New and Improved
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: I own none. Joss Whedon, etc, own all. I wish I owned Spike. I promise he wouldn't have anything to do with Buffy.
Pairing: W/S (as always)
Summary: Will and Spike have more in common than they think.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Well, this is pretty much AU, but there are things up through S6 that may come up. I never know. I make it up as I go along.
Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel , Red's Soul Mates, Willow Spike Forever, The Playground, and
anyone else who has permission. If you do not, just ask and I'll say yes.
Author's note: Spike never 'fell in love' with Buffy. I think that's disgusting and untrue to the character. Willow now lives at her parents' house because they gave it to her before they moved to Europe.
Feedback: Pretty Please!!!!! I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey McDonald.
Author's Note 2: <> = Willow's thoughts  {} = Spike's thoughts

~Part: 1~

The redhead closed her eyes and rubbed them before
opening them again to try and focus on her computer
screen once more. The Scooby gang had been in research
mode for the last thirteen hours and the effects of
said time was starting to show on everyone. Dawn was
asleep on a nearby sofa. Spike had his feet up on a
table as he sat in one of the Magic Box's chairs and
looked through the book he was holding. Anya was
asleep with her head on Xander's shoulder as he
sightlessly stared at the same page of a book he'd
been looking at for the past half hour.  Buffy was
pacing as she flipped through the pages of yet another
Willow still couldn't focus on the computer screen
and stood to stretch. Her stiff muscles screamed in
pain and she winced. She also took this opportunity to
sneak a look at the beautiful, blue-eyed vampire who
was obviously extremely bored. <Why would he ever
notice me?> She thought to herself.
<No one else that incredibly beautiful would even
think about looking twice at me. It's not like I'm a
major catch or anything. I think maybe Oz and Tara
were the exceptions to the ~eww, not plain ol' Willow~
rule.> The redhead sighed and sat back down.
"Um, guys," she stated. "I can't see."
"Willow, are you okay?" The slayer said as she rushed
to her best friend.
"No, Buffy. I'm tired. I can't even focus on the
damned computer and we STILL haven't found anything
yet!" Willow replied with frustration in her voice.
"And I want to go to sleep."
"The Willster's right." Xander said. "Thirteen hours
is a long time. It's 4am. Why don't we call it a night
and come back here in the morning?"
"I think Xapper has the right idea." Spike said.
"Look at the Niblet. She can't be too comfortable like
that." Everyone looked at him with evident surprise by
his concern. "Besides," he added when he saw that he
was actually being considerate of someone else. "I'm
bored out of my mind." He then stood and headed
towards the door.
"Well, I guess we all get to go home." Buffy said.
"I'll get Dawn. Spike, can you walk Willow home?"
"Buffy, I can make it on my own." Willow protested.
"I know you can Wills." Buffy replied. "But, it's
almost 4 o'clock in the morning, you're tired as hell,
and you won't be as alert." Willow sighed at the
blonde's explanation.
"Well, let's get a move on, Witch. I haven't got all
morning." Spike said.
The redhead closed her laptop and put it in her bag.
She then stood and headed towards the vampire as she
dreaded the walk home. <Why does he have to treat me
like that?>
{Bloody Slayer} Spike thought as he and Willow headed
towards her house. {Why couldn't she just let me leave
in peace? I can't stand being this close to Red. To
smell her. To touch her. To not have her...} He let
his thoughts drift to the redhead beside him.
The two walked in silence the entire way to Willow's
"Well, thanks Spike." Willow said.
"Yeah, whatever." The vampire replied as he turned to
"What do you think would happen if you ever tried to
be civil to someone?" The redhead asked, slightly
annoyed at his response. Also, factor in the lack of
sleep issue, and she was in a mood.
"People would probably end up walking all over me the
way they do to you." Spike replied. He wouldn't appear
weak. Not in front of her. So, he'd be an asshole if
that was what it took to keep his dignity.
"Whatever." Willow replied as she walked into the
house and shut the door in the vampire's shocked face.

~Part: 2~

The next night had the gang back in full research
mode. Willow was proud of herself. As much as she
wanted to steal a glance at the blue-eyed vampire, she
had effectively conditioned herself not to do so.
Spike, however, had other ideas. He knew he had gone
far with that comment last night. But, he had no idea
that his Red would still be so angry with him. {What
the bleedin' hell have I done this time?} He closed
the book he was looking through and stood. No one took
notice. {Good} he thought. {Maybe I can rectify this
situation before any of these half-wits figure out
what's going on, and how much a nancy boy I've turned
into.} He walked over to where Willow was once again
sitting as she worked on her laptop. He purposely
pulled a chair as close to her as possible without
drawing attention from the idiot Scoobies, and sat
next to her.
~Oh God! What is he doing?~ The redhead started to
get nervous, but proceeded to try and focus on her
computer. ~If he thinks that amazingly sexy grin or
those deep, blue eyes that I could drown in, are going
to get him out of this.well.~ She paused, and then
mentally shook herself. ~It's not. Not this time. He
can't treat me like that. Not if he considers himself
a friend. Although I wouldn't mind more.~
The vampire saw that his move wasn't having as much
of an effect as he'd hoped, so he purposely reached
over her laptop and picked up a book that was on the
other side of it, bring his body closer to hers and
giving her a close-up view of his abs and then his
~Okay, that's just mean.~ Willow thought as she tried
to slow her breathing, still avoiding Spike's antics
and gazes.
"Oh, dear Lord." Spike said as he looked at the book
he had absently opened.
"Hey, Evil Dead just channeled Giles." Xander
"Yeah, what's THAT all about?" Buffy asked no one in
In the meantime, Willow had looked over at the page
in the book to which Spike had made his declaration.
"Holy shit!"
"Now THAT'S the response I expected from bleach boy."
Xander replied. Buffy stood and went to read over
Spike's shoulder.
"Oh, bloody hell, Slayer! Do you HAVE to get that
close? You're cheap perfume is making me sick! Take
the sodding book!" Spike said as he handed the book to
the slayer to get her away from him. On top of the
fact that Willow as mad at him, they had a real fight
on their hands. Buffy walked away with a flip of her
dyed blonde tresses and started pacing as she tried to
explain to the rest of the group.
"Remember those Kenark demons we fought a few weeks
ago?" Buffy asked.
"Yeah, we whupped ass on those guys." Xander replied.
"So what's the problem?"
"We killed maybe, 6 or 7?" Willow stepped in to help
with the explanation.
"Again with the 'yeah, so'.?" Xander reiterated.
"Helllloooo! Xapper, you really are a moron!" Spike
said with frustration in his voice. Willow absently
put her hand on his arm and the vampire immediately
calmed down.
"Xander, they travel in packs of around 20." Buffy
said, trying to get back on track.
"They were only sending the small group to scope out
the Hellmouth." Anya supplied, with realization in her
voice. "I should've known." The ex-demon sighed.
"Where the hell was my head?"
"Up Xander's."
"Spike!" Willow interjected. "That's not going to
help anything."
"I'm just glad Dawn's staying at Marie's house
tonight." Buffy said.
"Why? What's different about tonight? We'll do the
patrol thing and then head home." Xander said.
"And then you'll come back to reality." Willow said.
"Do you not remember that your fiancé and the vampire
translated what was said?"
Xander looked at his best friend with a look of
confusion for at least two seconds before the
metaphoric light bulb over his head came on. "When he
said the rest were coming before the full moon, he
didn't mean the other two that showed up behind us,
did he?"
"Nu-uh." Willow replied with a worried look on her
"And guys, guess what tonight is." Anya said as
everyone in the store looked upon the rising full

~Part: 3~

"Okay guys," Buffy said. "We've got to pull out the
big guns on this one."
"Fighting axes and swords all around!" Xander stated
as he started handing out weapons.
Willow took a deep breath. "Okay, let's do it."
The group exited the Magic Box with determination.
Everyone-including Spike-was nervous. The trek to the
old high school was made in silence.
Spike had already decided that he wouldn't let Willow
out of his sight throughout the battle. He didn't care
if she was still mad at him. He wouldn't let anything
happen to his little witch.
As soon as they reached the high school, the
excitement began. Two Kenark demons appeared behind
them out of nowhere. Buffy was the first to respond.
The slayer dodged a punch headed her way and swung the
sword she was holding, reaching her target directly in
the gut, and nearly chopping it in half. The other
went straight for Xander.
"Xander!" Anya screamed as she jumped on the demon's
back and tried to swing the ax she was holding. The
Kenark demon swatted her as if she were a mosquito and
continued its assault on Xander.
Meanwhile two more showed up and headed straight for
the redhead. Spike shifted into game face and quickly
decapitated one as he flew to attack the other before
it could reach Willow. Spike delivered a kick while
still in mid air that knocked the demon off balance.
However, another demon appeared and Willow had no
choice, except to take it on. She spin kicked with all
her might and with the perfect aim, landed it in the
demon's groin. Spike landed on his feet and his eyes
darted around to find Willow. That was all the
distraction the demon needed. It kicked out at the
vampire. Spike flew ten feet from the force of the
kick and landed against one of the still standing
walls of the old high school. The wall immediately
came down on the vampire.
Buffy was in the middle of landing a series of
punches to another one of the Kenark demons when Anya
flew past her. The slayer immediately dispatched of
the demon by breaking its neck and went to help Xander
who was taking a serious beating from the one he was
Willow took the opportunity to swing the sword she
had and nearly cut the demon in half. She noticed a
pile of rubble with bleach blonde hair sticking out of
it. "Spike!" She yelled as she ran towards the demon
that was approaching the vampire. In one swift motion,
she ran the sword straight through the demon. In that
time, Spike had pretty much gotten free of the rubble
that covered him. He stood on shaky legs and noticed
the redhead heading straight for him. Once she reached
him, he shoved her to the side and side kicked the
demon that was following her. Willow shook her head to
get rid of the fuzziness and saw what had happened.
She hadn't even noticed the demon following her.
Buffy and Xander simultaneously sliced open another
demon, which left it in 3 parts. Spike stood his
ground ready to take on the demon, when he suddenly
collapsed. Willow noticed the pool of blood he fell
in, and realized that it was his.  Buffy got the
Kenark's attention and tackled it. Xander ran over to
check on Anya as the slayer spin kicked and then
double punched the demon. Once Xander saw that Anya
was okay, he got Buffy's attention and threw her a
sword. The slayer caught it and immediately
decapitated the last of the Kenark demons.
Buffy, Xander, and Anya walked towards the redhead
who held the unconscious vampire in her arms.
"Is he going to be okay?" Willow asked in a
child-like voice.
"We'll make sure he is, Will." Buffy said. "I

~Part: 4~

"Get medical supplies." Buffy told Xander as she and
Willow maneuvered Spike onto the sofa. Unfortunately,
the vampire had not regained consciousness since he
passed out at the old high school.
"He's lost so much blood." The redhead stated as she
stared at Spike with tears in her already red and
puffy eyes.
"Wills, look at me." Buffy said. Willow did as she
was told. "He's not dust. Which means he's still
alive." The redhead raised an eyebrow at the slayer.
"Well, know what I mean!"
"Got 'em." Xander said as he came back in with the
"How's Anya? Is she okay to be at home alone?" Willow
"Oh, she just got the wind knocked out of her, she
should be fine." Xander replied as the three of them
began to take off the vampire's coat and shirt. Willow
gasped. "I'll go get some blood." The carpenter walked
to the kitchen. He was worried about his best friend.
He didn't think she'd be this upset about Spike. ## I
mean, its just Spike. Deadboy, Jr.  Unless she has
more than our-vampire-helper feelings for him.##
"I'm sure it looks a lot worse than it is, Wills."
The Slayer said, trying to ease her friend's pain.
"Let's just clean it up first, and we'll determine
what to do next." The redhead handed Buffy the
antiseptic, which she liberally poured some over
Spike's wound.
"OW!!!" The vampire said as he jumped up. "Bloody
Hell." He then felt like he was going to pass out
"Spike, try to stay awake." The slayer said. Willow
just look on with a worried expression.
"Oh, bugger it all," the vampire whined. "I'm in Hell
and everyone looks like Slutty." Willow giggled.
Xander laughed out loud.
"Okay, THAT was funny." Xander managed to choke out
between hearty laughs.
"That's it!" Buffy said angrily. "He can turn to dust
for all I care!" She stood and went sit on the
"Buffy, he didn't mean it." Willow said.
"Yes, I bloody well did." Spike answered. Then, it
dawned on him. "Willow?"
"I'm here." She took Buffy's place and continued to
clean his wound gently.
"So, I'm not in hell?" The vampire asked weakly.
"No, silly. You're in my living room." Willow
replied. "Bleeding all over the place."
"So, you think he may need some blood?" Xander asked
"Oh!" Willow exclaimed. "Spike, I'm so sorry!" Xander
handed her the blood and took over bandaging the
vampire, as Willow fed him the first mug.
"I guess I'll get some more." Buffy said dejectedly.
She stomped to the kitchen and heated up more blood
for the vampire.
Spike finished the first mug and looked up at the
redhead. "What happened? Did we win?"
"Would we be here if we'd lost, dumbass?" Xander
answered before Willow had a chance to.
"Xander!" Willow chided. "He's wounded. Stop being
mean to him."
"Yeah, Xapper. Be nice to me and my wounded self."
Spike said, acting like the spoiled child.
"Okay, here's more blood." Buffy said as she returned
to the living room with blood in hand.  "The sooner
you get out of here, the better. I'm not leaving
Willow alone with you."
"Yeah, 'cause I'm such a threat right now." The
bleached blonde replied dryly.
Buffy glared at the vampire.
"Um, why don't you guys go home and bring me more
blood tomorrow?" Willow suggested. "I'm going to make
sure Spike is okay before I pass out."
"See," Spike said with a smirk. "Red's trying to get
rid of you so she can be alone with me."
"Spike. Not helping." Willow said.
"Fine, Wills." Buffy said. "I trust you. You." She
and Xander left.
Willow shut the door and locked it. She sighed and
turned to the vampire on the couch. "So, how are you
"I'm better than I was a little while ago."
"Good. I'm going to go shower and change into
something not so bloody and I'll be back in a few
minutes, okay?"
"Whatever you say, Red." Spike replied. "Just hand me
the remote before you leave me alone." Willow nodded,
handed him the remote and started upstairs.
~Of course he'd rather watch TV than hang out with
me.~ The redhead thought to herself.
"Hey Red."
"Hmmm?" She said when she turned back towards the
"Hurry back, Pet."

~Part: 5~

Spike flipped through the channels with the remote,
not really looking at the television. His blue eyes
kept wandering to the staircase that his witch has
gone up such a long time ago. He looked at the clock
on the wall. Okay, it was only eight minutes ago, but
he wanted to see her. He wanted to spend time with
Willow walked downstairs with her hair still damp
from the shower. She was wearing green and blue
flannel pajama pants with a green tank top.  She
headed towards the wounded vampire who was pretending
to be interested in whatever was on the television.
"How do you feel?" Willow asked as she reached the
recliner and sat down. "Do you want more blood?"
"I'm okay." Spike responded, but didn't take his eyes
off of the television. "I'm a quick healer, remember?"
"Oh, right. Vampire."
"So," The blonde started. "You still mad at me?"
"Well why are you.?"
"Because you were hurt, Spike." The redhead answered
with obvious anger. "And, as you recall, I actually
care about people. So, I guess I should prepare to get
walked all over, once again."
"I'm not people, Red."
"Oh, why do I bother?" She asked as she tilted her
head towards the ceiling. She then stood and started
"Willow!" The vampire called out with a trace of fear
in his voice, as if he was afraid she was going to
leave him for good.
"What?" She answered impatiently.
"Where're ya goin'?" He asked in a playful singsong
voice, as if he were a child. Willow couldn't help but
smile. However, she quickly hid it and turned to face
"I'm going to the kitchen." She replied coldly. "Why
do you care?"
"Because I do." He replied softly.
"You do?" She asked hopefully, as her eyes lit up.
"But only about you."  He replied trying to save his
'Big Bad' image. "I couldn't care less about your
Scooby friends." He turned to face the TV once again.
Willow took it as her cue to continue to the kitchen.
She did so with a smile on her face.
~He cares about me! But, does he CARE ABOUT ME care
about me? Or does he care about me like a little

When the redhead returned from the kitchen, she was
holding a bowl of popcorn and two cans of soda. She
sat everything down on the coffee table. Spike looked
"Don't you have anything stronger?" He asked as he
motioned towards the two sodas.
"You mean like alcohol?"
"Well, yeah."
"Are you sure you're up for that?" She asked
"Baby, I'm up for anything." He said with a leer.
"Oh. Ha. Ha." She replied as she went to the kitchen
and returned with a bottle of red wine and two wine
glasses. ~Tease~ she thought to herself.  "Better?"
"Much." He replied as she headed toward the recliner.
"Why don't you sit here?" He asked as he motioned with
his foot to the end of the sofa.
"Are you sure?" He nodded. "I don't want you to get
"Neither do I." He said so quietly that the witch
didn't hear. He watched her as she poured the wine
into the glasses.

~Part: 6~

A bottle and a half of wine later, the vampire and
the witch were relaxed and having a wonderful time
"Nu-uh!" The redhead said and started giggling.
"I'm not telling you this so you can laugh at me,
Pet." Spike said with a serious face, but a hint of
laughter still in his eyes. "And don't tell your
little Scooby gang about this, either."
"I just can't imagine it." She replied, trying to
stop laughing. "You. A poet?"
"No, not me." Spike insisted. "It was that
soul-having human wanker that looked like me."
"So, you." Willow said.
"Wait a minute. If Paingel can be two different
people, why can't I?" The vampire asked.
"Good point." Willow said. "You really are a lot more
intelligent then they give you credit for."
"That's why I've lasted this long, Luv." He said with
a smirk. {Hell below, she is amazing. That Slutty
Slayer is nowhere near as perceptive as my Red.}
"Nobody expects for me to have an actual brain."
"Can't they just see it in your eyes?" She asked as
she looked into his crystal blue orbs. He returned the
gaze into her emerald green ones. They stayed like
that for what could have been hours. Each was
completely hypnotized by the other.
"Umm, would you like some more wine?" Spike asked as
he looked away and pretended everything was okay.
"Why don't you let me do it?" The redhead replied as
she busied herself with the bottle and the glasses.
"You're wounded, remember?"
"Oh, right." The vampire said as he sank back into
his pseudo comfortable position. {Well, THAT was odd.
Maybe she does think of me in that way. What if I star
her fantasies the same what she does in mine?} He
thought. "Red?" He asked shyly.
"Do you think you could check on the cut?"
"Oh. Sure." ~Oh damn! I have to actually touch him!
He's going to notice my hands are shaking. Okay, calm
down, Willow. You've bandaged up wounded people
before.Okay, not sexy wounded vampires with perfectly
sculpted chests, amazing cheekbones, and the most
incredible blue eyes EVER. I will my hands to stop
shaking. I will my hands to stop shaking. I will my
hands to stop shaking.~  She repeated the mantra over
and over again while she took off the bandages and
started cleaning the wound.  "Hey, it's almost
"I told you I was a quick healer." He said with that
perfect smile of his.
"Do you think you could manage to sit up and change
shirts without too much pain?" she asked as she
finished putting the new dressing on the wound.
"Of course I can." He replied. "I'm the Big Bad,
She stood and went to get an old t-shirt that her
father had left when her parents moved. When she
returned, he had ripped his shirt the rest of the way
off, and was sitting upright on the sofa.
"I hope this fits. It's one of my dad's old-WOW!" She
stared wide-eyed at the incredibly beautiful man with
no shirt on sitting on her sofa. He arched his scarred
eyebrow and smirked. "Erm, I mean, how did you manage
to do that by yourself?"
"C'mere, Red."  He said in a low, husky voice.
Willow felt her legs comply even though she couldn't
feel them.  "Here you go." She said, not meeting his
"Look at me."
"Bad to do that."
"I have feelings that you don't, that's why." She
replied. "Hey! Why don't I get us another bottle of
wine?" She said in her perky voice.
"No." He replied calmly. "Look. At. Me."
She sat down and looked at the vampire. Green eyes
met blue and the rest of the world started to fall
"Spike, I." was all she could get out before he
pulled her into a passionate kiss. His lips were so
soft, she moaned. He put his hand behind her neck and
pressed her up against him as much as he could. He
teased her lips with his tongue and she willingly
allowed him access to her mouth. Their tongues dueled
for what seemed like forever, as they blissfully
discovered how much meaning this had. Eventually, the
redhead had to pull away for much needed oxygen. They
just stared at one another.
"Why did you do that?" She asked, still panting.
"Why didn't you stop me?" He retorted.
"I wasn't thinking clearly. I."
"You said you cared about me. Was that a lie?" The
vampire asked.
"No! I about you in a way that you don't
care about me. That's all." She replied. "Don't tease
me. Don't try to give me what I want when it's
obviously not what you want. I couldn't take that."
"You think I don't want this?" Spike asked, with
confusion evident on his face. "Do you think I would
have told just any bloke off the street that I used to
be a poet? And a BAD one at that?"
"You weren't a good poet?" she asked sheepishly.
"Off the subject here, Red."
"Do you really care about me the way I care about
you?" She asked.
"If you're completely crazy about me, then yeah."
Spike responded with a smile.
"I'm willing to give it a try if you are."
"Pet, I'm more than willing to do ANYTHING for you."
He said as he pulled her into another deep kiss.

~Part: 7~

The redhead awoke and opened her eyes. ~Wow, that was
some dream. It was so vivid and realistic! Yeah, like
Spike would ever kiss me like that.~ She thought
sarcastically. She looked around and noticed that she
wasn't in her room. ~How drunk did I get?~  She didn't
remember going up to her room, so she assumed she had
passed out on the sofa. ~But where is Spike?~ She
She moved to sit up and assess the severity of her
hangover when she noticed that she couldn't get up.
"What the.?" she said to herself quietly, wondering
what was going on.
"Where do you think you're going, Pet?"
"Spike?" The redhead asked, extremely confused.
"That's my name, Luv." He replied.
"Why are you.? What am I.?" Then, the memories came
back. "OH!"
"Glad to see your short term memory return, Red."
"Y-you.don't.regret it?" She asked squeamishly.
"Do you?"
"I asked you first." She retorted.
"Red, the only thing I regret is that we waited so
She turned to him. "Really?" He smiled his sexy smile
and nodded. "Me too!"
"You are so beautiful, Willow." He said before taking
her mouth into a sweet and loving kiss. "I'm not going
to give you up, baby."
"Well good." The redhead replied. "I'm not going to
give you up, either. Hey, how's your side?"
"Don't know."
"Spike." She chided. She sat up and lifted his
"You know, you're damned lucky I wasn't 100% last
"Why is that?" She asked playfully. "Would you have
ravaged my body?"
"Well, look at that." He said in mock fascination as
she lifted the bandage to find a fully healed wound.
Willow looked at it and gulped. "Now, what was that
question again, Luv?"
Before she could get up to run, he had her on her
back and was on top of her.
"Spike, let's be reasonable."
"Reasonable?" He replied with an arch of his eyebrow
and a smirk. "I'm a vampire, Red. I'm taking the
opportunity while I have it." He paused and got a
serious look on his face. "Unless you want me to
Willow grabbed the back of his head and pulled it to
hers in a mind-blowing kiss.


"A fresh supply of blood and lots o' doughnuts!"
Xander exclaimed as he, Buffy, and Anya headed to
Willow's front door.
"Yeah." Buffy replied. "Poor Wills. She was so
worried about the bleached blunder. Hopefully, this
will cheer her up."
"I hope so." Anya added. "The sooner those two start
having orgasms, the better they'll feel."
"Excuse me!?!?" Xander shouted.
"Ewwww comes to mind." Buffy added.
"Awn, hon, you know that randomly throwing two people
together to have orga-sex is not going to solve
anything." Xander said, as if Anya were an eight year
"Xan, darling, those two have been dancing around
their feelings for one another for so long, it's about
time they do something about it." Anya retorted.
"Yeah, sure, Anya." Buffy said disbelieving the
ex-demon. "Whatever." The blonde removed the spare key
from its hiding place under the steps and opened the

.just in time to see Willow straddling Spike with her
tongue in his mouth. Xander dropped the bag with the
doughnuts. Buffy screamed in terror. Anya just smiled.
Willow immediately jumped to her feet and looked
towards the front door in complete surprise. Spike
smiled and folded his arms behind his head.
"Damn it, Slayer. Just because you're not getting any
doesn't mean the rest of us has to suffer." The bleach
blonde said a bit irritated.
"Spike. Not helping. Shut up." Willow said. She then
turned towards the rest of the group. "Look guys, I
can explain."
"It's okay, Will." Buffy interrupted. "You don't have
to explain. You're obviously under some sort of spell.
We'll figure this out."
"WHAT?" Spike yelled. "Are you saying that she has to
be under some sort of spell to want to be with me?"
"Duh!" The slayer replied.
Spike opened his mouth to say something else when
Willow decided to take charge.
"That's enough!" The redhead screamed. "Why is it
that every time I do something that goes against your
narrow-minded perception of who I should be, you
assume I'm under some sort of spell?" The slayer stood
there speechless. The redhead began to speak calmly.
"I'm not under a spell. I care about Spike. A lot.
Demon and all. I have ever since he tried to bite me
that night in the dorm."
"Are you serious, Pet?" Spike asked in amazement.
"Of course." She said with a big smile.
"Damn. Anya was right." Xander said.
"Told ya!" Anya said.
"I-I don't know about this, Will." Buffy said.
"She's not asking your permission, you daft bint!
She's telling you to mind your own business and just
be her friend instead of trying to judge her or rule
her life!"
"Very well put, Spike."
"Thanks, demon girl."
"He's right, Buffy." Willow said. "This is who I am.
And, this is the one I want to be with. Can you accept
The slayer was silent for what seemed like hours.
"Well, I guess I don't have a choice. I'm not going to
lose your friendship because of Fangless here. I love
you, Wills. I'm sorry for being such a."
"Selfish brat?" Spike helpfully inserted the words.
The slayer glared at him.
"Okay," The redhead sighed. "Now that it's settled,
who wants coffee?"
"I do!" Xander replied. "And I brought doughnuts!
There's even blood for you, oh-impotent-one."
"Oh, Xapper, you're too kind." The vampire said dryly
as they all headed to the kitchen.

