Roman holy water, you would *so* never get close enough to kill me
                 with it."

                 Spike's eyes lit up. He knew what kind of demon the silly bint was.

                 Anya continued chattering, oblivious to the fact that she had just been

                 "I'm thinking, two groups of two. More fun for me. One of you will get to
                 watch the other die messily. I'll just dump you in those woods over there
                 and hunt you down. Then I kill you. Sound good?" she finished perkily.

                 "About as good as your cooking..." muttered Xander.

                 Anya's smile was deadly, "Oh, I'm going to *enjoy* killing you, *lover*."

                 Angel took a threatening step towards the demon, growling. His eyes had a
                 yellow tint to them.

                 Anya just laughed. She waved her hand and spoke a phrase in a strange
                 language. There was a bright flash. When it faded, Anya was the only one
                 standing there.

                 Xander couln't see a thing. It was almost pitch black and his eyes hadn't
                 recovered from the bright flash yet. He turned in a circle, slowly,

                 "Hello?" he called. "Anyone wanna speak up and solve the mystery of who's
                 gonna die with me?"

                 "Me, and I won't let you die," replied Angel, relieved. If Xander hadn't
                 called out... The vampire shivered at the thought. At least if they were
                 together, he could protect the boy. He walked quickly over to his companion,
                 his own vision improving with each step.

                 "Great," said Xander, reaching towards the dark blob he assumed was Angel.
                 "We found us..."

                 Angel caught Xander's hand before it poked his eye out. He pulled it down,
                 keeping a reasuring hold of it.

                 "Yeah," he agreed, smiling softly. "We found us."

                 "So what about Spike and Willow?" Xander asked quietly.

                 Willow couldn't see squat. Ok. Great. Fine. If she couldn't use her physical
                 eyes, she'd use the mental ones. She *was* a witch after all.

                 She plopped down on the ground and crossed her legs Indian-style. She took a
                 deep cleansing breath, closed her eyes and concentrated.

                 Spike couldn't find Willow, and he was starting to panic. He knew he was
                 closing in on her. He could smell her unique scent of strawberries and
                 apples, which he had been following for the past few minutes. The problem
                 was, he couldn't see her. Her scent was so strong at this point, he should
                 be right in front of her.

                 Suddenly, Spike tripped over a large lump.

                 "Ow!" protested the lump.

                 "Red!" cried Spike happily. He pushed himself off the ground and spun,
                 pulling his witch into a strong hug. "I've been looking for you *everywhere*

                 "Well, you found me," grinned Willow, snuggling into the vampire's embrace
                 and absently rubbing her sore hip.

                 Spike noticed what she ws doing. "Did I hurt you pet?" he asked worriedly.
                 At Willow's nod, he leaned over and planted a kiss on her hip. "Better?"

                 Willow swallowed noisily, feeling her face flush.

                 "Y-yeah," she whispered huskily. "Better."

                 Spike smiled at her brightly and helped her to her feet.

                 "Listen pet," started Spike. "I know what kind of demon Anya is."

                 "Really? How? What kind of demon? How do we kill her?"

                 Spike swallowed a laugh. He loved his witch.

                 "Yes really. She mentioned the silver cross bit. She's a Bendal demon. You
                 usually off the wankers by ramming a silver cross dipped in Roman holy water
                 down their throats," explained Spike.

                 "Oh," said Willow, dissapointed. "But we don't have a silver cross.
                 Nevermind one dipped in *any* kind of holy water."

                 Spike grinned. "You forget Red, vampires can't use crosses or holy water."


                 "*So*, I didn't use a cross or holy water the last time me and Peaches
                 killed a Bendal demon."


                 "The only trick will be to find the Poof and Chubbs before *she* does. We
                 need them for this to work and I haven't caught either of their scents."

                 "Oo!" cried Willow. "I know! I know where they are!"

                 "How the bloody hell do you know that?"

                 "Well, I was doing a locator spell. I figured out aproximately where Xander
                 and Angel are. Together, thank God! A-and I was just about to look for you,
                 but then you tripped over me."

                 If Spike could have blushed, he would have. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that luv. So,
                 where *are* the dynamic duo?"

                 Willow closed her eyes for a second, oriented herself, then turned and

                 "That way," she said.

                 "Right then," said Spike, taking Willow's hand. "Off we go."

                 He led the way into the woods.

