The Game of Life

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. Joss, and the 'Life' people own all.

Rating: PG-13 (maybe a cuss word)

Spoilers: Thru the end of S 5.


Distribution: My site 'Gunnin' Down Angel' , Willow's Lil Secret, Willow Spike Forever, Red's Soulmates, and anyone who already has my stuff. If you want it, just ask, but let me know where it's going.

Summary: The board game leads to interesting conversation.

Dedication: To Nutmeg, GP, Inell, Poppy (Happy Birthday!), Shar, and everyone who writes fic.


~Part: 1~

"Well, what are you waiting for?"


"Would you go!"


"But what?"

"Promise you won't laugh?"

"I promise, sheesh!"

"I'm scared."

The redhead burst into fits of laughter.

"Why the bloody hell is that so funny, Red?"

"I just...never expected..." Willow couldn't finish the sentence due to her uncontrollable laughing.

"It's not, funny, pet." Spike whined. "I don't want to get married."

"What's the matter, William?" The witch teased. "Don't you like your bride?"

"It's a plastic stick with a big head." He said dryly. Then, he thought about it. "Reminds me too much of Slutty."

Willow giggled again and looked at the bleached vamp. "Spike, that's not funny."

"Then, why'd you laugh, luv?" He asked with a smirk.

Spike and Willow sat in the lounge room of the vampire's apartment. The two had become extremely close friends after the vampire got the chip. When Spike got his own apartment, Willow would go there on an almost nightly basis to watch movies, play games, or just talk. It was a friendship that no one could explain. It just...worked.

"'s just a game!" She replied.

"Whatever you say, pet." He countered.

"So, why are you so afraid to get married?" She asked, changing the subject.

"I'm not afraid to 'get married'." He replied as he looked down at the board of 'The Game of Life'.

"So, what *are* you scared of?" she asked with wide, innocent eyes.

"I'm a vampire, Red." he answered in a cocky voice. "It's kind of moot point, don'tcha think?"

"Then, why won't you give me a straight answer?"

"Alright! I put the little pink plastic peg in the little plastic car! Can we move on?"

"Spike, we can stop playing, if you want. I don't care about the stupid game!" Willow replied. "You know what: I think I'll just go ahead and go." She said as she stood and went to get her backpack. "I'll come and get the game tomorrow." She started walking towards the door of Spike's apartment before she heard it.

"I'm not afraid to get married." His voice was soft. She stopped walking and turned towards him. "I'm afraid that the only one I'd even consider marrying--would give my unlife to marry--would laugh in my face if she knew how I felt."

"Well, I'm sure Drusilla wou--"

"I'm not talking about that bloody loon, luv!" He stood and walked towards the very surprised witch. "I'm talking about you, Willow. I love you."

~Part: 2~

"You-huh-what?" The redhead managed to say.

"I. Love. You." The vampire patiently replied.

"I...I don't know what to say." Willow started to pace. "I mean, you *are* a total hottie. I'd have to be blind to not notice that. Then, of course there was the time you kidnapped me and Xander. I had fantasies about that for years. Oh! and when you tried to bite me in the dorm room, I was so fantasising about that night for quite a while, too. I mean, you wouldn't believe the different endings I had for that night. And then I got to know you--"

"Red!" Spike interrupted.

"Am I thinking out loud again?" She asked in a shy voice.

"I didn't mean to scare you, pet." He said with a sigh. "I didn't think that a stupid board game would put this out in the open." He started pacing. "And here I go, letting the cat out of the bag and losing the only important thing in my unlife."

Willow walked over to the blue-eyed vamp and pulled him into a mind searing kiss. When she finally pulled away for air, she was looking into confused crystal blue eyes.

"You didn't let me finish." She explained.

"By all means..." He gestured for her to sit after giving her the patented smirk he is famous for.

"Where was I?" He cocked his scarred eyebrow and smiled. "Oh, stop. I was saying that once I got to really know you, I also noticed how incredibly intelligent you are. And funny. And emotionally strong. You are the most amazing creature I have ever met, Spike."

Spike just stared at her with a look of wonder on his face.

"This is the part where you kiss me again." She whispered with a giggle. The vampire wasted no time in fulfilling the request. After a virgorous make-out session the couple pulled apart.

"Wow...that was....Wow." The witch announced.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, luv." Spike said with a twinkle in his eyes. "If you stay, maybe I'll write you poem tomorrow after I serve you breakfast in bed."

"Okay." Willow replied quickly.

"Just like that?" He asked, extremely confused. He figured his witch would put up a fight.

"What? Do you think I'm stupid?" She replied with a laugh. "Fantasies, Spike...remember?" She gave him a peck on the lips before snuggling close to him. "Spike?"

"Yes, pet?"

"Did you really used to write poetry?"

"On my word as a gentleman."

"You're *not* a gentleman." she retorted.

"Okay, on that wanker, William's word as a gentleman." He laughed.

"You said you had an old picture of your human self. May I see it?" She asked innocently.

"Why Willow?" He whined.

"Because, I want to." She answered with a smile.

"But he was such a nancy boy." The blonde continued to whine.

"I promise to let you take advantage of me." She teased.

Without another word, Spike swept Willow into his arms and headed for the bedroom. The redhead giggled the entire time.

