Title: We'll Figure Something Out
Author: Angel S.
Disclaimer: Joss and David own all. I'm just playing with 'em.
Feedback: I crave it like I crave Spike.
Pairings: W/S, A/F, C/G
Dedication: To the G4G!
Distribution: G4G site Mysteries Untold, Lina, Nell. And anyone else
who wants it, just ask.

Part 1

"Are you guys sure this is okay?" Willow asked the two brunettes, as
she looked at herself in the full-length mirror. The redhead had come to LA
to help make sure that Angel Investigations computer system was up to date.
She was having such a great time catching up with Cordelia and the newly
reformed Faith that she'd decided to stay for the entire Spring Break week.
"Willow, you look awesome." Cordelia said.
"Yeah, Red." Faith added. "All the guys are going to be pitching
tents in their khaki pants when they see you." Willow turned a nice shade
of dark red, as she turned to scold the slayer. Faith just looked at her
innocently. "What?"
"Faith, that's just...bad!" Willow exclaimed as she and Cordy burst
into fits of giggles. Faith soon joined in the laughter.
When everyone had decided on an outfit, the 3 attractive young
ladies left the mall and headed to the beauty parlor.

"Girls day, huh?" Gunn asked as he plopped down on the couch next to
Wesley. "I guess they could use something like that since all they seem to
do is help us fight and research spawns of hell. It'll probably do 'em some
"Yeah, Faith needs to remember why she's fighting the good fight
now." Angel added. "Cordy needs a break from spending so much time with us.
Not to mention Willow, who lives on the Hellmouth."
"So, are we havin' a dudes day or what?" Gunn asked.
"Hardly." Wesley said as he looked up from his book.
"Oh, c'mon English! Where's your sense of fun?"
"A former watcher?" A voice said from the back entrance of the
office. "What, are you daft? They wouldn't know fun if it slapped 'em in
the bleedin' face."
"What are you doing here, Spike?" Angel asked, immediately annoyed
with his childe.
"Oh, Peaches," The blonde vampire said with mock hurt as he placed
his hand over his non-beating heart. "Where is the love?" Gunn started
laughing. Angel glared at Spike. "Oh, alright." He paused.
"Huh?" Gunn asked.
"Well I'll be damned." Angel mused.
"Weren't you already?" Spike asked. "I seem to recall that you spent
some quality time in hell."
"Guys!" Cordelia yelled as they rushed into the lobby of the hotel.
"You are not going to BELIEVE how good we're going to look for this
"We're definitely gonna make a lasting impression on these guys."
Faith added. "Even Red here got a somewhat slinky dress." She said with
"Spike?" Willow asked. "What are you doing in LA?"
"Making sure you wear clothes that cover you up! Now where are
they?" He asked reaching for her bags. The redhead slapped his hand.
"Oww!" He yelled.
"Back off, William." Faith said. "I'm not B. You haven't done shit
for me. I have no problems staking you."
"You must be Faith." He said, stalking over to the brunette.
"Actually, we've met before." The slayer smirked. "Don't remember?"
The vampire looked confused. "Oh, it's probably because I was in my Buffy
Suit." She said with a smile. Spikes mind clicked to what she was referring
to, and he pulled out a cigarette and lit it.
"You actually do those things?" He asked with a mischievous grin.
"That's enough." Angel spoke up. He couldn't explain the feelings of
jealousy toward Spike as he flirted with Faith. Faith wasn't his. He had no
right to be jealous. Besides, didn't Spike just say that he wanted Willow?

Part 2

****3 Days Ago****
Some clients invited the crew from Angel Investigations to a little
celebration dinner. A couple of Deniesomon demons were terrorizing them.
Willow, Cordelia, and Wesley found all the necessary information to weaken
the demons. Angel, Gunn, and Faith easily dispatched of them. The dinner is
to say thanks, on top of the huge check that they gave Angel Investigations.

****Present Day****
"It's okay, Fang." Faith said. "I can handle myself. Spike here
knows better than to start a discussion like that with me. Now, Willow is
going to wear that dress."
"Not bloody likely." The blonde vampire protested.
"Spike, you are so not my father." Willow finally spoke up. "Since
when do you care about what I wear? You're not even supposed to be here!"
"Well, I..I don't," Spike managed to stammer out. "I just..."
"You just what?" Willow interrupted him.
"You know, I get happy when my girl dresses all nice." Gunn said
trying to ease some of the tension in the room.
"Yeah, I'll bet." Faith remarked.
"I said I get happy, Miss Dirty Mind." Gunn retorted. "Not 'A'
happy. Anyway, the way I figure it: she's looking good and she's with me."
"Oh, honey, that's so sweet." Cordelia said to her boyfriend and
smiled. Gunn smiled back at her.
"But, I'm not HIS girl!" Willow protested. "...Am I?" She asked as
she looked at Spike shyly.
"Why don't we..." Angel started.
"Yeah!" Cordelia piped up.
"Good idea!" Gunn added. All of the occupants of the room took off
in at record speeds, except for Willow and Spike.
"Pet," Spike started.
"Don't." Willow interrupted, feeling highly embarrassed. "I
shouldn't have said that."
"Oh, but you are."
"Huh?" The redhead looked at him with wide, innocent eyes.
"Mine." She stared at him in shock. "Why do you think I came to LA?
It sure as hell wasn't to spend quality time with the poufter." He started
walking towards her. Willow's heart sped up so fast she thought it might
<Is this really happening? Does Spike actually want me?> She thought
to herself.
"I love you, pet. I have for quite some time." He finished. "Well,
say something." He whined.
"I love you, too?"
"Was that a question?"
"No." Willow replied. "I do! I love you, Spike!"
The vampire pulled his witch into his arms and gently kissed her.


"I wish they would hurry and hook up." Faith said pacing.
"Isn't it cute?" Cordelia asked.
"Don't let Spike hear you say that." Angel warned. "The last thing
he wants is to be considered 'cute' in the 'adorable' or 'romantic' way."
"What's he gonna do, bite her for saying it?" Faith asked playfully.
Angel smiled at her.
"As long as he doesn't hurt her." Cordelia said with a serious tone.
"She's gotten to be one of my best friends. I'll stake him myself if he
breaks her heart."
"Amen." Gunn replied. "I like Red. She's cool. So, Spike had better
be as good to her as I am to Cordy. Right Baby?" Cordelia put her arms
around him and kissed his cheek before heading towards the water cooler.
"I'm always there for her." In mid stride, the brunette grabbed her head.
"I'll be there to catch her if she falls." Just then, Cordy screamed and
fell to the floor clutching her head. Spike and Willow came running in as
Gunn and Angel ran to the girl on the floor. Wesley ran to get the
ever-present bottle of aspirin while Faith got water from the water cooler.
"Cordy," Angel said as Gunn pulled her into his arms. "Are you
"Yeah, fine." The seer said as she gasped for breath. "Vampires.
Lots of them. Surrounding a bunch of young teenagers."
"Where?" Faith asked as she handed her friend the water.
"Outside St. Joan's Catholic School. Go!" Faith, Angel, and Gunn
stood up to leave.
"Spike," Angel said. "You coming?"
"Well, if I'm gonna stay here as long as Red does, I guess I'll earn
my keep." Spike answered. He kissed Willow on the forehead before turning
back to his sire. "I could use some violence anyway. TO THE
ANGELMOBILE!!!!" He yelled in his best superhero voice as he exited out to
through the lobby. Willow giggled. Angel, Faith, and Gunn looked after him
disbelief before following him outside.
"Are you sure about him, Wills?" Cordy asked playfully.
"It could be worse." Willow replied with another giggle.
"I'd like to know how." Wesley said with a sigh.

Part 3

The team in the Angel mobile arrived at the school just in time. Faith was
out of the car before it stopped. Spike wasn't too far behind her. Gunn
managed to at least wait until Angel stopped it, and the two ran to join in
the fight. Faith already had one vamp in a headlock. She looked up at Angel
and Gunn, who were about to start helping. Angel looked at his unrequited
love as she gestured for them to help the kids, who were all of 13 years of
age, to safety. When she saw the two men take off, she snapped the
vampire's neck. It turned to dust in her arms. Meanwhile, Spike was having a
grand old time fighting two fledglings. He punched the one in front of him
in the face, and then back kicked the other, who went flying to Faith.
"The kids are safe?" Faith asked.
"Yeah, they're hiding in the chapel." Gunn answered as he and Angel returned
and each grabbed a fledgling. Spike continued his assault on the one vamp in
front of him. He blocked a punch and back swung to catch the fledgling in
the face once again. Another vampire decided to join in. Faith delivered a
few punches to the vampire she was thrown and staked it before it even
realized the slayer had pulled a stake. Angel quickly staked one as he side
kicked another. Gunn caught that one with a stake as it flew toward him.
Spike flipped up on a dumpster and kicked a vamp in the face with such force
that its head came off completely before it turned to dust. The bleach
blonde smiled and looked up to see what other damage he could cause. All he
saw, however, was his sire staking one of the last ones, while Gunn headed
for the chapel to check on the kids. That's when he noticed Faith straddling
one of the other last ones and driving a stake through its heart. What she
didn't see was another vamp coming up behind her with lead pipe. "Slayer!"
Spike yelled in warning as he jumped from the dumpster and headed towards
Faith. Angel heard Spike's cry and his eyes searched for his slayer. He saw
the vampire hit her with the pipe just before Angel could react. The slayer
collapsed on the pile of dust that was once the vampire she had just staked.
Angel went into full gameface as he flew over to the vampire. He didn't stop
as his arm reached out and pulled out the fledgling's heart. It crumbled to
dust. Angel looked back at Faith, who was unconscious and ran to her. The
others gathered around her.
"Gunn, walk the kids home, and meet back here." Angel said. "And hurry!" He
brought his attention back to the slayer and cradled her in his arms. "Don't
you die on me!" He said as he noticed the blood coming out of the back of
her head. "I need you, Faith. You can't die." His human features came back
as he looked at Faith with love. "I love you, you stubborn girl. Now wake
up!" The slayer's eyes flitted open.
"Angel," She whispered as the dark vampire smiled.
"I'm here." Angel said with relief evident in his voice.
"Did we win?"
"We won." He chuckled.
"So, I'm not dead?"
"Far from it, Slayer." Spike said as he knelt beside the girl in his sire's
"If you were dead, would Spike be one of the first people you saw?" Gunn
asked as he walked up to the group. Faith smiled, then her expression became
serious again. "The kids live right up the street."
"Do you really love me?" She asked Angel.
"We've got to get you patched up." Angel said. "You ready?"
"Answer me." She said as he lifted her and started toward the car.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted you to say that to me."
"We'll talk about it after you've been patched up, okay?"

Once they returned to the Hyperion Hotel, Angel carried Faith in.
"Oh, dear lord, what happened?" Wesley asked.
"Some vamp caught her off guard and smacked her with a lead pipe." Gunn
"I'll get the first-aid kit." Wesley said as he headed to the restroom.
"Spike, is everyone else okay?" Willow asked.
"Yeah Luv. Just a few bumps and bruises, is all." The witch hugged her new
"Guys, I'm fine, really." Faith protested, not liking all of the attention
she was getting. "Slayer healing and all that." Angel sat her on one of the
sofas in the lobby, and kissed her forehead.
"I know you're going to be fine," he said. "Does that mean I can't worry
about you?" Faith blushed and smiled at Angel.
"I don't believe it!" Cordy said. "Did she just blush?"
"Watch it cheerleader." The slayer replied. "I'll be almost completely
healed by morning."
"Well, I guess some people had an eye-opening experience." Wesley said as he
returned with the first-aid kit. "Here, let me clean it up for you." He said
to Faith.

****2 Days Later****

"Helllllooooo!!!" Cordelia yelled as the women of the group sat in the lobby
all dressed up. "The sun set 8 minutes ago!"
The seer was wearing a wine colored, strapless cocktail dress that stopped
just above her knee. She also had a chiffon shawl of the same color to go
with it. Faith was wearing a midnight blue halter-top cocktail dress that
stopped mid calf, but had a split going up her right leg. Willow was
wearing a red cocktail dress with spaghetti straps that stopped at the
"Cordy's right guys!" Faith added. "We're gonna be late. Move it!"
"I thought the girls were the ones that took the longest to get ready." Gunn
said as he entered the lobby. He was wearing a dark gray suit with a wine
colored shirt. "You ladies look hot!" He added as he walked over to kiss
"Hey! Watch the lipstick." Cordy said as she turned her face for him to kiss
her cheek.
"Spike," Angel said as he walked down the stairs dressed in a black suit,
with a black silk shirt. "Would you come on and quit whining? It's only for
one night."
"I'm not whining, Peaches." Spike said as he approached the stairs. "I just
don't see why I had to do it!" Everyone looked up to see a gorgeous,
brown-haired man wearing a brown suit with a white silk shirt. "Not one
word." He said as he got to the bottom of the stairs.
"What?" Faith said. "You are a hottie!"
"Who knew that you'd clean up so nicely!" Cordy added.
"I did." Willow said smiling.
"You like the hair better this way, don't you?" Spike asked.
"Spike, I wouldn't care if you had blue hair, purple hair, or no hair." The
redhead said. "I love you. And you're gorgeous."
"Awww, how cute." Faith said sarcastically. "Can we go now?"
"What about Wesley and Virginia?" Gunn asked.
"They called earlier and said they'd meet us there." Cordelia answered.
"Cool," Gunn replied. "Let's go!"
"So, what do you guys want to do after this big dinner?" Faith asked.
"Slayer's right." Spike said. "It won't last all night."
"We'll figure something out." Angel answered with a smile.
The group set out to have a wonderful night out, which they all deserved.

