Title:  Tell Me Why (1/1)
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: Joss & David G. own all. I'm jus' playin' with 'em. Nick Heyward owns the song.
Distribution: G4G site 'Mysteries Untold', The Playground, Susi, Nell, Lina, and everyone that already has my fics. Otherwise, if you want it, just ask
and I'll say yes.
Rating: PG
Author's note: I heard the song for the first time in 5 years, and had to write this. (I love writing song fics!)
Feedback: Do I HAVE to ask??
Dedication: to everyone who has ever given me feedback.

 "He just left?" Buffy asked.
 "He just left." Willow replied in a monotone voice. Her red-rimmed
eyes were staring into space. All her tears were finally gone.
 "Oh Wills, I'm so sorry." The slayer said trying to comfort her best
friend. "Did you ever get to tell him?"
 "Nope." The redhead answered. "And now Spike's gone and he'll never
know how much I love him."

I don't really know
I don't understand
I don't know what you really mean
Or what you're trying to say to me

Tell me why
I don't honestly know

 Two days later, the Scooby gang was in research mode. No one had
heard from Spike since his sudden disappearance. Willow had thrown herself
into her schoolwork, as well as researching. However, Spike was always
present in her thoughts.  She sat at the computer looking up information on
the latest threat to Sunnydale.

(Meanwhile, in LA)

 "You what?"
 "I'm in love with Red."
 Angel stared at his grandchilde and started to pace. "When did this
 "How the bloody hell should I know, Pouf?"
 "Did you hurt her?" Angel asked, choosing to ignore the insult. His
friend was more important.
 "Of course not!" Spike yelled. "I could never hurt her. She probably
doesn't even know I'm gone." He said with disappointment in his voice.
 "Okay, so why are you here?"
 "I figured since I was being a Nancy boy, I'd get advice from King
Nancy Boy himself." Spike answered as he lit up a cigarette.
 "And that's your idea of asking for a favor?" Angel asked
 "Well, yeah."
 "So, what do you want me to do about all of this?"
 "I need to know if I can stay here and," Spike paused and took an
unneeded breath. "help. Just until I figure out what the hell to do."

And they say 'life will go on'
'You'll get over it some day'
I don't know if that's true
'Cause life really hurts without you
Oh, life really hurts without you

Tell me why
I don't honestly know

 A month passed without a word from Spike. Willow was on patrol with
 "Get out!" Buffy said in disbelief.
 "I'm serious." Willow replied.
 "I so don't believe you!"
 "I did!" Willow said, as she laughed more.
 "You sneezed seven times in a row? That's unreal, Wills. That's
marathon sneezing!"
 "Would I lie to you? I mean, after all, you're the Slayer." She
replied in a fighting stance. The two girls giggled.
 "You'd better hold that stance." Buffy whispered. "We've got
 "Oh, damn."
 "Okay, come on out!" Buffy yelled towards the bushes where she
sensed the vampires.  The two girls waited, stakes in hand. After a few
seconds a lone figure stepped out. "Angel?"
 "Hi Buffy. Willow." The dark vampire said. Buffy opened her mouth to
say something when another figure stepped up from behind Angel.
 "Spike." The slayer said as she glared at the bleach blonde.  Willow
just stood there, in shock.

I'm looking through your...blue eyes
I'm looking through your...blue eyes
Blue eyes

 Spike walked over to the redhead. "'Ey Red."
 "Can we go somewhere and talk?" He asked. Willow looked at Buffy,
who nodded her approval.
 "Okay." Willow replied.
 The two then walked away from he slayer and the souled vampire.
 "You think they'll be okay?" Buffy asked.
 "They've got a better chance than we had." Angel replied with a
small smile.
 "True." Buffy chuckled. "C'mon. I'll buy you cup of coffee."

I've been breaking my heart over you
Remembering all the things you said
Be brave, and love will follow through
Maybe we'll meet one day
Won't you come back and see me some day?
 The two walked for almost an hour in silence.
 "Why did you leave?" Willow finally asked as she sat on a park
 "I had to."
 "That's it? That's the only explanation I get?"
 "It's the only explanation I can give, Luv."
 "That is so like you!" She yelled, getting angry. "You make me fall
in love with you and then you disappear without a trace! Is it funny?"
 "No, Red! I left because I knew I loved you and you could never love
something like me." His words made Willow take a seat again. She stared up
at him in shock. "Your heart is too perfect, and pure, and innocent, and..."
 "Spike," Willow interrupted.
 "Yes Luv?"
 "Shut up and kiss me."
 "Whatever you say, Pet."

Tell me why
I don't honestly know

