Another Chance

Author: Angel S.

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy and the WB and basically everyone EXCEPT me own anything Buffy/Angel related. I'm just using the characters to play with.

Distribution: My site: Gunnin' Down Angel , Red's Soulmates, Willow's Lil Secret, Near Her Always, Bite Me...Please, and everyone else that already has my fic. Otherwise, just ask and I'll say yes. I like seeing my fics on other peoples' sites.

Summary: AU Season 6 Buffy. After S5, Willow never brought Buffy back from the dead. Everyone left Sunnydale.

Spoilers: Up Through S5 Buffy and 'Dead End' in Angel S2.

Dedication: Inell, you are and will always be my favorite fic writer ever! You are also one of my best friends. I love you, girlie! Happy 5th Anniversary! Keep writing!

Also: {} = Willow's thoughts ^^ = Faith's thoughts



She looked at the bright green numbers on the alarm clock. Willow had been awake for about ten minutes and didn't have to get up for another ten. She was starting her new job today. She was in a new city. She blamed her sleeplessness on the anxiousness of starting her new job. The redhead compared it to when she was a teen. At the end of the summer, she'd always wake up really early looking forward to going back to school.

Of course, this was real life. She was earning an income. She was alone in a city over a thousand miles from Sunnydale, California. After Buffy died, Giles got custody of Dawn and brought her back to England with him. Xander and Anya got married and moved to New Jersey so he could accept a job as foreman at a big construction company. Tara decided to get far away from not only the Hellmouth, but Willow as well. She left the country to study in Italy.

Willow sighed. She knew it would happen before the other witch even told her. She could feel Tara pushing her away emotionally. And who could blame her? A god from another dimension had relatively sucked her brains out.  So, Willow accepted a job designing computer software for a major corporation before Tara even told her she was leaving her.

The hacker had no idea what happened to Spike. He stayed long enough to make sure Dawn and Giles were on their way, and helped Willow patrol until she found a way to close the Hellmouth. Once she'd completed that, she packed up her things and said goodbye to Spike and the Hellmouth.  It had been 4 months since the entire Scooby gang was on the Hellmouth. She sometimes worried about the chipped vampire. Okay, she OFTEN worried about the chipped vampire. All she knew was that he wasn't staying in Sunnydale either. And she definitely knew he wasn't going to LA. She had a pretty good idea that he and Angel would kill one another within a week.

Willow didn't realize how much she'd miss his smirk, or his leather duster, or his ice-blue eyes, or the little scar on his left eyebrow. But she did. She missed it all. She missed him. And she had no clue how to check on him.

The alarm finally went off and she got up to start her new day at work. She looked in the mirror and sighed. "Well, Phoenix, meet your newest witch."


Spike had traveled the country and mourned the loss of Buffy. He knew he wasn't in love with her. But, his brain always went for things he couldn't have, or some sort of facsimile of what he couldn't have. He couldn't kill her, so he decided he needed to possess her. He still respected her as an opponent, but that was about it. Once he got to New York, he doubled back and headed west.

In each town, he patrolled to make the world a safer place. He promised he'd take care of Dawn. What happened if some nasty he hadn't killed while he was on the road met up with the Niblet one day and killed her? He couldn't let that happen. He'd promised Buffy. And he kept his promises.

He was really proud of the redheaded witch, too. Willow. He wondered where she was and what she was doing. He hadn't realized how much power she had until she actually found a spell to close the Hellmouth. The chit definitely had fire in her. She was strong when the stuttering bint had broken it off with her. Willow had restored her brain, for crying out loud. He respected the witch more than anyone else in the group. She never judged him. Even before he had the chip, she was genuinely nice to him.

Somewhere in the middle of Colorado, he'd been out on a regular patrol when he'd heard fighting. Having had a rough day and wanting to get in a decent spot of violence, the blonde vampire made his way to an alley. Two vampires were advancing on a human, just as the man was staking the third one. Spike helped the dark haired guy stake the two evil vampires and decided to finish patrol together, since there was strength in numbers. The man, Spike found out, was also traveling the country, trying to find his place in life.

After patrol, they talked more and decided to make it nightly thing. The two males became friends and traveled the rest of the way back to California. Apparently, Lindsey McDonald had worked for an evil law firm in LA. And he hated Angel, too! What were the odds?

Then, rumor got around that a big evil was going to Arizona for some special ritual. Spike and Lindsey discussed their best bet since he didn't know where Red was. They needed a slayer. And Lindsey had the means to get her released from prison. He used his southern charms and extreme knowledge of the law to get her released into his custody. Okay, and a few charms helped, as well.

The three unusual warriors left California as soon as possible before anyone knew they'd been there, and headed to Phoenix. They found a place to live. Money was no object, because Lindsey knew how to invest and hide his money from Wolfram and Hart so it wouldn't be traced. They patrolled nightly and became a great team. They were ready for whatever lay ahead.

~Part: 1~

A week had passed and Willow was still completely bored. Her social life was nonexistent. Work was fun, but she really didn't meet anyone she wanted to become friends with. And the dating options in that place-male AND female--were a joke.

Maybe if she'd taken that job in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, she would have a better social life, she thought. It was less than an hour away from New Orleans. She could have gone to New Orleans on the weekends and met some interesting people, if nothing else. It would've also been of the good to have a little weekend romance in New Orleans. There would've definitely been some hot ~New Orleans Nights~.

Not that she'd seriously consider it. It still would be nice if the option were there. But, she didn't want to just jump into a relationship with someone just to say she's in a relationship. She wanted to be in love with someone who was in love with her and would never leave her.the way Tara did.the way Oz did. Cupid was not on her side in this matter, she decided.

As the redhead went to change into clothing more suitable for patrol, she looked around the apartment and mumbled. "~Stupid Cupid~."


Half an hour later had Spike, Lindsey and Faith headed out for patrol near the Arizona State University Downtown campus.

"Where are we gonna eat after this?"

"Why is that always the first thing on your mind, Faith?" Lindsey asked.

"It's not always the first thing." She defended herself, and then smirked. "But, the other first thing on my mind is so far away from having anything to do with you two, I just don't talk about it." She finished as she smiled at Spike, who'd become like a brother to her. Lindsey, however, was a different story. He was so completely different from when she'd first met him in Los Angeles a year and a half ago. She had to admit, if only to herself, that she was definitely attracted to him. Actually, it was more than the low down tingle. It had {gulp} feelings attached. But, she didn't want to ruin her new family by falling for one of the people who got her out of jail to fight the good fight again.

"Ha. Ha." Spike replied. "And, we're not going to GO anywhere to eat, ~Buttercup~." He paused for effect. "We're going grocery shopping."

"WHAT?" the beautiful brunette slayer squealed in disbelief.

"He's right, Faith." Lindsey added. "We spend way too much money just going out to eat. We need to start being practical. And that means buying groceries and actually cooking."

"Well, you're screwed on that idea." Faith retorted with some satisfaction. "I can't cook."

"No worries, Luv." Spike answered with an even bigger smirk. "I learned from a gourmet chef I turned about 70 years ago."

"Damn it." She cursed, as she continued walking towards their destination.

"I feel sorry for the demons out tonight." Lindsey whispered to Spike.

"Yeah, you and me both." The vampire agreed. The two men chuckled and followed a pouting slayer.


Willow decided she was in a slump. Even patrol was boring. One vamp and that was it. And she staked him so fast; it was over before she knew it.

"Now what?" She asked herself aloud. "I could just finish my chores and errands that I can get done at night and not have to worry about getting it all done at lunch tomorrow." She then nodded her head in agreement with herself. "I have to find some friends soon. This talking to myself even more than usual is starting to freak me out." She stated as she walked towards her car.


"Ooh! And this!" Faith said happily as she added more junk food to the basket.

"Faith, we need to think about eating healthy." Lindsey stated. "Remember vegetables?" He asked playfully.

"Oh bite me, lawyer boy." Faith replied. "Fine, let's go get meats with protein, and then we'll get vegetables with all the vitamins the body needs." She said trying to sound exasperated as she headed towards the meat.

"Why don't you two just get a room, mate?" Spike asked playfully.

"That's not funny, Spike." Lindsey replied in a hushed voice. "We're just friends. Just like the two of you are."

"Not bloody likely, Mac." He replied using the blue-eyed Texan's nickname. "I don't want shag her and she doesn't want to shag me."

"Spike you have no clue what you're talking about, so let's just end this discussion and finish shopping." Lindsey retorted and followed the slayer as he pushed the basket.

Spike just smirked and walked to where his new family was now standing.

"Beef." Faith said. "Lots of steaks and stuff."

"What about chicken, or pork, or seafood.?" Lindsey suggested.

"Oh, sure, those too." She said absently as she continued picking up items and putting them in the basket. "We'll need to change things up a bit."

"Bloody hell, slayer, it's just for the next couple of weeks." Spike said as he looked at all of the meats Faith had already put in the basket. "We'll come back and get more." He assured her with a note of sarcasm.

"Kiss my ass, William." Faith retorted with a mocking smile. "I get hungry after slaying."

Spike was about to come back with a witty comment when they all heard three words from 5 feet away.

"Oh. My.God."

The three friends looked up to see one Willow Rosenberg staring at them in utter disbelief.

~Part: 2~

Willow was walking through the grocery store getting food for the rest of the week. She remembered a time when she had such a long list of things to get for everyone, and now she was back to shopping for one. She was on the aisle with cereal and crackers when she spotted a box of Wheatabix. She smiled sadly and sighed. She really missed Spike. That's when she heard something unbelievable on the next aisle.

 "Bloody hell, slayer, it's just for the next couple of weeks. We'll come back and get more."

{Oh hell, now I'm imagining hearing his voice.} The witch thought.

"Kiss my ass, William. I get hungry after slaying."

{No. Fucking. Way.} Willow thought as she rounded the corner and stared at the sight before her.

"Oh my God."  Willow said aloud as she looked at Faith, a guy she didn't recognize, and yes, Spike.

"Red?" Spike said as he walked toward the now unsteady-on-her-feet hacker. He felt like he was hallucinating. Or maybe he was just dreaming about her yet again. Her hair was longer, past her shoulders, and she was wearing dark blue jeans and a red t-shirt.

"Is somebody going to catch her, because I think she's about to faint." Lindsey stated, letting everyone know that this meeting was indeed happening.

Spike was at her side in an instant. "Willow, luv, say something." Spike pleaded as he put an arm around her waist to steady her.

"You guys are really here?" She asked tentatively.

"I'm afraid so, Will." Faith replied. "Are you okay?"

"You've never asked me that before." Willow told the brunette slayer in a slightly stunned voice.

"What can I say?" Faith answered. "Prison changes a person."

"The way I hear it, you changed yourself and *let* them take you to prison." Willow said. "That's very commendable."

"Thanks Red." Faith said, genuinely touched by the redhead's compliment.

"Hi, I'm Lindsey." The ex lawyer said as he walked over to the witch.

She shook his hand, but did not extricate herself from Spike's embrace. "It's nice to meet you." She said with a smile. "Willow Rosenberg."

"Believe me, I know." Lindsey replied and looked at Spike, who had an extreme look of fear in his eyes. "Your reputation precedes you."

"Is that a good?" Willow asked playfully.

"I would say so." Lindsey answered with his sexy southern boy smile.

"So, what are you doing in Phoenix, Will?" Faith asked. Spike just kept his attention on the hacker because he was afraid she'd disappear if he let go.

"Work." Willow stated absently. "What about you guys?" She asked as she turned in Spike's embrace searching his eyes for an answer.

"Same thing." Lindsey answered for the speechless vampire. "Sort of."

"Hey, why don't we finish up the grocery shopping and go somewhere more private to talk?" Faith recommended.

"Good idea." Lindsey agreed. "Spike, why don't you go with Willow, and Faith and I will finish up with these." He suggested as he watched his smitten friend almost vamp out when Faith proposed the idea of splitting up. "That way, we can all meet in the parking lot and go from there."

"Okay, meet you guys outside." Willow replied. "Spike?" she spoke to the vampire who hadn't moved. "Are you coming? Or...D-do you want to go with them instead? I mean, I-I completely understand..."

"No, Red." He snapped out of his trance-like state and took her basket. "I want to make sure you don't disappear on me again." He finished with a smile.

"I'm not the one who disappeared, mister." She replied as they walked away from Faith and Lindsey.

"I knew he had the capacity to love because of the stories of him and Drusilla. But did you see the way he looked at her?" Lindsey asked the slayer.

"Oh yeah." Faith answered. "He's got it bad. And so does she, if you'll notice."

"I noticed." Lindsey said. His cobalt blue eyes looked into Faith's dark ones and he sighed inwardly, and looked away before the brunette could see his feelings for her. "Well, I, for one want to finish this little shopping adventure so we can fill in the redhead about the big bad evil coming to town."

"Right." Faith agreed, almost dejectedly. "Let's get going." She put the rest of the meat they were getting in the basket and moved on to the next aisle. ^Like he'd ever look at me the way Spike just looked at Willow.^ she thought as she walked along.

Lindsey couldn't figure out why Faith suddenly became so distant. Did she see the wanting in his eyes?  Is that why she decided to not talk to him anymore? The two finished their shopping in silence.

A few minutes later, Spike and Willow had just finished loading things into her car when they returned to the front of the store.

"So," they said in unison. Both laughed.

"Sorry, ladies first." Spike said politely.

"Were you ever going to get in touch with me?" She asked, her face unexpectedly serious.

"I didn't know where you were, luv." Spike replied, knowing he could've put forth an effort to get her phone number or forwarding address, or something, once he helped her close the Hellmouth.

"You left." She said sadly and looked at the ground. "Not even really a goodbye."

"I am so sorry, Willow." He said with pain in his voice. The redhead looked up at the obvious hurt in his voice, coupled with the use of her real name. "Please forgive me?"

"Well." She started. "I just...don't know." She continued with a little mischief in her eyes. "What are you going to do to make it up to me?" Then, she froze. Had she REALLY just said that? Aloud?

"That's a loaded question, pet." He replied. Willow turned 8 shades of red as Lindsey and Faith walked out of the front doors and headed towards them.

"Should we go back in and wait a couple of minutes?" The slayer asked with a wicked grin.

"Ha. Ha." Spike said as he glared at the woman who had become like a sister to him. And just as annoying. "Let's just go." He said as he stood.

Willow was still sitting there in a shock. "Will?" Faith called. "You gonna come with us or not?" The redhead looked at the native Bostonian with a confused expression. "Are. You. Going. With. Us." Faith continued to tease. "~Going once, going twice~."

"Sorry." Willow told the slayer. "I zoned out. All of this is a lot to take."

"That's why we need to go somewhere and talk about it in private." Lindsey reiterated.

"Touche." She replied with a smile. "Let's get going." She stood and smiled her best Willowy smile.

"I'm riding over with Red so we can catch up on some girl talk." Faith stated as she locked arms with the redhead and they headed to her car.

"Let them go, man." Lindsey told Spike who was ready to beat the crap out of a certain vampire slayer. "This is the first time they've been ~reunited~ since Faith threatened to kill her after she got out of her coma. They need to bond."

"Right then." Spike acquiesced. "Let's get going so you can tell me the real reason why she's brassed off at you."

~Part: 3~

"Why she's what?" Lindsey asked.

"The chit was not happy when you two left the store." Spike stated as he walked towards their car with Lindsey following, pushing their grocery basket with bags inside. "So, what happened to make her want to not spend as much time alone with you as possible?"

"I..I really don't know." The blue-eyed Texan admitted as he picked up a bag and started loading groceries into the car once Spike opened the trunk. "I mean, one minute we were joking about you and Willow and the next minute she wasn't talking to me."

"What did you say about Willow?" Spike asked suspiciously.

"Actually we were saying that you have it bad for Willow, and we can see that the feeling is mutual with her." Lindsey explained. "That's it."

Spike put the last bag in the trunk and shut it. "That's it?"

"I think she saw something in my eyes." He admitted quietly. "I think she knows I have feelings for her." He turned and walked around to the driver's side door of the car, opened it and got in. Spike got in on the passenger's side.

"Are you really THAT brain dead?" The vampire asked after they began driving towards home.

"Spike," the ex lawyer started to defend himself.

"Let me guess: you immediately changed the subject and that's when she got her knickers in a twist." Spike stated.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Lindsey asked.

"She probably thought you didn't want her to get any ideas, and that's why she figured you changed the subject, you git!" Spike took a calming breath.

"Oh shit." The brunette man said as he put his head on the steering wheel.

"Uh, Mac, you may want to watch the road so you'll actually get the chance to tell her how you actually feel." Spike said with hint of teasing in his voice.

Meanwhile, in Willow's car...

"Okay, I want to wait for the major back story of how you guys ended up together-and here!" Willow declared. "So, I'll start with the easy and fun stuff. How long have you and Lindsey been together?" she asked eagerly awaiting the answer.

"Red, we are so not together." Faith answered. "The three of us are like brothers and a sister."

"Well, there is about to be some incest happening, because he's got it bad for you, F." Willow said with a conspiratorial smile. "How can you not see it?"

"Well, first of all, that's a disturbing mental picture. And second, because just now in the store, when you and Spike were walking off to finish shopping, we were talking about how into each other you and Spike were." Willow started to protest when Faith stopped her before she could get a word out. "Don't even try to deny it, Will. Anyway, then he gave me this look that I couldn't decipher and, I don't know, he just changed his whole attitude like he didn't want me to get the wrong idea in thinking that it might happen for us one day and he suggested we hurry up and finish shopping so we can all get together and talk about what brought us here to Phoenix." She softly banged her head against the back of her seat. "This sucks!" she whined.

"Faith, since when do you whine?" Willow asked.

"Hey, that wasn't a whine." She whined. "Okay, THAT was a whine." She said with a laugh. "Jeez, Red, what's happening to me?"

"You are so falling in love, Faith." Willow stated happily. They drove a few moments in silence while the slayer processed this new information.

"So, when did you get the hots for the undead blonde?" Faith asked.

"I don't."

"I told you not to deny it, Red." Faith interrupted. "It's written all over both your faces."

"I wasn't going to deny it, slayer." Willow said, letting her feisty attitude out to play. "I was saying that I don't know when it happened." They stopped at a stoplight. "All I do know is that I started to miss him. I think about him all of the time. That's why I couldn't believe I was seeing him tonight."

"That is so sweet!" Faith said sincerely. "I envy you, Red."

"Don't." Willow replied. "Lindsey really does care for you. You'll see." The light turned green and they continued on their way.

They finally reached the house Lindsey had bought. The girls were just getting the last of Willow's things out of the trunk so they wouldn't spoil. The guys brought in the groceries from the other car and met them inside. Faith had just poured herself and Willow each a glass of merlot and they were walking to the den so everyone could be comfortable. Lindsey and Spike each got a beer from the fridge and made themselves comfortable. Spike sat next to Willow on the big sofa, Faith was sitting in an easy chair, so Lindsey decided to sit alone on the loveseat. The irony was not lost on him.

"First of all," Faith announced. "I want to toast to Willow." The redhead looked flabbergasted as the slayer put up her glass to the witch. The men also raised their bottles of beer. "Don't look so surprised. I'm a changed woman now." The brunette said with a smirk. "Anyway, to Willow. Thank you for showing up so that I'm not the only female here." Everyone laughed and the mood was immediately lightened. "~Bottoms up~!" They all drank and a sip and sat back a lot more relaxed.

"So, how did you guys all hook up?" Willow asked.

"Spike and I were ran into each other while we were traveling across the country." Lindsey started. "I had just left Wolfram & Hart with my new hand, and I knew I didn't want to be a part of what they were doing anymore." He noticed the face of the redhead had paled.

"You're from the evil law firm that hired Faith to kill Angel, and then later he chopped off your hand." She said as realization dawned on her. Lindsey looked worried that she'd leave since she knew whom he was. "That explains a lot." She continued. "Cordelia told me how you helped Angel stop an assassin from killing some children. I got the feeling that they didn't try very hard to keep you on their side."

"Understatement." Lindsey summed up. "Angel practically kicked me out once we'd rescued those kids."

"So you went back to Wolfram & Hart." Willow assumed. He nodded. "And that self righteous jerk helped Faith on her road to redemption, but not you. That doesn't make sense."

"It's all in the past." Lindsey said. "I'm fighting the good fight now." Willow smiled at the blue-eyed, dark haired man and motioned for him to continue. "Well, Spike and I decided to join forces, and we agreed that it'd be a lot easier if we had a slayer helping us."

"Problem was," Spike continued. "The only slayer left was in prison. So, we came up with a plan to get her out of there." He looked to see if Willow as still following. She was looking at him, eagerly awaiting the next part of the story. He cleared his throat and both Faith and Lindsey smirked. He ignored them. "It seems lawyer boy picked up some neat magic tricks while he was at the evil law firm."

"First, I needed Spike at full strength." Lindsey said slowly, making sure Willow knew what he was about to say. "I knew a shaman who owed me a favor, and got him to take Spike's chip out." Willow gasped, and Spike involuntarily flinched at her reaction.

"Spike, that's great!" she screamed and hugged the extremely bewildered vampire.

"You mean, you're not scared, or worried that I'll go out and start making meals out of everyone?" The former poet asked a little nervously.

"Spike, what the Initiative did to you was cruel." The witch stated. "It had you completely helpless against humans. You couldn't help what was done to you over a hundred years ago. They had no right to implant that chip. If they were really supposed to be helping, they would've just staked you. Not that I wanted them to." She quickly added as she sat back.

"You are amazing, pet." Spike said, as he looked at her in complete awe.

"Nah, not really." She replied. Before anyone could protest her denial, she asked, "So, how did you guys get Faith out?"

"Lindsey did his last job as a lawyer, added a little mojo of mind control, and just like that, I was out." Faith said proudly.

"Something like that." Lindsey said. "Spike and I had to do a little man-handling at the beginning, but then it was a piece of cake."

"That's so great to hear." Willow said happily. "I mean, not that you guys beat up people and broke someone out of prison. But, that you're all fighting the good fight."

"Yep, that's us!" Faith announced. "All of us have done something bad in the past and want to make up for it. We're the 'Evil-fighting ~Misfits~'."

"Got room for one more member of your team?" Willow asked hopefully.

"Well, I don't know, Will." Faith said, pretending to be skeptical. "You've never done anything evil, so we may not be able to accept you into our club." Willow fake pouted."

"I kissed Xander while I was dating Oz." She said hopefully.

"That's it!" Lindsey declared. "You're in!"

Spike smiled at the woman that had haunted his dreams for the past few months and knew she would make a good addition to the team.

"Now for the bad news, Red." The vampire announced. "The reason we all ended up here is because rumor in the demon community has it that there is a big evil about to erupt right here in Phoenix."

"Oh good." Willow said with undisguised relief. She saw the way the other three were looking at her. "What? I've been bored!"

~Part: 4~

"You're bored?" Lindsey asked, a little unsure of her mental stability.

"Guys, I've been alone for months." Willow explained. "All I've done is patrol and stake vampires. That's it." Then, as an afterthought, she added: "Oh, and go to work."

"Where do you work?" Spike asked, wanting to know everything he could about her since they parted ways a few months ago.

"For a computer company." Willow explained. "I write programs."

"Not bad, Red." Faith said.

"If you don't mind my asking..." The redhead began, not exactly sure how to approach the subject. The former lawyer interrupted her.

"I made a lot of money at Wolfram and Hart." Lindsey clarified. "I invested wisely and hid the money in so many different accounts all over the world that there is no way the money can be traced." He sighed. "I figured this was a good way to put it to good use."

"Of course," Willow agreed. "By helping people."

"And feeding the bottomless pit over there." Spike added as he motioned to Faith, who promptly flipped him off. Willow smiled at the ease with which they interacted.

"Which brings us to this big bad." The witch said reminding them of the reason they started the conversation.

"Oh, right." Faith said with a guilty smile. Lindsey looked at her in awe and wondered if she could ever really return his feelings. The slayer, completely oblivious to what was going on, although Spike and Willow saw, continued with explaining the group's mission. "Well, this big evil is supposed to set up shop here soon, and we don't even have a clue what it is or what it wants."

"Except to cause evil." Spike said.

"Great way to state the obvious, Spike." Lindsey teased.

"Don't get me started on 'the obvious', *Lindsey*." Spike retorted. Lindsey blushed just like the vampire knew he would.

Seeing how uncomfortable this was getting the hacker decided to intervene. "Um, why don't we do some research first thing tomorrow and then tomorrow night, we can compare notes of where to go and where you've been to try to get some info out of the demon population of Phoenix." She giggled. "Did you guys ever think there was a demon population in Phoenix?"

The rest of the group laughed, both at the absurdity of it, as well as the way Willow's quirky mind worked. Spike knew he could get used to having her around forever.

"You okay to drive home, Will?" Faith asked. "It's pretty late."

"I know we haven't talked in a while, Faith, but I'm a bad ass wicca now." Willow replied proudly.

"Oh, I know you can take care of yourself in a fighting situation." The slayer assured her. "I was thinking maybe you'd be too tired to drive home."

"Oh," the redhead said as the meaning dawned on her. "I am a little tired. Do you guys have the extra room?"

"Take a look around you, Willow." Lindsey stated. "It's a 5 bedroom house. I'm sure we can fit you in here." He finished with a grin on his handsome face, cerulean blue eyes sparkling.

Faith watched the ex-lawyer and wondered how anyone could have such a beautiful smile.

"Then I accept the invitation." Willow said happily. "Thanks guys."

"We'll need to bring your groceries in." Spike suggested.

"Thanks Spike." She replied. "I completely forgot about them."

"And if you want," Lindsey continued. "You can always move in with us." Spike's face lit up and in that moment he thought he could hug Lindsey for making the suggestion.

"That's right Will!" Faith said happy to have a female friend. She'd never had one of those before, and she was really starting to like the idea having the hacker around. "Think about it: all of the research and stuff we're going to be doing until the early morning hours. Wouldn't it feel good to not have to drive home every time?"

Spike was in heaven. He had no idea how he'd approach the subject of his red moving in and his two best friends were doing it for him.

"And, we could all start patrol at the same time instead of having to meet some place." Lindsey added. "Think of all of the money you'd save by moving in with us."

"Okay, okay. I'm sold." Willow said laughing. "I miss having friends around."

"So, we're all agreed that Willow moves in as soon as possible, right?" Faith asked.

Willow turned to look at Spike afraid he'd say no. "Of course." Spike said with his trademark smirk. "It's ~meant to be~."

~Part: 5~

The next day was spent researching and double-checking sources. Willow and Faith went to get the witch's books for research that morning while the guys continued their searches online and through books. No prophecies were found.

Once Willow and Faith returned with books, and more clothes for the hacker, they continued the research. Finally, late that afternoon, someone had found something.

"You guys aren't going to believe this." Willow said as she continued to read her computer monitor.

"What's up, Red?" Spike asked as he stood and walked over to Willow.

"You guys can stop looking in the books." The redhead said with a sigh.

"You want to let us in on what's going on?" Faith asked. She was tired. She was irritable. She was insanely in love with Lindsey, who hadn't spoken 3 words to her all day.

"I found the source of the evil." Willow explained.

"And the ritual?" Lindsey asked. The hacker nodded.

"Oh please." Spike said as he looked over Willow's shoulder at the computer monitor. "It's got to be some kind of trap." They all looked at him. "Nobody is bloody stupid enough to put their exact plans for world domination and chaos on the Internet." He paused. "Maybe allude to it, but not give specific information, or tell people who they really are until the deed is done."

"Unless of course you're talking about this person here." Willow said as she pointed to the screen.

"Not the guy that." Spike paused not sure how to take this information. "Please tell me this is a joke." The former poet almost pleaded in a stunned voice as he read the information on the monitor.

"I'm afraid not." The redhead replied. "I'm betting there's some sort of army of minions to help him pull it off. He sure as hell can't do it alone."

"Somebody want to let us in on what's going on?" Lindsey asked.

"Two words I was hoping I'd never hear again." Willow stated. "Ethan Rayne."

"Wait a minute." Faith said. "The guy that turned Giles into a Fyoral demon?"

"Bingo."  Willow answered.

"So, he's human?" Lindsey asked.

"Depends on how loosely you use that term." Faith replied. "He spiked the band candy, too, didn't he?"

"Oh yeah." Willow replied. She turned to Lindsey and Spike to explain. "He came to Sunnydale junior year in high school and did a spell to make us all turn into our costumes. It was really disturbing. I was a ghost."

"I've never seen a ghost dressed like that before, luv." Spike interrupted with a leer on his face. Willow blushed and hit the vampire on the arm.

"Anyway, Buffy was some helpless 18th century girl who couldn't fight if she tried." She continued. "And Xander was a soldier guy. We wouldn't have gotten out of that mess alive without him."

"What's this about band candy?" Lindsey asked.

"It was hilarious!" Faith said through laughter. "The entire adult population of Sunnydale went completely wiggy from what I hear."

Lindsey and Spike looked to Willow.

"Oh, she's not kidding." Willow agreed. "He put something in the band candy that made adults act like irresponsible teens. The teens were not happy." She looked from side to side and whispered. "Giles and Mrs. Summers did the nasty."

"Oh, SO not a visual I need, Will." Faith said as she shut her eyes and tried to wipe the image of Giles and Joyce having sex. "Ew!"

"How do you think he's controlling the demons, or whatever that are helping him with this?" Lindsey asked.

"Probably some sort of charm or mind control spell." Willow replied. "Which would explain how he got out of government custody."

"Can you do a counter spell?" Spike asked.

"I don't see why not." The hacker answered. "I'll research some counter spells and see which is strongest. You guys come up with a plan to get his ingredients for the ritual away from him.

"On it." Faith said happily.

"Hey Lindsey," Willow said after an idea popped into her head. "Which mind control charms did you use?"

"I think you may need some that are a little stronger, Willow." Lindsey stated.

"I can easily juice them up to fit whatever power level we need." She replied. "Trust me. This is what I do."

Spike and Faith got a print out of the plans and began talking strike tactics while Willow and Lindsey worked on changing the spells to be more powerful to suit their purpose.

36 Hours Later..

"Boy, talk about anticlimactic." Faith said after the less than five-minute 'battle' with Ethan Rayne.

Once the mind control over the demons was lifted, said demons decided to punish the warlock for his spell. They took him to their dimension before the group had a chance to do any real damage. The group quickly destroyed the ingredients to the spell that would've turned the entire world into utter chaos.

"And here I was all ready for a decent spot of violence." Spike added dejectedly.

"So, what now?" Lindsey asked. He too was disappointed he didn't get to participate in a big battle.

"You guys could help me move." Willow suggested.

"Tonight?" Faith asked. "You're kidding."

"Okay, tell you what." Willow declared. "Faith, you and Lindsey go somewhere and talk."

"Huh?" both the ex-lawyer and the slayer asked in unison.

"Go somewhere and talk." The hacker repeated.

"Willow, I don't know what's going on here, but."

"Shut up Lindsey and go with Faith." Willow interrupted. "If the two of you don't tell one another how you really feel, and stop giving Angel a run for his money in the brooding department, I'll be forced to tell you both in a not-so-subtle way. Are we clear?"

"Whatever." Faith retorted as she took Lindsey by the arm and led him towards the door. "Who the hell invited her to move in with all of us anyway?" The slayer mumbled as she and Lindsey walked out of the warehouse.

"It's about time." Willow said.

"Yeah," Spike agreed. "I thought we were going to have to lock them in a room together."

"Well, my quota for 'good deeds of the day' has been met." Willow said happily.

"So, what now?" Spike asked.

"Now, WE go somewhere and talk." Willow stated casually as she strolled towards the exit.

"WE have something to talk about?" He asked hopefully. Willow stopped, but didn't turn to face him.

"Un-unless you think we don't." The redhead replied, slightly dejected.

"Oh, I know for a fact we have something to talk about." The blue-eyed vampire assured the woman with whom he was falling love as he picked her up and carried her out of the warehouse.


"And.we're talking." Lindsey said after 20 minutes of silence.

"Sure.we're.talking." Faith agreed. "Making conversation." The two looked around and everything but one another.

"Yeah." Lindsey reiterated. "Talking." He finished deflated.

"Okay, look." Faith finally said taking initiative as she started to pace. She knew this would be a short conversation consisting of her spilling her guts on how much she loved him, and him telling her how sweet that was, but he's not interested. "You and I both know why we're here. So, let's just get this over with so we can put this horrible state of awkwardness behind us."

"I agree." Lindsey replied. The hurt look in Faith's eyes made Lindsey wonder why she would have that expression. Hell, he was the one that was getting 'let down easy'. He began to pace as well before beginning.  "Here goes." He took a deep breath and exhaled. "I know you think I'm the evil lawyer who is trying to do good and you're sure to give me a pat on the head for trying.

"I mean, you're beautiful, caring, strong, smart, sexy and I know there is no way you'd feel about me the way I feel about you. So, I'm just going to say it so we can put this behind us." He stopped pacing and looked into dark brown doe eyes. "I am so in love with you, Faith. I don't want to lose you as a friend, so I'm willing to not mention this again just to keep you from running out of my life."

The slayer just stared into his pleading blue eyes.

"Okay, say something." Lindsey said impatiently. He couldn't let this drag on. His heart was already breaking.

Faith, as if floating, walked closer to the ex-lawyer. She stopped inches from him, lifted her hand, and punched him in the jaw.

Lindsey landed on his rear and sat there stunned. Finally, after a few moments of silence, he looked up at the slayer. "Ow." He said. Faith had the sense to look a little embarrassed.

"Well, what'd you expect me to do?" She asked. "Here I am all scared that you don't want to be near me because you haul ass every time it looks like we may get somewhere." She sighed. "I thought you didn't believe I was good enough for you."

"Faith, I'd never think that." He chuckled at the irony. "Actually, I thought it was the other way around." He said quietly. Before he knew what was happening, he found he had a beautiful slayer sitting on top of him straddling him. "So, does this mean you love me, too?"

"Shut up and kiss me, Lindsey." Faith replied as they shared the sweetest, most tender kiss either had ever experienced.


"So, how do you think it's going?" Willow asked.

"Well, I figured there'd be more after I carried you off into the proverbial sunset, luv." Spike replied.

"Not us, silly!" She stated. "We know we have feelings for each other. It's Faith and Lindsey that I'm worried about."

"So, you're not worried about us?" He asked hopefully.

"Okay, I wasn't before." She answered with a hint of fear in her voice.

Spike picked up on her insecurity. "And you don't have to be." He insisted. "I just didn't know until now if you were serious about wanting to see where this leads."

"More than anything." She said as they leaned closer to one another.

"Can we make this work?" He asked.

"I have no doubt whatsoever." Willow replied. "I'm already so close to loving you, William."

"I'm headed that way myself, Willow." He said as his lips finally captured hers in a kiss he'd only dreamed about.

They knew things would work for the four of them from here on out, and life would be good. As she continued to drown in the perfection that was lips of Spike, Willow realized that cupid was finally on her side. ~At Long Last, Love~ she thought as her thoughts ceased to be coherent.

