Who's Going First?

Author: Angel S.

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss, etc, owns everything in the Buffyverse.

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Wi/Sp

Author's note: This is AU Season 5. (As with all of my fics: ) Spike never thought he was in love with Buffy. The B/S stands for bullsh*t, as far as I'm concerned. I don't dislike Buffy, but I just don't see how it could've happened.

Dedications: To Mistress Vamp, Inell, Poppy, Kaz, Nell, Micki, and all of the wonderful writers who put out such fantastic fic.

Distribution:  My site, "Gunnin' Down Angel" http://www.angelfire.com/tv2/gda134 , Near Her Always, Red's Soul Mates, Breathe, and everyone else who already has my fics. Anyone that doesn't, tell me where it's going.

Feedback: I want it as bad as I want Spike and Lindsey McDonald!!

"Will you please try not to move so much?"

"But Red."

"Don't 'but Red' me, Mister!"



        "Now keep still."

Spike pouted. {Oh, he's so beautiful!} The redhead thought to herself.  She was brought out of her reverie as the vampire wriggled yet again.


"Ouch! Why the bloody hell do you keep hitting me?"

"Because I asked you not to move while I was doing this. Did you listen?"

"That doesn't give you the right to abuse me." Spike replied before a smirk crossed his face. "Unless of course you're into that sort of thing."


"Hey!" The surprised look on his face was enough to send everyone in the room into hysterics. He looked around the Summers living room. "What's so bleeding funny?" He asked the Scooby gang. "Wankers." He added under his breath.

Buffy, Xander, Anya and Dawn loved it. The interaction between the redhead and the bleach blonde was just so adorably cute, they each looked forward to it every night they patrolled or researched. Spike and Willow had become incredibly close friends since Thanksgiving of last year. She was the only one that could get away with smacking him across the head every time he moved while she was dressing the wound he got while on patrol.

Truth be told, the sexy vampire would do anything for his witch. ~Too bad she can't see how much I love her.~ The vampire thought sadly.

"There!" Willow announced happily. "All done."

"It's about time!" He replied as he stood.

"You're welcome. Jerk." She said.

"Wait a minute: I'm supposed to thank you? You put more hurting on me than the bloody demon."

"Oh please, Spike." Buffy chimed in. "You ought to be grateful someone bothered to bring you back, let alone get you bandaged up."

"Hmmm. I don't remember asking for the 'slut' opinion." He said to the slayer, who became speechless. His eyes, however, stayed glued to the redhead as they softened.

Willow fought back a loud gulp as he looked at her. {What if he would've been dusted? I never would've got the chance to tell him.} The thought played itself over and over in her head. {Not that he'd care one way or the other that I'm crazy in love with him. But, at least he would know.}

"Helllooooo. Red." Spike was waving his hand in front of her face.

"Yeah. Huh? I'm sorry, what?" She asked, extremely confused.

"I said, are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Oh, um, sure. Let me just get my bag." She answered as she stood.

"Oh, wait Wills." Buffy said as she stood. "I need to give you back your notes."  The two young women walked to Buffy's room where the blonde sat on her bed. "So, dish."

"What?" Willow asked, completely clueless.

"Willow, you're my best friend." The redhead still looked at her with wide, innocent eyes.  "You and Bleach head are completely in love with one another. When are you going to do something about it?"

"Buffy, Spike is so not in love with me." Willow replied as she sat next to the little blonde.

"Aha! But, you ARE in love him?" Buffy asked slyly, knowing she could get the hacker to be honest.

"Well, duh, isn't it obvious?" She answered dejectedly, not denying her feelings.

"Not to him, Willow." The slayer replied. "This is Spike we're talking about here."

"Oh, cut it out. He's intelligent and you know it."

"Way to go, Wills! Defend that man of yours." Buffy said teasingly. "Tell anyone I agreed with you, and I'll deny it until the day I die."

Willow giggled and looked at the blonde. "So, what do I do?" She asked, once again becoming serious.

"Tell. Him."

"Hey Red!" Spike yelled from downstairs. "I do need to inside before the sun comes up!" Buffy and Willow returned to the living room and Willow hugged Xander. "G'night, Xand."

"'Night, Wills." The carpenter replied.

"Bye Anya."

"See you all tomorrow." The ex-demon answered.

"So," Willow turned to Spike. "You ready?"

"Was my yelling not enough of a clue?" He asked dryly.

"I could've gotten Buffy to walk with me." Willow said.

"Like hell! I'm going make sure you're safe."

"Awww, Mr. Impotent. How touching." Buffy said. The vampire glared at the slayer as she continued. "Now get out of my house." She said with a smile. "Tell. Him." She mouthed the words as Spike walked out and Willow turned to her.

"Good night, Dawnie." "Later, Niblet."

"Bye guys. See you tomorrow." Dawn answered. The Summers girls shut the door and headed up to their respective rooms. "Think she'll ever tell him how she feels?" Buffy asked her little sister.

"I have a feeling he'll tell her first." Dawn replied.


Willow and Spike were walking through one of Sunnydale's many cemeteries patrolling. The two had been purposely paired together every night for the past week.




"What is it, luv?"

"Never mind." Willow stopped walking, as if in a trance.  Spike stopped walking when he realized the redhead wasn't beside him. He turned to her.


"Huh?" She asked, seemingly distracted.

"What's going on?"

"What? Oh, Nothing. Nevermind."

"You're not making it too simple for me to do that, Pet." He replied, walking to the upset redhead.

"Sorry." She said, biting her bottom lip nervously.

"Will. It's me, Spike." He tilted her head so she was looking up into his crystal blue eyes. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

Willow nodded and smiled a brave smile. "It's nothing. Really."

"Then why don't I believe you, Pet?"

"Can we drop it for now? I don't think patro-LOOK OUT!" She yelled as two vamps headed towards the couple, just as Spike noticed two coming in from the opposite direction.

"Red! Down!" the vampire screamed. The redhead did as she was instructed and ducked just in time for the bleach blonde to spin kick and connect with all 4 vamps. She then rolled over and was about to stand when she was green eyes to golden eyes with one of the minions.

"Not even on your luckiest day, mate." Spike said, in complete game face, as he drove a stake into it's back piercing the heart. Spike back kicked the vamp behind him and sent it sprawling into a tree where a jutting branch took care of it, as the bleach blonde drove a stake into another's undead heart as the first one exploded into dust. Willow took the opportunity to grab her stake and drive it home into the last remaining vamp just as a game-faced Spike looked at her. {How the hell can he be so sexy while he's all grrrr?}

"You okay, Luv?" He asked as he helped her up.

"Ummm, yeah. I'm good." She answered as she tried to free herself of the dust formerly known as vampires.

"What about you? Are you hurt?" She asked as she reached out to touch his face. Spike shifted it back into human form as Willow made contact with it. "You didn't have to do that, you know."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, silly. I care about all of you. Not just the side that looks human." She answered with a smile. He saw the truth in her eyes and a grin started to form on his face.

"Willow, I." He stopped and sighed deeply.

"Spike.? What is it?" Concern was etched on the redhead's face.

"Oh, for crying out loud!" The couple turned upon hearing the familiar voice of the future Mrs. Harris.

"Would you two just admit that you're crazy about each other so we can get out of the cemetery!?"

"Anya!" Buffy and Xander screamed.

"You.?" Spike asked, as he looked back Willow.

"'Fraid so." She replied shyly. "But, don't worry. I-I don't expect you to be."

"But I am." He said softly.

"You are?" She asked hopefully.

He leaned down to brush his lips against hers. When he pulled away, she had a huge grin on her face.

"What?" He asked playfully.

"I always wondered what that would feel like." She replied.

"Wow." Buffy said with a tear in her eye. "That's how it SHOULD be."

