~Part Eleven~

"Um, yeah, sure." Willow said. "Why not?"

"Good." Cordelia said. "Let's get some sleep." The ex-cheerleader took Gunn's hand and led him to the bedroom they use when they stay the night at the Hyperion.

"G'night, all."  Gunn said as his girlfriend led the way.

"Let's get you to bed, Luv." Spike said as he stood.

"Great, I'm so sleepy." The redhead replied. Spike moved to pick her up so he could carry her upstairs and she looked at him in shock.

"What?" He asked.

"I think I'm okay to walk, Spike." She said, feeling embarrassed.

"You want to climb 3 flights of stairs," the vampire stated. "that's fine by me." He stood and turned towards the stairs without giving her the room number.

"Spiii-ke," the witch pouted in a sing-song voice.

"Sleepy."  Spike smirked and turned to carry the young lady to their room.

"Are they EVER gonna talk about how they have the hots for each other?" Faith asked.

"Give him some time." Angel replied. "You all didn't know William before he was turned. "He's very shy with people he really cares about."

"I hope Wills doesn't let him get away because they're both too shy to discuss this." Buffy said with a sigh as she sat down next to Lindsey. "So, how are YOU doing? Still have a headache?"

"Actually," the blue-eyed lawyer said. "I'm feeling better. The head still hurts, but not as much."

"Good," Angel said. "But I'd still rather you stay awake for a couple of hours."

"Done." Lindsey said.

"Well," Faith said. "That's our cue. See you two in the morning."

"'Night Faith. 'Night Angel." Buffy said as the couple headed upstairs. She then turned to Lindsey.

"This whole plan of attack seems risky. It seems as if something-ANYTHING goes differently than planned."

"We're screwed?" Lindsey finished her sentence.

"Pretty much." She replied. "This Namilkaid demon seems strong. And the mystical powers just makes it that much more dangerous."

"Definitely.  Once Willow does the spell, the rest of us have to be ready to destroy it and its minions, or we're all as good as dead." Lindsey agreed.

"And not the 'hey, I'm dead, but I'm a vampire walking and talking' kind of dead." The slayer agreed.

"Remember, even the minions are supposed to be stronger than normal." Lindsey reminded her.  "That really worries me, considering the fact that I'm just a normal human."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that." Buffy replied as she looked down at her hands shyly.

Once Willow and Spike were changed and ready for bed, each stood on opposite sides of the king sized bed.

"So," the redhead started. She sat down and motioned for Spike to do the same. "Thanks for carrying me up."

"It's nothing." He replied.

"Oh," she said disappointed. "Well, goodnight."

"Red, wait." He said as he reached across the bed and took her hand. "I didn't mean that it didn't mean anything."

"You didn't?" She asked as her emerald eyes brightened up once again.

"It meant something, or I wouldn't have done it." He paused. "I'm worse than that ponce, my bloody sire." He said with a sigh. "Okay," she looked at him slightly expectantly, but slightly worried. "I, um," He started.

"Spike, if you want to tell me that you don't want to stay in here to protect me, that's fine." She said.

"I'm sure I'll be okay.

"No, Willow." He stated. She could tell he was frustrated and that scared her even more. She stopped talking and just stared at him, not knowing what to do next. So, he continued. "I have.feelings.for you." He looked away, and waited for-as well as dreaded-her response.

"Me?" She asked in disbelief with a touch of sarcasm.

"You have feelings for me?" Her heart seemed to swell as she let what the vampire just said register.

"Well, yeah." He replied, not knowing how else to respond. "I'm crazy about you, can't you tell?"

"No!" She shouted. "How can I tell? You treat me like a sister, like everyone else does." The redhead stood and paced her side of the room.

Spike felt that he didn't have a chance in hell with his little witch. "Look, forget I said anything, alright? I'll just get Peaches to get me another
room." He said as he headed for the door with his duster in one hand and his boots in the other.

"Hold it, Mister!" She stomped over to him. "Do you have any idea how head over heels I am for you?" His shocked blue eyes met her fiery green ones. "Do you honestly think I'm going to let you leave?" Before he could answer, she continued. "Now, you get your ass back over to that bed so we can talk about this." She paused as he headed toward the bed. "Besides, how funny would you look walking around the hotel in your boots, duster, and boxers?" She said slyly as she walked over to him.

He dropped the boots and duster before picking her up and jumping onto the bed with her. She squealed as they landed.

"Do you really mean it, Pet?" He asked as he looked down into her eyes. "You care about me, too?"

"Duh, Spike. I'm in love with you." She replied with a smile.

"I love you, too, baby." He said as lay on top of her and brushed his lips against hers. All Willow could think was how soft his lips were and what his tongue probably felt like. As he continued to kiss her, he let his tongue slowly sweep across her lips, waiting for them to part. She quickly obliged as their tongues explored one another's mouths and found only bliss. The witch reluctantly pulled back for much need breath, and looked at the beautiful vampire above her.

"We'll talk later." She said as she once again brought her mouth to his in an even more passionate kiss.

~Part Twelve~

After talking all night, Buffy and Lindsey eventually fell asleep just after dawn.  The lawyer was pleasantly surprised by how self-centered she wasn't, after everything he'd heard about her. {Maybe she's gone through a lot more recently.} He thought to himself.  It was nice just to sit and talk to someone about anything and everything without being prejudged.

Closer to noon, Cordelia and Gunn came running down the stairs. Both Buffy and Lindsey woke up and watched the couple. Cordelia was giggling and Gunn had a nice drawing made of lipstick on his face.

"But, Honey," The ex-cheerleader said as she smiled innocently while still trying to dodge her boyfriend.

"You're still a totally hottie. Why are you being so grrrr?"

"Could it be because I don't normally have lipstick plastered to my face when I get up in the mornings?"

"It looks really good on you?" She reasoned.

"Cordy." He playfully warned as he jumped over the couch where Lindsey and Buffy were lying and caught his girlfriend by the waist. He then proceeded to rub his face all over hers, leaving lipstick smudges all over the seer's face. Then, he brought his lips to hers, and kissed her lightly. "Next time, I won't be so nice." He said as he released her and went back up the stairs.

Cordelia just stood there and smiled at his retreating form. "Damn, I've got great taste in men."

"Uh, Cordy, we ARE in the room, you know." Buffy announced.

"Well, I do." Cordelia reiterated.  "Anyway, I take it everything went okay here last night, so I'll just head upstairs and get ready." With that, the former May Queen bounced up the stairs.

"It's like this every day, isn't it?" The slayer asked.

"Even more so." Lindsey answered with a smile that made the blonde sigh. "I think everyone's behaving because we have company."


She felt like she was being watched. It was quite a disturbing feeling. She attempted to shift positions only to be held in a vice-like grip. She took a deep breath and prepared for the worst. Suddenly, it all came back to her, and the panic she was experiencing 2 seconds ago turned into a smile.

"Mornin' Luv."  She heard his voice say.

She stretched as she turned to face him. {Yup, he still has the most beautiful eyes in the universe.} She thought to herself as she tried to will the shy smile away so he wouldn't think she was too strange.

"Morning," she answered in a sleepy voice. "Did last night actually happen?" She asked, as if waking from a dream.

"'Fraid so, Red." Spike answered. "Regrets?" He asked, as he looked her in the eye.

"Yes," She replied. His eyes registered shock until she got a mischievous smile on her pretty face. "That we didn't start this sooner."

The vampire's eyes lit up and were such a beautiful clear gray color that Willow was lost in them. Before she knew what was happening, he flipped her so she was lying on her back and he was on top of her. The redhead giggled.

"You are something else, you know that?" She stated.

"Yeah, well, they don't call me the Big Bad for nothin', Pet." He replied with his trademark smirk.

"Speaking of." she started. Curiosity filled both of their gazes.

"What is it, Willow?" Spike asked. He didn't want anything to ruin his time alone with his witch.

"Are you okay with us waiting?" She asked as she looked everywhere except his eyes.

He took the opportunity caress her face and turned it to face him so that they were once again eye-to-eye.

"Do you have any idea how long I've waited just to be with you? Just to have you look at me the way you did last night? The way you are now? I love you, Willow. I'll wait until you're sure you're ready."

The redhead was so overwhelmed by the sincerity in his crystal blue eyes and in his soft, beautiful voice, she could barely speak. So, she did the next best thing to express her feelings. She brought her mouth to his, and softly kissed his lips. Spike smiled as he realized her acceptance of the situation, which gave her access to the cool cavern of his mouth. Her tongue explored and delved until it dueled with the vampire's tongue for dominance in a luxurious dance that had moans escaping each of them. Spike turned them over so Willow was on top of him and brought his hand to the back of her neck as he tangled his fingers in her hair. Willow ran her fingers over Spike's face enjoying every angle and contour. She felt like the
luckiest person on the planet. Spike turned them over again, after giving his redhead a chance to breath, and started another passion filled kiss.

"Are you guys awake?" A voice came from the other side of the door, followed by a loud knock. "We've got work to do. Get up."

"Bloody wanker," Spike mumbled as he and Willow pulled apart and the blonde vampire got out of bed to open the door. "You sure know how to ruin a moment, Peaches." He said to his grandsire. Angel smiled innocently.

"We'll be right down, Angel." Willow said, as a blush crept over her. "Thanks."

~Part Thirteen~

Angel and Faith walked down the stairs to the lobby.

"What's with the funny face?" Buffy asked. "What'd he do?"

"I think Willow and Spike were in the middle of somethin' down and dirty when Angel cock blocked 'em on purpose." Faith said as she playfully hit the dark vampire in the shoulder.

"That's just wicked cruel, Angel." The blonde slayer said with a chuckle.

"Oh, you would've done the same thing." Angel said to his ex-girlfriend.

Buffy thought about it for a moment. "Okay, probably." She agreed finally.

"Where's Gunn and Cordy?" Faith asked.

"Well after the lipstick fight," Lindsey began.

"Huh?" Angel and Faith asked simultaneously.

"Long story." Buffy interjected.

"Anyway, they went back upstairs to get cleaned up." The lawyer finished. "Which is where I'm headed."

"Sounds like a plan." Buffy agreed. "Can someone tell me which room my things are in?"

"Here, I'll show ya." Faith replied, as Lindsey, Buffy and she headed back upstairs, passing Willow and Spike who were on the way down. Angel headed to the kitchen to get he and Spike some breakfast.

"You sure know how to clear a room." Willow joked.

"Ha. Ha." Spike answered dryly. "Am I really that much of a bad influence on you?"

"Well, yeah." The witch answered matter-of-factly as she sat at Cordelia's desk.

"Are you sure you're up for this, Luv?" The blonde vampire asked as he sat on the corner of the desk with a serious look on his handsome features. "This Namilkaid demon is a nasty sort of wanker."

"I don't think any of us have a choice, Spike." Willow answered with more confidence than she actually had about the situation. "Everything will work out fine. We're the good guys, remember?" She added.

"Oh yeah, I'm dust." Spike mumbled.

"Spike!" Willow slapped his knee. "You ARE a good guy now, whether you like it or not."

"In what sense of the word, exactly?" Angel asked as he came back with 2 mugs of warm blood.

"Sod off, Soulboy."

"That was pretty harsh, earlier." Willow added with a slight smile.

"What?" Angel asked, the picture of innocence.

"Where's the love, Grandpa?" Willow asked with a smile.

"Dear Lord, you've spent to much time with the boy already." Angel said as he sat Spike's mug on the desk and took a seat. The redhead smiled at the blonde vampire. {Wow, they really are in love.} The dark vampire thought to himself.

"How did you people put up with her in Sunnydale for so long?" Gunn said as he stomped down the stairs, with Buffy not too far behind. "I'd rather face what's on the Hellmouth than deal with Cordy and her make-up issues."

"Who says we put up with her?" Angel asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, basically, we just ignored her." Willow added.

"And hoped she'd go away." Buffy said as she took a seat on one of the lobby sofas.

"HEY!!" Cordelia said coming down the stairs. "I heard that!"

"I know. That's why I said it." Buffy answered with a smile.

"So, are we ready to start discussing the 'ins' and 'outs' of how to stop this big bad?" Faith asked as she entered the room.

"Can we order food first?" Fred asked as she and Wesley came down the stairs. "I'm starving."

"Sounds like a plan," Gunn replied as he headed towards the phone. "Who wants what? Because I'm only making one phone call."

Of course, that was the time that everyone started talking all at once.

~Part Fourteen~

After deciding on Mexican food (no one could argue with Fred's sad eyes as she asked for tacos), everyone decided to go over strategy one last time before finally preparing to go.

Everyone piled into both Angel's and Buffy's vehicles and headed to the clearing just outside LA where the Namilkaid and its minions were holed up.  The drive there was quiet in both vehicles as each member of the team went over everything that needed to be done individually.  Once there, Willow, Lindsey, Fred, and Wesley headed towards a spot that would cover their whereabouts while doing the spell, to prepare.  Angel, Spike, Cordelia, Gunn, Buffy, and Faith unpacked the weapons and were about to go over the plan again when both slayer senses started to 'tingle'.  Not a second later, both vampires looked alert, as well.

"I guess we should've known they'd be ready for us." Buffy said.

"Well, let's just hope they don't know about the others."  Gun replied.

Meanwhile, Willow had begun the spell to protect everyone against the Namilkaid, while Lindsey and Wesley set off to join the others. Lindsey stopped short when he saw the others in a fighting stance.

"Stand down for just a second." The blue-eyed lawyer told Wesley.

The ex-watcher did as he was told while they observed the first wave of vampires headed towards their friends. It was a pretty evenly matched so the two hung back and waited until they could be reinforcements.

Willow continued the spell as Fred looked on, nervously.

The first minion headed for Spike, who immediately began to return the attack. The blonde vampire easily dodged the first punch thrown and elbowed the minion in the back of the neck. Unfortunately, all that did was make it stumble a couple of steps as it kicked out and hit Spike square in the chest. Spike flew straight into Faith who had just been punched in kidneys.  The two tumbled a couple of feet before landing with Spike on top of the brunette slayer.

"Spike, I didn't know you cared." Faith tried to joke.

"Sorry Slayer." Spike replied. "This isn't good is it?" He asked as he stood and helped her up.

"Nu-uh." She replied. "Maybe the spell's not workin'."

Just then, they looked up to see Buffy flying towards them. Luckily, Faith saw it in time and prepared herself to catch the blonde. It wasn't graceful, but at least they were still standing.

"What is this? 'Throw people at Faith' day?" Faith yelled to no one in particular as Gunn came tumbling towards the group, quickly followed by Angel.
"Oh yeah," Gunn said as he stood. "We're in trouble."

"Amen to that." Buffy said.

"Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhh!"  Everyone looked toward the scream just in time to see Cordelia flying through the air with her sword still in her hand. She landed on Angel and Faith who expertly caught her.

"Okay, this is ri-damn-diculous!" Faith yelled.

"Guys, I got one!" Cordelia said as she was put on her feet.

"You're the only one." Angel replied.

"We are so in trouble." Buffy reiterated.

"What was your first clue, Slayer?" Spike asked.

Buffy glared at him. "Red's working on it. Give her time."

"How much time?" Faith asked as she saw the advancing minions. "Hell, we're getting our asses kicked and we haven't even seen the demon."

Just then they heard another scuffle.

"What, are they crazy?" Angel asked as he saw Lindsey and Wesley trying to fight the minions.

"Everyone ready for round two?" Gunn asked.

"Let's do it." Faith replied and they headed back into the fight.

Before they could reach the minions, they felt a surge of power flow through them. Lindsey immediately staked one. Wesley punched one and then staked it. Spike was the first to literally fly back into action, followed by the rest. Apparently, instead of stripping the minions of their extra super powers, the redhead had given her friends equal extra powers. Spike disposed of two before the other minions knew what was happening, staking one and ripping another's head off.  Faith and Gunn were right behind Spike and decided on synchronized slaying. Each one spin kicked the minions
they ran to, and jumped on them before staking them. Willow and Fred watched from a safe distance as the odds of the fight evened. They then returned to the hiding place to finish the stripping spell on the Namilkaid. As they approached the hiding place, the witch was lifted off the ground by an invisible hand, and thrown directly into the line of battle with the others, while Fred was thrown against a tree and knocked unconscious.


"Willow!" Spike screamed as she saw his redhead being flung through the air. He flipped and caught her in mid air before landing on his feet. Willow was a little dazed, but she quickly recovered.

"Spike, it's coming." She warned. He set the witch on her feet and turned to the others.

"'Ey, we've got more company." He announced to the rest of the gang.

"Looks like we're on our own." Angel announced.

"Do you always state the obvious?" Spike asked as they all finished off the last of the minions.

"You're an annoying asshole." Angel remarked.

"*I* could've told you that." Buffy said.

"Bugger off, Slayer." Spike retorted. "You weren't even in this conversation."

"Hell-ooo!" Cordelia interjected. "Mystical demon about to pulverize us. You guys wanna focus here?"

"Agreeing with Cordy right about now." Willow said. Faith and Gunn nodded in response to that remark.

"Where's Fred?" Wesley asked Willow as they all looked around and waited for the demon to show itself.

"She's at the hiding place, but I think she's unconscious." Willow said to the ex-watcher.

"Don't worry." Lindsey told Wes. "She's probably the safest one of us right now."

"I agree." Willow replied.

"Anybody else here getting antsy?" Faith asked. She stepped away from the group.  "Dude, I am so bored!"

She yelled into the night sky. "Get your ass out here and do something!"

"Thanks Slayer." Spike said. "I knew one of us would end up doing that." He then turned to Willow. "I know you're not a full strength right now. Please let me protect you."

"Who am I to argue with that?" Willow said as she stood on her tiptoes and gave the blonde vampire a light kiss on the lips.

Just then, there was a bright light and an enormous bonfire appeared.

"Oh, cool!" Faith said. She didn't notice everyone else turn to look at her like she was holding a crack pipe.

Just then, the demon emerged from the fire. Everyone involuntarily took a step back. It was almost seven feet tall. It had orange and red slimy skin that looked like molten lava. Its eyes were a metallic gray color-all 7 of them. Willow started chanting inaudibly as Faith and Buffy ran for the demon. Its talon-like hands swatted both slayers away as though they were mosquitoes. The two fell to the ground and landed right back where they started.

"Yeah, *that* was a good idea." Buffy said as she and Faith stood and dusted themselves off.

"Now what?" Gunn asked. By then, Willow's chanting had become louder before anyone could answer Gunn. Spike turned to look at his girlfriend.

"Damn it, Red!" Spike said with anger and concern in his voice. He should have known Willow would try to save her friends again eventhough she was so weak.

"The witch is no match for me." The Namilkaid remarked.

"Really? Then it must suck to know that the only strength you have is to pick on little girls for no reason." Faith replied.

"What the hell are you doing?" Cordelia asked the brunette slayer in a hushed whisper.

"Buying time." Lindsey replied.

"Time for what?" Cordy now asked Lindsey.

"You'll see." Gunn replied.

"Nothing you can do will." The demon began. However, it didn't get a chance to finish the thought because Angel appeared behind him and swung his ax, slicing the demon in half from head to toe, and then horizontally. The bonfire disappeared, and Willow collapsed in Spike's arms.

"Wait a minute," Cordy said. "When in the HELL did he move to go do that?"

"Right around the time Willow started chanting." Buffy replied. Wesley ran to find Fred.

"Oh." Cordy replied. "Hence the buying time thing."

Gunn put his arm around her and kissed her forehead.

"Willow?" Spike said as he tried to wake up the witch. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Spike," the redhead whispered. "Did we win?"

"Yeah, Pet." He replied with a smile. "We won."

"Yay us." She replied sleepily. "Can we go now?"

Gunn, Faith, Buffy, and Lindsey helped hack up the pieces a little more before throwing a powder on it that Wesley concocted, and watched the body parts fizzle to nothing.  Wesley and Spike carried their girlfriends to the cars while Cordelia followed them. The drive home was as silent as the ride there. This time, everyone was thinking how close they came to not only losing this battle, but also, the people that they had grown to love.

~Part Fifteen~

She woke up sniffing. {Was that.eggs?}

Everyone was so mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted last night after their fight against the Namilkaid demon, that they all went straight to their rooms, showered, and collapsed into a long, restful sleep.

And now, she was starving. And she smelled eggs. And bacon. She couldn't contain herself any longer. She had to get down there to the eggs. She opened her eyes and found a beautiful pair of blue ones watching her. The face and body attached to those eyes were lying on his side propped up on his elbow.

"Good morning." He said.

"Good morning to you." She replied. "Is that."

"Breakfast? Yes. Angel makes us a big breakfast after big battles like these."

"Angel?" She mused. "I didn't even know he could cook."

"C'mon, let's go get some food." He replied. "I'm sure a slayer without food is an angry slayer."

"Watch it, McDonald." Buffy replied with a playful smile. "I don't know you well enough to NOT kick your ass."

Lindsey laughed and got out of bed. He was wearing dark blue pajama pants. Buffy couldn't help but let a sigh escape her. Damn, he was beautiful. It was nice to just rest in someone's arms without the added worries of doubt coming from either of the two. It was like starting with a clean slate. Maybe she and Lindsey could take it slow and eventually fall in love, and.

"Buffy, you coming?" Lindsey asked as he interrupted her happy thoughts.

"Ummm, food. Right. Coming." She got out of bed and they headed to the door.

As they opened the door, they came upon an unusual sight.

"Spike, let go of me!"

"Would you relax, Red!"

"I smell eggs! I want!!" The redhead whined.

"I feel your pain, Wills." Buffy interjected.

"Buffy, make him move so I can get food." The witch cried. "Hungry. Need food."

"You guys are hilarious." Lindsey said chuckling.

"You think this is funny, mate?" Spike asked. "I thought the chit was sleepwalking. Wasn't using complete sentences and all."

"Humans tend to get that way after complete exhaustion and lots of sleep." Willow reminded the vampire. "Now let's go get food!"

As the four reached the kitchen, they all stopped short.

"Is that.French toast?"

"Why, yes William, it is." Angel replied as Faith and Wesley put eggs and bacon on all of the plates around the table.

"So, Spike has a thing for French toast." Faith mused. "Careful, Red."

Of course that's all it took for the redhead to blush. Fred began collecting the cooked French toast from Angel and sitting them on a big plate. "So,
everyone's still okay then?" She asked. "I mean, a-after last night."

"Whoa, how cool was it to have super powers?"

Cordelia asked as she took a piece of French toast and started eating it.

"Yeah, that WAS pretty cool." Lindsey added. "Thanks, Willow."

"You're welcome, Lindsey." She said with a smile.

Spike growled and she elbowed him in the ribs. "You have GOT to learn not growl every time I talk to some one. Do you understand?"

"But, Willow." The vampire started.

"Shush!" She replied.

The blonde vampire then took out a cigarette and lit it as he pouted.

"Hey, Blondie. No smoking in the kitchen with breakfast." Cordelia scolded.

"Definitely not around the eggs." Buffy added.

"I give up." The vampire sighed as he put out the cigarette and returned to sitting next to Willow.

"I'll be damned." Gunn said. "William the Bloody is whipped."

"Oh hush, Charles." Fred replied. "So are you."

"Yeah, CHARLES." Spike said as he chuckled.

"Now kids, stop it or there will be no breakfast for any of you." Angel said as he turned to the group at the table.

"Don't ruin my chances of more eggs, bleachhead." Buffy whispered to Spike.

"Buffy." Angel warned.

The blonde slayer pouted and Spike kissed Willow on the cheek before showing his evil smirk.

