Some Kind of Misunderstanding
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt, etc, own all. I'm just playin' with them.
Author's note: This is AU in terms of Spike never lost his mind and thought he loved the slayer. That's the basis for all of my stories.
Author's note 2: I haven't done a W/S in so long, I couldn't help myself. Total fluff.
Summary: Willow and Spike really need to talk.
Dedication: To everyone who waited for me to get well and start writing again. I'm so grateful you're actually still reading my stuff.
Distribution: "Gunnin' Down Angel" , the Playground, Willow Spike Forever, Near Her Always and of course
anyone who has my fics, take it. Otherwise, just let me know where it's going.
Feedback: Please, I live for it. I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey.

As he roared through the town on his motorcycle, blue eyes definitely not focused on the road, the bleach blonde vampire howled into the darkness.  She was his everything.  Visions of red hair and green eyes filled his mind as he ran another red light. The sounds of the horns fell on deaf ears as he continued to just ride.  <How did this happen?> He asked himself. <Since when did a bloody human chit become my whole world?>

Willow sat on her terrace as she absently brushed her hair while looking at the night sky. She still couldn't believe it. How could he possibly have
feelings for her? Ever since their talk the night he found out he couldn't bite anymore, they had become friends. After research parties, patrolling, or
Bronzing, he'd walk her home, and they'd talk for hours. It was fun having a friend that was more than a century old. She would ask him about fashions from particular time periods, or the popular books of whatever year she chose to ramble about. He would answer patiently and watch with amusement how her eyes lit up.  And now, she had ruined it. She had ruined everything.

Spike brought the bike to a halt as he parked it at his place and decided to go for a walk. Maybe that would calm him down. Wouldn't it be fantastic if he could run into a nice spot of violence? As if on cue, the vampire found 2 fledglings trying to attack a teen-aged girl. All he could think of was
Dawn. <What if the little one had been out here?> He thought to himself as he lit a cigarette. "Looks like I'm just in time." He said as he let the smoke out of his dead lungs.

"Back off." One of the fledglings said. "This one is ours."

"You wanna lay a bet on that, mate?" The master vampire asked as he took another drag from his cigarette.  One of the fledglings charged him while the other held on to the girl. Without even dropping his cigarette, he punched the fledgling in the face and pulled a stake from his pocket with the same hand.

The fledgling stood just in time to get dusted.  "Now, you were saying?" Spike asked the other fledgling as he slowly advanced toward it. The fledgling let go of the girl and ran in the opposite direction.

"Fledglings." The vampire said. "No self respect." He sauntered over to the traumatized teen and figured out where she lived so he could get her home safely.

As he walked down the street, he noticed he was about 2 blocks from Willow's place.  He just wanted to see her. Even if she didn't love him.

Willow was just about to turn around to walk into her room when she saw the blonde hair. "Hey," she said. He looked up at her. "Hey Red. What are you doing outside this late at night?"

"Well, technically, I'm not actually outside." she began.

"So, you're still talking to me." He said. "That's a good sign."

"Spike, why wouldn't I talk to you?"

"This really isn't something either one of us wants to get into right now, so why don't I just."

"No!" The redhead screamed. "That's what you did earlier. You just left without talking to me. Now, get your undead ass up here so we can straighten this out."  She then turned on her heel and was inside before Spike's blue eyes could blink.

He effortlessly jumped to the second floor and walked into her room. She was now sitting on her bed looking so fragile. He wanted to go to her and hold her and tell her that no matter what, he'd always be there for her. But, that's not what she wanted.

"Why did you leave me like that?" She asked. Her voice was so tiny; he would swear he was talking to a 5 year old.

"I thought you wanted me to." He replied as he pulled up a chair and sat across from her. "Look, I know you could never love me the way I love you. Look at me: I'm a monster.  And you're pure and good and perfect."

She looked up at him, surprise evident in her face.

"I was angry because I knew that you'd never want to be with me. My temper won out and I left.  I don't want to lose your friendship, Willow."

The redhead had tears in her green eyes as she looked into Spike's blue orbs. "Really?" She asked. "I thought I misunderstood you, or that you were just kidding around. I mean, really, why would someone as beautiful and amazing as you think of me as anything other than a little sister-type, or just a friend."

"Red," He said softly as he put his finger to her lips to hush her. "Do you love me?"

She swallowed the lump in her throat before nodding and whispering, "Yes."

"Then, stop rambling and kiss me." He said with a smirk.

    The End
