
Sequal to See Me

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: I own none. Joss Whedon, etc, own all. I wish I owned Spike. I promise he wouldn't have anything to do with Buffy.

Pairing: W/S (as always)

Summary: Oh boy, does he see.. exactly what he should see.

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Let's say Season 5. Spike has just begun his crush on Buffy. (ewww) Anyway, but, there is someone who loves him. (Harmony doesn't count). Tara's just a friend.

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel , Red's Soul Mates, Willow's Lil Secret, Willow Spike Forever, Near Her Always, Cat's Hellmouth Cafe, Angelic Vamps, Cyberline, Rapture. And anyone else who has permission. If you do not, just ask and I'll say yes.

Feedback: Pretty Please!!!!! I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey McDonald.

Dedication: To Inell who wanted more fluff.

Author's Note: ~~ = Willow's thoughts. ^^ = Spike's thoughts

the song is by a band called Dead Eye Dick. The name of the song is Paralyze Me


Willow and Spike had been happily together for four days. Spike had already taken to calling it their four-day anniversary. Willow was on cloud nine. She never thought that she could be this happy.

Granted, the others had not taken it so well. Xander told her she was making the biggest mistake of her life. He even went so far as to yell at her that Spike was not even a human being. Willow didn't say a word as Spike raised an eyebrow. Anya immediate chastised Xander for being a bigot and temporarily broke up with him until he apologized to Willow and accepted her relationship with Spike.

The newly happy couple received a 'dear lord' from Giles, but otherwise got no arguments from him. However, the slayer was another story.


The vampire had been humming the tune to a song in his head that reminded him of his witch all evening while helping to research at the Magic Box. Willow was sitting at the computer doing research, while everyone else had books.

"Erm, Spike." The watcher said. Spike looked up at Giles in recognition. "Would it be possible to go into the basement and bring me the Statue of  Nait Sirc?"

"D'you know how heavy that thing is, Rupes?" Spike asked, trying to incite a little fun.

"Yes, that's why I asked YOU." Giles said in an annoyed voice. It weighs almost as much as I do." Willow looked up at Spike and the vampire winked at her.

"Yeah, yeah." He muttered walking to the door leading to the basement, still smiling at his redhead.  He continued to hum the song in his head as he descended the stairs.

When he reached the bottom step, he was surprised to see Buffy standing waiting for him. His mind was so focused on Willow, that he hadn't sensed the slayer at all.

"What are you doing down here, slayer?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

"Spike, we need to talk." Buffy said sternly.

"I've heard all of this for the past 4 days, slayer." Spike said as he rolled his eyes and went in search of the statue. "I'll never hurt her, so there is no reason to threaten with the holy water, stake, or sunlight speech. 'Right?"

"No, i-it's not about that." The slayer replied. "Not really."

"Well, get on with it then." Spike replied. "Rupert is waiting for the inscription on the statue." He then put his hand on it to clear up the confusion in her eyes. "'Sides, Red and I are out of here in few short minutes to celebrate. And every extra minute I'm down here with you, is another minute I'm not up there with her. So, what is it?" He looked at her expectantly wondering what the hell he saw in her. ^It sure as hell wasn't brains.^ he thought, before thinking of how he almost lost his chance with Willow.

"Spike, I was thinking." She started.

"Wow, that's reason right there, to celebrate." He said mockingly. "I've got it! Why not run up and tell the rest of the Scoobies so they can join you in your celebration?"

"Very funny." She said, obviously not amused. "Listen, I know you'll probably say it's too late or something like that."

"It's far past late, Buffy." Spike replied with no anger, just pity for the slayer. "You're not the center of someone's world anymore, and you can't handle it. That's the only reason you're here right now talking to me." She looked at him in shock. He continued. "You have no idea how happy I am that you never gave me a chance. Willow is my heart and my soul. She's what I was destined for. I thank the Powers That Be every minute for my Red."

"So, there's not a chance that we." she started.

"I'm sure you're lonely and what all, but there was never a chance." He said. "I was never in love with you. A little obsessed, maybe, but never in love. Willow showed me what love is." He picked up the statue and headed up the stairs. He stopped halfway up. "How dare you do something like this to your best friend?" he asked, completely amazed. "I guess I was right the first time when I nicknamed you Slutty the Vampire Layer." He walked back up the stairs and into the shop.

He spotted Willow sitting in front of her laptop, not really seeing it. ^Poor Red. She knows the slayer was down there.^ He walked over to Giles and sat the statue on the table. "We're out of here, Rupes." Giles nodded knowingly.


Willow heard the first part of the conversation between Buffy and Spike. She walked to the basement door to see if he'd found the statue. That's when she heard Buffy. ~Oh God. He has a choice now. He'll choose her. And I'll lose him.~  She didn't stay to hear the rest of the conversation. She ran back up to her laptop and sat there in shock and fear of losing the one true love of her life. She didn't hear Spike come back into the shop area. She didn't hear him tell Giles that he and Willow were leaving. She looked up when his fingers were wiggling back and forth in front of face.

"I said, are we ready to celebrate our anniversary, pet?" He asked.

"Are you guys going to celebrate every damned day?" Xander asked.

"If that's what it takes to show my Red how much I love her." He answered. Then, he looked her in the eyes. "I'll celebrate every hour if that's what it takes." He shut down her laptop and gathered their things before taking her hand and exiting with her. He threw their things into her car and shut the door before she could get in. He went into his duster pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "I was going to wait until our one week anniversary before giving this to you." She looked at the piece of paper, and then back to the vampire. He chuckled. "I always knew I was a bad poet when I was human. Now, I know why." He paused waiting for a reaction from her. Her eyes only urged him to continue. "It's the feeling behind it. None of it was real. None of it was true. YOU are real. YOU are true. The meaning and feeling behind my words are finally real and true." He gave her the paper and watched her read it.

~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You're on my mind
Like the ball on the books
Always rolling,
Never ending on the corner
You're on my mind

When you are gone,
I am touched by the air
I am drunk with desire
And when you touch me
I am numb with delight
I am finally free.

You're on my mind
Each night and day
You're not upon me
The way you taunt me with your lips
You haunt me with your hips
You paralyze me

When I'm alone (and feeling lonely)
I feel your hair on my thighs
As I die a million times, a million ways

When I'm alone (and feeling fire)
My hands on your teeth
As they're biting
And they're scratching
At my throat

You're on my mind
Each burning day
You're not upon me
The way you taunt me with your lips
You haunt me with your hips
You paralyze me
And when I think of losing you
It's easier to think of something else
You're on my mind

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  

Willow looked up at Spike with tears in her eyes.

"This is so beautiful." She paused. "Extremely erotic, but also very beautiful. Thank you." She reached up and put her arms around him. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too, baby." He replied returning the hug with equal fervor.

"I just thought that you'd be with."

"I'm with the only one I belong to." He whispered. "Nothing will ever change that." They released one another and he took her hand. "It's such a lovely night, why don't we walk to the restaurant?"

She smiled. "Sounds good to me."

The two walked away smiling and talking, not knowing that a slayer was watching them with tears in her eyes, realizing how much she could've hurt her friend.

