Above & Beyond

Author: Angel S.

E-mail: angels_1970@yahoo.com

Parts: 11 - Epilogue


~Part: 11~

Once Spike got himself together, it was business as usual at W&H. Angel and Spike showed Faith the ins and outs of 'Helping the Helpless Incorporated', and Faith caught on pretty quickly.  She took notes so she could share them with Willow later. Spike stayed quiet and only spoke when he was spoken to, which surprised the slayer.

Willow went through the cases with Gunn and Lindsey, all the while taking notes, as well. She went to court with the two handsome lawyers and watched the both of them in action in front of a judge and jury.  The day didn't go as she expected. She somehow pictured it to be more boring with a lot of legal jargon that went in one ear and out the other. However, both Gunn and Lindsey made sure that the redhead was involved and participating in many of the activities and meetings.

"So, you two got plans for lunch?" Lindsey asked as they left the courthouse the second time.

"Lunch?" Willow questioned. "It can't be lunchtime yet, can it?"

"Will, it's 2:30." Gunn informed the hacker.   "Are you a work-a-holic?"

"Wow." The redhead replied. "I had no idea."

"So, you and Faith gonna exchange notes at lunch?" Gunn teased.

"Ha. Ha." Willow replied. "We actually didn't make any plans."

"There is this great place I used to go when I lived here a few years ago." Lindsey suggested.

"No offense, Linds, but I'd rather not eat with the snobs today." Gunn said playfully.

Lindsey smiled and said nothing, but flipped him off for good measure before turning to Willow. "Anyway, it had great food, and I didn't have to be around a bunch of lawyers."

"Sounds like a plan." Willow said.

Meanwhile, Angel had ordered take-out for Faith. The two were sitting in his office as the slayer finished the last of her lunch. Spike was back in his office.

"Wow, that was amazing!" Faith exclaimed.

"You're not just interested in me for my food, are you?" Angel teased.

"You mean there's more?" Faith taunted.

"Ouch." Angel replied. He moved from his desk to the sofa where his slayer was sitting. "Just put a stake through my heart. It'll be easier to take."

"Oh, you big baby." Faith replied. "You know I want more than just your food expertise."

He put his arm around her and moved in even closer. "Such as?" He asked.

"Well," she replied slowly. "If I could just.get an office this big, we'd be good to go."

"How about I give you this office?" He asked.

"Okay, now you're just being silly." She laughed.

"Me?" He asked, completely frustrated.

"Okay, so what do *you* want?" she asked.

"I want.you with me every day and every night forever." Angel said in a serious tone as he looked at the slayer. Faith, who was still laughing looked up and saw that he meant it.

"Angel, I." She started.

"Take your time." He cut short her response. "I can wait. I know you don't believe it. Yet." He leaned in and put what was supposed to be a chaste kiss on her lips. However, the kiss soon turned into one of passion, desire and need as she returned his affections with intensity.

Just then, the door swung open and hit the wall. Faith and Angel quickly pulled apart and looked in that direction. The sight had both vampire and slayer on the floor laughing. Spike had Harmony by the back of the neck and threw her on the floor when he walked in, eliciting an "Ouch" from the former Sunnydale High School student.

"Keep your help away from me, Angelus." He warned.

"What happened, Spike?" Angel asked with a sigh.

"Ask her what part of *I* * don't*  *want*  *her* does she *not* *get*?" the former poet demanded before storming off without an answer.


"Lindsey, this place is amazing." Willow stated as the three of them sat in the modest, yet down to earth restaurant finishing their lunch.

"Yeah, I discovered it while I was still working in the mailroom." The blue-eye lawyer replied.

"I gotta say I'm impressed, too." Gunn added.

"Wait a minute: I impressed the unimpressionable Charles Gunn?" Lindsey ribbed as he pulled out his cell phone. "I gotta call somebody!" Just then, the coffee and dessert came and the trio settled into comfortable silence. Until Mr. Lindsey McDonald decided to break it. "Okay, I'll ask, since no one seems to be bringing it up."

"You sure you want to do that?" Gunn inquired, knowing what the topic of conversation would be.

"Yes." He replied simply. "Now, what was with all of the tension when I walked into Angel's office this morning?"

"What do you mean?" Willow asked as she found stirring her coffee to be extremely interesting.

"I'm not stupid, Willow. I know something went down with you and Spike." Lindsey stated.

"Lindsey," Willow started, then noticed something and sighed. "Gunn, get from under the table. I'm not going to go all psycho witch again."

"Hey, I was just...picking up my napkin." Gunn alleged.

"Uh-huh." Lindsey mocked as he tried to hide his laughter.

"I'm sorry you had to see that this morning." Willow continued, addressing Lindsey. "He was just being a jerk last night after we all went out and I got the brunt of it." She thought about it for a second. "Why weren't you there?"

"Angel and I may have solved a lot of our differences, but I won't hang out with him if I don't have to." Lindsey explained. "You think I don't remember this isn't my hand?" He concluded as he held up the right hand that belonged to Bradley Scott.

"On that sour note, I'll be ready to go when I get back." Gunn said as he stood and headed towards the restrooms.

"That was subtle." Willow declared.

"Well, since he's giving us this time alone, I may as well ask you out." Lindsey told the redhead.

"Wow. Lindsey, I."

"Come on, Willow." He interrupted. "I know there is something between you and Spike. But, I like you. You're smart, funny, and can scare Charles Gunn so much that he hides under the table." Willow smiled. "So, I'm willing to just go out and have a good time and be friends. If nothing else, it'll piss the blonde idiot off royally and make him realize how special you are."

"Lindsey," she said as she looked into his deep blue eyes. "You are amazing and beautiful and so much fun. I just don't think I could use you like that. It wouldn't be fair."

"You wouldn't be using me, Willow." Lindsey insisted. "We'd be two friends having a good time. It would be as if you were hanging out with Gunn or Wesley or Angel. The only person who wouldn't get the memo would be Spike."  He paused and motioned a patiently waiting Gunn to return to the table. "Just think about it."

~Part: 12~

"I can't believe you guys actually go out and physically fight evil after a long day like today." Willow said as she, Gunn and Lindsey walked into Angel's office, joining the rest of the group.

"Just be happy it's the weekend, sweetums." Lorne said from his favorite sofa. The redhead immediately took a seat next to him, which was on the opposite side of the room from Spike.

Spike did notice this and made his face a completely blank mask.

"Yeah," Fred smiled. "Off work during the day, and evil fighting at night."

"What time, exactly?" Lindsey asked. Spike snorted.

"What, will it interfere with your beauty sleep?" The blonde vampire asked. Lindsey gave his patented 'evil lawyer grin'. That's when William the Bloody felt the need to dread the next part of the conversation.

"Don't sweat it, Oklahoma." Gunn told his fellow lawyer. "You and Willow can always schedule your date during the day, or just meet up with us later."

Spikes eyes went directly to Willow, who proceeded to ignore his intense stare. Instead, she concentrated on the feel of Lorne's hands giving her an excellent foot massage. Spike was in shock. He couldn't believe his Red would so easily fall into this Lindsey bloke's spell.

"Yeah, Will." Faith said, catching on. "Hell, it may just be an empty patrol, and you won't have to join us at all."

"Oh, how cute!" Fred said excitedly. "You guys have a date!" She practically bounced.

Angel looked at his grandchilde and genuinely felt sorry for him. He knew he was the main reason for Spike's insecurities. And yes, he did want the bleached blonde to pay for hurting Willow the night before. However, now he was regretting his former nemesis and the witch liking each other so much.

Ever observant, Lindsey noticed the conflicted emotions on Angel's face.  He waited for the dark haired vampire's eyes to meet his before gesturing to a brooding Spike who was staring inconspicuously at Willow. Lindsey then winked at his new boss. Angel's eyes lit up when he understood that Lindsey and Willow were just friends.

Spike just kept thinking to himself that everything would go back to normal once the slayer and the witch went back to wherever it is they came. That became his personal mantra. As long as he didn't have to see her every day and be reminded of how much of a wanker he'd been to her, he'd get over it. Right? Of course he would. He'd just avoid the witch whenever she was with that git Lindsey. Shouldn't be too hard. It's not like he was with the 'lawyer group'.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Faith asked.

"Well, we'll split up into groups, and patrol until we see something."  Angel suggested.

"Or," Willow stated as she sat up and slipped her shoes on again and began writing.  "We could be at this address at 8:15 with weapons at the ready."

"No. Way." Faith said completely flabbergasted.

"'Fraid so." The witch said sheepishly.

"You guys were never meant to leave, were you?" Angel asked, now realizing the true reason the PTB sent the slayer and the witch to Los Angeles.

"This wasn't a 'check on Wolfram and Hart' mission." Gunn said surprised. "You're our new link."

"Oh," Fred finally realized. "Our new link to the Powers That Be?"

"Oh, bugger." Spike mumbled. No one heard except Angel, of course. How was he supposed to get her out of his mind if she was going to stick around? He headed to the door and had the knob in his hand when Angel called to him. He turned and looked at his grandsire. "I'll start getting weapons ready." The former poet simply said before walking out of the door.

For one split second, Willow felt bad for the vampire. Of course, she got over it quickly, remembering last night's events as they occurred in Angel's kitchen.

"So, Will," Gunn started. "What's the mean and nasty that needs killing?"

The redhead began to describe the creature in her mind as Wesley and Angel proceeded to categorize it.

"Looks like Team Angel is back in business." Faith said to no one in particular.

~Part: 13~

Lindsey bade everyone farewell and happy hunting and told the redhead to call him the next day. After the description of the demons and the research on how to kill them, the gang sat back and processed the day's events; specifically, Willow being Angel's new connection to the PTB. Even Spike returned and sat in silence.

"Just out of curiosity," Gunn spoke up. "Since you two are a permanent fixture, do you still plan on staying in that hotel?"

"That's an interesting thought." Faith told the new lawyer. "Something we should probably think about pretty soon.  Not that I mind the room service, but, I'm sure the funds are going to run low if we continue to live there since we'll be staying in LA permanently.

"I don't see why Wolfram & Hart can't put you ladies up in a place of your own." Angel stated. "We'll have to clear it with the CEO." He paused and pretended to think about it. "Oh wait. That's me." He said with a smile. "I'll make sure you have a new place, fully furnished, on Monday."

"Thanks Angel." Willow said with a smile.

"Yeah, we really appreciate it, Mr. CEO." Faith teased.

"Being the boss has its perks." Angel replied with a smirk.

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I need to change clothes if I'm gonna be kicking some demon ass tonight." Faith stated.

"Same here." Gunn added. "I'm still not getting enough violence in my daily routine."

"That's because you lawyered yourself up, Charlie." Spike stated. "A decent spot of violence helps focus the brain."

"I totally agree, blondie." Faith told the vampire. "So, you'll be joining us in the butt-kicking of evil this evening?" she asked playfully, knowing that things would work out with the vampire and Willow soon enough, so she couldn't stay angry at him for too long. This was between Spike and Willow.

"Got the weapons, didn't I?" Spike retorted. As an afterthought, he added: "Just don't 'accidentally' stake me in the process, alright, slayer."

Spike, Gunn, Faith and Wes talked for a few more minutes. Meanwhile, Willow had pulled Angel off to the other end of the room. Angel wondered what the concerned look on her face was all about.

"Of course you know, now that Faith and I a permanent part of the staff, it's going to be impossible for you to start a relationship with Faith." The hacker whispered.

"What?" Angel's look was one of surprise and hurt.

"Well, there is no way it can happen."

"Why not?" Angel was seriously concerned at this point.

"You *know* what they say about interoffice romances." Willow said as a mischievous grin appeared on her face. "Plus, with you being the boss."

When the dark vampire realized she was kidding, he spoke. "You are SO going to pay for that, Rosenberg." Willow giggled and called out to Faith.

"You ready to go get changed, Faith?"

"Yeah, let's move so we can get back here quickly." The slayer replied. She walked over to Angel as Willow walked toward the rest of the group. "See you in a few." She told the Irishman as she stood on the tips of her toes to give him a peck on the lips.

Spike watched Willow as she approached the group.  He was stunned to realize she was heading towards him.

"We should talk later." She simply told him.

"Red." He started.

"Not the time, Spike." Willow interrupted. "It's just a truce talk. We'll talk about being friends again when I feel that I can trust you again." Just then, Faith caught up with her and grabbed her hand without stopping.

"C'mon, girlie, we need to get changed into fightin' clothes." The slayer declared as they left Angel's office.

~Part: 14~

"Hey," Faith told Willow as they entered the hotel suite and saw the blinking light on the telephone. "We got a message."

"Yay." Willow replied with a playful smile. "Somebody likes us."

"You check it." Faith said after a chuckle. "I'm going to my room to change." The brunette went to her room as the redhead headed for the telephone. Faith was really hoping that her best friend and the bleached blonde would realize their feelings for one another right away.  Then, Spike had to bring in his 'issues' and screw everything up. She could see that Spike realized his mistake and wanted to not only make amends, but also start a relationship with the redhead. The slayer knew Willow would not just jump into something like that after the way Spike treated the witch. She also knew that Willow stopped being the 'doormat' of the group a long time ago. Spike would have to prove to the hacker that he wouldn't hurt her again just because he got scared of his own feelings. Faith sighed. "Poor William the Bloody." She said quietly with a slight smile on her face. "He is so in for it." With that last thought, the slayer quickly changed into slaying clothes and went out to see if Willow had checked the message.

Just as Faith stepped out of her room, she saw Willow sitting on the sofa with an indulgent smile on her face.

"Yes, Giles," she said more for letting Faith know who had called than for the Watcher. "It is definitely exciting. Also, another positive thing is that I don't get the painful migraines the way Cordelia did when she first got the visions. How is she, by the way?" Willow waited for an answer, then told Faith. "Giles says she's adjusting nicely. Oh, and her fighting abilities that Angel taught her are really helping the SIT's." She once again spoke into the phone.  "Yeah, Giles, I'm listening..Okay. I will..I need to get going though so we can fight the big evil of my pseudo-vision..tell everyone hi and that we miss them..Bye."

"So, what does he think of us staying here?" Faith asked.

"He says that the dreams were more than likely the beginning of this link to the Powers That Be, and that's why we're really here." Willow said with a sigh.

"He really does care about you, Willow." The slayer stated softly.

"Of course he does." Willow replied. "He's been the only real father I've ever had in the past almost 8 years."

"I wasn't talking about Giles, dumb ass." Faith told her friend. "I was talking about."

"Yeah, well, now he has a chance to prove it since we'll be here indefinitely." Willow said with finality. "I need to go get changed. I'll be out in a minute."

The women returned to W&H ready to fight the good fight.

"Good, you're back." Angel said as he stood and walked over to the slayer and the hacker. "I made some phone calls while you were gone and it seems that I've got a lot of pull around here." He said with some fascination. "Your apartment is ready for the move in."

"That was quick." Willow stated, slightly flabbergasted.

"We ready to do this?" Gunn asked as he picked up a huge fighting axe.

"Chuck, you are my kind of fighter." Faith told handsome lawyer as she went to her weapon of choice.

Spike already had his in hand, and Wesley picked up a crossbow. Angel got a sword similar to Spike's and headed towards the door, with the rest of the group following.

"Hey wait." Spike said as he stopped. Everyone turned to look at him since he was the last one to walk out. "Where is your weapon, Willow?"

"Are you serious?" Faith asked. "Dude, she IS the weapon. Mega powerful witch, remember?"

"I still don't want her going into this unprotected." Spike told the slayer.

"You don't have any wants when it comes to me, William." Willow stated in an impassive tone. "I've gotten this far without trying to dictate my fighting. I think I'll manage." Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Okay!" Gunn said a little too loudly to break the tension. "Let's get moving."

"Gunn's right." Angel added. "We need to be there before the demons get started."

Once again, everyone headed out the door.

~Part: 15~

The gang actually got there before the demons showed up. As Angel was talking strategy, about 5 vampires showed themselves. As the group got into fighting stances, all five vamps exploded into dust.

"Hey!" Faith whined as she looked over at Willow who had an innocent look on her face. "I wanted some violence, damn it!"

"Don't worry," Willow replied. "We've got bigger fish to fry." She motioned over to the next 12 vampires and the two demons headed their way with what looked like two human sacrifices. She was the only one who noticed the humans in danger. "All I did was even the odds."

"Wait a minute," Gunn said. "You mean *you* just got rid of those vamps?"

"Be fascinated later." Faith whispered to the demon hunter-turned-lawyer.  "Fight now."

"Guys, they've got what look to be human sacrifices." Willow informed the group.

The fight was over in less than 4 minutes as Angel and Wesley got the hostages to one of the cars before returning to help finish. Since they had only brought two cars for this outing, Willow opted to take a walk to the nearest café and wait for the rest of the gang to take the humans to safety.

"I'll go with Red." Spike said.

"Yeah, because we didn't see *that* one coming." Gunn commented. Faith couldn't help but laugh out loud as Wesley barely suppressed his own chuckle.

"Sod off, slayer." Spike said. Then, he paused as if remembering something. "Haven't said *that* in a while. Felt pretty good."

Faith laughed. "Glad to hear it, blondie."

"We'll take the humans to safety and meet you at the café in about half an hour." Wesley told Willow. The hacker nodded.

"Wouldn't even have to through that if SOMEONE wouldn't have taken the Viper--a two-seater--to impress the girl." Spike stated.

Everyone except Angel laughed. Faith grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the cars. "Don't mind him, he's just jealous." She said to placate Angel while she winked at Spike.

"Okay, head two blocks to your left and you'll see the café on the right." Gunn told Willow and Spike. The pair headed in the direction Gunn indicated. Then, Wesley and Gunn left with the people they had just saved.

The walk there was made in silence. Once they got inside and were seated, a waitress came by and took their orders.

"Well," Spike started. "Ladies first."

Willow sighed. She didn't know how to have this conversation with him. She had already started to develop deep feelings for the former poet and now she had to say that she didn't want to be involved with him. {And look at those eyes} She thought to herself with an inward sigh. That's when she realized he was talking to her.

"Red..luv.?" He'd been trying to get her attention, but she was apparently so deep in thought, she hadn't heard him.

"Oh, I'm sorry Spike." Willow said absently. {Focus, Willow.} She turned her attention back to the vampire. "Okay, honesty here, got it?"

"Done." He agreed.

"I thought we were getting along the other night." He started to say something. "No, let me finish. I was having so much fun. What happened? Did I do something to piss you off?"

"No, Willow." He said, his features so soft and caring, she wanted to crawl over the table and hug him. "I guess I just." he mumbled something.

"You guess you just.what?" Willow asked as she leaned just a little closer so she could hear him.

"I guess I just." He sat tall, looked her in the eyes and spoke clearly. "I guess I just got scared."

"Spike, I..."

"My turn. Just hear me out." He took an unneeded sigh. "I had a good time, too, Red. The drive afterwards was amazing. *You're* amazing. I knew if I developed feelings for you, you'd never return them."

"And you couldn't just ask?" She asked in a slightly irritated voice.

"Well, when you've had two different people tell you that you're beneath them, one of those two only use you for sex while the other didn't stoop so low, and a third who decided that sex with every other demon on the planet was better than a relationship with you, you'd be slightly insecure, too. Oh, and the second and third ones decided that you'd never be as good the first guy they fell for.who, if you didn't know, happens to be the same sodding wanker."

During this speech, the vampire had gotten tense and upset. His voice was still even, but there was a fury in it as well, which made the witch sit back and think over everything Spike had said.

She didn't know who this first woman was. The other two had to be Drusilla and Buffy. To have two different people you care about tell you you're beneath them has to be devastating. Is that why he continued to go after Buffy? He thought he didn't deserve to be treated better? Oh brother. She sighed as Spike studied her facial expressions. Then, she remembered the way he treated her the other night.

"I understand all of that. And I'm so sorry you had to go through it." She said. She made sure her green eyes met his blue ones as *her* eyes hardened. "That's still no reason to take it out on me."

He looked at her, astonished. He didn't know what he had expected by telling her those things. But, that response definitely wasn't one he would've imagined. They were silent for several minutes.

"You're right." He said finally. "And I promise you it'll never happen again. I just need to know that you'll give me that chance to make good on the promise."

"Well, I did say we could have a truce." She answered.

"I want more than just a truce, Willow." Spike said. "I thought about what you said earlier. I want to start over. I want to be your friend and earn your trust again."

Willow smiled. "I'd like that." Both relaxed once that was agreed upon.

"So, why do you think the Powers That Be didn't let you know about the human sacrifices?" The blonde asked, generally curious.

"Isn't that the million dollar question." She answered sarcastically, but playfully.

The rest of the time waiting for Wes and Gunn to return was spent in pleasant and comfortable conversation.

~Part: 16~

A hand reached from under the covers and felt around for the loudly ringing telephone. Finally, after making contact, she picked up the receiver and spoke into it sleepily. "Hello?"

"Well, it took you long enough to answer." The voice on the other end of the line said playfully.

"Charles Gunn, if this isn't 'world in peril' stuff, I'm turning you into a fungus." Willow replied angrily.

"Relax, Will." Gunn said in his too chipper for an early Saturday morning mood. "I just called to see if you and Faith wanted to check out of the hotel." There was no answer on the other end.  "In case you didn't get that, we're offering our services of helping you lovely ladies move out of the hotel before checkout time."

Just then, Faith walked in.

"Who the hell is that?" the slayer asked.

"Oh!" Willow's sleep cluttered brain finally kicked in to what good-looking lawyer was saying. "Gunn that's terrific!" She put her hand over the mouthpiece and spoke to Faith. "It's Gunn. He and the guys want to help us move our things out of here before check-out today." She went back to her conversation with Gunn. "We'll be dressed and ready in 15 minutes."

"Good, 'cause we're in the lobby." Gunn commented. "And we're bored."

"Why are you in the lobby?" the redhead asked. "And who is 'we'?"

"Me, Angel, Spike, and Wes." He replied sheepishly.

"You guys really need a life." She said, laughing. "Come on up."

They used two Wolfram and Hart vans and had all of their things moved in one trip. Fred and Lorne were waiting when they arrived to spend time with their dear friends. The rest of the day was spent talking and laughing and catching everyone up on the last year.

"No, you *did* *not*!" Faith exclaimed to Spike. The bleached blonde sat there with his infamous smirk as he shrugged and told her he had, indeed saved Angel from a leech-type monster and uttered those now famous words.

Willow was still literally rolling on the floor in front of the fireplace in complete and total laughter.  "No.need to.thank.me.Just helping.the.helpless!!!" And the redhead continued to roar with laughter.

"It wasn't THAT funny." Angel said dejectedly, although humor still shone in his dark brown eyes.

"That was our slogan, Angel." Wesley reminded the dark haired vampire.

"Which makes it extremely funny." Gunn added.

"Well, my sweeties, it's almost six." Lorne announced as he stood. "I've got celebrities to schmooze."

"Is it really that late?" Willow looked at the clock on the wall. "I have to be ready in less than 90 minutes and I have NO idea what I'm going to wear!" She stood. "I'm sorry to be so rude and just leave to get ready, guys. Please, stay and have fun, especially since Wolfram and Hart stocked this place with every food and drink imaginable." She turned and started to walk away before facing the group again. "I'm so happy you guys are my friends." She said excitedly as she practically bounced to her room to get ready for her date with Lindsey.

"You okay, big guy?" Lorne asked Spike quietly.

"She's happy." Spike answered. "And we're friends again. I'm in her life. That's all that matters." Then, he stood and headed towards the balcony doors.

"You want some company?" Faith asked, since she knew he was going out for a smoke.

"In a minute." He answered quietly, not looking back.

"Everything will work out, sugar plumb." Lorne told the slayer. "For both of them."

"Yeah, Faith." Fred added. "It's so obvious they belong together."

"It'll just take some time, that's all." Gunn contributed to the conversation.

Angel nodded, deep in thought. He hoped this would be good for his grandchilde and his friend. "Yeah.soon." He said softly.

Outside, Spike looked at the amazing view of the city. The sun had just set and he had just lit up a smoke. He inhaled deeply and noticed the upstairs neighbors had music going.

"At least it's a good hard alternative rock song." The vampire said to no one in particular. Just then the song ended, and acoustic guitar could be heard as the next song began. "Bloody hell, I just jinxed myself."

Then, he did something he knew he'd regret. He listened to the words.

Restless tonightCause I wasted the lightBetween both these timesI drew a really thin lineIt's nothing I plannedAnd not that I canBut you should be mineAcross that line

If I traded it allIf I gave it all away for one thingJust for one thingIf I sorted it outIf I knew all about this one thingWouldn't that be something?

I promise I mightNot walk on byMaybe next timeBut not this time

Even though I knowI don't want to knowYeah I guess I knowI just hate how it sounds

If I traded it allIf I gave it all away for one thingJust for one thingIf I sorted it outIf I knew all about this one thingWouldn't that be something?

Spike put out his cigarette in the ashtray Willow insisted be put there for him when he came over, and walked back inside before the song ended.

"Hey," Faith said. "I was just about to head out there."

"I'm gonna go." Spike announced as he picked up his duster and put it on. "Tell Willow I said to have fun. She deserves it." He said before walking out and cursing that damned band that knew his heart so well.

Even though I knowI don't want to knowYeah I guess I knowI just hate how it sounds

If I traded it allIf I gave it all away for one thingJust for one thingIf I sorted it outIf I knew all about this one thingWouldn't that be something?

~Part: 17~

When Willow was ready, she walked out of her room and did a twirl for the group to see. "Well?" She asked as she completed the twirl and looked over the faces of her friends. "We're missing two people instead of one." She noticed. "Is Spike outside smoking?"

"Not exactly." Fred said uncomfortably.

"What does that mean?" Willow asked the group with obvious confusion.

"He's outside..." Gunn volunteered.

"But, he's gone." Willow finished the sentence for him dejectedly.

"Look, Will, this is still new for him." Faith told her best friend. "I mean, the guy really likes you."

"Yeah, it can't be easy for him to wait here while your date arrives and takes you away from him."  Angel added softly, trying not to make her feel guilty.

"Oh, God, I am so going to hell." Willow said as she sat in an empty chair.

Faith went and sat on the arm of the chair. She put her arms around the hacker in a huge hug. "You are the sweetest person, Will. And you fight evil. I seriously doubt you're going to hell for trying to protect your heart."

"She's right, Willow." Fred added as she stood and went to hug the redhead, as well. "He knows he messed up, and he has to earn your trust again."

"You two will find your way to one another in time, Willow." Wesley told the redhead.

"Besides," Faith said. "You look way too damned hot to be in such a depressed mood."

"I agree." Gunn told the witch.

"Yeah, you do look great." Fred added.

"They're right. Now try to enjoy yourself tonight. That's an order." Just then, the doorbell rang. "I got it." Angel said as he headed for the door. He couldn't wait to play the disapproving father figure and mess with Lindsey.


Lindsey walked up to the building in which the hacker and the slayer now lived. Willow had called him after her shower to give him directions to her new place. He knew she was a nice girl, and that there was something major happening between her and Spike, but he still wanted to be her friend. And it didn't hurt to let Spike see that when he and the redhead get together, the vampire had better treat her right.

He was so into his thoughts, that he didn't notice said vampire standing at the entrance to the apartment building until he was almost upon him.

"Spike." He greeted. Spike put out the cigarette he was smoking.

"Lindsey." Spike replied neutrally. They stood facing one another as if sizing up the other for the first time. Finally, Lindsey knew he'd be late picking up Willow.

"You want to move out of my way?" The blue-eyed lawyer asked in a purposely non-threatening way.

"Not in your way, mate." The former poet replied.

"*You* think I am." Lindsey said to his coworker.

"Oh, now you want to get philosophical again." Spike chuckled humorlessly.

"You want me to stay away from her." He told the vampire in understanding.

"No." Spike replied. Lindsey was visibly surprised.


"Just.don't hurt her." With that said, the vampire walked to one of the vans, removed his motorcycle, and drove away leaving a very stunned Lindsey McDonald behind.

Another surprise for Lindsey was having Angel answer the door. He looked passed the dark haired vampire and found the person he wanted to see.

"You look beautiful, Willow." He told the redhead. She was wearing dark green pants and cream-colored peasant shirt.

Willow looked at Lindsey and smiled. Something had changed, but she didn't know what it was. "Thank you, Mr. McDonald."

"Wait a minute." Angel said before Willow reached the door. "Where are you headed?"

"None of your business." Lindsey replied with a big smile.

"How long will you be?" Angel asked yet another question.

"Again, I think I'll go with: none of your business." The blue-eyed lawyer once again replied as Willow stepped over the threshold.

"Angel, cut it out." She told her new boss. She then addressed the entire group. "See you guys later." Then, she and Lindsey headed towards the elevator.

"But.," Angel said. He realized no one was listening to him. "Have her home at a decent hour!"

"Bye Angel!" Willow said as the elevator doors shut. The vampire shut the door to the apartment and went back to his new girlfriend and his friends.

In the elevator, Willow looked at her date. "You look hot."

"Yeah, well, I try." Lindsey said, being playfully arrogant.

"We're going to have fun tonight." She told him with a genuine smile.

"Yes, we are." He said. "And just for the record, I think we both realize that this is our first and last 'date'." She nodded with obvious relief on her beautiful features. "Now, with all of that stress and worry out of the way, let's go have some fun."

~Part: 18~

Lindsey and Willow went to dinner and talked about their separate lives before meeting.

"I still can't believe you were only 15 when you started fighting evil." Lindsey told the redhead. "I've seen the surveillance photos of your friend Buffy and you were in some of them. Always so sweet and innocent looking."

"Well, we all know how that turned out." Willow said. Lindsey arched an eyebrow. "Ultimate evil, remember?"

"Minor setback." Lindsey replied. "You got through it just fine. Love does conquer all, you know. Your friend knew you were still in there and just grieving. He didn't give up on you."

"That's Xander." Willow smiled thinking of her lifelong friend.

"I'm really sorry about what happened to him." Lindsey said sincerely.

"He's moving on." Willow replied. "He has a glass eye now, instead of the eye patch. So, he doesn't look like a pirate anymore." Lindsey chuckled and Willow giggled. "I'm definitely lucky to have him for a friend."

"I've never had friends like that." The lawyer informed the hacker. "So, hearing you talk about your life in Sunnydale is like living vicariously through you."

"So, you would've had a crush on Xander?" She asked innocently.

"So not funny." Lindsey countered with a mock glare before smiling.

"Tell you what," Willow declared. "You and I will be really good friends like that. You deserve to know what that's like. You're a good person, Lindsey."

"Oh, I'm sorry, have we met?" He asked slightly playful, but also a little seriously. "I'm Lindsey McDonald. Evil lawyer that brought Darla back from the dead, almost succeeded in giving Cordelia endless painful visions forever, and helped many guilty people get out of going to jail."

In an overly cheerful voice, Willow followed suit. "Hi! Welcome to 2005! Here, we no longer live in the past, but try to make the future a better place."

The blue-eyed Texan couldn't help but laugh. "Fine, you win." He conceded.

"So, we have a deal?" She asked, smiling at her new friend.

"Yes, you silly woman, we have a deal." He agreed, still laughing.

The rest of the evening was spent at a bowling alley.

After two hours of Lindsey getting the pants beat off him, he and Willow decided he'd been beaten enough. They sat at one of the tables and ordered a beer each.

"You were using magic to beat me, weren't you?" He asked in mock suspicion.

"You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel more manly." She retorted.

"Okay, ummmm..I was letting you win?" He tried on that lie to see if it would work.

"Yeah, lawyer boy, that's it." She answered laughing. "I am having so much fun!"

"Me too." He agreed. "Thanks for hanging with me tonight."

"What are friends for?" She said with a smile. Too quickly, the smile faded and Willow closed her eyes. "I think we're about to call it a night, Linds."

"Message from up high?" He asked.

"Yep." She replied as she pulled out her cell phone and called her friends. She told them to meet her at a certain address right away. "I'm sorry, Lindsey. I was having such a great time."

"Same here." He told her truthfully. "But, duty calls. I'll take you where you need to go." They both stood and headed to his car.

When they reached their destination, the rest of the gang was also arriving, including Spike on his motorcycle. Lindsey gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Kick ass." He said. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay," she replied. "Goodnight, Lindsey."

She got out of the car and headed towards the group.

"So, give us details." Faith told the witch.

"Not so many details." Willow replied. "But, I do know a Grozlouph demon when I see one."

"And you only saw one?" Gunn asked.

"Well, two, actually." She replied. "But, there may be more. I don't know."

"So, how do we kill 'em?" Faith asked.

"Good old fashioned violence, slayer." Spike said.

"Weapons are in the car." Angel announced.

"Hey, where's Wes?" Willow asked.

"Oh, Wes had a date with a woman from accounting." Faith told her friend conspiratorially.

"He was already gone when you called." Angel added.

"What about Fred?" The hacker inquired.

"Fred went home after you called." Gunn informed her. "It's not a good idea for her to be out here with minimal fighting skills."

"True." Willow agreed. Everyone grabbed a sword or axe.

"What are you doing?" Spike asked.

"Fighting evil?" she replied. "Kind of what we do, Spike."

"You won't have time to do any spells that will hurt these things, Red." Spike said as he silently pleaded with her to stay out of the fight.

"Right." She agreed. She then closed her eyes and chanted for a moment. The redhead began to glow as a golden light encased her body. Everyone looked on in awe as the glow and the light disappeared. "Okay, let's kick some ass."

"What'd you just do?" Gunn asked.

"Oh, that?" She asked innocently. "I just gave myself slayer strength for the fight."

"Hell, it's not like she doesn't know the moves." Faith added. "She trained with us when we were all in Europe. She knows how to hold her own in fight."

"Good, because we don't have time to argue anymore about this." Gunn informed the gang as four Grozlouph demons began to surround them.

~Part: 19~

"Huh." Faith said conversationally. "Only four."

"Kind of a let down, eh slayer." Spike added.

"Well, let's get this over with." Gunn said in a bored tone.

The Grozlouph demons began to growl as they realized the warriors didn't see them as a threat. The 8 feet tall, metallic blue colored demons began to advance.

Angel was the first into action as he took his sword and practically flew at one of the demons.

"And it's Captain Hair Gel to the rescue!" Spike shouted in mock excitement.

"Spike!" Willow chastised, but couldn't suppress a giggle. Angel ducked a swing of the Grozlouph's sharp talons and flipped over its head to land behind it.

"I mean, really," Spike continued in his usual sarcastic mode as he lazily headed toward another demon while Faith and Gunn headed towards the third and fourth. "Did his hair even MOVE when he flipped over?" The vampire then took the opportunity to swing his axe at the now distracted demon. The demon tried to block it, but Spike nearly chopped its arm off as purplish goo appeared from the wound and splattered all over his precious duster. "Oh, bugger!" The vampire yelled when he saw the mess the Grozlouph's blood had made.

"Serves you right." Willow said laughing. She almost didn't notice Grozlouph number five trying to sneak up behind her. Before Spike could yell out a warning and without hesitation, the redhead swung the sword she held at an upward arc quickly beheading the demon behind her. Spike smiled as he pulled his axe from yet another wound he'd given to the one he was fighting before dispatching it in the same fashion as the redhead.

Someone screamed and both Willow and Spike turned with weapons at the ready.

"Why are you screaming, Faith?" Gunn asked as he pulled his sword from the Grozlouph's heart that he was fighting and noticed the slayer had already dispatched of her's as well.

"Look at all of this purple shit!" The slayer replied, disgusted. "I liked this outfit."

"Do I even need to tell you who you remind me of right now?" Willow asked with a mischievous grin.

"Hey, I am NOT shallow like certain other slayers who shall remain nameless." Faith defended herself. With a pout, she then walked over to van and got in.

Willow looked at both Angel and Spike who were now standing near one another. Angel was smirking at Willow for the Buffy reference. Spike was also looking in Willow's direction, but with a hurt look on his face.

"Let's get out of here, guys." Angel announced, oblivious to the look his grand childe gave Willow.

The redhead couldn't understand why he'd all of a sudden decided to look at her like she'd killed his puppy or something. Then it hit her.

The Buffy reference. {He still loves her.} She thought to herself. {How could I have been so stupid to think he wouldn't still want her?}  She tried to smile at him before running to catch up with Angel and Gunn.

"Can you guys give me a lift? My ride kinda left me here." She said playfully, hoping they wouldn't see the hurt in eyes. She knew she and Spike were friends. She'd just hoped that one day they would be more, that's all.

"C'mon, you guys." Faith yelled out of the window. "This gooey stuff is starting to solidify. Not a good feeling."

"Eeugh, she's right." Gunn announced when he tried to move his arm to bring his weapon to his other hand. "This stuff is nasty." He then turned to the platinum blonde. "See you later, Spike." The group got into the van and headed to Faith and Willow's place, to take them home.

Once Spike was out of his shock, he looked at the van disappearing into the distance.

"Why would she say that?" He asked the empty alleyway. He figured he'd find out so he got on his motorcycle and headed home to shower and change so he could go and visit the hacker.

Later, after much needed showers, Willow and Faith emerged from their respective rooms in tank tops and pajama pants. They each walked into the kitchen with wet hair and holding a trash bag that contained the ruined clothes of the evening's activities.

"Everything okay?" Faith asked as she opened the refrigerator door and pulled out a box of leftover pizza from earlier in the day.

"Yeah, I guess." Willow replied. "I mean, I sort of got myself into this, so I can't very well whine about it now."

"What the hell are you talking about, Will?" The brunette was thoroughly confused.

"Well, let's put it this way. Angel really does care for you. You're the only woman he thinks about." She sighed. "When I made that joke tonight, he thought it was hilarious."

"But.?" Faith prompted.

"But, the look on Spike's face tonight proves that he really doesn't care about me." Tears formed in her dark green orbs, making them sparkle. "When I mentioned her, he had this hurt puppy dog look on his face. Just like the one he used to have when he was around her." Then, the tears started to flow. "I can't be mad at him. I'm the one who wanted to be 'just friends'."

Faith took the opportunity to head back to the fridge and pull out a bottle of Pino Grigio wine. She poured the two of them a glass each and sat the bottle close.

"Will, I think you misinterpreted what brought that on." The slayer tried to reason. "He really does care for you, I can see it."

"It doesn't stop him from still being obsessed with her, though, does it?" She asked with a humorless chuckle.

"You love him." Faith said. The redhead could only nod as more tears spilled. The brunette hugged her friend and let her finally cry it out.

About half an hour and an empty wine bottle later, the girls were just talking about anything and everything.

"Do you miss Boston at all?" Willow asked.

"About as much as I miss prison." Faith replied. The two were silent for approximately three seconds before bursting into fits of giggles. "That place was definitely bad news for me."

"Wait, prison or Boston?" Willow asked. The two continued to laugh until there was a knock at the door.

"Who the hell is that?" Faith asked.

"Probably your boyfriend. The one that keeps 'vampire' hours." Willow teased as she got up to answer the door. Faith smiled and flipped her off. Willow blew her a kiss and turned to open the door. "What are you doing here?"

"You are THE most confusing.and infuriating.and...and complicated.and baffling woman I have ever met!" Spike said angrily as he walked past her and stood in the living room tapping his foot.

~Part: 20~

"Oh, wow, look at the time." Faith said as she looked at her wrist, which had no watch on it. "Yawn. I'm tired. Going to sleep now. 'night." She ran to her room, shut the door and immediately called Angel.

"Are you on drugs?" The hacker asked the vampire.

"Are YOU?" He retorted. Then, he started pacing. "I mean, what WAS that back there? Are you trying to TEST me now? Do you not realize how hard this is for me?"

"I'm sorry." She said softly. "I didn't realize when I made the joke that you were still so much in love with her." She tried to will the tears away that were once again starting to well up in her eyes, threatening to spill. "A real friend would've thought of that. It won't happen again."

"Again, I ask: Are. YOU. On. DRUGS?" He stopped in front of her and stood facing her.

"I don't understand, Spike." Willow said shaking her head. "You're not making any sense."

"Well, that makes two of us, Luv." The vampire replied. "We talked the other night. I apologized for being such a prat, and you agreed to at least be friends with me. I'm trying to be okay with that." He started pacing again. "I mean, as long as we get to spend time together, I'm good. But, then you threw Buffy in my face to see if I still thought I was in love with her-which, by the way I wasn't. Strictly obsession in the SICKEST sense, even by vampire standards. But, that's neither here nor there right now." He stopped pacing and moved to stand before her again. "The point is: it seemed like you were testing me to see if I really cared about you." Then, he spoke softly. "That hurt, Willow. I'm falling for you and just when I think I can handle a 'just friends' situation, you throw this at me. And honestly, I don't want to be just friends. I want to be friends. But, I also want you to care for me and not string me along or test out my emotions to see if I care for you. It's not fair."

"Spike, I didn't 'throw Buffy in your face'." She stated calmly. "I cracked a joke with my friends. Angel and Faith laughed. Gunn laughed when we explained the situation. Faith and Angel didn't think I was testing their devotion to one another. I'm sorry for not realizing you still have issues about your feelings for Buffy. But, if you don't still care for her in that way, then why are you so upset?"

"I'm not upset about HER!" He said. "I couldn't care less about her. I'm upset because I want you to give me a chance, but you keep reminding me of what an ass I've been. Which, okay, I deserve. But, I thought that once we had our 'friendship' talk, you'd stop treating me like the bloody Scooby gang did when I was first chipped by the Initiative." He paused. "My heart couldn't take it if you didn't care for me at all and I had to see you every day as a reminder of that fact." He moved his hand to touch her stunned face, but thought better of it. He turned and headed towards the door trying to hold back the tears until he was outside. "There. I've said my peace. Sorry to barge in so late."

He reached for the doorknob. Or, rather, he TRIED to reach for the doorknob; but he found he was frozen in place. He felt himself be turned by some invisible force to face the redhead once again. She looked into his crystal clear blue eyes and saw the sincerity and passion in them. In the blink of an eye, he was centimeters from her beautiful face.

"I'm sorry." She almost whispered. "It won't happen again. A real friend wouldn't do that."

He felt himself regain control of his body.  "Well, that's good to know." He said just as quietly.

"So," Willow said. "Friends?"

Although slightly disappointed, he agreed. "Friends."

"Good." She said with a sigh before putting a hand on each side of his face and pulling it to hers for a soul-searing kiss that only increased in passion as it progressed.

"WELL IT'S ABOUT FREAKIN' TIME!!!" Faith's yelling from the other room caused the two to pull apart.

"Not that I mind this time, but, you're being all confusing again." Spike stated with a smile.

"Oops. My bad." Willow proclaimed innocently as she kissed him once again.


Spike and Willow talked and kissed - well, mostly kissed - until close to sunrise. Then, the vampire had to leave.

As soon as he was out the door, Willow ran into Faith's room and jumped on her bed.

"I WAS sleeping, you know." The slayer said sleepily.

"Hmm, that's funny." Willow retorted. "Because you were really interested earlier."

Faith turned on her bedside lamp and sat up. "So, is it official? Are you two gonna be joined at the pelvis from now on?"

"Very tactful." Willow replied laughing. "And you're one to talk! Hello! Tall, dark and broody."

"Okay, fine. I can't make fun of you." Faith conceded. "But, everything's okay?" Her tone was suddenly serious.

"Yeah. We actually talked and expressed our fears and insecurities." Willow said with a look of concentration and awe.

"Can I make fun of Spike for being so whipped?" Faith asked.

"Only if I can make fun of Angel." Willow teased. She paused. "Wow, just think how they'll be once we start sleeping with them." This, of course sent the women into fits of giggles.

The next day, Willow and Faith met everyone at Angel's penthouse.

"I'm just happy that you guys let us sleep in." Faith told Gunn, Angel, and Spike.

"Yeah, well, I think we were all up pretty late last night." Angel stated with a smirk directed towards his grandchilde. Spike just flipped him off.

"Gunn, what were you doing to require a little extra sleep?" Willow inquired.

"Hey, I don't kiss and tell." Gunn said.

"You didn't have to at the Hyperion." Angel announced. "We all knew when you and Fred were-ahem-indisposed."

"Hey, how did *I* get brought into this?" Fred asked.

"Well, you two were a couple for quite some time." Lorne stated. "It's only obvious he'd pick on you, cupcake."

Willow's cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID. "Oh! I'll be right back." She told everyone as she left Spike's arms and headed to Angel's room for some privacy. "Hey Lindsey."  She said as she answered the phone.

"Hey. Told you I'd check up on you today." Lindsey replied. "So, did you kick ass like I told you?"

"Of course." Willow said with a smile.

"Did you finally get to talk to him and tell him how you feel?" Lindsey continued the questions.

"Uh-huh." Willow answered happily. "Wait a minute. How did you know?"

"The happiness factor has definitely increased in your voice since last night." The lawyer replied happily. "It sounds great, too. So, what happened?" " We talked after the fight with the Grozlouph demons." She stated. "Well, everyone had to go home and shower first, because Grozlouph blood: ick! Anyway, he came over and we talked and we figured out that we really need to start expressing our feelings to one another if this is going to turn into something."

"I'm so happy for you, Willow." Lindsey said sincerely. "Ask Spike if he remembers what he told me last night before I picked you up at your place. If he does, tell him I'm the one saying those words now."


"He'll understand." Lindsey said secretively. "Hey, I'm gonna let you get back to your guy. I'll see you tomorrow at work tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay." Willow replied. "Hey, we're still going to be bestest buds, right?"

"Do you even have to ask, silly person?" He responded and hung up the phone.

Willow hung up her call and smiled.

"What's so funny?" Spike asked.

She stood and walked over to him and put her arms around him. "I have a message for you." He arched an eyebrow and she continued. "Lindsey told me to ask if you remember what you told him last night."

The vampire had to think for a second. The time before he and Willow got together was a big blur. He was too happy to think of anything else. Then, it came to him. "Yeah," he said with a smile. "I remember."

"He says he's saying those words now to you." Willow finished relaying the message. Spike's smile got bigger. "What did you say to him?"

"I told him not to hurt you." Spike replied. "And he doesn't have a damned thing to worry about, pet." He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her waiting lips.

"You guys better not be doin' it in there!" A voice yelled from the other room.

The two laughed and went out to join the others. Angel was sitting on a sofa with his arm around Faith. Gunn and Fred were sitting on the love seat. Lorne and Wes were each sitting in easy chairs.

"That's it, Fred." Willow told the physicist. "You don't get to hang around the bad influence that is Spike without proper supervision."

"Actually, it was Lorne that told me to say it." Fred said conspiratorially.

"Lorne!" Faith said. "You whispered THAT to Fred? I'm so proud!"

"I knew you would be sugar-pie." Lorne replied.

The group talked for hours about nothing and everything. They knew things were going be okay for everyone.

The End
