The Talk
Sequel to Electric Blue
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: Joss owns the characters and the town.
Summary: The title is self-explanatory.
Pairing: S/W
Distribution: My site Gunning for Angel, the Playground, Willow Spike Forever, and of course Nell, Susi, and Tellie.
Spoilers: Season 5, just to be safe.
Feedback: I crave it like I crave Spike and Lindsey McDonald.
Dedications: To Vampie, Inell, Tellie, Nutmeg, Poppy, Dru, Susie, Susi, Angel Negra, Tisienne Blue, Saladin, Indra, FK Frater, Nell, RRFC, Finn, and all of the wonderfully talented writers out there.

The two walked in silence until they reached an all
night café. {Why is HE fidgeting?} Willow thought, as
they sat down.
“So, Spike.” She started.
“Been there, done that, Pet.” The vampire stated.
“Let’s try to think of something else to say.”
The redhead blushed and lowered her head. “Okay,” she
said. “What’s up? Why did you want to hang out with
“Right to the bleedin’ point, eh Luv?” The vampire
sighed. “Right then. You have to look at me, Red.”
Willow looked up into his ice blue eyes. “Better.
Now, I have a question: How do feel about a
relationship between a vampire and a human?”
{Oh God! He wants to talk about his feelings for
Buffy! I won’t be able to handle this! How dare he?}
“Spike, everyone knows about your feelings for Buffy.
It’s not a big secret.”
“You’ve already proven yourself beyond belief.” The
witch continued in a rather annoyed tone. “I don’t
think you’ll get any objections from us since she’s
obviously decided to return the feelings.”
{Bloody hell! She thinks I still like the slayer!}
“Red, I’m not talking about me and the slayer.” Willow
looked at him as if he had grown another set of eyes.
“Now, would you let me finish?”
“Sorry,” she said with just as much attitude.
“You wouldn’t have a big problem with it, would you?
What, with you dating dog boy and all. Then, there is
Xapper, who’s engaged to demon girl.”
“Spike, I’m completely confused.” Willow said,
exasperated. “Please elaborate.”
Spike waited until the waitress sat the coffee down
and walked away. Willow noticed that the waitress had
more of a sway to her hips as she walked away.
{Great, even if I don’t have to worry about him liking
Buffy, I’ve still got girls like that to deal with.
I’m sure he’ll go for them before he goes for someone
like me.}
“Earth to Red.” Spike said as he waved a hand in front
of her face. The redhead snapped out of it. “Are you
okay?” Willow nodded. “Maybe I’m going at this all
“No, I think I get it.” Willow answered. “You’re over
Buffy and you like someone else. I approve. Can I go
home now?”
“No!” Spike said, slightly irritated. “I don’t love
Buffy. I never loved Buffy. I only thought I loved
her. I know that now, because I actually did fall in
love.” He paused. “With another bleedin’ human.” He
sat back and lit a cigarette.
“I still don’t see what this has to do with me.”
Willow said, honestly.
“And YOU are supposed to be the smart one.” Spike said
with a chuckle. Willow raised an eyebrow as she took a
sip of coffee. “I’m talking about you, you daft chit!”
“Me?!?!” The redhead squealed as she burnt her tongue
and almost spilled her coffee all over herself.
“Spike, are you feeling okay?” It was all she could do
to hope that he really did have feelings for her.
“I’ve never been better, pet.” The bleach blonde
answered as he took her hand.
“No,” she took her hand away and stood. “I’m not going
to be a consolation prize for something you couldn’t
have.” The redhead walked out of the café, leaving a
stunned Spike staring after her.
“Oh, bloody hell!!” He said as he stood and threw some
cash on the table before racing out after his witch.
He didn’t have to run far. She was a half a block away
sitting on a bench. He stopped and looked at her,
“Well, it’s not like I can out run you.” She said
“You are such an enigma.” He mused as he sat next to
her and looked at her. He tilted her chin up so that
green eyes met blue. “You could never be a substitute
for anything, Willow. You’re too unique.”
“You said my actual name.”
“It’s not like I don’t know it.” He said with a laugh.
“So, what now?” She asked.
“First of all, you answer my question.” She looked at
him quizzically. “How do you feel about a relationship
between a vampire and a human?”
“It depends.”
“On what?” He asked.
“What kind of mood I’m in that day.” She said with a
“You are wicked aren’t you?” He asked as he put his
arm around her. She snuggled into his embrace.
“You don’t know the half of it.” She said with a
“So, do we give it a try?” He asked with a serious
look. He had never been so nervous in his unlife.
{What if she says no? Bugger it all. I’m giving
Peaches a run for his money in the nancy boy
“If you’re sure it’s me you care about.” She answered.
“Can you at least give me that?”
“Anything for you, Luv.” Spike answered.
The two stood. Spike put his arm around Willow once
again and walked his witch home.

