Title: Open Your Eyes
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: Nothing in the Joss-verse belongs to me. I wish I owned these characters-especially Spike. However, I do not. And, I'm really poor, so don't sue me.
Distribution: If you want it, take it. Just let me know where it's going.
Spoilers: Up to S2 of Angel, and up to S5 of Buffy.
Rating: PG-13 (mostly language)
Pairing: S/W, C/G, F/A
Summary: Willow and Spike go to LA to help Angel while things are quiet in Sunnydale
Feedback: On my first fic?? Hell yeah!!
Author's note: This is my first ever attempt at fic. I know I'm not as good as the other writers, but give it a chance, and let me know what you think.
Author's note 2: Willow and Tara are just friends; Faith has been out of jail a couple of weeks; and Spike got over that whole Buffy dream thing.
Dedication: To Dru, and to Vampie for making me try this. :-)


(Part 1)

"Oh, bloody hell! Could we please listen to something other than whiney chit music??" Spike groaned as he reached for the radio dial.

Willow smacked his hand before he could touch it. "Ouch!"

"Now who's whiney?" Willow asked as she continued to drive Giles' new car. It was only half an hour until they reached Angel's place in LA.

"I don't see why we have to help the great pouf and his band of merry crime fighters. I do that enough in Sunnyhell."

"Spike, would you rather be at Giles' helping Buffy with research?" Willow asked, in a condescending tone.

"As far as nightmares go, that's the worst." Spike retorted.

"Fine," Said Willow. "If I let you control the radio, will you promise to keep quiet?"

"Yeah, yeah," Spike answered as he lazily leaned over to turn the dial.

Unfortunately, Spike was anything but quiet as he sang along to the modern rock songs as he head banged in the car.

" Cause you can't feel my anger
You can't feel my pain
You can't feel my torment
Driving me insane......"

Willow sighed heavily.


"Wesley, would you please get a life!?!" Cordelia screamed as she grabbed a book from him.

"Cordelia, I hardly think..." Wesley started.

"Exactly! You hardly think!" She stopped and took a deep breath.

"Look, I'm fine. I wasn't in danger. And I wasn't alone, okay? Wesley, I do appreciate you worrying about me, just don't over react so much."

"Hey," Faith said as she and Angel entered the office. "Cordy, excellent lip action with Gunn!" She giggled. "I was so proud!"

"You were with Gunn?" Wesley asked, visibly shocked.

"Ooops," was all Angel could contribute.

"So....ummm....is this week's wicked demon no more?" Cordelia asked, trying to change the subject.

"Ummm....yeah," Faith replied feeling a little guilty. "Nothin' like a little demon ass-kickin' to complete my night!"

"And nobody invited me??" Gunn asked as he walked in. "You know how much I enjoy this part of the job."

"Sorry Gunn," replied Angel. "But you were slightly busy when we found you." His eyes gestured over to Cordelia.

"Oh," said Gunn.


"Do you mind?!?!" Willow screamed. She had finally reached her breaking point.

"What?" Spike yelled back. "I'm not talking!"

"No, you're trying to sing, and it's driving me crazy!"

Spike leaned over and whispered, "Would you prefer it if I whispered 'sweet nothings' in your ear, Pet?"

"In your dreams, Fangless," Willow retorted, her heart still beating uncontrollably fast, as the heat rush through her entire body. She couldn't believe how sexy his voice was. She gripped the steering wheel tightly and took a deep breath.

"Relax, Red. We're here."

Willow pulled into a parking space outside of the hotel that is now Angel Investigations.


(Part 2)

"Willow!!" Cordelia sang as she ran over to hug the redhead. "It's so good to see you!" She was visibly sincere.

"Hey...what happened to shallow cheerleader girl?" Spike asked.

"Let's just say she had an eye-opening experience." Angel said.

Just then, Cordelia sat heavily on the chair behind her, holding her head.

"A vision!" Gunn screamed, and ran over to her with Angel close behind. Wesley ran behind the desk to get aspirin as Faith dashed off to the kitchen.

Spike stood watching, silently amused by the reactions of everyone else. Just then, Faith returned from the kitchen with water for the aspirin.

"Wow, that was.... surreal," Willow managed to say.

"Well...." Wesley asked gently. "What did you see?"

"A tunnel," Cordelia gasped. "A demon...and 3 vampires...Working together."

"Well that's odd," was said in unison.


"So, Spike can't bite people?" Cordelia asked for the 3rd time. "That's got to be driving him crazy!"

"Tell me about it. He's not among the happy people." Willow replied.

"I can't believe Faith didn't mention that."

"Well, I think Faith may have had the whole 'celebrating getting out of prison' thing on her mind." Willow answered.

"Point taken," said Cordy.


"Hello! A little help here!!" Gunn yelled as he struggled with the 7ft tall demon.

"Oh baby, don'tcha like me on top?" Faith teased as she staked the vampire she was straddling.

Once Spike ripped out the throat of the vamp he was fighting, he ran over to Gunn, and threw the demon off of him. Angel elbowed a vamp in the face and finished him off in a front side kick to the chest. The vamp flew into a stake being held by Faith.

"Well, nothing like teamwork to make the job easier," said Angel

Spike delivered a series of punches to the demon as Gunn regained his bearings and went to Spikes aid. The two finally weakened the demon as Angel grabbed his sword to behead it. Once the demon was killed, the 4 warriors walked over to an unconscious Wesley and woke him up.


(Part 3)

"Well, Angel, I must say, that was a terribly nasty demon," said Wesley as Willow treated his head wound.

Spike watched as an growl involuntarily escaped him. He hadn't known that seeing the redhead help someone else would affect him in this way. When did he start to have feelings for her?

Meanwhile, Faith walked over to Cordelia and asked, "Cordy, can I talk to you?"

"Sure," Cordelia replied as they went into one of the many rooms in the hotel.

"Look, Cordy, I had no idea I was saying something I wasn't supposed to be saying."

"Faith, don't worry about it. I mean, we weren't trying to keep it a secret. We were going to tell everyone. We were just waiting for the right time," Cordelia explained.

"So, we're cool?" Faith asked.

"Of course!" Cordelia said as they walked back to meet the group.

Angel walked over to Cordelia. "Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, Angel. I talked to Faith. I know I shouldn't have handled it this way. But Charles and I were worried about how you'd handle it," Cordeliea replied.

"Cordy, as long as you're happy. That's all that matters. Gunn is a great guy."

"Yeah," Cordy said as she looked at Gunn and smiled. "He is."


"Okay, I've made a decision," Willow announced with her resolve face firmly in place.

"Well, don't keep us in suspense, Red," Spike droned.

"I think," Willow continued, as she glared at the blonde vampire. "We should all wind down from the events of tonight."

"Meaning?" Angel asked with obvious fear in his voice.

"Let's go dancing!" Willow replied excitedly.

"Cool, I'm in!" Cordy said.

" You don't have to ask me twice," Faith chimed in, grinning. "I'll go get changed." She started to walk off, then stopped, and turned towards Willow. "C'mon, Red," she said with mischievous grin. "I'm sure you didn't bring an outfit for tonight's activities." She grabbed Willow's hand, and the two ran up to Faith's room giggling. Cordelia smiled and went to the room she uses at the hotel.

Meanwhile, the four men just looked at each other, each knowing that they didn't have a choice in the matter.


(Part 4)

"No, Wesley. You're staying here and getting some rest." Angel said. "You need time to recuperate."

"I agree with Angel, Wesley," Willow said, as she walked down the stairs.

"Look, Red, if Watcher Jr. here wants to...." Spike started, and then lost all ability to speak as he looked up and saw Willow wearing black leather pants and a green halter-top to match her eyes. Wesley's eyes followed Spike's gaze until they fell on Willow. All four men stood with their mouths agape.

"Willow," Angel started. "You look...."

"Hot!" Gunn finished.

Spike still couldn't speak. He just stood, as Cordelia and Faith walked down the stairs as well, also dressed nicely. Cordelia, wearing a silver halter top with a black leather miniskirt, and Faith, wearing a deep red halter-top with black suede leather pants.

"'kay, let's go!" Faith announced. Wesley stood up. "No, you stay and get better."

The rest of the gang piled in Angel's car, and went looking for a place to take out their frustrations. Faith and Cordelia chatted the entire time, while Angel and Gunn discussed Spike's run-in with the Initiative. Willow just sat quietly; a little disappointed that she didn't get a positive reaction in that outfit from Spike.

"So, he still doesn't have a soul?" Gunn asked.


"And he still kills vamps and demons?"

"Look," Spike decided to join in. "I need my exercise the same as everyone else, alright?"

"Sure, whatever, man." Said Gunn, still not believing everything that's happened to him in the past year.

"Don't worry, Sweetie," Cordelia said as she lightly kissed Gunn's lips. "You'll get used to everything."

Angel pulled into the parking lot of a nightclub that seemed more trouble-free than most others. They all got out of the car and walked inside. Spike headed directly towards the bar without saying a word. Faith pulled Angel on to the dance floor, and started dancing. The dark haired vampire just stood there, embarrassed, but enjoying the view. While Gunn went and got everyone else's drinks, Cordelia took this time alone with Willow to ask her what was wrong.

"Oh, nothing," Willow replied. "I was just looking for a more positive reaction, that's all."

"From...." Cordelia prompted Willow to say. Then, the light went on inside her head. "Spike?!?! Get out!!"

"I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Never mind." Willow looked so disappointed.

Cordelia walked over to her, grabbed her hand, and grinning, said, "Well then, let's show him what he's missing."


(Part 5)

Just as Gunn returned with some drinks, he noticed Cordelia leading Willow to the dance floor. He had noticed Spike watching Willow on his way to the bar, but didn't comment.

"Oooooh, this is gonna be good!" Gunn said under his breath, grinning ear to ear. Then, he brought the drinks to the 3 women on the dance floor.

"Cordy, I-I don't know about this," Willow said apprehensively.

"Wills!" Cordelia replied. "You're in LA. Nobody's going to see you. Angel is too caught up in watching Faith. And I'll keep Gunn busy enough. This is the time! Spike likes you. I can tell! Just open his eyes and show him how desirable you are!"

"Are you sure about this?"

"C'mon Red," Faith said. "Move it like this." Then, she demonstrated by slowly gyrating her hips from side to side while slightly bending her knees. She then started swaying her arms above her head and shimmying her shoulders. Willow and Cordelia followed suit, as the music changed.

"Wow!" Willow told Faith and Cordy. "I love this song!"

"Well, use it, girlfriend!" Faith replied. Just then, Angel took Faith's hand and turned her towards him. The two started dancing together. Cordelia ran to the edge of the dance floor to get Gunn, who immediately complied.

By then, the shot of tequila was working it's will on Willow, as she gyrated to the music in her own little world.

" Twistin' like a flame in a slow dance baby.
You're driving me crazy.
Come on, little honey.
Come on now!
Smoke, she is arisin'
Smoke on the horizon, yeah."

Spike hadn't even realized his feet were taking him somewhere. He had been watching the redhead. The next thing he knew, he was standing at the edge of the dance floor in awe. Willow's petite form moved to the song, as if it were written only for her. With her eyes closed, she gyrated and swayed her hips to the music, as though she were hypnotized. Her hair swayed in the opposite direction of her body. Hell, she was doing moves Faith hadn't shown her! And she was doing them EXTREMELY well, as far as Spike was concerned. He couldn't believe how amazing she was.

"Well now, shake it up. You're to blame
You've got me spinnin' little honey!
My hearts a ball of burnin' flame
Twistin' like a cat on a hot tin shack
Come on little sister
Come on and shake it!
Smoke, she is a-risin'!
Smoke on the horizon yeah!"

The blonde vampire was actually salivating. Faith looked over at Willow and smiled, as she tapped Angel on the shoulder and pointed. Cordelia and Gunn followed the direction Faith was pointing and saw both Willow dancing, and Spike enthralled.

Spike knew it was only a matter of time before teased him to insanity. He hadn't known she was capable of inciting such raw passion in him. He knew he had to have her. He slowly walked on the dance floor, as started what seemed like the longest journey in the world, to get to his Willow. His Willow. He liked the sound of that. That's something he would have to work on. But, she would be his and only his.

Willow continued dancing as the Cult's music moved her of it's own volition. Just then, she felt a cool hand on her waist that traced a line to her belly button. She didn't jump, and she wasn't frightened. She kept her eyes closed and smiled. As she was about to fling her arms around his neck, she heard the unmistakable voice of Spike on the other side of her dance partner.

"Trust me, mate," Spike said. "This is NOT something you want to get yourself into."


(Part 6)

"Who the hell are you?" The unknown vampire asked Spike. Just then, he realized he was outnumbered.

"Well, I gotta hand it to ya," Faith said. "You've got serious balls tryin' to start somethin' with two vamps, a slayer, and a guy who likes to kill vamps just for the fun of it."

" Hey," the vamp stammered. "I-I didn't know she belonged to anybody."

"She belongs to me," Spike replied, his voice and face showing no emotion.

Willow used this opportunity to move to Spikes right side. He then put his arm around her, his eyes never leaving the strange vampire's eyes, and said, "Now go."

The vampire turned and stomped away from the dance floor.

"Wow," Gunn said. "I've never seen a vamp pout before."

"Oh well," Cordy replied. "At least he didn't cause any trouble."

"Famous last words," said Angel.

"Let's get back to dancing," Faith ordered, and pulled Angel away from the group. Cordelia and Gunn took their cue, and did the same. However, Willow and Spike just stood there trying to figure out what to do next.

Finally, Willow said, "Thanks Spike."

"What for?" Spike asked.

"For helping me," Willow replied. "I know that's the reason you did what you did."

Spike turned her around so she was facing him, and pulled her close. He could hear her heart beating rapidly, and decided that this was the thing to do.

"You think that's why I did it?" he purred in her ear. The sound of his voice, and feel of his cool lips on her ear, sent shivers all through Willow's body.

"Well, isn't it?" she asked shakily.

" No, Red."

Their bodies began to move in unison.

"If you need a friend
Don't look to a stranger
You know in the end,
I'll always be there
And when you're in doubt
And when you're in danger
Take a look all around
And I'll be there"

Willow looked up into Spike's deep blue eyes and saw love, devotion, and passion. Passion for her!

"Spike, I...," she started, and then stopped as Spike started to sing the next verse of the song to his Willow.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be.
But, if you wait around a while, I'll make you fall for me
I promise you, I promise you I will."

With that, Willow stood on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against Spike's cool, soft ones. He then traced her lips with his tongue until he was allowed access to her mouth. Their tongues were in a carefully orchestrated dance for dominance. Finally, they pulled apart and just looked into each other's eyes. The electricity between the two was almost visible. Spike looked around and noticed that Angel, Faith, Cordelia, and Gunn were standing in a circle around them, smiling. Willow turned bright red and suddenly, her feet became extremely interesting to her.

"Come on you two," Angel said. "Let's get out of here." The three couples walked out of the club to return to the hotel. "Hey, what's your hurry?" an unfamiliar voice said in the parking lot. It was the vampire from the dance floor.

And he brought a few friends.


(Part 7)

"Peaches, get Red and the cheerleader in the car, now." Spike said sternly.

"Peaches?" The strange vampire replied. "Oh this is too funny."

"Wait a minute," Angel protested. "Am I not YOUR sire? You know, sometimes you seem to forget that, Spike."

"Spike?" Another fledgling asked. "As in William the Bloody?" Gunn nodded. "Which would make him Angelus?" Gunn nodded for the second time. "Screw that! I'm outta here!!" He and two other vamps ran towards the alley.

"I don't bleedin' care right now, Angel." Spike said, ignoring the scared vamps.

"But this is something do realize, right?" Asked Angel.

"Well, then, Sire," Spike answered with every ounce of control that he had. "Give the bloody order to get them in car."

"Ummm...guys?" Faith interrupted. "Do you really think this is the time for your ever-present rivalry?"

Gunn opened the car door and Cordelia and Willow jumped inside. Then, he, Faith, Angel, and Spike surveyed the parking lot, sizing up the competition.

"Christopher," one of the fledglings said. "What are we waiting for, an invitation?"

"Careful what you wish for, mate." Spike growled.

Faith was getting antsy and threw the first punch. Unfortunately for the vamps they were about to fight, she hit two of them in the face with one back swing. Gunn took his cue and delivered a back kick to the vamp standing behind him. Meanwhile, another fledgling swung a lead pipe at Angel, who easily dodged it, punched him in the stomach, took the lead pipe, and jammed it straight through him, just as Faith staked her first one against the another car.

Spike looked at Willow in the car and saw the horror on her face that was a warning to him. He went down in a straddle splits, and punched a fledgling in the groin. Then, he swung his legs around and knocked the leader, Christopher off balance. Christopher, then fell to the ground as Spike jumped up in a flip and pulled a stake from his jacket pocket.

Gunn got hit from behind and was thrown against the car just as Cordelia handed him a stake from inside of the car. He grabbed it and staked the vamp that attacked him. Angel pulled a stake from his coat pocket and put the vamp with the lead pipe through him out of his misery. He then ducked out of the way of yet another fledgling and kicked the same one that Spike kicked in the groin in the exact same place. Faith staked that poor vamp and ran towards the car to check on Willow and Cordy. Before she got there, another vamp grabbed her from behind.

She stood straight up, kicked him in the groin with a bent leg, and punched him in the face with her elbow. He fell back, as she turned, jumped on him and staked him. Then, Faith began her journey to the car again. By this time, Christopher stood up, and Spike grabbed him by the throat and threw him against the side of the building.

Christopher punched Spike with a hard right. Spike's head rolled with the punch, but didn't seem to affect him much. He then delivered his own punch to Christopher's face, and drew blood with a smile on his face. After the series of brutal punches, Spike grabbed a near unconscious Christopher by the head and threw him on the ground.

"I told you," Spike growled as his demon face appeared. "She. Is. Mine." And staked him on the last word. The three men looked around at the piles of dust, while the women ran from the car and to them.

"Is everybody okay?" Angel asked.

He put an arm around Faith, and they walked to the car. Cordelia examined the cut on Gunn's forehead as they made their way to the car also. Willow put her arms around Spike's neck and he pulled her into a tight hug. She then pulled away, and noticed he was still in demon face. She gently caressed the ridges and softly kissed his lips. The ridges smoothed out and the icy blue color returned to his eyes. He smiled at his Willow. He then picked her up, and carried her to Angel's car.

On the drive home, Angel asked, "So, what'd you think you were doing giving your sire orders?"

"Oh, bloody hell!!!" The remainder of the occupants in the car yelled.


(Part 8)

Wesley was playing chess against the computer when Angel, Spike, Gunn, Faith, Cordelia, and Willow walked in.

"Did you all have fun?" Wesley asked.

"Uh-huh," They all replied in unison.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Uh-uh," was the response, again, in unison, as everyone sat down. Wesley noticed that Willow was sitting in Spike's lap, and no one said anything about it. He decided to sidestep that landmine and stick to the original line of questioning. "Alright," he continued. "I know Gunn didn't get that cut on his head from dancing in a nightclub. So, once again I ask: what happened tonight?"

Everyone looked at Angel, as they silently volunteered him to recap the evening's activities. They then decided to turn in while Angel started his explanation. Cordelia showed Spike and Willow to a room, while Gunn went to Cordelia's room. Faith headed over to Angel's room. Spike followed Willow into the room, and Willow took a seat on the bed. Spike leaned against the door, just watching her.

"So," she started, as she stared intently at the floor. "Is this the part where you say that this was a one time thing, and we go back to Sunnydale 'business as usual'?"

"Yes," Spike replied in a monotone voice. Willow's heart sank as her eyes glossed over with unshed tears. "If it were the old me." Willow looked up at him, hopeful. "I would've shagged you rotten, and not even given the speech. My justification would've been that you're a smart girl; you would've figured it out. But, I fell in love with you, Willow. I guess I have been for some time. There is no way I'd ever hurt you." He then walked over to her and kneeled before her. "I'm not letting you go, Pet. Ever."

Willow's tears started streaming down her face, as she smiled at Spike. "Really?"

"Really," he replied, hypnotized by her emerald green eyes. This can't possibly be happening, he thought to himself. "Willow, why would you ever want me?"

"Oh, Spike," she laughed, as she threw her arms around him. "You're everything to me!"

He pulled her away from himself, and stood, his deep blue eyes never leaving hers. He then took her hands in his, and stood her up.

"Do you know what this means?" he asked.

 "It means," She began. "Buffy is going to kill us?"

"Oh, sod the slayer." Spike said. "It means that you are mine. Forever. We have all the time in the world, Red. We can take our time with everything." He gestured to the bed with his eyes. Willow nodded in agreement, and they undressed. He stripped to his boxers, while she put on a nightshirt.

Once they were in bed, under the covers, he put his arms around her, as she laid her head on his bare chest. He then kissed her forhead.

 "I love you, Spike."

"I love you, too, my Willow."
