Come Away

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: Joss & Co. owns all characters and places. Trust me, if I owned any of it, Spike would've NEVER thought he was in love with Buffy. Nora Jones owns the song, "Come Away With Me".

Rating: PG-13

Summary: I heard the song and thought of W/S. The AI crew gets a visitor.

Spoilers: Post S7 Buffy and Post S4 Angel. As per the rumors, Spike is now in LA helping the AI crew.

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel , Red's Soulmates, Willow's Lil Secret, Near Her Always, Willow Spike
Forever, Cyberline, Angelic Vamps, Rapture, and anyone else who has permission. If you do not, ask and I'll say yes.

To GP for wanting a new fic from me. To Inell for liking my fluff. :)


He still thinks about her. He wonders where she is and how she is doing. He didn't realize he'd miss her. He didn't realize his feelings for her until it was too late. Spike sat in the lobby of the new Angel Investigations with his feet on Wesley's desk, as he flipped through a book on magic. Just to feel connected to her.

The vampire left Sunnydale after the battle with the First and went to LA where he felt he would be needed, even though it was a humiliating experience to ask his grand sire to be a part of the team.  Angel graciously accepted and the group had been working together ever since. That's when he started dreaming about her. Her long red hair, her friendly and compassionate green eyes. She and the pouf emailed one another once a
month or so, just to keep the lines of communication open. He wished he had the stones to ask Angel where she was. Angel could let him know where his Red was, so that he could find her and see if these feelings were real.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Come away with me in the night
Come away with me and I will write
You a song
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

She stood outside the new offices of Angel Investigations. Could she do it? Could she walk in there and tell the guy that was sleeping with her best
friend that she loved him? ^How the hell did this happen?^ She asked herself. ^One minute, I was a pseudo happy lesbian, and now I'm in love with a vampire who happens to be MALE. Oh yeah, and he loves Buffy.^ She giggled realizing that she could be talking about both Angel and Spike. Except that although she did love Angel, it was the big brother kind of love. With William, it was so different. Maybe she was bisexual after all. ^Will he talk to me and let me explain why I'm here?^

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tint us
With their lies
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The sun was about to set and Spike needed some serious violence. Angel emerged from his office with Gunn and Wesley. Spike rolled his eyes as he stood.

"What?" He asked. "The threesome over with already?"

"Hey!" Gunn said, very offended. He and Spike had become good friends over the past few months, vampire rarely directed an insult his way. "I thought I was on YOUR side."

"Sorry, mate." Spike said as he looked at a horrified Wesley and very angry grandsire. "It was just too funny to pass up."

"Spike, we need to talk." Angel said.

"I'm not going in there alone with you, poufter." Spike replied playfully.

"Spike, this is serious." Angel said with urgency. "There's something about to happen and we need to talk."

"Let me guess." William the Bloody replied. "That's what the meeting in there was about." The three other men looked guilty. "So, it begs the question: Why didn't you wankers just let me in on it? Did you need to rehearse what you were going to say?"

"You know what, I got roped into that meeting." Gunn said. "I'm going patrol." He headed towards the weapons chest, while Wes looked too afraid to move. "You comin' English?"

Wesley and Gunn couldn't get out the door fast enough.

"I know it's not the soul." Angel said with a sigh. "So, is it." he hesitated to say the name. ".her?" he asked.

"Oh, there is a 'her', alright." Spike replied. "But not the 'her' you're thinking of. I've been over that one for a long time, grandpa."

"Well, do you think we could talk about it soon?" Angel asked. "You know, just to talk."

"Sure thing, pops." Spike replied, but his eyes said he'd like that very much. "But now, we have a bit of a situation. So, why not fill me in?"

"We have a new family member coming in to town, and I was wondering if you'd mind showing her the ropes." Angel announced.

"Oh, bloody hell, Peaches." Spike began to pace. "Don't try and set me up with anyone. I told you, I'm completely done with the slayer."

"Hey, look who we found outside." Gunn said as they opened the door to the office lobby.

Spike looked towards the door, and into the eyes of his beloved redhead. He began to think it was a dream.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And I want to walk with you on a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee high
So won't you try to come?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey guys." Willow said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Willow, it's good to see you." Angel said as he approached the redhead.

"Thanks for having me over." She replied as she gave him a quick hug, but heart felt hug. Then, there was an awkward silence as everyone looked around waiting for someone to say something.

"Red, what brings you out of hiding?" Spike asked, as he looked at her with his ice blue eyes.

^He doesn't want me here. I knew I'd remind him too much of Buffy. Why the hell did I come here? To get my heart broken, that's why.^ She then looked at Spike's cold blue orbs, and realized that he was waiting for an answer.

"Oh, I'm not.I mean, I wasn't hiding. I just figured everyone needed a break from one another for a while." She said. "You know, to clear our minds
so we could all move on."

"My mind is already clear." He replied ambiguously. He then saw the defeat in her eyes and stepped closer to her. "Can we talk?" He asked her in a soft, yet desperate voice.

"Sure." She replied. "That's why I'm here."

They looked around the office, ready to head to Angel's office, when they noticed that Angel had retreated there, and the two human warriors were gone.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked.

"It's a start." She replied with a smile.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountain top
Come away with me and I'll never stop
Loving you
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

They walked in silence for a few moments before someone finally spoke.

"I've been dreaming about you."

Spike stopped walking and looked at the witch in complete and utter surprise. He then chuckled. Willow looked at him questioningly. "That was going to be my opening line." He explained.

" dream about me?" She asked, astounded.

"Damn near every night." He replied softly. "I was getting so desperate to find you, I was about to ask Captain Hair Gel for his help."

Willow smiled. "So, what does it mean?" She finally asked.

"I don't know, but I'm willing to find out." He said sincerely.

"I think I love you, William." She whispered as she took a step closer to him.

He met her halfway and caressed her face. "I think I love you, too, Willow."

"So, what are you doing for the next few days?" She asked with mischief in her eyes.

"Why, what'd you have in mind?"

"Getting to know one another better." She stated. "I just bought a house on the beach. Will you come with me?"

"Anywhere you want to go, Red."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you

To come away with me in the night
Come away with me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

