Oh. Joy.

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss, etc, owns everything in the Buffyverse.

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Wi/Sp, A/Cordy, Gunn/Fr

Author's note: This is my AU where Spike never thought he was in love with Buffy. I truly believe B/S is just that: bullsh*t. I don't hate Buffy. I just don't think she and Spike should be together. Oh, and no W/T.

Spoilers: S3 Angel only without Connor, and S6 Buffy

Special Dedication: To Nutmeg! Thanks for giving me the giggles!

Dedications: To Mistress Vamp, Inell, Poppy, Kaz, Nell, Micki, and all of the wonderful writers who put out such fantastic fic.

Distribution:  My site, "Gunnin' Down Angel" http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/gda134 , Near Her Always, Red's Soul Mates, Breathe, and everyone else who already has my fics. Anyone that doesn't, tell me where it's going.

Feedback: I want it as bad as I want Spike and Lindsey McDonald!!

~Part: 1~

    The slayer turned the corner and headed down the alley with a bounce in her step. "Come out, creatures of the night." She said in a sing-song voice. "I'm in such a slaying mood. Maybe it was the caffine binge Wills and I went on before patrol." She walked a little further, hoping a vampire would jump out at her. "Oh, come on." She said as she looked upwards to the night sky. "Just one little vampire. Pleeeaaaassse?"

   "I knew it." A voice from further down the alley said as the owner of it lit a cigarette. "Too many years as a slayer. And on a Hellmouth, at that. Should've known you'd turn into a loon."

   "And *you're* one to talk?" Buffy replied.

   "Hey, Dru was the crazy one, not me." He answered as he headed towards her. "Besides, wasn't Angelus a few beers short of a six pack?"

   "Go to hell, Spike." She spat.

   "Hey! Something else Angelus did!" He said with mock surprised realization as he strolled past her and headed towards the Magic Box. "Oh, by the by, Slutty, you were about 3 minutes too late for the slaying action. But, if you want to sweep up the ashes, feel free." He said without looking back.

Ten minutes later, at the magic shop...

   "Why can't I stake him?" Buffy whined. Spike sat in a chair with his boots on one of the tables and a smirk on his beautiful face.

   "Because." Willow announced. "It's not right."

   "I'm not getting the why. He's a VAMPIRE. I STAKE them. Sounds right to me." The slayer replied.

   "Buffy." the redhead chided. "He's our friend." Everyone either snorted or stared at her in disbelief. "Okay, he's MY friend. And I will *not* let you stake him. Understood?"

   "Yeah, yeah." the slayer mumbled as she glared at the bleach blonde vampire.

   "Besides, I need him to go with me to LA. Remember?" Willow added as an afterthought.

   "Why can't I go with you?" Buffy asked.

   "Yeah, that's exactly what we need, Slayer." Spike chimed in. He'd waited until she had said something even more stupid than usual before commenting again. "Why don't you go to LA, brood around the hotel with Paingel while he lusts after the clueless cheerleader. I'm sure a lot will get done *that* way." He said sarcastically.

   "Spike, please." Willow said, trying to defuse the situation. "Why don't you go get ready and I'll pick you up in a few hours?" Her eyes pleaded with him.

   If it was anybody but his Red, he wouldn't have listened. "Fine, Red, I'll see you in a few hours, Pet. Unless you want to just stay with me at my place until it's time to go." He just wanted to see her blush once more before he left. And it worked.

   "Bye. Spike." She said, although she didn't look at him.

   Spike sauntered off with a smile on his face.

~Part: 2~

   The drive to LA was mostly made in silence. Finally, Willow couldn't hold in what she had to say any longer.

   "You know, you could be nicer to her."

   "Why would I want to be 'nice' to my mortal enemy, Pet?" Spike asked. "You know I can't stand the lot of them."

   {He didn't say he couldn't stand me! Does that mean he likes me? Yay me!.But I 'm sure he doesn't LIKE me, like me. Stay calm, Willow.}  "Does that mean you can actually stand me?" She asked shyly.

   ~How can she not know how crazy I am about her? Isn't it obvious?~

   "Of course, Luv." He said aloud, trying to sound as casual and ambivalent as he could. "Why do you think I agreed to be a part of this little trip? To see the King of Brood? Not bloody likely."

   "Thanks Spike."

   "For what?"

    "For being my friend." She said with a smile, but kept her eyes on the road.

   ~FRIEND???!!!???  Oh, bugger!~

   "Sure thing, pet." He said coldly.

   "We're almost there. Are you going to behave?" The redhead asked hopefully.

   "This IS me, Red. What do YOU think?"

   "I think it's going to be a long couple of days." She said with a sigh.


   "Ugh! I am so ready to pass out." Cordelia said as she put her head on her desk. "Why aren't they here yet?"

   "Why don't you just go to sleep?" Gunn asked. "Fred and I will still be up. And don't forget about the fanged one."

   "What about me?" Angel asked as he came in with a mug of blood.

   "I can't go to sleep now!" Cordy replied. "Duh! It's Willow! I haven't see her in months."

   "Then you may want to quit complaining." Gunn retorted.

   "Oh hush! Charles."

   "Hey! YOU don't get to call me that."

   "Whatever." Cordelia said. She didn't have the energy for a full-fledged battle of wits with Gunn right now.

   "What about me?" Angel repeated his question. "What did I have to do with that conversation?"

   "Bloody hell, Peaches, why do you think everything has to revolve around you?" Everyone looked towards the front door and saw a very mellow-looking Spike leaning against it lighting a cigarette as Willow stood next to him.

   "Hi guys." The redhead said with a wave.

   "Well it's about time!" Cordelia exclaimed as she jumped up and headed towards Willow. "What the hell took you guys so long?"

   "She wouldn't let me drive." Spike said.

   "Oh yeah, hey bleach boy." Cordelia said when she finished hugging the redhead.

   "Smart girl." Angel quipped, and then smiled.

   Willow was headed towards the dark haired vampire when this occurred. She stopped in her tracks and blinked a couple of times before turning back to Cordy. "Umm, when did he learn to do that?"

   "Do what?" Angel asked.

   "I think she means smile, or maybe have a sense of humor-if that's what you want to call it." Spike supplied.

   "Careful, my boy." Angel warned playfully. "You're here because Willow asked if you could be here."

   "Bollocks! You know you missed me, Grandpa!" Spike said as he ran over and gave his grand sire a big bear hug.

   "Is this place haunted?" Willow asked Gunn.

   "Looks that way, doesn't it?" Gunn replied. The redhead nodded. Angel finally dislodged himself from Spike pushed him away.

   "Re-ed. He pushed me!" Spike whined.

   "Angel, you didn't have to push him. He was only saying hi."

   "But." Angel started.

   "Yeah, you pouf! See if I'm nice to you ever again." The blonde vampire added.

   "Spike, don't start." Willow warned.

   "But Will.!" Spike started.

   "Hrmph!" Willow shushed him. Spike stopped trying to speak and headed to the nearest place to sit.

   "How the hell did she do that?" Cordelia asked no one in particular.

   "Angel, it's great to see you." Willow said as she hugged the dark vampire.

   "We need to talk later." Angel said in a low voice that only she could hear.

   Spike growled and stood. "Why don't you just show us to our room, Paingel?"

   "Paingel?" Fred asked. Gunn erupted into fits of laughter. Angel let go of Willow and turned to look at Gunn.

   "You find something amusing?" He asked.

   "Nope." Gunn replied, trying to regain his composure. "Not a thing. Paingel." He then continued to fall on one of the lobby couches and laugh for another ten minutes.

   "This is going to a long couple of days." Angel said as he motioned for Spike and Willow to follow him.

~Part: 3~

Everyone was milling around the Hyperion when early afternoon hit LA. Fred and Gunn had just walked in from their brunch. Lorne was reading the paper. Wesley was in his office. Cordelia and Willow were playing catch up

"So, are you completely macking on Spike, or what?" The redhead gasped. "Cordy!" She said as she turned the color of Cordelia's shirt.

"What?"  The seer asked with wide-eyed innocence.

"Like it wasn't obvious."

"Um, Willow?" Angel interrupted from his office door. Both women turned to him. "Could I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure, Angel." She said as she stood. She'd noticed the looks the dark vampire had been giving the ex-cheerleader. She figured this would be the perfect time to ask him about it. {This is going to work out better than I had planned!} she thought to herself.

"Please, sit." The vampire said as she walked into his office. He then closed the door and sat across from her. "So, you said you'd tell me why you asked to come here." The redhead nodded. "And that would be.?"

"You're in love with Cordelia, aren't you?" She asked calmly. Angel didn't know what to do. He was happy he couldn't breathe, because was sure he would've forgotten how in his apparent shock. "Never mind, I already have my answer." She said with a smile.


"I think it's great! Never in a million years would I have thought that you and Cordelia would be right together." Willow explained. "I mean, I WAS an officer in the 'We Hate Cordelia' club."

"Wait a minute, Willow."

"Oh, don't worry. I won't tell her." Willow assured him. He seemed to relax a little. "But, you need to. Soon. I actually like her now. She's changed so much. I just hope it works out for you guys." He started to say something and she interrupted once again. "Just don't blow it by letting her get away."

"Willow," He said as he sighed. "Even if I DID have something with Cordelia-which I DON'T."

"That's because you haven't told her yet."

"You know we can't really be together." He finished dejectedly.

"That's why I'm here." She said with a big smile. "I know how to make your soul permanent." The dark haired vampire looked at the witch like she was smoking crack right in front of him. Before he could respond, Wesley knocked on the door rather loudly before walking in completely flustered.

"Angel, you may want to pick up this call."

"Not now, Wesley."

"It's important!" The ex-watcher said desperately.

"Angel, please. Lives are in danger."

"Thanks Wes." He replied. Then, he looked at Willow.

"We'll talk about this later."

The redhead nodded before standing and exiting the room in which Wesley now entered.

"What's going on?" Willow asked.

"Your guess is as good as ours." Gunn replied.

"Wesley just ran in there after his phone rang." Spike was headed downstairs when Angel and Wesley exited the office.

The dark vampire spoke:  "We have a really serious problem."

"What, are you out of hair gel?" Spike asked as he stood next to Willow.  Willow elbowed him in the ribs as Gunn tried to stifle a chuckle at the blonde vampire's comments.  "Sorry." He whispered to the redhead.

Angel took a mental note of the apology from his grandchilde who would never apologize to anyone. Not even him. "As I was saying," he continued with his announcement. "We need weapons. Now."

"What's going on?" Cordelia asked as she headed to the weapons cabinet.

"Remember Mr. Chen who owns that shop in Chinatown?"

"The one gave me those gorgeous earrings? Hell yeah!"

"Another group of demons is after the Crown of Merides." The vampire replied. "They're expected to show up some time after sunset and give Mr. Chen an ultimatum."

"Oh, that's just bull!" Cordelia replied as she opened the cabinet and started passing out weapons.

"But he's such a nice man." Fred added.

"Don't worry, baby, we won't let anything bad happen to him." Gunn said to his girlfriend before reaching for a battle-ax.

"Hell, I'm all for whipping some demon ass." Spike announced.  "Let's do it!" Then, he turned to Willow.

"Red, you stay here."

"Hang on, let me think about that for a second. No." She replied as she glared at him and grabbed some stakes from Cordy.

"What do you mean 'no'?"

"Spike, why do think you can tell me what to do?" The witch answered with a question of her own.

"Willow, don't start."

"I can take care of myself, Mr. The Bloody." He yelled. "You're the one who taught me how to fight, remember? Now, I'm going. I don't give a damn what you say." With that, she stormed out to the car, watched by a surprised Cordelia and Fred, a laughing Gunn, Lorne and Angel, and a stunned-into-silence Wesley and Spike.

Finally, Lorne spoke.  "So, who's going to tell her that we don't have to be there until sunset?" Everyone in the building pretended not to hear as they ran off in different directions. Spike stormed up to his room and slammed the door. Cordelia peeked out of Angel's office door, with Angel right behind her.

"So, do you think they know that they're crazy in love with eachother?" The seer asked.

"Probably not."  Angel replied sadly, thinking of his own delimma. "People never see what's right in front of them."

~Part: 4~

Cordelia, Fred, and Wesley managed to get the children to safety while the rest of the group went into battle.  Spike was the first to literally jump into the middle of the fray as he flipped over the first wave of demons and kicked two on his way to landing. He then did a spinning side kick and leveled another two. Angel was directly behind him swinging his sword. He decapitated one demon and nearly sliced a second one in half while Gunn went medieval on one with his battle-ax. Willow did a spell to enhance the impact of her assaults on the demons. She proceeded to begin hand-to-hand combat with one. She easily ducked away from a punch as she kicked it in the knee. The demon came sprawling down, holding its knee. Willow removed her stake and buried it to the hilt into the demon's heart.

Wesley, Fred, and Cordelia returned in time to get the two demons that decided to run. Cordy sliced one with her sword while Wesley shot his with a crossbow. Mr. Chen appeared out of his office slowly. "Is everyone okay?" He asked.

"I think we're all okay, Mr. Chen." Angel answered.

"How about you?"

Mr. Chen laughed. "I didn't do any of the fighting, Angel."

"The children got out alright." Cordelia said.

"Wonderful!" Mr. Chen replied. "How can I ever thank you?"

"With everything you do for us, it's US who should be thanking YOU." Angel said.

Later, back at the Hyperion.

"Stop it."


"Spike, I mean it."

"Not until you talk to me, Red."

"Right now, I have absolutely nothing to say to you, so just go away."

"Re-ed." The blonde vampire whined.

"Spike, could you come into my office?" Angel interrupted.

"No. I'm busy."

"Spike, don't touch me!" Willow hissed

"WILLIAM!" Angel yelled, causing everyone to jump.


"What do you want, Grandpa?" Spike asked as Angel shut the office door.


"Do I look like your bloody dog?"

"Spike." The dark vampire warned. The younger vampire sat down in one of the chairs.  "I want you to be honest with me. I already know the answer."

"Then, why am I here?"

"You're in love with her." Angel said. Spike looked at him in surprise. "Don't worry, I won't say anything."

"What do you want?" Spike asked suspiciously.

"I know what you're thinking, and you're wrong."

"Prove it, Peaches."

"I'm not interested in Willow like that." Angel assured his grand childe. "I wouldn't do that to you, William."

"Anymore." Spike added.

"That's right." Angel replied. "She's all yours. But, you have to tell her, Spike. She won't figure it out for herself because she doesn't believe you would think of her in that way."

"Is that you haven't shagged the cheerleader rotten?" Spike asked, with more of his mischief back in his eyes.

"Remember your place, my boy." Angel said playfully. Spike smirked. "Now, send Willow in here." Spike looked at him with definite horror on his face. "I said I wouldn't tell her, William, and I meant it. That's YOUR job.  I need to talk to her about why she's here." Spike stood and left the office. But, not before giving a wink of thanks to his Sire.


"Leave me the hell alone!"

"Bloody hell, witch! I was just trying to tell you that the great Poufini wants to see you in his office." The bleach blonde said as he stormed to the kitchen for a mug of blood.

"Oh." The redhead replied softly.

"Hey Willow. Come in." Angel said as the witch opened his door. She sat down with a sad look on her face.

"What's wrong?"

"I yelled at Spike." She replied. "For no reason!"

"I know. I heard."

"I think I really hurt his feelings, Angel." Willow said, on the verge of tears.

"And you don't want that, do you?"

"No, of course not! Spike is." she stopped herself before she continued on her personal praise of William the Bloody.

"More than just a friend?" Angel asked.

"It is so one way, Angel." Willow confessed. "I feel like I'm back in junior high all over again. I like him. He doesn't like me. At least, not LIKE me, like me. And I'm all alone, once again, wishing that just once, someone that amazing could be in love with me."

"Oh, Willow." Angel said as he stood and walked over to the sad redhead. He tilted her chin upwards so that she was looking into his eyes. "I can't believe you don't know how beautiful and amazing you are. My boy would be stupid not to love you." She smiled at him and stood to give him a hug.

"Thanks Angel. I really needed to hear that."  Willow said. The two pulled apart. Spike stood just outside the door looking at them.

If you didn't know him, you would think that there was no emotion in his face. If you knew him, you could see the depth of the pain in his eyes.

"Spike," Angel said as he opened the glass door.

"Thanks, Angelus." The bleach blonde said with barely contained raged. "It's nice to know some things haven't changed." With that, he walked out of the hotel and disappeared.

~Part: 5~

"He's not out there." Gunn said as he returned to the lobby of the Hyperion.

"Where do you think he could have gone?" Willow asked Angel.

"I have no idea." Angel replied. "Don't worry, Willow. He just needs to cool down. He'll realize that he didn't see what he thought he saw."

"It's okay, Wills." Cordelia added. "The bleached blunder will come running back in here begging you to forgive him."

"I'll believe that when I see it." Willow replied dejectedly as she stood and headed towards the courtyard.

He had no idea where he was going. He only knew that he couldn't be in the same building with them right now.  After dusting six vamps and literally ripping apart a Vorenex demon, the bleach blonde vampire just walked.

"Spike?" A voice called out. The vampire shifted into his demon face and turned towards the speaker with a growl.  "Cool it there, you bleach blonde Popsicle. I'm not gonna hurt you."

"Lorne?" Spike asked. The green skinned demon nodded and stepped closer to the vampire who shifted back into his human form. "Look, tell them you couldn't find me alright?"

"Who?" The Pylean asked.

"You know bloody well who! That wanker with a soul and my witch!" Spike yelled.

"Spike, sweetie, not a clue what you're talking about." Lorne replied. "I'll tell you what: I'm rebuilding my bar less than a block from here. Why don't I buy you a drink?"

"Far be it for ol' Spike to turn down free liquor." The vampire replied as he followed Lorne to the bar formerly known as Carita's.

"Willow, you okay?" Cordelia asked as she went to meet her friend outside.

"No." The redhead answered softly.

"I'm so sorry, Wills."

"I wouldn't wish this feeling on my worst enemy." Willow said.

"It's okay. We'll find him."

"Cordy, promise me you'll give him a chance." Willow said to the seer.


"He's in love with you and you don't even know it."

"Willow, speak English." Cordelia replied, extremely confused.

"Angel. He thinks you don't care about him." Willow replied with desperation. "He's crazy about you."

"Willow, Angel is NOT interested in me that way." Cordelia said. "I think you're just a little emotional right now."

"No, he flat out admitted it to me." The witch pursued. "Even if you're not in love with him, don't be cruel. Please. Just think about what I said."

"Hey Willow, Cordy!" Angel ran out to the courtyard.

"We found him."

"Oh my god! Let's go!" Willow stood, preparing to leave.

"Where is he?" Cordelia asked.

"With Lorne. Can you believe it?" Angel replied.

"They're at Carita's. Lorne just called."

"And I really am in love with the little chit." Spike said as he downed another shot of whiskey.  "And Angelus knew it. He just had to take what's mine. Wanker."

Lorne poured him another shot. "Spike, baby cakes, why don't you sing me a little song and I'll give you a reading."

"I already know everything I need to know." Spike sighed. "She'll never love me."

"Spike. Sing. Now." Lorne replied. "Or no more whiskey."

"That's not fair, mate."

"It's up to you." Lorne replied with a smile.

"Fine, I'll sing." The blonde vampire stood and looked at the karaoke machine. There was a list of songs on top and he began to look over them. Finding one, he showed it to Lorne, who prepared the machine. Spike took another shot and headed to the mic, since the stage wasn't finished. The music started and Spike began to sing:

Just then, Angel, Cordelia, Gunn, Fred, and Willow walked in, but stayed out of sight.

        //Everything's so blurry
          Everyone's so fake
          Everybody's empty
         And everything is so messed up

        Preoccupied without you
        I cannot live at all
        My whole world surrounds you
        I stumble then I crawl

        You can be my someone
       You can be my sea
       You know that I'll protect you
       From all of the obscene

       I wonder what you're doing
      Imagine where you are
      There's oceans in between us
      But that's not very far

       Can you take it all away?
      Can you take it all away?
      When you shoved it in my face
      Explained your game to me

       Can you take it all away?
      Can you take it all away?//

Everyone stood in complete and total shock. Willow unconsciously walked up next to Lorne. Spike immediately noticed her and stopped singing. Lorne ran to the karaoke machine and stopped it.

"Why are THEY here?" He asked Lorne.

"I called them."

"You bloody said you wouldn't!" Spike yelled.

"No, I said that they didn't send me."

"Whatever." Spike said as he glared at Angel. "Thanks for the drink, mate." He started towards the exit.

"Spike, wait!" Willow cried.

"What, Red?" Spike turned to face the redhead. "I'm leaving you the hell alone, just like you asked me to. Is nothing I do good enough for you? Maybe Angelus can do a better job, then."

"Spike there is nothing going on between me and Angel." Willow tried to assure the vampire.

"I really don't care. Makes no difference to me, witch."

"Then why are you so pissed off at me?" Willow retorted.

"You were the one that was yelling at ME!" Spike screamed.

"That's because I'm sick of you treating me like a child!" The redhead screamed right back. "I can take care of myself! And, in case you haven't noticed, I'm NOT a child."

"You think I don't know that?" He asked softly. "Gods above, Red, you are the most amazing woman on the planet. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Then, tell me you love me and I'll be just fine." She answered just as softly; her eyes watery from unshed tears.

"I love you."

~Part: 6~

"First of all, where did he learn to sing like that?" Lorne was the first to speak.

"Tell me about it." Gunn replied. "He doesn't sound anything like Angel. No offense, man, but you suck." Angel glared at the handsome street kid.

"Ha! No pun intended." Cordelia giggled.

"Don't they look cute?" Fred asked no one in particular.

"Is he purring?" Cordelia asked.

"Okay, I'll ask again." Lorne said. "How did he get a voice like that with you for a Sire?"

"Thanks Lorne." Angel answered. "I definitely feel the love."

"Angelcakes," Lorne replied. "You know there is all kinds of love for you. But, face it: your singing voice is horrendous."

Angel ignored the snickers and giggles from Cordelia and Gunn as he walked slowly towards the couple.

"Spike," he started.

"What now, Peaches?"

"I think we need to talk." He said calmly.

"No, we don't." The blue-eyed vamp replied. Before Angel could speak again, Spike interrupted him. "I know I jumped to conclusions. But, can you blame me?"

"No, I guess I can't."

"Good." Spike replied. "Alls well in Hell A. Just remember to stay the hell away form her, or I will gut you."

"Done." Angel said with a smile.

"So, are you guys okay?" Willow asked.

"As okay as I'll ever be with the pouf."

"Yeah, Willow.  Our history is a long and interesting one." Angel answered. "However, WE need to talk, young lady. About this spell."

"What spell?" Spike asked.

"Don't worry, Angel." Willow replied. "I've double checked and quadruple checked it. I'm not in any danger."

"Wait a minute. You're asking the hair gel king of brood not to worry?" Spike asked. "That's a good one, Red."

"Guys, why don't we get out of here so we can talk about what the hell is going on?" Cordelia suggested.

"Yeah." Spike added. "And what spell?"

"Hey, Spike, you got a nice set of pipes." Gunn told the blonde vampire.

"I definitely didn't get it from Grandpa." Spike said as he put his arm around Willow and headed out the door.

"My singing is not that bad!" Angel whined as they all headed back to the Hyperion.

"Don't forget, I still need to tell you about the reading." Lorne reminded Spike.

"Oooh! Can I listen?" Willow asked.

"Why don't you let him give you the Reader's Digest version when he and I are done." The Pylean suggested.

"It's not like I don't know HOW to sing." Angel continued his rant.

~Part: 7~

"You ready to talk about this?"

"Um, okay." Willow replied.

"Wills, this is serious."

"I know, Angel."

"Are you sure you'll be safe?"

"Wait a minute, she could be in danger?" Spike asked.

"You're on your own, Peaches."

"Spike, I won't be in danger." Willow promised.

"Besides, this'll help everyone."

"Unless of course you WANT psycho Angelus from a few years ago to return." Cordelia added.

"From what I heard, that guy was bad news." Gunn said.

"Alright! Al-bloody-right!" Spike conceded. "Last thing I need is that wanker going after my Red."

"So, you won't cause any more trouble?"

"No, you sod, I won't cause any trouble."

"Okay, now how does this spell work?" Cordelia asked.

"Well, actually is pretty simple." Willow said.

"Probably not something you want to say to someone who's been brooding for the better part of a century." Gunn advised.

"Oops." Willow replied with an apologetic smile to the dark haired vampire. "Okay, basically, all I have to do is get you to stand somewhere, draw on you, and say a few words."

"That's it?" Fred asked.

"I think she's oversimplifying so as not to confuse the idiots in the audience." Spike said as he looked at Cordelia, who flipped him off. The bleach blonde smirked.

"So, when is this going to take place?" Fred asked.

"Tomorrow." Willow replied. "We do have to make sure everything is set up perfectly. No room for mistakes. And let's be honest: who here misses Angelus?"

A hand tentatively went up.


"Ow!" Spike yelled as Willow slapped his hand down.

"I don't think she was talking about the Angelus from 100 years ago, my boy." Angel said.

"Are we done?" Gunn asked. "I'd like to take my girl out on the town."

"Have fun, mate." Spike said. Everyone looked at him in surprise. "Hey, this bloke is actually fun. I can wish him well if I want."

"Thank you, Spike." Fred said as she and Gunn left the Hyperion.

"So," Willow turned to Spike. "Were you ever going to tell me that you had feelings for me?"

"Hey!" Cordy said as she grabbed Angel's hand. "Let's go answer that phone."

"I don't hear a.oh." Angel replied and followed to seer to his office.

Once the door was closed, Cordelia spoke: "So, were you ever going to tell me that you had feelings for me?"

"Ha ha, Cordy." Angel said. "So we're imitating Willow and Spike now?"


"Oh." Angel said. Cordy saw the light bulb go on above his head.

~Part: 8~

"I'm waiting, Spike."

"Pet, you don't understand."

"Hence, the explanation part of this scenario." The redhead announced. "Well, William?"

"Oh, bugger it! I've been crazy about you for as long as I can remember." He replied in exasperation. Willow looked at him with tear-filled eyes.

"Really?" She asked hopefully.

"Well, yeah." He started pacing. "I really am turning into that wanker, aren't I? Like father, like bloody son."

"Spike." Willow said.

"And it's not like you would've wanted an evil sadistic monster like me." The blonde vampire continued. "I'm a demon!"

"Spike," the redhead repeated as she stepped closer to the raving vampire.

"I know you're too good for me, Will." He continued.

"Spike." Willow said for the last time. "Shut. Up." He stopped pacing and looked down at her.


"Shush!" She replied. "I am so completely in love with you, I think I'm going out of my mind."

It was Spike's turn to turn to mush. "Really?" He mimicked her earlier response with the same kind of hopefulness.

"Ever since you offered to turn me, I've been attracted to you." She paused. "Then, when you were living at Giles's place and we became friends, I realized just how special you really are. I guess that's when I fell in love with you."

"Why didn't you say anything, Pet?"

"Oh puh-lease!" Willow answered. "Spike, I'm plain old wallflower nerd Willow. What would a dangerous, gorgeous, sexy, vampire want with me?"

"There is nothing plain about you, Red." Spike said as he pulled her close to him and put his arms around her waist. "You are the most spectacular creature I've ever met. And I've been around for a while."

"So, you weren't kidding when you said you loved me?" She asked innocently.

"Hell, no, Luv.  I'm completely Willow-whipped." He answered with a smile, and then proceeded to give her the most tender and passionate kiss.



"Don't 'Cordy' me, buster! I want an answer." The seer yelled. "NOW!"

"When exactly was a good time to do this, Cordelia?" Angel asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, you're right." Cordelia replied. "It's not like we SEE EACH OTHER EVERYDAY!"

"It's more complicated than that, and you know it." Angel replied softly.

"Well, how was I supposed to know?"

"How could you not?" Angel asked.

"One word: Buffy." The ex-cheerleader replied. "How was I supposed to sense that you were presumably over the love of your life? Your soulmate!"

"She's not my soulmate." Angel once again replied softly. "I loved her. But, it didn't work out. It would never work out. I got over it. You're all I've been able to think about." He took a hesitant step towards her. "Besides, we couldn't really be together. I mean, I wanted more for you than this." He gestured to himself.

"So, you weren't even going to give me a chance to decide?" She asked with tears in her eyes. "Thanks a lot, Angel." She headed for the door.

"Cordelia, wait!" Angel pleaded. Cordelia just opened the door and headed out of the office.

"Well, at least SOMEBODY got it right." The seer said as she passed a kissing Spike and Willow.

~Part: 9~

"Angel, what happened?" Willow asked as the dark haired vampire after Cordy ran up the stairs..

"Who cares?" Spike said and started to kiss the redhead once again.

"Spike, cut it out." Willow said. But, she didn't leave his embrace. "Now, what happened?"

"Hey, I just passed a very pissed off seer upstairs." Lorne said as he descended the staircase. "What'd I miss?"

"I told her I love her." Angel replied. "And, she got mad at me." He sat dejectedly on one of the lobby couches.

"Why do I get the strangest feeling that that's not all that happened?" Willow asked.

"Okay," Angel said with a sigh. "She asked me why I didn't tell her. I told her the truth."

"The curse?" Willow asked softly as she walked over and sat next to him He nodded. "Oh, Angel, I'm so sorry." She paused. "Wait a minute. She doesn't know about the spell?"

"We sort of didn't get that far in the conversation." He answered sheepishly.

"She believes you should've given her the choice." Lorne stated as understanding finally hit him.

"Somebody needs to talk to her." Willow said. All were silent for a few moments as they thought of the situation at hand.

"Where is Spike?" Lorne asked.

"Oh shit." Angel said as he rose to his feet and headed for the stairs.

"Angel, wait." Willow said.

"Are you insane?" Angel asked, with disbelief. "He's probably talking to her right now!"

"I know." Willow said softly but firmly. "Let him."

Willow, Lorne and Angel all looked towards the top of the staircase.


"Hey, cheerleader." Spike called to the seer.

"Spike, I am NOT talking to you about me and Angel." Cordelia said as she tried to shut her door.

"You think I came up here to talk about that ponce?" Spike asked as he caught the door before she could close it. "Bloody pouf could rot for all I care."

"Then why are you here?" She asked.

"I came to ask you about my Red."

"Your Red?" she asked with tears in her eyes. She then walked over to the bed and sat down  "That is so sweet."

"Oh, don't start with the water works, Pet." Spike said as he walked in and sat beside her on the bed.

"Sorry." She replied with a sniffle. "What do you want to know about Willow? I mean, you probably know more than me."

"I want to make sure that she really does love me."

"Spike, how can you think she doesn't? Are you blind?"

"Well, what about the wolf?" He retorted. "You were there for that."

"Oz?" Cordelia asked with apparent surprise. "You can't possibly think she's still in love with Oz!"

"Well," he sighed. "The wolf WAS her first real love."


"So, how can she love me so much?" The vampire asked.

"Spike! Oz is so of the past!" Cordelia explained emphatically. "Willow doesn't even THINK of him in that way anymore! Willow loves you more than anything. Nothing else should matter! My goodness! Live in the now!"

"Sounds like good advice." Spike said with a smirk and arch of his eyebrow. .

"Of COURSE it's good advice!.Oh."

"Next problem, please." He said.

"Damn vampires!" Cordy said as she playfully hit his shoulder.

~Part: 10~

"I am the biggest idiot to ever walk the earth." Angel said as he knelt before Cordelia in the lobby of the Hyperion.

"And?" Cordelia prompted.

"I was so stupid to not include you in the decision about us."

"And." She added.

"I promise to do everything in my power to make it up to you."


A collective "Shut up, Spike" sounded through the lobby.

"And," Angel looked up at the seer. "I love you.".

Cordy wanted an audience for his admission of being wrong about their situation. Lorne, Willow, Spike, Gunn, and Fred were watching the event.

Willow smiled as tears of happiness formed in her eyes. "That was so sweet." Fred had completely lost it and was crying into Gunn's shirt. The men looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"Well, now that this is all settled," Lorne announced. "How about I give you your reading Mr. Big Bad Blonde Muffin?"

"What would happen if he DIDN'T call someone food?" Gunn asked.

"Let's get this over with, mate." Spike said to the Pylean.

"Lead the way, dumpling."

Spike kissed Willow on the forehead. "I'll be right back, luv."

"I'll be waiting." She whispered as she kissed his cheek. The vampire and the green demon walked into the courtyard. "Now," Willow turned to Angel and Cordelia. Let's talk about this spell."


"You sure are more than meets the eye, William."

"Yeah, well, I do what I can." Spike said wryly.

"Do they even comprehend what an enigma you are?" Lorne asked with admiration. "To go through so much as a human, and then just recently as a vampire. You, my friend, are at the top of my respect list."

"You mean I beat Peaches?" Spike smirked.

"I know it's hard to just let go and be yourself, because you've been someone else for so long." Lorne replied with a smile. "But, I'll bet Willow would like William the Poet, as well."

"You wouldn't."

"It's not up to me to say anything, cupcake." The Pylean replied. "But, don't you want her to know and love ALL of you?"

Spike looked out to the night sky, deep in thought.

"Think about it." Lorne said. "You are one of the most interesting creatures ever, Spike. "Such passion, and creativity, and caring." Spike looked at him and growled. "Face it, bleach boy, you're a regular vampire teddy bear. And Willow loves you for it." He then walked back into the hotel to let Spike figure things out.


"Cordelia," Willow started. "We didn't want to say anything until it was thoroughly checked out and confirmed. But I may be able to anchor Angel's soul."

"Wha-huh?" Cordy asked in complete shock. Angel took her hand as he sat next to her.

"Angel, that's great!" Gunn said.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you." Fred said, as tears started welling up in her eyes once again.

"So, what do you think?" Angel asked the seer.

"I..think it's a dream come true!" She threw her arms around him. "Oh, Angel, I'm so happy for you! No more Angelus. Ever!"

"And a lot less brooding." Willow added.

"Bonus." Lorne replied as he stepped into the room.

"Are you all done?" Willow asked Lorne.

"He already knew most of it." Lorne replied. "He loves you, sweetness."

"I'll go and get him so we can fill him in on everything." Willow said as she headed to the door.

"And we can.oh!" Cordy said with realization.

"I beg you not to finish that." Gunn replied.

"I second it." Lorne added.


"Hey." Willow said as she walked out and saw her beautiful, blue-eyed love staring at the sky.

"Hey." He said with a smile. Just looking at her made everything all right for him. He walked over to her and put his arms around her waist. "Willow?"


"Do you love me?" He asked.

"Is that a joke?"

"No, I." He started. "I just want to hear you say it." The two sat on the fountain.

"Spike, I love you so much that sometimes it scares me because I'm afraid you'll never really love me."

"But you know I do, right?" The vampire asked.

"Yes. I do." She answered with a satisfied grin. She brushed a light kiss across his lips.

"What if I told you that I wasn't always like this?" Spike asked. He was so nervous. This was it. He'd know if she really wanted all of him.

"Well, yeah. You were human once." She replied. "And you got your nickname then, too."

"So true." He answered with a sigh. "What I'm about to tell is something that I've never told anyone else. I just hope that you still love me after I'm finished talking."

"Should I be afraid?" She asked with concern in her dark green eyes.

"Very." He answered.

Then, Spike went on to tell Willow the story of William the Poet.

~Part: 11~

Spike had a desperate, hopeful look on his face as he finished his human life's story. "And then she turned me." He sighed and tried to decipher the look on Willow's face. When she said nothing, he began to worry even more. "Will?" She looked into his clear blue eyes.

"I think effulgent is a beautiful word." He arched an eyebrow and smiled at the redhead. "Spike, how could she, or anyone for that matter, EVER think that you're beneath them? You are the most amazing creature I have ever met."

"Does that mean you don't think I'm a poufter?" He asked.

She caressed his face with her hand as she spoke. "I think you're beautiful in every way."

"Hey, take that back." He said playfully. "I'm the Big Bad, remember?"

"Oh yeah, slayer of slayers, blah blah blah." She chuckled and brushed her lips against his. "Cordelia." She suddenly said.

"Not exactly what I wanted to hear just now, Luv."

"No. Cordelia and the others are waiting for us in the lobby." Willow replied with a giggle.

"So?" Spike retorted. "They can wait. This is more important."

"More important than the spell to restore Angel's soul?" She asked.

"Oh, alright." He said with a dramatic sigh. "Let's get this over with so we can have some alone time."

They stood and walked back into the hotel.



"So, who has all of the ingredients?" Willow asked.

"I got everything when I found out about the spell." Lorne replied.

"Let's get this show on the road." Spike said rubbing his hands together like an evil scientist.

"What's his problem?" Cordy asked Willow.

"It's Spike." She answered with a shrug. "Angel, I need you to stand here." She told the dark vampire as she moved him towards the circle they would draw. Twenty-five minutes later, there was flash of light and Angel fell to his knees. He doubled over in pain and screamed.

"ANGEL!" Cordelia screamed.

Just then, the dark haired vampire looked up with an evil smile on his face.  "Daddy's home." There was a collective gasp in the silent room.

"Well get your ass up, Grandpa, and let's celebrate!" Spike said with a smile.

"Spike!" Fred yelled.

"Very funny, you ass!" Cordelia pulled a Willow and smacked Angel across the head.

"Ow!" Angel screamed.

"Oh, come on!" Spike chimed in laughing. "When is he ever going to be able to pull that trick again?"

"The question is still: did it work?" Gunn reminded everyone.

"Yes, Gunn, it worked." Angel said as he stood. "I'm sorry guys, I just thought it would be kind of funny."

"You were ready to make a joke?"  Fred asked.

"Oh Angel, that's wonderful!" Willow gushed.

"So, are we going to celebrate, or not?" Lorne asked.

"Sounds like a plan." Gunn replied.

