Have Some

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: Joss & Co. owns all characters and places. Trust me, if I owned any of it, Spike would've NEVER thought he was in love with Buffy.

Rating: PG-13

Summary:  Fluff, pure fluff. The gang goes to LA so I can put Willow and Spike together.

Spoilers: Beginning of S5 Buffy and S2 Angel. Once again, there is no way Spike could've fallen for the slayer. I don't believe it's true to his character, so I refuse to put it in the fic. :)

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel http://angel.wicked-raine.com , Red's Soulmates, Willow's Lil Secret, Near Her Always, Willow Spike Forever, Cyberline, Angelic Vamps, Rapture, and anyone else who has permission. If you do not, ask and I'll say yes.


~Part: 1~

"Wonderful." Giles said as the last of the Scooby gang entered the Magic Box. "Everyone's here."  Buffy and Riley found seats next to one another at the table across from Xander and Anya. Willow had her laptop booted up and ready. Spike sat on the ladder leading up to the 'not for sale' magic books. "Now, the reason I asked you here, is,"

"To bore me to tears?" Spike interrupted.

"I was hoping it was to bore you to dust." Buffy told the vampire with a sickly sweet smile on her face. "That way, everyone's happy."

"Tell you what, slayer." The vampire said as he smirked at the blonde. "Tell me what you're studying right now in Medieval History for the test on Monday, and I'll gladly stake myself."

Spike knew Buffy was too busy throwing herself at the commando to even listen in class, let alone study. Earlier, he had seen Willow studying and had asked her what the subject was. She finished studying, and they talked about the subject, as well as a few more interesting subjects before Xander and Anya wandered in. Then, the vampire decided to sit back and let his redhead set up for research. Okay, so she wasn't HIS redhead. Yet. He just had to find a way to tell her, and hoped to the PTB that she'd accept his love.

Meanwhile, the slayer desperately looked at the redhead for help. Willow, however, pretended to be looking at her computer and tried not to smile.

"Well?" Spike prompted the slayer.

"Oh.shut up, Spike!" The slayer finally said, defeated.

"Did you spend all day coming up with that comeback?" Spike asked with his trademark smirk and leaned back against the ladder. "I'm surprised you haven't flunked out of school."

"Spike, that's enough." Giles said sternly.

"Hey, here's an idea." Willow said. "Let's find out why everyone is here so we can get started?"

Giles looked at the redhead. He really had to respect Spike for helping her to become more confident in herself. It was usually strongest the first few hours after they talked. He then noticed fingers waving in his face.

"Earth to Giles." Xander said.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry." He stated.

"Where were you?" Buffy asked.

"I was just reminded of something." The ex-watcher replied.

"Could it possibly be the reason that we're all here?" Spike asked sarcastically.

"Spike." Willow warned. Giles smiled inwardly at the way the vampire actually looked like a kid that just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted the FIRST time." Giles continued as he directed a hard stare at the bleach blonde. "Something horrible has come up and we need to migrate to help some people."

"If you tell me we're going to Hell-A, I'll watch the sunrise tomorrow morning." Spike said dreading the response.

"I'd pay money to see that." Buffy said happily.

"Yeah, but I'd postpone it long enough for you to realize that you're taking your new commando boy toy to spend quality time with your vampire ex-lover, you stupid twit."

Everyone in the room looked at Riley. Buffy turned to her watcher.

"Giles, please tell me we're not going to L.A.," the slayer begged.

"Fine then," the watcher replied, fed up with the antics of the young people in the room. For heaven's sake, Spike was old enough to be his great-great grandfather and he was acting like one of the kids. "I won't tell you. Just be packed by tomorrow at sunset. We'll all meet here." Just then, the door opened and in walked a customer. "That's all, you may go." Giles said. "Buffy, do a quick patrol first." He paused and thought about it. "Spike, take Willow with you and do a patrol on the other side of town."

Everyone stared in shock at Giles as he went to help the customer while Anya headed back to the register.

"Wow, I've never seen Giles go off like that." Riley said.

"I've seen him angry," Buffy said.

"Yeah, he does that clucking sound," Willow reminded the gang.

"But this is not the G-man we all know and love." Xander ended the collective thought.

"Well, I guess we're going to LA." Willow said.

"I wonder why." Xander added.

"I guess only Giles and Angel know that." Buffy answered softly.

"Oh, dear Lord," Giles said with undisguised anger as he walked past the table. "We are *not* going to Los Angeles. Now, will you *please* go and patrol?"

"Let's get out of here, Red." Spike said quietly to the redhead as she left her things and went to patrol with vampire.

~Part: 2~

Spike and Willow walked slowly, aware of their surroundings. The vampire had also been teaching the redhead self-defense techniques so that she could hold her own in an attack.

"So, what do you think the big danger is?" Willow asked quietly.

"You know Rupes." Spike replied. "He always overreacts."

"I don't know. It just seemed.unusual."

"Nothing to worry your pretty head about, Luv." Spike said with a smile. "We always manage to make things right."

Just then, a few vampires run in for the attack. Spike ducks a punch and delivers one to the vamp's groin before pulling out a stake and making use of it.

"Besides," Spike continued as he stood and elbowed another vampire in the face. "At least we're not going to Hell-A." He looked at Willow who had just staked a vamp and was ducking punches from the one Spike elbowed in the face. She kicked out as hard as she could in a front side kick that sent it back to Spike who was ready with stake in hand.

"You're forgetting one thing, Mister." She replied as a stake materialized in her hand and she thrust it into the heart of the final vamp that was stalking her.

"And what's that, Pet?" Spike asked as he brushed dust from his clothing.

"Even if we do NOT go to L.A., we still have to meet up with Angel and his gang." The redhead announced as she walked ahead, not waiting for the vampire to follow.

"Oh, bloody hell!" Spike screamed and punched a tree before running to catch up with Willow.


"How are you?" Riley asked Buffy as they headed back from patrol.

"What do you mean?" The slayer asked, trying to play dumb.

"You know what I mean." Riley replied. "I know you're thinking about Angel."

"Kind of like the big elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about, huh?" The slayer conceded. "Except we're not in a room. And the big elephant would be a welcome conversation topic right about now." The slayer rambled.

"Buffy," Riley started. "I know how hard it's going to be for you to do this. But, I just wanted you to know that I'll be with you every step of the way."

"How can I ever thank you for being so wonderful?" The slayer asked her boyfriend as he enveloped her in a hug.

"Well, for starters, you can help me stake those vampires headed this way." The commando answered.

"It's a start." She rationalized as she went into slayer mode and ran towards two of the four that were headed their way.


"Everything set?" Angel asked Wesley as he came down the stairs of the Hyperion.

"Ready to go." Gunn replied as he walked up to the vampire. "Now, is anyone going to tell us what the big secret is and why we have to drive 2 ½ hours to a place in the middle of nowhere for a case?"

"It's not just a case." Wesley announced.

"So, what's the deal?" Cordelia asked after sitting quietly for the past 45 minutes. "Is it someone we know?"  Angel and Wesley looked at one another.  "Oh no." The brunette sighed as she realized the 'big secret'.

"What?" Gunn asked the seer.

Cordelia ignored gorgeous warrior and stomped towards Angel. "Since when does our job involve breaking murderers out of prison?" She yelled.

~Part: 3~

"Okay, calm down, Cordelia." Angel told the seer in his most soothing voice.

"Is that what we're doing?" Cordelia asked impatiently.

A very frightened Angel looked to Wesley for help.

Cordelia followed his gaze. Wesley glared at Angel for reminding the former May Queen that he was a part of this plan. "Now, Cordelia," The ex-watcher began.

"Oh, please, Wesley." She interrupted. "You know you can't do anything to put me off. Is. That. What. We. Are. Doing?" Wes could only nod. "Is someone going to tell me why?"

"We need her." Angel answered simply.

"Why? Because she's a slayer?" The seer questioned. "Buffy's a slayer! Why can't we just have her?" Angel looked at Cordy with raised eyebrows. "I didn't just say that, did I?" She sat down once again, defeated and sighed. "Someone had better explain to Gunn what we're doing before he pops a blood vessel."

The vampire took Gunn aside and explained the story of Faith from Sunnydale to prison.


"Are we there yet?" The whine from the back was extremely loud.

"Say it one more time, Xapper, and you'll be riding on top of this monstrosity." Spike told the carpenter as he continued to drive towards the City of Angels. "Rupert, are you sure we're not going to Hell-A?"

"No, Spike, we are NOT going to Los Angeles." Giles replied, his nerves shot after being in the giant SUV with the Scooby gang for only 90 minutes. "As a matter of fact, take the next exit."

"Good, because I have to pee."

"Thanks for sharing, Anya." Willow told the ex demon.

In the giant SUV were Spike and Willow in the front seats, Giles in the second row of seats with lots of luggage, Buffy and Riley on the third row of seats, and Xander and Anya on the last row of seats with the rest of the luggage behind them.

"We're not stopping, Anya." Giles explained. "This is the direction in which we need to go."

"Are we.?" A hand firmly attached itself to Xander's mouth before he could finish his sentence.

"Thank you." Spike said to no one in particular with a sigh.

"Don't say I never did anything for you, peroxide head." Buffy replied.

"It wasn't a purely selfless act though, was it?" Willow asked with a smirk.

"Okay, fine." Buffy admitted. "I couldn't take it if I heard him say it one more time, either."

"Wrrmmp houyy pqureez rhp rjpo mrqw mrwy rrrmmphth!" Xander said with Buffy's hand still attached to his face.

"But if he would've said it, we could've stopped so Spike could tie him to the roof, and I could go pee!" Anya said, shifting in her seat.

"Rownra!"  Xander screamed, outraged at his girlfriend's indifference.

"Who said anything about tying him?" Spike asked.

"Another 40 minutes and I'll be able to get to a place of peace and quiet." Giles said quietly to himself as he rested his head against the window.

Willow heard him mumble and smiled to herself. Even though they were on their way to fight a big evil and spend time with Team Angel, she was still happy to have the opportunity to take this road trip.

"Are you going to stop saying it?" Buffy asked Xander as she kept her hand over his mouth. He nodded. She pulled her hand away. Xander rubbed his mouth and massaged his lips.

"Thanks a lot for the help, guys." The brunette said sarcastically.

"Hey," Willow turned and told him as she pointed her thumb at Spike. "At least we didn't let him put you on top of the vehicle like he said he would."

"I believe he would've done it." Riley added with a grin.

"*I* certainly wouldn't have stopped him." Giles added with a slight grin as he stayed leaning against the window with his eyes closed.

"I *know* I wouldn't have." Buffy added.

"That's just.mean!" Xander screamed.

~Part: 4~

"Wow." Buffy said in awe of the building she faced.

"I'm going to go ahead and second that." Willow added.

"Giles, how do you know about this place?" Xander asked. He paused, and then added, "And why have we never been here?"

"It was never supposed to be used by groups such as ours." The ex-watcher replied. "Only now are we able to use it."

"Because of the significance of this mission?" Riley asked.

"Quite right." Giles replied. The gang stared at the 3 story majestic building that was the picture of magnificence. "This was supposed to be a-a retreat, if you will; a safe house for beings whose significance was a matter of whether or not the earth was doomed."

The group was too distracted by the sheer magnitude of the place, that no one except Giles and Spike noticed the front door open, and the 3 people exit the house.

"Wow, the person we're helping must be really important." Willow surmised as she continued to gaze at the house.

"Who is it, Giles?" Buffy asked.

"Faith." Angel said.

"Confuse me?" Buffy asked. "Did you just say Faith?"

"Yes, he did." Giles answered for the vampire.

"FAITH is the reason we're here?" Buffy was in complete shock.

"Partially, yes." Angel replied. "We need her to help with something more."

"Hell-o! Slayer here!" Buffy said as if no one there knew it. "What about me?"

"I'm sure they want someone who can actually *do* the job, slayer." Spike said. "Not *give* one."

"Spike, that's enough." Giles chastised the blonde vampire.  "Now, let's get our things and get inside."

The group shuffled until everyone had some luggage to bring in, then followed Angel, Cordelia, and Gunn into the house.

"Angel," Willow walked over to the dark-haired vampire after everyone was inside. He put the things he was holding to envelope the redhead in a hug.

"It's good to see you, Willow." He said. He looked up and saw his grand childe's eyes flash yellow. He sent an Angelus-style smirk Spike's way before releasing Willow.

"You, too." She said happily. "Where's Wesley?" She asked.

"We needed someone to hold down the fort while we were gone." Angel answered.

"And you trusted Wussy to do that?" Spike asked.

"You'd be surprised." Gunn said as he walked to the Scooby gang.

"Everybody, this is Charles Gunn." Angel said. "He works with us."

"Call me Gunn." The young warrior said with a sexy smile.

"Gunn it is." Willow said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Willow."

The rest did their introductions after the redhead and all were shown to their separate rooms.


A few minutes later found everyone unpacking. Willow stretched out on the comfortable full-sized bed and took a deep breath. She was relaxed and thinking about the situation with breaking Faith out of prison. Was that really necessary? Is the brunette slayer on the road to redemption like the brunette vampire? How are they actually going to get her out of there without having every John Q. Law on their tails the entire time they were battling the big evil.thingy? No one has been told what he or she'd be fighting yet. Top priority was springing Faith. What's with all the secrecy? What are Giles and Angel trying to hide? Where is Spike's room in this house?

Okay, maybe that last question wasn't of major significance. But, it didn't make her NOT curious. She knew she had started having feelings for the bleach blonde vampire. She thought it was just a silly schoolgirl crush. But, every day, the feelings get stronger and stronger.

She sighed and decided to do some exploring of the house when there was a knock on the door. She stood and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" She called out.

"The Easter Bunny." Spike's dry sarcastic voice said on the other side of the door.  Willow smiled and reached for the door. She got rid of the smile and put one what she hoped was annoyance before opening the door.

"May I help you?" She asked innocently.

"C'mon, let's go." He said as he grabbed her hand.

"Go where?" She asked. "Wait a minute." She said huffily. The vampire stopped and looked at her with concern. Did she not want to spend time with him? Now, he was starting to rethink the entire idea. He looked into her eyes once more and saw mischief. "You're not the Easter Bunny." She said in a serious but playful tone.

Spike's face blossomed into a beautiful smile and Willow nearly melted. "Let's go taunt the Pouf and the slayer." He paused and then said, "Sounds like a television show, doesn't it?"

Willow had to giggle. She happily followed Spike down the stairs to find the others because she knew he would make her laugh.

~Part: 5~

Spike and Willow spent the next half hour giggling and exploring the house. It was beautiful and self-sufficient. Everything a person or vampire could want was in this house or on the grounds. The two had managed to scout the entire place out when they returned to the downstairs library. They stood in the hallway outside the nearly closed doors, where they heard yelling.

"But why Faith, of all people?" Buffy yelled.

"Buffy," Angel sighed. He was sick of having to deal with this particular slayer. "I didn't ask the Powers That Be for charts and graphs. All I know is we need her. So, if you're not on board, we can take you to the nearest bus stop and you can head back to Sunnydale."

Spike nearly laughed out loud, but Willow covered his mouth and gave him a disapproving look.

"So, you're just going to disregard me? Is that it?" The blonde slayer asked, with hurt in her voice.

"If you can't remember that you are *not* the center of everyone's universe, then yes." Angel replied. "Look, we need a team here. Nobody gets special treatment or butt kissing. Is that understood?"

The slayer remained silent.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." A voice with a British accent announced.

"So, you're on his side, too?" The slayer asked her watcher.

"Did you just miss the entire point of this conversation, Buffy?" Giles asked, utterly perplexed. "There ARE no sides! We need to work as a TEAM!"

Just then, Spike pushed opened the door and walked in with Willow behind him looking guilty.

"God, slayer, are you really that daft?" He asked.

"Spike, not now." Angel told his grand childe.

"Honestly, maybe this Faith bird has gone up against this big bad we're supposed to fight." Spike continued as though Angel hadn't spoken. "Maybe she's fought against a demon in league with it. Maybe *that's* why we need her. Did you ever consider that?" The slayer looked at him, confusion evident on her face, followed by understanding.  "Not everything is about you. I'm so sick of your 'world revolves around me' attitude, I could puke." Everyone in the room was looking at him in utter shock.

"Erm, very well said, Spike." Giles told the vampire. "Except for the um, puking part, obviously." He added.

Just then, the rest of the group showed up behind Willow, who was still in the doorway.

"Why don't we all sit down and discuss how we're going to this prison thing." Gunn suggested. Everyone made his or herself comfortable in the room. At first everyone was quiet.

"So, how do we plan on getting Faith out of the 'pokey'?"

"Xander, I really expected you phrase the question like that." Angel told the carpenter before turning to the hacker. "Not Willow." Willow and Spike giggled in spite of themselves and tried to behave. "Now, how are your computer skills?" He asked.

"Sharp as ever." The redhead replied with a confident grin.

"Good to hear." Angel said. "That's one problem solved."

"Meaning?" Cordelia asked.

"Willow is going to hack into the prison's computer system and make it as though Faith was never there." Giles replied.

"Good plan." Riley said. "But how do we physically get her out?"

"That's where the vampires come in." Giles answered.

"Excuse me?" Spike asked.

"Xander, you still have your military training from that horrendous Halloween, don't you?" Giles asked.

"Yeah, but."

"Good." Angel interrupted. "Because you and Riley are going come up with a way to get me and Spike inside, so that we can get Faith."

"I'm guessing they're also going to be back up." Spike added.

"Good guess." Angel replied. "You never cease to amaze me, my boy."

"Well, that's my unlife's ambition, grandpa." Spike said sarcastically. Willow hit him on the arm and glared at him.

"Be nice." She said sternly but playfully.

"Also, Willow, we'll need the schematics of the prison to figure a way in and come up with a definite escape route."

"Not a problem." She replied.

"Relying a lot on Red, aren't we?" Spike asked.

"I can do it, Spike." Willow said, disappointed that Spike had no confidence in her abilities.

"I know you can do it, pet." The former poet replied. "I just want them to acknowledge that you are always a major part in saving everyone else's asses around here, and yet no one ever remembers to thank you." The witch smiled at the object of her affections.

"Thanks Spike." She whispered.

"Spike is right." Xander announced. "That's something I never thought I'd say."

"Really, you all just assume and expect her to do practically everything, but you never say thank you when it's all said and done." Anya announced. "Talk about taking people for granted. I sure wouldn't help you all if you were that rude to me."

"Guys, this is great and everything, but too much attention to me makes me." Willow started.

"The color of your hair?" Gunn asked with a smile.

Willow nodded enthusiastically.

"Gunn," Angel said, trying to get the attention off of Willow since she was obviously uncomfortable. However, he did take note of the fact that Spike started the conversation of praising the redhead. "We're going to need you to schmooze the guards any way possible. We'll get you a uniform, along with the others. I know you can talk your way out of just about anything."

"Thanks for noticing." Gunn replied.

"Buffy, you'll be with Gunn in case the rest of the group has trouble getting out." Giles continued.

"Right." She said. "Do I get a uniform, too?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes, Buffy, you get a uniform." Giles answered with a sigh.

~Part: 6~

Surprisingly, the plan was executed perfectly. The group was inclined to think that the PTB was on their side. The group that went to get Faith showed up at the house with the brunette not 3 hours after leaving.

Willow walked over to the group. "Guys, why is she unconscious?" The witch asked.

"Believe it or not, she didn't want to come with us."  Gunn replied.

"You're kidding." Cordelia said in shock.

"She felt it was necessary for her to stay in prison and do her time." Angel explained. "I think it's very admirable."

"If she didn't want to come, why didn't you guys just leave her there?"

"Buffy, don't start." Giles told the blonde slayer. "No one is in the mood for your petty jealousy."

"Thanks for the sleeping powder you gave me, luv." Spike told the witch. "Worked like a charm."

"How much longer will she be out?" Riley asked the redhead.

"Already up." Faith replied as she stood and headed towards the group. "Thanks for the positive energy, B." She told Buffy. "Nice job with the sleeping potion, Red. I don't have a headache or anything." She smiled at the hacker. Willow proudly smiled back.

"So, you're not angry at us?" Angel asked hesitantly.

"The way I see it, you guys must be in wicked trouble to have to come get me to help you. So, we're cool." The brunette slayer replied. "You got anything to eat around here?"

"I'll show you to the kitchen." Angel said hurriedly and escorted the slayer to the kitchen area.

"I don't see why *he* has to take her." Buffy mumbled.

"Have you NO shame, slayer?" Spike asked. "Your boy toy is standing right there and you're playing the jealous ex-girlfriend." Everyone suddenly realized they needed to be elsewhere.

"C'mon, Spike." Willow grabbed the vampire's hand. "You need to show me some more self defense techniques before everyone goes to get some sleep."

"Yes, and, erm, I need to read up on a few more things." Giles volunteered as he practically ran out of the room.

"Hey Wills, wait!" Cordelia said as she and Gunn ran to follow the witch and the vampire. "We'll go with you."

Buffy turned to face Riley who sat with a stoic look on his face staring into the fireplace. She walked over to him knowing she shouldn't have been jealous of Faith and Angel. At least not in front of him.

Meanwhile, Willow, Spike, Cordy, and Gunn all sat outside looking at the stars.

"Spike, that was...*harsh*." Cordelia told the vampire.

"Your point?" He retorted.

"Way to go!" The seer replied and started laughing as Spike put a smirk on his face. Gunn was trying to cover up a chuckle while Willow couldn't stop her giggle.

"Is she really that self centered?" Gunn asked.

"Yes." Spike said before anyone else could answer to the contrary.

"'Fraid so." Cordelia added.

"Why was Angel so in love with her?" Gunn's next question caught everyone a little off guard.

"Well, I guess, because she wasn't always like this." Willow started. "I mean, I remember how she was our sophomore year up through graduation. She was really sweet and caring."

"I agree with the 'she wasn't always like this' theory. But, she *was* a pseudo nice person up through junior year." Cordelia interjected. "After she sent Angel to hell, she became a spoiled brat."

"She was almost worse than you, Cordy." Willow said slyly.

Cordelia flipped her off. "I sure wouldn't want to be in her shoes right now." Cordy said to no one in particular as she thought of what poor Riley must be saying to her.


Faith was sitting on the table in the kitchen, while Angel heated up some food for her.

"You know, I can cook for myself." She said.

"It's almost done." Angel replied with a smile towards her. Then, his face got serious. "So, what do you think?"

"About what you just told me?" Faith asked. The dark vampire nodded. "I think we can pull it off. But, I don't think goldilocks is going to like me running the show."

"Well, she'll have to deal with it, because I need you." Angel replied irately. Faith arched an eyebrow at him. "I mean, we.WE need you." He turned back to the food and began shoveling it onto the plate.

Faith decided to file that bit of information for later. She had started having feelings for him when he began to go visit her on a regular basis while she was in prison. He would stay the longest amount of time he could, and then give her words of comfort before going back to the Hyperion. She never dreamed the feeling was mutual. A smile appeared on her face when he started serving the food.

"I um, I didn't realize Willow had gotten that powerful." She said, trying to change the subject so that Angel wouldn't feel uncomfortable. "I mean, that's some serious mojo she's going to have to work."

"You'd be surprised." Angel replied with a smile as he headed to the table and sat her plate down. "She's grown into quite the serious wicca."

"Wow, I'm impressed." She said. "And William the Bloody is actually willingly helping you guys." Angel nodded. "That's wicked strange."

"I think he's in love with Willow." Angel answered conspiratorially. "That's why he's not complaining too much."

"I kinda got that feeling myself." Faith replied with a smirk. "You have something planned for them, don't you?"

"Who me?" Angel replied innocently. His face then morphed into a sly smile. "Wanna help?"

"Hell yeah!" The brunette slayer answered excitedly.

~Part: 7~

"So, what's the deal with you two?" Spike asked.

"What do you mean?" Cordelia asked.

"Are you two shagging or what?"

"I can NOT believe you just said that!" Cordelia screamed and covered her face with her hands as she hid in embarrassment.

"Oops! Was that out loud?"

"Red, that was inspired!" Spike said as he stood and applauded.

"I've really been hanging around you too much, haven't I?" Willow said to the vampire as her face colored.

"Don't change the subject." Spike told the group. "What's the story?"

"We've been seeing each other since she proclaimed herself my guardian." Gunn replied through the tears he'd accumulated while he was laughing.

"Your guardian?" Willow asked. "Splainy please." She said with a smile.

"Well, I had a vision about Gunn fighting something he couldn't beat." Cordelia started.

"It wasn't what you all are thinking." Gunn added.

"He was pretty much battling himself." Cordelia finished. Spike arched an eyebrow at the brunette. "He was taking too many chances with his life after his sister died." She paused and squeezed his hand. "So, we realized that and things just kinda fell into place for us."

"Oh, that's so sweet, you guys." Willow said. "I'm sorry about your sister." She told Gunn who nodded his thanks.

"What about you two?" Gunn asked trying to look naïve about their situation.

"Wha-huh?" Willow asked.

"Are you two an item?" Gunn asked and made sure to say each word slowly as he and Cordelia watched the shocked expressions on both the witch and the vampire.

Just then, Angel and Faith, who had heard everything, made themselves known by walking up to the four of them.

"Wow, that's the first ever DOUBLE 'deer in headlights' look I've ever seen!" Faith said laughing. "You two should really see yourselves." She gracefully sat down with the group and continued laughing.

"Oh, sod off, slayer!" Spike said, desperately trying to get his brain to work again.

Angel sat down next to Faith once they made room for him in the little circle.

"Nice comeback, blondie." Faith replied.

"What did I say?" Gunn asked, again feigning innocence.

"Something that was apparently impossible." Willow replied.

"What?" Gunn asked. "You two? Impossible?" The witch nodded as Spike glared at the witch for saying she'd never be with him. "Why?" Gunn continued his questioning.

"Please," Willow explained. "Spike wanting me is as unlikely as Angel wanting Xander."

"I really didn't need that visual, Willow." Angel said in disgust, trying to rub out the horrible vision it left on the dark haired vampire.

"But you see what I mean." Willow replied.

Just then, Spike realized what was actually going on. "Wait a minute." He replied. "Why wouldn't I want you?"

"Hello, hottie vampires do not want mousy research girls." Willow replied.

"No, they want intelligent, beautiful, fiery witches who also know how to hack into the government computer systems." He told the object of his affection.

"Wait a minute." The witch said. "Are you saying that if circumstances were different, you'd be interested in me?" She asked.

"How different would the circumstances have to be, luv?" Spike asked with a genuine smile. Just then, Faith thought to herself how beautiful he really is; and, how angry he would be with her if he knew she thought he was ~beautiful~. "I mean, really." Spike continued. "I think all of those things about you right now."

"Spike you don't have to say all those things because we're friends." Willow replied.

"I think those things about you, too Red." Gunn added. "Why can't you see that you're a beautiful and smart young woman?"

"Same here, Will." Faith added. "If I swung that way, I definitely wouldn't kick you out of bed."

"Sorry Willow." Angel added. "It's a unanimous decision." Cordelia nodded. "You're a hottie. Face it."

"You guys are the best friends ever." Willow told them. Everyone participated in the group hug. Even Faith and Gunn bullied Spike into it.

A few minutes later, the group of six was sitting looking at the stars.

"Big day tomorrow, huh?" The brunette slayer said as she stretched.

"Big day TODAY." Gunn corrected her.

"The sun's about to come up." Spike added.

"I'm beat." Faith said as she stood. Everyone followed her lead. "We get the lowdown on what's going on after everyone wakes up later, right?" She asked Angel.

"Definitely." Angel replied. "It gets pretty serious from here, guys."

"Yeah, because busting a superhuman out of prison wasn't serious at all." Spike said. As an afterthought, he added, "Ponce."

"Don't start guys." Cordelia scolded. "Or we'll leave you two out here to fight it out in light of day.

"Amen to that." Gunn agreed.

"I couldn't stop you if I wanted to." Faith added. "I'm too damned tired."

Spike took Willow's hand and put her arm in his as they walked into the house and up to their rooms. Faith and Angel were behind them smiling. They winked at one another for making the two see that there were definitely feelings there.

Meanwhile, Gunn and Cordelia walked hand in hand silently plotting the relationship between Faith and Angel.

~Part: 8~

As the last of the stragglers settled in for breakfast in the huge kitchen early that afternoon, coffee, food, and blood was handed out to the appropriate people.

"I swear I have the most comfortable bed on the planet." Willow announced happily.

"Don't be ridiculous, Will." Xander replied. "Have slept on every bed on the planet?"

"I had such a good night's sleep, I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer, Alexander." Willow retorted. She stuck out her tongue at the carpenter.

"Seriously," Angel said. "I slept really well, too. Which, of course, is tough to do for a vampire." Before the younger vampire could even open his mouth to make a comment, Angel said, "Shut up, Spike."

Everyone in the kitchen laughed, except for the bleached blonde vampire who pouted.

"Hell, everyone KNOWS I slept like a baby." Faith replied. I think ANY bed would be better than the one at the prison."

"Yeah," Willow added. "I didn't think the beds would be too comfortable in the pokey."  Faith smiled at the redhead. The witch had changed so much since the last time she saw her.

"You're not wrong about that, Red." The brunette slayer replied.

"Well, now that the ice has been broken, so to speak," Giles said after clearing his throat. "Shall we get started on discussing what needs to be done and why?"

"Good idea, Giles." Willow said.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Xander asked.

"First of all, one reason this house was chosen," Giles began as he looked at Willow. "Is for the room where the spells are done."

"But, Giles, we've been all over this place and never saw a room like that." Willow said.

"It's on the top floor, Willow." Angel replied. "Where the attic would be. Extremely powerful magic has been worked in that room."

"As for the reason Faith is here," Giles continued. Everyone looked at the slayer and then the watcher. "She's going to be the one directing Willow in her spells."

"What?" Anya asked.

"How is that possible?" Buffy added.

"Not only will she be the one leading the group in the battle against Kandris," he paused as he looked at Faith. "But, there is a prophecy that says she will be the one to beat him."

"I suppose it helps that I've met him before." Faith said.

"Well, sure it does." Buffy replied. "Why else would they want you lead this fight."

"Actually, that fact is purely coincidental." Angel said with a satisfied smirk. "Apparently, Faith has reserves of strength that you don't, not to mention the lack of self centeredness you've developed over the last couple of years."

"Ouch!" Spike yelled. He stood and applauded. "I couldn't have said it better myself, grandpa!"

Everyone else was stunned silent that the former love of the blonde slayer's life had just told her the truth about herself. Always the mediator, Willow decided to change the subject.

"Tell us about this Kandris guy." The witch requested.

"He's one bad ass demon." Faith stated, although still rather impressed by Angel's defense of her. "He looks human, but he's not a vamp. I think he's an Eldniw demon." It was more of a question as she looked to Giles for confirmation of accuracy. The watcher nodded and the slayer continued.  "He can work some serious mojo himself, Red, so be careful. He's really powerful." Willow nodded her understanding and Faith continued. "It really doesn't help that he's wicked hot, too!"

"Faith, please try to focus." Giles interrupted before the slayer could elaborate.

"He's got damn near an army of every kind of minion I've ever seen. I know I couldn't defeat him alone." She sighed. "Lucky for me he was just passing through Boston." She said more to herself than the group. "Anyway, we've got to stay focused, guys. I don't want anything bad happening to any of you at the hands of Kandris." As an afterthought, she added: "Including you, B."

Unfortunately, the blonde slayer was still in shock by what Angel had said to her, so she missed everyone laughing at Faith's attempt to lighten the mood.

"Riley, I really don't think you should be laughing." Willow whispered to the commando. He just shrugged. Buffy snapped out of her internal perusing and looked at everyone.

"Now," Giles started. "We need to separate into two groups: fighters, and people with experience in magic." Angel saw Spike look longingly at Willow and smiled.

"We're only going to spend a couple of hours getting our memories and techniques refreshed." The dark vampire added. "Then, the group of fighters will spar with the others to make sure they're up for any attacks that may happen during all of this."

"Right then." Giles said. "You all have 20 minutes to change into comfortable clothing before meeting here."

"Quick question." Faith stepped in before the gang dispersed. "Where am I supposed to be? I'm a slayer, but I'm helping Red."

"Stick with Willow." Angel replied. "I doubt you need help in your fighting skills. Besides, I'm sure prison life has kept you on your toes."

"You wouldn't be wrong about that." Faith agreed as everyone headed upstairs to change.

~Part: 9~

"Damn, Willow." Faith said as they all walked into the area near the attic entrance. "How could you not have sensed this?" The slayer asked, referring to the strong magical signature she felt surrounding them.

"Giles, I should've sensed this." The redhead whispered to the watcher. "Why didn't I sense this?" Now, she was really worried. Had she lost her magic abilities just when they needed them the most?

"Calm down, Willow." Giles said to the witch. "There is also an extremely powerful mystical barrier that doesn't allow the magics to be sensed unless from an extremely short distance, like now."

"Whew!" The redhead exclaimed. "Thought I was losing my mojo." Faith smiled at the hacker and started walking closer to door.

"How are going to break in?" The brunette slayer asked. "You want me to kick down the door? Or, do you want to pick the lock?"

"How about I use the key?" Giles suggested as he produced the small metal object.

Cordelia, Giles, Anya, and Willow all looked at the brunette slayer. "What? I'm supposed to think that way." She insisted. "I just got out of prison."

"Fine, let's just go in." Giles answered, flustered.

"So, we just walk in?" Cordelia asked. "Isn't this place magically guarded or something?"

"Yeah, are we going to be ripped to pieces by things that attack us out of mid air or something like that?"

"No, Anya." Giles replied with heavy sigh. "The barrier prevents anyone from noticing this place at all, and therefore doesn't require anything more."

The two women nodded and looked at the rest of the group expectantly.

"Game faces, people." Faith announced. "It's all serious from here." She took the key from the watcher and headed to the door with everyone following.


Meanwhile, downstairs in the workout area, hardly anything was getting done. Everyone was yelling at everyone else. Someone wanted to spar with someone who didn't want to spar with them, but wanted to spar with someone else, and so on, and so forth. Finally, being fed up, the vampire leapt to a pommel horse and stood upright on it before screaming, "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Everyone stopped bickering and looked at the vampire.

"You people think we have time for this?" he asked angrily. "I sure as hell would rather be doing something other than watching you all squabble."

"I never thought I'd say this." Riley announced. "But he's got a point."

"Yeah, who knew dead boy junior had sense?" Xander added.

"Shut up, Xapper." Spike said as he jumped to the floor.

"Alright," Angel announced. "While everyone was over here wasting time, I decided to let us draw straws."

He pulled straws from a bag, already cut.

"You knew this was going to happen." It was more of a question from Xander.

"I had a feeling." He held out the hand with the straws. "Let's do it."

Everyone pulled a straw and began matching them to the others. The twosomes were: Riley and Spike, Angel and Xander, and Buffy and Gunn. The blonde slayer looked longingly at the commando, but followed orders.

"Now, I don't have super powers, so you can't be too rough on me." Gunn told the slayer.

"I hear you can hold your own." She replied playfully as the groups went to their separate places in the room. Gunn's eye's widened before he realized she was kidding.

"So, you and your guy still haven't patched things up?" He asked.

"Nope." She said dejectedly. "Granted, I have been really bratty lately. I just wish the guys would've told me."

"Would you have listened?" The young but wise warrior asked.

"Okay, fine." She said instead of answering. "Let's get this over with so I can apologize to my friends. And Faith."

The gorgeous young man chuckled and got into a fighting stance.

~Part: 10~

The upstairs group entered the fighting area exhausted, and yet refreshed at the same time.

"That was wicked cool!" Faith told her followers.

"Talk about a nice buzz." Willow added.

"Yes, well, are you all ready to join the sparring?" Giles asked.

"Hell yeah!" Faith answered and sauntered over to Angel and Xander. "You guys want to make this a threesome?" she asked with a playful smile.

"That's just.gross, Faith." Buffy replied smirking as she walked up to the group. The brunette slayer shrugged and smiled. Riley and Spike headed towards the rest of the group that had just arrived. "Listen," Buffy continued. "Since everyone is here, I'd like to say something."

Spike rolled his eyes. Willow elbowed him. "Ow." He whispered to the redhead.

"What's going on, Buffy?"  Willow asked.

"I've been such a bitch." The blonde began.

"And this is new, how?" Spike asked.

"I'm even going to ignore the bleached blunder here to express my sincere apologies to everyone in this room." She looked at Faith. "Except Spike."

"Wow, B." Faith told the blonde. "I honestly didn't think you had it in you."

"Same here." Angel added.

"I was curious, myself." Giles stated.

"You guys!" Buffy squealed, shocked.  "I am *not* that bad." She turned to Willow. "Am I?" The witch suddenly found her fingers very interesting. "Oh my gosh. I am." Buffy sat down on one of the mats, defeated. "I'm *so* sorry, guys."

"It's okay, Buffy." The hacker told her best friend.

"I'm sure anyone with super powers would forget that we're a team, for the most part."

"And hey," Riley added as he went and sat down next to his girlfriend. "At least you're admitting to the selfishness. That has to say something." He looked to the others. "Right?"

Giles, Faith, Gunn, and Willow all nodded and said their agreements.

"I think she actually believed she was the center of everyone's universe." Cordelia stated matter-of-factly.

"Same here." Anya chimed in. "Just because she has the slayer powers, doesn't make her any more special than the rest of us who still fight evil."

"Yeah," Spike chimed in. "Red here is a powerful witch, and she's not trying to be the center of attention day in and day out. Hell, I'll wager she can kick slutty's arse rather quickly." The redhead blushed and the blonde vampire smiled.

"God, I actually deserve all of that, don't I?" Buffy said to no one in particular.

"Hey," Angel spoke up. "Why don't we all get started on more hand to hand? Are we going to have to draw straws again?"

"I think I should get Red as a partner because I've been teaching her and I know the extent of her lessons." Spike said eloquently. Angel and Faith smiled at one another knowingly.

"Fine, Spike." Angel agreed. "You and Willow. Faith, you want to take Xander and I'll get Anya?"

"Yeah, that way everyone is with an experienced fighter." Faith agreed. Gunn and Cordelia paired up, as did Buffy and Riley. Giles stood and watched the group train.

~Part: 11~

After the work out session, everyone was famished and started heading towards the kitchen.

"So, what's for dinner?" Xander asked.

"I vote pizza!" Faith said happily.

"Before we're about the battle the likes of someone like Kandris, you're going for the junk food?" Buffy asked her fellow slayer.

"Yup." Faith replied with a smile.

"Cool! I'm in!" The blonde slayer chirped.

"Me too!" Willow added.

"Guys, you seem to be forgetting that we're, like a ga-zillion miles from the nearest pizza delivery place." Cordelia said.

"And that's a problem because.?" Willow prompted the seer.

"Oh, I get it!" Gunn said. Spike raised an eyebrow. "Hey, I could've said 'eureka!' like Wes, but I chose not to go that route."

"What did you get, Charles?" Cordelia asked impatiently.

"Oh, she can just make the pizza appear since she's such a powerful wicca chick." Gunn said.

"Willow, were you going to.?" Giles started.

"No, Giles." She replied and then looked at Gunn.

"Although, thanks for having faith in me!" Once they were in the kitchen, Willow opened the huge walk-in freezer door. "Spike and I went exploring the other night and the kitchen included one of our stops." She walked midway into the freezer and came out with a couple of large frozen pizzas. Spike quickly took them from her. "Thanks." She whispered to the vampire who, if Angel didn't know better, could've sworn his grand childe blushed.

"Two is not going to be enough, Will." Xander explained to the hacker.

"This here is ours, Xapper." Spike answered. "Get your own and bugger off."

"Be nice, William." Angel warned in a fatherly tone.

"You gave up any right to call me that when you got your shiny new soul, *grandpa*." The younger vampire answered with a proud smirk.

"Don't make me show you some respect, boy." Angel said, barely in control of his temper.

"Wow," Gunn said. "I've never seen Angel look like he's going to lose it before."

"That's because you've never met Spike." Cordelia replied. "Those two in a room together."

".are like napalm and gun powder." Willow finished.

"And a lit match, in case you didn't get the visual yet, Chuck." Faith added.

"Gotcha." Gunn replied.

"Why don't I take one, one way, and you take the other in the opposite direction?" Willow suggested.

"On it." Faith replied. Each young female took the arm of a vampire.

Willow and Spike headed to one of the stoves, while the rest went to gather their pizzas from the fridge.

"You know, you could put forth an effort to make peace with him." Willow said once they had started up the oven and put the pizza inside.  She walked away from the kitchen and sat outside on the porch. Of course, the vampire followed.

"Oh, come on, Luv." Spike whined. "You're not actually asking me to be nice to Paingel are you?"

She smiled at the nickname Spike had for the dark-haired vampire. "I'm just asking that you at least be civil."

"Right then." He said after a few seconds. "What will I get in return?"

"The satisfaction of knowing that you were the one to put your differences aside first?" She replied.

Spike thought about it for a moment. "Not good enough."

"Not even for me?" She asked innocently.

"You can't play me, witch." Spike said mischievously. "But, what I want, does have something to do with you."

Her gulp was audible. "Excuse me?"

"If I play nice with Captain Hair Gel, you have to promise me something."

"I don't know if I trust you, William." She said teasingly, purposely accenting his name.

"Well, you'll just have to take that chance, Willow." He said with a smile, accenting her name, as well.

"Okay, I'll take that chance." She replied. "Because I doubt if you can stay civil to Angel throughout the rest of our time here."

"So, are you promising?" Spike asked.

"I'm promising." She said confidently, though her insides felt like jelly.

He watched her for a few silent moments. "Good. You're on." He stood. "Here come the others."

"Wait." Willow said as she stood. "What did I just promise?"

"I'm not going to ruin it by telling you, Luv." Spike answered naughtily. "And no, it's not what your dirty little mind is thinking, either. I've got my pride, y'know."  He said haughtily.

Just then, the others emerged from the building and everyone sat waiting and talking while their pizzas cooked in the oven.

~Part: 12~

Once the pizza was done and everyone was sitting and having dinner, the real conversations started.

"So, Faith, what do you have planned once everything is done out here?" Willow asked. "You thinking about maybe working for Angel Investigations?"

"Shouldn't I be thinking about going back to jail?" The brunette slayer asked.

"Why?" Cordelia asked, having seen the changes in her. "It seems to me that you'd do more good helping the helpless than sitting around some jail cell."

"I agree." Buffy added. Everyone looked at her skeptically. "Weren't you all there when I realized what a bitch I was being and apologized for it?"

"Thanks, B." Faith said sincerely. "I appreciate that."

"Yeah, Faith." Angel joined in. "We'd love to have you."

"I know YOU would." Spike said under his breath. Only Angel and Willow heard, and they BOTH elbowed the former poet on each side. "Ow!"

"So, are you in?" Gunn asked.

"Looks like." She replied with a smile.

"Yeah, it's not like there is any kind of paper trail on you, thanks to our Wills." Xander added.

"When are you two going to come and visit, Will?" Faith asked, mysteriously.

"Who two?" Willow replied, not knowing what was going on.

"You and Spike after you hook it up?" Faith said blatantly.

"What?" Buffy asked.

"I second that!" Willow exclaimed.

"On that note," Angel said, "Why don't we all excuse ourselves so that those two can talk?"

The room emptied in less than 5 seconds.

"This can't be happening to me." Willow said as she started pacing. "Nothing this embarrassing has EVER happened to me!"

"Who're you talking to, pet?" Spike asked, unsure of himself.

"Spike! Don't look at me! I'm already really embarrassed right now." She said anxiously.

"Look, pet..."

"I can't believe they did this to me!"

"Red, listen."

"These people are supposed to be my friends!"


"Oh, huh?" She turned to look at the vampire as if she noticed he was there for the first time.

"Do you have feelings for me?" He asked slowly.

"Yes." She said, almost inaudibly.

"I have feelings for you, luv." He replied with a look of relief.

"You do?" She asked naively.

"Bloody hell, Will." He closed what little distance was left between the two of them and put his arms around her. "Do you honestly think I'm being as nice as I am to Angel because I WANT to?"

"Well, no, there is the bet." She supplied.

"Oh, bugger the stupid bet!" He said impatiently. "I just wanted to con you into that promise."

"You really have feelings for me?" she asked, a little more confidently.

"A little more than that, luv." She looked up at him. "I'm in love with you."



"Um, I mean, okay." She amended.

"OKAY?" He took a deep breath and let go of her. Then he said softly, "I guess my feelings are deeper than yours." He turned to walk away.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Where I'm wanted." He replied without looking back.

"Oh, to my bedroom?" she asked mischievously.

The vampire stopped in his tracks and shook his head, as if he imagined hearing that.

"What did you just say?" He asked the redhead as he turned to face the witch.

"Well that got your attention." She said with a smile. "Now let's start this over. You love me, correct?"

"Yes, witch!" He whined. "We've been through this."

"Well, I'm so in love with you, I can't stop thinking about you." He just stared at her. "Well," She said. "Get back over here and put those arms around me again."

Spike happily obliged, as they began a passionate kiss. When they pulled apart, Willow remembered something.

"So, what did you make me promise?" She asked. The vampire chuckled and dragged her to a place more private.


The next evening was the day of the battle. Everyone fought diligently and courageously. Kandris was quickly, if not easily, defeated by the hard work of the extended Scooby gang and Team Angel. As the magic crew stumbled downstairs, the group of fighters stumbled inside.

"Well, that was." Buffy started.

"Exhausting is good adjective to insert there." Faith replied.

"To say the least." Xander added.

Spike looked at Willow, who seemed barely able to keep her eyes open.

"You okay, Luv?" He asked the redhead.

"Fine." She replied with a smile before collapsing. Luckily, the vampire anticipated the fall and was already headed towards her with vampiric speed.

"Watcher." Spike said to Giles in warning tone, wanting an explanation.

"That was some powerful magic, Spike." The watcher replied with a weary expression on his face, as well. "She needs to replenish her energy supply. That requires rest." He addressed the others. "The elusive rest, which is something I think well all need right now. Excellent work, everyone. We'll discuss everything in the morning."

Buffy and Riley leaned on one another as they headed upstairs. Xander and Anya did the same. Gunn and Cordelia held hands as they ascended the stairs, and Giles followed.

"She'll be fine, Fang." Faith told the blonde vampire. "Not to worry. She was wicked cool and had everything under control. Be proud." She slapped his shoulder in a friendly gesture and turned to Angel. "I'm about to crash. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He replied. "I'm just glad this is all over."

"That makes two of us, gramps." Spike added. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get the witch into bed." Before she could say anything, Spike added. "Shut up, slayer."

"Well, I'd better hit the hay." Faith reiterated as she turned to follow Spike.

"Faith." Angel called out. She turned and looked at him with a questioning look. Angel couldn't get over how amazing this woman was, even after the major battle that had just ensued. The brunette slayer was the only one who participated in both aspects of the battle and led the group to victory. She had come such a long way in such a short time. "You were amazing out there tonight."

"You weren't so bad, yourself, brood boy." She said with a smile and bounced up the stairs as quickly as her tired limbs would carry her.

~Part: 13~

Everyone was up and out of bed by late afternoon. They ended up in one of the lounge rooms where they all sprawled on a piece of furniture.

"Can we say, happy to be alive?" Xander said.

"Seconded." Buffy answered.

"I'm not alive." Spike stated.

"You know what I meant, evil dead." Xander told the vampire.

"He's just giving you a hard time, Xand." Willow told her best friend.

"Do I have to be nice to him, Will?" The carpenter replied.

"No, not really." Angel answered for the witch.

"Were you even in this, you ponce?" Spike glared at his grandsire.

"I see I've arrived in time to stop this before it starts." A voice at the door announced.

"Thanks Giles." Faith said. "I was about ready to actually let them go outside and fight it out once and for all."

"Faith, the sun is out." Gunn informed the brunette slayer.

"Your point?" Both Faith and Willow asked in unison.

"Hey!" Both vampires said in outrage.

"Then learn to behave when you are in the same room." Cordelia told them with a sickly sweet smile on her face.

"Yes, well, why don't we all calm down and relax." Giles said.

"I don't think we can get more relaxed than this, Giles." Xander told the watcher.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate you all on a job well done." Giles said. "Everyone worked extremely hard and overcame the many obstacles that we all had to face. I'm extremely proud."

"Translation: We kicked booty!" Buffy said proudly.

"Well, I suppose one could put it in the not so eloquent way that Buffy has." Giles told the group. "We'll be ready to leave here tomorrow evening."

"So soon?" Willow asked.

"Yeah, I was just getting used to my big, comfy bed." Faith added.

Both Willow and Anya reached over and covered Spike's mouth before he could speak.

"So, we can just chill tonight and spend quality time with our respective honeys?" Buffy asked.

"Yes, Buffy." Giles told his slayer, tremendously happy she had gotten over some of her self-centeredness. "I, however, will be reading in the study if anyone needs me." With that, the former watcher walked towards the study to enjoy an evening of recreational reading.

"Okay, what about those of us who *don't* have a honey?" Faith asked feeling left out.

"Careful what you wish for, slayer." Spike warned.

"So, what do you guys want to do until tonight?" Willow asked hoping to come up with a way to get Angel and Faith to admit their feelings before then.

"Games are always fun." Riley suggested.

"No drinking games, though." Willow added. "I'm still not 100% after last night's arena of fun."

"I never thought I'd agree on this subject, but Red's got a point." Faith said.

"What kind of games did we bring, Will?" Buffy asked the redhead.

"Oh! We can play Taboo!" The hacker announced happily.

"I remember that game." Cordelia said. "That's fun!"

"Explain please." Gunn asked.

"Oh, it's really simple." Willow started. "On this card is a word. You have to give clues as to what the word is without using any of the list of words underneath it." She motioned to the card which had a word printed on it. Underneath the word was a line and 4 or 5 other words associated with it."

"Oh, that's not fair." Anya said. "It would be so much easier to use one or all of the words underneath it."

"Which is why the game is actually FUN, Anya." Xander told the ex-demon.

"Alright, we'll split up into two teams." Buffy said. "How do we want to do it?"

"Well, the typical boys against girls." Willow suggested.

"Or, L.A. group against Sunnydale." Gunn added.

"I'm going to go with girls against boys." Faith announced.

"I second that." Anya said. "Women are smarter and don't think with their genitals. We'll win."

"And it's settled." Buffy announced.

The group split up into two groups. The women looked confident and the men looked afraid. This would definitely be a fun game.


Three hours later had the gang laughing and enjoying themselves. Everyone had gotten the hang of the game and was having a fantastic time.

"Okay, Spike." Xander told the bleached blonde. "We're losing here. Make this work."

"I'm not the one missing the easy words, moron." Spike replied before he looked at Willow, the timekeeper for the game. "Ready?"

"Go." The redhead said and started the stopwatch.

"This bitch walks into where you sleep." Spike began.

"TOOTH FAIRY!!!" Gunn screams.

"Yes!" The vampire and the demon hunter then decided to high five one another.

"How the hell did you guys do that?" Faith asked.

"We didn't cheat." Gunn said.

"He's right." Angel replied. "Look at the card. It doesn't say anywhere on here that Spike used these words."

"That is so not fair." Buffy stated and then pouted.

"Okay, we're up." Anya announced.

Faith took a card and looked at it. Riley was the timekeeper for the girls' side.

"You ready, soldier boy?" Faith asked.

"Go." The commando said.

"How I spent the last couple of years." Faith said, prompting the women.

"IN JAIL!!!" All four females screamed. They jumped up and down giggling like schoolgirls. Even Giles came out of the study to watch the last round of Taboo.

"That was so not fair!" Xander exclaimed.

"I didn't use any of the words on the card, Xander." Faith explained to the carpenter as if he were a child.

"She's right, Xand." Buffy added. "We broke no rules."

"And that makes us the winners, doesn't it?" Anya asked giddily.

"Yeah, yeah." Riley said, grudgingly.

"You ready for quality time?" Willow asked Spike as she sat next to him.

"I've been ready since before this game started, luv." He replied with a smile. "Let's go for a walk."

"You got it." She replied. They held hands and headed out the door with a wave goodbye to the rest of the gang.

"Ah, young love." Xander mused.

"Yeah, because you're so old, Xander." Buffy argued.

"I'm just saying, it's new for them." Xander defended himself.

"Fine, let's go spend quality time, honey." Buffy said to Riley as the two got up and walked away from the lounge room.

"It's orgasm time, Xander." Anya announced. "I'm ready." She stood and pulled Xander by the hand and led him up the stairs.

"On that note." Gunn started.

"We're going to be a little more subtle." Cordelia finished. The two left the room quietly.

"Oh, the uncomfortable silence." Faith said as she sat across from Angel.

"Yeah," he replied. "That wasn't very thoughtful, was it?"

"Just because they're all paired up, doesn't mean everyone else is." The brunette slayer said with a pout.

"Would you like to be?" the dark vampire asked.

"Are you serious?" she asked, obviously not believing what she had just heard.

"Or.not." He said, second-guessing himself.

"Look, if you just want to hook up to have someone since B is with commando guy."

"Not even close, Faith." Angel said interrupting the slayer. "I couldn't care less whether or not Buffy was here with anyone." She looked toward the door. "Look at me, Faith." She complied. "I don't know exactly when it happened, but I'm so in love with you, it scares me."

"Wait. You're in love with me?" She asked, still not believing. He nodded. "But, this type of thing doesn't happen to me, Angel." She stood. "I don't get the great guy who falls for me. I never get the great friends. I only get the part of the deal where I get to save the day and start over again."

"No, not this time." Angel replied. "Do you have any idea how I looked forward to seeing you every week? I know that what I'm feeling is real, so if you need time, that's fine."

"Time, my ass." Faith replied. "I've been waiting for you to say that for so long, I didn't think it could happen. But, hey, I'll adjust." With that, the brunette jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately.

~Part: 14~

"It's beautiful out here, isn't it?" Willow said to Spike as they walked through the grounds of the estate. His arm was draped around her shoulder, and her arm around his waist.

"Not as beautiful as you, Luv." Spike answered. When Willow didn't say anything, he knew she was blushing. "You have got to learn when to take a compliment, Red. You're beautiful. Get over it."

"Whatever, Spike." She said dismissively.

"Do you doubt my word?"

"No. I just." She began.

"Don't 'I just' me." Spike interrupted. He stopped walking and they stood facing one another. "I say you're beautiful and smart and sexy and all mine. Do you agree or disagree?"

She smiled. "Okay, I agree." She said laughing. "Happy?"

The look on his face was suddenly serious. "Very."

She closed the little distance between them and put her arms around his waist. "Good. Me, too."

They stayed like that for a few moments. Soon, they began walking again. They ended up at the pool. Spike pulled out a lawn chair for her and he sat facing her.

"Tell me what's on your mind, Red."

"Are you sure it's me you want?" She asked.

"Why would you think I'd want anyone else?" Spike replied, a little agitated that she didn't believe him. "You're all I think about, Willow. I don't want to be with anyone else. Ever. We.fit."

"Yeah, I guess we do." She agreed. She stood and moved to sit in his lap. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. "I love you, William." She whispered.

"I love you, too, baby." He said.

"So," she started as she pulled back and looked him in the eye. "Is it okay if I ask one more thing?"

"I guess." He said with an over exaggerated sigh.

"What did you make me promise?" She asked, curiosity in her dark green orbs.

"Hmm?" He asked innocently.

"Spi-ike." She whined.

"Oh!" He feigned surprise. "That."

"Yes, THAT, you.you evil vampire." She said with a pout.

"Fine, I'll tell you." He made her stand and then stood himself. "Honestly, Will. I just wanted you to promise to give me a chance to show you that I could be the one for you." He said, suddenly feeling unsure of himself. Willow just stared at him. "I know I'm not your idea of the perfect man. Hell, I'm not even human."

"Spike." She said as she put a finger to his lips to hush him. It was then he noticed the unshed tears in her eyes. "And here I thought you wouldn't think I deserved to be with you." She threw her arms around him and began peppering kisses all over his face. She kissed his eyelids, his forehead, his cheeks, and his beautiful lips. There, she stayed. He did not protest as he returned the kiss, and then deepened it. Willow felt his tongue request entrance to her mouth and she readily complied. Their tongues danced together as if they were destined to do so since the beginning of time, and for eternity.

Finally, the redhead pulled away for breathing purposes and nothing more.

"So," Spike said with a smirk. "What was that comment you made last night about your bedroom being a place where I'm wanted?"

"Lead the way, kind sir." She replied with an impish smile.


Faith and Angel were curled up in front of the fireplace kissing and caressing.

"This is nice." The slayer declared.

"Very nice." Angel agreed. "Do you think the others knew this would happen?"

"I'm willing to bet money." She replied. "Spike is a lot smarter than people give him credit for."

"Boy are YOU preaching to the choir." Angel said. "Believe me, I learned the hard way how smart my grandchilde can be."

"Wait a minute, does that mean I'm his grandmother?" Faith said. "Damn, I'm not even 25 yet."

"It's okay honey." Angel assured his new girlfriend. "At least you'll get to boss him around."

"Yeah, because he listens to you so well." Faith replied sarcastically.

"I'm going to ignore that." Angel warned playfully. There was a pause. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing by supporting his relationship with Willow?"

"Have you ever seen her more happy?" Faith asked.

"Honestly, no. Not even with Oz."

"Well, there's your answer." Faith concluded.

"But, this is Spike. I don't want him to hurt her." The vampire stated.

"Understandable." Faith agreed. "However, I've done some research on Fangless, and he loves completely from what I can see. Hell, the way he looks at Red proves his feelings."

"Yeah, when he loves, it's real and true for him." Angel acknowledged. "And the two of them together will be the forever kind of love."

"Good for them. They really deserve it." She said.

"Okay, enough of them." Angel decided. "Can we do this? Can we make it work forever?"

"I'm definitely willing to try." Faith answered truthfully. "If I was ever gonna settle down, it would be with someone like you." She sighed. "And, since there is no one else like you, it looks like you're stuck with me."

Angel smiled. "That's fine with me." He kissed her gently which turned into a more urgent connection as the two made love by the fire.

~Part: 15~

The next evening, the group was packed and ready to go. Everyone stood in the foyer of the house.

"I can't believe we're actually going home." Cordelia said. "Alive." She added.

"Yeah, that is definitely of the good." Buffy added. She snuggled into Riley's embrace.

"I think the 'ego intervention' really made a difference." Anya said. "You're much more fun to be around when you're not trying to act all superior.

"Anya!" Xander groaned, embarrassed.

"What? Even *you* said so." Anya replied.

"She's right, Xan." Buffy said with a sigh.

"Oh bugger!" Spike cursed.

"What is it now, boy?" Angel asked in annoyance.

"I can't make fun of her as much as I usually do." Spike practically whined.

"Look at the bright side, sweetie." Willow said as Spike kissed her forehead. "You can still make fun of Xander all you want."

"Way to be a bestest bud, Will." Xander said sarcastically.

"Are you guys like this ALL the time?" Faith asked.

"Of course!" Willow said. "What better way to be since we live on a Hellmouth? You were there. You know it is."

"I haven't been there in a while, Red, but I get your point." Faith replied. "With everything that happens there, you gotta have a sense of humor."

"Hey, if I'm going to have to deal with the ditzy slayer, her commando boy toy and the moron," Spike said. "The least I can do is have my own sort of laughs."

"You ever make fun of Willow?" Angel asked quietly.

"NOBODY makes fun of my Red." Spike replied. As an afterthought he added, "Grandpa."

"So does that make Faith your grandma?" Gunn asked with a chuckle.

"I thought you were on my side, mate." Spike smirked as he addressed Gunn.

"Sorry, but nobody had mentioned it, and it was too easy." Gunn replied.

"So, you guys are officially together?" Cordelia asked Angel and Faith. The couple looked at each other and then suddenly found the floor very interesting.

"Shouldn't we be loading up the vehicles right now?" Angel asked, trying to change the subject.

"Ohhhhhh," Buffy said with a happy squeal. "They are!" She began to laugh. "Look! I never thought I would see the day a vampire blushed."

"Oh my goodness," Willow said as she noticed the slightly pink tint to Angel's skin. "He *is* blushing!"

"W-well, what about you and Spike, Willow?" Angel managed to get out.

"It's pretty obvious, you ponce." Spike answered. "And I'm not afraid to admit it."

"I'm not afraid!" Angel replied, as he looked at Faith who had a disappointed look on her face. "I'm in love with Faith."

"Gasp. You? In love with a SLAYER? It can't be!" Spike said in mock astonishment. Willow playfully punched his arm as she tried to stifle a giggle.

"Oh, shut up Spike." Buffy said. She then turned to her former love and his present love. "We're all happy for you guys. I can see how it might have happened."

"Thanks, Buffy." Angel said. He turned to Faith who was just standing there looking at him. "Did you think I was lying when I said it last night?" He asked the brunette.

"I just didn't know you were ready to share it with the entire class." She replied, still a little shocked.

"That is so sweet." Willow said.

"What about what *I* said to *you*?" Spike answered, slightly hurt.

"You are such a big baby." Willow answered with a smile. "You know that your words meant more to me than any other words ever spoken. Now, be happy for your grandparents."

"That was just wrong, Will." Gunn said to the hacker as he and Cordelia laughed.

"Talk about whipped." Cordelia added in between fits of giggles.

"Alright, that'll be enough of this playing around." Giles said as he picked up his luggage and supplies and headed out the door. "Follow me, we have a long way to drive, and I don't want sleeping pill that I slipped Xander earlier to wear off before we get back to Sunnydale."

"You slipped.?" Xander started to say. "No wonder I'm so tired!"

The End
