Some Things

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: I own none. Joss Whedon, etc, own all. I wish I owned Spike. I promise he wouldn't have anything to do with Buffy.

Pairing: W/S

Summary: The usual fluffiness. I really need that right now.

Rating: PG-13


~Part: 11~

Willow walked through Spike's front door, afraid of what she would find. ^Please, just let him have a shirt on, so I can concentrate.^ She begged to any higher power that would listen. "Spike." She called out. No answer. "Spike?"

"Have fun, Pet?" His voice asked from about 3 feet behind her. Willow jumped and started yelling.

"Damn it, Spike!" She yelled. "Don't scare me like that!" That's when she noticed his attire.

A towel.

That damned vampire was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He was hold another one like he had just finished drying his hair. She could tell, because it was still wet and curling.

"Sorry, Red." He replied, while seemingly unaware of her reaction to him. "Those delivery blokes left, so I figured I'd shower and change before you got back." He looked down at the towel he was wearing. "Guess I was too slow."

"Huh?" she asked, still in a trance from his well-toned chest, abs, and everything else. His eyes held the ever-present mischief in them as her dark green ones met his bright blue ones. "I-I mean, that's okay, I'll just wait here until you put on some clothes. Now. Then, we can finish up." She said, satisfied that she'd actually said it without her vocal cords giving out on her. She also quickly sat down before her legs decided to turn to mush.

Spike returned a few minutes later in a t-shirt and jeans. The two became more comfortable with one another as the evening progressed. Finally, they were finished with the kitchen, dining room, lounge room, guest bathroom, and guest bedroom.

"Okay, you ready to start on your room?" Willow asked.

"My room is done, pet." Spike replied.

"How? When?" She asked flustered. This was supposed to be her time with Spike. He went ahead and finished up while she was at lunch with Buffy?

"Red, we did do most of it last night. All I had to do was position the furniture." He reminded her.

"I know, but." she started. ^How do I say, 'I wanted more time to spend alone with you'?^ "Forget it." She walked to her bag and picked it up. "Well, the place looks great. I'll get the rest of my things later."

She walked towards the door with her head down and eyes on the floor. That's why she didn't notice the vampire move quickly to stand in front of the door before she reached it. She bumped into him. "Aaahhh!"

"And just where do you think you're going?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Um, home?"

"What? You're not going to help me celebrate?" He asked, only slightly pretending to be hurt.

"Y-you want me to stay?" She asked in a stunned voice.

"Well, yeah." He looked at her as if she had just lost all of her brain cells. "Come on, Red. I ordered alcohol from the liquor store, and we can order Chinese food in a couple of hours." She just stared at him. "Red?"

"Yes!" She snapped out of her trance. "Of course I'll stay and celebrate. I-if you want me to."

"Don't hurt yourself trying to please me." He said as he walked dejectedly away from her.

"Spike," she sighed. "I don't mean that it's going to hurt me to stay here. I just meant that I didn't think you wanted me to stay."

"Why wouldn't I want you to stay?" He asked with genuine curiosity.

"Because you hate all of us?" She carefully reminded him.

"Not you." He said so softly, she wasn't sure he'd said it at all. Then, he continued. "Haven't hated you since I kidnapped you."

"Really?" She asked.

"Here I was threatening your life and the moron's, and you still tried to comfort me." He replied. "I may have been completely snockered, but I wouldn't forget something like that."

"Oh." She said. Then she started walking towards the kitchen.

"Where are you going now?" he asked.

"I thought we were celebrating." She said as she came back with a bottle of wine and no glasses.

"Wow, Red. You really are my kind of bird." He announced when she sat next to him on the sofa.

"Cool! Let's get drunk!" She said happily.

~Part: 12~

"This is seriously not funny, Mister!" Willow said, trying not to laugh.

"Puppy?" And Spike burst into another bout of laughter as he slid onto the floor from the sofa. "Oh please," he said in between laughs and wiping the tears from his eyes. "Tell me more!"

"That's about it." She replied. "We sent her back to her own dimension, and never heard from her again."

"Did you keep the leather outfit?"

"Oh, ha. Ha." She replied dryly. "Like she was going back in my fuzzy sweater."

"True." Spike agreed. "She'd be laughed out of the vampire community."


"Sorry, pet." He moved to the coffee table and picked up what was their third bottle and opened it. "Here. First drink from this bottle is yours."

The redhead accepted the bottle and took a big swig.

"That was my weird, embarrassing story. Now, you have to tell me something." He raised his eyebrows. "C'mon Spike." She whined. She had been feeling the effects of the alcohol since the first bottle. "Pwease?" He continued to just look at her. "Fine." She said as she slid onto the floor to sit next to him. "Then, tell me something about yourself that no one else in Sunnydale knows. Nothing icky, though."

The vampire smiled. He was having such a fantastic time with the witch. "Alright, Red. I'll throw you a bone."  She giggled. "Since when do you have a dirty mind?" She just shook her head and took another swig from the bottle. "Always knew you were little wildcat. Maybe the vamp you isn't so different from you after all."

"Oh, yes she is." Willow replied vehemently. "I don't go around licking people's necks. Nor do I rub myself all over them and invade their personal space!"

"Just kidding, luv." He said with a chuckle.{Of course, now I have the visual. Damn! I'll be seeing that in my dreams tonight.} He thought.

"So, tell me!" She begged before putting her lips in a pout. {Powers above and below please stop me from wanting to kiss her right now.}

"Spike, are you in there?" She asked as she knocked on his forehead.

"Hey! Watch it!" He said as he came out of his thoughts. Willow handed him the bottle and he took two big gulps before giving it back to her. "Red,"


"Did you really like the poem?" He asked nervously.

It took the redhead a second to remember what he was referring to.

"Spike it was beautiful." She replied. "Is it an original work of William the Bloody?"

"More than you know pet." He replied softly. Then, he turned to face her. "Okay, I'm going out on a limb telling you this."

"Ooohh!! A secret! Finally!" She said as she bounced up and down in her spot on the floor with a huge child-like grin on her face.

"This is not my natural hair color."

"Wha-huh?" He couldn't hold in his laughter any longer and just let loose holding his sides in the process. "That was so not funny, you-you-MEANY!"

"Hel-lo! Evil." Spike reminded her.

"I thought that we were becoming real friends." She turned away. She then added softly: "But, I guess not."

"Oh, pet. Don't cry." He said trying to sooth the hacker. "Willow, please. I'll tell you something that no one else in Sunnydale knows.

"Really?" She asked softly.

"Honestly, Wil." He answered. "Just please don't cry."

She turned to face him with a huge 'I just pulled one over on you' smile. "So spill!"

"Why you little." Spike said as soon as he realized she was faking.

"Oh, so the 'Big Bad' can dish it out, but he can't take it." She said laughing.

"I can't believe you did that!" He shouted. But then he had to start laughing as well. "Well, since you're already laughing, you'll be happy to know this."

"What?" she asked smiling.

"When I was human, I was a poet and a clerk."

"Spike, I thought you were going to play fair." She chastised him. "This sharing really means something to me and you're treating it like a big joke."

"Willow, I'm serious." She looked at him suspiciously.  "I even had to wear glasses."

"You were."

"A nerd." He finished her sentence. "Looked down upon because I didn't fit into what society wanted me to be." Willow was speechless. "I was never as strong as you were, pet."

She put a hand on arm. "Tell me more."

~Part: 13~

Two hours later.

"That is so amazing." Willow said. She had completely sobered up during the talk about Spike's human life.

^I knew he was caring and sweet, but I had no clue he was an adorable poet, as well. I really am in love with him.^

"What? The real reason they called me William the Bloody?" He asked, not being able to look her in the eye. He didn't want to tell her these poncey things about himself, but Red was always someone he could tell practically anything to.

"Spike, I think it's beautiful." She replied. Her hand moved to under his chin and she lifted it until his crystal blue orbs met her deep green ones. "I think YOU'RE beautiful."

The two were lost in one another's eyes for what seemed like hours. {It's now or never, you idiot! Do something!} Spike thought to himself.

^Oh, I'm going straight to hell! He's in love with someone else! I have to get out of here before I do something I'll regret and lose a friend.^ Willow decided. She immediately pulled away and stood as Spike started to speak.

"Willow," He started. But, the redhead was up and headed to the guest room to gather her things. When she returned, he was standing with a confused look on his face. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No! Of course not." She replied quickly. "*I* did something wrong." She then whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked, really stumped.

"Spike, you have this new woman in your life that you've done so much for. Think about it: you bought a house and decorated it for her, you write her poetry, for crying out loud. And here I am about to throw myself at you like-like some adulterous tramp AND ruin our friendship!" She rambled as she walked back to the sofa to get the rest of her things. "I am so going to hell." She said to herself.

During her tirade, the vampire figured out what had just happened. "Don't you want to see how my bedroom looks?" He asked with a pout. "You know, the finished product?"

"A-are you sure?" She asked hesitantly.

He walked over to her and looked at her.


"O-okay." The two walked to Spike's bedroom. He opened the door and Willow's jaw dropped. The walls were the same as when they finished it the night before. However, the addition of the furniture made the room even more beautiful and luxurious. A king sized bed was directly in the middle of the room. A deep, royal blue comforter and pillows were covering the bed, with lighter blue throw pillows. The lighter blue had a crystalized look to it and resembled Spike's eyes. The furniture itself was made from a dark mahogany wood. "Oh my." Willow sighed.

{Did she see it?} Spike wondered.

"Oh. My." Willow said again as a loud sigh accompanied the statement this time.

{She saw it!} He smiled to himself.

'It' was a huge 8x10 mahogany frame with the picture of Willow that he had stolen from her enlarged to fit the frame. And 'it' sat on the nightstand, facing his bed.

"Spike, what." She started.

"Do you like it?" He interrupted.

She didn't know whether he meant the room or the picture and frame. "'s.incredible!" She exclaimed. "But, why is there a picture of me?"

"Because." He replied. "It was all for you. The entire time."

"But, the poem.?" She asked, slightly confused.

"That poem is you, Willow." He answered, astonished that she couldn't see that. "I thought you'd definitely figured it out when you mentioned you'd seen it." He walked over to the bed and sat down with an unneeded sigh.

"Me?" She asked again suspiciously.

"You can't possibly be this daft, Luv." Spike replied as he rose and walked towards her. "Willow, I'm in love with you."

~Part: 14~

"M-me?" She asked. He nodded. "A-are you sure?" He shot her an amused arch of the eyebrow. "It's just that people like you don't fall in love with people like me. They fall in love with people like Buffy a-and Cordelia." She was now pacing.

"Red, I actually *have* taste." He replied. "You are beautiful, damn near genius, with a fire that drives me completely 'round the bend." She stared wide-eyed as he stalked towards her once again. "I got the house for *you*. I wouldn't let my Red spend most of her time in some dank crypt." He paused and looked to his feet as he began to shuffle them. "That is, if you'd *want* to spend time with me." He said softly.

"Spike, look at me." She replied. He acquiesced. "I dream about spending time with you; way more than in the 'friend' capacity. I just want you to be sure that you aren't making a mistake, or-or that you'd get tired of me."

The vampire kneeled before his fire goddess and looked up into her questioning green orbs. "I love you, Willow Rosenberg. Nothing will ever change that." She could see the truth in the crystal blue depths of his eyes.

That's when they heard it. The front door was kicked open, and a very irate dark-haired vampire stood there. Spike stood and turned to face his grand sire in the doorway.

"Stay away from her, Spike." Angel said.

"See, told ya everything was fine." Buffy announced as she strode past Angel and walked over to Willow.

"Hey Wills. Spike."

"Slayer." Spike said, wondering why the blonde was being so civil to him.

"This is your place?" Cordelia asked from just inside the doorway. "Wow! I'm completely impressed."

"What the hell are you people doing here?" Spike yelled.

"Chill, evil dead." Xander replied as he, too walked past Angel and into the house. "We got problems. We need everyone working on this."

"Big evil-a-brewing? Blah, blah, blah?" Willow asked.

"You got it." Cordelia replied. "It's so good to see you, Will."

"I know, emails don't really prepare you for the happy smiles." Willow replied. "I'm glad you're here, Cordy."

"Hel-lo!" Angel screamed from the other side of the threshold.

"Hi yourself, peaches." Spike replied and put his arm around the redhead. Willow smiled and leaned into him.

"You guys really aren't gonna invite him in, are you?" Cordelia asked with devious grin.

"You have to promise to be a good widdle vampire and not attack the host and hostess." Buffy said to her ex-boyfriend.

"Wait a minute. Why can't he just walk in?" Cordelia asked. "Isn't this Spike's house?"

"The deed is in Red's name." Spike replied casually. "Technically, this is her house."

Willow turned to look at the blue-eyed vamp.


"I told you I was serious about this, Red." He answered with a smile, happy to have made her happy.

"Still waiting on an answer from you, dead boy." Xander announced.

"Fine." Angel sighed. "I promise not to upset the happy little home." He said mockingly. Everyone just looked at him. "I swear!" He insisted.

"Okay, Angel, why don't you come in?" Willow said.

The vampire, who had been leaning on the invisible barrier, stumbled and almost landed on the floor.

"Verrrrry graceful, dead boy." Xander teased.

"Shut up, Harris." Angel replied.

"Seriously, guys, let's start talking." Buffy said.

"That bad?" Willow asked the slayer.

"That bad." Buffy replied.

~Part: 15~

"Where is Giles?" Willow asked.

"Picking up supplies with Olivia." Buffy replied.

"It's not safe for anyone to be alone right now."

"Will you stop it with the cryptic?" Spike yelled.

"If I wanted that, I'd ask Paingel over here." He pointed to the dark-haired vampire. Angel glared at his grandchilde.

"Guys, please focus." Willow asked nicely.

"What it all comes down to is this." Cordelia replied. "I had a vision that someone these two," she pointed at the two vampires. ".pissed off a long time ago is out for revenge." Everyone stared at her, not speaking. "Hel-lo! He's coming after the people they care about."

"I don't give a rat's ass about you people, so leave." Spike announced as he plopped down on the sofa.

"Wrong." Angel replied. "You care about Willow. Chances are, he knows that."

"Oh bollocks." The bleached blonde replied. "Fine, who is this fan of ours?"

"You remember Boone?" Angel asked.

"Big, blue guy?" Spike asked. Angel nodded.

"I met up with him recently and he told me to watch my back, because someone the 3 of us encountered is headed our way."

"Bloody hell." Spike sighed. "Uadnal?" Angel nodded.

"Ooo-what?" Buffy asked, completely confused.

"Is this guy *trying* for 'worst name ever'?" Xander asked.

"SHE is as mean as they come." Angel stressed.

"Her significant other started something with Angelus in 1888." Spike stated. "I was willing to watch some good violence, so I stuck around and had a seat. Once I lit a smoke, the bugger's followers show up and try to make this an uneven fight."

"And Boone's not the type to let unfairness go unpunished." Angel added. "So, he evened up the odds by jumping in at the same time Spike did."

"We ripped those blokes apart." Spike said with nostalgia in his features.

"So, where was this U-Ua.where was this chick at the time?" Xander asked.

"On the other side of town getting along famously with Darla and Drusilla." Angel replied.

"Apparently, Dru 'saw' what was going on. The stars told her, or some nonsense. Anyway, she and the blonde bimbo." Spike stopped his explanation and turned to Buffy. "The other one, not you. They challenged Uadnal and nearly killed her."

"I didn't think they'd let her live after all of that." Angel said.

"Well, Dru said that Uadnal's people were trying to take her Angel away, so she was going to take something away from her that she cared about and let her live with it for eternity." Spike finished.

"You know I almost did vengeance on you guys." Anya stated. "But, she never actually wished for it. She had some pretty good ideas on how to hurt you guys, though."

"Thanks.Anya." Xander said uncertainly.

"Why didn't she make the wish?" Willow asked.

"She wanted to exact vengeance herself." Anya answered.

The room remained silent until Giles and Olivia showed up.

~Part: 16~

Once Giles and Olivia arrived, Spike and Angel explained the situation with Uadnal.

"These creatures do not travel alone, I take it." Giles said.

"Good guess." Angel replied. "I'm pretty sure she's assembled something resembling an army."

"That is so not of the good." Xander stated.

"Way to go, Mr. State-the obvious." Spike declared.

"Oh.shut up!" Xander replied.

"And quite the witty comeback." Spike stated as he mockingly clapped his hands.

"Spike, please." Willow pleaded.  Spike kissed her forehead and whispered an apology. This did not go unnoticed by Angel.

"So, let's figure out how to stay together so that she and her minions can't divide and conquer." Buffy suggested.

"Yes, lets stay together and kill one another instead." Spike deadpanned.

"Actually, Spike, we'd just be killing you." Angel replied. "Now, behave." The blonde vampire glared at his grand sire.

"So, I guess we need to figure out sleeping arrangements." Buffy stated, letting her eyes wander to Angel.

"Yeah, let's do that." Spike replied as he stood and headed towards the front door. "Willow and I will stay here. Everyone else, sleep at the watcher's place." No one moved. "What the bloody hell are you lot waiting for?"

"Spike, we need to be realistic." Willow said.

"Oooh! Wine!" Cordelia squealed. "I'll stay here." She stood and went to get a wine glass from the fridge.

"Angel, why don't you stay here with Cordelia, as well?" Giles suggested. Both Spike and Buffy looked at the watcher in horror. Giles ignored them and continued.  "I don't live far, so the rest of us can stay there."

"And, during the day, we can meet back here and figure out some sort of strategy." Willow added.

"Um, big G., do you really think it's a good idea to leave dead boy and fangless in the same room?" Xander asked.

"Well, no offense," Cordelia said, returning from the kitchen with a new bottle of wine and two glasses. "But, do you really want your precious Buffy sleeping in the same room with Angel?" Buffy glared at the seer.

"Good point." Xander replied.

"Why do you care?" Anya asked her boyfriend. The ex-vengeance demon had been quiet for some time, but now wondered why Xander would care. No one answered.


"Let's just try to get some rest." Giles said, trying to diffuse the situation. He stood and headed to the door. "Everyone who is assigned to come with me, please do so now." Crew Giles grudgingly headed out the door.

Cordelia noticed Willow staring at her in disbelief.

"What?" The brunette asked.

Willow chuckled. "Not a thing, Cordy. Is that other glass for me?"

For the next hour, Willow and Cordelia caught up on old times and new demons while Angel and Spike engaged in a glaring match. The redhead yawned suddenly.

"Wow, I didn't realize I was so tired." She stood and stretched. Spike watched the witch in awe. Angel watched how Spike looked at the redhead and decided to stand.

The blonde vampire's look shifted to his grand sire and waited for him to make a move on his Red.

"The way I see it, we're all stuck together." The dark vampire started. "So, why don't we call a truce for now and try not to kill one another until this is all over."

Spike stood and walked until he was face to face with Angel. "I'm only doing this for Willow." He stated quietly, but intensely. "If you go near her, or even TRY to take her away from me, I will make sure that you suffer more than you did when you were in hell. Is that clear?"

"Spike, I don't want."

"Is. That. Clear." The bleach blonde stressed once again.

"Crystal." Angel replied.

"Right then," Spike said, his attitude completely changing back to a calm, laid back persona. "Let's all get some shuteye." He looked at Willow and Cordelia who had watched the entire exchange, and asked the seer. "Are you two shagging, or do you need separate rooms?"

"Spike!" Willow squealed. She turned to Cordelia and Angel. "What he means is, are you two comfortable sleeping in the same room together?"

"No, I meant 'are you two shagging?'" Spike retorted.

"We'll be fine, Willow." Angel said, amused at the way the two seemed to just work perfectly as a couple.

"Great! I'll show you to your room." She said as she headed to the guest room with her two friends in tow. Spike headed to his room and noticed the bed. He stood staring at it until the redhead walked up next to him.

"Spike, what's wrong?" She asked, suddenly very worried. Spike never got scared.

"Are you, um.are you sleeping in here?" He asked.

"Well, duh!" She replied laughing. "Where else would I sleep?"

"Um, am I..uh, sleeping here, as well?" He asked nervously indicating the bed.

"It's your house, Spike." She answered lightly. "I wouldn't expect you to sleep anywhere else." The vampire relaxed immediately and turned to smile at the redhead. "Don't expect us to have any kind of wild monkey sex tonight or anything like that." She added. "Yet."

Spike bowed a gentlemanly bow and kissed Willow's hand as he displayed his trademark smirk.

{Yet} He thought happily.

~Part: 17~

Willow had gone into the bathroom to change into her tank top and boxer shorts.  Spike figured he'd spare his red the embarrassment of rolling over and realizing that he slept 'au natural'.  He smiled as he thought of the how her face and neck would turn a beautiful shade of red. He was so caught up in his thoughts of Willow that he didn't notice she was back in the room until he heard a loud gasp.

The vampire turned around and looked at the redhead. Her eyes and mouth were wide open and focusing on his bare chest. He then noticed that her eyes were traveling downward to his washboard stomach, the way his boxers clung to his body in an oh-so-sexy way, and his well-toned legs.

"Uh.Will?" He asked.

Her eyes snapped back up to his beautiful face and that's when she realized she'd been staring. She quickly ducked her head and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she walked to the bed. ^This may be more difficult than I previously thought.^ She sighed and sat on the bed. Then, she looked up at Spike who was still smirking.

"Stop that." She said shyly.

"Stop what?" He asked as he walked over to her side of the bed.

"Stop laughing at me."

"Do I look like I'm laughing?" She shook her head no as he sat next to her. "Willow, you are such a treasure." She looked up at him with a totally bewildered expression on her face. "What the hell did I do to deserve you?"

"This is going to work, isn't it?" She asked him.

"Most definitely, Luv." He replied. "Now, let's get you to sleep." He tucked her in to her side and walked around the bed to get on the other side. "And don't worry, Red. I'll be a perfect gentleman." He reached over and turned off the bedside lamp.

There was silence as the two settled in to get comfortable. That's when Spike heard it.

"You don't have to be a PERFECT gentleman."  The redhead said softly. Spike smiled and moved closer to his redhead to at least begin to show her how much she meant to him.


"What's happening now?" The seer asked.

"He loves her." Angel said smiling. "I think they're finally starting to loosen up around one another."

"But, you do realize that Wills won't put out tonight, right?" Cordelia stated.

"Yes, Cordy, I know." Angel replied with an exasperated sigh. "That's why he loves her."

"Way to go, Willow." Cordelia smiled and grabbed her things as she headed out to the bathroom to change.

Angel took the opportunity to change into a pair of pajama pants and got into bed. Cordelia returned to the room in a long silk nightshirt.

"Don't try anything. You know I'm vulnerable and innocent."

"Dream on, fang boy." Cordelia replied as she got into bed and went to sleep.


Giles opened the door to his place and let everyone in. The slayer stormed in and began pacing. Anya went to a chair and sat quietly. Xander went to the chair to sit with the ex-demon, but was rewarded with a 'death look'. The young man took the hint and sat on the sofa. Giles headed straight for his liquor cabinet.

"Giles, what were you thinking?" Buffy demanded.

"That I want a drink, Buffy." The watcher replied.

"Why would you let him stay there?" She asked.

"Don't you mean 'them'?" Anya asked.

"What?" The slayer asked.

"Them. As in Angel and Cordelia." Anya explained.

"Yes, Buffy. I'm sure you meant 'them'." Giles said sarcastically as he took his first sip of scotch.

Xander wisely sat quietly while the blonde stammered until she gave up and sat on the other end of the sofa.

~Part: 18~

After many smoochies and cuddles, Willow and Spike fell asleep and finally got some rest. As for Angel and Cordelia, the two were out cold the second the lights were turned out.  Everyone was confident that they could battle Uadnal and her group of followers, and emerge victorious. Meanwhile..

Giles and Olivia were happily asleep and snuggled. Of course, it wouldn't last much longer.  Downstairs, Xander had learned just how chilly Anya could be if she put her mind to it. Buffy lay on the sofa tossing and turning, while Anya slept soundly.

Just before sunrise, there was a crash in Giles' front window. Everyone jumped from their respective sleeping places and scrambled into battle-ready positions. When nothing else happened, Giles and Olivia appeared downstairs and noticed the source of the crash.  A huge cement block with a note written in blood attached to it.

"Holy crap." Xander said when he saw what Giles was headed for.

'You think we don't know who you are. You will die.And they will suffer.'

"Oh-kay." Buffy sighed. "Who wants to wake up the love birds?" she asked.

"I'll call." Xander replied as he headed to the telephone.


He was in a big field next to a lake. The sun was shining overhead, the sky was blue, and the grass was a bright, vibrant green. He had a pen and paper as he sat on the blanket in the field.  He watched her twirling and laughing at a joke he had just made. She wore a pair of khaki shorts and a white tank top. She ran over to him and stood over him.

"I love you, William." She said she knelt in front of him and reached over to give him the most passionate kiss of his life.just as the phone rang.

"Bloody hell!" he screamed as he sat up. Willow groaned and mumbled something before opening her eyes.

"WHAT?" he screamed as Angel and Cordelia rushed into the bedroom, looking sleep deprived.

"Hey Junior, let me talk to Wills." Xander replied on the other end.

"Xapper?" he asked with disbelief. That wanker disturbed his perfect dream of the woman he loves?

"Xander?" Willow said after she took the phone from Spike.

"Wills." The carpenter replied. "They know where we are. They know who we are."

"How?" she asked before Angel took the phone from her.

"Xander." The dark haired vampire said into the telephone.

"Deadboy." He paused. "It was written in blood."

"They'll be looking for us tonight when the sun goes down." Angel replied to Xander, as well as the people in the room with him.

"Giles says to tell you that we'll be there around noon, so get some rest." Xander told the now brooding vampire.

"See you later." Angel replied, and hung up the phone. "Everyone's meeting here at noon." He turned to Spike. "Did you hear?"

"Every damned word." Spike sighed and leaned against the headboard as he pulled the redhead closer to him. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I guess we all need to get some rest then." Willow declared.

"'Night Wills." Cordelia said. "See you later, Spike." Spike gave a little wave.

"G'night Cordy." Angel gave an innocent, yet worried look. "Get some sleep, Angel." She ordered.


The next day, the rest of the gang arrived with food and blood.

"So, what's the plan?" Xander asked as they settled around the main room of the house.

"To not get killed." Angel replied.

"You know it's bad when 'Super-Angel' won't try to come to the rescue."

"Spike." Angel warned.

"Let's do some training." Buffy advised, trying to make the potential fight go away.

"Excellent idea, Buffy." Giles replied.

The rest of the afternoon was spent on the gang brushing up on their fighting techniques. Everyone was impressed with Willow's magical abilities. Spike was so proud he could hardly contain himself. And so it went until just before sunset when everyone gathered weapons and headed to the warehouse district. They knew that Uadnal would find them one way or another. And so, it began. No warning. No preparation. The Scooby gang was ambushed and surrounded.  A 7ft tall, orange demon held Spike up with a stake to the heart. A shrill cry sounded like it came from everywhere at once.


Everyone turned to Willow, who surprisingly had not opened her mouth. Until now. "What?" she asked.

Everyone looked at her confused. She was the only one with her attacker subdued, and hadn't had a chance to see Spike's predicament. "Spike." She whispered.

"I said I do NOT want the vampires killed."  A figure said as she walked out of the shadows.

~Part: 19~

The figure stepped into the light and smiled. She was beautiful. Long, black hair, green eyes, and dark olive skin.  She was at least 5'9 without the high-heeled boots she wore.

"Angelus." She said to the dark haired vampire.

"William the Bloody." She walked over to Spike, and the demon removed the stake from its position at the vampire's heart. "I'm so happy to finally see you again." She walked over to Buffy. "The slayer." She continued walking. "A witch. I'm impressed." She walked past Xander, Giles, and Olivia and said, "Humans." Then she paused. "Anyanka?"

"Uadnal." Anya replied. "Long time."

"What are you doing here?" The female vampire asked.

"Oh, I'm with Xander." Uadnal arched an eyebrow. "The human right there." Uadnal continued to look at her skeptically. "Long story."

"So Angelus," she turned away from Anya and addressed Angel. "You and the slayer?" she said in disgust. "That one will be fun to torture and maim, before I kill her."

"Just let them go." Angel tried to reason. "It's us you want."

"Did you have some heroin laced blood?" She asked. "NOBODY you care about leaves here until AFTER I've tortured and killed him or her as you watched." She was glaring stakes at him. "Now do you get it?"

"Why after all of this time, Uadnal?" Angel asked. "I'm sure you've know where we've been for quite a while."

"The thrill of anticipation, I guess." She answered flippantly. "So," she walked up closer to Angel. "Are you scared?" she asked with a devious smile that spoke of nothing good.

"These people have done nothing to you. If Dario hadn't called out the rest his group to beat up on little ol' me, Spike and Boone never would've jumped in, and you know it."

She took a deep breath. "All I know," she said in a quiet, yet intense voice. "Is that you and he took away the only thing I ever cared about. For that, you will pay."

"Oh, for crying out loud, you stupid bint, haven't you gotten over it by now?" Spike was fed up.

"Oh William, I'm going to enjoy making your witch scream." She said seductively as she stood eye to eye with him. Spike tried to attack, but was held at bay by the large orange demon still holding on to him. "Oh, goodie." She continued. "It's nice to know you'll hurt almost as much as I did when you killed Dario."

She turned and headed towards the direction from which she had come. "Bring them." She ordered her minions. Just then, a hand shot out and grabbed her by the throat. "Now, now, dearie. We can't have that, can we?"

The entire group was stunned to silence as Uadnal and her captor stepped back into the light. Finally, Willow found her voice.


~Part: 20~

"Ummm.why?" Xander asked.

"Not to worry, my pet." Drusilla said to the carpenter. "I'm not the only one with whom the stars share secrets." She smiled and put a finger from her free hand to her lips in a shushing motion. Uadnal tried to escape, but the insane vampire tightened her grip. "Play nice or I shall be very cross with you." She said to Uadnal.

"Did you find them?" A voice from outside the group asked.

"Cordy?" A thoroughly confused Buffy asked. Cordelia emerged from the shadows with a sword in her hand.

"Are we ready to kick some booty?" the seer asked excitedly.

"Oh, bugger this." Spike said as he wrenched free of the demon's grip and landed a solid elbow to the face before smashing its kneecap with the heel of his boot. Angel followed suit and managed to flip over one of the minions he was fighting and throw it against the completely oblivious minion standing on the other side of the souled vampire.

"Fight now. Explanations later." Willow announced as she threw two fireballs towards two fledglings and incinerated them. She then pointed to her dropped weapon and it flew through the air and landed in her hands as she prepared to do battle.

The rest of the Scooby gang snapped back to the present and began fighting again.

Meanwhile, Drusilla threw Uadnal to the ground and stood tall. "Now, this won't hurt a bit, luv." She said.

"That's where you're wrong, Drusilla." Uadnal spat. "I'm not going let you ruin this. I've gone to way too much trouble to make Angelus and William pay." She stood.

"Why don't we leave those nasty boys out of it and play?" Dru asked before delivering a spin kick to the side of Uadnal's head. Uadnal flew about 5 feet and landed on her back. She flipped up and headed straight for Drusilla.

Everyone else had defeated the rest of Uadnal's followers. Most died, others ran. The extended Scooby gang watched in awed silence as the two fought furiously with motions so quick, it was difficult for their eyes to follow. Finally, Drusilla stopped and looked at Willow, who quickly floated her sword to the vampire. Without warning Drusilla decapitated Uadnal and immediately dropped the weapon. She stared at the ground of dust that was once Uadnal and looked up innocently at the Scooby gang.

Drusilla walked over to Spike and Willow. Everyone tensed. She looked at the bleach blonde and nodded. Her eyes then went to Willow She slowly caressed the redhead's cheek and smiled. Intelligence and sanity were in her eyes. "Take good care of our William. I caused him so much heartache. The stars tell me that you won't."

The witch tried to speak, but could only nod her understanding. Dru then turned back to Spike and said. "Thank you for taking care of me, my pet." She turned towards the rest of the group and headed towards Cordelia and Angel. But, not before she hissed at Buffy.

"It was nice to share the secrets of the stars with you, my pretty." Drusilla said to Cordelia. "Thank you for believing in me." She kissed the seer on the cheek.

"I'm just glad you chose to help." Cordelia replied. "I know you didn't have to."

"Oh, but I did." She replied mysteriously. "My Angel." She said to the dark haired vampire. "You'll always be my daddy." She then pulled in close to him and whispered, "Take care of the seer. The stars tell me that the two of you will be very happy together." She then turned and walked away into the darkness.

Xander was the first to speak. "What the hell just happened here?"


The entire extended Scooby gang sat in the Summers' home. Everyone had been bandaged and was waiting for an explanation as to why Drusilla ended up saving them.

"Okay, here's what happened." Cordelia began. Every eye in the room was focused on her. "I had a vision right after you guys left. I knew you'd be outnumbered. Then, I saw Dru in the vision. I didn't get a predatory or dangerous vibe from her. So, when she showed up at Spike's place, I knew she was going to help."

Everyone continued to stare at the seer. Finally, Angel spoke.

"The Powers That Be sent her to us."

"Exactly!" Cordelia said proudly.

"How'd *you* know she was there as an ally, Red?" Spike asked his girlfriend.

"I don't know. I just.knew." She replied.

"Anyway, she said the stars told her to be here to make the nasty Uadnal pay for trying to hurt her family again." Cordelia continued. "So, we saddled up and headed out."

"But, didn't she seem sort of." Buffy started.

"Sane?" Spike finished. Everyone agreed. "I don't think we'll ever know what goes on in her mind."

"That's probably a good thing." Angel added.

"So, what now?" Buffy asked.

"I say Red and I go home and leave you wankers to your utterly useless lives." Spike answered.

"You guys need a lift?" Cordelia asked as Willow and Spike stood.

Spike was about to say no when Willow said. "Yes. That way, you guys can get some rest, too."

"We don't have to stay up and talk to them, do we Pet?" Spike asked the redhead as the four of them headed to Angel's car. Willow giggled as Angel slapped his grand childe across the back of the head.


An hour later, in Willow and Spike's bedroom:

"I really needed that bath." Willow said as she walked out of the bathroom and slipped into bed beside the already showered vampire.

"Why?" Spike asked as he pulled her close into his embrace. "As I recall, you were the only one who was winning until Dru showed up."

"True." She replied. "I was doing better than the Big Bad." She teased.

"I wouldn't say THAT, Luv." Spike retorted playfully. "I was just getting ready to make my move."

"I guess the testosterone is still there after you die, huh?" She asked and let out a giggle.

"Am I going to have to teach you some manners, little girl?" Spike asked in the same playful manner.

"You could try." Willow answered. "But don't count on it." Her green eyes glowed to a brighter green for a couple of seconds as she smiled at her soon to be lover.

"I knew there was a fire in you, my beautiful Willow." He said after a heavy sigh. The redhead just stared in shock at the love in his eyes. "I do love you. I always will."

"I love you, too." She whispered. Their lips were about to touch when they heard.


"Cordy!" Angel tried to shush the former May Queen on the other side of the wall.

"Do you realize that this is as normal as our lives are ever going to get?" Willow asked Spike after her fit of laughter died down.

"'Fraid so, Pet." His crystal blue eyes found her deep green ones. "Are you okay with that?"

"More than okay." She replied and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Now, about that wild monkey sex."

The End
