She Didn't Sing

Author: Angel S.

Rating: PG-13-ish

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters you recognize. Trust me. I'm poor. Joss and his crew own them.

Distribution: My site: 'Gunnin' Down Angel , WLS, NHA, Bite Me Please, Red's Soulmates, and anyone else who has it. If not, just ask and I'll say yes.

Spoilers: Post Angel S5 Series Finale and Post Buffy Series finale

Summary: 3 Months after the Angel Series finale.


~Part: 1~

"I'm still trying to figure out why they didn't tell us." Willow said angrily as she paced back and forth.

"Well, Red, we were kinda on another plane." Faith reminded her.

"NOT an excuse!" the redhead replied. "They let Fred die and didn't tell us. Then, they let the guys go against all that is evil in The Circle of the Black Thorn, not to mention the senior partners of Wolfram and Hart. A-and now.!"

"And now Wes is dead." Faith finished the sentence sadly. The two women looked at one another silently. "I guess I was right in asking B if I was the good guy now." She said more to herself remembering the first night Willow brought her back to Sunnydale after the witch restored Angel's soul.

"These aren't the same people I fought beside proudly just a few years ago." Willow said as the heartbreaking truth finally hit her. " We're with the wrong group, aren't we?" The witch asked. The younger woman nodded her head.

"Do you think they'd take us in?" The brunette slayer asked, knowing her best friend knew she was referring to remaining members of Angel's team..

"Once they realize we would've been there for them if we'd known what was happening there." The hacker answered with a hopeful look on her pretty face.

"How could our so-called friends here be so cruel?" Faith asked.

"Let's not go there." Willow answered, shaking her head.

"You're right." The slayer answered with a sigh. "Let's just get packed and get the hell out of Dodge."

In Houston, Texas.

Angel, Spike, Gunn, and Illyria walked into the new building in which they all inhabited.

"Is it wrong that I just enjoyed that?" Gunn asked as he took off his slime covered jacket with vamp dust sprinkles and threw it in the trash.

"Not at all." Angel replied. "It feels good to fight the good fight the way we were originally meant to."

"I'm just sorry we had to lose some soldiers to get back here." Spike added in a morose tone.

"Same here." Gunn said sorrowfully. He then tried to change the attitude back to positive. "But, we're back on track, right?"

"That's right." Angel agreed. "But, I really need a shower. Can we talk about it in a few?"

"I was wondering when you would notice how bad you reek." Spike told his grandsire.

"Yeah, because you smell so fresh and clean." Angel said sarcastically.

"Will they ever.?" Illyria started to ask Gunn.

"Nope." Gunn replied before she finished her question. "They'll argue like a couple of children forever."

Just then, the perimeter breach light flashed and everyone tensed.

"Well, at least we know it was built correctly." Spike quipped.

"Of course it was built correctly," Gunn replied. "Gwen knows everything there is to know about security."

"And how to dismantle it. Let's see what we're up against." Angel said with a sigh.

Everyone got into a fighting stance as Angel stalked to the door. Everyone jumped as someone on the other side politely knocked.

"Well, THAT'S new." Gunn commented. "Polite attackers."

"Wait," Angel warned, as he got closer to the door. "There's a slayer on the other side of that door."

"Bloody hell." Spike said, exasperated. "Don't answer it. Let's just get cleaned up and get some rest."

"Dude, we've gotta answer it." Gunn replied.

"He's right." Illyria agreed. "The annoying knocking will be most troublesome to ignore."

"Fine, but if it's a blonde one, don't let her in." The former poet retorted.

Angel chuckled and unlocked the door. He opened it just enough to see who was on the other side. And then he smiled a genuine smile. "What if it's a brunette one who happened to bring a red haired witch?"

~Part: 2~

"Damn, looks like we just missed all the fun." Faith said happily as she noticed the slime and dust on Angel's clothing.

"Yeah, um, we'd hug you, but." Willow added in her innocent tone.

"Completely understandable." Angel replied. "Come in, you two."

"No offense, but how about we stay here while you guys go and clean up?" Faith suggested.

"Oh, I'm hurt." Gunn teased as he put his hand over his heart.

"I'd offer to make it better, but you really need to shower, Chuck." Faith retorted. That's when she looked at the woman next to Gunn. "Oh my God." Willow's eyes followed the slayer's gaze.

"I..I thought." Willow began. She took a deep breath and started over. "I thought she was dead."

"I'm only getting a two vamp reading in this room," Faith explained. "So, what is she? Fred with blue paint?" Spike couldn't stifle a chuckle. The slayer was becoming irate. Was this some kind of scam?

Illyria just stood there staring with a curious expression at the two newcomers. She knew they were not enemies of Winifred Burkle.

"Everyone calm down." Angel said. "We'll discuss everything after we get cleaned up, okay?" He looked from the slayer to the redhead. "Is that acceptable?"

"Yeah, sure." Faith replied impatiently. Willow just nodded.

Everyone turned to go up to their respective rooms to shower and change.

"Red, could you do me a favor and make sure our patient is okay?" Spike asked the redhead. She nodded. Angel rolled his eyes but kept moving up the stairs."The kitchen is right through there. Just get some cold water and ask if he's hungry. His room is right through there." He pointed down the hall.

"Not a problem, Spike." Willow said. He turned toward the stairs that led to the floor of his suite of rooms. "Spike," she called out. "It really is good to see you again."

"Even with all of this stinky slime on me?" He asked playfully and headed up the stairs.

"God yes." She said quietly.

"I heard that." Faith said from just behind her.

"Don't you know it's impolite to sneak up on people?" Willow asked, feigning annoyance.

"Oh whatever." Faith brushed off the comment playfully. Then, her facial expression turned serious. "What the hell is going on here, Will?" She followed Willow into the kitchen to get things for the patient in the other room. "WAS that Fred? What happened to her? Where's Lorne? Why did he leave these guys? Who is the patient we're taking this stuff to?"

"I thought I was the one that was supposed to ask all of the questions." Willow said with a smirk. "Look, they said they'd explain everything. I mean, they just came back from demon fighting. Let's give them a chance to tell us what happened."

At this point they were at the patient's bedroom door. Willow hesitantly knocked.

A muffled "Come in." could be heard from the other side. Faith turned the knob and opened the door. Willow walked in first with the slayer directly behind her.

"Hi." The hacker said as friendly and cheerful as possible. "Everyone was all gross and slimy after their fight tonight so they asked us to come in and see if you needed anything." There was no response. "I brought you some cold water and I could get you something to eat." Still no response. "I'm Willow and this is Faith." He turned.

"Faith?" he asked. His deep blue eyes were wide and the stubble on his handsome face could not hide his unique expression.

"Lindsey?" Faith could only create that only question as the two stared at one another.

"Okay," Willow said to no one in particular. "This just got weird."

~Part: 3~

"Oh, great." Lindsey said, sarcasm evident in his voice. "That's why that Irish asshole hasn't killed me himself. He sent for a slayer to do it."

"Kill you?" Faith asked. "Dude, haven't you heard? I'm good now."

"Yep, she's good guy." Willow confirmed on cue.

"Besides," Faith continued. "I thought your cute ass left LA to go find yourself. How'd you end up with these guys again?"

"That's probably part of the long story they're going to tell us." Willow offered as a suggestion.

"Well, before you get Angel's version, I'll tell you the truth." The ex-lawyer declared.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Faith asked.

"You know that redemption he helped you fight for?" the slayer nodded her head. "I went to him for help not too long after you turned yourself in to the police." Faith looked shocked at this bit of news. "We worked together and saved some blind children that Wolfram and Hart had hired an assassin to kill. He practically kicked me out of his offices and told me to go back to Wolfram and Hart."  His look of anger and rejection went directly to Willow's heart. She knew how it felt to try and make up for horrific mistakes and still have people not trust you and look at you with disgust. Tears welled up into her dark green eyes as she took a deep breath. "So, I went back." Lindsey finished that part of the tale.

"Lindsey, I had no idea." Faith said. "I'm so sorry."

"Wow, you really have changed." Lindsey said as he arched an eyebrow. "The Faith I know would've called me a wuss and told me to suck it up and do something about it."

"Yeah, well, that Faith hasn't exactly left the building." The slayer commented. "But, to send you back into the lion's den? Not the coolest thing I've ever seen him do."

"So," Lindsey continued, not holding back. "I became the best evil lawyer I could be. Almost had Cordelia in an endless vision-having haze forever.  Hence the chopping off of my hand."

"And I see you have a shiny new one." Faith interrupted.

"Got it almost a year later. Once again, courtesy of W&H."  The blue-eyed Texan replied. "When it started writing 'kill, kill, kill' on everything, I decided to figure out why." He sighed deeply. "I didn't like the answer. And, of course Angel and his team were on a different case that led them to where I was headed. We destroyed place and I left town."

"Where did you go?" Willow asked quietly.

"I went home." Lindsey answered just as quietly. "I made peace with my past and moved on."

"What do you mean, 'moved on'?" Faith inquired.

"I set out to make sure Wolfram and Hart got what they deserved." Lindsey replied in a cold and calculated voice. "Oh, and no offense, but if the vampire who didn't give a rat's ass about me to help me out of that place the first time just happen to be running the place, then, I'd happily put a stake through his heart, too."

"You know, you're really not coming out of this story smelling like a rose." Willow observed.

"That's because I said I'd tell you the truth." Lindsey replied. "Not Angel's version. Now, would you like me to continue?" Willow made the motion of zipping her lips. "I met and fell for the liaison to the Senior Partners. She helped me with my plan to destroy W&H. Then, Angel and his group picked up on it. The Senior Partners sent me to a torture dimension. Your friends got me out because they needed information on how to get to Wolfram and Hart." He stopped and lay back against the pillows.

Willow immediately went to help him get water. She put the straw to his mouth and watched him sip. When he was done, he whispered a thank you and smiled. The redhead immediately began to think of how that smile alone must've won him many cases.

"Which brings us to why you're hurt." Faith said after the silence.

"I was in custody at Wolfram & Hart. They had me in a prison uniform and irons." Lindsey informed the two women. They stared wide-eyed in disbelief. "Angel unlocked the chains and asked me for my help in taking down the Circle of the Black Thorn, the group he infiltrated. And you know, it was fun being on the team." He got a faraway look in his eyes, as if replaying a fond memory in his head. "I was ready for our next assignment as 'The Good Guys'." He looked away. "Until Lorne shot and killed me under Angel's orders."

"WHAT?" Both women angrily screamed just as the rest of the team appeared at Lindsey's bedroom door. Willow's eyes had gone black, as she sensed the presence of the group behind her.

The witch turned and looked Angel in the eye and said, "Your side of the story had *better* be good."

~Part: 4~

The rest of Angel's crew took an involuntary step away from the dark haired vampire. Except Spike; his step was definitely voluntary.

"Somebody had better say something." Faith said with mischievous smirk. "Red and I came here hoping we could help out the good guys, not a bunch of murderers." The slayer then turned to the lawyer. "By the way, why ARE you still breathing?"

Willow, who had been in her own thoughts of anger, continued to glare at Angel.  A wind from seemingly nowhere was surround her making her dark red hair whip around her beautiful face as if it had a life of its own. "I'm waiting to find out who made you GOD and gave you the right to decide whether or not a human being who chose HELP you should be killed."

"Red, before you go thinking we all had something to do with that," Spike stated. "I just want you to know the rest of us didn't find out about that little tidbit until after it was all said and done."

"Okay," Gunn announced. "Everybody get comfortable. You're about to hear the past year of our lives." The insta-lawyer explained everything in detail to the two women. Lindsey hadn't even heard some of the things Gunn had explained. He added a completely unbiased story of his involvement in Illyria's appearance and Fred's death. He also gave an impartial description of Lindsey's involvement with the group in the past year. He said he didn't understand why Lorne said he was out of the group and didn't want to be found after this assignment. Illyria added the story of Wesley's death and how she avenged it.

"Which leads us to the alley behind the Hyperion." Spike concluded. "Charlie over there was bleeding like he should've run out of blood a long time ago, but he was ready to do some more damage. Illyria was ready to kick some demon ass, too. Captain Forehead over there wanted to fight to the death, and I figured why not? That's where we were headed anyway. Might as well make the Senior Partners work for it." He looked at Gunn to continue.

"Before we knew what was happening, a portal opened and pulled the four of us in." The good-looking former street kid continued. "The Powers That Be decided it wasn't time for any of us to die. And, to prove it, we ended up in front of an emergency room entrance to a hospital in this nice city."

"Wait, the Powers That Be brought you to Houston?" Faith asked.

"Yeah," Spike replied. "We brought Gunn in and got him patched up." He chanced a look at Willow and saw that she had somewhat calmed down and was just listening to their explanation, filing questions away in that ever-working brain of hers for later. "Peaches and I decided to take Blue here on a walk while Charlie was with the docs. That's when we heard it."

"Heard what?" Willow asked, curiously.

Finally, Angel spoke for the first time. "Some doctors saying that he appeared out of nowhere with what looked like gunshot wounds, without the bullets, and that he was alive." Everyone looked at Lindsey.

"Apparently even higher beings are not without a sense of irony." Spike stated. "You see, the guy that pretended to get visions from the Powers That What's It, had been brought back to life by the very same force." He smirked as he paused. Willow didn't realize how much she missed that smirk until just then. The blue-eyed vampire continued. "They brought him back to life and healed him just enough."

"Okay, I'm confused girl." Faith announced. "They healed him just enough for what?"

"For them to nurse him back to health. To be their new seer." Willow stated with wonder in her voice. She looked at Lindsey and smiled. "That gives you your chance at redemption."

"Not to mention a slap in the face to you, Angel." Faith added with a chuckle. Neither Spike nor Gunn could hold in their laughs. "But, how did you find out all of this was legit?"

"Me." Gunn replied. "Wes, Cordy, and some Irish guy, who I found out was the real Doyle, showed up while I was unconscious and explained what needed to happen. They told me what Angel told Lorne to do and how the Powers didn't appreciate that. They said this was the second time Lindsey tried to turn his life around and Angel treated him this way. That's one of the reasons they put us in here in Texas. Lindsey was born in this state. Doyle said they could've sent us to New York or Cleveland."

"Another slap in the face to Mr. Hair Gel." Spike added.

"Anyway, it's comforting to me because Fred was from here." Gunn continued.  "They told me Lindsey was in the same hospital and we needed to take him with us because he is our new seer."

"And the rest, as they say, is history." Spike concluded.

"What about the Senior Partners? Aren't they still looking for you?" Willow asked.

"The PTB have more mojo than they like to let on." Gunn replied. "As far as the Senior Partners are concerned, we've disappeared and they'll never be able to find us. That's all I need to know. So, we're back to doing what we do best."

"Helping the helpless." Faith said. "I'm in."

"Are the visions painful? How is Lindsey going to be able to withstand them as a human when Cordy couldn't? Is Angel still the leader of this little group, because to be honest, he's going to have to earn my trust again." Willow continued to babble while the dark haired vampire looked away hurt. "And, Spike, when did you decide to let your hair grow out to its natural color?"

~Part: 5~

"What about the Senior Partners? Aren't they still looking for you?" Willow asked.

"The PTB have more mojo than they like to let on." Gunn replied. "As far as the Senior Partners are concerned, we've disappeared and they'll never be able to find us. That's all I need to know. So, we're back to doing what we do best."

"Helping the helpless." Faith said. "I'm in."

"Are the visions painful? How are you going to be able to withstand them as a human when Cordy couldn't? Is Angel still the leader of this little group, because to be honest, he's going to have to earn my trust again." Willow continued to babble while the dark haired vampire looked away hurt. "And, Spike, when did you decide to let your hair grow out to its natural color?"

"Wow," Lindsey said after everyone finally processed all of the redhead's questions. "How do you not breathe while saying all of that?"

"We've been wondering that for years, lawyer boy." Faith replied with a smile. Willow gave an embarrassed half smile as her cheeks turned slightly pink. Spike smiled remembering the shy hacker from what seemed like so long ago. "So, let me break it down." The slayer continued.  "First question was: are the visions painful?"

"Actually, no." Lindsey replied. "I guess the Powers realized that being mortally wounded AND having mind numbing, brain splitting visions would more than likely kill me, giving Angel exactly what he wanted." His eyes seemed unfocused as he paused in thought before continuing. "You see, I just pass out. I could be in the middle of a sentence or eating lunch or whatever. When I come to, I let Gunn or Spike know what I've seen and everyone goes to kill the bad guys and rescue the innocents."

"That's pretty cool." Faith commented.

"But you don't think you're quite human anymore either, do you?" Willow asked.

"You read minds, too?" Lindsey asked playfully.

"Sort of." The hacker replied.

"It helped us a lot after the other slayer died." Spike said. "My red's a good leader."

"Thank you, Spike." A surprised Willow said sincerely with bright smile that would have made the vampire blush if he was capable of doing so. Gunn cleared his throat and it was Willow's turn to blush. So, she continued, in a business-like manner. "You think they made you part demon so you could withstand the visions? Like Cordelia."

"They had to." Lindsey replied. "I have no pain at all from the visions. I just haven't seen any demon qualities."

"Now would be a good time to have Lorne here so he could read Lindsey." Gunn said quietly. "Oops. Sorry Angel."

"Don't be sorry, Charles, you're right." Willow said. "God, Angel, what were you thinking? You know what, don't answer that."

"Look, Will, I understand you're angry." Angel stated. "And I know it's going to take some time for you to understand why I did what I did. But,"

"Angel," The redhead interrupted. "I will NEVER UNDERSTAND why you did what you did. What part of YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO TAKE ANOTHER HUMAN BEING'S LIFE do you NOT get?" She started to pace once again. "And then you didn't even do it yourself, you fucking coward!" Everyone in the room's eyes opened wide at the witch's use of language. "You got THE most nonviolent being in ANY dimension to do your dirty work for you." She stopped pacing and faced him and looked him in the eyes.  "So, no, I will not understand this in a million years. I'll just have to accept it if you're now on the right path and back to actually helping humans instead of killing them because you don't like them." She paused. She then realized she had the attention of everyone in the room. "Are you?"

"I am, Willow." Angel said after an audible gulp.

"Well, it's obvious we'll need a new leader." Spike said happily, basking in Angel's fall from self-righteousness.

"The powerful one with the red hair will do." Illyria stated in her monotone voice.

"I second that." Lindsey agreed.

"I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's unanimous." Gunn said.

"You up for it, Red?" Faith asked, with pride in her voice.

"Are you guys sure about this?" Willow asked as she reverted to her shy persona.

"Come on, Red, you know you can do it." Spike assured her. "You're the obvious choice."

"Okay, if you guys say so." Willow accepted. She was genuinely happy that everyone, including Illyria trusted her to be their leader.

"And the last question," Faith stated.

A collective "Huh?" could be heard around the room.

Faith continued. "When DID you decide to go back to your natural hair color, Spike?"

"Been thinkin' about it a few months before I started it." The blue-eyed vampire replied. He smiled as if a fond memory had just popped into his head.

"Oh, come on, you have share." Willow pleaded.

"Bloody hell, why not?" He said mostly to himself. "It was something Cordelia said when she came back."

"Cordelia?" Gunn asked in total confusion. "What could Cordelia have said?"

"Red, could you do that thing." Spike pointed to his temple.

Willow smiled and closed her eyes. Seconds later, she opened them laughing. Spike pouted. "Okay, Wolfram and Hart hallway, right?" He nodded. "Lindsey told you she was evil, so you went to find out." She giggled once more before continuing. "You see Cordelia, and she says, 'Spike, I hear you're good now. Which makes the hair kinda silly.'" She then goes into another fit of giggles. "I'm sorry Spike, but that is classic Cordy." She pause and took a deep breath before saying softly, " And that's the way I want to remember her."

Everyone was quiet for a few moments as a tribute to the late seer.

"You know," Faith stated. "I think I rather it dark and curly."

"So do I." Willow added. "Definitely brings out your eyes more. I mean, they really are beautiful, Spike."

"Yes, he is much more pleasing to look at without the white hair." Illyria added.

Gagging noises could be heard, as the girls turned to see Gunn and Lindsey were the source of said noises. Angel was still pouting in the corner.

"Okay, fine." Faith said laughing. "Do we have a place to stay or not?"

"Our fearless leader and the newest member of our team?" Gunn asked with a smirk. "You're damned right!"

"Yeah," Spike added. "You can have Angel's room."


"Just kidding, man." Gunn told their former leader.

"Lindsey, do you need anything before we all head to sleep?" Willow asked the blue-eyed Texan.

"Nope, I'm good." He replied with a wink.

"I'll get him settled." Spike said. "You make sure the girls get everything they need."

"Careful how you phrase that, fang." Faith said as she stared at Gunn, who was completely oblivious.  They followed him up the stairs to their respective rooms.

Angel and Illyria soon followed, which left Spike alone with Lindsey.

"Don't worry, I know you like her. I'm not going near her in that way." Lindsey stated before Spike could even try to warn him away from Willow. "She's a caring person and was concerned. Don't read anything else into it, alright?"

"Well, I'm glad we had this little talk." Spike said with a sigh. "You sure you don't need anything?"

"I'm fine, Spike. Go to bed. Dream of a beautiful redhead." Lindsey replied as Spike turned out the light.

"Damn right." Spike muttered, and went to his room so he could start dreaming.

~Part: 6~

The next morning, both Willow and Faith woke up rather early. They ended up sharing a room because the others were not presentable for company. Both were done with their showers and ready to head downstairs when Gunn quietly knocked on the door.

"Oh, you're already up." Gunn said, surprised when Willow opened the door dressed and ready.

"Internal clocks." Willow replied. "With the time change, it was just nap time for us."

"Did you at least sleep well?" The handsome demon fighter asked.

"Yeah, we did." Faith answered. "I know I would've slept better if."

"So, why was this room made up and not any of the others?" Willow quickly asked before her friend finished what she knew would be a sexual response aimed at the new lawyer.

"Oh, Gwen stayed here when she installed the security system." Gunn replied.

"You let a thief install your security system?" Faith asked.

"Yeah." Willow answered for Gunn in a light and airy voice.  "And they let two vampires, a human with supernatural slayer powers who has killed people, and a former all powerful entity who would've just as soon crush them as look at them help them fight evil. Oh, and a powerful witch who almost destroyed the world is now they're leader." She paused before arching an eyebrow at the slayer. "You were saying?"

"Ouch, point taken." Faith conceded. "So, is that food I smell?"

"Angel's cooking breakfast." Gunn informed the duo. "I think this is his way do I put this?"

"Sucking up to Will?" Faith suggested.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Gunn replied with a smile.

"Well, I'm starved." Willow said after watching the two make real eye contact since they arrived.  "Let's eat."

Everyone else was already downstairs in the kitchen with the exception of Lindsey, who was still in his room. Gunn pulled out a chair for Faith on one side of him, and Spike stood and pulled out the empty chair between himself and Gunn for Willow.

"How'd you sleep, Red?" Spike asked.

"Soundly." She said with a sigh. "What about you?"

He smiled a genuine smile as he thought about his dreams of being with her on a picnic by the lake during the day and watching her hair shine like fire in the sunlight. "Better than I have in quite some time, luv." He answered secretively.

Just then, Angel set the eggs, bacon, sausage, bagels, and toast on the table. "Good morning you two." The dark haired vampire said to the witch and the slayer. Before they could answer, he turned and got the orange juice and coffee and sat them on the table as well. "Well, go ahead and dig in." He said happily.

Faith and Willow just stared at one another as Spike took a sip of blood from his coffee mug. Angel then began to put eggs and bacon on Willow's plate, while Faith helped herself. Faith was eating before Angel finished piling more than the redhead could eat on her plate.

"Suck up." Spike coughs out. Gunn could barely hold in his laugh. Angel just glared at his grandchilde.

"Don't try to kiss my ass because you think it's going to earn my respect again, Angel." Willow told the Irish vampire. "That's not how it works."

"You can kiss MY ass all you want if you're going to cook like THIS every morning." Faith stated before Angel could answer.

"It's not YOUR ass he needs to kiss, either, Faith." Willow told her friend as her eyes traveled to Lindsey's bedroom door. She looked down at her plate and picked it up. Spike, knowing what she had in mind, got the tray and put a glass of orange juice and Willow's cup of coffee on top of it. Willow smiled at the blue-eyed vamp and put the plate on top of the tray. The two headed to Lindsey's room with Faith and Gunn right behind them.

"I knew she would be a fair and just leader." Illyria commented before following them into Lindsey's room.

"Wow, that's a lot even for me." The handsome Texan joked as Willow sat next to him on his bed.

"That's why we're sharing." The redhead replied. "Everyone else ate, so it's just us left."

"I see." Lindsey replied. His eyes wandered to Spike who nodded an acceptance of the situation. Lindsey picked up a fork and shoveled some eggs into his mouth.

"Also, I have an idea on how to speed up the healing process." Willow explained. "I mean, it worked when that demon peeled layers of my skin." She turned to look at the newly brunette William the Bloody. "Remember, Spike?" Spike nodded. Lindsey stayed quiet but listened carefully as the hacker explained. "The only difference is, I'm going to need a little of everyone's energy who is willing to give it. That way, no one is tapped if Lindsey happens to get a vision in the process. And don't worry, it's not like we're losing energy forever. It'll be restored soon after."

"I'm in." Faith said quickly.

"From what I hear, you're pretty kick ass with a sword." Gunn told the other lawyer. "We could definitely use you in the physical part of this fight, as well." He paused. "Count me in."

"I do not like seeing the human so weak and helpless." Illyria stated. "I will contribute."

Everyone's shock at Illyria's volunteering to help Lindsey wore off, Lindsey's voice returned.

"Are you sure it's not dangerous for you guys?" He asked with a great deal of concern.

"Of course not." Willow replied. "Everything's connected. As long as we're connected to the earth in some way, we'll be fine."

"Well, you know I'm in, right?" Spike asked.

"Thank you Spike." She said with a huge grin. She then turned back to Lindsey, who had just put a piece of bacon in his mouth. "So, when do you think you'll be up for this?"

"After breakfast?" He replied with a mouth full of food.

"We'd better get everything set up while the two of you finish eating, and don't argue because you'll need your strength, Will." Angel stated firmly.

"Does that mean you're helping?" Willow asked.

"Yes, it does." He replied.

Spike smiled as they left the room to set up a place for Lindsey outside. He pats Angel on the back. "There may be hope for you yet, Captain Forehead."

~Part: 7~

Once the glow from each person in the circle reached Lindsey faded, the new seer passed out.

"Is he okay, Will?" The slayer asked.

"He'll be fine." Willow replied, a little winded. "He just got a burst of energy and his body is speeding up the healing process. It takes a lot out of you. Trust me."

"So, his body is doing the super fast healing right now?" Gunn asked, just to clarify.

"Yep." The redhead said with pride. "Neat trick, huh?"

"I do not feel depleted in the least." Illyria stated. "Most interesting." She walked away in search of something else to do until another vision occurred.

"I told you guys you wouldn't really feel the effects if we all gave a little." Willow reiterated. "Now, let's get Lindsey inside. He needs a long rest and he'll be almost good as new."

Spike took the unconscious man by the shoulders while Gunn lifted him by his feet. The two warriors carried the seer into his room where he remained asleep.

"I'm starved." Faith announced.

"Big surprise there." Willow said sarcastically. Faith smiled, flipped her off, and headed inside for something to snack on.

"You could use some rest yourself, Willow." Angel told the redhead.

"Oh, not to worry, I'm so headed that way." Willow replied. "Thanks for your help on this. I won't forget it." The vampire smiled. "But, you're not out of the woods yet. I still don't think you get that you're not perfect, and you sure as hell aren't God. You don't get to decide who lives or dies. That's not your job."

"Hey, none of that conversation." Spike said as he and Gunn walked up to them.  "Not right now. Red here needs her sleep."

"I still have to look twice when I see you with the dark wavy hair." Willow said to the Englishman. He smiled a boyish smile and looked at his boots. "Why don't you walk me to my room to make sure I get there without falling down the stairs from fatigue or something awful like that."

"I've got a better idea." Spike replied as he swept the hacker up into his arms. "Why don't I carry you just to be sure?" the redhead squealed as Spike brought her upstairs to rest.


"I can't believe he's still asleep." Faith told Gunn.

"Well, you heard Red." He replied. "That healing mojo will take a lot out of you."

"Yeah, but Will's been up for, like, 3 hours." Faith retorted.

"Vegging on the couch watching TV with Spike does not qualify as being 'up'." The handsome lawyer replied.

"Oh yeah?" The slayer said as she moved closer and whispered in his ear. "What's YOUR idea of 'up', Charlie?"

"Don't start something you can't finish, Slayer." Gunn warned. The two just stared at one another.

"Am I interrupting something?" Angel asked as he stood in the doorway to the workout area with an extremely amused look on his face.

"Do you really want me answer that, fang?" Faith inquired.

"Don't even start, bro." Gunn said before the teasing could begin.  "Where are you headed?"

"Um, to the kitchen." Angel replied with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, I need to head that way myself," Faith added. "I want to get Lindsey something to drink for when he wakes up."

"I was just thinking what a good idea that would be." Gunn stated.

The three warriors headed to the kitchen and stopped when they saw Spike and Willow standing at the island.

"What's up, guys?" Faith asked.

"Apparently me." Lindsey replied from behind the witch and the vampire. He was sitting on one of the bar stools.

"Yeah, we decided to get something for him to drink in case he was thirsty when he woke up, and low and behold, he was in the kitchen getting something to drink." Willow announced.

"How do you feel?" Faith asked.

"Better." The lawyer/seer replied. "Much. The wounds are just about healed." He opened his shirt. There were red marks where the bullet holes were just hours before. "Basically, I'm just a little sore, that's all." He took another drink of water.

"Wait a minute." Gunn said as the light bulb went on in his head. "Faith and I both thought about going to get Lindsey something to drink. And Angel said he was headed towards the kitchen." He turned to Angel. "Why?" The brooding vampire remained silent. "That answers THAT question." He turned back to face the rest of the group. "We got here to find you guys here with Lindsey, who is drinking lots of water."

"And both Red and I thought about bringing him water, too." Spike added.

"Hey, I didn't do anything but wake up." Lindsey said innocently. All eyes turned to Willow.

"A little side effect of the spell, Red?" Spike asked as he arched an eyebrow.

"Hell-llooo!!" Willow responded extremely irritated. She raised her hand and waved it in the air. "Most powerful witch in the world here! I did NOT screw up the spell!"

"So I can just think something and you guys will be compelled to do it." Lindsey mused. Angel looked nervous. Willow smirked. The rest of the group didn't know how to react.

Just then, Illyria walked into the kitchen. "Why do I feel obligated to bring the sick human water?"

"Alright, that's it." Lindsey said as he stood from his seat and walked past Willow and Spike. "This is so not something I need to have. How do I make this stop? I can't have a power like this!"

Willow walked over to the blue-eyed Texan and put her hand on his shoulder, willing him to look at her. He looked her in the eyes before she spoke calmly. "Lindsey, I didn't give you this power. I'm not a goddess. I'm a witch. I do...witchy things; like healing spells, and teleportation spells and protection spells and spells to use in battle. But I cannot give the power of mind control to anyone."

Lindsey sighed. He knew she was right. He just wanted to know why the Powers That Be picked him for this power. His next words were spoken with such emotion. "Thank you, Willow."

"Huh?" the hacker asked, dumbfounded.

"For healing me." He replied with a genuinely sweet smile. "I never said thank you. I know how much I would've suffered if you hadn't been here to heal me. I had a bullet in my heart, remember? So...thank you."  He looked around the room. "Thanks to you guys, too, for helping. That's what I want to focus on. We can figure out why the Powers That Be gave me this 'gift' later."

"You really are part of a good team now, Lindsey." Gunn said as he playfully hit Lindsey on the arm.

Lindsey smiled and saw accepting eyes from the people he would be working with to help the helpless. Of course Angel was looking away. Just then, Willow walked up to him again. "You're welcome, Lindsey." She said. "It was my pleasure." She kissed him on the cheek.

That's right about the time Lindsey McDonald passed out.

"Damn, Red, if your kisses are like that, where do I sign up?"

"Faith, you are such a nut!" Willow replied as they all huddled around the seer.

"He's having a vision, you vixen." Spike said playfully.

"And your timing getting here and healing me couldn't have been better, Willow." Lindsey said as he started to sit up. "We're all needed for this one."

~Part: 8~

"That bad, huh?" Faith asked.

"I'M in it." Lindsey replied as Willow and Spike helped him stand.

"Are you sure you can handle it?" Gunn asked. "A few hours ago you couldn't lift your finger, much less a sword."

"You have no idea how well that healing spell worked." The blue-eyed native Texan replied. "I feel great. Really. Who wants to test it?"

"One word Angel, and I'll turn you into goat." Willow stated sternly before the normally brooding vampire could take Lindsey up on his offer.  "Faith, we need someone strong to attack him to make sure he's going to be okay out there."

Without warning, the slayer threw a left hook that the ex-lawyer easily blocked. As the rest of the gang backed up, Faith spun and kicked out while Lindsey grabbed her foot and twisted, causing the brunette to spin a few times in mid air before falling and landing on her butt.

"Oh, I'd say he's ready." Faith said matter-of-factly. She stood and brushed herself off. "And when did you get superpowers, anyway?"

"I lost those." Lindsey said, as he realized he, indeed, had regained the power he had in his battle with Angel at Wolfram & Hart during Cordelia's return. "What the hell is going on?" He asked no one in particular.

"Okay, that part WAS my doing." Willow said hesitantly. "The accelerated healing also strengthened you more than a normal human. I also figured it would help in case the visions *did* get painful. So, you have super human strength. Not slayer strength, but close enough. And it can't go away. You're stuck with it. I hope that's alright."

"Oh great, why not just give him his own servants and have people constantly bowing to him and kissing his feet." Angel complained a little too loudly.

"Just because that's apparently what you secretly want, doesn't mean everyone else does, Mr. 'I've got a God complex'." Willow retorted angrily to the dark-haired vampire.

"Hey," Gunn said happily, trying to stop things from becoming intense. "Why don't we go fight some demons? Lindsey, you can fill us in on your vision on the way to the vehicles."

25 minutes later somewhere off Loop 610 South.

The gang immediately grabbed their weapons and jumped into battle with a group of Zanaerob demons about to sacrifice 4 homeless teenagers. The demons were nearly 7 feet tall with acid-like slime all over their rust colored bodies. Everyone thanked Willow for retaining that piece of knowledge from her days as research girl at Sunnydale High School. Illyria immediately jumped in and took on two. That left twelve for the rest of the group. Gunn took his trusty battle-axe and went to hacking on one while he ducked its advances. Spike had no problems decapitating one and drawing the attention of another two as he began his fight. Lindsey was right behind Spike, sword in hand. He quickly dispatched one by cutting it in half before taking on another. Faith and Angel jumped into the middle of the ritual area and destroyed the markings on the ground while Willow held her own with another of the demons using a sword of her own.

 Finally, the slayer started her fight. She jumped up and kicked two demons causing them to stumble forward. She grabbed her axe from its sheath and began chopping up the demons. Illyria finished her first two and went for another. Angel was battling one demon and trying to get to the one headed for the teens.

Everyone seemed so engrossed in their fights for their lives, that no one noticed this particular demon headed for the sacrifices except Angel, who had his hands full. Finally, Lindsey dispatched the demon he was fighting and looked up with a satisfied grin to see where he could head next. That's when he saw the teens.

"NO!" ex-lawyer screamed, wishing he could get the teens away from what were now two demons. Much to his and everyone else's surprise, the sacrifices were slowly lifted as a group and landed on the top of the shipping supply warehouse they were fighting outside of.

The fighting continued until every Zanaerob demon was destroyed. Everyone in the group was tired. The teens had run off after they managed to get themselves untied.

"Bloody hell, those things are strong."  Spike stated.

"Tell me about it." Gunn agreed. "I'm just glad I was able to duck the acid slime, let alone kill one."

"You killed 2, Charles." Faith said.

"You counted." Gunn replied with a smile.

"Nice work, everybody." Willow said.

"You too, Will." Lindsey said.

"Thanks." She grinned happily.

"Yeah," Faith agreed. "Great job moving those kids while you were in the middle of a sword fight." She finished saying, thoroughly impressed.

"I-I didn't do that." Willow said truthfully and a little confused.

"What?" Angel asked irately, already knowing where this was headed.

"I said I did not do that." She replied before all eyes turned to Lindsey.

Lindsey looked around at the group of fighters before taking a breath and saying, "YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!"

~Part: 9~

The drive home was extremely quiet as everyone considered what this new power could do to and for the blue-eyed ex-lawyer. As they entered the main room and turned the security system back on, everyone exhaled. Except Angel, of course.

"So, what are we going to do about this?" Angel asked.

"About what?" Gunn asked tiredly.

"He can't have powers like that!" The brooding vampire complained. "What if he decides to go evil again?"

"You know that's not going to happen, Angel, so why do you keep harping on it?" Faith challenged. "Lindsey has changed into a force for good.  You just need to accept that."

"You don't know how his mind works!" Angel kept on. "He could be planning our destruction right now!"

"No, betrayal is YOUR job." Willow said calmly, but forcefully. "He didn't know anything about this and you're ready to blame him."

"But he." Angel started to reply.

"HE is standing right here and has been in the room the entire time!" Lindsey finally announced angrily, getting sick of everyone talking about him as if he wasn't there. Then, as quickly as the outburst came, all the fight left him, and he just wanted to be left alone for a while. "I'm going to bed." He said softly and walked towards his room.

The rest of the group looked sadly at his retreating form before silently heading towards their respective rooms. Angel couldn't believe they would just let him go like that.

"You can't just." The Irish vampire tried to start another tirade.

"Shut. Up." Willow said, quickly losing patience. "We're going to bed. Leave Lindsey alone. It's been a rough day for all of us." The rest of the group continued on their way, except Spike, who was waiting for Willow. The witch walked towards the formerly blonde vampire. She stopped as she reached Spike and turned to Angel one last time for the night. "Quick question: If you were given all of those powers back when I was a senior in high school, what do you think Xander would've done?"

Spike chuckled. "You mean besides react as badly as Paingel just did?"

"Spike, stay out of this, please." She pleaded, her eyes never leaving Angel. She then continued to speak to W&H's former CEO. "Just something to think about." She added before walking towards the stairs with Spike.

As they reached the top of the stairs, Spike stopped the redhead. "You okay, Luv?" He asked, concern all over his sharp features.

"I'm just tired." She replied before looking into his bright blue orbs. "Thanks for being here."

"I'm just glad you showed up when you did." He replied honestly. "I missed having our resident redhead around the past year and a half."

"I missed you, too." She told him. Here was her chance. She could tell him how she felt and have him avoid her for the rest of their lives, showing how not interested he was. Or, she could tell him how she felt about him and have him actually care for her in THAT way, too. "Spike, I."

"It's okay, Red." The vampire replied. "You don't have to say it." She looked at him quizzically, hoping he didn't have the power to read minds, as well. "I know you're going to tell me to back off and that I don't have a chance in hell with you. I understand. You're a...a goddess. I don't expect you to reciprocate." He said dejectedly.

"A goddess? Wait a minute." The hacker shook her head trying to clear the fog. "Did you just in not so many words say that you have feelings for me?" Spike suddenly found his hands very interesting as he fidgeted, not looking at the redhead. He nodded, but never looked up. "Good," she said with relief.

"What?" The former poet asked astonished, as he looked at the woman of his dreams.

"I said good." She responded with a smile. "Because my whole being the leader of this group and falling for one of my team who didn't return the feelings would've sucked."

"That is something you'll never have to worry about, Red." He said softly as he moved closer and leaned in to gently touch her lips with his own. He pulled back and just stared at her face. "You are so beautiful, and so amazing. How could I not fall for you?"

"Well, it kinda took you seven years." She reminded him.

"Not really." He replied. "I was ready to turn you that night in your dorm room. I don't know why you thought I never paid attention to you. I always noticed you. You were the only one of the lot I could stand."

"Wow." The witch whispered awestruck. "Well, I've had a major crush since you kidnapped me and Xander. It was always there for me."

"I want to do this right, Willow." He said, the use of her real name not lost on her. "I want us to go to dinner and start dating. We don't have to rush into anything."

"Thank you, William." She said. "I would like that." She reached up to caress his face and placed a soft kiss on his lips this time. "Can we talk about this more tomorrow? I think I'm already asleep and having a wonderful dream as it is."

"Not a dream, pet. I promise." He kissed her forehead and she opened her door.

"Goodnight, Spike." She said shyly.

"'Night Red." He replied. Before she closed her door, he stopped her. "Does this mean I get special treatment than the rest of the gang?"

She giggled. "Goodnight, William." She said and closed the door.

The now very happy vampire whistled as he walked to his room.

Meanwhile, Lindsey paced his room confused, afraid, and exhausted from thinking so much.

"Am I going to be able to handle these powers?" he spoke to himself as he paced. "What if I screw up and let everyone down? No, I won't let that happen. Willow knows about mind reading. I can get her to teach me how to control it, and how not to project my thoughts on everyone. I can do this." He sighed and stopped pacing. He walked over to the mirror. He looked directly into his own eyes. "I can do this." He said again with finality before turning towards his bathroom to take a shower before heading to a well deserved sleep.

~Part: 10~

The entire group decided to sleep in, after the long night they'd had. No one actually said anything; they just assumed they'd be the only ones sleeping past 8 or 9 in the morning. At about 11 in the morning, they began to slowly make their way to the kitchen. Lindsey, Willow, Spike, and Angel sat at the table while Gunn and Faith continued to cook breakfast since they were the first two in the kitchen. The only sounds heard were that of cooking utensils being moved around. Lindsey got up and went to help set the table. Willow decided to help him.

"Hey, how're you holding up?" The witch asked.

"I've been better." He replied with a shrug. "Listen, do you think you could help me control this mind manipulation thing? I know you can see into peoples' heads and I'd love to have some kind of control over everything that's going on with me."

"Of course I'll help." She answered with a smile. "What about later this afternoon after sparring?" She asked as she brought the plate with the stack of pancakes to the table.

"Oh, right." He said. "I have to start training physically, too." He then dejectedly walked to the table with the eggs that Faith had just loaded up on a plate.

"Not a problem, Linds." Gunn told the ex-lawyer while he flipped the sausage patties over. "We'll help you out with the sparring."

"Definitely." Spike added. "I can always use a decent spot of violence."

Angel got up and walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out two bags of blood. Willow handed him two coffee mugs. He emptied the bags into the mugs and put them in the microwave.

"So, sparring at 3 o'clock?" Faith asked.

"Works for me." Willow said.

"I'm there." Lindsey replied.

"We'll train you on different weapons since you're already really good with a sword." Gunn told his new friend.

"Thanks Gunn." Lindsey said sincerely.

"You'll have to get hand to hand training, too." Faith further instructed.

 "Yeah, your new powers are great," Willow added. "But it would be nice to know how to kick a little ass without any weapons or telekinesis."

"I agree." Lindsey said.

"Hey thanks for breakfast, guys." Angel told Faith and Gunn.

"No problem." Gunn replied as Faith smiled.

The microwave beeped, signaling the blood was ready. Angel took the two mugs and handed one to Spike before sitting again.

"And we still have a few hours before the workout." The Irish vampire announced. "I think we should probably start getting both Willow and Faith's rooms ready.

"Now that sounds like a plan." Willow said. "But first: food!" She announced as she and everyone else dug in to their breakfast.


Later, while putting the finishing touches on their rooms, Willow and Faith met up in the hallway.

"I like mine." Willow said happily.

"I like mine, too!" Faith agreed giddily. "I think it's going to work here, Red. We're doing good things again."

"Yeah, it feels good being where the Powers That Be meant for us to be." The redhead added.

"So, I noticed you and Spike looking all cute and stealing glances at each other." The brunette slayer said with a mischievous grin. "Spill!"

"Well," Willow said, as her eyes seemed to brighten from just the mention of the former poet. "Last night, we agreed to start seeing each other."

"Way to go, Will!" Faith said, genuinely happy for her friend.

"What about you and Charles?" Willow asked, knowing the slayer had been after him since they first arrived.

"I have no clue." She answered with a sigh. "I don't know if he actually likes me, or if he's just humoring me when I try to flirt with him."

"I've never known you to not be direct before." Willow told her best friend. "Why don't you just tell him how you feel?"

"And have him laugh at me?" Faith questioned. "Or worse, have him look at me with pity because he doesn't care about me in the same way?"

"I really don't think that would happen, Faith."

Both women jumped and screamed at the voice behind them.

"Damn it, Angel!" Faith said, holding her hand over her heart.

"That's it," Willow added. "We are so putting a bell around your neck."

The vampire smirked and looked at Faith. "From what I saw yesterday, the way you two looked at one another, the feeling is definitely mutual."

"Thanks for the encouragement, big guy." The slayer said gratefully and put an arm around him.

"We've got trouble." Spike said as he rushed up to the threesome.

"What's wrong?" Willow asked.

"Our seer just had a vision." The wavy haired vampire continued. "He's at the weapons cabinet right now. You two and Charlie are going with him. Illyria is nowhere to be found. My guess is, she'll show up in time for sparring."

"It happens during the day?" Faith guessed.

"No, Mr. Caveman and I decided we'd like to spend quality time alone." Spike replied sarcastically. Faith just flipped him off. The gang ran down to where Lindsey was and picked out weapons.

"What's the story, Lindsey?" Willow asked.

"We're going to Westheimer." Lindsey said.

"Oh, maybe we should change into something a little more trendy." Faith joked.

"Ha. Ha. This is serious. There is a woman surrounded by a bunch of Gredanius demons in an alley and she can't get away." Lindsey stated.

"What does she look like?" Willow asked. "Maybe we can stop her before she makes it to that alley."

"She's beautiful." He replied and a slight smile appeared on his face. Then, he remembered where he was and what he was doing. He cleared his throat and continued. Willow and Faith shared a smile. "She's about 5'8, mocha colored skin, dark hair to her shoulders, light brown eyes, and she looks like she works out. She also seems to be of African and Caucasian descent."

"Thank God it's not some little blonde." Gunn said, remembering the Darla fiasco that involved Angel and Lindsey.

"Alright, let's get moving." Faith announced. "If it's going to happen some time today, we need to get going."

"What's the cross street with Westheimer, Mac?" Gunn asked as he grabbed the keys with the hand in which he wasn't holding his trusty axe.

"Richmond." The blue-eyed Texan answered. "Are we ready?"

"Let's head out." Willow said. "We'll call and let you know what happened."

And with that, the humans headed out to fight evil and save an innocent.
