Title: Out of the Frying Pan
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: Nothing in the Joss-verse belongs to me. I wish I owned these characters-especially Spike. However, I do not. And, I'm really poor, so don't sue me.
Distribution: If you want it, take it. Just let me know where its' going.
Spoilers: Up to S2 of Angel, and S5 of BtVS.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: S/W, X/A, Giles/Olivia, B/R
Summary: Spike and Willow return from LA with a big announcement.
Feedback: Pweeeeeeze!!!
Author's note: Willow and Tara are just friends; Faith has been out of jail a couple of weeks; and Spike is over that whole Buffy dream thing.
Dedication: To Dru, Vampie, and Susie for wanting a sequel. Also, to Kereia for inspiring the Sunnydale sign scene.


(Part 1)

"Come home with me baby
Oooh you must e lucky
Get what:
You've got the body I want

Come home with me baby
Oooh, you must be lucky
I was looking for somebody
Guess what:
You've got the body I want

You know tonight that I don't need affection
All that I want is a little piece of action
Come home with me......"

For some reason, the drive back to Sunnydale was a lot more pleasant than the trip to LA. Spike and Willow compromised on the music choice, and found an all '80's radio station. The two had been singing along for the past hour.

Willow couldn't believe how wonderful the past few days had been with Spike. 'The Big Bad', my ass, she thought. One look into those crystal blue eyes, and she could see how incredibly devoted he would be to her. Things had gone so well in LA. Even Angel was amazed at how great they were for each other.

Willow was knocked out of her reverie by the familiar guitar riffs from the radio. She looked at the radio; looked at Spike who was driving; looked at the radio again; looked at Spike again. And fell into a fit of laughter.

"Pet," Spike said. "Did I miss something? Or have you finally snapped?"

Willow reached over and turned up the volume.

"...With a record selection and a mirror's reflection
I'm dancin' with myself.
When there's no one else inside....."

"Oh," Spike groaned. "Billy Idol?!? Bloody hell!"

 Willow continued to sing, laugh, and dance in her seat as she leaned over and gave Spike a kiss on the cheek.

"...Well I wait so long for my love vibration
And I'm dancin' with myself.
Oh, oh, oh oh
When there's nothing to lose,
And there's nothing to prove
And I'm dancing with myself..."

Spike couldn't help but laugh as he watched her dancing in her seat. He also couldn't help but join in.

"If I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
Well, she and her empty eye
Seem to pass me by
And leave me dancin' with myself
So let's sink another drink
'Cause it'll give me time to think
If I had a chance, I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancin' with myself..."

Both were in a fit of laughter as they neared Sunnydale. The laughter died down as Spike put his arm around her, and she snuggled up closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Stop worrying, Pet," Spike tried to assure her. "It'll be fine."

"Says you," Willow replied. Then, she noticed the all too familiar Welcome to Sunnydale sign. "Don't even think about it." She added in a warning tone.

"Oh," Spike pouted. "Come on, luv."

"No," she said and pointed to her resolve face.

"Just wanted to have a little fun, is all." Spike said as they passed the sign and entered the city limits.


(Part 2)

Giles had been nervously waiting for Willow and Spike to return since Cordelia had called to let him know that they'd left LA. Actually, Giles had been nervously waiting for Willow and Spike to return with his car in tact.

"Giles..." he heard Anya calling him.

"Erm, yes Anya?" he replied.

"What's the price on the mother wart? I've asked you 3 times, and you won't answer me."

"Oh, um, I'm terribly sorry, Anya," Giles replied as he took off his glasses and wiped them with his handkerchief. He told her the price as Buffy walked out of her training room.

"Are they back yet?" she asked.

"No, not yet," Giles said, sounding disappointed.

"I've gotta say, G-man," Xander added. "I still can't believe you let Willow and Spike take your car for almost a whole week. Looks like somebody took an overdose of trust pills."

"Yes, thank you for pointing that out, Xander." Giles replied sarcastically.

"That poor Welcome to Sunnydale sign," Buffy added for dramatic effect.

"Do you two mind?" Giles replied, obviously irritated.

"Sorry," the two said in unison.

Just then, Riley walked in. "Hi," he said, as he walked over to kiss Buffy.

"Hey yourself," she replied.

"How'd it go with Willow and Spike in LA?" Riley asked.

"They're not back yet." Xander answered. "And Giles is pissed." he stage whispered, giggling.

"Then why is Giles' car parked outside?" Riley asked.

The entire group walked over to the door to confirm Riley's statement.


Spike got out of the car and Willow remained glued to her seat, staring straight ahead. Spike walked around to her side and opened the door for her.

"I could carry you, you know," he said. "As stupid as the Slayer is, even she'd notice something was different....Then again, probably not."

"Spike," Willow said. "You promised to be nicer to Buffy."

"Oh, alright. Only because you asked me." He kisser her lips lightly, and took her hand. "Now let's go."

"Waaaaaaa." Willow let Spike pull her out of the car, and he kissed her hand.

"Don't worry," he said as he pulled her into a hug. "I'm here." He then kissed the top of her head, and released her.

"What the hell is this?" Buffy was standing 2 feet away.


(Part 3)

"Umm, Buffy," Willow started. "I can explain."

Buffy grabbed Willow by the arm and moved her away from Spike.

"Look, Slayer," was all Spike could get out before he was on the ground.

"Buffy, what are you doing?" Willow screamed.

"It's okay, Wills," Buffy replied. "You're safe now."

"Buffy, I was safe before you hit Spike for no reason." Willow stated.

"Yeah," Spike chimed in as he stood up "So, why don't you sod off before you make things worse."

"Spike," Willow said. "Not helping."

"Erm, why don't we all get inside before we cause an even bigger scene." Giles said as he stepped forward.

"Giiilles," Buffy whined. "Enough, Buffy." Giles interrupted. "Lets. Get. In. Side."

The rest of the gang headed into the magic shop while Willow took Spikes hand and walked in with him. The rest of the Scooby gang was shocked into silence. Xander finally spoke up.

"There IS a logical explanation for this, right?" he asked as he paced back and forth. "I mean, Willow-Spike-What the hell??"

"Willow," Buffy started. "What's going on? Is it a spell? He put a spell on you, didn't he?"

"No Buffy. I'm spell-free. Really." Willow answered.

"Do you blokes really think I'd put mojo on the little witch?" Spike asked. "How bloody pathetic that you can't trust your supposed friend's judgment."

"You, stay out of this!" Buffy warned Spike.

"Highly unlikely," Spike answered. "Slutty."

"Buffy, listen to me," Willow pleaded. Buffy stopped her advance on Spike and turned to face Willow. "There was no spell, you have to believe me."

"I believe you," Anya said.

"You do?" asked Xander in total disbelief.

"Oh, come on!" Anya continued. "These two have been making eyes at each other for months. It's so obvious."

"Willow," Buffy said, as she put her hand on Willow's shoulder. "Is this true? You've had the hots for SPIKE?"

"Well," Willow replied sheepishly. "Kind of."

"A-a-and, Spike, you've developed feelings for Willow, as well?" Giles asked.

"Well, yeah." Spike said. He'd figured out that the only way to not get staked was to tell the truth.

"You are so going to be dust!" Buffy said.

"Buffy," Riley took hold of her arm. "Calm down."

"Calm down?" Buffy replied. "He's obviously using her!" She then turned back to Willow. "Wills, listen to me: Spike is taking advantage of you. He doesn't care about you. He's just using you for sex."

"What's wrong with that?" Anya asked.

"Quiet, honey." Xander said as he took Anya's hand.

"You think he's using me for sex?" Willow asked Buffy, with tears in her eyes. "You think that's the only reason Spike could be attracted to me?"

"Look, Wills, I'm sorry to put you through this, but you'll see, it's better that you found out now." Buffy answered. "He's going to get tired of you once he finds another piece of ass."

Willow let a tear fall as she turned and walked out of the magic shop.

"Nice going, Slayer," Spike said. "You know, you really need to stop believing that you're the only one men want. You just hurt your so-called best friend because your ego wouldn't allow you to believe that someone has feelings for her, instead of you."

Spike turned and walked towards the door. When he opened it, he turned and looked at everyone in the magic shop and said. "By the way, we're not shagging." Then, he walked out to go and find his Willow.


(Part 4)

"Well THAT couldn't have gone worse," Xander stated plainly.

"Buffy, what were you thinking?" Riley asked.

"Look, I'm just trying to protect Willow," Buffy replied.

"Are you sure about that?" Inquired Giles, as he slipped off his glasses and wiped them.

"What do you mean?" Buffy asked defensively.

"It's obvious to me that you're way jealous of the fact that Spike is focused on Willow, and not you," Anya answered before Giles could. "In fact, if I were still a vengeance demon, you'd be my next target to do vengeance for."

"Why don't we all just sit down and discuss this while Willow cools off." Riley suggested.

"Oh my God, Willow," Buffy said. A look of realization was in her eyes.

"Well, there's the light bulb above head," Xander said, trying to keep the situation as light as possible.

"I have to find her!" Buffy headed for the door.

"No offense to the Buffster, but does anyone else NOT think that's a good idea?" asked Xander.

"I think Xander is right," Giles answered. "Let's give her some time. Erm, Riley, why don't you take Buffy home." Riley put his arm around the now crying Buffy, and they walked out to Riley's car. Giles turned to Xander and Anya.

"So, how do you two feel about Spike and Willow?" He asked.

"As long as he doesn't hurt her," Xander replied. "I'll be okay with it. I mean, he seems to really care about her. And look how devoted he was to Drusilla."

"Besides," Anya added. "Everyone should be having sex."


"Pet," Spike said to Willow. "Please don't tell me you believed the Slayer."

Willow stopped walking and turned to face Spike. "No, Spike. It just hurt that she would say those things to me." Spike wiped a tear from her cheek and wrapped her in his arms. She felt like she belonged there. "Oh Spike," she sighed. "I don't know what to do." He stroked her hair and looked up just in time to see Buffy and Riley walking to Riley's car. Buffy looked like she was crying. Good, Spike thought. Serves her right for hurting his Red.

"I see it, but I don't believe it." Spike looked towards the unfamiliar voice. "It's the vampire that kills his own kind. And he's with a human."

"S-Spike...?" Willow sounded scared.

"It's alright, Pet." Spike replied, getting into his fighting stance. "I'll take care of this."

"Oh, I've been waiting a long time for this." The vampire stated, as another one hit Spike over the head with metal pipe. Spike fell to the ground, and was up in seconds. He grabbed the pipe from the vamp that hit him, and tore his head off with it. He then back flipped and kicked the vamp standing in front of him, and, landing on his feet, delivered a spinning side kick to yet another particularly ugly vampire. Just then, three more vamps showed up.

They were surrounded, and one was headed towards Willow. Willow looked around for a way out, but she was backed into an alley. Spike put on his game face and roared when he saw what was happening with Willow.

However, he was fighting off three vampires. The vamp that was approaching Willow smiled and said, "You know, I wouldn't mind having a little red for dinner." He then burst into dust. Buffy was standing behind him as he crumbled to ashes with a stake in her hand.

"Don't you hate it when things don't go your way?" she asked the now dead vampire's ashes. "Wills, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Buffy." Willow replied, as Riley was thrown across the alley. "Go help them. I'll be okay."

Buffy ran over to Riley and asked if he was okay. "Yeah," Riley replied, out of breath. "It's like they don't want me in this fight. They're gunning for Spike."

Buffy turned to look at Willow who looked terrified. "Well, if they mess with one of us, they mess with all of us." She said, and ran over to Spike who ripped the throat out of one of his attackers. Buffy grabbed another one and back kicked the third.

Spike caught him, pulled a stake out of his duster, and staked him just as Buffy staked the last one. Just then, Giles, Xander, and Anya came running out of the magic shop. Spike went to Willow, and pulled her into a big hug.

"Are you okay, Pet?" Spike asked as he let his human face return.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He kissed her forehead lightly, and turned to Buffy and Riley. The seven of them stood there in a circle, facing one another, wondering who was going to speak first.


(Part 5)

Willow looked at Riley who had silently doubled over in pain.

"Riley, are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah," Riley replied. "Just got the wind knocked out of me, is all."

"You guys, what happened?" Xander asked.

"Red and I were attacked by some bloody fledglings." Spike answered.

"Well, let's get everyone inside just to be sure you're all okay." Giles said. He, Xander, and Anya started the trek. Willow and Buffy looked at each other. Unshed tears clouded Buffy's vision.

Spike put his arm around his red headed girlfriend and they slowly started walking towards the magic shop.

"Wills, wait!" Buffy said. Willow and Spike stopped and turned towards her.

"It's okay, Spike," Willow said. "Why don't you help Riley inside?" Spike kissed her hand and walked toward Riley, who let Spike help him walk back to the magic shop.

"You think they'll get past this?" Riley asked Spike.

"I wish I knew, mate," Spike answered. The two looked back towards their girlfriends one more time before walking through the door.


The two young women watched their boy friends enter the shop before facing one another again.

"Wills," Buffy started. "I'm so sorry."

"Buffy," Willow began.

"No, let me finish." Buffy interrupted. " I don't know what got into me." Willow snorted. "I've been so self involved, it's sickening. I didn't realize that until now." Willow raised an eyebrow. "I can't lose you Willow. You're my best friend."

Willow didn't say anything for a full minute.

"You hurt me, Buffy," she finally said.

"I know, Wills," Buffy started.

"No! Let ME finish," It was Willow's turn to interrupt. "I know I'm not the Slayer, or anything super important like that." Buffy went to interrupt again, but Willow put a finger up to shush her as she pointed to her resolve face. "But I-I do have feelings. A-and-and I'm NOT insignificant. And-and...you hurt me, Buffy!"

"I'm sorry, Wills," Buffy said softly, letting the tears flow. Willow watched her friend's genuine remorse with an expressionless face. Another minute passed, as Buffy sobbed into her hands.

"Don't let it happen again," Willow said. Buffy looked up at the red head, a mischievous grin forming on her face. Buffy couldn't help but let a smile form on her own face. "Now, about Spike," Willow started.

"Small steps, Willow," Buffy said, the smile still firmly planted on her face. "Small steps." The two girls burst into a fit of giggles as they walked arm in arm to the magic shop.


"Maybe I should go out there and make sure they're okay," Xander said as he paced back and forth.

"I'm sure they're fine, Xander," Giles replied. "They just need to work out a few things, that's all."

"Yeah," Spike added. "Slutty should be crawling on her hands and knees right about now."

"It didn't come to that, peroxide head," Buffy said sternly as she and Willow entered. "But, I would have," She added softly, looking at her best friend.

"Oh bloody hell, Red. Why didn't you make her crawl?" Spike asked as he walked over to the two girls and put his arm around Willow.

"I could still stake you, you know," Buffy said threateningly.

"Red here wouldn't let you." Spike answered, his trademark smirk emerging. Buffy turned toward her friend.

"Pleeeeeeeeeze, Willow?" She begged. Before Willow could answer, Anya stood up.

"This is been interesting, but Xander and I are going to have sex now." She said.

"Thank you for sharing, Anya, really." Giles replied sarcastically as he took off his glasses and wiped them. Xander walked over to Spike.

"If you hurt her, I'll stake you myself and mix the ashes with kitty litter." He said. Spike raised his scarred eyebrow in amusement, as he looked at Xander. "But I see the way you look at her," He continued. "And I know I don't have to worry about that. Then, he smiled at Spike, kissed Willow on the cheek, then Buffy, and left with Anya.

"Well, is everything alright now?" Giles asked. "I'd like to get some rest before sunrise."

"Sure thing, Giles," Buffy replied, as she walked over to Riley and started rubbing his shoulders. Just then, they heard the bell ring indicating that someone had walked in.

"Oh, now what?" Giles groaned, as he turned. His look of irritation was replaced by happiness and shock. "Olivia," he said smiling.

"Hello, Rupert," Olivia replied. "I know I wasn't due in until tomorrow, but I finished my business in San Francisco a day early. I hope that's alright."

"Oh, quite!" Giles replied a little too eagerly. "Please, come in."

"Hello Buffy, Riley, Willow. And you are..."

"Spike," he said, and actually smiled and shook Olivia's hand.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Spike," Olivia said smiling.

"Likewise," he replied. Then he looked over at Buffy. "Oh, close your bloody mouth, Slayer."

"Um, why don't we take off?" Willow suggested to the other three.

"Good idea," Buffy said. "It's been a long day, and I will not be among the awake population for much longer."

They murmured their goodbyes to Giles and Olivia, and headed outside. Once they were outside, they all stopped and took a moment.

"So, how much do you want to bet that he STILL doesn't get any rest before sunrise??" Willow asked. The other three laughed.

"That's my girl," Spike said proudly.

"You guys need a ride?" Riley asked. Willow looked at Buffy hopefully, willing her to put forth an effort to be civil to Spike.

"Yeah," Buffy said. "It's late. Why don't you guys ride with us?"

Then, Willow heard something she thought she'd never hear.

"Thanks, Slayer." Spike said. The other three stared at Spike, eyes wide with disbelief. "What?" he asked innocently.
