The Obvious

Author: Angel S.

Disclaimer: I own none. Joss Whedon, etc, own all. I wish I owned Spike. I promise he wouldn't have anything to do with Buffy.  The song is '3 Libras' from A Perfect Circle. I know I've used it in a previous fic, but it wasn't a W/S, it was Angel/Original Character. So there.

Pairing: W/S (as always)

Summary: Damn it! Why can't he see? (This is the mood I was in today.)

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Let's say Season 5. Spike has just begun his crush on Buffy. (ewww) Anyway, but, there is someone who loves him. (Harmony doesn't count). Tara's just a friend.

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel , Red's Soul Mates, Willow's Lil Secret, Willow Spike Forever, Near Her Always, Cat's Hellmouth Cafe, Angelic Vamps, Cyberline, Rapture. And anyone else who has permission. If you do not, just ask and I'll say yes.

Feedback: Pretty Please!!!!! I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey McDonald.

Dedication: To Inell who wanted more fluff. I swear I'll have it in the sequel.

Author's Note: ~~ = Willow's thoughts.


~I'll be damned. He loves her.~ Willow sat on the chair in the practice room at the Magic Box with a sigh, as she mused. ~I guess that's why he was spending so much time with me. To be near her. Why can't he see the way I feel about him?~ Her eyes began to glisten with unshed tears. Now, all he did was talk about Buffy. It was really starting to take its toll on the redhead. She had decided that she wouldn't put up with being in love with someone who talked about any other girl except her. Xander had given her a lifetime of that.

             Threw you the obvious
        And you flew with it on your back
            A name in your recollection
            Down among a million, say:
      Difficult enough to feel a little bit
         Disappointed, passed over.
        When I've looked right through,
       To see you naked but oblivious
            and you don't see me

The door opened just then and in walked the focus of her thoughts. Willow and Spike had become good friends over the past year, and she started to develop feelings for him. He obviously thought of her as just a friend. She had been right that night in her dorm room. When he couldn't bite her, she had thought that it was because she wasn't 'what a vampire would like to sink his teeth into'. He assured her that it was not the case. But now, the 'oh, you're like a sister to me' or 'oh, you're such a good friend' had been the truth all along. He would never see her as anything more.

            Well I threw you the obvious,
         Just to see if there's more behind the
               Eyes of a fallen angel,
                 Eyes of a tragedy.

"Red, guess wha-" Spike stopped in mid sentence and said her name again. "Red?" He said with concern as he saw her sad eyes and her unshed tears. "What happened?" "Nothing happened." She said with a fake smile. "Will, it's me." He felt the need to remind her. "I know you and I know when something's bothering you." The redhead gave sarcastic chuckle of doubt as she rolled her eyes and stood up. Spike just stared in surprise.

       Here I am expecting just a little bit
           Too much from the wounded
                   But I see,
              See through it all,
                  See through,
                  And see you.

"Look, it's not worth mentioning, so let's just drop it, okay." She said as she headed for the door. He blocked her path. "I'm not letting out of here until you tell me who did this to you." He said as they stared one another down. ~He really doesn't see.~ She thought as the realization sunk in while the first tear fell. ~Why did I ever think he could love me back?~ "Willow, don't cry." Spike said as he slowly approached her. "Whatever it is, we'll make it right."

"Right?" she asked with a sarcastic laugh. "Right for whom?"

             So I threw you the obvious
          Do you see what occurs behind the
              Eyes of a fallen angel
                Eyes of a tragedy

                  Well, oh well..

                Apparently nothing.
           Apparently nothing at all.

"I have to go," she said as she turned and headed out the back door of the shop. "Willow?" Spike asked quietly as the witch ran into the daylight where he could not follow.

               You don't
               You don't
           You don't see me
               You don't
               You don't
           You don't see me
               You don't
               You don't
           You don't see me
               You don't
               You don't
        You don't see me at all

