Get Real

Author: Angel S.

Pairing: W/S (duh!)

Disclaimer: Joss & Co. owns all characters and places. Trust me, if I owned any of it, Spike would've NEVER thought he was in love with Buffy.

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Fluff. Let's see where it takes us...

Spoilers: Season 5 and before. Of course, there was not Spuffy.

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel , Red's Soulmates, Willow's Lil Secret, Near Her Always, Willow Spike Forever, Cyberline, Angelic Vamps, Rapture, and anyone else who has permission. If you do not, ask and I'll say yes.

To Shar for being such a great friend.
To GP just because.
**To Inell for being my favorite fic writer. More fluff for ya, hon!**


~Part: 1~

"So, what makes you think this plan will work?" Xander asked.

"Because, moron, it makes sense." Spike replied.

The Scooby gang plus Spike had congregated to decide the fate of a particularly nasty demon. Buffy and Riley had made a few suggestions, but each scenario had her, or one of the gang getting killed. Finally, Willow had come up with a plan that would keep the human and vampire casualties nonexistent while effectively killing the powerful demon.

"Wonderful." Giles said before the Xander and Spike began bickering again. "We have a plan. I suggest we meet back here tomorrow and do some extra training. I'll see you all around 4 o'clock." He then turned to the redhead. "A truly clever plan, Willow."

"Thanks." Willow said as she smiled at the watcher.

"Yeah, way to go Wills." Buffy added. She then stood. "Riley and I are going patrol."

"You need a ride home, Will?" Xander asked. Anya elbowed him, but the carpenter ignored his girlfriend.

"No thanks, Xand." Willow replied after having seen Anya's reaction.

"Willow, I'd really rather you not walk home alone." Giles stated.

"He's right Willow." Buffy said.

"Wouldn't want anything happening to my bestest bud." Xander added.

"Don't worry about it, Xapper," Spike said. "I'll walk the witch home."

"Thanks Spike." Willow said quietly as she gathered her things.

The group dispersed and headed in opposite directions. After a few minutes the vampire stopped. Willow stopped and turned to him as she raised an eyebrow.

"Where to m'lady?" Spike asked.

"Where do you think?" She asked with a smile.

"It's pretty late, Red." Spike replied. "Are you sure you're up for it?"

"Are you sure YOU'RE up for it?" She answered with a smirk.

"Who taught you to be such a smart ass, witch?"

"I'm going out on a limb here, VAMPIRE, and say it was you."

"Fine," he said with an overly dramatic sigh. "Let's get going."

The two doubled back and headed towards the Magic Box.

"What do you think they'd do if they knew this was going on?" Willow asked Spike with mischief in her voice.

"You mean, which one would stake me first?" He asked as they walked into the training room in the back of the store. Willow laughed. He loved to hear her laugh. It was pretty rare for a while after the wolf left, but since they had decided to start spending time together, she laughed more. He liked that.

Willow took off her big sweater and was wearing a black tank top. As she unzipped her skirt, Spike took off his duster. When he turned to look at the redhead again, she was in the tank top and biker shorts.

"You ready for me baby?" Spike asked with a smirk.

"Bring it on, Big Bad." She replied.

The vampire lunged for her as she sidestepped to the left, leaving her right foot in place, effectively tripping him. He stumbled, but managed to maintain his balance after a few seconds.

"Very nice." He said with a smile.

"Yup!" she replied with a big grin. "Didn't even break a sweat."

The two sparred and exchanged witty quips for the next two hours. Finally, Willow sat on the floor, exhausted. Spike headed over to the hacker with her bottle of water and sat next to her.

"You're really good at this stuff, Red." He said. "You've learned a hell of a lot since we first started."

"Thanks Spike." She replied after taking several gulps of water. The two sat in comfortable silence for the next few minutes until she spoke again. "Spike?"

"What is it, Luv?"

"I can't move. Will you carry me home?" She asked.

"Nope." He said with a smile.

"I knew you were evil," she stated. "But, that's just.*evil*."

"C'mon Red." He said as he stood and then helped her up. "Lucky for you I drove."

~Part: 2~

Willow slept until 11am. She skipped class because nothing really happens on Fridays. By the time she'd reached the Magic Box, she knew she could get some extra research in without interruption since she was early.

"Giles!" She called out as she walked in.

"He's in back cataloging."  Anya told the hacker. "He should be done soon."

"Oh, it's no hurry, I just wanted him to know that I'm here finishing up on research." Willow told the ex-demon. Anya went back to work. Willow stretched her sore muscles before sitting and getting her laptop out of her bag. She and Spike had a really intense workout last night. She booted up the computer and waited for it to do its thing.

Meanwhile, Giles was coming in from one of the back rooms chastising someone. "I still don't see why you can't announce your presence when you enter a room." The watcher yelled.

~Spike~  Willow thought with a smile.

"What's the fun in that, Rupes?" Spike asked as he strolled in behind the watcher with a mischievous grin on his face.

"You scared me half to death, you nitwit!" Giles replied.

"Oh, sorry about that." He said completely insincere. "I forgot how you're getting up there in the age department." He sat on the table next to Willow's computer as Giles glared at him. "Wouldn't want to give you a heart attack or what all."

Willow tried her best to stifle her chuckle, but just couldn't do it.

"It's the middle of the day, what are you doing here anyway?" Giles asked the vampire.

"Got bored." Spike replied as he started looking through Willow's things. The redhead did not stop her work as she slapped the vampire's hand. "Ouch." He said directly, but quietly to her. She looked up and smiled at him.

"The least you can do is make yourself useful." Giles said as he handed Spike a book, with a list of things to look for.

"Bloody hell." Spike mumbled as he sat next to the witch.

"You're the one that came in and announced how bored you were." Willow said just as quietly, but with a smirk.

"Is that something else I taught you?" He asked her.

"What?" The hacker answered innocently.

"That bloody smirk." He said playfully.

Willow once again feigned innocence. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She replied as she continued working on the computer.

"You know, next time we spar, I won't go as easy on you." Spike said with a smug smile on his face.

"Yeah, because you've been going so easy on me for the past couple of months." She replied sarcastically. "Give it up, vamp boy. I can kick some serious ass and you know it. We prove that every night that we patrol together."

Before Spike could retort, the door opened.

"Hey," Buffy said in greeting.

"Oh, terrific." Spike said silently to the redhead, sarcasm evident in his voice. "The slayer."

"Be nice." Willow said equally as softly. She then paused and said. "Alright, just keep your mouth shut."

He smirked at her and sat back in his chair. Just then, Xander walked in. "Please." She added desperately, but knew the temptation would be too great for Spike to pass up.

^She babbles so cute. Her little nervous ticks are adorable.^ Spike said to himself as he watched the redhead get ready to diffuse a potentially disastrous situation.

"Hey Giles, I was thinking." Buffy started.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Spike asked. Willow and Anya tried to hide their laughter.

"Why are you even here?" The slayer asked. Before he could answer, she turned back to Giles who was no longer facing her. "Are you laughing, Giles?"

The watcher turned to Buffy. "Don't be ridiculous, Buffy." He answered as he avoided her gaze and started wiping his glasses with a handkerchief. He knew that if she looked into his eyes she would see that he was lying. "Now, what were you saying?"

"Oh, I think maybe Wills should learn some self defense techniques just in case there are any surprises later." The slayer finished.

"Um, Buffy." Willow started.

"Right good idea there, slayer." Spike said as he suddenly stood. "I'm sure Red here can use the exercise."

"Let's do it." Xander said as everyone except Anya headed to the training room.

"What are you doing?" Willow whispered to Spike as they went in behind the rest of the Scooby gang.

"I think it's about time to show these stupid wankers what you can really do." He replied.

"Spike, I don't know." She said.

"But I DO know." He said before she could finish her sentence.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Hell yeah." He replied as they entered the training room.

~Part: 3~

As Spike and Willow entered the practice room, the slayer began to take charge.

"Okay Will," she began. "I'm going to show you how t."

Spike interrupted. "Why don't you just try and attack her, instead of trying to explain something she won't get without the visual?"

"Wow." Xander said. "Evil Dead has a point."

"Fine." Buffy said annoyed. "You ready Wills?" The redhead nodded. Buffy charged, but didn't really want to do damage to her friend. Willow pulled the same move she did the night before with Spike by stepping to the left and keeping her right foot out. The slayer tripped over the witch's foot and stumbled. However, unlike Spike, Buffy actually fell.

The vampire doubled over with laughter. "Oh, do it again. Please!" He begged in between the laughter.

"Good thinking Willow." Giles said.

"Hey, the less I have to break a sweat, the better." The redhead replied with a smile.

"Okay, different technique." Buffy said good-naturedly. "Ready Willow?"

The slayer decided to up the ante by actually using a little strength. She swung at the witch, but Willow blocked with a very nice outer block with one arm, before turning and elbowing Buffy on the back of the head with her other arm. Once again, the slayer stumbled forward, defeated.

"Wow, Willow." Riley said as he watched. "Nice move. I'm thoroughly impressed."

"Yeah Will." Buffy said as she stood. "Where'd you learn to do that?"

"And why didn't you tell us?" Xander added.

"You didn't ask." Willow replied. "You also didn't notice." They looked away with guilt on their faces. "I just figured you'd be happy being blissfully ignorant."

"Definitely describes them, doesn't it?" Spike added. He walked over to Willow. "You were brilliant, Luv."

"It's all because of you." She replied. "Thanks."

"I only taught the moves, Red." He retorted. "Instinct is something that's already known."

"You mean, YOU taught her?" Buffy asked, completely stunned.

"But how? When?" Xander added, equally as flustered as the slayer.

"It's not like you two are always around." Willow answered. "Buffy, you and Riley are always together. Xander, so are you and Anya. I'm not sitting alone somewhere in a catatonic state until you two decide you need me for research. I have a life, too, ya know."

"One night, after you all abandoned her after patrol, Red asked me if I'd help her learn hand to hand for when she had to walk home alone because none of you lot wanted to interrupt your shag fests long enough to make sure she made it home safely." Spike informed the gang.

"Where did you practice?" Buffy asked softly.

"Right here." Willow answered. "Look, guys, I'm not angry that you have someone in your lives. I just wanted to do this for me."

"She's a good student, my Red is." Spike said proudly. "You should see her on patrol. Couple what she knows now with a few floating spells, and she kicks ass."

"Well, how long has this been going on?" Xander asked.

"About 2 and a half months, I'd say." Giles answered.

"You knew we were using this place?" Willow asked.

"Of course." Giles replied. "Why do think I gave you that extra key, Willow?"

"Ummm, just in case something happened and I needed to rush over and get magic supplies?" She asked innocently.

"Nice try, Red." Spike said.

"So, what's in it for you, Spike?" Buffy added.

"Were you not here just a few minutes ago when she knocked you down off of your high horse?" Spike asked the slayer. "That was all the payment I needed." He chuckled as he pictured it again.

"Do you guys realize what this means?" Riley asked.

"Fighting this demon tonight is going to be a lot easier than we thought." Buffy answered.

"Right. That and Willow's plan is going to give us an advantage." Giles added.

"Alright, let's go over it a few more times to make sure everyone knows what they're doing." Willow announced.

"Good idea, Red." Spike replied. "I'm going for a smoke. Don't start without me."

Spike went out back where he knew there was shade. The sun wasn't going to set for another couple of hours. He lit a cigarette and stared at the back door, deep in thought. He couldn't be more proud of his witch today if she'd put on a leather mini-skirt and corset. ^Now, there's a thought. Gods above, she's amazing. It doesn't matter what she wears. I'm crazy about the chit.^

"And I have no idea when it happened." He said aloud.

"When what happened?" A voice asked.

"Willow." He quickly stood. "What are doing out here? I thought you were inside with the others."

"They sent me out to come and get you so we could get started." She replied.

"Oh." He said. "Right then. Let's get a move on." He started for the door.

"When WHAT happened?" She asked for the second time.

"We really don't have time for this, Red." He replied. "You know those impatient idiots. They'll be out here whining before you know it."

"You're right." The redhead conceded. "But this conversation is not over, Mr. Big Bad."

~Part: 4~

After the final preparations were made, the gang ventured out to defeat the evil that dared to threaten the inhabitants of Sunnydale.

Buffy and Riley entered the old high school through the front of its charred ruins. Xander and Giles took the back entrance. Willow and Spike headed in through the hole that used to be the back wall of the library.

Buffy and Riley were first to enter. The demons expected this attack and went full force against the slayer and the commando, leaving the ingredients to their spell to open the Hellmouth unguarded. Giles and Xander made a run for the supplies but figured out their mistake as a vampire came out of hiding and attacked. Willow and Spike showed up in time to see Buffy fighting two demons, and Riley sprawled on the ground unconscious. Willow quietly chanted a short phrase and the still unguarded ingredients exploded. Three more vampires came out of hiding as Spike headed to one of the demons fighting the slayer.

Willow saw one of the stakes that Buffy dropped upon arrival and floated it through one of the three vamps approaching her. Giles and Xander managed to stake the vampire they were fighting and set out to even the odds against the redhead. Willow ducked the first punch and blocked the second. However, the vamp kicked out and the redhead flew a few feet away against a column. Meanwhile, Spike used a sword the demon dropped to decapitate it, as Buffy continued to fight hers.

"A little help here!" She screamed at Spike. However, the bleached blonde had already seen the fledgling kick his Red into near unconsciousness. Without even a look back at the slayer, Spike threw the sword and it pierced the second demon's heart. Spike ran for the vamp that hurt his witch, but suddenly found himself unable to move. He looked toward the column where Willow was to discover the witch had picked herself up and was ready to finish this fight.

Spike smiled at the redhead. She released her hold on him and he called to her. "Are you sure?" She replied with a solid nod and marched toward the vampire that assaulted her. The vamp tried to kick her again, but she blocked it and replaced it with a kick of her own, which connected with the vampire's chin. It stumbled backwards and Willow rushed in and kicked it again.

This time, Spike winced and said, "Not in the jewels, Luv." He continued to watch as Willow punched the vamp with an upper cut that made it fall on its backside.

"Hey Will!" Buffy yelled. Willow looked towards the slayer who was tossing her a stake. The redhead caught it, and dusted the last vamp. She looked up to see the look of pride in Giles' eyes, admiration in Xander's eyes, and sheer happiness in Buffy's eyes. Riley was finally coming to when Buffy bounced happily and squealed. "Will! You were SO amazing!!!" Spike just stood in the background and let the witch's friends finally realize how special she is.

Later, at the Summers' home, Joyce made everyone hot cocoa and added extra marshmallows for Spike as the gang told their story of the redhead that kicked ass. Just as quietly as he sat and watched his witch with total adoration, he decided it was time to leave her with her friends and he headed for the front door.

However, Willow saw the vampire leave the kitchen and followed him.

"Hey." She called softly. The former poet turned.

"You really should get back in there, Luv." He said. "You don't want to miss all that praise they're giving you. Finally." He added with a smirk.

"I don't want praise, Spike." She said as she walked closer to him. "I never wanted praise. I just wanted to be able to take care of myself, that's all." She paused and looked at her feet before returning her focus to his questioning crystal blue eyes. "And I have you to thank for that." She bridged the final gap between herself and the vampire as she stood on her tiptoes and caressed his face with her hand before lightly brushing her lips against his.

Spike was so stunned, he couldn't move until it was too late and she had backed away from him. She smiled at the vampire and motioned to the doorway where the group in the kitchen had begun to disperse.

"Hey Willster," Xander said as he entered the front room. "We're going Bronzing, you game?"

"Nah, I'm beat." Willow replied. "Thanks for asking. I think I'll just head home."

"I'll walk you." Spike said.

The two walked towards the redhead's home in a comfortable silence.

~Part: 5~

Willow and Spike reached Willow's neighborhood. Neither one noticed that they had slowed their steps considerably. When they finally reached the front door, Willow spoke.

"Well, this is me." The redhead announced.

"So it is." Spike replied. He didn't want to leave her just yet, but didn't know how to invite himself in without seeming obvious.  ^When did I become such a bloody ponce?^

"You wanna come in for while?" Willow asked shyly.

The vampire smiled a genuine smile, and Willow thought it was the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen. "I'll take that as a yes." She said cheerfully as she turned and opened the door.

"So, what do you want to do?" He asked after she disappeared into the kitchen. "Watch movies? Listen to music?" He had taken to shifting his weight from one foot to the other, just like a shy schoolboy.

"You know, we could just talk." She said as she came back from the kitchen with a mug of blood for Spike and a soda for herself.

"Right then," he replied as he took the offered mug and sat on the sofa. Willow sat on the other end. "You first." He instructed.

"What were you talking about yesterday when you were talking to yourself outside?" She asked.

^Oh shit.^  "It's none of your concern, luv." He replied nervously.

"Then, why won't you look me in the eye?" she asked.

^Oh, bugger it!^ "Are you sure you want to know, Red?" He asked her with an intense look in his crystal clear blue eyes. "Once it's out, there's no taking it back."

She faced him and looked him in the eyes. "I'm a big girl, William. If I can't handle it, then I shouldn't be fighting evil and being good friends with a

He took a deep, unneeded breath. He looked at her again to make sure she was ready to hear what he had to say. He then stood and started pacing. Willow was getting impatient, so she cleared her throat to bring him back to the topic at hand.

"Right then," He said as he noticed her irritation. "Recently, I've been noticing a change."

"A change in what?" She asked.

^Bloody hell. She's completely oblivious.^ "You know what? Forget it." He headed to the door, grabbing his duster from the coat rack.

"Oh no you don't, mister!" She vaulted over the back of the sofa, ran past him, and stood with her back to the door, guarding it.

"Re-ed. Is this necessary?" He whined.

"Apparently." She replied. "Now talk."

"Fine." He said with new determination. "The change is in me." He paused. "In my feelings toward you."

She looked at him as everything clicked. "You mean you hate me as much as the other Scoobies now?" she asked playfully.

"See?" He said as he started pacing again. "I knew this was a bad idea. You have no clue what I'm trying to say, which means you'd never go for it." He paused and leaned against the wall. "Can I just go now?" He asked dejectedly.

"I guess." She replied ambivalently. The vampire put on his duster and reached for the door.

"You're still standing there." He said, not wanting to look at her and see the disgust of having a monster in love with you.

"Oh, right." She replied. She stepped towards the blonde and looked up into his eyes. He finally looked down at her in awe. Just then, she gently pulled his face to hers and kissed him lightly on the lips. Once again, the vampire was too much in shock to respond. She pulled him flush against her and parted his lips with her tongue. Finally, the vampire realized what was happening and returned the kiss with fervor. After a few moments, the two pulled apart.

"Damn it, Spike." The witch said. "You know I'm not stupid."


"I knew exactly what you meant." It was her turn to pause. "And I feel the same way."

His arms tightened around her waist. "Are you sure about this?" He asked, as their foreheads leaned against one another. He was afraid of the answer.

"I think I'm in love with you." She replied. "Does that answer your question?"

"It'll do." He answered with a smirk.

"What the hell is this?" A voice from the now open door asked furiously.

"What brings you to Sunnyhell, Paingel?"

~Part: 6~

"Don't start with me, boy." Angel said angrily. "What the hell are you doing to Willow?"

"Obviously nothing she doesn't want me to do, you wanker." Spike replied.

Angel began to walk towards his petulant grand childe and teach him some respect. However, the barrier at the door didn't agree with his plan. The dark vampire bounced off of the barrier and landed on his butt.

Spike immediate went into fits of laughter. In between his fits, he managed to say, "Between Slutty and the Pouf, I'm never gonna stop laughing."

Angel immediately stood, more determined than ever. He pulled a stake from nowhere and stood as close to the invisible barrier as he possibly could. "Willow, invite me in." He said in restrained anger.

"Are you going to stake him?" Willow asked calmly as Spike finally stood up and put his arm around her waist. Angel glared at the blonde and looked at the redhead.

"No. I won't stake him." He replied bitterly.

"Ask him if he'll find a way to dust me." Spike said to his witch.

"You heard him." Willow said, resolve face in place.

"Willow, he." Angel started.

"I'm waiting on an answer, Angel." Willow interrupted.

"Wait a minute." Spike said. "What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

"What?" Angel asked in complete confusion.

"Why aren't you with Slutty the Vampire Layer?" Spike continued his questioning. "Did you honestly think you could go after my Red and nothing would happen?" At this point, Spike was seething with rage.

"Spike, I think you're jumping to conclusions here." Willow said to her new boyfriend. "Right?" she asked Angel.

"I couldn't go to Buffy's place." Angel explained. "Not with that commando asshole around." He looked at his feet, and then looked his grand childe in the eye. "Spike, I love Willow."

"Excuse me?" Willow asked in total shock. Spike's eyes turned gold.

"Like my little sister." Angel replied with a smirk. He knew he could get a rise out of Spike easily with that first comment. "Now, please invite me in, Willow. Giles sent me over to discuss a few theories with you."

"Why didn't Rupes call to let us know?" Spike asked, still suspicious. Just then, the phone rang. Willow walked over and answered.

"Hello?.Oh, hey Giles.Yes, he's here.Sure, I know exactly where that is.I'll give it to him. No problem.Okay, bye Giles." She hung up the phone. "Come on in, Angel. I'll just grab what you need and be right back." She ran up the stairs and left the two vampires glaring at one another.

Angel stepped inside and closed the door. Spike continued to glare.

"Don't hurt her, boy." Angel warned. "I haven't forgotten my torture methods."

"Don't threaten me, grandpa." Spike spat back. "I don't need your advice on how to treat the woman I love."

Angel looked into his grand childe's eyes. "And you do, don't you?" He stated.

"Do what?" Willow asked as she came down the stairs with books in her hands.

"Love you." Spike said, without hesitation. Angel smiled with pride. Willow dropped the books.

Spike ran over to help her pick them up, followed by Angel. "Are you okay, Willow?" Angel asked.

"Yeah," she replied, a little light-headed. "I just wasn't expecting him to say it yet."

"On that note, I'll take these and head to the hotel." Angel said. "Here's where I'm staying." He handed Willow a piece of paper. "I'll let you know if I find anything."

"Look at all of the marked places first, I think you might find what you're looking for." Willow added as Angel walked out.

"Thanks Willow." Angel said and shut the door behind him.

Spike and Willow stood silently for a few moments before she gestured for them to move back to the sofa.

"So," Spike said, cursing himself for not having the right words to say.

"So," Willow replied. "You really love me back?" She asked quiet.

He moved closer to her and tilted her head so that her forest green eyes were looking into his ice blue ones. "More than anything." He answered.

" what?" Willow asked. She saw the mischievous smirk on his face and regretted asking.

"Now," he replied pulling her into his arms where she snuggled up to him. "We find the most fun and inventive way to tell the slayer and the moron that would most brass them off."

"You are truly bad." She said as she giggled, picturing the looks on everyone's faces.

"And don't you forget it, pet." He replied as he pulled her close and kissed her again.

~Part: 7~

The next evening, the Scooby gang met at the Magic Box.  Giles was deep into research mode. Willow was typing away at the computer with Spike at her side flipping pages, but not really reading. He was too busy being especially amused at the status of everyone in the store. Anya was behind the register. Xander was holding a big dusty book, looking extremely annoyed and disconcerted.  Riley was practically standing at attention, he was so stiff and tensed up as he glowered. Buffy was looking quite uncomfortable and uneasy as she shifted in her chair every few seconds. And then there was Angel. Tall, dark, and handsome discussing theories with Giles while Willow double-checked everything on her laptop. Every few minutes, Willow had to elbow Spike in the ribs to keep him from laughing out loud at the tension in the room.

Finally Xander spoke up. "I'm going to get pizza." He stood.

"Why can't we just have it delivered?" Spike asked with a smirk.

"Because I want go get it." Xander retorted irately.

"Xander," Giles said with a sigh. "Call and order it, then go and pick it up when it's ready." He took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "There is no point in wasting valuable time sitting at the pizza place when there is research to be done."

"Fine." Xander said as he stood and headed for the telephone.

Angel leaned over to Willow. "Does he really have the number memorized?" he asked as Xander dialed the number.

"Come on, grandpa," Spike answered. "This IS Xapper we're talking about."

The dark haired vampire grinned and leaned back in his chair as he returned to studying his book.

"Since when did you two get so chummy?" Xander asked the two vampires as he headed back toward his chair.

"When we both discovered that we really and truly believe you're a moron." Spike replied as he leaned back in his chair and put his feet on the table.

"Don't start with me, junior." Xander replied crossly.

"Guys, stop it, okay." Buffy finally spoke. Everyone in the shop turned to look at the slayer. The blonde suddenly found the floor extremely interesting. She took a deep breath and let it out. "Why don't some of us do a patrol?" she offered.

"Good idea, Buffy." Willow said. "My eyes are starting to melt in front of this screen. Plus, I could use the exercise." The slayer was about to interrupt. "As a matter of fact, we'll split up, and get a lot more done so we can get back here and have that pizza."

"Bloody brilliant, pet!" Spike said excitedly. Willow was afraid of why Spike was all gung ho about this idea. She held her breath as he continued. "You and I can go together, Riley and Xapper can realize how attracted they are to one another, and the slayer can go with the pouf."

"Like hell!" Riley screamed.

"Don't even think about it, boy." Angel said calmly.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." Willow added.

"You are so going to be dust." Buffy amended.

"Are you nuts?" Xander asked.

Of course, all of these answers were shouted at the same time.

Willow quietly stood and screamed. "QUIET!!" Everyone stopped bickering and looked at the normally quiet redhead. "Now THIS is how it's going to play: We split into two teams. Angel, Xander, and Riley." They all moved to protest, but was immediately 'shushed' by the witch. "And, Spike, Buffy, and myself. I leave no room for argument." Xander moved to speak up again, but was once again stopped by Willow, who pointed to herself. "Resolve face." She added.

Fifteen minutes later had a very jumpy Xander, Riley in commando mode, and Angel, who looked as if he was just going for a nightly stroll.

"Why aren't you all broody anymore?" Xander asked, trying to break the unbearable tension.

"No reason to be." Angel replied.

"Still cryptic, though." Riley said under his breath.

"Yeah, dumb ass, with vampire hearing." Angel told the commando. "Remember?"

"Who the hell are you calling dumb ass?" Riley stood tall.

"If the army boot fits." Angel said with an Angelus smirk. He knew he was getting to commando.

"Guys, guys." Xander interrupted, trying to keep the peace. "Let's not do the 'try do beat each other to death' thing because you have a slayer in common, okay? Let's really piss Spike off by actually getting along."

"Wow, Xander," Angel told the carpenter. "You're not as brain dead as I thought. I like that idea."

"I'm going to ignore that first part, dead boy."

Xander said with a half smile. "What about you Agent Finn? You up for making Spike mad?"

A slow smile spread across the young commando's face as he faced the other two men. "All systems are a-go. Let's do some patrolling guys, and take our aggressions out on some demons who deserve it."

"Right behind you, soldier boy." Angel replied. The three men went into search and destroy mode as the entered the cemetery.

"Seriously," Xander told Angel. "What's with the non broodiness?"

~Part: 8~

A few minutes later, a few blocks away.

Willow made sure she stayed in between Spike and Buffy, for fear of violence that would definitely rear it's head before they even got to the bad guys.

"I still don't see why HE had to be in our group." Buffy complained.

"Yeah, 'cause you're a real picnic to be around." Spike countered dryly.

"You DO realize I have no problem staking you, right?" the slayer asked petulantly.

"YOU do realize that I'd rather patrol with someone who has an IQ that's higher than most common household plants, right?" Spike retorted.

"Guys, that's enough!" Willow scolded. She stopped walking, which caused them to stop walking. "Now," she took a deep breath. "We need one vampire in each group." She turned to Buffy. "Which means Angel would have to be in our group, if not Spike."

"And?" Buffy asked. "Why couldn't we have that?"

"Because," Spike answered before Willow had a chance to do so first. "Your friendly neighborhood commando wouldn't want you running around in the dark with your ex honey, you stupid bint." He looked up to the sky. "Common household plants." He repeated with a sigh.

"Ohmigosh!" The slayer squealed. "I can't believe I forgot about Riley!"

"So, you see, it really did have to be this way." Willow summarized.


"Yes, my favorite whiney vampire?" The redhead responded.

"I am NOT whiney!" Spike said gruffly as he puffed out his chest. "I'm the Big Bad."

"The Big Bad whiner." Buffy said as they continued walking through the graveyard.

"Red?" Spike asked again.

"Hmm?" Willow replied.

"I'm bored." The vampire told his witch.

"Spike, I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do about that." She stated.

"Yeah, dumb ass." Buffy added. "Just shut up and deal with it."

"Says the village idiot!" Spike retorted to the slayer.

"Okay," Willow said. "The bantering is going to stop, and the boredom is about to go away."

Spike leaned and whispered in her ear. "Why? What'd you have in mind, pet?"

"Not me." The witch replied. "Them." She pointed to the 6 vamps headed their way.

"Is it me, or are they running away from something?" Buffy asked.

"It does look like their trying to get away from something." Willow agreed.

Just then, Angel in game face, Riley and Xander came from the direction where the vampires were escaping.

"You've gotta be bloody kidding me!" Spike screamed in disbelief. "They're running from YOU wankers?" The first one finally reached Spike. He stopped it with a punch to the face, followed by a kick to the stomach. Buffy faced off with the second one. He punched, but she ducked and swept her foot so that the vamp fell on its back. The slayer then flipped up and staked it. The third one had tried to surprise attack Spike.

However, the blue-eyed demon raised his left arm and elbowed the fledgling in the face, sending it falling back. Spike continued to use the momentum of his arm in a forward motion to ram a stake into the heart of the vamp standing in front of him.

Willow was standing waiting for the vampire behind to Spike to notice she was there. Once Spike elbowed it, it fell back and quickly stood.

"I was wondering when you were going to notice me. It's not like I'm not cute or anything." The redhead quipped. Xander and Riley had staked the vamp they were trading punches with, as Angel pulled a stake out of nowhere and finished off the last one. All looked on as the vampire facing Willow smiled and marched right up to her just before she did a spinning side-kick and caught it in the throat.

"When did she learn how to do that?" Angel asked Xander.

The vampire swept one of its feet under her a little too late. She'd jumped up and landed yet another kick to the fledgling's face. She pulled a stake from the back of her jeans and dusted the vampire before it knew what was happening. Everyone was silent.

"Now THAT was fun."

"Willow, luv. That's supposed to be MY line." Spike said to the redhead.

"Sorry." The witch replied.

"And what's with the witty one liners?" Buffy asked. "That's MY job."

"Except that Red's one liners are actually witty." Spike stated.

"Seriously, Willow." Angel said. "Did Spike teach you that?"

"Yeah, can you believe it?" Riley added.

"Boggles the mind." Angel agreed.

"When did you two get so chummy?" Spike asked suspiciously.

"Come on guys, let's just get back." Xander said.

"Oh, I get it!" Spike said when no one answered him. "I thought that Xapper and the commando would get together. I was wrong. It's the pouf and the commando that decided they were meant for one another." Willow elbowed him in the ribs, but William the Bloody just chuckled. "Look out moron," he continued. "With Paingel and soldier boy getting together, Slutty's going to be looking for another piece of meat to jump on."

"Spike!" The group yelled in unison. The vampire just smirked and lit a cigarette.

Everyone walked back to the Magic Box, Willow and Spike behind everyone else so that they could walk with his arm around her.

~Part: 9~

After arriving at the Magic Box, everyone took a seat and reported to the watcher.

"Erm, Angel." Giles addressed the dark vampire. "Did you find what you were looking for, or do we need to research this further?"

"No, actually." Angel replied. "I found everything I needed last night. Thank you."

"So, why are you still here?" Anya asked. Giles, Riley and Xander all looked at Buffy. Spike chuckled.

"I stayed in case they needed backup." Angel stated calmly.

"They who?" Buffy asked.

"We can talk about it tomorrow." Angel decided, as he saw the look of sheer fright on Willow's face. "I'm exhausted."

"Can't keep up with the young ones anymore, can you, grandpa?" Spike asked, playfully.

Willow smacked the blonde vampire across the head.

"Yeah, let's call it a night." Xander agreed.

"Meet here tomorrow around sunset?" Willow asked.

"Yes, yes of course." Giles replied as the group dispersed.

Later, at Willow's place.

"That was awfully nice of Angel, wasn't it?" Willow asked Spike as they cuddled on the sofa watching TV.

"Of course it was." Spike replied. "What part of pouf do you people not get?"

"Spike," Willow chided as she tried not to laugh.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"Tell me something about your human days." Willow asked.

"Like what?" He asked, rather surprised by her interest in his human self.

"Surprise me." She said with a smile as she turned so that they were lying on the sofa facing one another.

"I was a hopeless romantic." He said honestly.

"Now that was something I was expecting, in the way that it.wasn't." She stated. "Tell me more, because I thought you got your name, William the Bloody, before you were a vampire."

"I did." He said, before looking at anything else in the room except her.

"Spike," she used her finger to turn his face to hers once again. He saw acceptance in her deep green eyes.

"I was known as William the Bloodyarchrulet." He told her as he mumbled the last part of the name. She arched an eyebrow at him. "I said, I was known as William the Bloody Awful Poet." He sat up. "There. Happy?"

"Yeah." She answered simply. "I never believed you would ever tell me something so personal about part of the Scourge of Europe." She tried to hold back the tears in her eyes as he looked at her. "I never knew you trusted me this much."

The vampire leaned back to his original position on the sofa. "With my unlife, pet." He replied and pulled her closer.

"You were a hopeless romantic because you wrote poetry." She stated.

"Bloody Awful poetry." He added.

"I like to think it makes you a hopeful romantic." She replied.

He kissed her forehead and trailed kisses down her face. "It's time for you to get some rest, luv."  He said softly. "All that demon fighting must have you exhausted."

"It does." She agreed.

"Okay, I'll get going before the sun comes up." He stood and softly kissed her lips. "I'll see you tomorrow, Willow."



"I want you to stay here." She replied. "Get your mind out of the gutter, mister." She added when she saw the twinkle in his eyes.

"I know you're not ready for that, pet." He said.

"So, will you stay with me?" She asked softly, afraid of a negative response.

"Of course, luv." He replied. "Now, let's get you to sleep." He picked her up and carried her upstairs to her room. "Don't think that just because I'm in love with you, that you'll get out of training."

"I understand." She replied acceptingly. "Maybe once we start shagging, you'll give me a break every now and then."

"Shagging?" Spike asked as he smiled a genuine smile. "I am SUCH a bad influence on you, pet." He said before taking off his boots and crawling into bed with her.

"Trust me." She replied. "That's a good thing."

"I love you, Red." Spike said as she curled herself around him.

"I love you, too, my William." Willow answered as she drifted off to sleep.

Spike, however stayed awake for at least another hour so he could watch her sleep.

~Part: 10~

The next day, Willow and Spike slept in, later than usual. The redhead scrunched her nose and stretched as she left the comfort of sleep. She'd slept better than she had in quite some time. She rolled over to check the clock to see what time it was and noticed the muscular arm across her stomach.

Willow studied Spike's sleeping face. So beautiful. So peaceful. So innocent looking. She giggled. If the Big Bad knew she thought he looked innocent she'd never hear the end of it. She also noticed his hair in its natural state. It was wavy and soft. She wondered why he didn't wear it that way more often, instead of slicked back. And he always makes fun of Angel's hair products, she thought to herself. When her eyes moved over his face again, she noticed something different. A cerulean blue eye was looking back at her. Two, now that you mention it.

"What?" He asked sleepily.

"Just wondering what I did to deserve you." She replied.

"Not bloody likely." He retorted. "I'm the one that died and went to heaven." He got up on one elbow and rested his head against his hand. "You are so stunning. You're intelligent, you're unique, and you want me? How lucky am I?"

As if on cue, the witch blushed and sat up to look at the alarm clock. "Is it really 4:30 in the afternoon?" She asked.

"Well, I didn't change the clock, luv." Spike said with a chuckle. "I guess you're keeping my hours now."

"I can live with that." She replied with a smile. Suddenly, it hit her. She sat up and got out of bed. "Well, let's get going."


"Spike, I want us to be together." She started.

"We ARE together, Red." He replied, confusion evident on his face.

She walked back to the bed. "But I want EVERY one to know."

"You're going to tell them?" He asked. She nodded happily. "You going to work some mojo where I don't turn to dust once the stake goes through my heart?"

"Oh, Spike, you're over reacting." The witch replied. He raised his scarred eyebrow in question. "Besides, that's why Angel stayed. He's going to help us out if things get a little out of hand." The vampire still didn't look convinced. She kissed his lips softly. "There's blood in the fridge. I'm going to take a shower. I'll see you in a few." She practically bounced out of the bedroom door and headed to the rest room.


Just after sunset, there was a knock on the door. Willow and Spike were watching television, after the redhead had dinner.

"Who is that?" She wondered out loud as she stood and walked to the front door. "Who is it?" She called out.

"It's Angel." The person on the other side of the door said.

"Go away!" Spike yelled in a singsong voice.

"Spike." Willow chided as she opened the door. "Hey Angel." She said with a smile. "Don't mind him. He's a little nervous." She motioned for him to come in, which he did.

"I am NOT nervous!" Spike denied vehemently.

"That's why I'm here. I figured I'd drive you guys out there before I head back home." Angel said as he sat in the recliner. "But, now I think I'll just head back to L.A. I have all the information I came here for. Who cares if Captain Peroxide gets staked?"

"You do." Willow replied with a playful scowl. "I'm going to tell them all tonight. I really appreciate your support, Angel."

"You know I'm only doing this because if he got staked, you'd be unhappy." Angel told the redhead. Spike growled. The dark-haired vampire ignored him. "And you deserve to be happy, Willow." He looked at his grand childe. "Although I question your choice of people to help you with that."

"I'm sitting right here, you ponce!" Spike said angrily.

"Then learn some respect, boy." Angel replied as he emphasized the last word. "Remember where you come from."

"A wanker and a loon." Spike said dryly. "Thanks, grandpa."

Before Angel could speak, Willow interrupted. "If the testosterone fest is over, can we get going?"

"Sorry, Red." Spike said shyly. "But he started it."

"Did not!" Angel said automatically. "I'm SO not having this conversation."

"Somebody's been around the cheerleader a little to long." Spike stated.

"Spike, be nice." Willow said. Before he could protest, she added. "Just this once."

"I can handle my wayward grand childe, Willow." Angel told the witch. He then looked at Spike. "And I am NOT a ponce. Last I heard: spouting bad poetry earned a person that title."

"Re-ed." Spike whined.

"He's right, Angel." Willow said as they left the house. "Play fair."

"He told you about.?" The Irish vampire was so stunned that the younger vampire revealed that to anyone, he couldn't even say it.

"Yeah, I told her." Spike said with pride. "And she still loves me." Then, as an afterthought, said. "Brood boy."

"Hey, I don't brood anymore!" Angel argued. He paused. "Much." He added quietly.

~Part: 11~

Everyone was already at the Magic Box when Willow, Spike and Angel arrived.

"Dead boy," Xander said. "Aren't you gone yet?"

"I was actually just stopping by to tell everyone I'm on my way out of town, Harris." Angel said with a glare. Just then, the thought of Willow's announcement made him smirk.

"What's so funny?" Riley asked.

"Funny?" The dark-haired vampire asked innocently.

"Um guys," Willow quickly interrupted. "I need to talk to you."

"Sure Wills." Buffy said. "Is anything wrong?"

"Not from where I stand." The redhead replied. "Is everyone comfortable?"

"Erm, yes, Willow." Giles answered. "What is it you'd like to tell us?"

She looked at Angel, who had positioned himself between the slayer and his grand childe. She then looked at Spike, who was standing next to her with an unreadable expression on his face. She sighed.

"Okay, here goes." The Scooby gang looked at her, eagerly awaiting her obviously important announcement. She took a deep breath. "I know that you guys have lives and have found someone to love. Xander and Anya. Buffy and Riley. Giles and Olivia." She paused as she saw the guilt on their faces. "No, I'm not saying it so you can feel bad. I just want you to understand that I now have someone in my life that I'm in love with."

"Willster!" Xander said happily. "This is news of the good variety."

"Yeah, Will." Buffy added. "Why are you all anxious and worried?" She looked at her best friend. Then, the slayer looked at the vampire. "Oh wow." She said softly. She then seemed to talk herself out of something internally as she nodded her head.. "Congratulations Willow. You deserve to be happy." Everyone in the room stared at the unusually calm slayer. "If he makes you happy, who are we to deny you that happiness?"

"Did I miss something?" Xander asked no one in particular.

Buffy turned to the vampire. "Congratulations to you too, Angel."

The only word in the room that was screamed was done at once.

"WHAT?" the rest of the room yelled.

"I knew you were daft, slayer, but this just proves it." Spike spoke first.

"You thought that dead boy and Wills were.?" Xander couldn't finish his question because he had started laughing. "C'mon Buff. It's Angel! Willow is not stupid enough to fall for him."

"Thanks Harris." Angel said sarcastically. "Buffy, Willow and I aren't together."

"Why would you think that, Buffy?" Willow asked as she walked closer to the blonde. "I would NEVER do that to you."

"I know, but," Buffy replied, now completely confused. "It's just, you'd never said anything about seeing someone before. And then Angel comes back to town and you're all in love and stuff."  She finished weakly, with a pout.

"Of all the absurd things to even entertain, Buffy." Giles told the blond. "If anything, she'd be in love with Spike." He finished. Then, he thought about it. "Oh, dear lord." He took off his glasses and began to absently polish them.

"Okay, THAT'S not funny." Xander announced. "Tell them, Wills." He whined.

"Tell them what, Xander?" Willow asked. "That I've spent more time with Spike in the past few months than I have with all of you put together?" She began pacing. "That we found we have a lot in common and are attracted to each other?"

"I don't see what the big deal is about Willow and Spike wanting to have lots of orgasms together." Anya finally spoke.

"But it's SPIKE!" Buffy argued. She looked around and noticed the other vampire in the room once again. She then turned to the witch. "And I should support you in every way." She went to hug the redhead. "As much as you've been there for me, I have no right to tell you who to date. You deserve to happy more than anyone else."

"Are you feeling alright, slayer?" Spike asked as the two girls ended their hug.

"Oh, I so wasn't finished." Buffy replied to William the Bloody. "So, do the want the 'if you hurt her' speech now, or do you want me to save the holy water and crosses on the off chance that you DO hurt her?" She asked the bleached blonde as she winked at the redhead. "Notice I didn't mention stakes?"

"I think he gets the point, Buffy." Angel said. "He knows that he'll be begging for us to kill him if he ever hurts Willow." He then looked at Willow and Spike standing together holding hands. "But, I don't see that ever happening." He concluded with a smile.

"Thanks for sticking around, Angel." Willow said and gave the dark vampire a hug.

"Anything for you, Willow." Angel replied. He looked up and saw Spike with yellow eyes glaring at him.

"Hey," he said nonchalantly. "At least he didn't growl. This is progress, Will." The redhead laughed and took Spike's hand once again.

"Isn't the Angel-mobile still waiting for you outside?" Spike asked his sire.

After everyone said his or her goodbyes to Angel, he walked out of the store and into the night.

Finally, Xander spoke for the first time. "Junior?" He asked no one in particular.

"Get used to it, Xan." Buffy said, trying to comfort her friend. "As much as I would like him to, he's not going away."

"Finally said something that made sense, Slutty." Spike said. "I'm almost proud."

"Well, I guess it's better than dead boy." Xander said with a shrug. "I'm there for you, Wills."

"So, you guys want to Bronze it tonight?" Willow asked hopefully. This would be the deciding moment in whether or not they truly accepted Spike into the group to be with her.

"I sure can use a drink." Xander said. "Count me in."

Anya elbowed him. "Um, count US in."

"Riley, you want to go with us?" Buffy asked the commando who had sat there quietly.

"Sure." He said, just happy that Buffy didn't fall to pieces when she thought Angel and Willow were together. "I say, let's do it."

"That is, if Giles doesn't have an research planned for us." Willow added with a big smile.

"Nothing that can't wait until tomorrow." Giles replied as he smiled warmly at the young witch who had become like a daughter to him. "Have fun. I'll close up, Anya."

A chorus of 'Thanks Giles' followed the group out into the night as they headed towards a happy future.

The End
