Why Not?

Author: Angel S.

Pairing: W/S; Fa/Gunn

Disclaimer: Joss & Co. owns all characters and places. Trust me, if I owned any of it, Spike would've NEVER thought he was in love with Buffy.

Rating: PG-13

Summary: It's Inell's birthday request. Spike and Willow with a little more fun added. Isn't that good enough?

Spoilers: Post S7 Buffy and S5 Angel.

Distribution: My site, Gunnin' Down Angel http://angel.wicked-raine.com , Red's Soulmates, Willow's Lil Secret, Near Her Always, Willow Spike Forever, Cyberline, Angelic Vamps, Rapture, and anyone else who has permission. If you do not, ask and I'll say yes. J



~Part: 1~

Willow had been with Angel's team since she and Kennedy broke up on Valentine's Day of 2004. She'd become an integral part of the group in the 4 months since she'd arrived asking for a job.

One of the things she had been surprised about was her close friendship with Spike. She and the bleached blonde vampire had become friends the day she showed up. She wasn't just the slayer's friend. She was HIS friend. She liked it.

Another surprise was Faith's arrival about month after she showed up. Neither woman knew the other would be there, so they were both taken aback when standing face to face. Then, things just fell into place. Everyone got along with everyone else. Some got along better than others. Faith and Gunn were now an inseparable couple, which had Fred a little jealous. Willow didn't understand that. Hadn't the physicist started dating Wesley? Anyway, that was none of her business, so she decided to steer her thoughts in another direction.

That direction included her research into her own special project. Spike had been so great to her since her arrival. He taught her the overall ins and outs of Wolfram and Hart during the day. At night, when everyone went on patrols, the two of them always paired up. When patrol was done and none of the teams encountered anything particularly nasty, Willow and Spike would go to either his or her place and watch TV. She wanted to do something to thank him. So, that got her brain into gear, and she embarked on finding out everything there is to know about Spike, a.k.a. William the Bloody so that she can give him something he'd be sure to like.

The redhead was staring at her computer screen after closing her files and logging out of her computer. She was deep in thought remembering some of the things she'd come across concerning a certain bleached blonde vampire.  Therefore, she didn't notice when said vampire walked into her office.

"Earth, to Willow." A voice brought her out of her thoughts as fingers wiggled in front of her face.

"Huh?" She jumped. "Oh, hey Spike. What's up?"

"You ready?" He asked.

"For what?" She asked with confusion in her eyes.

"Patrol, Will."  Spike replied and looked at her like she'd grown tentacles. "Are you on drugs?"

"Yeah." She answered. He arched an eyebrow. "I mean, yeah, I'm okay. And no, I'm not on drugs, you butthead. I just spaced out, I guess. I'm ready."

Their patrol was relatively uneventful. They'd just dusted three vamps in one of LA's many dark alleys when Willow's cell phone rang. "Hello?" She greeted. The voice on the other end informed her of a bunch of vampires about to go on an eating spree at a rave near the docks. "Thanks Gunn. We'll meet you there." She hung up and looked at Spike, who was brushing the dust from his coat with his hand.  "So, you up for a party?" She asked with a devilish glint.

"Always, Luv." He replied with a smirk that made the word edible come to Willow's mind. Then, the thoughts of 'not gonna go there'. The two headed to the docks.

Angel and Wesley arrived 2 minutes before they did.

"I'm guessing Faith and Gunn are already inside." Angel informed the duo.

"Well, let's get in there." Spike stated. "Don't want the slayer and Charlie having all the fun." He strode in like he owned the place and Willow was right behind him. Angel and Wes shrugged and followed them in.

The warehouse seemed bigger on the inside than from the outside. Willow took in her surroundings, finding possible escape routes, and makeshift weapons if necessary. She noticed the others doing the same thing. The lights were extremely well done considering this was supposed to be an impromptu rave. The sound system was equally nice and the music could be heard as well as felt throughout the body.

She finally spotted Faith and Gunn on the dance floor. The slayer was in the process of dancing with a male vampire who was obviously a fledgling because he couldn't sense what the brunette was. Gunn was dancing with a female vamp. The obviously newly risen male vampire decided he couldn't wait and lowered his face to Faith's neck as he pulled her to him. With a well-placed knee to the crotch, the brunette stopped him. While he was still hunched over, she quickly added an elbow to the back of the head and made sure to raise her knee so he could fall backward-all the while never missing a beat.

Gunn was getting bored with the vampire he was dancing with and quickly staked her. He wanted to watch his girl in action. That's when Faith twirled, still dancing and landed one more punch to the already hurting vampire before a stake seemingly magically appeared in her hand. She drove it home and the fledgling turned to dust. She stepped into the fallen dust and put her arms around her boyfriend. Gunn gave her a quick kiss on the lips and looked around to see if anyone had noticed the slaying going on in the middle of the dance floor. That's when he spotted Willow. He whispered something to the slayer and the two headed towards the witch.

"Hey Will!" Faith said happily as the rest of the crew assembled in a circle. "It's a free for all. Grab yourself a vamp and head to the dance floor."

"But don't bring Spike." Gunn added. "All of the vamps we bring to the dance floor get staked."

Willow laughed and rolled her eyes. She found her eyes on the Big Bad and smirked. Spike leaned over and said, "Don't look at me. They're your friends."

"Oh, you know you love us, fang junior." Faith quipped.

"Definitely not, if you keep calling me THAT, slayer." Spike replied.

Angel chuckled, thinking about how much his grand childe had changed. He and Wesley were still watching the perimeter when he noticed her. "Oh shit."

"Oh shit, what?" Gunn asked before spotting the object of Angel's surprise. "Oh. Shit."

Spike's eyes followed the direction of his grand sire's flabbergasted gaze. "Oh shit." Spike now said.

"What?" Faith and Willow both asked as they bounced up and down trying to see what had the guys so freaked out. "Oh shit." They both said as they saw the object of everyone's gaze.

"Drusilla." Angel said softly.

~Part: 2~

"Someone should go and see what she's doing here." Wesley suggested.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Spike asked when all eyes turned to him.

"Well, she IS your ex." Gunn stated.

"And the Great Poufini over there is the one that sired her." Spike retorted.

"Wow, Spike," Faith stated. "From everything I've heard and read about you, I figured you'd jump at the chance to go and talk to Drusilla."

"Who taught you how to read?" Spike quipped.

"Ouch!" Faith replied and put up her hands in mock surrender. "That hurt."

"Spike's got a point." Willow said.

"Hey, I know how to read!"

"Not about that, Faith." Willow said, and had to laugh. "About Angel being the one to talk to her." She turned to the dark-haired vampire. "You're our best option."

"Never mind that theory." Gunn stated.

"What?" Angel asked the handsome lawyer.

"She's headed this way." Gunn replied.

Everyone looked towards the dark-haired beauty as she approached them.

"My Angel." She said to her sire. "You're still soul-sick, aren't you?" Her tone of voice wasn't angry or hostile. It was resigned. "It's alright, my pet." Her eyes surveyed the rest of the group. "Sweet William." She said with affection. "Your new soul hasn't changed you much. I'm happy to see that." She leaned in and whispered to him. "What is this fire going through your mind?" Her bright blue eyes once again swept over the group and landed on Willow. "Aha. I see." She pulled back with a smile at her childe. "It's alright, lovey. Princess isn't angry." She headed towards Faith, as both the slayer and Gunn looked ready to fight. "Relax, my sweets. You're not yucky like the other slayer. You have nothing to fear from me." She looked at Gunn. "Neither of you."

"What are you doing back in LA, Dru?" Angel finally asked.

"Not to worry, Daddy." Drusilla replied. "I'm being a good girl."

"So, explain the Fyoral demon headed this way." Willow instructed.

"Oh, pretty pet, that's just Marty." Dru replied with a giggle. "Be a good lad and play nice, luv." She told the Fyoral demon. The demon growled. "Don't make me spank you." She added.

"Look, why don't we all go and get some rest and meet at Wolfram and Hart tomorrow at sunset?" Angel suggested. "Dru, can I trust you to be there?"

"Of course, Daddy." She replied with a purr before walking out with the Fyoral demon.

"How can you be sure she's going to show?" Willow asked Angel.

"I'm her sire." Angel replied.

Willow then turned to Spike. "Spike, are you going to do whatever she orders you to do?"

"Hell no." He replied instinctively. The hacker looked at Angel to see if her point got across.

"That's different, Willow." Angel stated. "She may have turned him, but I was more Spike's sire than she was."

"That's refreshing considering he refuses to do what you say, as well." Gunn declared.

"Can't you guys just trust me on this?" Angel asked.

The next day, everyone went to work and did their daily routines. Willow still wasn't sure if Drusilla would show up at sunset. She also wasn't sure whether or not she wanted Dru to show up. The way the insane vampire treated her friend for all of those years was cruel. She just hoped Spike wasn't still in love with her.  To get her mind off of this particular subject, she went back to something that made her smile: her research on William the Bloody.  She found exactly what she needed that day to repay Spike for being so wonderful to her.

"Wow, he has an actual last name." She mused. "So, William Everard's birthday is June 20. I think it's about time we throw him a party." She immediately made the necessary phone call to Lorne so that he could make arrangements for a night out with their group to celebrate Spike's birthday.

Later that afternoon, Spike walked into Willow's office. "What's with the smug smile, luv?"

"It's not a smug smile." She countered. "It's a happy smile."

"You happy about seeing Dru tonight?" he asked.

"Are you?" she retorted.

"As long as she doesn't cause any trouble, I don't care what she does." Spike replied honestly. Willow saw the sincerity in his crystal blue orbs and thought at that moment how she could get lost in them. He apparently was equally as lost in her deep green eyes because he shook his head and cleared his throat. "So, why have you been hiding in here all day?"

"Oh, stuff to do." She answered vaguely.

He walked around her desk to her chair. "Such as?" He asked.

"Just keep tomorrow night open." She replied. "I have a surprise for you." His look turned into a leer. "Mind out of the gutter, Spike." She said all the while wishing he wasn't joking. Just then her office door opened.

"Guess what." Faith said as she poked her head inside. "She showed." She then headed to Angel's office.

"Let's get this over with, pet." Spike said as he took Willow's hand and pulled her out of her chair.  "We have more important things to do than stick around here all bloody night."

~Part: 3~

Everyone filed into Angel's office. Drusilla was sitting in one of the chairs with Miss Edith to keep her company. The Fyoral demon was nowhere in sight.

"Where is your friend, Dru?" Angel asked.

"I knew he would make you cranky, daddy." She replied. "So, I told him he couldn't come here with Princess."

"Oh, let's cut to the chase." Gunn suggested in an irritated voice.

"Good idea." Spike agreed. "Why are you back in LA, Dru?"

"Always impatient, William." The insane vampire replied. "I'll show you." She stood and everyone tensed. She giggled and continued to the door. "Come on, loveys. Let's get going."

Everyone stared at one another before following the blue-eyed female out of the office.

After 30 minutes of driving, Drusilla instructed her sire to pull over and park his car. Dru, Angel, Faith, and Gunn were in Angel's car. Spike, Willow, Wesley and Fred were in Wesley's SUV. As they pulled into the parking lot, everyone looked around expecting some sort of ambush. Drusilla exited the car and headed towards the building.

"What's going on?" Faith asked, hoping someone could shed some light on this new development as everyone watched Dru head towards the front of the building.

"You got me." Willow replied. They all followed Angel's chlide to the front of the building where she now stood. The huge picture window in front of the department store was elegantly decorated as Dru proceeded to bounce with utter happiness and excitement.

"Isn't it ever so lovely?" she asked no one in particular.

"I think it's very pretty." Fred replied sincerely as she stood next to Drusilla. The female vampire laced her arm through Fred's so that they were arm-in-arm. She looked at the former Pylean prisoner and smiled a genuine smile before returning her bright blue eyes to the object of her happiness.

"That's why you're in Hell-A, Dru?" Spike asked, amazingly not surprised since he was with her for over a century.

"A dress?" Willow asked unbelievingly. It was a beautiful royal blue satin and velvet dress that went all the way to the ankles, but boasted a split up to the knee. The top was v-neck with very short sleeves.

"Of course, dearie." Dru replied. "I saw it on the Internet and knew I had to have it!"

"You surf the 'net?" Willow asked, again in disbelief.

"I am a modern vampire after all." She answered with a giggle. To the redhead, it was hard to imagine that this delicate young-looking woman was an insane psychopath.

"But why Los Angeles?" Wesley asked.

"This store is only in LA." Willow answered, still in shock.

"Oh." Gunn said quietly.

"And as much of a modern girl that she is," Faith began. "She still can't see herself in the mirror to guess her measurements or size."

"And they custom fit you here." Willow added.

"Well, let's go inside." Fred declared eagerly. "I want to see how you look in the dress!"

The next night, was Willow's surprise for Spike. Fred and Drusilla had gotten along quite famously and the physicist invited the vampire to join in the celebration.  The two were talking animatedly at a table, while Faith and Gunn danced. Wesley was discussing something with Lorne, before the Pylean decided to get another drink from the bar. Even Angel showed up, but said it was to keep an eye on Dru, and not because of Spike. He situated himself at the bar and began drinking. He was still incredibly sober after his third drink and ordered the strongest shot they had.

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you." Lorne warned his boss in a sing-song voice.

"Well, you're not me, Lorne." Angel retorted. "And I have a very high tolerance for alcohol. Vampire, remember."

"It's your reputation at stake, cupcake." Lorne replied with his hands up in mock surrender.

Half an hour later, Spike was sitting at the table still in awe of everything Willow had done for him.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Willow asked, afraid she'd taken too many liberties by doing all of this for him.

"No one's ever done something so amazing for me before, luv." Spike answered. "It's just a lot to take in is all. And what's with the 28 candles?"

"Well, William Everard was 28 when he met Drusilla in London of 1888."

"You've really done your homework, haven't you, pet?" He asked in awe.

"So, you're not mad at me for doing this?" She gestured to the many presents, champagne, and big, half eaten birthday cake.

"I could never be angry with you, Willow." He said as his cerulean blue eyes met her mysterious green ones. The hacker smiled, as she really did get lost in his eyes. "You are the most amazing person I've ever met. And that's saying a lot, considering how old I am."

She'd returned from her swim in the sea of his eyes just in time to hear the last part of that statement. "Stop it, Spike. You don't have to say that just because I threw you a party."

"That's not why I'm saying it, you daft bint!" Spike exclaimed. "I.look, I think I'm starting to.well, it's like this."

"Spike," she interrupted him. He looked at her with worried eyes. "Are you trying to tell me that you have feelings for me?" He looked down, and took a deep, unneeded breath.

"I'm trying to tell you that I'm in love with you." He said softly as he locked eyes with her once again.

The shocked look on her face was priceless. Spike would've laughed at how cute she looked, but he was too nervous, awaiting her response.

"You...are.with me?" she asked, apparently still stunned.

He nodded. "Come on, Will." He pleaded. "Talk to me. What do you think about that?"

"I.I.I think I'm dreaming." She replied honestly. He just stared blankly at her response. "Oh, it's the good kind of dreaming." She specified.

He reached over and gave her the gentlest of kisses on her beautiful, soft lips. "I do love you, you know."

"I love you, too." She said finally.

Suddenly, the music stopped and a microphone was picked up. Karaoke music started and an obviously tone-deaf man began singing. Willow and Spike pulled apart and gaped at the drunken man on the stage.

"If you're blue and you don't know where to go to why don't you go where fashion sits. Puttin' on the ritz." The voice belted from on stage.

Lorne sat next to Willow and announced, "I told him not to do that shot. Krerran makes that especially strong for demons."

Angel continued to sing the song by the one hit wonder, known as Taco. "Dressed up like a million dollar trooper. Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper."  

"I can't take it." Faith said as she sat down next to Spike. Gunn sat on the other side of his girlfriend and Wesley sat next to Lorne.

"This is the single most horrible thing I've ever witnessed in my entire life." Gunn added.

"Oh, God." Fred said as she and Dru joined their friends at the table. "Is there a reason for this?"

"It's called alcohol, luv." Spike answered as he plotted the most drastic way to taunt his grand sire with tonight's events. "And lots of it."

The group laughed as Spike put his arm around Willow and kissed her more passionately to let her know that he'd love her forever.

The end.
