Title: Here We Go Again (7/7)
(Sequel to Under Extreme Circumstances)
Author: Angel S.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Joss and David own all. I'm just playing with 'em.
Pairing: A/F, S/W, C/G
Summary: Angel and Faith try and figure out what to do.
Distribution: G4G site 'Mysteries Untold', Nell, Poppy, Lina, Susi. Anyone
else, just ask.
Feedback: Pleeeeeeeeeese!! I crave it like I crave Spike, Lindsey, Angel,
and Gunn. :-)
Author's note: Faith is out on good behavior and is working for Angel

Part 7

Faith could hardly believe this was happening. He loved her. That
was more than she could have ever hoped for. As his tongue slid into her
mouth, she moaned.
Angel was so happy when Faith let his tongue into her mouth. He
quickly deepened the kiss when she moaned. This is what he had wanted, to
be with Faith. They had been through so much, individually, and together.
They deserved this. They needed each other. Just then, Faith pulled away
and stood.
"What the hell was that?" She asked as she paced around nervously.
"Huh?" Angel asked, flabbergasted.
"What is going on here? Why are you all of a sudden 'in love' with
"Please tell me you're kidding." He said with a sigh.
"Well, think about it, Angel." The slayer said. "You could be
humoring me because you know I've been through a lot."
"Faith, I would never..."
"So is it true then?" She asked as she interrupted him. "Do you
really love me?"
He walked over to her and smiled at her. She got lost in his soft,
brown eyes. Her heart was pounding as she shuddered when his arms encircled
her waist. "I really love you, Faith." He said softly. "I just didn't think
you loved me." Faith laughed at the absurdity of the statement and put her
arms around the vampire's neck.
"Now that that's settled," she said with her usual mischief in her
eyes. "Kiss me again. Now." Angel leaned in and moved his lips to hers.
"Well, it's about bloody time." Spike said as he walked down the
"Spike, your timing couldn't be worse if you worked on it." Cordelia
said as she and Gunn made their way down the stairs as well.
"I didn't want them to do it, Angel." Willow said as she followed
the rest of the group down the stairs. "I told them it was a bad idea. But,
do they listen to me? Nooooo!"
"It's okay, Little One." Angel said. "I know that you wouldn't do
anything like this."
"Hey, I'm just an innocent bystander." Gunn added.
"I believe you." Faith replied.
Angel then glared at Spike and Cordelia. "I should've known that you two
would be up to something. So, my boy," he continued. "Your permission to
sleep in the same room with Willow has been revoked."
"WHAT?" Spike screamed.
"I want you out of Willow's room. Get your things." Angel answered in a
fatherly tone. He was trying hard not to laugh. Faith had to squeeze his
hand to keep him from bursting into all out laughter. "Now, William."
"Are out of your sodding mind?" Spike asked his grandsire. "Listen here,
Peaches," he said as Angel interrupted.
"That's not very nice of me. Is it, Spike?" He asked. He couldn't control
the laughter any more. He still had an arm around Faith who had also
started laughing.
"You think this is bleedin' funny?" Spike asked.
"I think you deserved it." Faith said.
"Me too." Willow added before placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Damn, Spike," Gunn said. "You just got played."
"So, Red and I still get to sleep in the same room?" The blonde vampire
asked innocently.
"Yes!" The group said condescendingly in unison.
"Well," he said as he lit up a cigarette and sat on the couch. "I don't care
what you wankers do. Shag like bunnies for all I care. That's what the witch
and I are gonna do. "
"Says you," Willow said and headed up the stairs.
"Red," He said in a warning tone. "Don't tease."
"Goodnight all." Willow said as she glanced over her shoulder. Spike
was up and had her in his arms before she reached the top of the stairs. She
started giggling as they headed up to the 3rd floor.
"Why don't you two get some rest?" Cordy said. "It's been a long
day. We'll lock up."
Angel got an Angelus smirk on his face as he lifted Faith into his
arms and headed up the stairs to be with his new lover. Faith shrieked as
she waved goodnight to Cordy and Gunn.
"I guess it's your turn." Cordelia said.
"My turn for what?" Gunn asked.
"Duh!" The seer replied. "To carry me up to bed."
"You got two legs, use 'em."
"Charles Gunn! Shame on you!"
Gunn started laughing. "I'm just messing with you, girl." He lifted
her up and carried her up to their room.

