
Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: I own none. Joss Whedon, etc, own all. I wish I owned Spike. I promise he wouldn't have anything to do with Buffy.

Pairing: W/S (as always)

Summary: Don't you love it when two individuals find that they're meant for each other?  (All kinds of fluff.)

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Later S7 after they've defeated the First. Spike now lives in the basement of Buffy's house.

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel , Red's Soul Mates, Willow's Lil Secret, Willow Spike Forever, Near Her Always, Cat's Hellmouth Cafe, Angelic Vamps, Cyberline, Rapture. And anyone else who has permission. If you do not, just ask and I'll say yes.

Feedback: Pretty Please!!!!! I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey McDonald.

Dedication: To Inell and Fayth. You two know why.

Author's Note:  ^^ = Willow's thoughts  {} = Spike's thoughts


~Part: 1~

"Are you sure this is something you want to do?"

"Yes." She nodded to ad to the affirmation. "And, it's something I NEED to do." She added.

"And there's nothing I can do to change your mind?"

"No, Giles." The redhead replied. "My mind's made up." She looked at Giles as he took his glasses off and cleaned them before putting them back on. He sighed and looked at the redhead.

"Then it's yours." He said evenly.

Willow's eyes brightened. "Really?"

"Yes, of course." The watcher replied to the young woman he thought of as a daughter. "The condo is yours. It's going to need a lot of cleaning and such, but, I'm sure you knew that. I'll sign the necessary papers in the morning."

Willow threw her arms around the watcher and hugged him tightly. "Oh thank you so much, Giles. Thank you. Thankyouthankyouthankyou." She kept repeating it over and over as she continued to hug the only man that ever represented a father figure to her.

"MY EYES!" A voice from the doorway yelled. The redhead released the Englishman and turned to her best friend with a smile.

"Very funny, Xander." She said with a playful scowl.

"Well, what exactly was going on here?" The carpenter interrogated the witch and the watcher.

"Xander, you are so.eww!" she couldn't complete the sentence, let alone the thought that was obviously at the forefront of Xander's brain.

"Indeed, Xander." Giles added. "Why on earth would you think something like that?" Before the young man could answer, Giles quickly said. "Never mind. Forget I asked."

"What's going on?" Buffy asked as she walked in from the kitchen.

"Giles is selling me his old condo." Willow beamed.

"You're leaving us?" Dawn asked.

"It's not like I'm leaving you guys, Dawnie." The redhead replied. "I just need a little space, I guess. All of the SIT's are still here and I miss privacy." She sighed as the former Key looked at her with sad blue eyes. "Besides, you know I'll be around here every day."

"You'd better." Dawn said with a smile. "You know they'll be going to England soon. Will you come back then?"

"I don't think so." Willow replied. "I think I'm ready to be an adult. That computer company pays me really well. I just want to see what it's like to pay my own bills and not have anyone waking me up first thing in the morning if I want to sleep in. You know, things like that."

"When are you moving?" Buffy asked.

"Some time next week." The witch answered.

"You ladies ready to go?" Xander asked the Summers girls.

"Yep!" they both replied.

"Oh, Wills?" Buffy asked as they headed towards the door.


"Can we talk later?" The slayer asked.

"Sure. I'll be here when you get home." She replied.

"Great!" Buffy said as they continued to the door.

"Hey Buffster, since you're dating the principal, why can't you ride to school with him?" Xander asked. "I mean, you guys patrol every night together."

"Xander, don't finish that sentence." Buffy said as Dawn and Willow let out a giggle.

"C'mon Xander, get a clue." Dawn said as they walked out. "If they show up at school together everyone's going to know that she's doing her boss."

"Dawn!" Buffy said.

"Oh right." Xander replied ignoring the slayer.

"Sexual harassment, and stuff. Gotcha."

The door closed and Willow smiled as she heard Buffy scream again. "Xander!"

~Part: 2~

"Shut! Up! Are you really?" The brunette slayer asked her friend.

"Well, what can I say? You inspired me." Willow answered as she smiled at Faith. The slayer had remained in Sunnydale after the First was defeated. She got a job in construction and her own apartment.

"So, will you help me clean and move and stuff?"

"Hell yeah!" Faith replied. "C'mon Red. All the help you've given me since I've been back here has been amazing. You think I'm going to just forget that?" "I was hoping you'd say that." The redhead said as she stuck another French fry into her mouth. "So, how are you liking your new place?"

"Lovin' it!" Faith said elatedly. She then got a serious look on her face. "I didn't think I could ever be this lucky, Willow."

"It's not luck, Faith." Willow replied. "You've earned it. You worked hard, you paid for your crimes; hell, you even got a day job working with Xander of all people." She said giggling. She then paused. "Faith, you deserve this."

"So do you, Red." Faith replied. "So do you." The two smiled at one another. "So, when's your big move?"

"Some time next week." Willow replied. "I need to see how much cleaning and repairing needs to be done."

"Well, I guess you'll have extra help, then." Faith said mysteriously.

"Why? Oh!! Gunn's going to be in town, isn't he?" Willow asked mischievously as Faith nodded enthusiastically. "You two are really hitting it off, aren't you?"

"Yup!" She said proudly. Then, she got a determined look on her face. "That stupid twig broke his heart when she cheated on him with Wes. That's just wrong. Anyway," she continued trying to steer the conversation towards the redhead. "Did you ask Spike to help yet?"

"Not yet." She replied. "He was still asleep when I left earlier, so I'll ask him when I get home."

The two women talked about nothing and everything for the next hour and a half. They finally parted ways as Faith went to train, and Willow went to ask Spike for help.


"Spike?" Willow called out as she knocked on the basement door.

"In here, Pet." He replied.

She walked downstairs. "Whatcha doing?" she asked innocently.

"Stop it with the innocent act, Red." Spike said with a smile. He was so happy to see her having fun again. "What do you need me to do?"

"Spike! I'm shocked!" she said in mock offense. "Why would you think that of little ol' me?"

"Yes, I'll help you move, Luv." He said, letting her off the hook.

"Would you really?" She was in awe. "Thank you Spike!" She ran and hugged him. "You're the best! I'll pay you back. I promise." She finally realized she was still hugging the vampire and slowly backed away, a bit embarrassed.

"No need." He said. "Unless."

"Unless.?" She prompted.

"Unless you need a flatmate?" He asked quietly and insecurely as he looked at her with hope in his eyes.

"You need to get away, too, huh?" She looked at him for a second before replying. "The condo's got two bedrooms. Let's do it, Roomie!"

This time, it was the vampire who took her into his arms and swung her around. "Red, you won't regret it! I promise you'll still have your privacy."

Laughing, Willow said. "Spike, I believe you. Now put me down before I get all dizzy." The bleach blonde opened his mouth to reply. "Don't even think about saying it."

~Part: 3~

Later that evening, Dawn and Spike were cooking dinner, while Willow and Buffy sat in the slayer's room.

"You're really doing this, huh?" Buffy asked.

"Yeah." The redhead replied. "I think I need to do it."

"Good for you." She enveloped the witch in a hug. "I'm so proud of you, Will." When the two separated, she began again. "I have something I need to ask you. You can say no if you want and I'll understand. I just wanted to throw it out there and see what you thought about it."

"Okay, *I'm* ramble girl, not you. Stop it." Willow said.

"You're really intent on going at it alone, aren't you?" Buffy asked.

"Actually, not really so alone." The redhead answered. Buffy looked at her confused. "I'm going to have a roommate."

"Oh." Buffy replied. "I guess my question is a moot point."

"What was it?"

"I was just wondering if you could take in Spike as a roommate." Buffy said quickly. Before Willow could reply, she plowed on. "I know he's had it with the whole SIT thing, not to mention always living in a basement. Plus, we both moved on and I think that since the whole apocalypse thing is over, he may want a little distance, as well."

"Buffy." The slayer had kept her eyes on her shoes the entire speech. She looked up at Willow. "Who do you think my roommate is?"

"No. Way." The slayer asked, obviously surprised by this new information. "Willow, that's great!" She reached over to hug her friend again but stopped. She paused. "You realize I'm happy you're moving in with a vampire, right?"

"Welcome to *our* lives." Willow said and met her the rest of the way for the hug.

"Hey! I'm missing hug action!" Dawn said as she approached the doorway.

"Sorry, Dawnie." Willow said. "It won't happen again. What's up?"

"Oh, dinner's ready." Dawn replied and turned to inform everyone else.


Later, on patrol, Willow and Spike were paired so they wouldn't have to deal with the brats-er, SIT's. "So, Faith has agreed to help with the moving AND the cleaning." Willow was telling the vampire everything he'd missed during her lunch with the brunette slayer.

"Well, it's only right, since we helped her with her place." Spike replied, letting his Big Bad attitude out to play. Willow just playfully hit him on the arm. "Is Gunn going to be here?"

"How'd you know?" The redhead asked.

"Oh, please! I'm not blind, Red." Spike replied as a vampire ran up to them. Spike grabbed the stake from his coat pocket and aimed at the young vampire. He threw the stake and it quickly hit its mark, as the fledge turned to dust. Spike continued with the conversation as if nothing else had occurred.  "Anyone can see they've got the hots for one another. Neither one of them seems like the shy type. So, I just figured some one made a move."

"You really are a mystery, William." She said to him as she smiled.

"So are you, Willow." He replied with a boyish grin.

"Damn! That's so cute, this should have a soundtrack," Exclaimed a voice from next to a crypt not too far away.

"Hi Faith." Willow deadpanned without even looking in the slayer's direction. Faith sauntered towards the two.



"You two have the weirdest greetings for one another." Willow said.

"I thought that was the simplest one yet." Faith answered. "What about you, *fun* soul guy?"

"Thanks Faith." Spike said with a smirk. "It's nice to be appreciated for not being such a ponce, unlike some other vampire with a soul we happen to know."

"You guys are mean!" Willow stated as she tried to suppress a giggle.

"I am bored out of my mind." Faith said. "No one wants to come out and play tonight." She pouted.

"Don't worry, slayer. Your guy will be here in a few short days." Spike announced.

"Red." Faith warned.

"It wasn't me!" Willow said hurriedly. "I only told him that you would be helping us next week. He came up with everything else on his own. I swear!"

"And I thought all vampires were dumb." Faith muse.

"I'll have you know that I am an extremely intelligent vampire, who can kick some ass." Spike announced. "So, you'd better be nice to me. Especially if you plan on visiting Red's and my flat."


"Wow, a speechless slayer." Spike said as his smirk grew. "I read about those somewhere."

"You guys are moving in together?" Faith asked.

"Yeah, we're gonna be roommates." Willow answered with a smile.

"That's right." Spike added. "So, I repeat: you'd better be nice to me."

"Whatever." The brunette shot back. Then, she looked at Willow. "That's great, Red. Congrats." She paused. "To both of you." She smiled. "I'm outta here, guys. I'll see you later." The slayer left the witch and the vampire standing in the cemetery. As she walked away, she said to herself. "Those two have no idea what they're headed for."

~Part: 4~

Willow and Spike went to work later that evening inspecting the condo and figuring out what needed to be done. When they were finished, it was well after 3AM. Willow sat by the fountain in the courtyard, exhausted.

"You gonna make it home okay, pet?" Spike asked, as he lit a cigarette.

"Why?" She replied. "You gonna carry me?"

"Don't temp me, Red." He replied.

"You wouldn't dare!" She warned.

"You'd like it, and you know it." He retorted while he puffed out his chest.

"So glad to see the soul reigned in your ego, William." Willow shot back as she stood.

A look of mock hurt passed across his face as he grabbed for his heart. "Ouch, luv."

"You ready?" she said laughing.

"After you." He replied with a bow, before he put his arm around her and they began the trek to the Summers' house.


The next day, both vampire and witch woke up in the early afternoon. Willow entered the kitchen about 2 minutes before Spike did.

"'Ey Will." He said sleepily as he ran a hand through his wavy hair.

"Hi Spike." She replied. "Your breakfast is in the microwave." She turned to face him after she got her toast from the toaster and walked over to the table to sit across from him. Spike finally noticed he was being watched.

"What?" He asked defensively.

"I like your hair all wavy like that." She replied, gesturing with her hands. "I just never noticed before. Then, I started wondering what you would look like with your natural hair color. I bet it brings out your eyes." Spike continued to stare at the redhead as the microwave beeped. "And, there's your breakfast." She finished without skipping a beat.

He stood slowly and walked over to retrieve his mug of blood. He sat down across from the redhead once again, and stared.

"What?" It was her turn to be on the defensive.

"I will never know how things work in that head of yours, will I?" He asked.

Just then, the door opened, and in walked one brunette slayer. "'Sup people!?" She looked at the vampire and the witch. "Did you two just get up?" She then arched an eyebrow. "Oops! Did I interrupt something?" She asked playfully as she watched the two.

"Yes." Spike answered. "Breakfast."

"You want something to eat?" Willow asked.

"I'll never turn down food. You know that!" Faith answered. She pulled up a chair and turned it around so the back was facing the table, before straddling it. "What's for breakfast?"

"Toast and eggs." Willow replied. "Or AB pos."

"Cute, Will." Faith answered. "I think I'll go with toast and eggs. Call me alive, but that appeals more to me."

"You ready to spar, slayer?" Spike asked as he stood and rinsed out his mug.

"Nrwo, um ea-un." The slayer replied with a mouth full of food.

"Fine." Spike replied. "Meet me down there." He then looked to Willow. "Let me know if you need help packing later. Then, we can start on cleaning the new flat."

"You got it." The hacker said happily. Spike disappeared into the basement.

"So, you guys are really gonna do it." Faith said in awe. Willow spit out her coffee.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"Ooh, who's got the dirty little mind this morning?" Faith asked. "I meant move in together." She paused and let the witch clean her chin with a napkin and take another sip before she added. "Unless there's something I don't know about you and our platinum friend down there." The redhead again spit out her coffee all over the place.

"Would you stop that?" She asked, rather irritated with the slayer for catching her off guard like that. "The only thing going on between me and Spike is a really good friendship of which I am extremely proud, thank you." She finished with her head held high before cleaning the rest of the coffee drops from the table.

"Oh." Faith replied convincingly. "My bad." She looked at Willow. ~This is going to be so much fun!~ she thought as she stood, beginning to plan a nice wakeup call for her friends. She then headed to the basement to train with Spike.

~Part: 5~

Since Spike had to wait until sundown, Willow and Faith decided to go clean the condo. Gunn had yet to arrive, and both women were bored. They were done with 2/3 of the condo when they decided to switch cd's.

"So, what's your poison, Red?" Faith asked.

"Ooh!" The redhead exclaimed as she ran to her ever-present backpack. "I just got this at the music store yesterday! You are gonna LOVE it!"

"Let's see it." Faith goaded.

"You ready?" she asked with a big smile on her face and ran to the cd player.

"Do your worst." Faith replied, ready for some crappy bubblegum pop songs to erupt from the speakers. Willow showed her the cd cover.  Faith looked at Willow in complete surprise.

"No. Way!" The witch just smiled a smug smile.

"We singin'?" The slayer asked. Willow put the cd in the player and put on cut 1.

"We're singin'!" The two girls each picked up an object representing a microphone and started wailing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I'm the king of rock
There is none higher
Sucka MC'sShould call me Sire
To burn my kingdom,
You must use fire
I won't stop rockin'
Til I retire
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The handsome demon hunter stopped his truck outside of the front of the building. Stake in hand, he exited the truck and shut the door. Just as he was about to turn, he heard a noise and quickly raised the stake.

"Watch where you point that thing, mate." Spike said as he lit a cigarette.

"Damn it, Spike!" Gunn replied, obviously annoyed. "Don't sneak up on people that carry stakes and know how to use 'em!"

"Get over it." Spike replied. "Your girl's here."

"My girl?" Gunn asked, trying act innocent.

"Don't pull that with me, Charles." Spike replied and emphasized his first name. "The slayer's in there helping Red clean the place. You two get to help us move."

"How did you know?" Gunn asked.

"I may be a bad ass, but I'm also highly intelligent." Spike replied with a smirk at Gunn's eye roll. "'Ey! I'll have you know I was a scholar in my human days." He said defensively.

"Where are the girls?" Gunn asked as they both laughed.

"Right this way." Spike replied and led the way to the condo.

The two men opened the door to find the redhead and the brunette jumping around and dancing while the went along with the words to the song on the cd player.

"You expect this?" Gunn asked Spike.

"Um, not quite." Spike replied.

The two men watched as the girls danced around the condo completely oblivious to their audience. The vampire and the demon hunter were more than happy to just stand there and watch.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Now we rock the party
And don't correct
All cuts are on time
And rhymes connect
Got the right to vote
And will elect
And other rappers can't stand us
But give us respect
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Willow and Faith continued to gyrate around as the music played. It wasn't until the next verse started, that things got a little uncomfortable for the girls. Gunn ran to Faith and grabbed her "microphone" and began the next verse.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
That's all I said
We're getting iller
There's not one chiller
It's not Michael Jackson
And this is not Thriller
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The girls screamed and watched as Gunn made his way around the lounge room in much the same way they had, not moments before.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It's one def rapper
I know I can hang
I'm Run from Run DMC
They're Kool from Kool & the Gang
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Not wanting to be outdone, Spike ran to Willow, grabbed her "microphone" and began his tirade.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Roll to the rock
Rock to the roll
DMC stands for
Devistated Mic Control
You can't touch me
With a ten foot pole
And I even made the devil
Sell me his soul.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The entire group fell to the nearest seats in tears from laughing so hard. Willow lowered the volume on the cd player.

"Now that was fun!" Faith said as she tried to recover from her fit of giggles. "Who knew Red liked Run-DMC?"

"That's Red's?" Gunn asked, astounded by this bit of information.

"Hello!" Willow replied. "Forget about me! What about 123 year old vampire over here?" She asked as she point to Spike, who now had the smug look on his face.

"Yeah. What's up with that Mr. 19th Century England?" Faith asked.

"I have a variety of musical tastes, Miss Let's Stereotype People." Spike replied. "Those blokes played a big part in shaping music today."

"He's right." Gunn agreed.

"It sucks what happened to Jam Master Jay." Faith added.

"How'd you hear about it?" Willow asked.

"They have newspapers and -gasp- televisions in prison, Will." Faith said with a chuckle.

"Oops. Sorry." Willow replied. "I can't believe he was killed."

"It's sad." Gunn said. "But, they did come out with some good stuff."

"That they did." Spike said. Then, he turned to Faith and Willow. "I thought you birds were going to be cleaning, and not dancing around. What happened to that?"

"We wanted to leave stuff for you to do while we went and got ready." Willow said as she and Faith stood.

"Got ready?" Gunn asked.

"Bronze." Faith said. "Go with vamp boy over there. He knows where it is."

"We'll see you guys in a couple of hours." Willow called out as she and Faith walked out the door with their things.

~Part: 6~

Willow and Faith walked along the streets of nighttime Sunnydale giggling.

"Did you really mean to make them do the rest of the cleaning?" Faith asked

"No, but it sure was worth the look on their faces." Willow replied through her laughter. "I'm actually wondering if Spike will do it."

"Trust me, Red." Faith said knowingly. "He'll do it." They continued walking. "Bronzing was a good idea." She stated.

"Yeah, I would've invited Buffy and Robin to join us, but I just don't think they'd go for going to a bar where a lot of their students hang out." Willow explained.

"But how funny would it be to see one of the counselors grinding on the principal on the dance floor?" Faith asked with a wicked smile.

"Well, at least this principal is a total hottie." Will replied.

"Hell yeah!" Faith added.

"But, do you remember Principal Snyder?" Willow asked.

"HIM grinding on the dance floor with a counselor?" Faith asked.

"Ewww!" Both girls screamed.

"That is SO not a vision I needed." Faith said as she playfully hit Willow on the arm.

"All I'm saying, is that if they did go, it wouldn't be that disturbing for the students." The redhead defended.

"Plus, the Bronze is 18 and over now." Faith added.

"That's right." Willow said. "So, only the 18 and over students would see."

"It's about time they made that place 18 and over." The slayer commented. "In Sunnydale, of all places, there was a place where kids would go after dark." She chuckled. "They should've just walked around town with signs saying 'Free Meal. Please Attack Me'."

"So true." Willow replied. The two walked in silence a few minutes more. "Someone's headed this way." Willow said quietly. Faith immediately went into slayer mode.

"Hey guys!" Buffy said as she and Principal Wood rounded the corner.

"Hey Buffy. Robin." Willow replied with a smile.

"B. Principal McHottie." Faith said in greeting. The blonde slayer glared before she remembered that Faith was only being Faith, and not hitting on her boyfriend.

"Faith." Willow warned.

"Hi ladies." Robin interrupted before anything serious got under way. "Where you headed?"

"We're Bronze-bound." Willow replied.

"Is it 'how dirty can I get?' night?" Buffy asked.

"Oh, ha. Ha." Willow deadpanned. "Bitch." She added as an afterthought. Buffy chuckled.

"We're going get changed first, and give the guys a chance to finish cleaning the condo." Faith explained. "You guys should show up after patrol."

Buffy looked at Robin. "You game?"

"Sure." He replied with a smile.

"Great! We'll see you guys there." Willow announced.


"So, you really gonna clean the rest of this place?" Gunn asked looking around the condo.

"Well, technically, it's half mine now." Spike replied. "I don't want it to be a mess."

"You gonna put on an apron, too?" Gunn asked sarcastically.

"Watch it, kid." Spike said as he flashed his fangs with a playful smile. "I'm old enough to be your great-great-great grandfather."

Gunn laughed and picked up a broom to help. "Right, grandpa. I'll remember that." The two cleaned for a while before Gunn spoke again. "You think the other slayer is going?" He asked, only somewhat aware of the history that was Angel, Spike, and Buffy.

"Don't know." Spike replied as he continued his work. Then, with realization, he stood tall and added. "Don't care."

"Really?" Gunn asked skeptically.

"Yeah. I just realized that I really don't. Bloody hell." Spike said astonished, as if a huge weight was lifted from him.

"I see." Gunn replied as he noted the way the vampire interacted with the redhead. "What about the principal? What's up with that?"

"I killed his mother." The vampire replied honestly.

"What?!?" Gunn was flabbergasted. That was the last thing he expected the newly souled vampire to say.

"In 1977, she was my second slayer." He stopped working and stared off into space. "I was so proud of that kill."

"And now?" He good-looking demon hunter asked curiously.

"Now," Spike began. "Not a day goes by that I don't think about all of the people that I've killed." He paused. "And all of the people that were completely emotionally devastated because William the Bloody had something to prove."

The two were silent for a while as they went back to cleaning. When they were done, they looked at the condo with pride in their accomplishment.

"About earlier," Gunn started. Spike looked at him. "I didn't mean to bring the mood down."

"Don't worry about it, mate." Spike replied. "It's not like you knew. You ready to go change so we can meet the witch and your girl at the Bronze?"

"Let's move." Gunn replied as the two men headed out the door.

~Part: 7~

There was no band playing tonight, only a dj mixing. Faith looked around the dark club and smiled.

"Not too crowded." She stated. "Maybe we can actually dance tonight."

"How do you know Gunn will want to dance?" Willow asked.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I can convince him." The slayer replied with a smirk. "C'mon. Let's go get a drink."

The two women walked with confidence as the general population of the club watched them approach the bar. Willow was wearing a pair of tight, red, suede pants with a red, lace, long-sleeved shirt and a red bra underneath. Faith had on a pair of wine-colored leather pants and a black crop top shirt. The men in the bar were completely slack jawed as Faith ordered a beer and Willow ordered a rum and cola. Once they got their drinks, Willow took out the money to pay.

"Don't worry about it." The bartender said. "Those two guys just picked up this round." He pointed toward two rather attractive men. One was a green-eyed blonde, and one was dark-eyed brunette. The strangers headed towards the slayer and the witch with arrogant smiles.

"Oh. Joy." Willow deadpanned quietly to her friend.

"Egomaniac pretty boys who have *nothing* on our guys." Faith added.

"Hello, ladies." The blonde said as he approached Faith.

"Hey." Faith said ambiguously. "Thanks for the drinks."

"Yeah." Willow added. "We appreciate it. But, really, you shouldn't have."

"No problem at all," the blonde answered as he eyed Willow like she was a piece of meat.

"Actually, there is." A voice said from behind the two men.

They turned in time to see a bleached blonde and a tall bald black man standing behind them.

"Sorry, guys." The arrogant blonde said. "We saw them first."

Faith turned the guy around and said. "Believe me when I say, I'm more than you can handle." She walked past him to Gunn who draped his arm around her shoulder. "About time you guys got here." She said to her new boyfriend.

The entire time, Spike had the brunette guy frozen in fear as his eyes flashed from blue to yellow and back again. "Do I really need to tell you to go away?" Spike asked the frightened man.

"N-n-no." He replied as his motor functions returned. "No." He said again more firmly. "Let's go." He told his friend. The two men left and were not seen the rest of the night.

"Did you do what I think you did?" Willow asked the vampire.

"What?" Spike asked wide-eyed and innocent.

"Did you show fang?" she asked.

"No, Red, don't be silly." Spike replied, answering honestly. He knew he was off the hook, because Willow could usually tell when he was lying.

"Your eyes changed colors." The vampire looked like a deer in headlights at the witch's deductive reasoning. "Don't lie to me, William." She continued.

Spike suddenly found his shoes very interesting while he looked like a four year old who had just been caught writing on the walls with crayons. The redhead smirked inwardly at her power over The Big Bad.

Faith and Gunn watched knowingly. "This is going to be so much fun." Gunn whispered to the slayer. "I may have to stay in town longer than I thought."

"So, you gonna help me hook 'em up?" Faith asked.

"Doesn't look like they need much help." He whispered back. "But, yeah, I'll help."

"Those two are the smartest people I have ever met, and they still have no clue about their feelings for each other." Faith mused. Then, she turned to the objects of her conversation and called out. "Hey!" they were shook out of their perusal of one another and looked at Faith. "Are we dancin'? Because tonight is supposed to be fun, remember?"

"We're dancing." Willow replied.

"Why don't you two go on?" Gunn suggested. "We don't have drinks yet." The two women shrugged and headed to the dance floor. Gunn turned to Spike. "This one's on me, man."

"Thanks." Spike said. "Why?"

"I just wanted to ask you a few questions, that's all." Gunn replied innocently. They ordered their drinks and stood on the edge of the dance floor as Willow and Faith danced to the pounding beat of the music.

"I didn't know Red could dance like that." Spike said in awe. He suddenly realized he'd been standing there staring at Willow a good ten minutes, and hadn't even noticed when Gunn left to join them on the dance floor. "Bloody hell." He said to himself as he headed back to the bar for a few shots of tequila before returning to his friends, and the little redhead that occupied his thoughts.

~Part: 8~

The music continued to play as Spike made his way back to the dance floor. {You can do this, you ponce!} He said to himself. {What the bloody hell is happening? I don't think of Red in that I?} He suddenly remembered where he was and began to swagger onto the dance floor where he joined the rest of the group.

"Hey!" Willow said happily. "Where'd you go?"

"Had to get myself a little liquid courage." He answered honestly, not really thinking about what he was saying.

"Courage?" The redhead asked. "Why do you need more courage than you already have?" Her wide, innocent looking eyes were looking at him with curiosity.

Meanwhile, Faith elbowed Gunn to show him the couple's conversation.

"He's gonna tell her!" Faith said excitedly. "Look at him! He's scared shitless!"

Gunn pulled her by the waist into his arms and they twirled around. " Nah." He replied without doubt. "Not a chance in hell. Not here. Not now."

"How can you be so sure?" The slayer asked suspiciously.

"Baby, this is Spike." Gunn reminded her. "He didn't even realize he had feelings for her until just a few minutes ago. He's gotta beat himself up about it first." He pulled her closer to him, leaned down to her ear and whispered: "So, you want to bet as to when he'll tell her?"

"What makes you so sure HE'LL tell first?" Faith asked. Gunn arched an eyebrow. "I say girl power all the way." She smiled mischievously. As her eyes again found Willow and Spike facing one another on the dance floor. The witch was confident, and the vampire seemed a bit unsure of himself. He tried to hide it, but if someone knew him, they could sense he was anxious in this situation.

"You gonna answer me *tonight*?" Willow asked with a playful grin.

"Well, you know I'm not much of a dancer." The vampire said, after he quickly decided to 'wing it'. "And here I am on a dance floor about to move to music I've never heard before. Of course I need a little encouragement." He said arrogantly. The sad look in Willow's eyes made him regret his excuse.

"Well, Spike, you don't have to dance with us." She said softly, looking away. "I just thought it would be fun."

"Hey, what's with the sad face?" He asked. She looked into his crystal blue eyes. "I got my liquid encouragement. That's why I'm here!" His eyes took on an evil glint as he pulled her close, the alcohol working its way into his brain in order to make him feel comfortable enough for what he wanted to do. He pulled her into his arms and she yelped in surprise before putting her arms around his neck and laying her head on his chest as the music changed to a slower song.

Spike was in heaven. All of these feelings were running throughout his senses. He couldn't explain it except to say that he regained his soul last year; but, his heart? He regained his heart tonight on this dance floor, with this beautiful red-haired goddess in his arms.

"It is gonna be hell living with her if she doesn't find out soon." Gunn mused.

"Tell me about it." Faith replied. "Look at all that sexual tension BEFORE one of them realized it."

"Realized what?" A voice asked from behind Gunn. The two jumped apart and looked at Buffy and Robin.

"Huh?" Faith asked, trying to play stupid.

"I heard something about 'them realizing it'." The blonde slayer said.

"Oh!" Faith said as if realizing what Buffy meant.

"Hey guys. Um.How much fun it'll be to have Red and Spike as roommates." She finished lamely.

"Oh." Buffy replied before turning towards Willow and Spike. "Hey Wi.hmm." She said as she saw the situation.

"Now, Buffy," Gunn started.

"Relax Charles. I wouldn't dream of it." The blonde stopped him. Gunn and Faith breathed a sigh of relief. "Does she know?"

"I doubt it." Faith replied. "You know how clueless she can be about people being attracted to her." She finished as they walked to the edge of the dance floor to watch the couple.

"I don't think she does know." Principal Wood added. "But, the feeling is definitely reciprocated."

"I'll be damned." Buffy said with a sigh. "Good for them." She added.

"Did my hearing go all wiggy in prison, or did you just say 'good for them'?" Faith asked.

"Surprised you, didn't I?" Buffy asked the brunette as she smiled proudly. The song ended, and another more upbeat song began. "You see, I'm not the self-obsessed, uncaring bitch that everyone thinks I am." She paused. "Well, not anymore." She added quietly. Just then, Willow and Spike noticed the blonde slayer and joined them at the edge of the dance floor.

"C'mon, Buff, you were never." Willow began. Spike and Faith both arched an eyebrow and looked at the redhead skeptically. "Okay, maybe you kinda were."

"Will, you're too nice for your own good." Faith replied. Everyone laughed, including Buffy as she playfully elbowed Faith.

"So, are we ready to get a table?" Gunn asked. Just then, a group of 5 stood and left the club, leaving the table empty.

"Ask, and you shall receive." Willow said cheerfully. Everyone walked to the table and sat. The waitress came by and took the drink orders as everyone got situated.

"Wills, you are the luckiest person I know." Xander said as he approached.

"Why?" she asked suspiciously.

"You've got not one, but 2 slayers, a vampire, and 3 really strong guys to help you move." Xander replied.

"I didn't have that much help."

"And we all know that *you're* really the one that needed all of 'em." Spike deadpanned.

"Very funny, soul boy." Xander replied. "Anyway, thanks for the invite."

"YOU invited Xander?" Faith asked the vampire.

"On the condition that he wouldn't tell anyone." Spike replied. Then, as an afterthought, he said sarcastically: "Thanks, Moron."

The group laughed as the ice was broken and they all had a great time taking turns dancing.

~Part: 9~

The next morning was spent finishing up the last minute packing. The plan was to have the small things moved during the day, and the bigger things moved after sunset so that Spike could help. Willow and Spike also planned a quick shopping trip to make sure the place was nicely furnished. After all of the smaller things were moved to the condo, Willow, Faith and Gunn brought lunch over to the Summers' house so they could spend time with Spike, who was alone.

The vampire was surprised, to say the least. He didn't think they'd even remember he was still down in the basement until it was time to train. So, the group sat around the kitchen table with their food.

"This lunch thing was a good idea." Faith said, as she took another big bite of her burger.

"Amen." Gunn replied. "I was so hungry, I thought I was gonna go crazy from starvation."

"Well, it's not like you did anything to really work up an appetite." Willow said playfully.

"Yeah, the girls did more than you." Faith added.

"Could it be because one has slayer strength and the other used magic?" Gunn asked. "I was working on normal human strength here."

"Aww," Faith said in a baby-talk voice. "We didn't mean to hurt your widdle feelings." Then, she kissed him on the cheek. "Now get over it and finish your lunch." She said with authority in her voice.

"Spike, what'd you do all day?" Willow asked.

"Slept." Spike replied dryly. "It's a thing vampires do when the sun is out."

"Ooh, somebody's being a bitch today." Faith teased. Spike glared at the slayer. "Don't give me that look, Blondie. I can still kick your ass."

"You okay?" Willow asked Spike.

"Sorry, Red." The vampire replied as he looked into her deep green orbs and melted on the inside. "Just upset I couldn't help, is all."  He drained his cup of blood and stole a couple of Willow's fries. "I'll be ready to train when you guys are." He walked to the basement door, took one last look at the redhead, and headed downstairs.

"What the hell was that all about?" Willow asked as she stared at the door. Gunn and Faith exchanged a look.

"I'm sure he just feels helpless being stuck inside all day while we're moving stuff." Gunn replied as he tried to cover for the vampire.

"Yeah, we'll just double up on his workload tonight." Faith added.  Gunn quickly finished the remaining portions of his food and stood.

"I'm headed down." He said. He then reached down to caress Faith's face and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I'll see you down there." After he headed downstairs, and Faith snapped out of her reverie, she noticed the big smile on Willow's face.

"What?" The brunette asked, blushing.

"You guys are so cute!" The redhead replied excitedly. "You are such the perfect couple." She added as she looked towards the basement door.

Faith took her hand. "Will, believe me when I say that you'll find it again." The slayer told her dear friend. "Sooner than you think." She added.

"I seriously doubt it." Willow replied. "But thanks for the encouragement."

"Are you telling me that I'm the only one that senses these fireworks?" Faith asked.

"Fireworks? Where?" Willow asked, completely oblivious.

"Forget it, Red." The brunette replied as she rolled her eyes and then stood. "Let's get down there before they kill each other in an effort to be super macho men."



"Next time, you may wanna be a little more obvious." Gunn said sarcastically as he made his way down the stairs.

"Meaning what, exactly, Charles?" Spike asked.

"You're crazy about her." Spike opened his mouth to speak and Gunn interrupted. "Don't even try to ask who. Everybody knows it."

Panic reached the vampire's blue eyes. "EVERYbody?" He asked.

"Everybody except her." Gunn replied. Spike sat down with a relieved sigh.

"How did this happen?" He said to himself. "She's my best friend. I can't fall for her."

"Too late." Gunn replied. "Now, don't do anything that'll make her regret letting you move in with her. She doesn't know. Only myself, Faith, Xander, Robin, and Buffy know."  The vampire's eyes widened in horror. "Don't worry, they're all cool with it. Just don't screw things up with Red. Okay?"

Spike looked at the demon hunter and smiled. "Thanks, mate. I appreciate the advice." Just then, the basement door opened, with Faith making as much noise as possible to let them know she and the redhead were on their way down.

"Okay, who is ready for an ass kicking?" She asked.

"No, I wanna fight first." Willow said. "Spike help me go over that stuff you taught me the other day."

"Sure thing, Red." Spike said as he stood and prepared to spar with the redhead. He then turned to Faith and Gunn. "You two may want to watch. You might actually learn something." He said with a wicked smile.

"Thanks, but I really don't want to learn how to get the shit kicked out of me."

~Part: 10~

That night, after moving everything into the condo, the Scooby gang sat around various parts of the lounge area talking, with the grown-ups drinking beer, and Dawn drinking a soda.

"So, do you guys have cable yet?" Dawn asked Willow and Spike after everyone had been there for some time.

"No," Spike said as he pouted.

"Oh, cut it out." Willow told the vampire. "We're getting it installed tomorrow, you big baby." She teased.

"You guys are so cute!" Dawn said as she laughed. "You act like an old married couple."

Everyone in the room took a pause to see if something would click. Spike took another sip of his beer and looked to Faith and Gunn for help.

"Yup." Faith said as her mind tried to think of something. "Umm. Uh. Being roommates will do that to ya."

"Plus," Buffy added. "You guys have known each other for a while, so it's only natural to hear banter like that right away." Pause. "Right?"

"Yeah, sure." Willow said, as she looked at her friends, contemplating when exactly the 'pod people' had taken over their bodies.

"Anyway, Gunn and I haven't spent any time alone together since he got here, so we're outta here." Faith said. Gunn stood and helped the slayer up.

"Catch you guys later." Gunn said.

"Yeah, we're out of here, too, guys." Buffy said as she stood. Dawn, Robin, and Xander quickly followed. Everyone said his or her goodbyes. Willow and Spike stood at the door and watched them leave.

"Those guys have been acting weird lately." Willow stated.

"That's because they're a bunch of weirdos, pet." Spike replied as he shut the door.

"Seriously, you haven't noticed it?" She asked.

"No, Will. I haven't." Spike replied innocently. "So," he said, changing the subject. "I say we flip for the big bedroom upstairs."

"Like hell." Willow replied as she went around picking up beer bottles. "That room is so mine."

"Oh, you're better than I am, so you get the big bedroom?" Spike asked playfully.

"No, I thought of moving here first." She replied. "Seniority, buster."

"I'm so scared." He deadpanned.

"You really should be considering the fact that I have a world of magic at my fingertips." The redhead threatened.

"Meaning?" Spike pushed.

"Meaning," the witch replied. "I could do something like this," she waved her hand. "to you in public." She stood there with a smile. There was William the Bloody in all his glory wearing nothing but red boxers with white hearts on them.

Spike gasped. "RED!" He yelled and hid behind the bar area.

"Yes dear?" She asked innocently, her green eyes wide with fake naivety.

"Get these things off me and give me back my clothes!" The former poet yelled.

"Who gets the upstairs bedroom?" she asked.

"You! You, alright?" Spike whined. "Now give me back my clothes." He marched back into the lounge area and put his hands on his hips in annoyance. Willow's eyes traveled the length of his body and she suddenly felt very warm.

"Um, okay." She waved her hand and the vampire was dressed in a dark blue t-shirt and blue jeans like before. She tried to slow her heart rate. ^Damn! Where did THAT body come from? Wow. No wonder Buffy...Buffy. I can't look at him like that! I would break the golden rule of not going after your best friend's ex! Oh shit! I think I like Spike.^ Her expression had changed from playful to lustful to fear to panic.

Spike didn't know what to think.

"That's better." He told her. "Now, don't ever think you can manipulate me with magic, witch. Because, I'll do something to surprise YOU in public, as well."

"Like what?" She dared, trying to seem unaffected by him.

"Like this." He answered and ran over to her using his vampiric speed and pulled her close. Her breath caught as Spike proceeded to bring his lips down to hers in a soft, yet passionate kiss. His tongue darted out and licked her lips. Subconsciously, she complied and opened her mouth. His tongue found hers and they dance in gentle, yet fervent dance for which the vampire was grateful. Before he became overwhelmed, he pulled away and backed up a few feet. He took a deep, unneeded breath and said. "I'll do that to you when you're out flirting with some chit who thinks you're a lesbian. G'night Red." William the Bloody awful poet walked to his bedroom and shut the door.

Finally, Willow sat down, right where she was standing just a second before, and sighed. "What the hell did I just get myself into?"

~Part: 11~

Neither witch nor vampire got much sleep that night. However, the next day, both were bound and determined to not ruin their friendship. So, each pretended to believe that last night was just a joke. Willow walked downstairs in a t-shirt and boxers late the next morning and plopped down on the sofa next to Spike.

"Wait a minute." The redhead said. "This wasn't here last night." She added as she realized she was sitting on the new sofa they had picked out during their shopping excursion before the big move last night.

"Can't put anything past you, can I Pet?" Spike teased.

"Oh, hush." Willow replied. "I just haven't had my morning coffee yet." She stood and gave the lounge and kitchen area the once over. "We have really good taste, Spike."

"Yeah, s'pose we do." He answered as he looked around the areas again.

"Why didn't you wake me when the delivery guys came?" Willow asked.

"Well, you hardly got any sleep last night." The vampire said. "I wasn't about to wake you just a couple hours after you'd finally fallen asleep." He continued watching the new tele with the new cable installation done this morning, as well.

"Um, William?" Willow asked as she poured her coffee, not noticing that Spike made it for her, because he didn't drink coffee.

"Yeah, Pet?"

"How did you know I didn't get any sleep last night?" She asked as she walked back to the sofa and sat next to him, but facing him. Spike didn't know how to cover up, so he just told the truth.

"Vampire hearing, Luv." He said as he pointed to his ears. "You ever think about getting new mattresses?" He asked as he turned to the side and faced her. "That thing squeaks like crazy."

"Sorry. I-I didn't mean to keep you awake." Willow said sadly.

"Will, I'm a vampire. I'm supposed to be awake at night." He said reassuringly as he took her hand and made her look into his eyes.

"You jerk!" she said as she playfully punched him in the shoulder. "You had me thinking I was disturbing you! I thought you wanted to move out."

Spike began to chuckle. "Now, why would I do that?" He asked. "I just love it when you get your knickers in a twist." She punched him again, just as the doorbell rang.

Willow jumped up, sat the coffee on the coffee table and headed to the door. Spike was disappointed that someone was interrupting his time alone with the witch, but he figured since they lived alone together now, they'd have plenty of time alone together in the near future. The redhead opened the door to discover a nice-looking stranger around her age standing there.

"Hi." She said politely. "May I help you?"

The man was in awe at the pretty young woman with glorious red hair. And, no makeup, he thought, which makes her more of a natural beauty. Then, he heard a growl that snapped him out of his perusal of the young lady. He looked up and saw a bleach blonde man with wavy hair and ice-cold blue eyes. "Um, sorry, I'm looking for Miss Willow Rosenberg." He said.

"That's me." She perked up.

He handed her a clipboard with a piece of paper on it. "Sign here, please."

She signed and he backed away as the man with the blue eyes glared at him. Willow elbowed her companion in the ribs and continued to look at the man questioningly as he gave her a package. "Thank you."

She said. "Have great day."

"You too, Miss Rosenberg." The man said as he smiled one last time at the beautiful redhead, and walked away. Willow closed the door and brought the package to the sofa.

"What do you think it is?" She asked excitedly as Spike went to sit where he was on the sofa before they were interrupted.

"How should I know?" Spike asked. "Maybe you should ask the delivery guy since you seemed to enjoy flirting with him so much. Hell, why didn't you just invite him in and straddle him right here on the bleedin' sofa?" He asked as he stood and started to pace.

"Wha-huh?" Willow had no clue what the vampire was upset about. "Who are you and where did my souled roommate go?" She asked.

"Look at what you're wearing!" He yelled. "A flimsy t-shirt with NO bra and a pair of boxer shorts? A lot of good THAT did! You could've just answered the door in the nude!"

"Where in the HELL is this coming from?" She asked. "You sound like some jealous boyfriend, Spike. Just chill."

"And you sound like you've been around the brunette slayer too much!" Spike replied. "'Just chill'?"

Just then, the witch said a few words and the vampire was frozen.  She took a deep breath as Spike continued to stare at her, which was all he could do considering the magical energy surrounding him.

"I would love to know what happened to you just now." She began to pace as her anger ensued. "But right now, I'm too pissed off to even care." She said with intense, but quiet rage as she headed to the stairs.

She turned and looked at him once more. "Get your shit together Spike. Don't ruin our friendship because you don't like the delivery guys. That's just.childish. And how old are you again?" As she went upstairs, she whispered again and the vampire fell to the floor.

He sat up as he heard the shower come on, and sighed.

"Bloody hell. What am I doing? Am I possessed again? I would never treat Red like that." He scolded himself.

"Then why did you?" He turned and saw the redhead standing at the bottom of the stairs with a hint of unshed tears in her eyes.


~Part: 12~

"Answer me, Spike." The redhead demanded.

{It's now or never, you bleedin' ponce. Just tell her.} He stood and looked into her tearful green eyes. {No, I can't. I'll lose her.} "Willow," he started again.

"You said that already." She replied.

"I am so sorry." He said sincerely. "I never want to hurt you."

"Then why did you do it?" She asked. ^Please say you're head over heels in love with me. Please.^

He sighed. "You are so bloody important to me, Red." He looked away, and then down at the floor. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, Luv. I guess I was just being a little over protective." He looked into her eyes once more. Was that disappointment? No, it was relief. {There, I made the right choice.}

^Well, at least I still have him in my life.^ "Spike, you have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that you care about me." Willow told the vampire. "Let's not go through something like this again, okay?"

Spike walked up to his witch and hugged her. "Sure thing, Pet." They stood there hugging one another in silent comfort, both longing for something more. "Is the shower still going?"

"Hm? Oh, oops." She replied with a sheepish grin. "I guess I'd better get in the shower."

"Yeah, don't want the water getting cold." Spike replied.

Willow started heading up the stairs. She stopped and turned once again to her roommate. "Oh, and Spike." He arched an eyebrow in recognition. "I promise not to use my magic on you like that again."

He smiled "Will?" He asked she was about to head back up the stairs.


"What's in the box?" He asked.

"What box?" She asked. "Oh! The box!" She remembered the delivery and ran the rest of the way up the stairs to turn off the shower.

When she came back down, Spike was already sitting on the sofa waiting for her. He was literally bouncing with curiosity. Willow jumped on the sofa and sat next to him.

"You ready?" She asked.

"Re-ed" Spike whined.

"Okay, okay." She said as she grabbed the box and started opening it. "So far, lots of these little Styrofoam peanuts." She stated as she showed one to former poet. She started digging again. "Oh, bingo." She said as her hand hit something hard. She pulled it out of the box and looked at it.

It was an 8 x 10 silver picture frame with beautiful wiccan symbols engraved into it. On top, was a letter covering the opening.

Dear Willow    We just wanted to wish you a happy housewarming,and hope that you're very happy in your new place. Thesame goes    for you, Spike.

                                             Lovealways,                                     The Scooby Gang

Willow and Spike removed the paper and discovered a picture already inside the frame. It was of Willow and Spike at a research party, sitting and talking. Both had smiles on their faces and each was completely oblivious of the person with the camera.

"When was that taken?" Willow asked aloud.

"You got me, pet." Spike replied, and then studied the picture some more. "What the hell were we talking about?" He added.

"Beats me." She replied. "So, where should we put it?" She asked eagerly.

"How about above the fireplace?" He answered. "That way, people can see it when they walk in."

"Perfect!" She picked it up and put it on the mantle. ^Wow, we look like a couple. And we look GOOD together.^ She thought to herself.

{If that doesn't prove we should be together, nothing will. If I could just get her to realize it.} The vampire mused.

"Okay, I'm off to take a shower for real this time." The witch announced. She hugged him one more time. "I'm so happy we did this!" She then ran up the stairs and Spike heard the shower once again.

"She'll realize it." He said to himself. "I'm going to make it blatantly obvious without being a stalker like I was with the slayer. What I feel for Red is so much deeper, and so much more...everything." He announced to himself. "It'll work." He said as he headed to the kitchen to make his Red some breakfast.

~Part: 13~

The next few weeks went by in a flurry of learning one another's routine around the house, research parties, patrolling, and that pesky being secretly in love with one another situation, the time flew by for Willow and Spike. They had all night movie marathons. Spike would make sure Willow was up and ready for school with breakfast and coffee. Willow would have his blood heated when he awoke in the evenings. All in all, it was an extremely wonderful and comfortable situation. Well, except for the obvious.

One night, during patrol, Spike decided to test the waters between himself and his witch. He'd been trying to come up with a way to broach the subject, but nothing seemed good enough to get her to see that he was in love with her without making her run away from him.

"Helllloooo." He heard her voice.

"Sorry, Luv." Spike replied. "My mind's wandering again, isn't it?"

"It's been doing that a lot lately." She stated. "I thought we were becoming closer."

"We are." He said. {Believe me, not as close as I'd like for us to be.}

"So why don't you talk to me anymore?" She asked. ^He probably guessed how I feel about him, and he's avoiding having to tell me that we 'just friends'.^

"We talk all the time, Will." He said, avoiding her eyes.

"Spike, I think I know what's going on." Willow said.

The look of horror in Spike's face was enough to make Willow believe she was right. "And it's okay. If you want to move out, I understand."

"If you know what's going on, why do you think I'd want to move out?" He asked.

"Come on, William, I'm not stupid." She replied angrily. "Why would want to stay with someone!"

It took the vampire a second, but he followed the witch's instruction and landed on the ground just as Willow caught the makeshift stake in mid air just by looking at it. Spike stood and brushed off his clothes.

"Who the bloody hell is trying to kill me NOW?" He shouted.

"Who do you think, traitor?" A voice said from the shadows. Soon, nine vampires surrounded the two. Spike looked around and smirked.

"You blokes have no idea how much I need this work out." Spike announced.

"Yeah, me too." A voice said from the shadows.

"Faith." Willow said with a smile.

"Yup." The slayer replied as she stepped into the light. "And, I even brought some friends who wanna play, too." She added with a big smile.

Just then, Gunn stepped away from the shadows. "Hey, if my girl wants to play, I'm always ready."

"I just need the exercise." Said Angel as he grabbed one of the vamps and twisted its head off. He watched it turn to dust.

"Wow." Another female voice replied. Everyone turned to see a beautiful brunette wearing leather and long gloves. "This town is a hoot." She said as she took off her gloves and put them into her back pocket. A very quick fight ensued. The minions had no chance against a witch, two master vampires, an experienced demon hunter, and a woman who seemed to be made out of electricity. Once the last vamp was staked, Willow spoke up.

"Hey guys." She said.

"Everybody, this is Gwen." Faith said as Gwen put her gloves on. Only then did Gwen go to shake Willow's hand.

"Hi. Willow, right?" Gwen asked. Willow nodded. "I've heard a lot about you." She turned to the bleached blonde vampire. "So, that would make you Spike, right?"

"Yeah." The vampire answered, not trusting this woman with his secret.

"Be nice, my boy." Angel said to his grand childe.

"Why? Is she my new grandmother?" Spike asked. Gwen chuckled, and Faith laughed out loud.

"I swear I will never get used to you, living dead." Faith told the bleached blonde.

"I keep you on your toes, now, don't I?" Spike teased.

"You guys are impossible." Willow said before turning to Gwen. "I swear, they're usually more mature than this."

"No they're not." Gunn replied.

"You know, there's not much going on out here, you guys want to head to the Bronze and chill?" Faith asked.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Angel said. "Willow?"

"Works for me." The redhead answered. "How are you, Angel?" She went to hug the vampire tightly.

Angel noticed Spike's eyes turn yellow with fury, as did everyone else except Willow. Spike marched over to the two hugging and grabbed Willow's arm as he led her towards the Bronze.

"I see what you mean." Angel whispered to Gunn. "He's got it bad." The two men giggled like schoolgirls.

"You guys are worse than gossips." Gwen said as she put her arm around Angel's waist while he put his around her shoulders.

Faith and Gunn held hands and remained quiet on their walk to the Bronze.

As for Spike and Willow.

"What was that all about?" Willow asked the extremely focused vampire.

"What was what about?" He asked as he continued to walk.

"Spike, you tore me from Angel." She stopped. "Why?"

"Why?" He asked, angrily. "Because." he paused as he realized he would have to admit his jealousy. "I don't know what you're talking about." He turned to walk again, this time speeding up so he could walk alone.

"I so don't need this shit." She said as she stomped off to the their destination, and purposely staying away from the vampire.

As they lined up outside the Bronze, Faith huddled the 3 visitors from LA and said: "The shit is so about to hit the fan!"

"Oh, yeah." Angel added. "Things are definitely about to come to a head.

~Part: 14~

Spike went straight to the bar. He ordered a shot of tequila and a beer, and headed off to the shadows to brood.

"Now, I see the family resemblance." Faith said to Angel, who promptly flipped her off.  She looked at Gwen and smiled a surprised and smug smile. "Did you teach him that?" She asked teasingly.

"How'd you guess?" Gwen answered and the two women laughed.

Willow went to the bar on the opposite side of the club and ordered exactly the same as Spike, without knowing. She then found a table and sat her drinks down. The LA gang soon met up with her after ordering their own drinks. They expected the redhead to do the same brooding act as the blonde vampire, but were pleasantly surprised when she downed her shot, took a sip of beer, and pulled Faith out to the dance floor.

Gunn, Gwen and Angel watched the two women dance and gyrate around the dance floor to the pounding music as if each were in her own little world that no one else could disturb. Gunn smiled proudly as he watched his girlfriend move to the music. Angel's eyes searched the crowd for his grand childe and spotted him. He didn't move when men tried to hit on Willow. He knew she wouldn't give them the time of day, so he stood his ground and held up the wall.

"This calls for desperate measures." Angel said to his new girlfriend.

"Are you serious?" Gwen asked. "I just met the guy and I can see that he'll try to kill you."

"Spike could never take me." The dark vampire said arrogantly.

"If he's as in love as you all say he is, that'll give him the extra added firepower to kick your egotistical ass."

"I know what I'm doing, Gwen." Angel said. He then smiled. "I'm glad to see you're concerned about my egotistical ass. But, it's the only way that stubborn son of a bitch is going to do anything." Gwen nodded and squeezed his hand. Angel walked to the dance floor with Gunn and each took a female and held her close. Gunn showed Faith the scene about to happen.

"Oh shit." The slayer said. "Be ready to stop the bleach blonde killing machine."

Willow looked up at who had grabbed her, ready to push them away. "Angel." She said, pleasantly surprised.  "I didn't know you danced." She said.

"Just don't ask me to sing." He said with a smile.

"I've heard about that."  She said.

"I'm going to kill Gunn." The vampire said.

"Actually, it was Wesley." She corrected. He looked at her in shock. "When I made Angelus go away permanently, we had a nice little talk."

The two continued dancing until the vampire was tapped on the shoulder. He turned and blocked the punch he knew was following. Spike tried to hit him again. Angel once again blocked the punch. This time, Gunn and Faith each grabbed an arm of the angry vampire and pulled him off the dance floor and out the back door.

Willow was livid. "WHAT IS GOING ON?"

Angel looked at the witch. "You really don't know, do you?" She just glared. "Willow, let's sit." They walked to the table with Gwen. He looked at the brunette. "She really doesn't know."

"Sweetie, go outside and talk to Spike." Gwen said. The witch started to protest. "Just. Go."

The redhead stood and walked out the side door. There, she found Gunn guarding the door and Faith guarding the alleyway. Spike was pacing and smoking. Willow glared at Faith and Gunn, who promptly ran back into the club. Spike headed down the alleyway.

"Thicken." He heard her say as he ran into what seem like a solid wall. He turned and looked at her expectantly. Neither spoke for a full minute.

"Well?" He asked.

"Well what?" She retorted. "I'm not the one advocating violence in the middle of the Bronze."

"I'm a vampire, Red." He replied flippantly. "It's what we do."

"Not a vampire with a soul." She shot back. "Listen, Spike. I know you don't like Angel, but there was no reason for you to start a fight with him in there."

"He touched you." William the Bloody stated softly.

"Spike," She started.

"I understand if you want me out of the flat." He continued as if she hadn't spoken. "I'm a monster who might try to rape you if I don't get my way." He tried walking away, but the barrier was still up. "Please, just let me go, Willow."

She stood there completely confused. "Why would you try to do those things? Why would you care if Angel and I were dancing? A-are you jealous?" she asked hesitantly.

"Of course I'm jealous!" He shouted. "Why does he have to have everyone I'm in love with first?" He was talking to himself at this point. "I need to go. I'm so sick of unrequited love. I'm sick of being such a bloody ponce."

"You're in love with me?" She asked, unable to believe her ears.

"Like it's not bloody obvious." He said looking at her.  She started laughing at the absurdity of the situation. "Yes, please laugh at me. That's what my ego needs right now." He said sarcastically.

"Spike I'm not laughing because of that." She explained. "I'm laughing because I thought you'd move out if you found out I was in love with you."

"But you're not." He said.

"Yes I am!" She replied. "That's what we were talking about before we were attacked in the cemetery, you stupid vampire!"

"It was?" He asked innocently, not believing this beautiful creature want him. She nodded. "I'll kill him!" He suddenly said angrily as he headed to the door they had just exited a few minutes before.

"Huh?" She said, now completely baffled.

"He knew, didn't he?" Spike asked. "He just wanted to get me to admit it to you. I'll kill him."

"Oh." Willow said, finally realizing what the vampire meant. "Spike wait!" She said as the door closed with Spike on the other side headed to kill his grand sire.

~Part: 15~

"Oh shit." Willow said as she opened the door and headed to the table. She found Spike standing in front of the table glaring at his grand sire.

"You guys, do something." Willow told the others at the table.

"Do what?" Faith asked. "Nothing's happened yet."

Spike continued to glare at Angel. Angel just stared back, ready for anything.

"Thank you." The bleached blonde said.

Except that.

"Excuse me?" Angel asked, now completely perplexed.

"I'm not going to say it again, Peaches." Spike replied in his normal sarcastic voice. "If you wouldn't have made a move, I wouldn't have made a move."

"You're welcome, childe." Angel said quietly with a slight smile on his handsome face.

"But, he HASN'T made a move." Willow said. He's just tried to kill Angel. Grr!' She walked away angrily with Spike on her heels.

"Red. Willow, wait!" She stopped and turned to him. "Please dance with me." He said.

"Why should I?" She asked.

"Because, if you don't, I'll make a scene." He said.

"Too late. You already did that." She retorted.

"Okay, you got me there." He said, defeated. He sighed and looked into her eyes. "Please." He said, and knelt. "I'm here begging you to dance with me.

"Spike, get up!" She said urgently. "You're embarrassing me."

"Dance with me." He said, still on his knees.

"Oh, okay! Just get up." She said as she looked around nervously.

He stood and took her hand before heading to the dance floor.

"Look," he started once they were dancing closely. "I know this will be difficult. But, I really want to give it a try." He said sincerely.

"So do I." She replied. "If we screw up, we'll learn from it, right?" He pulled her closer and softly touched his lips to hers. As the kiss deepened and became more passionate, the music changed, and still they kissed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Headlights shining on her face
Two kids holding hands
In my daddy's car

Clothes lying on the floor
Lennon on the radio
She sighs for the lonely hearts

That is what we are

I wanna lay you down
Go places we ain't yet found
I wanna hold you tonight
We may not get things right
But we'll make beautiful mistakes
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The other two couples headed to the dance floor smiling at their achievement.

"You owe me." Gunn said.

"Owe you for what?" Faith asked.

"You said she'd say it first, and she didn't." He reminded his girlfriend.

"Damn!" she said as she realized he was right. "What did we wager?"

"Only good stuff, baby." He said and pulled her closer to kiss her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Headlights shining on her face
Two kids holding hands
In my daddy's car

Moonlight bouncing off her skin
We're young and innocent
Some say we've gone too far.

Tell that to our hearts

I wanna lay you down
Go places we ain't yet found
I wanna hold you tonight
We may not get things right
But we'll make beautiful mistakes
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As the song ended, Spike pulled away from Willow and looked her in the eyes. "I love you, Willow. Forever."

"I love you, too, William. Forever." After a few seconds, she pulled away from him and asled. "I guess this means we need to make new sleeping arrangements."

The vampire smirked his infamous smirk and knew that everything would work out fine.

The End
